Stevia: Growing and leaving at home from seeds. How to buy Stevia seeds in the Aliexpress online store and when to sow them for seedlings?

Stevia: Growing and leaving at home from seeds. How to buy Stevia seeds in the Aliexpress online store and when to sow them for seedlings?

The article will tell you about how to purchase Stevia seeds and correctly grow it at home, or in the ground.

How to buy Stevia seeds in the Aliexpress online store?

Stevia is a perennial plant with a number of useful properties and a pleasant sweet taste. It can be grown not only on the site, but also on the windowsill in the apartment. To do this, you need to buy seeds, the choice of which is in the online store Aliexpress.

What can you buy in Aliexpress:

Large selection of seeds and drugs with stevia

When to plant Stevia at home on the windowsill?

Stevia is propagated by seeds, but before you start it to grow it on your windowsill, you should know - only 7% of sowing rises. In order for the grass to grow well, you should comply with all the rules for maintenance of Stevia.

First of all, prepare the soil. The grass is suitable for light sandy but fertile soil. You can buy a ready -made soil collection in the store, or you can independently. To do this, they collect the ground from different parts of the garden and add sand.

It is important that the Earth has a neutral reaction, since the plant is not accepted in acidic soil. To plant seeds on the windowsill, you should choose a suitable container in advance, up to 5 liters deep.

IMPORTANT: If you do not plant seeds, but cuttings (seedlings), each sprout should be deepened into a separately dug hole.

If you grow stevia on the window, or on the balcony, you should choose the place where the most sun, but not direct rays. An excess of scorching sunlight for it can be addicted. It is also necessary to know that Stevia loves humid air very much and is poorly experiencing dry.

To cultivate sowing, the container is often delayed with polyethylene to form a kind of greenhouse. When the sprouts give leaves, this polyethylene should be periodically removed for several hours a day, increasing this period each time.

An adult stevia should be looked after in the same way as the rest of the domestic plants:

  • Loosen the earth
  • Water
  • Moisten from a spray gun

Important: the soil should be loosened extremely because the root system of Stevia is very delicate and it is easy to damage it. Know the fact that the roots are not located deep.

Stevia loves not only moisture, but also warm. The ideal temperature for her is 21-23 degrees, and humidity is 75-80%. If the conditions are a little worse, then the development of Stevia will be slow. Spraying is best done twice a day: morning and evening. Each decade of the plant should be fed with organic universal fertilizer.

If the soil is covered with a white coating, these are molds. Their presence is very unfavorable for Stevia. In this case, the soil should be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In order for the plant to grow in the sheet, every two months it should be pinned (i.e., shortened). Then the bush will be magnificent, and the leaf is large.

Growing stevia on the windowsill

How to sow stevia for seedlings?

Growing seedlings from Stevia's seeds should be correctly:

  • Take out Stevia seeds, those that are not empty for a while soaked in warm water and after that dried a little.
  • After drying, the seeds should be evenly distributed according to pre -prepared soil.

Important: it is categorically impossible to press the seeds into the ground, they should only be easily and gently scatter. It is advisable to cover the container with soil and seeds with glass or polyethylene. The first sprouts can be seen if all conditions are favorable, in a week.

Stevy's seedlings

Stevia's seedlings care at home

You can keep Stevia on the windowsill or loggia (glazed warm balcony) approximately until mid -October, depending on weather conditions. It is important that the air temperature is not below 10 degrees. Know also that at this time of the year Stevia cannot be allowed to bloom.

Important: if you planted the plant in the spring and observe it constantly sick, this is quite normal for Stevia, but it is bad if in August it did not stop hurting.

Seedlings should grow in wet land with a large content of sand. Cuttings will be able to feel good at home if they are sufficiently rooted. If you have a site, then planting in the ground should be planted around the end of May, or in early June.

How to care for seedlings:

  • Cover the plant at night if the room is cold or there is a threat of freezing.
  • Lower loosen the soil
  • Moisten the soil more
  • Moisten the foliage of the plant
  • Do not allow drying the tops of Stevia and the sinuses, from where the leaves grow.
  • You should not moisturize the soil too much so that the seedlings do not rot.
  • Feed the plant once every two weeks (use mineral fertilizer, universal).
  • Seedlings should not be higher than 75-80 cm, if growth is growing-cut off the top.

Important: you can tear off and use stevia leaves in your needs already when the plant reaches more than 30 cm tall.

Home cultivation of Stevia

Stevia: Growing in open ground

How to plant seedlings in the ground:

  • Seeds should be planted from the pot very carefully so as not to damage the root system, along with the ground.
  • In the ground, recesses should be made in advance and plant seedlings in them.
  • Pour slightly seedlings in the ground and slightly pinch the ground.
  • Spray the plant from a spray gun
  • On top of the ground around the cuttings should be sprinkled with mulch, it will prevent stevia's roots from drying out.
  • Each stalk should be planted far enough from each other (approximately 40 cm).
  • There should also be a distance of about 50 cm between the rows of cuttings.
Stevia in the ground

Stevia Diseases: Description and Treatment

It is interesting that Stevia is a unique plant that is very rarely subjected to pests damage it. Most often, stevia suffers from the “black leg”, which appears in young cuttings. This can only be avoided by completely adjusting the watering and lighting mode.

Important: before planting cuttings in the ground, it is advisable to shed the soil with a weak solution of march - this will eliminate the fungus. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can also use prevour.

Video: "Stevia - cultivation and landing"

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