“Revenge and generosity”: an essay for the exam, arguments, examples from literature. What is revenge, is it possible to justify it, why does revenge not help and destroy the soul?

“Revenge and generosity”: an essay for the exam, arguments, examples from literature. What is revenge, is it possible to justify it, why does revenge not help and destroy the soul?

In this article you will find several options for essays in the direction of "revenge and generosity."

The human soul is like a blossomed bud. In order for him to delight the world with his beauty for a long time, so that his petals do not rot and show off, it is necessary to carefully take care of him, cherish. Of course, do not allow everything bad that can accumulate in the soul.

One of these negative qualities is revenge. What is it? What is generosity and how are these two qualities related? The answers to these questions can be useful to schoolchildren for works. Such a topic often appears on Exam. Beautiful works on different topics related to revenge and generosity, look below.

Composition in literature “revenge and generosity”: the definition of revenge and generosity, why does not help revenge and destroy the soul?

"Revenge and generosity"

Revenge - This is harm to a person, which, of course, is carried out intentionally. How does it differ from the usual damage and causing mental pain? In fact, the fact that is always implied as a response on an offense already caused by someone or other negative actions. It turns out that when revenge, the personality is, as it were, a retaliatory blow, so that the one who acts unfairly will subsequently regret his act.

GenerosityOn the contrary, it is an antipode of revenge and implies a virtue that this or that person is endowed. It consists in the ability to release their grievances, forgive people with unfair actions that were committed and not to keep any evil. Only a person’s strong spirit and a pure soul can forget about revenge and not harm in response to those who humiliated him or insulted him. Generousness is also called the property of concede, commit selfless useful acts and help even their enemies.

Of course, a certain parallel with Christianity is carried out. But even if we completely abstract from religion, we can conclude that generosity is not everyone, this is a kind of science that should be comprehended for a long time and stubbornly. Yes, and few can study. On our site you will find several more works on the topic that can be on the exam —  "Inner qualities of a person". Here composition in literature "Revenge and generosity" And the explanation why revenge does not help and destroys the soul:

The first feeling that any humiliated and offended person experiences is hatred. The anger and the desire to inflict pain and torment in response borders on this feeling, so that an unpleasant sediment in the soul, which remained after bullying, at least dulls a little. And more than half of the population of the planet really take revenge on their enemies. But, in fact, revenge does not help in solving problems. Yes, perhaps it brings some moral satisfaction - but this is a short pleasure. And it cannot compare with what is happening with the one who decided on it.

Revenge destroys the soul, leaves dark spots on it, which cannot be cleaned. And this dirt remains in human nature until the end of life. After all, even if evil is committed in response, it does not cease to be evil. That is why the actions that this or that person performs in order to punish the one who treated her unfairly puts her on a par with the oppressor.

Of course, there are situations when you cannot do without a manifestation of power. Such cases include the need to protect someone's life or their country. A person’s stay in the war - in this case, alas, he is not up to humanism, he has to kill, so as not to lose his life himself. However, such situations are a separate topic. If we talk about peaceful times, then revenge is a feeling that is completely unnecessary to a person, which sometimes deprives all human, sincere, incredibly mental, which has been nurtured in the soul for years. You can even say that a person brought from despair and incurred by revenge, sometimes even becomes like a wild beast.

The final December essay in the direction of "revenge and generosity": what is revenge, whether it can be justified, examples from literature

"Revenge and generosity"

Revenge was not rare at all times. After all, sometimes in life there are situations when it is necessary to punish a not very good person who is simply not able to understand a different attitude. Here is the final December essay in the direction "Revenge and generosity" -what is revenge, is it possible to justify it, examples from literature:

Often, even very kind, sincere and humane people decide on revenge. They are decided because they understand - otherwise, this is the only way to restore justice. They do not think that they can touch their souls.

Sometimes such actions are called “revenge for the good”-this happens when someone harmed the health of a peaceful person or deprived him of his life, and the law enforcement authorities do not want to hold the criminal accountable. Often, relatives and spouses of those who were killed or brought to suicide are decided on revenge, raped, etc.

However, “revenge for the benefit”, revenge for the sake of restoring justice, for the sake of harm even a very bad person who committed a low act - this is a step backward. The action that makes him exactly the same criminal as the one he is going to punish or has already punished. It is impossible to cause evil and remain clean, like an angel. After all, evil, alas, does not divide into Good evil and Bad evil, on the Fair evil and Unfigured. Everything is much simpler - there are good deeds, but there are bad ones. Accordingly, even if you commit a bad act to take revenge on the offender of a bad person - you yourself become evil.

But this is one side of the coin. Sometimes revenge can be justified-just in the above situations when the harm is caused in response to someone's extremely vile actions, when a person decides to put in place, to teach the criminal.

This question illuminates many literary plots. Suppose, let's V. Astafyev in the work "Lyudochka" describes the situation:

  • The girl committed suicide after some villains abused her. This was not the first time.
  • At first, the heroine suffered humiliation, but when it was repeated, she realized that there was no strength left.
  • Her stepfather found out who was the instigator of this action and beat the leader, who was called Stekach.
  • Yes, on the one hand, revenge could not return Lyudochka to this world.
  • But this act also had an educational action - after a tough lesson, the guy may form and never allow himself this.
  • It turns out that having rejected forgiveness and applying power in relation to the villain, the hero not only received moral satisfaction, not only honored the memory of his stepdaughter, but, possibly, saved the rest of the potential victims.

Such revenge can be justified. Perhaps even if Luda’s stepfather killed Stekach (accidentally, in a state of affect), then even the court, if he would impose a measure of punishment, would significantly reduce the term of imprisonment.

But revenge Shvabrina from "Captain's daughter"which was very confused by the refusal Masha - This is another matter. A very low, vile, unworthy man act. When they gave him “from the gate,” Shvabrin dismissed gossip about the girl. It is paradoxical that trying to elevate his pride, on the contrary, he humiliated himself even more.

It turns out that revenge can be justified - but only if there are serious reasons for its implementation.

Essay on literature on the topic "revenge and ledcodushye ”in the novel“ Dubrovsky ” - an example: plan, arguments for the exam, quotes

"Revenge and generosity" in the novel "Dubrovsky"

Work "Dubrovsky" Pushkin helps to see how low revenge can be and whether it can be called "for good." Below you will find an example of an essay on literature on the topic "Revenge and generosity" In the novel "Dubrovsky" With arguments for Exam and quotes.


  1. The revenge of Troekurov. Why can it be called low?
  2. The revenge of Dubrovsky. Can it be called "revenge for the benefit"?
  3. Dubrovsky’s generosity - was it logical and justified? Did he do the right thing?

One of the works in which revenge and generosity are shown quite widely is the novel "Dubrovsky". Suppose Troekurov, who quarreled with Dubrovsky, decides to take away the estate from him. Moreover, he does not stand on ceremony and does not seek humane methods, but simply uses all his connections in order to carry out the plan.

This is a very low revenge that does not elevate a person. And on the contrary, it makes it small, insignificant. After all, conflict is not a reason to deprive a person of a roof over his head and means to exist, especially if this is done shamefully, in a conventional way. As for the revenge of the most Vladimir Dubrovsky, who decides one to fight against the whole world, take revenge on the death of his father, then they are more likely to be moved by noble motives. By the way, in the literature of the hero is often called "noble robber"

Revenge Dubrovsky You can even call "decent." He harms the rich people who create atrocities, so that justice triumphantly triumph. After all, if no one teaches them, then they will continue such a life and from this it will be worse not only to Vladimir, but to all of humanity.

In the work Dubrovsky Shows generosity. At first, he decides to get a teacher to the house to TroekurovTo become closer to him. But he meets his daughter Masha and falls in love.

This is the generosity Dubrovsky. He forgives his enemy. It seems to me that Vladimir did the right thing. After all, the murder Troekurova All the same, he would not return his father to him, would not have changed the shortcomings of the judicial system, but with his own hands he could hurt the girl he loved.


  • “You were a success and do good, but you won’t eat a button on someone else's mouth.”
  • "Luxury comforts one poverty, and then from the habit of an instant for an instant."
  • “The prince, without losing the presence of the spirit, took out a road gun from the side pocket and shot at a masked robber. The princess cried out and closed her face with both hands with horror. Dubrovsky He was wounded in the shoulder, blood appeared. "
  • “The prince, without losing a minute, took out another gun, but he was not given time to shoot, the doors dissolved, and several strong hands pulled him out of the carriage and pulled out a gun from him.”
  • “Knives flashed over him.“ Do not touch him! ” - shouted Dubrovsky, and his gloomy accomplices retreated. "

Feelings change the young man - he does not want to hurt his beloved and understands that revenge is not a way out. Moreover, the society and the judicial system are more to blame than itself Troekurov.

Composition-reasoning on the topic “Revenge and generosity” according to the story “Shot”: arguments, problem

"Revenge and generosity" on the story "Shot"

Another story of the great writer Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin "Shot", thanks to which you can understand the difference in definitions such as revenge and generosity. The writer, on the example of heroes, shows how a person can harass himself with certain feelings. Here is an essay-reasoning on the topic "Revenge and generosity" According to the story "Shot" With arguments and description of the problem:

Many revenge seem to be a complete lack of righteousness, however, the embodiment of a hill. But generosity is something divine, perfect. However, in the story Pushkin "Shot" There is neither one nor the other. Firstly, no one humiliated or insulted his hero Silvio. The problem lies in the fact that he simply was very envious of one person. So much that every minute and even every second he gave himself this feeling, could not live as before.

And it is the envy of Silvio is humiliated. He insulted a man, but when his turn came to lower the trigger, he did not do this. However, Silvio cannot be called a benefactor. After all, he went to his goal as a real sadist. He is enjoyed by the torment of the enemy. He does not spare anyone and acts like an animal.

The only example of generosity in "Shot" - This is the moment when the count allows Silvio to shoot. Here he acts as a truly brave, adult man. As for the hero, he is low and subject-and it is unlikely that the situation gave him at least some lesson. But the count and wife remain noble. Moreover, it was thanks to them that Silvio nevertheless refused the murder. But what is noteworthy, this is not his decision, not his conclusion - therefore, he himself did not think of the correct way out of the situation.

The meaning of his revenge is selfishness. He is the main reason. It seems to me that Silvio is not worthy to be called a person. And what he wanted to do is just a self -love. Not even revenge, unlike the situation with Dubrovsky and Troekurov.

Composition "Revenge and generosity" according to Harry Potter: Arguments

"Revenge and generosity" according to Harry Potter

"Harry Potter" - This is a favorite work of many children and adults. In it you can trace different qualities of a person using the example of heroes. Here is an essay "Revenge and generosity" according to Harry Potter With arguments:

There are many examples of revenge and generosity in this creation. Suppose Severus Snagg. He cannot stand Harry. He sees in him his father, James Potter, his school enemy. By the way, it was Dad Harry that took a girl from him at one time. That is why the professor is mocking the young wizard, constantly underestimates his points, always resorts to the nittle. And, one might say, Snagg takes revenge on the deceased father of Harry, James with these actions.

However, one of the mission of the Sngga is the concern for Harry Potter. It turns out that if necessary, he will have to give his life for the boy. For the boy he hates. But at the same time, Harry is the son of a woman whom he loved. Therefore, his feelings for Harry are mixed.

But this is not an example of generosity. What deserves respect is the forgiveness of a young wizard when he understands that he moved the professor. Potter He does everything to return the SPGS of his former reputation, despite all the problems that he delivered to him.

Another example of generosity Harry - This is what he left alive traitor Peter Petigre. But this man was guilty of the death of his mother and dad! By the way, kindness rewarded and saved the life of young wizards.

And the simplest example of nobility from the saga about Harry Potter “This is the fact that he repeatedly saved Draco Malfoy, who is his complete opposite.” This person from the very first day of stay in Hogwarts, experiences K. Harry Help and in every possible way tries to compete with him.

It turns out that sometimes even the forgiveness of enemies in cases where it would seem unacceptable, it is a fairly useful thing and the highest manifestation of nobility, which can even be gifted with heaven.

Essay on the literature "revenge and generosity": conclusion

"Revenge and generosity"

The desire to take revenge on his offender at least once arose for everyone. However, before taking revenge, it is important to weigh and think about everything. What will this revenge entail? Is there really a good argument for her? Here is a conclusion to the essay on literature on the topic "Revenge and generosity":

Quite often, revenge is caused by such ridiculous cases as envy, selfishness and antipathy to a person. Nevertheless, sometimes revenge can bear fruit (although it destroys the soul). This happens in cases where such actions really help to eliminate a potentially dangerous person for society, to teach him a lesson.

However, generosity is a much greater power. Sometimes even forgiving enemies undeservedly, a person goes much more correctly than if he frankly answered their meanness. After all, humanity is more expensive than any money and more significant than any power. She is truly priceless.

Topics of essays in the direction "Revenge and generosity" for the exam: List

On the Exam Graduates often fall for works on revenge and generosity. Already now you need to train to write, so that later it is easy to make an exam. Here are the topics of works in the direction "Revenge and generosity" for Exam - list:

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Topics of essays in the direction of "revenge and generosity"
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Topics of essays in the direction of "revenge and generosity"

Video: revenge and generosity. The final composition. Off. USE 2020

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