How to remove swelling and bags under the eyes: tips. Why are swelling and bags under the eyes: Reasons

How to remove swelling and bags under the eyes: tips. Why are swelling and bags under the eyes: Reasons

Bags under the eyes and swelling are an eternal problem and everyone fights with it as much as he can. In our article we will tell you how to remove swelling under the eyes and why they appear.

The bags under the eyes can greatly ruin the appearance, and therefore many try to hide them and completely remove them. This is really possible, but you need to know how to do this, but first you should figure out what the bags are under the eyes and where they come from.

What are bags under the eyes?

Backs under the eyes
Backs under the eyes

Bags under the eyes can appear at any age. They appear not only in women, but also in men. Moreover, it is men who are most subject to this problem. Perhaps the reason for this is free life, and maybe just skin features. Regardless of the situation, the bags under the eyes do not look attractive and it would be worth fighting with them.

Prorebital swelling that we are used to calling bags are caused by the fact that liquid accumulates around the eyes. She does not have time to leave and it turns out stagnation in the lower eyelids. In some cases, swelling of the upper eyelids occurs, but this is often found in people aged. The bottom line is that after 50 years it is more difficult for the body to work at a familiar pace and it can no longer cope with standard processes.

Rules for skin care around the eyes: Features

Caring for the skin around the eyes
Caring for the skin around the eyes

With competent and constant skin care around the eyes, the formation of “goose legs”, edema and dark circles can be avoided:

  • You can never sleep with cosmetics before our eyes. It does not allow centuries to rest
  • To remove makeup, use special means so that there are no paint on the eyelids
  • It is also important when washing with soap that the eyes are not very much now so as not to damage them with soap
  • In the morning and evening, process your eyes with special moisturizing agents. It may be whey, cream or gel
  • Every day, do massage using various oils that improve blood circulation. Olive, coconut or castor oil is ideal for this
  • Put masks for nutrition and moisturizes a couple of times a week. Most can be done with your own hands, which we will talk about later
  • In the summer, when the sun is too bright on the street, put on the sunglasses, because ultravioletus strongly affects this area

Thanks to compliance with such simple rules, you can provide centuries for centuries, and the look will always be clear and radiant. By the way, if you work at the computer, then be sure to take breaks to remove the voltage from the eyes.

Why do bags appear under the eyes: Reasons

Why do bags appear under the eyes?
Why do bags appear under the eyes?

As a rule, people have a tendency to swelling at the genetics level. In some, the bags are formed with age, and someone is fighting with them from youth. There are those who are not familiar with such a problem at all. This is all heredity.

If you have an innate tendency to form bags under the eyes, then you should not worry about it. For example, in Korea it is considered attractive. And while the Western residents are trying to actively eliminate swelling, Asian girls with shadows and pencils draw folds for themselves. And some use more radical methods - injections.

Nevertheless, if you are not satisfied with the bags under the eyes, then first find out why they appeared.

  • Improper nutrition

If you eat something salty or spicy at night, you can doubt that your eyes will be swollen in the morning. Salt makes water settle inside. That's just the sugar does it, and therefore it is not worth sinning at night and sweet.

If at midnight you want to eat a cucumber or ice cream, then you can afford it, but it’s better not to drink it with water, because the drunk fluid can also lead to edema!

  • Air travel

Those who have a tendency to edema know that long flights are forced to swell. This applies to the whole body, not its individual parts, so you should not be surprised if swelling appears the next day.

  • Bad habits
Bad habits
Bad habits

Although they say that the glass of wine is even useful a day, the skin will not love alcohol from this. Perhaps for some processes the wine is really useful, but not for the skin. The fact is that alcohol delays water in the body, and also helps to expand blood vessels.

  • Allergy

If a swelling appears before our eyes and they blushed, then an allergy can be the reason for this. Think, perhaps you really have eaten something that led to allergies:

  • Tried new - fruits or nuts
  • We tried new cosmetics
  • Came into contact with allergens - wool, pollen, dust and so on

In this case, it is recommended to go to the doctor an allergist and consult.

  • Diseases

Swelling with pain and asymmetric, for example, when only one eye swells, may indicate the development of infection. In this case, an exclusively doctor can confirm or refute this fact.

  • Bad sleep

This is the most common reason when swelling occurs under the eyes. Dream is the main process for restoring the body, and therefore it should be normal. Edema that arise from a lack of sleep is easily eliminated using a drainage cream or something cold.

How to get rid of edema under the eyes: Ways

How to remove bags under the eyes?
How to remove bags under the eyes?

There are different methods to eliminate swelling of the eyes. Some of them have a quick effect, literally a few minutes later, and become fresh and beautiful. But they have a temporary effect. To remove swelling forever, it takes more time. Choose any way suitable for you and use it.

  • Drink water

No matter how strange it may sound, but to eliminate edema, you need to drink as much water as possible. This is due to the fact that salt is accumulated inside the body, and it must be washed out.

If yesterday you had dinner with salty, crying or crossing alcohol, then pure drinking water in the morning will become your salvation.

  • Attach cold

The cold makes the vessels narrow and it copes with any edema. The place around the eyes is no exception. For the procedure, you can use tablespoons. Put a few pieces in the freezer and then start the procedure. As soon as one spoon becomes warm, you can use the following.

You can also wash ice cubes, cold water, milk or a decoction of herbs.

Cold compresses can be considered an excellent substitution of ice. For example, soak a cotton pad in milk or pink water. They must be cold.

The compress usually holds on the face for 10-15 minutes. If you use cucumbers, potatoes or tea bags to eliminate edema, then you should first freeze them. Efficiency will increase several times.

  • Make a natural mask
Masks from bags under the eyes
Masks from bags under the eyes

Aloe fights perfectly with edema, and it also nourishes the skin with moisture and allows you to get rid of small wrinkles. You can squeeze the gel immediately on the skin and grind. After a few minutes you can wash it off. This is one of the possible options that you can try. There are actually a lot of them, but we will talk about them later.

  • Use cosmetic products

If you do not want to make masks yourself, then purchase ready -made ones. For example, it can be masks or patches for the eyes. They allow not only to eliminate the problem, but also the first wrinkles.

Remember the importance of using the cream. For a greater effect, it is better to store it in the refrigerator. If you just need to hide the swelling, then you can apply a concealer along their borders. Only on the edema themselves this is not worth doing.

When after using the product after a while, your eyes swell and itch, you most likely have an allergy to the product used. Try not to use conventional funds for several days. If the problem does not pursue you, then cosmetics should be changed.

  • Healthy sleep

To eliminate swelling, it is important to get enough sleep. As a rule, a healthy person needs 8-9 hours of sleep so that all swelling leaves.

Pay attention to how you sleep at night. If on the stomach, then the liquid accumulates more strongly in the eyes, but the pose on the back with an additional pillow contributes to its outflow, because it strives down.

  • Care for the skin
Skin care
Skin care

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive. If it is rude to handle it, then the bags may form in the end. Therefore, do not try your eyes, but do not use aggressive means, for example, scrubs. Moreover, always apply cream for moisturizing.

  • Throw bad habits

Often, love for saline leads to edema. Smoking and alcohol are also leading to this. Throw these bad habits and your problem will be solved by itself and in general your appearance will change.

  • Visit a doctor

Sometimes swelling may indicate the presence of diseases or the onset of large changes in the body. For example, pregnancy, dermatitis or mononucleosis may be the cause.

If swelling did not bother you before and began to appear sharply, even with a healthy lifestyle, it is recommended to go to the doctor.

Masks from edema under the eyes: Methods of cooking, recipes

Masks from edema under the eyes
Masks from edema under the eyes
  • A good option for getting rid of swelling is inhalation with salt. For the solution, you need warm water and a little salt in it. It needs to be pulled with the nose so that the head is tilted to the side. This will ensure the release of water through the second nostril. Thanks to this ancient procedure, swelling disappears and the skin is made fresh.
  • The mask from parsley perfectly removes the swelling. She can additionally whiten the skin. Grind a little greenery and enter it a little butter or sour cream. All this is done in the proportion of 1: 2. The mask is applied for 20 minutes and then washed off.
  • Herbal compresses are fighting well with edema. To make such a mixture, add mint, chamomile and linden on a tablespoon. Pour them with hot water and let them stand. It is not necessary to apply a mixture right forever. Wrap it in gauze and attach it on the eyelids.
  • The next good mask is with potatoes. First, it is crushed on a grater, and then applied to the eyes. Keep it all takes 15 minutes.
  • You can also use to eliminate defects with an egg mask. It includes protein from the egg and a pinch of salt. The mixture lies under the eyes and removes after drying.
We remove the bags under the eyes
We remove the bags under the eyes
  • Ice cubes compresses They also have good efficiency. Wrap them in a plastic bag and attach them to the eyes for a short while.
  • Infusion of birch leaves It also helps well in the struggle for the health of the skin of the eyes. They need to be poured with a small amount of boiling water and insisted for three hours. 5-7 leaves are enough for the procedure. Urode the eyelids for 15 minutes with this infusion.
  • Cucumbers have always been used for medicinal purposes. To create a mask, squeeze the juice so that there are two large spoons. Add a whipped yolk, almond oil, vitamins A and E. You will have a thick mixture. To do this, enter a little flour.

There are many other interesting means, for example, aloe juice and others.

It is extremely necessary to care for the skin around the eyes. With a competent approach, you will always look fresh.

Video: bags and swelling under the eyes. Reasons - how to remove?

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Comments K. article

  1. For these purposes, I use patches under the eyes of Eye Patch. They help to get rid of not only bags, but also from bruises and wrinkles. I just applied patches for 25 minutes and that's it - the result is obvious.

  2. From the edema, a hyaluronic cream of Librider helps me. Bags under the eyes pass and bruises become lighter

  3. mesolux gold patches help well from swelling, they are pleasantly cool and give the skin a fresh look

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