Bathing before prayer for women and men for beginners: sequence

Bathing before prayer for women and men for beginners: sequence

Bathing procedure or in other words "Voodoo" - This is the main procedure in the Islamic religion, which must be passed before performing prayers and touching Koran. Despite the fact that in addition to Voodoo there are other purification rituals, for example: Masx, Takinja, Gusl and so on, it is on the first procedure that we will dwell and tell you more about it.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Prayer performed by Muslims 5 times a day". You will learn what it is called, how and at what time it is read, whether it is possible to make prayer more than 5 times a day.

The ablution will be discussed in this article. You will learn how to do it, what can be violated and whether it is necessary to perform this procedure before each prayer. Read further.

How washing is performed before prayer for women: a sequence for beginners

Compliance with the rules is an important thing in any business, including religious rites. Speaking about washing before prayer, it will be more correct to start with the sequence of this procedure for women, for beginners.

Breaks Capacity before prayer
Breaks Capacity before prayer
Wash your hands
Wash your hands
Wash your hands
Wash your hands
Wash your head
Wash your head
Wash your legs
Wash your legs
  • The ritual of the wash that women perform the same that men perform, and passes in the same sequence.
  • Women who have washing with hair cleaned in hairstyle are not required to dissolve them. However, it is important at the same time to ensure that the hair is soaked to the very roots when pouring, washing and wiping the head.

It remains to add that with small wash, women and girls need to make sure that they do not see a stranger. This means that such a procedure is necessary in a special closed room.

What they read when washing before prayer: words

An important component of washing is the reading of special prayers. Details about what words must be pronounced when washing before prayer, and in what sequence this is done - further in the article.

So, the pronunciation of words occurs sequentially, in several stages, in fact, like the ritual itself. The ablution procedure should begin by reading Shahada, in this form:

Words when washing
Words when washing

The pronunciation of Shahada is performed during the first washing. Further, when performing the second and third washing, you need to pronounce a special prayer. Read more:

  • Washing brushes:
Words when washing brushes
Words when washing brushes
  • Washing face:
Words when washing the face
Words when washing the face
  • Washing the right hand:
Words when washing the right hand
Words when washing the right hand
  • Washing the left hand:
Words when washing the left hand
Words when washing the left hand
  • Wiping the head:
Words when washing the head
Words when washing the head
  • Washing each leg:
Words when washing the legs
Words when washing the legs

These are those who are interesting and at the same time complex prayers for many people, at least at first glance. In fact, it is easy to pronounce them, just like remembering.

Breakdown sequence before prayer for men: for beginners

Breaks of washing before prayer for men
Breaks of washing before prayer for men

At the very beginning of this article, we have already analyzed the sequence of washing in women. Now it is worth telling about this procedure for men, for beginners. As mentioned above, it is almost the same as that of women.

The washing sequence in front of the prayer looks as follows:

  1.   It is necessary to create an intention.
  2. We need to say the words "bismillah" (“Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rakhim”-“In the name of Allah of the Gracious, Merciful”).
  3. Next comes the ablution itself, starting with the hands.
  4. Rinse your mouth. This must be performed three times, to bring water to the face, while it is necessary to be in the right hand.
  5. Next, rinse the nasal sinuses. It is also done three times and the water is listed with the right hand.
  6. Following is washing the face. It is carried out three times.
  7. Then the ablution of the hands begins. With this procedure, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the zones between the fingers.
  8. Wipe your head and ears.
  9. The final stage is washing the legs. This procedure begins to begin with the right leg.

It is worth adding that the order of washing is described in the hadith, which was transmitted from the person named after Humran, former a freedman Usman Ibn Affan.

How to do little wash to women in front of prayer?

Fleeting is a significant religious component having two types: small and complete. Further in the article we will figure out in detail how the ritual of small ablution should be performed before the woman’s prayer.

So, the process of small wash is as follows:

  1. Intention
  2. Washing hands
  3. Washing the mouth
  4. Washing the nose
  5. Washing the face
  6. Washing the right hand to the elbow itself
  7. Washing the left hand to the elbow itself
  8. Wiping the head
  9. Wiping the ears
  10. Washing the right leg on the ankle
  11. Washing the left leg on the ankle
  12. Reading Shahad and Dua, at the end of washing

It remains to add that washing is an obligatory ritual that should be performed regularly. At the same time, to perform this procedure, the Muslim is not obliged to be fully exposed.

What disrupts the ablution before prayer?

Another interesting question regarding washing before prayer is that there is something that can break it and if so, what? According to the researchers of the Islamic religion, there are several factors capable of violating ablution:

  • Fainting or loss of consciousness.
  • The state of alcohol intoxication, or madness.
  • Sleep in a lying position. At the same time, a dream is in a sitting position, if a person does not rely on anything is not a violation of washing.
  • Urine incontinence, wound bleeding and female discharge.

Usually, if bowing disrupted Constantly, this is due to some kind of disease. The reason can be more rare: for example, severe flatulence or constant leakage of the prostate secret. It is worth noting that when a Muslim has doubts about whether ablution has been violated, you can always carry out the procedure again, but already small ablution.

Is it possible to wipe up in front of prayer after washing?

Regarding talk about washing, many people may also have a dilemma: is it allowed to wipe off after this ritual before prayer?

  • In fact, there are no prohibitions on wiping after washing. Therefore, this procedure is acceptable.
  • Bowing It is not violated from wiping with a towel.

Moreover, according to the researchers of the Islamic religion, wiping is also not a mandatory process and may or not, at the request of the believer.

Is there a bath before each prayer?

Many people who are just starting to get acquainted with the Islamic religion may wonder: is there a ablution of a mandatory procedure before each prayer?

  • Bathing is an obligatory component of each prayer.
  • Ritual ablution or in other words “Taharat” has special importance for the Islamic religion.
  • Because of this, many significant rites cannot be performed by a Muslim who has not passed the ablution procedure.

It is generally accepted that the non -passing ritual of washing the Muslim is in a state called “ritual desecration”. Such a person is prohibited from performing a number of actions and things:

  • It is forbidden to touch the Holy Koran, which is completely written in Arabic. At the same time, it is allowed to touch the texts that were translated into other languages.
  • The Muslim has no right to perform prayer.
  • He has no right to visit the mosque.
  • A Muslim who did not pass the procedure for complete ablution does not have the right to bypass the Holy Kaaba.

By the way, the definition of “Taharat” implies the purification of both external and internal, that is, both physical and spiritual. It is divided into internal and external. You can achieve an external “Taharat” with the help of a washing procedure, despite the fact that it is possible to achieve internal - only by righteousness and repentance.

It is worth knowing: The ablution ritual is a purification that every believer Muslim must fulfill every day, and not once, but repeatedly.

Muslims are prescribed to do was washing not only before the implementation of religious rites, but also on an ongoing basis. A believer Muslim should always be ritually clean. Taharat and Gusl are in the Islamic religion of good deeds, so for both of these types of ritual cleansing, the Muslim has a reward.

Another and most important dignity of washing is that when committing this rite, a believer Muslim moves to redeem his own sins. As written in the hadith at-Tirmizi and Muslim:

  • "Washing his face when performing washing, the believer washes off sins - perfect, washing the hands rinses sins - the sins committed by them, washing the legs - committed by the legs."

In this way, a believer Muslim will be cleansed of sins.

Bowing before prayer: Pictures

If, after reading the information described above, it is difficult for you to understand how to do the bathing before prayer, do not worry. Just some people perceive the information when reading, while others need to see everything visually. Pay attention to the pictures that are published above and those located below. They will help to correctly “absorb” the necessary information.

Breaking hands
Breaking hands
Face washing only with the right hand
Face washing only with the right hand
Clamping elbows
Clamping elbows
Fleet of the head
Fleet of the head
Bowing the legs
Bowing the legs

Now, in order to fix all the above information, watch the video regarding washing before prayer.

Video: Islam: step by step

Video: washing the Prophet ﷺ

Video: how to take small ablution (Taharat, voodoo) / shown clearly

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