Annual dahlias - what are these flowers and how are they grown? How to sow annual dahlias for seedlings: sowing, diving, landing in the ground, favorable days. The best varieties of annual dahlias with photo and description: List, photo on the garden

Annual dahlias - what are these flowers and how are they grown? How to sow annual dahlias for seedlings: sowing, diving, landing in the ground, favorable days. The best varieties of annual dahlias with photo and description: List, photo on the garden

In this article, we will talk about how to properly plant annual dahlias and take care of them.

Georgins are considered very beautiful and bright colors of the Astrov family. In total, there are more than a thousand varieties. Annual flowers differ in that they do not have to dig in the winter so that they do not freeze. It’s easier to breed them from this. To make flowering faster, gardeners grow these flowers through seedlings. Let's find out with you how to plant these colors and how to care for them.

Annual dahlias - what are these flowers and how are they grown?

Annual dahlias
Annual dahlias

Annual dahlias are such colors that love warmth very much. When growing them, it is important to consider the climate in the region. So, in the Urals, in the suburbs and Siberia, annual flowers are mainly grown. This is due to the fact that there are cold winters and plants will simply not move them.

By the way, the dahlias should be planted in such a site where there are the least winds. This is especially true for the above regions, because there, in addition to winter, there are also cold winds. From this flowers freeze and die.

They plant dahliage in different ways. You can plant the seeds immediately in the ground in warm weather, or you can first plant seedlings in the spring and only then transfer it to the ground. As a rule, seedlings are usually planted by those regions where spring is cold and protracted. At the same time, plants begin to bloom a few weeks earlier.

The sowing of the Georgins of the annuals for seedlings - favorable days: landing time

If you decide to plant annual dahlias, then think in advance about planting material. If you first plant these flowers, then you should take care of the blanks since autumn. When the terms of landing are already suitable, keep in mind that you need to do this on favorable days.

As you know, the moon is an excellent landmark for planting, especially since it greatly affects plants. More and more flower growers pay attention to the lunar calendars, as they are able to suggest when and what works to do.

So, in 2020, the following days are favorable:

Favorable days
Favorable days

As we have already said, the features of the zone strongly affect the planting of flowers. It is important to understand that even within the boundaries of one city, the Earth warms up unevenly. For example, lowlands are thawed from snow longer. In this case, you can navigate in warm weather, when frosts will stop. In particular, the temperature should not cross the threshold into zero degrees.

In the suburbs and the middle lane, landing is usually carried out in the middle or end of the month. Well, if winter has come early, then the procedure can be performed at the beginning. Just keep in mind that most likely at this time there will be night frosts, so it is recommended to take care of the covering material. This will save plants.

In the Ural and Siberian territory, the climate is more severe and summer comes later. Here, dahlias in the front garden can be planted only in the second decade of June. During this period, the temperature already reaches 15 degrees of heat and flowers can develop calmly. Most often, gardeners practice the seedling method. Then already stronger tubers can be transferred under the sun.

In hot areas, you should not tighten the transplant so much, because the earth is quickly warming and dries, and therefore already in April flowers can be sent to the beds.

The best varieties of annual dahlias with photo and description: List

Annual dahlias differ in their structure and even the shape of a flower. To date, 12 classes of these colors are distinguished. However, new classes begin to appear over time, since gardeners are actively trying to withdraw new varieties. We will talk about the most popular varieties that are grown most often.


Simple dahlias
Simple dahlias

Such flowers have only one number of petals with a diameter of 10 centimeters. The bush grows about 45-60 cm. The flowers can be pink, yellow and orange-red.


Anemone dahlias
Anemone dahlias

His edge petals can grow in one or more rows. In diameter, they also usually grow no more than 10 cm. However, the bushes are already more in height, about 60-90 cm. The main colors are lilac-yellow, bronze and red.


Boar dahlias
Boar dahlias

In size, the flowers do not differ, and the height of the bush reaches 75-120 cm. The petals have one outer external row, and another grows at the top. The latter usually twisted and short. At the same time, they differ in color. Mostly there are golden, creamy-red and creamy yellowish colors.


Pionovid dahlias
Pionovid dahlias

They have more flowers. They reach about 12-15 cm in diameter. Along the edges of the petals are usually located in two or more rows. The shrub grows to 75-120 cm in height. The main colors are Puntsov-red and purple.


Decorative dahlias
Decorative dahlias

Flowers feel like terry. They have a large scatter of the flower size quite large. It can grow from 8 to 25 cm. The height of the bush does not exceed 60 cm. It is mainly found in orange, yellow or purple colors.


Sherrovid dahlias
Sherrovid dahlias

They have a round shape and slightly flattened. Their diameter can reach up to 8-15 cm. The bush reaches in size 90-120 cm. Among the colors there are peach-red, reddish and yellow.


Pomponal dahlias
Pomponal dahlias

These flowers are small. They grow from five centimeters or more. The petals along the edges are rounded or with a blunt end. They grow up to 90-120 cm. Lavender, light purple, as well as pinkish ones are often found from colors.


Cactus dahlias
Cactus dahlias

Terry flowers can grow to 8-25 cm and even more, and the bush is stretched high up to 90-150 cm. They look very beautiful in red, pink and yellow colors.

Semi -kaktus

Semi -kaktus dahlias
Semi -kaktus dahlias

Flowers in size also reach 8-25 cm, and bushes are 90-150 cm high. At the edges, the petals are folded from the middle to the ends. The smallest flowers are usually found in a yellow color, slightly more grow white, medium - orange, and the largest also have yellow.


Nymphaeum dahlias
Nymphaeum dahlias

In their appearance, flowers are somewhat reminiscent of water lines. They are distinguished by the right form and fell in love with gardeners for their grace. In diameter, flowers can reach 7-20 cm, and in a height of 70-130 cm. The main coloring is light pink, pure white and purple.

By the way, mixed varieties are also found. They combine in themselves those that we described above. They differ in different sizes, as well as a wide color scheme.

Do I need to soak the seeds of annual dahlias?

Many are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to soak the seeds of annual dahlias before landing. In fact, yes, it is better to do it. Then the flowers will grow faster and show excellent growth. Although, some argue that when planting seeds immediately on the garden, this can not be done. The most important thing is to properly prepare land for these purposes.

How to sow annual dahlias for seedlings?

To begin with, let's figure out how annual dahlias to plant on seedlings. First of all, you need to choose a container. Even simple plastic containers are suitable. They must make holes so that excess water comes out. Put the drainage on the bottom and fill in the ground. Dahlias prefer light soil and nutritious. So it is desirable to add a baking powder to the ground.

So, the procedure for planting the seedlings of dahlias is as follows:

  • First, check if the days are favorable for landing. This can be done using the lunar calendar. If the day is favorable, then feel free to prepare for landing
  • Soak the seeds for the night. To do this, a solution of aloe juice and water is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 2. When everything is ready, place the seeds there. Do not put just seeds, wrap them in gauze
  • The next day, moisturize the soil in containers. Just watering is not suitable, spray the earth with a pulverizer
  • Then sprinkle the seeds evenly on the ground and sprinkle slightly on top. The layer can be made at 1.5-2 cm
  • Cover the finished pots with a film or glass. This will create a greenhouse effect for seed growth. Place the containers in a warm and sunny place. The temperature should be 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees
  • Containers are important to ventilate, that is, you can not keep them closed constantly. It is enough to do this for 15 minutes. Be sure to remove all the accumulative condensate
  • As soon as the first shoots appear, the film can be removed, but only do this not immediately, but gradually. Start with half an hour a day, then increase to two hours. Subsequently, it can be removed completely
  • Direct watering for seeds is not required now, it is enough to spray them with a pulverizer. Well, when they already grow up, you can water under the root. Just keep in mind that water should not fall on the aboveground part of the plants
  • Please note that plants require 12-14 hours of daylight hours. So, if required, then turn on the phytolamps

It is important to know that before planting in the ground, seedlings must be hardened. To do this, it must be taken out daily into fresh air. Also, not for the whole day immediately, but gradually, starting from 20 minutes.

Picking of annual dahlias - how to conduct: step -by -step instructions

Diving dahlias
Diving dahlias

When annual dahlias are sown in the usual way, after the appearance of two or three leaves, you can plant them into separate pots. This is done so that from a lack of light the plants do not quickly reach up. Of course, plant growth is good, but in this case, the stems will turn out to be very thin, and the seedlings are weak. At the same time, she will die quickly.

Diving dahlia is carried out in the following way:

  • To get started, take a suitable container. You can use the same plastic cups
  • Place the same soil that you used for crops in them. This is necessary so that the plant does not have much stress after transplantation
  • A couple of hours before you dive plants, pour the soil on ready -made plants so that it becomes soft and it is easier to get seedlings
  • After that, remove the seedlings carefully. The main thing is to be neat so as not to harm the roots. There is no need to drop the soil from them
  • In the center of the glass, make a recess and place a seeder there
  • Sprinkle the holes from above and press the ground
  • In conclusion, pour the seedlings

When you make a dive, choose the most powerful specimens for transplantation. They must have a thick and strong stem. Well, all thin and weak, should be rejected. They may not take root not only after diving, but even when they get into open ground.

When to plant the seedlings of annual dahlias in the ground?

Annual dahlias are planted in the ground only when there are favorable conditions for this. In particular, you need to take into account the weather and phase of the moon. In the same period, flowers are planted, which are immediately placed in the ground. They will bloom a little later and not so abundantly.

So, transplanting to the ground is carried out as follows:

  • To begin with, prepare a site for transplantation. You need the earth to be loose. In addition, it must be fertilized with compost or rotted manure. Dig the ground and bring gradually loosening components
  • When the earth is already ready, start making rows and holes. Between them, keep a distance of 20-30 cm. In this case, they can be larger or smaller. It all depends on what specific bushes you have chosen
  • Pour the seedlings in containers so that it is well extracted. Plants are removed with the ground, that is, it is not removed from the roots, and with it it is transplanted
  • Place the plant in the hole and slightly compact it
  • In conclusion, pour the soil and mulch it. You can use sawdust, peat or other material for these purposes

Now your plants are in the ground and it is important to properly care for them. In other words, if you want to get good plants with bright and strong buds, you should provide them with proper care.

How to care for annual dahlias: top dressing

Top dressing Georginov
Top dressing Georginov

The need to feed annual dahlias is determined by the type of soil in which they are. If the soil is fertile and it is regularly flavored with organicism, then it needs to feed less.

Fertilizer of plots with planted dahlias is carried out in three ways:

  • During the soil plowing before planting
  • Directly during planting fertilizers are added to the holes
  • In addition, foliar or root top dressing is carried out

If fertilizers are selected incorrectly, then they may not have any effect and this is at best. The worst plant will be harmful. So it is recommended to take soil samples for chemical analysis within 2-3 years.

In the autumn, organic top dressing is usually used for digging. For example, compost. It will be especially effective if he has not managed to decompose before the end. Already in the spring, wood ash and a restrained peat are introduced.

Do not use chemicals as a fertilizer. The fact is that the dahlias do not take the necessary substances from them, and these fertilizers themselves are quickly washed out of the soil. These are various types of nitrate, potassium salt, carbamine or potassium chloride.

Immediately before planting, the earth is not fertilized if it is fertile. In the landing pits themselves, bringing top dressing is just required. For this, humus is used. It is mixed with wood ash or stove soot. On one bucket of compost, it is enough to use 3-4 tablespoons of ash. One hole requires a quarter of a bucket.

During the active growth of dahlias, organo-mineral fertilizers are used. They are introduced about once every two weeks. For this purpose, cow manure or chicken droppings is great. So, a liter of manure or half a liter of chicken droppings is diluted for 10 liters of water. At the same time, potassium (15 g) or ammonia (10 g) nitrate, superphosphate (15-20 g) and potassium sulfate (10-15 g) are added there. One bucket is enough for 4-5 plants.

It is recommended to make such top dressing until mid -July, and then they change to others. In particular, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. When the second half of August is already passing, it is recommended to give preference to phosphorus fertilizers.

Pinching of annual dahlias: step -by -step instructions

Pinching the dahlias
Pinching the dahlias

Most gardeners carry out such a procedure as pinching. Beginning gardeners always have a question - annual dahlias need to pinch and why do this at all? This operation, as a rule, is required for flowers, but only for medium -sized and tall, and all types. But for dwarfs this procedure is not required.

Among the advantages, the pinching is distinguished that the plant allows the plant more neat in appearance, and the size of the flowers is more. In addition, Georgin’s energy will thus remain to create a good and strong tuber.

Pinching of flowers is carried out some time after the shoots appear and eight real leaves grow. The top of the flower is removed using sharp scissors or a pride. As a result, the bush gets a beautiful and magnificent shape. Budons also appear on the side shoots, which means the plant becomes more magnificent.

When the gardener works with annual crops, he needs to make sure that the power of Georgin is aimed precisely at flowering. So carefully examine the bushes and find places where there are too many foliage. It must be removed so that the landings are better ventilated. No need to be greedy and leave many shoots. If the bush is too thick, then it can get a fungus or begin to rot.

After how many days do the seeds of annual dahlias have?

As we have already said, annual dahlias, being in containers, love a lot of light and warmth. As a rule, if a temperature of 25 degrees is created in the room, then plants quickly give seedlings. This usually takes 5-6 days for this. It is important not to forget about ventilation of containers every day, so as not to spoil the plants.

Why are the leaves twisting in the seedlings of annual dahlias?

The leaves of the dahlias are twisted
The leaves of the dahlias are twisted

Sometimes gardeners have to observe how annual dahlias begin to tighten the leaves and, as a result, all efforts are in vain. Of course, in this case, the flower will not delight with beauty. In this case, it is important to understand the causes of this phenomenon and try to eliminate them so that the flowers are still beautiful.

So, the reasons why the leaves are twisted are the following:

  • The plant is not enough nutrients and minerals
  • Pests of pests, in particular, aphids
  • The flower fell ill with brown spotting
  • The air is too dry or too frequent watering runs the plant

Perhaps your dahlias simply do not have enough useful substances. In this case, add special substances during watering, and soap water helps to fight aphids. 1%Bordial fluid helps to get rid of brown spotting.

Annual dahlias - can tubers be stored?

It is not difficult to breed annual dahlias, but it is important to do it right. So, by autumn they increase neat tubers. They can be dug up and sent for storage. Keep in mind that the seeds should not be preserved, because they may not bloom in the end. This is due to the fact that in Georgin flowering is not transmitted in this way.

To save the rhizome of the desired plant, some skills are required, because annuals are much more difficult to save. The fact is that their corms are very small. This is precisely the complexity, because they waste their moisture much faster. So it is important to choose this way of storage so that planting materials feel well.

So, when digging corms, they are divided into four groups and stored in one of the most suitable methods. In this case, it is important to take into account the temperature of the air, humidity and humidity.

As for the storage location, it will have to choose experimentation methods. Combining places and methods, you will sit the most optimal option. By the way, it is precisely why it is recommended to divide the tubers into several groups in order to find the right method in just one winter.

Is it possible to make annual dahlias to many years?

Many are interested in whether annual dahlia can be made by perennials. In general, of course, these plants do not like a cold winter, and they cannot survive it on their own. So before the onset of heat will have to create appropriate conditions. If you manage to save the tubers until the next spring, then they will definitely become many years old. However, this will require considerable desire, as well as a place to store these same tubers.

Video: annual dahlias - growing from seeds. Impressive annual for a flowerbed

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