What does the foam consist of from jam and what are the reasons for its appearance? Why and how to remove the foam correctly? What will happen if you do not collect foam from jam? How to reduce the formation of foam on jam: tips

What does the foam consist of from jam and what are the reasons for its appearance? Why and how to remove the foam correctly? What will happen if you do not collect foam from jam? How to reduce the formation of foam on jam: tips

In this article we will consider what the foam is. And also find out why and how to remove it from jam.

On the street is summer, which means the time of seasonal vegetables and fruits. It is impossible to eat everything, of course. Especially if there is a summer house, your own garden or garden, and the harvest of strawberries, raspberries, apples or apricot turned out to be excellent.

And all this wealth can be preserved in banks in the form of sweet jam. But experienced housewives know that cooking jam is a responsible task, because it is necessary to remove white foam constantly and on time. Why and how to do it correctly, we will tell in this material.

Why does a foam for jam appear?

Ideal turns out everything that you do with love - this rule acts in the kitchen when preparing any dishes. When we cook jam to our households, I want everyone to like it, and also be fragrant and tasty. It is for this that you have to observe the rules of cooking and remove the foam when the jam is boiling. Let's look at the nature of the appearance of the foam itself.

A lot of foam indicates the following reasons:

  • the fruits of berries or fruits of ribs, and also include some unsuitable parts;
  • the ingredients for jam are poorly washed;
  • or they are carefully processed, but not dried;
  • the dishes in which the jam is prepared is poorly washed and not sterilized.
Foam has several reasons for its appearance
Foam has several reasons for its appearance

What is and what does the foam consist of from jam?

When the jam boiled, a foam appears almost immediately. In principle, you should not be afraid of it. It is wrong, but there are no useful qualities in it. In other words, this is a protein that is enough at a temperature of 40 ° C, in order to cook and form in a foam. Culinary rules say that it is necessary to remove foam. Therefore, let's “smoke deeper” and understand what this white foam consists of.

  • Her causal formations pushing the first description - this is dirt, and sometimes even particles of small garbage. That is, a piece of leaf, a tail and other charms from the garden, up to insects, are poorly torn off.
  • But in the foam there may be not only the remnants of grains of sand, if the products were poorly washed. It can also be sorceresses from sugar, with poorly sterilized dishes or poor -quality water. All these elements easily fall into the foam.
  • All products before canning are very important to sort out not only from garbage, but also from rotten, damaged and spoiled fruits. After all, then protein fractions are distinguished, which are part of the foam. And they can lead to bloating of banks, souring of jam itself and even an explosion of the lid.
  • And, of course, the list of extractive substances complement the list. Together with complex essential oils that in each fruit in their share, they interpret that release and taste released.
The foam is unharmed, but there is little benefit in it
The foam is unharmed, but there is little benefit in it

Why do you need to remove the foam from jam?

If you think about it, then foam is a combination of extra elements. In other words, this is garbage. It is necessary to remove it so that it does not stay in the finished product. After all, you will eat it with the whole family. Having removed the foam, you will receive:

  • uniform welding of all components;
  • jam will turn out in rich color and with a homogeneous structure;
  • the taste will not be spoiled by bitterness, but will turn out natural and rich;
  • the shelf life of such jam will last significantly, because excess oxygen and grains of unnecessary garbage will leave;
  • jam does not mold and does not sour;
  • the foam is especially harmful to cherry, strawberry, raspberry and strawberry jam.
It is especially important to monitor cherry, strawberry and raspberry jam
It is especially important to monitor cherry, strawberry and raspberry jam

When and how to remove foam from jam?

Often, jam is cooked in several stages, which includes the preparation of syrup and direct cooking. But the foam appears in both cases.

  • It must be removed at the initial stage and immediately, conducting carefully manipulations with a spoon. Shumovka also helps well. Just keep in mind that it can capture parts of fruit.
  • Well, if the farm has a wooden spoon with a long handle. It is convenient to work with it and it does not heat up. By the way, a tree is considered an ideal component that is not just possible, but even desirable to contact hot products.
  • In order not to constantly stand near a container with boiling liquid, remove the foam periodically when it gathers along the contour of the walls of the dish.
  • The plate can also be turned off for several minutes, remove the entire foam, and then turn it on again. Such manipulation needs to be done many times. You can’t leave jam without supervision. Moreover, do not forget that it still needs to be constantly stirred so that the product does not burn. Otherwise, there will be a taste of bitterness.
  • If we talk about time, then a foam appears before boiling and for several more minutes. Therefore, do not be alarmed, it does not occupy the whole process of cooking.
  • No, a small part of it can periodically accumulate periodically, but is released in large quantities directly during the heating and the beginning of the boiling.
  • Also note that the foam is produced over high heat. Therefore, after boiling, do not forget to reduce the power.
It is most convenient to collect foam and interfere with jam with a wooden spoon
It is most convenient to collect foam and interfere with jam with a wooden spoon

What will happen if you do not remove the foam from jam?

Anything can happen that even an experienced hostess will forget to remove the foam. Do not worry, you can eat jam. But, if the foam is not removed in time, such troubles may happen:

  • jam will not be stored for a long time. At least in comparison with proper cooking. Neither the apartment version of the pantry, nor the cellar will provide the product with excerpt for the whole winter;
  • color and taste can be spoiled. Some bitterness may occur, and the color will not come out so transparent, and the appearance of lumps from the same foam is also possible. And they, believe me, not only spoil the appearance, but have an unpleasant taste;
  • mold may form in the bank;
  • do not forget that garbage and sandstones will remain in dessert;
  • and such a jam looks like a boosted product. By the way, after 1-2 months this is quite possible.
Only the lack of foam will give transparent and aromatic jam
Only the lack of foam will give transparent and aromatic jam

How to cook winter sweetness so as not to remove foam from jam: tips

Each housewife has its secrets in the arsenal, which have been tested for years. After all, everything comes with experience. But why make mistakes if you can listen to the wise advice and do everything perfectly the first time.

  • For your perfect jam, choose the same mature berries and fruits. Since then they will need the same time for cooking. If you mix unfinished and ripe products, then while the former are cooked, the latter will turn into porridge. This will also cause a large amount of foam.
  • All products must be washed. If berries, such as strawberries or raspberries are selected for jam, then you need to wash them extremely neatly and in small portions. It is better to do this under a scattered shower stream. All this in order not to damage the skin and not to take the berries themselves.
  • Dry them without fail, and for this, leave for 10-20 minutes in a colander or on a towel. We remind you that it is excess moisture that provokes noise raising.
  • Properly selected dishes are 50% success. Our grandmothers cooked their jam in copper or aluminum Kazakhs. Latun containers were also used. But times are changing, and knowledge expands. Therefore, we do not recommend using such dishes. Moreover, the formation of the foam intensifies in it. But these are not all the disadvantages.
    • Copper Kazan can be spoiled in the process of cooking jam. Since the berries have an acid that will easily dissolve copper oxide. Thus, stains or dark plaque are formed inside the pan, which it will not work out just like that.
    • Not only this harms the dishes, but also the jam itself. In such a container, it loses healthy vitamin C. All due to a chemical reaction in which copper ions, at high temperatures, destroy ascorbic acid in the fetus.
    • The aluminum Kazan is also not suitable. Natural acid of berries destroys oxide film. As a result, in addition to useful vitamins, we get a harmful supplement in the form of aluminum molecules.
Do not take aluminum or copper dishes
Do not take aluminum or copper dishes
  • Try to always adhere to the recipe and proportions. To make jam, you need a lot of sugar, approximately 1: 1. It will also play the quantity of foam.
  • Control the fire. It is better to cook jam on fine heat. Yes, the process itself will take longer, but the main thing in this matter is the result. We remind you that severe fire leads to rapid drilling, which raises bubbles and, accordingly, foam.
  • Do not digest jam! Noticed the loss of color - this is the first signal that it is time to turn off. No, this will not affect the foam, but the taste and color will definitely suffer. Check if you have overdid it, it is possible with one not difficult life hack.
    • Take a little jam on a spoon and cool. Then drop on a plate or saucer. If the shape of the drops is correct and convex, then the jam is ready. And if the drop spreads or hardly froze, then you still need to cook.

Several recommendations that experienced housewives resort to

  • Strawberry jam, can be bitter. It is easy to remove this bitterness, if a few minutes before cooked, lower the chewed raw carrots into it. You need to remove it before packing into banks.
  • Jam may suck. Cyrmonic acid will help to prevent this. Add it 10 minutes before cooked.
  • A small trick for thick jam - add 5 g of the thickener per 1 kg of the product. Of your choice, it can be Zhelfix, Pectin and others.
  • Jam can burn. If you notice caramelization, rather pour the product into another container. You can save your labors if you have time in time, and the jam will not have bitterness characteristic when burning.

The fragrant jam that we cook in the summer warms us in winter. You can use standard grandmother's recipes that have been tested for years and tradition. But you can experiment. Now on the shelves you can see jam, for example, from zucchini with lemon, pumpkin or cucumbers with mint. The housewives also twist civi jam with lemon, from figs, pineapples, nuts and other interesting products. All this is in order to surprise relatives. After all, how not to twist, but the product that is cooked with your own hands is always tastier!

Video: How to reduce the formation of foam for jam?

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