Cannes flowers: growing and leaving in the garden with tubers and from seeds. How to buy seeds of Cannes on Aliexpress: Cathologist, price, photo

Cannes flowers: growing and leaving in the garden with tubers and from seeds. How to buy seeds of Cannes on Aliexpress: Cathologist, price, photo

Cannes can become a real decoration of your garden. These bright, original and very beautiful flowers will attract attention at first sight. According to legend, these flowers grew up on the site of a fire, in which the Indian leader burned the "world" and proclaimed the beginning of the war. Bright red Cannes symbolized the fire of the fire. And they received their name from the word "pipe" in Latin.

These unique flowers grow around the world grow. Especially a lot of Cannes in India, China, South and Central America. Florists value these flowers not only for their bright inflorescences, but also for the decorative color of the leaves. In your garden you can plant Cannes with dark purple, purple, dark green and red-bronze shades of leaves.

Cannes flowers: varieties, names, photo

This plant has a rich variety diversity. Today there are over 1000 Cannes. They differ from each other with the color of inflorescences, a shade of leaves, the size of flowers and the height of the plant. Russian flower growers use several Cannes groups in their gardens:

  • Crosie. Cannes, which in their appearance are similar to gladioli. They have blue inflorescences and leaves with a purple tint. In the height of the Cannes Crozy reaches 1.5 meters. Popular varieties "America", "The president" and "Livadia".
Cannes President
The president
  • Large Cannes. This group includes flowers that can reach a height of up to three meters. They have large leaves with a greenish-violet tint. The inflorescences of these Cannes, as a rule, are small. The most famous variety Durban.
Cannes Durban
  • Orchid Cannes. The name of this group is given for similarity with orchids. They can reach a height of 2 meters. Leaves can have a green or purple hue. Popular varieties "Richard Wallas", "Sudy" and "Pfitzer".
Richard Wallas
Richard Wallas
  • Italian Cannes. The most popular type of these colors in domestic flower growers. They have small and even miniature sizes. They reach a height from 50 cm to 1 meter. The inflorescences of the Italian Cannes are large. Thanks to this, as well as a very bright color, they have a very attractive appearance.
Italian Cannes
Italian Cannes

Water Cannes. The type of flowers that was bred by breeders for decorating reservoirs. Inflorescences are characterized by a bright color. Varieties of water Cannes were withdrawn from cannes Sizu.

Water Cannes
Water Cannes

Hybrids of this flower are suitable for home floriculture: "Lenape" and "Constitution". Also today they become popular variegated Cannes. The main representative of which is the variety "Tropicana". This plant has a very unusual color of leaves with orange and red veins. You can use both in container landscaping and plant in open ground. This type of Cannes is perfectly combined with water lilies and other aquatic plants.

Cannes Tropican

For those flower growers who only get acquainted with Cannes, it is best to pay attention to such unpretentious varieties as "The president" or "Vyoming". Of the most beautiful varieties of Cannes, it is worth noting "Bengal tiger" and "Praetory".

Bengal tiger
Bengal tiger

How to buy seeds of Cannes on Aliexpress: Cathologist, price, photo

Cannes can be bought for Aliexpress. If you have not made purchases on this site yet, then read our article About how to do it. Or use it memo This Chinese Internet basar.

Cannes catalog is this link. In the Seed Story store you can buy seeds very beautiful red Cannes. This is not a very high flowering plant will decorate even the smallest personal plot.

Red Cannes
Red Cannes

If you are looking for seeds of yellow Indian Cannes, then pay attention to the offer of the Treasuremountain Garden Store store. This Cannes Saka Siri With variegated petals will surely attract the attention of visitors to your garden.

Planting Cannes
Planting Cannes

You can also decorate the garden using this scarlet Cannes. Its main difference is an interesting purple shade of leaves.

And for home floriculture, you can choose this white Cannes. It can also be used for container landscaping of the garden.

White Cannes
White Cannes

Reproduction of Cannes flowers with seeds and tubers

  • Cannes propagate in two ways: seeds and division of the rhizome. Most often, the second method is used for this purpose. Since reproduction by seeds does not always allow you to grow a plant with varietal signs.
  • Cannes seeds differ in a very solid shell. Therefore, before planting the seeds, they need to be made available for germination. To do this, the seeds are poured with boiling water and withstand hot water for four hours. You can also simply pour the seeds in a saucer and put on the battery. In this form, they need to be kept for 12 hours.
  • A good effect can be achieved if you hold Cannes seeds in the freezer for 1.5 hours.
  • Then they plant the seedlings of these colors in a traditional way.
  • If you decide to get a beautiful flowering plant in the first season, then it is best to propagate Cannes by dividing the rhizome. This is done in March. To do this, a healthy tuber of this plant must be divided into two parts. Moreover, in each of these parts there should be one strong kidney or several weak.
  • The cut place is poured with coal and dried to the room in the substrate.
  • Defend Delens with wet sand. To do this, it is poured into the boxes and watered abundantly. Half of tubers is located so that the kidney is in the upper position. Then they are sprinkled with sand and left in the room at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees.
  • Periodically, the sand in the boxes must be moistened with a spray gun. In this case, water should be used only at room temperature. To accelerate the germination of the run of the tuber, you can use the lower heating boxes.
  • When 2-3 leaves appear on the Delemen, they need to be planted on separate pots and transferred to a room with a temperature of 16 degrees.
  • To prevent the development of Cannes diseases, you need to spray with a weak solution of potassium permanganate 2-3 times a month before planting in open ground.

When to plant tubers and seedlings of Cannes in spring?

They plant Cannes propagated in this way, in mid -May. At the same time, a month before the landing of colors, you need to prepare the soil. To do this, this flower is added to the places of landing, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers.

The seedlings are planted in deep holes (0.5 meters). Between which it should be about 60 cm. In each hole you need to add 1 cm of manure. Which on top must be sprinkled with earth (25 cm). The rhizome of Cannes deepens into the ground to a depth of 7 cm.

Cannas tubers
Cannas tubers

When to plant seeds of Cannes flowers for seedlings in the spring?

The seeds of these flowers are planted in seedlings in late February. To do this, prepare a light substrate and contains containers with seeds in a shaded place at a temperature of 23 degrees. With proper planting of seed seeds, the protrusion can be achieved after 25-27 days.

When the seedlings have 4 real leaf seeds should be planted in separate pots and placed in where the temperature does not rise above 16 degrees. So future flowers can begin to be prepared for open ground.

With this method of planting Cannes, some flowers can form beautiful and bright inflorescences this year. But, most often flowering occurs only next year.

Cannes flower care that Cannes love?

  • Cannes are perennial plants that cannot survive the Russian winter while in the Earth. Therefore, it is important to dig them in the winter and leave them in a place comfortable for this plant. In all other respects, Cannes are not demanding and caring for them is not very complicated.
  • If you want your flowers to bloom, be sure to pay attention to watering this plant. The earth under them should always be somewhat moist. Of course, it is unnecessary to arrange a swamp. This can lead to rotting of the tuber. In order for moisture not evaporated, it is necessary to mulch the soil around Cannes.
  • As well as high humidity, oxygen is extremely necessary. To saturate the soil, flowers must be periodically weed and loosen around them.
  • This plant must be fed two to three times a season. Cannes need phosphorus fertilizers. Feeding based on nitrogen fertilizers can be made less. These flowers are responsive to foliar top dressing. Mineral fertilizers can be applied by spraying leaves with a solution of complex fertilizers, which are sold in any horticultural store.
  • If you are not a fan of chemistry, then replace store fertilizers with chicken or dung slurry. But, at the same time, you need to understand that you will not succeed in completely replacing the balanced mineral fertilizers that are specially designed for flowering plants. As mentioned above, Cannes are needed mainly by phosphorus, while the rest of the minerals can “take” these plants even from the poorest soil.
  • Cannes are resistant to most plant diseases and therefore are rarely infected. A great danger to this plant is the rotten roots due to excessive watering. High humidity can lead to the defeat of the buds of this flower. It is possible to fix the situation only by removing and burning the affected colors.
  • Sometimes the leaves of this plant can be infected with a rust. In this case, they are covered with spots, characteristic coloring. You can get rid of this problem by spraying the leaves with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • If black dots appear on the Cannes buds, then this signals the defeat with a variegated virus. There is no treatment of this disease. The affected parts of the plant must be removed and burned.
  • If the Cannes attacked the caterpillars, then the flowers must be sprayed with special insecticides.

Digging of the cannon flower tubers and storage in winter

With the approximation of autumn, watering Cannes must be gradually reduced. Before the first frosts will begin in your region, you need to spill flowers. This is done in order to protect the root neck from frosts. A freezed root neck will not be able to survive the winter.

Then you need to cut the leaves of the Cannes, and dig up the bushes. Try to dig out Cannes with a large lump of earth. So you can minimize the damage to the roots. When a lump dries the earth, you can carefully shake off the rhizome. Inspect the roots and remove brittle and rotten.

Cannas tubers
Cannas tubers

Ready to store the rhizomes must be put in boxes and filled with large sawdust or dry sand.

Important: you can store Cannes in a flower pot. To do this, when digging flowers from a coma, they do not shake the ground, but placed it in a roomy pot or container.

Store Cannes tubers in the winter in a room with a temperature of 7-10 degrees. At the same time, the room should be dry and well ventilated. If you have good ventilation in your basement, then you can store the rhizomes of Cannes there. The balcony is also suitable for this purpose. With the condition that it is insulated.

In order to avoid drying the roots, they must be periodically moistened. Also, it is periodically necessary to inspect the roots for the damage to rot or other problems.

If tubers are stored in the country, where you rarely come in winter, then you need to protect them from rodents. They, in the absence of other food, can satisfy their hunger with Cannes tubers.

Combination of Cannes flowers on a flowerbed with other colors

Cannes look great both in group compositions and in the form of solitory plants. In the flowerbed, these flowers are well combined with cochia, railing and petunia. In order to enhance the effect from this flower, it can be planted next to low -growing flowering plants: angles, velvets and cineria. The ideal location of Cannes in the flowerbed is its center.

For growing in containers, varieties of undersized Indian Cannes are ideal. With vertical landscaping in the suspended flowerpots, small Cannes with decorative or curly plants can be combined.

Cannes are very beautiful plants that will become a real find for your garden. They are suitable for most landscape compositions. And thanks to a large variety of diversity, you can combine these flowers with almost all popular plants that feel good in our climate.

Video. Cannes. Landing. Digging. Storage

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