The best autumn flowers are annuals and perennials: names, photos, brief description

The best autumn flowers are annuals and perennials: names, photos, brief description

An elegant flowerbed can be maintained not only in the summer, but also in the fall. Properly planted autumn flowers effectively mask waging summer plants and emphasize color foliage on the trees.

In September, summer flowers continue to bloom, in October, tall plants are more resistant to cool days, individual varieties retain their aroma in November. Beautiful autumn flowers delight with their diversity and riot of colors. When combining varieties, it is important to take into account the height of the plant, color scheme and environmental requirements.

Autumn annual flowers: name, description, photo

  • Dorotheantus -an annual garden plant with fleshy creeping stems. With a thick landing, it forms a dense carpet in the bare areas of the Earth, for example, between vineyards. Autumn flowers resemble chamomiles. The petals are painted in yellow, red and white.
Colorful flowers
Colorful flowers
  • Flotons remain active from mid -summer until the end of autumn. Every two days, flowering is updated. A moisture -loving plant can thicken rounded leaves after abundant watering.
  • Ageratum - An annual herbaceous plant with inflorescences in the form of fluffy balls. Flowers with honey aroma are painted in blue, purple and cream color. Large thick foliage with gear edging is used by gardeners to fill empty areas.
A wonderful flower for the design of a flower bed in the fall
A wonderful flower for the design of a flower bed in the fall
  • The plant blooms in early summer and retains flowering to the last warm autumn day. In flower beds, it is planted in the foreground. Perfects perfectly complemented by marigolds, calendula and other brightly blooming plants.
  • Snapdragon -a semicircle of a pyramidal shape with spicy inflorescences. From below, over the stem, elongated leaves of various lengths are placed. The height of the stem of the autumn flower reaches 1 meter.
Lion Zev, photo
Lion Zev, photo
  • Fragrant flowers have a two -way shape, which resembles a lion or dog pharynx. There are both plain and tricolor colors. Among traditional colors - white, yellow and pink. Lion Zev begins to bloom in the summer and ends in late autumn. The ripened seeds sprout on their own for several years.
  • Dahlias -a shade -tolerant plant with large flowers. The inflorescence of dahlias is a basket with a combination of tubular and flat petals. Shoots can be either stunted or more than a meter. The dahlias bloom in the fall and this the best autumn flowers For group compositions in the garden.
Autumn dahlias, photo
Autumn dahlias, photo
  • Autumn dahlias do not tolerate frosts. For lush flowering, it is necessary to remove wilted buds and thin out green. The dahlias do not like droughts, but with a large amount of water, tubers begin to rot. With the onset of the first cold weather, the plant is dug up.
  • Montbreign -a photophilous plant for the summer-autumn period resembling gladioli. Dark green leaves have an elongated shape. The flowers are located on long flexible branches. The color is yellow, orange, red. For prolonged flowering, warm autumn and sunny side are needed.
Autumn flower
Autumn flower
  • Montbreign’s bulb throws several children every year, which bloom in the next season. The flower is ideally combined with lilyniki.
  • Kobeya -a one -year shrub with curly stems. Kobea begins to bloom at the end of summer and finishes with the first frosts. Large purple flowers have a protruding stamens and the shape of a bell. They publish a sweet honey aroma. After autumn flowering, the fruit ripens in the form of a leathery box with flat seeds inside.
With honey aroma
With a honey aroma
  • Autumn nasturtium -herbal -year -old plant with juicy branchy stems. The leaves are large shovel and quite fragile. Single flowers are decorated in red, orange and yellow.
Bright sun on your site
Bright sun on your site
  • A pleasant aroma and bright autumn nasturtium colors attract many insects. The stems of nasturtium leads in the number of vitamin C. Nasturia flowers have healing properties. Abundant flowering begins at the end of June and ends with the first frosts. After flowering, the shoots are completely removed from the soil.
  • Mirabilis - Annial with bright tubular colors. The peculiarity of aromatic flowers is that they bloom in the evening. In daylight, the main decoration of the autumn garden is rich green foliage. The erect stems of the bush reach 1 m. The night autumn beauty retains flowering until the first frosts. In the place of each flower ripens large single -seeded box.
A mixture of bright autumn colors
A mixture of bright autumn colors
  • Viola- Annual frost -resistant plant. Repeated flowering of the summer-autumn flower begins in late August and lasts until the first frosts. Large inflorescences fully bloom both in the sun and in the shade. In appearance beautiful autumn flowers They resemble violets. Thanks to its coloring, the flower received the second name Pansies. The height of the bush is not more than 30 cm.
  • Majors - unpretentious autumn annual flowers With straight stems. The correct shape of volumetric spherical flowers and a bright color scheme attract attention. Autumn flowers bloom until late autumn. The shooting height depends on the variety and can reach 2 m.
Bright majors
Bright majors
  • Majors are planted on the sunny side of the site and provide protection against drafts. Dried inflorescences must be removed, otherwise beautiful autumn flowers will lose their aesthetics. After flowering, the plant ripens in the plant - seeds with crests. Cutting majors stand in a vase for a very long time.

Autumn perennial flowers: photos and names

  • Rose - Autumn Queen Saves its flowering until the first frosts. Several hundred breeding species are bred, covering all kinds of shades. The flower is used for decorations of park zones and creating spectacular compositions in the garden. The rose is grown in greenhouses for the formation of bouquets.
Can't do in the garden without queen flowers
Can't do in the garden without queen flowers
  • The stems of the roses are covered with thorns. There are tall shrubs with straight stems and curly varieties with more abundant flowering. Budons consist of many fragrant petals. Large inflorescences do not leave indifferent a single gardener.
  • Velvetsy -a low -growing culture with large flowers, decorated with yellow, orange and red shades. Flowering begins in the middle of summer and persists until the first frosts. There are also annual and perennial.
Sunny autumn velvet
Sunny autumn velvet
  • Velvetsy traditionally plant along the curbs in park zones or complement them flower arrangements in flower beds. The flowers of marigolds resemble small cloves or chrysanthemums, at the base of which seeds ripen in an oblong box. The plant has a pronounced spicy smell, and the leaf plates make the aroma stronger than the flowers.
  • Verbena -an unpretentious perennial plant with a long flowering period. Low shoots reach 20 cm in height. Openwork foliage has a pawn location. Pink, white, lilac five -line flowers are collected by bundles.
Bright bundles
Bright bundles
  • Seedlings take root comfortably both in the sun and in the shade. With the timely removal of wilted flowers and timely watering, the beauty of the autumn plant remains until the first frosts.
  • Chrysanthemumsunpretentious autumn flowers With magnificent flowering. The flower hat with a continuous carpet covers the foliage of the plant. Depending on the variety, the height of the bush is drawn from 0.5 m to 1.5 m. The flowering of multi -colored stars begins from the end of summer and lasts until the end of autumn.
Symbol of autumn colors
Symbol of autumn colors
  • Autumn varieties with large terry flowers tolerate the first cold. Korean varieties with bright yellow, orange, pink, white, burgundy.
  • Asters - autumn flowers With a variety of colors. Flowers in the form of baskets and stars are decorated into shades of blue, pink, white, purple. The petals are tubular and reed. Flowers can be voluminous or with a pronounced middle like daughters.
Colorful asters
Colorful asters
  • Perennial autumn asters bloom in late August or mid -September. Frost -resistant varieties decorate the garden until the first snow falls out, while love sunlight. Among several dozen varieties of asters, both annual and perennials are found.
  • Golenium is a long -term autumn flower With a convex brown middle. Flat yellow petals are decorated with strokes of crimson and brick shade. The high glenium grows well in wet, fertile soil among multi -traverse. On strong high stems, elongated acute foliage grows along the entire length.
High -up plant
High -up plant
  • A highly growing unpretentious plant is planted in the background or along the hedge. A photophilous glenium can be planted in partial shade. Beautiful autumn flowers Ideally combined with Rudbekia, asters, verbena.
    Rudbekia - perennial autumn flowers With bright yellow and orange color. The flowers of the sun -loving plant resemble chamomile, but with a larger diameter and a terry middle. The shoots of the plant are straight with a rough coating, the leaves are narrow with an elongated shape.
Like a bright chamomile
Like a bright chamomile
  • Moil -loving autumn orebeckia Extended to 1.5 m in height and retains inflorescences to the first frosts. With the onset of the first cold weather, the flowers change their color. The flower is propagated by seeds ripening in the central part of the inflorescence.
  • Amarante -an annual plant with straight high stems. The flowers are collected in the inflorescences of a panicle with hanging ends. The main difference between the autumn flower is the burgundy color of flowers and the bright greens of the leaves, which later also becomes burgundy.
Amaranth, photo
Amaranth, photo
  • Thanks to its coloring, the autumn amaranth creates a unique contrast in the garden. The plant is used for medicinal purposes and added to cooking dishes. The plant multiplies with fruits and fakes ripening at the end of October.
  • Gladiolus -a long -term spectacular plant with a high arrow peduncle. Blooms until the end of the autumn period, after which the bulbs are dug out of the ground. Large flowers are located in a row and have many different shades. At the same time, up to 20 beautiful flowers on one arrow bloom.
Bright colors
Bright colors
  • Beautiful perennial autumn flowers do not bloom on a darkened area and are planted only in solitary order. Finding a photophilous plant in a circle of thick vegetation often provokes decay. The plant requires careful care.
  • Extraordinary -a bulbous autumn plant that blooms in the second half of autumn. The low -growing shrub throws delicate blue flowers with purple tint, diluting the autumn colors in the spirit of spring. Rare varieties bloom with yellow and white. The foliage is poorly developed and dies before flowering. Large flowers are pulled out of the soil. The petals have a delicate and sophisticated structure.
Delicate flowering
Delicate flowering
  • Beautiful autumn flowers Poisonous, so you need to contact them with caution. The flowers of the non -time can be confused with crocuses.

Field autumn flowers

Wild flowers bring unique colors and natural naturalness to the autumn gardens. Any landscape with the participation of wildflowers will become much more comfortable. Unpretentious plants bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also benefits thanks to their healing properties.

  • Sage - Perennial plant with erect stems. The foliage is covered with a fluff, has a narrow elongated shape and gear edges. The average plant height is about half a meter, individual varieties reach 1 meter.
Field sage in the garden
Field sage in the garden
  • Plant inflorescences are collected in pyramidal spikelets. Violet-blue elegant flowers have a different shape. Sage does not require special care, but it grows better in illuminated areas. In September, re -flowering of sage begins and lasts until late autumn.
  • Liatris - Perennial herb with lush flowering. The autumn flower is a straight stem dotted with needle foliage, resembling a twig of a pine tree. The upper half meters of the stems are dotted with purple, red, pink inflorescences.
A variety of colors
A variety of colors
  • Liatris flowering begins in the summer and ends in the fall. The buds are opened gradually in the direction from top to bottom. The plant is propagated by self-sowing, but flowering begins at 2-3 years of life.
Can be grown both in a pot and in open ground
Can be grown both in a pot and in open ground
  • Yarrow - An unpretentious autumn plant with prolonged flowering. Varietal plants reach a height of 50-80 cm. For a beautiful picture in the garden, yarrow is planted in small groups. The flower goes perfectly with sage and dolphinium.
Bright yarrow
Bright yarrow
  • Yellow-orange inflorescences harmoniously fit into the autumn landscape. The yarrow with white flowers looks very elegant. Dense shoots are resistant to external exposure and temperature difference. In dry autumn, additional watering of the plant is recommended.

Useful articles about the colors that we advise you to read:

Video: Garden flowers in September

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