How to break through and get a sulfur ear plug in the ear at home in children and adults? The causes of education, symptoms and treatment of sulfuric traffic jam in the ear in adults and children

How to break through and get a sulfur ear plug in the ear at home in children and adults? The causes of education, symptoms and treatment of sulfuric traffic jam in the ear in adults and children

What are sulfur traffic jams in your ears? In what ways can you get sulfur plugs? Read about this in this article.

Sulfur plugs in the ears are not a disease, it is such a temporary phenomenon when the ear is accumulated in the ears and covers the external auditory canal. This is a very common phenomenon all over the world. In Russia, about 4% of its inhabitants suffer inconveniences about sulfur traffic jams in the ears.

Traffic jams in children and adults, photo

This is what our ear looks in the context

The ear canal is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Hebs-chryachchery partlocated close to the surface
  2. Bone part, near the eardrum

There is a narrow passage between these two parts, the most vulnerable place in the auditory canal, where the sulfur accumulates. The auditory canal is covered with leather, it is protected by several glands:

  • Sebaceous, with the help of which skin fat is produced
  • Sulfurthanks to it, sulfur is produced - milk fluid
  • Smileresponsible for the work of sweat sections

What does sulfur consist of?

Sulfur is formed only in the web.

The composition of the ear sulfur is rich in different components. Sulfur consists of components:

  • Proteins
  • Enzymes
  • Fat
  • Immunoglobulin
  • Epithelium
  • Cholesterol
  • Keratin
  • Hyaluronic acid

It is interesting. In men and women, sulfur in chemical composition is not the same: in women it is more acidic. Also, sulfur in composition on different continents of our land: the inhabitants of Asia have Seehai sulfur and there are more proteins in it, the Africans have more fats.

Why is sulfur formed?

This is what a sulfur traffic jam looks like in the ear

Sulfur is formed in all people. It lubricates the auditory channels and protects them from dust, dirt, insects and infections in the ear.

All these foreign bodies, falling into the ear, settle on Sere, it is compacted and it turns out on its own After we are talking or chewing. And only in some people it cannot go on its own and accumulates inside the ear channel, creating a traffic jam there.

Each of the components that consist of sulfur have its own purpose:

  • Fats do not allow the skin of the ear to get wet if water gets into the ear
  • A sour environment does not allow bacteria and fungi to multiply

It is interesting. Each of us has 15-20 mg of sulfur per month.

The reasons for the formation of traffic jams in the ear

The reasons for the formation of sulfur plugs in the ears can be very different

Sulfur plugs in the ears can form for the following reasons:

  • A lot of sulfur in the ears is formed
  • Sulving sulfur due to a bad exit her outside
  • Diligent cleaning of sulfur every day with ear sticks, respectively, sulfur for its direct purpose - the protection of the auditory passage is not enough, and its production increases
  • Various skin diseases
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ears

The accumulation of sulfur in the auricle can be:

  • Because of the narrow passage
  • Due to pushing deep into the sulfur wands, when cleaning the auricle
  • Foreign object in the ear
  • High dust content in the air
  • Because of the hearing aid
  • Due to wearing small headphones that are inserted inside the ears

Symptoms of traffic jams in adults and children

The main symptom of sulfur plug in the ear is hearing loss

A symptom of sulfur plug in the ears is hearing loss In the ear where the cork was formed. If even the whole ear is filled with gray, but there is a small clearance to the eardrum, then this will not appear in any way.

Most often, a person learns that he has traffic jams in the earsor in one ear, after swimmingWhen water falls into the ears and sulfur swells. This is manifested by such symptoms:

  • There is noise in the ears
  • Ear congestion
  • In your ears or in one ear you hear your own voice

If the cork is located near the eardrum and can touch it, then such symptoms may appear:

  • Headache
  • The state of nausea
  • The head is spinning
  • Sometimes a cough
  • Heart disorders

The sulfur cork is first loose, and then if it is not removed from the ear, it is compacted and becoming rocky.

Is there pain in the ear with sulfur traffic jam?

Sulfur plugs in the ears can not give themselves anything for a long time

Sulfur plugsaccumulated in the auditory channel, they may not give themselves out for a long timeuntil the entire auditory canal closes. When the entire space of the ear canal is closed, and there will be no passage to the eardrum, then they may appear such symptoms:

  • Ear congestion
  • Temporary congestion of one ear during chewing
  • Own voice is given in the ears
  • Pain in the head

How to break through a cork in your ears at home? How to get a sulfur plug from the ear?

It is not desirable to break through sulfur plugs in the ears of the house, you need to contact the clinic
  • If the cork is dark brown, and dense in consistency, then it can not be tried to remove it at home, so you can damage the drum membrane. Be sure to consult a doctor.
  • You can remove the cork at home if it is still loose. You can use it special ear drops: a-tserumen, hydrogen peroxide.
  • Before burying drops in the ear, they need to be heated to body temperature, drip into the ear and lie down for 3-5 minutes, then roll over to the other side, and the dissolved sulfur will flow out.
  • But if the cork dense dissolve it at home is obtained only in 25% of cases. To cleanse the ear from sulfur, the further use of drops is impractical, you need to contact the clinic to wash the ear.
  • At home, you can try and thermal method. To lie with your ear where there is a sulfur plug on a warm heating pad, and so to lie down for half an hour. Sure will become softer and will come out herself if she has not yet been very tamped.

How to remove the sulfur plug from the ear with peroxide?

At home you can dissolve sulfur plugs in the ears with hydrogen peroxide

Removal of sulfur plugs using hydrogen peroxide - This is a fairly simple way to escape from this unpleasant situation.

How it's done?

  • You need to lie on your side and in a sore ear drink 5 drops 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Immediately begin to foam in the ear and hissing occurs - this is dissolved by sulfur.
  • So lie for 10-15 minutes, and then roll over on the other side, wipe the liquid on the outer side of the ear with cotton wool.
  • You can’t put cotton swabs inside your ear, so you will advance sulfur even further and you can break the eardrum.
  • We do this procedure 2 times a day all week until it dissolves, and the whole cork will come out.

Drops for removing sulfur plugs from the ear

Drops for removing sulfur plugs in the ears

If the child has sulfur plugs, and he is restless, then the doctor may prescribe drops in sore ears that dissolve the corks. Most often, A-tserumen is used.

It is very simple to use it: lying on the side, instilate the product 2 times a day for 3-5 days. After the drug has been dripped, you need to lie down without moving for 2 minutes or more, and then roll over so that the medicine and the dissolved sulfur flow out.

But the drug for dissolving sulfur can not be used.

Contraindications for use:

  • Damaged drum membrane
  • After surgical interventions in the ear
  • Children less than 2 and a half years old
  • Allergy to this medicine

Washing sulfur plugs in the ears

Sulfur plugs in the ears can be removed by washing

To get sulfuric slices from the ears, most often used washing. But this procedure must be done in a medical institution. It doesn't hurt at all.

How it's done?

The washing can be done, and if it is not, then other doctors can cope with this procedure.

  • The patient sits on a chair and turns his ear, in which the cork, to the doctor.
  • The shoulder is covered with adhesive. A small tray that holds the patient himself is substituted under the ear.
  • The medical worker loads into a large syringe (100 ml) without a needle, warm water and carefully releases into a sore ear. The non -water stream of water (does not hurt the eardrum) is sent to the auditory canal.
  • The water along with the sulfur comes out, and pours into the tray.

If the traffic jam is old and compacted, then the procedure will have to be repeated several times.

  • BUT if after repeating the procedure 3-4 times, the cork did not come out, then the doctor prescribes for several days to dig up the drops in the ears.
  • Most often it is hydrogen peroxide or drops prepared on the basis of baking soda and glycerol. These drugs are buried 2-3 drops several times during the day, for several days in a row. And then re -washing of the ear is already prescribed.
  • When the cork is removed, the doctor examines the patient's ear.
  • If the patient is contraindicated, then an otolaryngologist can try get a sulfur plug with a special hook.

Note. If, after instillation of drops in the ears, the hearing worsened - this is normal, the sulfur swelled even more and closed the entire channel. After breeding the cork, the ear will be restored.

You can get sulfur plugs from the ears in several ways: washing, drops that destroy traffic jams, and it is not advisable to experiment at home, it is better to consult a doctor.

Video: Sulfuric traffic jam in the ear - symptoms, treatment

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Comments K. article

  1. i had a sulfur plug in my right ear

  2. i had a yellow sulfur plug

  3. the ENT told us that there are no cotton sticks for cleaning the ears, moisten with peach oil before bathing and plug ears so that the water would not fall. For a long time there were no traffic jams with these precautions, not so long ago formed again (they lost vigilance)), cleaned with drops stubborn, again on the advice of Laura.

  4. In no case do not use cotton sticks !!! Even with limiters! From a sulfur plug - drops stoop, and they can be used as hygiene.

  5. laura removed the traffic jam to his son, it was not at all difficult, you can try it independently with pharmacy products.

  6. I also cleaned the traffic stopotitis and now I’m cleaning my ears.

  7. Punch?!)))) Such a name, and so I got rid of drops from a sulfur plug.

  8. how many people are used in drops) now it is clear that when they say that they have no analogues - this is true. I had a sulfur plug. I used drops stoop. Traffic jams, as it happened.

  9. i bought phytosworth and drops. Drops liked the more (stoop) and the candles are already very similar smell when you set them on fire

  10. I also recently had a pressing pain in my ear, I had a cork, so the doctor prescribed me a drop of otinum first to drip, helped very well, the cork came out.

  11. I have problems with my ears from childhood. I remember a little to the lifting immediately on the ears there is a reaction, they begin to hurt. True, I don’t remember what my mother treated me. Now he already has a family. And if the ears begin to get sick, or lay them, then I immediately see a doctor. So the last time the doctor prescribed me drops of Otinum. So these drops are well inflammation and pain relieves. Plus, swelling goes away. The course that the doctor prescribed to me, though all the symptoms have left me much earlier.

  12. The drops of the drops came up to me, I was ill with my heart not so long ago, I was a runny nose and always laid my ears .. They helped me.

  13. I look at a lot who uses drops stoop, which means really good drops! We must take it into service!

  14. They helped me Klinovak drops to drop a traffic jam. Just apply, good price

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