The upper eyelids swell: reasons and first aid. What to do if the eyelids are swollen or swollen over the eyes in the morning, from tears, a mosquito bite, midges, eyelash extensions, tattooing, allergies, conjunctivitis, if the eyes were blown up: recipes

The upper eyelids swell: reasons and first aid. What to do if the eyelids are swollen or swollen over the eyes in the morning, from tears, a mosquito bite, midges, eyelash extensions, tattooing, allergies, conjunctivitis, if the eyes were blown up: recipes

Edema and swelling of the eyelids can be caused by various reasons. To prevent complications, you need to quickly find out the cause of what is happening and take the necessary measures.

Eye edema is a common phenomenon. And just like that, the eyelids do not swell - this is definitely a reason. Due to the fact that the eyelids are very tender and sensitive, often they are the first to respond to any pathological changes in the body.

Important: in most cases, only one eyelid swells, and often the upper one. If the eyelids are swollen on one eye, swelling is called one -sided. If both eyes are bilateral.

Eyes swell in the morning: Reasons

Many are familiar with the situation when in the morning in the mirror, instead of his face, a puffy face of a stranger with heavy swollen eyelids and eyes-eyes appears. But the course of the day this unsightly stranger is transformed: edema subsides and the face takes its usual appearance.

The reasons for this unpleasant morning phenomenon can be:

  • urinary tract diseases, kidneys
  • drinking alcohol, salty dishes at night
  • allergy to the used cosmetics
  • violation of blood flow

Important: if your eyes swell regularly in the morning for no apparent reason, you need to undergo a medical examination. Perhaps in the body there is a hidden inflammatory process.

Eyes swell in the morning
Eyes swell in the morning

Eyes swell and itch: reasons

Sometimes the swelling of the eyelids is accompanied by the redness of the proteins of the eyes, itching and the feeling, as if sand was poured into the eyes. The situation is extremely unpleasant and requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, painful wounds may appear in the places of combs, because the delicate skin of the eyelids is very easy to injure.

Swelling and scratch the eyelids with prolonged work at the computer
The eyelids swell and itch during prolonged work at the computer

But in order to start treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of edema and itching of the eyes. The reason for this phenomenon may be:

  • allergy (sometimes accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation, and even a “bunny”)
  • infectious disease, conjunctivitis (can proceed with the release of pus from the eyes)
  • barley - inflammation of the sebaceous gland
  • bleferite - inflammation of the edge of the century due to the decline of immunity
  • inflammation caused by getting dirt, dust, hypothermia under a cold air flow (air conditioning, cold wind)
  • congenital eyes of the eyes: glaucoma, cataracts, clouding of the cornea
  • contact lenses during the period of addiction or incorrectly selected lenses or glasses
  • infection with worms
  • mosquito bite or other insect
The eyelids swell and itch
The eyelids swell and itch

The child has swollen and blushed the upper eyelid: reasons and first aid

There may be several causes of swollen eyelids in children, as well as in adults. The main ones are:

  • conjunctivitis - The baby's eyelids swell, eyes itch, blush, swell, and pus can stand out from the eyes. Conjunctivitis can be either one -sided or double -sided. Drops will help quickly Tobrex, Levomycetin. From folk remedies, you can use washing with strong cold tea leaves of black tea
  • allergy - not only the upper eyelid swells, but also a small area around the eye. It may be accompanied by lacrimation, itching, sneezing, secretions of their nose. It is necessary to give the child an antihistamine as soon as possible ( Fenistil, Eden, Suprastin, Diazolin, Cetrin, Aleerzin) and show the allergist
  • a bite of an insect - Actual in the summer. The bites of mosquitoes, midges, OS in the upper eyelid can cause a similar reaction. Often the whole eye swells, there is redness at the bite site, and painful syndrome is noted. It is necessary to give an antihistamine and show the child to the doctor. From folk remedies for washing, a decoction of chamomile is used. The neat wiping of the century will also help with a weak soda solution
  • barley - It occurs when “inflated” or “stretched”. It can also be the result of the bacterial infection of the child's body. Only a doctor should find out the cause and prescribe treatment. If in the first case they can help warming up in the clinic, then in the second you can not do without an antibiotic. The place of inflammation is usually carefully cauterized by green, and also treated with antibacterial ointment twice a day. In no case should you try to squeeze a barley to the child. This can lead to even more serious infection
  • blow, bruise - The upper eyelid in a child may swell as a result of the bruise of the eye or upper head. It is necessary to apply ice wrapped in a thin cotton towel or scarf (sucking meat from the freezer) and contact the first -aid post for a short time

Important: there may be other, more serious causes of redness and tumors of the upper eyelids in children. An accurate diagnosis will be made by a children's ophthalmologist.

The child has swollen and blushed the upper eyelid
The child has swollen and blushed the upper eyelid

Swollen eyes in a newborn, the eyelids are swollen: reasons

If a newborn child has swollen eyelids, do not immediately panic. Perhaps this is just a generic swelling that will pass over time itself.

Important: one of the common reasons for the edema of the eyelids and the appearance of redness in the eyes of infants is conjunctivitis (viral, chlamydia, allergic or bacterial)Only a child ophthalmologist can treat that, after determining the type and reasons that caused it.

If the eyes and eyelids of the baby were swollen or swollen some time after birth, and after time, other parts of the body were swollen, the child has a common edema, which can cause:

  • kidney disease
  • violation of the liver functioning
  • pathology of the urinary system
  • inflammation in the nasopharynx
  • heart failure
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system
  • metabolic disorders

Important: in any case, immediately after birth and throughout the entire period of stay in the maternity hospital, the baby examines the neonatologist. If there is a real threat to the health of the child, doctors will take a set of necessary measures.

Swollen eyes in a newborn
Swollen eyes in a newborn

Allergy - swollen eyelids: causes and treatment

Allergy often affects the condition of the eyes, eyelids and skin around. There is an inflammatory process that affects the shell of the eye itself. Because of this, concomitant symptoms appear: burning, itching, redness, visual impairment, swelling of the eyelids.

Important: the allergen, getting into the body, is the first to affect the eyes and skin. Then rhinitis, cough, difficulty breathing and sore throat may appear.

The most common allergens that affect the eyes are:

  • cold, low temperatures
  • cosmetics
  • pollen
  • featers of birds
  • animal hair
  • dust
  • medicines

Important: allergies in the eyes can be chronic or acute. The chronic manifests itself a day after contact with the allergen, and acute - after a few minutes.

The eyelids swollen and lacrimation from allergies appeared
The eyelids swollen and lacrimation from allergies appeared

To eliminate an unhealthy state, you need to detect and remove the allergen as soon as possible and take an antihistamine ( Ceterizine, Cetrin, Suprastin, Zirtek, Eden). Locally apply drops Lekrolin, Allomide or Allergodil. If allergic lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids are complicated by a bacterial infection, that is, the release of pus from the eyes, it is necessary to add antibacterial drops for the eyes, for example, levomicetin.

In the case of a severe allergy, a doctor can prescribe hormonal drops for the eyes or eyelid cream, for example CEO or Advanta.

To calm irritation and relieve swelling of the eyelids will also help lners from the infusion of calendula, sage, chamomile and turn. Cotton wheels are moistened in the infusion, which are applied to the eyelids for several minutes. Then the discs are changed, and so 5 - 7 times in a row.

Important: if the effect of the allergen on the body is not eliminated, then treatment will not help.

If you do not treat allergies, then the harmless edema of the eyelids will soon lead to serious complications, such as hyperkeratosis or keratitis.

Eden will help eliminate swelling from the eyelids and other symptoms of allergies
Eden will help eliminate swelling of the eyelids and other symptoms of allergies

The child hit an eyebrow, the eyelid is swollen: first aid

Not a single child has yet turned into an adult, without experiencing his own forehead “for strength”. Once everyone hit his foreheads, stuffed cones and dissected his eyebrows. Often the baby himself, having cried for 5 minutes, forgets about what has happened and continues to rush fun around the house. But parents are not laughing, because head injuries are not a joke.

If the child hit an eyebrow, and the eyelid is swollen, you should not be surprised - the edema may also spread to the cheek.

Troxevazin will help with bruises and shots
Troxevazin with bruises and shocks will remove the waste

The situation is not as dangerous of the edema of the century as possible the consequences of the blow. Immediately after the incident, you need to attach cold to the bruised place and, if necessary, call an ambulance.

There is another effective folk remedy: It is necessary as soon as possible densely anoint an eyebrow, eyelid, forehead and cheek with butter. If you do it fast enough, the consequences will be minimal.

From medical means in such cases, ointments are recognized as the most effective Troxevazin and Trouumel S.

Important: After first aid is provided and the child calms down, watch him. If after some time the baby burst out, the size of the pupils changed, his eyes began to mow, the child began to behave uneasily and unusual-call an ambulance. Probably, a strong blow provoked a concussion. If you did not notice anything unusual in the behavior of the child after the blow, continue to use the ointments according to the instructions and after a few days the edema will leave the century.

The child hit an eyebrow, the eyelid is swollen
The child hit an eyebrow, the eyelid is swollen

After eyelash extensions, eyelids are swollen: causes, treatment with folk remedies

In pursuit of fashion and beauty, girls have to pay not only with money, but also with their health. Realizing perfectly that eyelash extensions are not at all a harmless procedure, the ladies continue experiments on their own eyes. Trying to give a look sensuality and expressiveness, they sometimes get the opposite effect in the form of swollen eyelids and glowing eyes.

If, after increasing the eyelashes, the eyelids are swollen, then the body thus tries to fight an unnatural pathological condition.

The main reasons why the eyelids can swell after eyelash extensions:

  • damage to the skin of the eyelids used tools
  • allergic reaction On the components of glue
  • usage cheap materials Low quality
  • rejection body foreign body

Important: if a few hours after the eyelash extensions you are swollen, there was a feeling of burning and discomfort in the eyes, lacrimation appeared, consult a doctor. If you do not take any measures in a timely manner, then the condition may aggravate the infection.

After eyelash extensions, eyelids may swell
After eyelash extensions, eyelids may swell

First of all, you need to get rid of artificial eyelashes as soon as possible. The eyelids cleared of glue will have to be processed for some time with special means that the optometrist will write, assessing the situation.

You can use such folk remedies:

  1. Moistened in fresh potato juice Gently wipe the eyelids with cotton pads for 3 to 5 minutes. Then apply a nourishing cream on the eyelids
  2. Apply freshly prepared to the inflamed and swollen eyelids kashitsa from cucumber for 5 - 7 minutes 3 times a day
  3. Brew chamomile (1 tbsp) and bark of oak (1 tbsp) in 1 tbsp. water, cool and strain. Pour the resulting liquid into ice molds and freeze. Cubes of ice wrapped in a cotton towel, carefully wipe the eyelids 3 - 4 times a day
  4. Strong hacking black tea wipe the eyelids and make compresses 3 - 4 times a day

All of these methods will accelerate recovery and contribute to the speedy restoration of the eyelids and skin around the eyes.

Removing swelling after eyelash extensions will help ice cubes
Removing swelling after eyelash extensions will help ice cubes

After tattooing, the eyelids are swollen: what to do?

Permanent makeup allows a woman to be always “in the best possible way” and significantly saves both time and means to purchase decorative cosmetics. However, the procedure for applying a tattoo does not always go smoothly, and the swelling of the eyelids is one of the most common phenomena when applying a picture on the eyelids and eyebrows.

Edema can be natural reaction of the body on multiple micro -strife and introduction under the skin of coloring substances. In this case, the edema will pass on its own, and after a day there will be no trace of it.

So that the negative consequences of the eye makeup are minimal, immediately after the procedure, the eyelids lubricate idrocortisone ointment.

Hydrocortisone ointment from edema after eye tattooing
Hydrocortisone ointment from edema after eye tattooing

It is possible to help your centuries quickly by applying pieces of ice wrapped in cotton fabric to the inflamed swollen areas.

If after tattooing the eyelids are not only swollen, but also darkened or covered with "crusts", there was a severe itching, The eyes turned red and began to wate, consult a doctor. This is an abnormal state that can only worsen.

Important: if, 7-9 days after the tattooing of the edema, the eyelids did not sleep, and the pain intensified, only taking the antibiotic can alleviate the situation.

The eyelids are swollen from tears - what to do: folk recipes, drugs

Unfortunately, every woman is familiar with the situation when, after an evening spent in tears, her eyes swell, and the eyelids become swollen. It is impossible to appear in this form at work or study, so urgent measures have to be taken to eliminate traces of woeful experiences.

The most effective methods are:

  1. Contrast washing - alternating attachment to the swollen centuries of cotton pads moistened with hot and cold water
  2. Tea compresses - Drink cotton wheels and leave for eyelids for 10 minutes with cold.
  3. Frozen tea - Freeze the brewed bags of black tea in the freezer, then apply to the eyes
  4. Diuretic pills - if before leaving the house there is still enough time. Furosemide, diusemide, trifas, trigim, Veroshpyron or another diuretic drug
If you swell from tears, attach the frozen bags of black tea to them
If you swell from tears, attach the frozen bags of black tea to them

Blooded the eye, the eyelid is swollen: first aid

Eyes are a very sensitive and delicate part of the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that their reaction to the effects of cold air flows from the air conditioner, fan or simply strong wind often irritation, redness and swelling.

What to do if the eye was blown so much that even the eyelid is swollen? It is best to immediately contact an optometrist. After all, if you put everything on its own, the situation can soon aggravate: pain, redness of the protein of the eye, the tumor will harden and turn into barley.

The first sentence in this case will be the processing of a sore century etracycline ointment.

To get rid of the tumor of the century and even barley helps some the next ritual:

  1. Take a white thread, if the eye blushes, red - if there is no redness
  2. Before any icon, holding a thread in your hands, read the prayer "Our Father" three times
  3. With a thread with a thread, bandage the ring and middle fingers on the hand opposite to the eye (if the tumor on the right century is the left hand, if the right hand is right on the left century) in such a way that two rings in the form of the number “8” or the sign of infinity are obtained
  4. Wear a thread without removing, until the tumor does
  5. After recovery, remove and burn the thread

Important: if such folk treatment does not cause you to trust you, and you can’t visit the doctor in the near future, purchase eye drops in the pharmacy and drip them an inflamed eye, adhering to the instructions.

Blown the eye, the eyelid was swollen
Blown the eye, the eyelid was swollen

After the conjunctivitis, the eyelids are swollen: first aid

The tumor of the century with conjunctivitis is caused by the expansion of blood vessels, an inflammatory process that occurs on the mucous membrane of purulent discharge.

In order to successfully defeat conjunctivitis and its complications in the form of a tumor of the eyelids, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease first. The most common conjunctivitisviral and catarrhal.

AT the first case Treatment should be aimed at getting rid of the virus, in the second - you need to stop the action of irritating factors as soon as possible, such as smoke, dust, chemical waste.

After the conjunctivitis, the eyelid is swollen
After the conjunctivitis, the eyelid is swollen

From the bite of the mosquito, the eyelid is swollen in the child: First aid

The reaction to mosquito bites in all children is different - in some places there are barely distinguishable pinkish points that do not deliver discomfort, while others are allergic in the form of itchy and swollen areas on the skin.

If the child is swollen from a mosquito bite, first of all, you need to give the baby an antihistamine that is available in the first -aid kit: Eden, Fenistil, Suprastin, Aleerzin, Diazolin.

As for the processing of the place of the bite itself, for this you can use a weak soda solution and Hydrocartisone ointment.

Important: if after a few days the edema did not sleep or pus appeared in the place of the bite, contact the optometrist. Perhaps the child will need antibacterial therapy.

From the bite of the mosquito, the eyelid is swollen in a child
From the bite of the mosquito, the eyelid is swollen in a child

Moshka was bitten into the eyelid - how to remove edema: recipes

Swelling after a midge bite is a sign of allergies. Therefore, first of all, antihistamines or syrup should be taken. Suprastin, Aleerzin, Fenistil, Erius, Zirtek And similar means to them will help to overcome allergies.

However, in order to remove swelling from the eye, only taking antihistamines are not enough. Outwardly you can use the ointment Hydrocartisone or phoenistil-gel.

Effective also suprastin lotions: The cotton pad is abundantly moisten with the contents of the Suprastin ampoule and attach to the swollen eyelid for 2 to 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

Folk remedy for midges: Rub the crude peeled potatoes. Apply the slurry to the swollen eyelid for 10 - 15 minutes. Repeat 3 - 4 times a day. A prerequisite: each time you need to prepare fresh potato gruel.

Important: as in the case of mosquito bites, the bites of midges can be complicated by purulent discharge from the eyes, redness and itching. If, after independently taken measures, the situation has not improved, you should consult a doctor.

Moshka bit the child in the eyelid
Moshka bit the child in the eyelid

The eyelid is swollen, which doctor to contact?

Whatever the reason for the edema of the eyes and tumors on the eyelids, the most correct will be to seek help from the doctor. The specialist will quickly assess the situation, find out the cause and prescribe individual treatment.

The eyeglassist (ophthalmologist) is engaged in eye diseases. However, if the optometrist will not be able to get to the near future, visit at least a local therapist.

If the eyelid is swollen, consult an optometrist
If the eyelid is swollen, consult an optometrist

What, what ointment to treat swollen eyelids?

The treatment of swollen eyelids is better to engage in the control of the optometrist. In severe cases, patients are hospitalized and serious drug treatment are performed.

But if you are sure that you can cope with an unhealthy state on your own, several means can help you with this.

Depending on the cause of the swelling of the eyelids, use drops, cream or ointments:

  • barley - Floxal
  • blow, bruise - Troxevazin, Troumel
  • conjunctivitis - Tobrex, Levomycetin
  • tumors and redness after visiting the pool - Montevizin
  • an allergy to an insect bite is an antihistamine inside, Fenistil-gel in the place of a bite or lotion from Suprastin

Universal meanscapable of removing swelling and facilitating the general condition in any situation, are Hydrocartisone ointment and dexamethasone.

Eye drops
Eye drops

Contraindications if the eyelid is swollen

In the article, we examined the main causes of the swelling of the eyelids in children and adults and found out ways to eliminate this unhealthy state. However, we did not mention what in no case can be done if the eyelids are swollen. So:

  1. You can not warm the swollen eyelids with physical heat or use warming creams or ointments
  2. You can’t paint your eyes, try to mask swelling with decorative cosmetics
  3. You can not try to squeeze out or pierce barley, press on the tumor

Follow these rules and let your eyes always be healthy.

Video: How to remove bags under the eyes and swollen eyelids?

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Comments K. article

  1. I have not only the upper eyelids, but also the lower and the pus appeared (((

  2. Olga, you are better than to think about horror or not horror, you have turned to the doctor. You most likely have conjunctivitis, and if it is not treated, there will be complications, you can even blind. I had conjunctivitis not so long ago. Good work colleague when I saw my eyes advised a phloxal to buy. I did just that. Applied according to the instructions. The symptoms of conjunctivitis have passed. So don't pull.

  3. If the eyelid swells, I know that this barley begins. So I start to treat right away.

  4. Olga, what do you use in treatment. I just like the action of the Floxal ointment. I begin to use it and after a few days of reception swelling, redness leave. But even despite this, I use an ointment with a course.

  5. Somehow they limitedly wrote about the treatment of conjunctivitis, there are other good means!

  6. Often, after the wind, the eyes become inflamed. Usually it passes by itself, but recently my eyes were shouted directly, I wake up in the morning, but I can’t open my eyelids. Dripped droplets drip and everything went. The course was a week, it was possible and less, but it is impossible - nevertheless an antibiotic, since the beginning, then it must be treated to the end. It was bad that it was impossible to paint, but the sick leave is not given. I went to work with a crocodile for a whole week.

  7. Yes, it can be anything. Therefore, the best that can be done is to see a doctor.

  8. I have such an attack when conjunctivitis begins. The eyelids immediately swell, the eyes are inflamed, pus appears, photophobia. Horror, in general. Recently, I try to start using a phloxal in drops from the first symptoms, with these drops everything goes quite easily and quickly, the weekly course completely eliminates the problems with the eyes.

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