Do I need to add sunflower oil, water to the marinade for barbecue? How to marinate the barbecue of beef, lamb, pork, chicken: recipe. Pickled onion to barbecue: recipe

Do I need to add sunflower oil, water to the marinade for barbecue? How to marinate the barbecue of beef, lamb, pork, chicken: recipe. Pickled onion to barbecue: recipe

Water and oil are added to the marinade for barbecue. So the meat will be more tasty and appetizing.

In Russia, there was always a firing on a spit. It was the main dish on the holidays of wealthy people. Subsequently, the eastern peoples taught the rest of the people to fry meat in small pieces, showed a way of the smallest consumption of firewood and other things. Over time, the method improved, spices, vegetables and sauces began to add to barbecue. There were new methods of pickling meat, almost everyone holds their perfect way to cook it secret. But the basics of pickling have remained unchanged for many centuries.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to do if Shanklyk was overlapping: tips".

The Russian people left the custom to prepare whole carcasses of the animal on fire and moved to a lump method of cooking meat. This helped diversify the views for barbecue. This article describes what needs to be added to the marinade so that the meat becomes appetizing and juicy. You will also find the secrets of the most delicious barbecue. Read further.

Why pickle barbecue?

Pickled barbecue
Pickled barbecue

Fire can be cooked from almost any animal, popular pork and chicken, lamb is less popular. In supermarkets, windows are full of a variety of culinary trays for frying barbecue on charcoal, only vegetarians and people who are contraindicated in meat do not eat it. Shashlyk is a unique dish that invites friends to relax in nature and taste a dishwasher unique.

Why pickle barbecue? Read more:

  • It has long been believed that it was necessary to pickle the meat a little spoiled so that it did not “disappear” at all, but it was relevant several centuries ago when there were no electric refrigerators.
  • Now the best pieces of neck and Koreyk, as well as ribs, go to the fire.
  • The kebabs are marinated for preservation until the moment of preparation, because the process is laborious and the meat can drill.

There are people who neglect pickling and use simply spices, also an acceptable option, but be sure to alternate pieces of meat with vegetables for cooking to the juiciness of barbecue. The chopped fruits save the meat from drying, endowing with juices and protect the barbecue from burning.

Do I need to add water to the marinade for barbecue?

The most delicious barbecue people recognize juicy and delicate, when pieces are literally melting in their mouths, such meat was certainly pickled with water. The liquid softens the fibers of meat and makes it excellent to taste and helps to saturate the meat itself. Therefore, water is more often added when pickling meat.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Which water is better to use when pickling barbecue?

If you use the fluid for the marinade, then it should not be water from the tap, its composition can lead to an unexpected result. It is better to use mineral water, you can salted, the taste of meat from this will not be worse. You can use cold boiled water or filtered. With different recipes for making meat for barbecue, the author advises a certain liquid so that it is combined with spices and a chosen piece of meat.

Do I need to add sunflower oil to the marinade for barbecue?

Read on our website another article on the topic: What to cook as a side dish for meat, fish?

For all types of meat to marinade, in addition to pork, you can add oil, it also softens it, and also gives brightness to the product on fire.

  • Olive oil is tender and has a pleasant smell, it gives the meat when cooking blush and improves taste properties.
  • Coconut oil is excellent for meat, delicate texture envelops it and adds a little sweat.
  • Sunflower oil is refined-in small quantities it will not damage the meat, but it can be too much overdue and it can burn over the oil because of the oil.

Shishlyk loves any water environment and it does not matter water or kefir, or maybe kvass and something else. In addition to the marinade itself, the meat needs spices. Many store spices are already salted, and salt for meat is harmful before the end of cooking. Therefore, it is recommended to choose spices to taste, based on preferences, and then crush them in a mortar until a homogeneous consistency, such a grind affects the taste of meat well.

Pork barbecue, chicken: marinade recipe with mineral, soda water and lemon

Pork barbecue
Pork barbecue

This method of pickling is very practical. All products are prepared for a small amount of time, the mineral water loosens the fibers of the meat. The taste of mineral water does not play a role in the marinade. So, we prepare a barbecue of pork, chicken. Below you will find a marinade recipe with mineral, carbonated water and lemon.

Cooking time in the marinade:

  • Chicken (30 min-1 hour)
  • Pork (2 hours)


  • A neck, Korea or thigh, legs - 3 kg
  • Red onion - 2 bulbs
  • Lemon or concentrated lemon juice
  • Mineral water
  • Black pepper
  • The salt is large
  • Barberry (not chopped)

Do this:

  1. Gently cut the meat with slices approximately 5cm. Uneven pieces can come differently to the stage of readiness and this will spoil the whole concept.
  2. Prepare the onion, clean and cut the rings, then add to the meat.
  3. Cut the lemon in half. Cut one part with rings. Squeeze the juice from the other half into the meat, after the mineral water is filled into it. If there is concentrated juice, then add 3 tablespoons to the meat.
  4. Take the selected set of spices, salt, black pepper, barberry and put in meat. Sprinkle carefully with spices, but do not mix.
  5. Pour the mineral water into the meat, only so that it covers the meat with no more than one phalanx.
  6. Pour lemon juice and mix everything properly. Be sure to pay attention to the lower part of the saucepan, it is important that all the meat affects spices.
  7. It is necessary to leave the meat marinated at the specified time for this selected type. It is quite simple to cover it with a lid, it does not need oppression.

This method makes the meat fragrant, delicate and adds a small acidic.

Barbecue - marinade with vinegar and ordinary water: recipe

This is an economical recipe, the meat is on approximately 6 hours, it all depends on the meat itself. This is considered a "classic recipe" in which 9% vinegar. But this product is too sharp in taste, and if something is wrong, it is brightly felt on meat. Therefore, it is better to use 6% apple cider vinegar. The barbecue will be delicate, with a light sourness and a slightly perceptible apple aroma in cooking. Water should be prepared in advance so that it manages to stand. It is better to boil the kettle and pour a mug so that it cools while other ingredients are prepared. Here is a marinade recipe with vinegar and ordinary water:

Cooking time in the marinade:

  • Any part of the pork (6 hours)
  • Any part of the chicken, except fillet (3 hours, fillet - less)


  • Meat or poultry - 2 kg
  • Onions - 2 pcs
  • Apple vinegar - 50 ml
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Lemon or concentrate - 2 tbsp/l
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Home-Sunels

Do this:

  • Prepare the meat, cut into pieces about 5cm. If the meat is hard and it is necessary that it be marinated faster, you can slightly beat it off.
  • Cut the onions with rings.
  • Mix salt with pepper and seasoning
  • Fold all the ingredients in layers. At the bottom - meat, then onions, sprinkle with a mixture of seasonings. Repeat the layers until it all ends.
  • Mix water and vinegar. Pour into a pan with meat.
  • Set the oppression and leave in a cool place, not necessarily in the refrigerator. The main thing is that do not overexpose the meat.

This method of pickling is relevant for long fees, in vinegar the meat is stored longer than in other marinades.

How to pickle beef for barbecue: recipe

Pickled beef for barbecue
Pickled beef for barbecue

For a barbecue from beef, you need to choose the right piece of meat, it is better if it is with a bone, for example, a thick edge on the bone. You can use a thin edge or clipping, everything will depend on the marining method. Whatever meat goes to barbecue, it must be cut into pieces about 5 cm, remove all the veins. If desired, beef in the marinade for barbecue can be kept up to 24 hours. It will only become softer and more saturated to taste. Here is the prescription:

Time for preparing:

  • Young meat (2-3 hours)
  • Old meat (8-12 hours)


  • Beef clipping - 2 kg
  • Red onions - 5 pcs
  • Garlic-2-3 cloves
  • Red Chilean pepper - ground
  • The salt is pink
  • Red Dry wine - 700 ml

Do this:

  1. Cut the onions with rings.
  2. Press the garlic and mix with onions.
  3. Add salt and pepper to wine, mix.
  4. Put the meat in a large container.
  5. Add the onion with garlic to the meat and pour everything with wine.
  6. Mix well. Try for salt, if it is not enough, then you can add more.

Such a marinade enhances its own taste of beef, impregnates the fibers and the meat will melt in the mouth.

How to marry barranine barbecue: recipe

Baranine barbar meat
Baranine barbar meat

Baranine barbecue is easy to spoil if you do not observe the correct proportions and prescription methods of cooking. The meat is very tender and sweet to taste, many seasonings can ruin this "highlight". The best pieces for barbecue will be a shoulder blade, a Korea and a rear ham, they are great for barbecue. Here is a recipe for how to marry:

Time for preparing:

  • Korea (2-3 hours)


  • Koreyka - 1 kg
  • Onions - 3 pcs
  • Oregano - 2 st/l
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Olive oil - 1 h/l
  • Paprika - 1 tbsp/l

Do this:

  • It is necessary to carefully cut the meat part from the bone and remove all the veins.
  • Cut the resulting piece into pieces about 5 cmSo that they are fried evenly.
  • Put the meat in a container, pour oil, add salt, pepper. Mix everything.
  • Add oregano to the meat and mix again.
  • Take the onion in a meat grinder or grate, you can use a juicer. From the bow you need to get a glass of juice.
  • The juice must be added to the meat, mix everything and close the lid.
  • Marine the meat is warm. You do not need to clean the refrigerator.

This method retains the taste of meat and gives the "highlight" an unforgettable taste of oregano.

How to pickle fish fish: recipe

Pickled fish for barbecue
Pickled fish for barbecue

The fish for barbecue marks no more than an hour, the most important thing is not to overexpose it, it can fall apart when cooking. In case of marinade for fish, in no case should you use vinegar. If the fish kebab is prepared in nature, it is better to cook 2 containers - for the marinade and fish separately. All this will need to be mixed an hour before cooking. Here is the prescription:

Time for preparing:

  • Fish (30 min-1 hour)


  • Fish fillet - 2 kg
  • Fresh greens - 50 g
  • Provencal herbs - 1 tbsp/l
  • Onions-1 pc
  • Lemon - 1 pc
  • A mixture of peppers - 1 h/l
  • Olive oil - 50 g

Do this:

  1. Rinse the fillet, dry on the napkin on both sides.
  2. Prepare greens, remove the sticks, chop finely.
  3. Grate the zest, squeeze the juice into the glass.
  4. Mix all spices with olive oil, if there are few oils, then add a little more.
  5. Cut the onions and put in a bowl.
  6. Pour spices with butter into a container with onions.
  7. In 40 minutes Before cooking on the grill of fish, spread it with spices and let it stand.

This method is considered universal and optimal. Suitable for white fish and red.

Pickled onion to barbecue: recipe

Pickled bow to barbecue
Pickled bow to barbecue

Onions are very suitable for barbecue, because it gives the meat his unique taste and shares his sweets. Onions can be pickled separately from barbecue, or you can directly with meat. The universal recipe is very simple and not laborious.

Time for preparing:

  • Onions (20 min)


  • Onions - 3 pcs
  • Red onion - 1 pc
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp/l
  • Vinegar 9% table - 3 st/l
  • Chilean red ground pepper - half a teaspoon
  • Black pepper - half a teaspoon

Do this:

  1. Cut the onion rings. Then divide it into rings, put it in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  2. Put the onion into a bowl, pour salt and sugar.
  3. Add vinegar to the onion, then pour spices.
  4. Leave it to pickle for 20 minutes.

This method allows you to store pickled onions for several days, it only becomes brighter to taste.

Now you know what to add to meat when pickling. Try to make a barbecue from different types of meat. It will turn out tasty and appetizing. The taste of fish barbecue will surprise with its taste connoisseurs of seafood. You can add some of your spices and create unique recipes. Cook and enjoy the unique taste and juiciness of a delicious barbecue. Enjoy your meal!

Video: The secret of the perfect barbecue from the Armenian cook Sergey Martirosyan

Video: The most proven marinade for barbecue on mineral water

Video: The main secret of the soft barbecue

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