I overlapped stewed cabbage: what to do?

I overlapped stewed cabbage: what to do?

About how to properly lay out cabbage, every housewife probably knows. And for sure everyone has repeatedly prepared this dish available to the budget of any family.

What could be simpler, chopped cabbage with onions and carrots, put everything in a pan - and carcasses with a tomato. But, it turns out, and here there may be a problem, hiding in the incorrect calculation of the required amount of salt. What to do if you are overdoing?

I overlapped stewed cabbage: what to do?

  • Let's start with a simple option on how to save the overlapsed cabbage. Add a bit of rice, pour water and continue to extinguish. Having absorbed into himself salt, Fig It will turn stewed cabbage into an original full -fledged second dish. If you have stewed cabbage with minced meat, then you will get practically cabbage rollsthat we call lazy.
  • The next way is increase the amount of sugar and tomato paste (or fresh tomatoes), slightly dilute with water and till it again. The resulting sweet and sour taste of the dish will delight you.
  • An excellent combination with cabbage will be mushroomsOf course, the best is white. If you add them during stewing to cabbage, mushrooms will bring salt to themselves and not only save the dish, but also saturate it with taste shades.
  • If you like softness and tendernessthat gives sour cream, then do so, add a few spoons of sour cream to salt cabbage and slightly stand out.
  • Experienced housewives advise in the case perepol stewed cabbage Increase its volume. To do this, cut a few more cabbage and so that it quickly becomes soft, lower it into boiling water for 5 minutes. Add this unsolved cabbage to the overlooked and stew this mixture for about 20 minutes. As a result, you will receive a balance of taste.
  • Already said about mushroomsHow about the possibility of fixing the perecol. But you can add many other vegetables to the crossed cabbage - the same carrots or onions, pepper or tomato.
  • If you salt the cabbage at the very beginning of the cooking and immediately realized that you were overdoing, you can quickly rinse the cabbage until the fiber has yet to be saturated with salt.
  • After the extinguishing - cooking in several broths. This is another way to remove excess salt from cabbage.
  • You can also find such advice: translate the processing process into the frying process. Moisture will leave cabbage, "grabbing" excess salt with it.
  • And the most diverse option. Use a cross -packed product for various fillings: pies, dumplings, kulebyak, rolls, etc. Only at the same time, of course, do not salt other ingredients.
Stewed cabbage can be saved from a pepper
Stewed cabbage can be saved from a pepper

Well, reanimating the taste of stewed cabbage, as we see, is not so difficult. The main thing is that there are always products at hand that can be quickly added to the main dish (vegetables, rice, water). And then the dish will delight you with a rich taste, in which the reconnet will not be felt at all.

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