How to cook summer soup, green borsch, skewed skewed with eggs: recipes. Colder from sorrel: Classic recipe

How to cook summer soup, green borsch, skewed skewed with eggs: recipes. Colder from sorrel: Classic recipe

Preparation of the first dishes with sorrel.

Spring is a great time to renew nature, wardrobe, mood and menu. You can diversify it, first of all, with dishes with the first spring vegetables - a variety of salads, snacks and hot dishes. One of the traditional first dishes of this time is sorrel soup or green borsch.

How much is sorrel in a soup?

In soup, sorrel should take time for readiness for no more than 5 minutes. So it will preserve its taste as much as possible and at the same time, saturate potatoes and broth. At the same time, the intensity of cooking, and especially the boil should be moderate.

It should be noted that for the preparation of food using wonderful vitamin acid leaves, you need to select the young pagons from the bushes that have not yet thrown out a peduncle. After such a stage of ripening, the whole strength of the plant goes into this stem and the leaves lose their previous characteristics of juiciness and vitaminism.

Previously, green leaves are soaked in cold water to effectively clean from the ground and dirt. For washing, it is precisely this method is recommended, and not intensive washing under running water - after all, this method is very highly likely that delicate leaves will break.

Summer sorrel soup with egg: recipe in a slow cooker

The multicooker has so closely entered the life of many modern housewives that many traditional ways to prepare the dishes known to us were transformed into a format with its use. The same fate did not bypass the summer soup from sorrel with an egg. For its preparation, we need to take:

  • a half -kilogram of any meat
  • one bundle of sorrel and green onion
  • one onion and carrots
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 3 eggs
Sorrel soup and egg
Sorrel soup and egg

Given the preparation of soup in the broth, the process can be divided into two parts. First, in the evening, for example, to prepare the very base, and then cook the summer soup itself. So, for cooking:

  • Put the washed meat in a multicooker bowl, add cold water and salt.
  • Set the "simmer" mode and cook for about 2 hours.
  • After, if necessary, strain the resulting broth, and cut the meat into pieces. The broth is ready.
  • Now we start cooking, in fact, the soup itself. Cut the carrots, potatoes, onions, put everything in the bowl and set the mode to “extinguish” on, literally for 30 minutes.
  • After some preparation time - when the potatoes are practically ready, add sorrel, onions, if desired - dill, parsley and spices.
  • With the addition of eggs there are two cooking options. According to the first recipe, beat the eggs separately separately in the bowl and pour raw in a thin stream into the broth after adding sorrel.
  • According to the second recipe, the egg must first be boiled and, having previously chopped finely, add to the soup almost on the final preparation chords.
  • In the first case, the taste of the egg will be less pronounced, but will make a special piquancy and originality of taste into the soup, and will also make it more homogenized - thicker; In the second method, the taste of boiled eggs will be clearly traced, and the soup will be traditional in composition.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg: recipe

The very first thing that is very remarkable about this food is that it has practically nothing to do with the traditional borsch. Unless the basis of cooking on the broth. Nevertheless, in our traditions, this dish was firmly rooted in this version of the name, first of all, due to the bright green color due to the content of spring greens in it: sorrel, parsley, nettles, green onions, etc.

For green borsch, you need:

  • 0.5 kg of pork ribs and potatoes
  • 1 piece of onion on onion, carrots, parsnip and parsley roots
  • 1-2 bunch (depending on the size) sorrel, onion of green, parsley, dill and other greens
  • 4 eggs
  • water
  • we will add sour cream, salt, spices
Green borsch
Green borsch

First, prepare the broth. For this:

  • Cooked ribs with water and cook for about 30 minutes, removing foam.
  • Next, add roots and coarsely chopped onions and carrots. Cook for another 20 minutes.
  • We take out the rhizomes of Pasternak and parsley, we filter the decoction if necessary, disassemble the meat.
  • At the same time, in parallel, it is worth boiling a screwed eggs. The process of their preparation should last 10-11 minutes, as well as pour sorrel and greens with water to clean from pollution.
  • Add pre -chopped potatoes to the broth, you need to salt and pepper.
  • When the potato is almost ready, we introduce finely cut leaves of sorrel, parsley and dill.
  • Some hostesses at this stage add several boiled eggs to a almost finished dish.
  • But it is worth knowing and remember that with this format for adding this ingredient, it is recommended to store green borsch in the refrigerator for no more than one day.
  • The advice on adding boiled eggs directly to the plate at the time of supplying a portion of green borscht will be more practical. Seasoned with sour cream to their taste.

Sorrel soup and nettles: recipe

A unique interesting version of the green pagons of the first spring blades is sometimes called the Moldavian borsch. Its originality is that its composition contains rice and tomatoes. So, we will prepare:

  • on a bunch of young leaves sorrel and nettles
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • one tomato and carrots
  • 50 g of rice
Sorrel soup and nettles
Sorrel soup and nettles

In the process of preparation, first of all, we will prepare a refueling from nettles. For this:

  • We scalded it with boiling water to reduce its stinging properties, and then separate the leaves from the stems and thoroughly chop it in a blender. To make the result better, during grinding you can add a little water.
  • Potatoes are crushed with cubes, and the carrots are fine.
  • For a more pronounced taste and aroma, carrots and onions can be fried in vegetable oil.
  • We cut quite finely tomatoes from which, at the discretion, it is possible to previously remove the peel. To do this, lower them for several minutes in hot water and then, prying with a knife, remove the skin.
  • Grind the leaves of sorrel. Preparatory work is over.
  • Now we bring the water poured into the pan to a boil and add potatoes and carrots there, then rice, then tomatoes, we salt a little.
  • Add nettles to our soup after several minutes and cook almost until the potatoes are ready.
  • A few minutes before the end of cooking, put the chopped sorrel in the pan. You can serve the finished soup with sour cream.

O choleen from skewed with meat

There is an opinion that the difference between borsch and cabbage soup is very conditional. As a rule, borsch is necessarily prepared on the broth and using passed vegetables in the recipe.

Schools can be without meat, as a rule, with a mandatory component - cabbage. But at the same time, variations are possible in prescription recommendations on the preparation of cabbage soup with meat and without cabbage.

The traditional name has been preserved, but the prescription components have changed. To do this, we need to prepare:

  • 500 g of any type of meat
  • carrot
  • bundles of sorrel, green onions, parsley, dill
  • a little flour, sugar, butter and sour cream
  • boiled eggs are screwed
  • do not forget about seasonings and spices
Meat cabbage soup with sorrel
Meat cabbage soup with sorrel

To prepare the base - broth, take any type of meat except lamb. Pork, chicken, beef will give a traditional color and taste of the finished dish, but lamb, due to a special specific taste, will bring not quite ordinary, but atypical taste.

  • To prepare the dressing, the fat that surfaced during the preparation of the broth will come in handy. Therefore, it is best if we boil the meat in advance and let this upper fat boil on the surface of the decoction and cool.
  • We collect this top in the pan and pass on it pre -finely chopped carrots and the lower part of the stems of green onions - where the white tips.
  • As prepared, add, literally a tablespoon of flour and continue thermal treatment. After our vegetables, add the broth.
  • In another saucepan in butter, slightly tinned sorrel pagons. The resulting stewed mass from sorrel must be wiped through a sieve or grind on a blender.
  • A small trick will be the adding of literally a teaspoon of sugar, which will contribute to the disclosure of the taste qualities of our spring acidic greenfinch.
  • In a pan, where our vegetable set is cooked on the broth, add cooked puree.
  • In the meantime, chop the remaining green onions, parsley and dill, cut the fibers of the cooked meat across the fibers, cut into two parts, cooked hard eggs.
  • The prepared cabbage soup is consulted to pour into a ceramic loan, since oxalic acid with prolonged contact with iron surfaces can provoke undesirable reactions.
  • Pour the cooked cabbage soup into the plate, put the pieces of meat, the half of the egg, sprinkle with herbs and season with sour cream.
  • It is easy to note that the recipe does not foresee potatoes, but who does not seem at all the first dish without this traditional component - you can, of course, add it.

Skewed soup with chicken and egg

Another variation on the preparation of the traditional spring first dish. To cook it, we need to prepare, actually by the very name of the dish, the following components:

  • a whole chicken
  • online onion
  • a couple of bundles of fresh sorrel and dill
  • a little sour cream
  • 5 boiled eggs
Skewed soup with chicken and egg
Skewed soup with chicken and egg


  • Boil the chicken, after cutting it.
  • Leave the fillet - we add it to almost boiled broth.
  • Having prepared the broth, filter it, add chicken breast chopped into pieces, and later finely cut onions.
  • We will pay special attention to the preparation of sorrel. In order for it not to be brown, but pleased the eye with bright green notes in the finished dish, we need to resort to some tricks. Gently separating the leaves from the stems, we cut them and blanch them - that is, we dump with boiling water.
  • After that, throwing it on a colander, we immerse in a container with cold water, where you can quit several ice cubes.
  • Preparing to serve on the table - we lay out the prepared sorrel, in which the mass of vitamins and nutrients, as well as the wealth of taste, is preserved. We lay out ½ eggs, a little sour cream and pour everything with our chicken broth with pieces of meat.

Sorrel soup lean

The time of appearance on the sale of the first greenery sometimes falls on the duration of the post. Or the desire to pamper themselves with a similar dish arises in people who do not eat meat from medical or personal beliefs. The option of solving this situation is lean soup. To prepare it, we will prepare:

  • about 5 potatoes (depending on the size)
  • one onion and carrot
  • 3-4 raw eggs
  • sorrel, dill, harass, rhubarb, parsley, garlic
  • sharp pepper - at will
  • boulenium cube


  • We cut our vegetables fine enough.
  • In boiling water, we are crushing the cube of dry broth, throw a bay leaf, pepper peas, salt.
  • We fall asleep all the vegetables and boil until the potatoes are ready.
  • Almost 5 minutes. Until readiness, add the cut sorrower, rhubarb pagons, crushed garlic and crushed dill.
  • Separately, beat several eggs in the bowl and introduce them with a thin stream into our soup.

Sorrel soup with meatballs

This component components may seem very strange to many. But the combination of delicate meat with a light sourness of sorrel will give you an unforgettable taste. An amazing aroma of the dish will remind the best moments of summer.

Separately, prepare the ingredients for meatballs and soup. For meatballs you need:

  • 300 g of the freshest minced meat
  • 1 chicken egg

For the very soup, you need:

  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 fresh onion
  • 1-2 average carrots
  • 1-2 eggs (pre-boil cool)
  • 200 g of sorrel
Sorrel soup with meatballs
Sorrel soup with meatballs

To cook meatballs:

  • Mix the stuffing with an egg, season with salt, pepper and knead well until a homogeneous mass and put it in a cold place for 20 minutes.
  • In parallel, boil the water, where add potatoes and cook for 8 minutes.
  • From the minced meat and form balls, throw them into soup with salt, pepper.
  • In heated vegetable oil, pass the onion, pour grated carrots, garlic.
  • When the potatoes and meatballs are welded, add a roast, salt and boil.
  • Then sprinkle sorel and crushed eggs.
  • Leave for 10 minutes to infuse our dish.

Sorrel soup with stew and egg

The preparation of this light and undoubtedly delicious dish is little costly, because you will need very little time. All components of each housewife will be able to find all components in the refrigerator.


  • bank of Tushnoks for your choice
  • 1 bunch of sorrel
  • 1 pcs on onions, and the same carrots
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 2 boiled boiled eggs
Sorrel soup with stew and egg
Sorrel soup with stew and egg

Remember important salt, pepper, bay leaf and vegetable oil.

  • Fry the chopped onion on light heat at light heat, pour the crushed carrot, a little salt and pepper.
  • Studge for 5 minutes under the lid.
  • Next, put the roasting in the pan, add chopped potatoes and pour completely with water (1.5-2 l.).
  • Cook on low heat until the potatoes are ready.
  • We mix stew, chopped sorrel.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • We rewing for another 10 minutes. Let us stand.
  • When the dish is already ready to serve on the table, we put the half of the cooked egg in a bowl.

Sorrel soup and cabbage

Contrary to the traditional interpretation that the first dish with the presence of cabbage in the ingredients is called. But, at the same time, in the modification of the green first dishes there is a recipe and soup with cabbage and young green sour leaves of sorrel. To prepare it, take:

  • 500 g of chicken
  • 300 g of fresh cabbage and sorrel
  • 3-4 pcs. potatoes
  • 1 pc onions and carrots
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • fresh greens
Sorrel soup and cabbage
Sorrel soup and cabbage

We will prepare the soup on the chicken broth. Therefore, for starters:

  • We cook the broth, strain it and bring it to a boil.
  • We clean the potatoes, cut it with cubes and send it to the pan.
  • At half -consuming potatoes, add chopped cabbage to the container.
  • We clean the onions and carrots, finely cut them.
  • In the pan, we slightly pass onions with carrots in vegetable oil.
  • Rinse sorrel and greens and finely chop.
  • We send carrots and onions to the broth.
  • For 5 minutes, before removing from the fire, we introduce sorrel and greens.
  • Let it brew for about 10 minutes.

Soup with top beets and sparing hot

As you know, beets are characterized by a large amount of vitamin R. with its help, the vessels become more elastic. That is why this soup is very nutritious and very tasty! To prepare 2-2.5 l of water, take:

  • 1 beets
  • Beetroot tops from 2 root crops
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 1 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 100 g of sorrel
  • 2 eggs boiled boiled
Soup with top beets and sparing hot
Soup with top beets and sparing hot


  • Pour water into the pan, add potatoes cut into small parts and cook until it is ready.
  • On light heat in vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion until golden color, pour the cut carrots. Fry together.
  • Grate beets on a coarse grater and pour into the pan.
  • All this languish until cooked.
  • In a pan to the finished potato, add all the cooked vegetables, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Then chop the washed sorrel and beetroot tops and add to our soup, do not forget to salt and pepper, add bay leaf. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Let me stand a little. When serving on the table, add the half of the boiled egg to the bowl, this will make it more appetizing.

Sorpower soup

The proposed dish is a great option when you want to pamper myself with a spring dish in a not season. To prepare it, let's take:

  • jar 0.5 l of canned sorrel
  • meat on bones
  • 5-6 potatoes
  • onion
  • 1-2 eggs
Sorpower soup
Sorpower soup


  • Cook the broth, clean the vegetables.
  • Fry the onion on the oil to a yellowish-brown tint.
  • Cut potatoes into strips.
  • Cut the meat in slices of small sizes.
  • We return the meat to the broth and there, having previously salt a little, send the bow.
  • Beat an egg in a separate container.
  • Almost at the stage of full readiness of potatoes, we throw canned sorrel into the pan.
  • And when our cooking is boiled, introduce, diligently stirring our soup, whipped eggs.
  • Add spices and prepare to savor the prepared dish.

Soup with sorrel and rice

To prepare soup with sorrel and rice, you will need:

  • 3-4 pcs of potatoes
  • 1/3 cup rice
  • 1-2 pcs. onion and carrots
  • 2 pcs. Boiled eggs
  • bouquet of sorrel leaves


  • It is necessary to boil rice in salted water.
  • We get the broth to which we add potatoes chopped with cubes and small slices of carrots.
  • While it is preparing, chop with small pieces of onions and sorrel.
  • We pour the entire mixture of greenery into a pan with rice and potatoes.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Boil in the liquid for another 5 minutes.
  • In each portion, you can put the half of the egg.

Mushroom soup with sorrel

To prepare this delicious soup, you will need very little time and your efforts. And after a small amount of time, you will enjoy the delicate taste of delicate mushrooms and sorrel sourness. To do this, take:

  • Approximately 150 g of sorrel
  • 2-3 average potatoes
  • 300-400 g of fresh mushrooms (champignons)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrots are fresh
  • Boiled eggs 2 pcs (optional)
  • Salt, pepper, vegetable oil/other spices.
Mushroom soup with sorrel
Mushroom soup with sorrel


  • We boil the mushrooms for about 30 minutes, having previously chopped them on small slices. Do not forget to salt the water.
  • As soon as we become ready, we mix in potato cubes in a pan.
  • In a pan, we fry the busy beam, and then add carrots chopped by stripes.
  • We salt the whole mixture a little and pepper.
  • When the potatoes become soft, pour the fried mixture, mix everything.
  • Add finely chopped sorrel for 5 minutes.
  • Sprinkle to taste with salt, pepper, dill (optional).
  • When serving, you can embellish a piece of boiled egg.

Colder from sorrel: Classic recipe

The proposed dish is very refreshing in the summer. A decoction for him can be both beetroot and sorrel. For sorrower you will need:

  • 300-400 g of the latest sorrel
  • a bunch of green onions and dill
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • 1 pc on onions
  • 2 pcs welded hard eggs
  • 3-4 pcs of potatoes, pre-boiled
  • salt, pepper to your taste.
Colder from sorrel: Classic recipe
Colder from sorrel: Classic recipe

First, we cook the oxalic broth itself. For this:

  • Skarevel chop into small slices and fold in boiling salted water. We boil for 5-7 minutes.
  • While our broth is cooling, we crumble green ray and dill with small slides.
  • Separately, cut cucumbers, onions with boiled eggs and boiled potatoes.
  • We introduce all these prepared vegetables into the cooled sorrel decoction, rub one egg yolk over the pan.
  • It remains only to pepper and salt to their liking and mix very thoroughly.
  • Also to give softness and subtlety, you can add a small amount of fresh sour cream.

Video: very tasty green borsch with sorrel

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