The best patches under the eyes of edema, bags, dark circles, bruises: how to glue it correctly, how to do it with your own hands at home, how to buy Alesspress in the online store? Patch masks for the eyes: reviews, rating

The best patches under the eyes of edema, bags, dark circles, bruises: how to glue it correctly, how to do it with your own hands at home, how to buy Alesspress in the online store? Patch masks for the eyes: reviews, rating

In this article, we will talk about such a fashionable phenomenon in the world of care cosmetics as patches under the eyes.

Surely many beauties have already heard about such a tool as patches for the area around the eyes. What is this tool that cosmetologists and makeup artists tell with enthusiasm? And is it really miraculous?

What are eye patches, why do patches under the eyes glue?

It is well known that the skin under the eyes is the thinnest and most delicate. So, it is most susceptible to all kinds of negative influences. And it requires, in addition to basic, additional care.
For this purpose, patches invented - special fulcurges for the area around the eyes. The basis of such a mask is made from tissue or hydrogel material. She must it is saturated with some useful substance.

This substance is cosmetic composition. It can be the most diverse depending on the purpose of patches. Here are just a few examples:

  • Vitamins, Panthenol - to strengthen, restoration of the skin
  • Antioxidants - to eliminate wrinkles
  • Peptides - to increase elasticity
  • Extracts of plantain, aloe, chamomile - To calm down, relieve irritation

Important: thanks to the activity of components included in the solution for patches, this product can be compared with serums.

Paths under the eyes can be safely called an excellent addition to the salon procedures
Paths under the eyes can be safely called an excellent addition to the salon procedures

How to glue patches for the eyes correctly: tips

A few recommendations on how to place this mask on the face:

  • The first thing you need to know is to glue patches only on pre -cleansed skin.
  • Preferably power the mask from the packaging using a special spatula. As a rule, such a device is attached in the kit. It is hygienic, and helps protect patches from damage.
  • Often you can find disputes about how to properly apply patches: the wide side to the nose or to the outer corners of the eyes. In fact, it all depends on which zone is most necessary to nourish useful substances. It needs to be applied to it the widest part of the mask.
  • You need to make sure that the patch i did not fit too close to the mucosa. Essence entering the eye can cause irritation.
  • Often there are complaints that patches are sliding. This is not a defect - a matter in a solution that did not have time to absorb. Therefore, immediately after applying the mask, it is recommended for 2-3 minutes, take a lying position.
The first time after applying patches it is better to lie - in a few minutes the solution will absorb
The first time after applying patches it is better to lie - in a few minutes the solution will absorb
  • After 2-3 minutes you can get up. But keep patches longer - 15-20 minutes.
  • Filmed Fulfill in the direction from nose to temples.
  • No need to wash after the procedure. If the solution remains, it is worth it with carefully driving movements on the skin.

Important: it is recommended to apply an eye cream as a final stage.

Patches under the eyes with collagen: effect, how to use?

Collagen, as you know - natural proteinwhich is a great building material for the skin. He:

  • Eliminates swelling, dark circles
  • Pulls the covers
  • Fights shallow wrinkles
  • Removes traces of fatigue
  • Seductively affects the eye nerve
  • Moisturizes the skin

Before you go for a purchase, you should decide a mask based on which collagen to choose:

  • Vegetable - The most preferable. It is effective, penetrates deeply
  • Sea - Masks based on it are the most expensive. Also effective, but cases of allergies to them are not uncommon
  • Animal - The least preferred. It is cheap, but absorbed by the skin in an extremely small amount
The most preferable patches based on plant collagen
The most preferable patches based on plant collagen

Important: it is worth paying attention to the marking "Q5-26". It denotes a natural collagen.

Nuances of use:

  • Collagen patches are applied on wet skin. Therefore, after washing, do not wipe your face
  • If a feeling of tightness appears on the skin while finding the mask, you can drip a little water
  • The duration of the location of such a mask on the skin is different - from 5 minutes to half an hour. It all depends on the concentration of collagen

Patches under the eyes of gold: effect, how to use?

Such masks contain Metal ions, which contribute to the production of collagen, retain the elasticity of the integument. In addition, golden patches help as follows:

  • Eliminate "goose legs", that is, they are suitable even for young women
  • Moisturized thanks to vitamin E and glycerin in the composition
  • Calm and nourish thanks to vitamins C, in

Important: such patches are recommended to keep on the skin for 45-50 minutes.

By the way, in the first minutes of the owner of the mask can feel light tingling or even a slight burning sensation. This is the norm: this is how the activation of blood circulation is manifested.

Paths under the eyes of gold are an excellent alternative to Botox
Paths under the eyes of gold are an excellent alternative to Botox

Patches under the eyes of Korean: effect, how to use?

Korean patches are a consequence asian traditions, unusual components and high technologies. What is still important: Asian people are famous for very delicate skin. And this means that patches are for her they will cause allergies with the least probability degree.

The effect of such masks:

  • Moisturization occurs
  • Circles under the eyes are lighten up
  • Swelling subsides
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed

Patches containing snail mucus. They are fixed on dry skin. It is recommended to arrange this product with a wide end closer to the inner corner of the eye, if you need to get rid of dark circlesor to the external - if from the "goose legs".

Important: it is proven that such patches reduce the number of wrinkles by 29%, and the remaining makes less by 16%.

Korean production patches have long earned user trust
Korean production patches have long earned user trust

Moisturizing patches under the eyes: effect, how to use?

This type of masks is ideal for owners thin skin. The effect is as follows:

  • The wrinkle mesh visually becomes smaller or is smoothed out at all
  • The intensity of the integration of moisture, vitamins occurs
  • There is an express emission

What is the composition of such patches? As a rule, these are diverse Vitamin complexes, pearl powder, retinol.

The instructions for use are standard, There are no special recommendations.

The skin under the eyes also requires moisture as the rest of the face - patches will help in this
The skin under the eyes also requires moisture as the rest of the face - patches will help in this

Patches under the eyes of lifting: effect, how to use?

Most often, for lifting ef effect, they use Fabric patches. Usually they are impregnated with a large number collagen. It is as suitable for human skin, therefore it is absorbed almost completely. Also, the composition often includes hyaluron, vitamin E, a variety of plant extracts.

What should you expect?

  • Strengthening the vascular walls
  • Reinforcement of blood circulation

Important: the lifting effect lasts long only if the masks are used on a regular basis, and not one -time.

Recommended for the best fixing of fabric masks wet them a little water on top after applying to the skin. They last longer than other analogues - at least an hour. You can hold and all night long.

Eye fabric patches are often used to create a lifting effect
Eye fabric patches are often used to create a lifting effect

Patches under the eyes are black: effect, how to use?

Surely many beauties often saw photos of black patches. They often include extracts of black sesame seeds, black beans, pearls. All these components:

  • Give the skin a radiance
  • Have a smoothing effect
  • They nourish, moisturize
  • Refreshed
  • Remove swelling

They are considered the thickest. Someone may say that this is inconvenient, since such patches will slip down under their own weight.

Important: in fact, the black version of the mask is the most sticky, so it holds well on the skin.

Keep patches on the face standardly - 20 minutes. There is no sense for longer, since for the indicated time the entire nutrient composition will penetrate inside.

Black patches hold well on the skin, despite their thickness
Black patches hold well on the skin, despite their thickness

Patches under the eyes are gel, hydrogel: effect, how to use?

In fact, both of these names are synonyms. They are such masks of pillows made of gel. This gel not only serves as the basis, but in itself saturated with useful substances.

The effect is as follows:

  • Swelling is removed due to instant cooling of the skin
  • There is an intensive moisture
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed
  • The skin gets enhanced nutrition
  • Thanks to caffeine, panthenol, often contained in such patches, bruises disappear altogether or noticeably brighten. True, in the event that we are talking about small bruises - Fabric analogues are better to cope with larger ones.

It is worth gluing such funds retreating at least 2 cm from the lower eyelid - So the solution will definitely not fall on the mucous membrane. They hold on standardly - 20 minutes.

Important: it is believed that the gel mask is most tightly adjacent to the skin. So, the useful composition is absorbed better, and not evaporated into the air.

Gel, hydrogel patches for the eyes give the skin the maximum amount of nutrients
Gel, hydrogel patches for the eyes give the skin the maximum amount of nutrients

Patches under the eyes for painting and eyelash extensions: how to use?

Masters involved in eyelash processing can not do without patches. It is impossible not to blink a client, but, meanwhile, isolate the lower cilia It is necessary from the ingestion of the coloring substance and glue.

Here's how it is worth carrying out fixation:

  • You need to ask the client to look up, wide opening your eyes
  • Retreating about a millimeter from the lower eyelid, you need to place a patch
  • Next, gluing the patch along the outer edge. So the lower cilia are isolated completely
  • In order not to form air bubbles, you need to iron patches from the middle to the corners of the eyes

Important: you must try to capture and isolate all the lower eyelashes.

Patches when increasing or painting eyelashes are certainly needed
Patches when increasing or painting eyelashes are certainly needed

How to buy patches under the eyes in Alespress: Links to the Catalog

Before buying patches, newcomers should familiarize themselves with our article « The first order for Aliexpress "or with video instruction on this topic.

On the Aliexpress You can find patches for every taste.

You can immediately narrow the search circle, turning it on there only contact patches. Or whitening, moisturizing.

You can direct the search for the attached a certain brand. For example, on « Petitfee», « OEDO», « Pilaten», « Meiking», « QYF», « Beauty Host», « EFERO», « Zanabili».

How to make eye patches with your own hands at home? How can you replace patches under the eyes?

If for any reason there is no way to purchase ready-made patches, you can independently make their analogues. For example, to get rid of small wrinkles Such patches will come in handy:

  • Fresh cucumber It is processed on a fine grater
  • Squeezed out juice
  • Added sugar brown in the amount of half 1 hour l
  • 1 tha l of liquid is poured vitamin e
  • Next is cut cotton padwetted in the solution
  • Excess solution expressed

Important: an excess solution can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 5 days.

A great home patch for the eyes can be made of cucumber
A great home patch for the eyes can be made of cucumber

To get rid of edema and bruises you need:

  • Pour into the container crushed dry herbs - 1 st. Listiev parsley and 1 tha l of green tea, chamomile. You can also add 1 h l letens of lemon balm or mint
  • This raw materials are poured 250 ml of boiling water
  • Means insisted About half an hour
  • Then it cools, filter. They dipped in such a solution Countable disks blanks

You can even make yourself Gel patches:

  • Mix 5 tbsp cucumber juice, 2 h l juice from Kalanchoe
  • They are added to them or ¼ h l agar-Agaraor 1.3 g gelatin
  • Harvesting Heatingin a water bath. Stirred

Important: you do not need to bring the solution to a boil-it is enough that gelatin or agar-agar will melt.

  • Now the workpiece Filmed from heat and cools. It is also needed during this stir her
  • The resulting gel substance superimposed directly on the skin, cotton pads are not needed
Kalanchoe juice is a great basis for home patch
Kalanchoe juice is a great basis for home patches under the eyes

Patches under the eyes: how often to use?

As mentioned earlier, a patch used as a one -time action will bring only a short -term result. It is good if you need to instantly improve the appearance. For a more pronounced and long -term result, you need access effect.

Cosmetologists agree that you should use patches for several months in a row. You can use them once or twice a week By the type of ordinary face mask.

Important: the rest of the time, basic care should be carried out.

The best patch masks under the eyes of edema, bags, dark circles, bruises-how to choose: rating

We offer a small rating of the most effective patches:

  • Secret Key "Gold Racoony" - Excellent moisturize what the hyaluron contributes to. Also include colloidal gold, lavender oil. Shining particles make circles less noticeable. Paths can be safely left on the skin for the night.
These patches are very popular
These patches are very popular
  • Petitfee "Gold & Snail" - Contain extracts of gold, snails. It is these components that improve blood microcirculation, fill wrinkles, smoothing the covers.
  • Koelf "Bulgarian Rose" - Excellent moisturize and nourish. The basis is pink water, which perfectly tones the skin.
  • Guerlain "Super Aqua-Eye"- They have an amazing natural composition. Collagen, grape extract, a whole vitamin placing! The skin instantly looks more fresh and toned.

Important: patches of this brand are suitable for women of any age.

  • Konad "Gel Eye Patch" - Contains collagen, green tea extract. Due to this, not only perfectly tones, but also refreshes, helps to cope with “goose legs”.
Konad's eyes are well refresh
Konad's eyes are well refresh

Patch masks for the eyes: reviews

Let us give a few reviews of real buyers of patches for completeness:

  • Julia Grebenkina. “I tried a bunch of patches over the past year. I was imbued with only a couple. Petitfee in terms of price - accuracy - the effect leads. These patches are comfortable, do not crawl anywhere, glue perfectly and hold all the time that is needed. ”
  • Yana Zubtsova. “I am a fan of hydrogel patches since their appearance in our market. How much I do not like eye creams - I love them so much. "
  • Olya Tretyakova. “I like hydrogel patches even more fabric. For each day in terms of price-quality ratio is an ideal story. The gaze immediately opens! After a month, the changes are even more obvious: the skin is lighter, wrinkles are thinner. ”

Disputes are often held about eye patches. Some praise them, others treat skepticism. Truth, as often happens, is in the middle. Large shortcomings that require surgical intervention will not eliminate patches, but small ones are easy! We recommend that you take a closer look at this express.

We offer another rating of eye patches:

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Comments K. article

  1. The coolest patches are Librider. If you take the course with them, then wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes moisturized

  2. I like pathetic mesolux, they moisturously moisten, remove swelling and do not fly away, like some others, fit tightly

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