What to cook as a side dish for meat, fish? Recipes of side dishes for meat from rice, millet, buckwheat, barley, vegetables, lentils, beans, peas

What to cook as a side dish for meat, fish? Recipes of side dishes for meat from rice, millet, buckwheat, barley, vegetables, lentils, beans, peas

The word Garner of French origin means adding to the main dish, which is used as a decoration and enhancement of taste. The modern concept of a side dish means products that are added to a portion to meat, fish and vegetable basic culinary products. Garries are prepared from cereals, vegetables, seafood, mushrooms and even fruits.

What to cook for a side dish for meat?

Greener is an important part of any dish. And even more so. Indeed, without additional products on a plate, a juicy appetizing piece of meat will seem fresh and not very tasty. The side dish not only brings taste diversity to the dish, but also increases its nutritional value.

There are a lot of side dishes and their combinations for meat dishes. Probably, each reader of this article has his own taste addictions and his favorite additives for meat. It can be various cereals, pasta, legumes, potatoes and other vegetables.

Greeners can be prepared using the technology of extinguishing, cooking, frying, etc. In addition to them, you can serve a salad of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Let's look at the most popular meat additives:

Groups. In our country, side dishes made of rice and buckwheat are very popular. But, when choosing an additive to meat, you should not stop only on these cereals. Also, pearl barley and wheat porridge are well combined with meat. Pay attention to Bulgur, Kuskus and Kinoa. These cereals will not only enhance the taste of meat, but also bring great nutritional value to the dish.

Cups for meat can be used independently or mixing them with vegetables.

Pasta. Today, there are enough pasta that will perfectly combine with meat. Spaghetti, nests and shells can be prepared for chop or cutlets. But, since pasta does not have a “strong” taste, they, just like cereals, can be combined with vegetables.

Potato. Potatoes, unlike other vegetables, can be used as an independent dish. But, many of us love fried potatoes or mashed potatoes from this root crop with a meat steak or cutlets. Potatoes in our country are loved as in any other. Do not want to cook the boring mashed potatoes? Make crockets or pancakes from potatoes or just put it out.

Vegetables. When using vegetables as a side dish, there is where to “walk around”. Vegetables not only diversify the taste of a meat dish, but also make it healthy and rich vitamins and minerals. In addition to the potatoes, which is mentioned above, cabbage, carrots, beets and zucchini are well combined with meat. From them you can prepare such side dishes.

In addition to these popular vegetables for meat, you can cook eggplant, pumpkin and other vegetables. And it is best to choose several at once and cook the stew.

When choosing a side dish for meat from several products, it is advisable to find a combination where the ingredients will complement each other. And in order for the dish to be visually beautiful, you can find contrasting combinations of products.

Garnish made of peas and carrots not only has a pleasant taste and great benefit, but also looks very appetizing
Garnish made of peas and carrots not only has a pleasant taste and great benefit, but also looks very appetizing

As you can see, there are a lot of side dishes for meat. Finding the right for members of your family will not be difficult.

Recipe for frustrated rice on a side dish for meat, to fish

Rice is one of the most popular products on our planet. With proper preparation, a side dish from this cereal will turn out to be very tasty and healthy. There are many ways to make rice. Let's look at them in more detail.

"Fast" rice

Boiled rice - ingredients
Boiled rice - ingredients
  1. Rinse rice (500 g) in running water and put in a pan
  2. Add spices (to taste) and vegetable oil (100 ml)
  3. Pour cold water so that the level is higher than the rice level by 2 cm
  4. Salt and over high heat bring to a boil
  5. Turn off the plate and cover the pan with a lid
  6. After 15 minutes, remove from the stove and wrap it with a towel
  7. Leave for 15-20 minutes

Important: if rice is used as a side dish, then it is best not to take polished or round rice for this case. They are boiled and turn into ugly mess. Such types of rice are best used for cooking cereals.

Rice "like in a restaurant"

Boiled rice - ingredients
Boiled rice - ingredients
  1. Fry the onion in vegetable oil (1 head)
  2. Rinse rice (500 g) and fall asleep into a pan
  3. Pour water, salt and add onions
  4. Boil up to 95% readiness
  5. Before removing from the stove, add garlic, basil, paprika or any other spice or spice to the rick
  6. We wrap the pan with a towel and leave to reach


Rice with vegetables ingredients
Rice with vegetables ingredients
  1. We clean the onion (1 head) from the husk and finely cut
  2. Carrots (1 pc) are cleaned and rubbed on a coarse grater
  3. Fry the vegetables in a pan and add chopped garlic (2 cloves)
  4. We continue to fry the vegetables and add rice (1 cup) and pour cold water (2 cups)
  5. Salt and bring water to a boil
  6. We remove the fire at a minimum and stew under the lid periodically pouring water
  7. Closer to the end of the preparation of rice, add green peas, sweet pepper, zucchini or any other vegetables

Rice in a double boiler

Rice in a double boiler - ingredients
Rice in a double boiler - ingredients
  1. Rinse rice and pour it with clean water
  2. After a few hours, the water must be drained, and the rice is put in the caviar bowl
  3. Salt, pepper and season with spices
  4. Mix and cook until cooked

You can add turmeric, saffron, rosemary, curry or other spices to such a rice.

Rice to fish

Rice for fish - ingredients
Rice for fish - ingredients
  1. Rinse rice (1 cup) and boil in salt water
  2. Onions (1 head) and garlic (1 clove) clean and chop
  3. We melt the oil in a pan and add onions and garlic
  4. Then add corn (1 bank) and fry 5 minutes
  5. Cut the tomatoes (4 pcs) with cubes and add to the vegetables
  6. Then add rice, crushed peanuts (150 g) and chopped greens to the pan
  7. Salt, pepper and season with your favorite spices

Garnish made of mushrooms to meat, fish

Mushrooms are a special product of plant origin. They are rarely used as a side dish. Most often, sauces are prepared from mushrooms or used as the main product in the dish. For example, rice with mushrooms. If you combine them with fish or meat, then the dish will turn out to be heavy and very high -calorie.

Mushrooms for meat and fish - ingredients
Mushrooms for meat and fish - ingredients
  1. Mushrooms (foxes 200 g + white mushrooms 350 g) cut into pieces and fry in oil
  2. Pour the finished mushrooms with soy sauce (2 tbsp. Spoon) and mix
  3. Grind the onion (2 pcs.), Specify it in oil and combine with mushrooms
  4. Add ground pepper
  5. Put the mushrooms on the dish and sprinkle with chopped cedar nuts (6 tbsp.

Garnish from colored cabbage to meat

Colored cabbage goes well with meat. At the same time, this product has great benefit and, no less important, excellent taste. There are many ways to make cauliflower. And we will describe several recipes for such a side dish below.


Colored cabbage for meat - ingredients
Colored cabbage for meat - ingredients
  1. Pour cold water into the pan and add salt
  2. Bring to a boil and immerse the forks of colored (1.4 kg) cabbage
  3. We boil it for about 5 minutes and remove it into a plate
  4. We divide color cabbage into inflorescences and put them in a bowl
  5. Water olive oil, salt a little more and mix with your hands
  6. We lay out the prepared inflorescences in the heat -resistant shape and bake in the oven before browning
  7. It is advisable to turn the inflorescences several times so that they do not burn

Cauliflower in batter

Color cabbage in batter - ingredients
Color cabbage in batter - ingredients
  1. Rinse cauliflower (1 head of heads) under running water and divide into inflorescences
  2. Boil them in salted water for about 10 minutes
  3. We throw back on a colander and let the excess fluid drain
  4. Beat eggs (3 pcs.), Sour cream (2 tbsp. Spoons), salt and flour (3 tbsp.
  5. In the resulting batter, dipped cabbage and fry in oil from all sides

Dietary side dish for meat, fish

Probably, all of us strive for a slender and fit form. Of course, few can look beautiful without training. But, even training will not help if a person eats incorrectly. You can not adhere to a certain diet, but use dietary dishes in the diet. After all, they will not only not add extra calories to you, but also lose their beneficial trace elements less in preparation.

Pyans with vegetables

A great dietary side dish for fish and meat can be stewed beans with vegetables. Moreover, such beans can be used independently.

Physol with vegetables - ingredients
Physol with vegetables - ingredients
  1. Rinse and soak dry beans (100 g) for 12 hours
  2. Boil them until cooked
  3. Part -shaped beans (200 g) are washed under running water (you can use frozen beans)
  4. Tomatoes (3 pcs.), Small zucchini (1 pc.), Onion (1 pc.), Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.) And carrots (1 pc.) Clean and cut as you like as you like
  5. We melt vegetable oil in a pan and pass the onion in it first, and then the rest of the vegetables
  6. After the half -consumption of vegetables, add patch beans to them and simmer over low heat
  7. Add cooked beans and simmer for another 10 minutes
  8. 5 minutes before cooking, add chopped garlic (5 cloves), salt and favorite spices

Broccoli for a side dish for fish

Broccoli with fish - ingredients
Broccoli with fish - ingredients
  1. We divide broccoli (500 g) into inflorescences and boil in salted water until half -cooked
  2. Using a slotted spoon, remove broccoli and let the excess fluid drain
  3. Beat the cream (1 cup) with yolk and add grated cheese (150 g)
  4. Salt the future sauce, add nutmeg, white pepper and spicy herbs (to taste)
  5. We put fish (best salmon) and semi -finished broccoli inflorescences in the heat -resistant form
  6. Pour them with sauce and bake in the oven until the fish is ready

For a dietary side dish will also be a win -win option of boiled rice. About how to cook it can be found above.

Potato garnish for meat, to fish

Not a single Russian feast is complete without potatoes. But this vegetable in our country is grown not so long ago. From potatoes you can cook not only a side dish, but also the main dish. This vegetable can be boiled, fry, put out, make mashed potatoes, pins, pancakes and much more tasty.

Baked potatoes in sour cream

Baked potatoes - ingredients
Baked potatoes - ingredients
  1. Mix sour cream (150 ml), mustard (2 hours), ground coriander, paprika, salt and vegetable oil
  2. Clean potatoes (700 g) and cut it with average slices
  3. Put it in a baking sleeve, salt and mix
  4. Pour the sleeve for baking previously cooked sauce and mix the potatoes with shaking the sleeve
  5. Then you need to release air and tie the free end
  6. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and place the sleeve in it
  7. We set the "baking" mode and bake 40 minutes
  8. After the signal that the side dish is ready to wait another 5 minutes and remove the potatoes from the sleeve

Potatoes baked in sour cream are well combined with any type of meat and fish.

Parmesan and parsley potato

Potato puree with greens and cheese - ingredients
Potato puree with greens and cheese - ingredients
  1. Pour water into a pan, salt and add bay leaf and several pepper pea
  2. Boil potatoes (1 kg) and after it reaches to readily drain the water
  3. Different potatoes with milk (2.5 cups) and pieces of oil
  4. Finely chop parsley leaves (1 bunch) and with the help of a grater chop the cheese Parmesan (80 g)
  5. Add parsley, cheese, salt and nutmeg (1/3 teaspoon) in mashed potatoes and mix until a homogeneous consistency

This side dish is well suitable for fish and meat. But, especially successfully, this piquant potato puree is combined with a turkey, rabbit or chicken.

Stewed potatoes with chickpeas

Chicking Potatoes - Ingredients
Chicking Potatoes - Ingredients
  1. Soak chickpeas (2/3 glasses) in cold water for 8-10 hours
  2. Then we drain the water and boil it with clean water
  3. Potatoes (3 tubers) are cleaned and cut into cubes close to the size of the chube
  4. Mix asathetida, carry, turmeric, paprika, black pepper, coriander ground for 1 teaspoon
  5. Mix butter and fry spices in it
  6. Add potato cubes to the pan and fry them until half -cooked
  7. Then add the chickpe and pour a little decoction into the pan in which this variety of peas was cooked
  8. Salt, add tomato paste and mix
  9. Stew the vegetables until the potato is soft and add freshly cut greens before serving

Vegetable side dish for meat, recipes

As mentioned above, there are a large number of different options for vegetable side dishes. They go perfectly with and thanks to accessibility, well diversify your diet.

Zucchini with eggplant stew

Eggplant with zucchini - ingredients
Eggplant with zucchini - ingredients
  1. Onions (1 head) need to be chopped and frying in vegetable oil
  2. Cut the bell pepper (1 pc.) And add it to the onion when it becomes transparent
  3. Cut the zucchini (2 pcs) with cubes and add them to the rest of the vegetables three minutes after pepper
  4. Chopped eggplant (1 pc) should be added 4 minutes after zucchini
  5. Pour chicken broth (1 cup) and simmer vegetables under the lid for 10 minutes
  6. Grind the garlic (1 clove) and add it to the rest of the vegetables
  7. Salt, pepper and cook for another 1-2 minutes
  8. Turn off the fire, but leave the pan with vegetables on the stove for another 10 minutes

Serve to the table with meat or fish. Before serving, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs.

Baked beets "Fragrant"

Baked beets - ingredients
Baked beets - ingredients

A great side dish for chicken breast can be prepared from beets.

  1. Mix soy sauce (1 tbsp. Spoon), vinegar (1.5 teaspoon), vegetable oil (3 tbsp. Tablespoons), honey (1 teaspoon), salt and spices
  2. We put the cherries (200 g) in the finished marinade and knead the berries
  3. You can add a pinch of ground pepper
  4. Clean the beets (2 pcs.) And cut into slices
  5. Carrots (1 pc) clean and cut out cubes
  6. Lubricate the heat -resistant shape with oil
  7. Put vegetables there and water with marinade
  8. Lay the garlic plates (2-3 cloves) on top and close the shape with foil
  9. Bake at 200 degrees 1 hour 30 minutes
  10. Before serving to the table, fragrant and crispy vegetables are sprinkled with fresh herbs

Palvka for a side dish for meat, fish

Palvka is a very useful cereal. Most often, it is cooked simultaneously with meat. Usually with stew. But, you can prepare a barley and separately. The barley based on the barley can be cooked with vegetables and used as an independent dish.

Palvka for fish and meat

Palvka to fish - ingredients
Persian to fish - ingredients
  1. Pension cereal (15 tbsp. Spoon) soak for the night
  2. Onions (1 pc.), Carrots (1 pc.) And celery are cleaned and cut as it will be more convenient for you
  3. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil and simmer until half -consuming
  4. We pass the garlic (4 cloves) through the crush and add to the vegetables
  5. Stew them for another 6 minutes, and then add the soaked pearl barley
  6. Cooking a garnish for fish for another 5 minutes
  7. Separately mix sour cream (100 g), horseradish (1 tbsp. Spoon), cream (200 g) and herbs
  8. We spread vegetables with barley in heat -resistant shape
  9. We also lay out the fish (400 - 500 g) there, cut into pieces
  10. Water pouring and bake in the oven for 25 minutes

Fold porridge for a side dish for meat

Fucked can be used not only in milk cereals. This cereal can be successfully used as a side dish for meat.

Millet porridge - ingredients
Millet porridge - ingredients
  1. Onions (1 pc.) Finely cut and fry in vegetable oil
  2. Clean carrots (1 pc), rub on the middle grater and add to the onion
  3. Rinse millet (1 cup) several times and fall asleep to vegetables
  4. Pour water (2.5 glasses) and add a chicken broth cube (1 pc.)
  5. Cover with a lid and wait until the liquid boils

Leaf on a side dish for meat, recipe

The lentils in our country are not as popular as in the East. But, this bean culture is very useful. Therefore, be sure to include it in your diet. Moreover, you can make very tasty side dishes from it.

A simple side dish

Lentils - ingredients
Lentils - ingredients
  1. The lentil needs to be washed and poured with water for 4-5 hours
  2. Then you need to drain the water, pour the new (1: 2)
  3. And cook lentils 40 minutes

If a red lentil is used for the side dish, then the cooking time should be 30 minutes, and for brown - 25 minutes.


Lentils with vegetables - ingredients
Lentils with vegetables - ingredients
  1. We soak the lentils (1 cup) in water and put it to cook
  2. Clean carrots (2 pcs) and rub on the middle grater
  3. Onions (1 pc.) Grind and fry in oil for about 5 minutes
  4. Add carrots and cubes from cubes to the onion (2 pcs.)
  5. Fry for another 5 minutes and add a boiled lentil to the pan
  6. Then dill (1/2 bundle), pepper, salt and coriander (1 teaspoon)
  7. Mix and leave under the lid with minimal heat

Ginger lentils in cream

Lentils in cream - ingredients
Lentils in cream - ingredients
  1. Onions (2 pcs.) And garlic (3 cloves) are thinly chopped, and grate
  2. Mix butter (50 g) in a pan and fry the crushed products
  3. Tomatoes (2 pcs.) Cut into cubes, add to the pan to the golden onion and garlic
  4. Stew vegetables for 6 minutes and add cream (100 ml), turmeric and curry (1 teaspoon)
  5. We make fire minimal and mixing we cook for another 3 minutes
  6. Boil the lentils (200 g), add it to the pan and mix it
  7. Remove and serve this aromatic side dish with fish or meat

Buckwheat on a side dish recipe

Buckwheat is traditionally used in our kitchen as a side dish for chopped meat, rabbit, poultry and some species of fish. Cooking buckwheat is very simple. How? Look below.

Buckwheat on a side dish - ingredients
Buckwheat on a side dish - ingredients
  1. Rinse buckwheat (1.5 cups) under cold water
  2. Put the cleaned of garbage and washed cereal in a pan
  3. Add vegetable oil (3 tbsp. Spoon) and mix
  4. Pour pre -prepared boiling water (1 cup)
  5. Bring the water to a boil and reduce the fire by a minimum
  6. When the water evaporates you need to add more (0.5-1 cup) water
  7. Pour water so that buckwheat is steamed, not in water
  8. Usually such a time of cooking buckwheat takes no more than 15 minutes
  9. We clean a small carrot (2 pcs.) And cut in medium pieces
  10. We clean the onion (1 pc) and finely cut
  11. Fry carrots and onions in oil until golden
  12. Add them to buckwheat
  13. Salt, pepper and season with spicy herbs
  14. Mix and serve to the table with meat

Garnish beans recipes preparation

Beans are the main ingredients of Mexican and Greek cuisine. Although there they are often used as the main products of various dishes, you can prepare tasty side dishes for fish and meat from beans.

White bean

Beans to meat - ingredients
Beans to meat - ingredients
  1. We pour beans (1 cup) at night and let it brew (at least 6 hours)
  2. Boil until cooked and thrown back to a colander
  3. Separately fry the chopped onions (1 pc.) And Bulgarian pepper (2 pcs.)
  4. Add tomato paste to them (1 tbsp. Spoon), tomatoes painted through a sieve (2 pcs.) And a little water
  5. Mix, salt, pepper, add bay leaf and simmer for 10 minutes
  6. We press the garlic (1 clove) and add to the vegetables
  7. Then add the beans and fresh greens
  8. We can another 10 minutes and serve with fish or meat

Red bean

Red beans to meat - ingredients
Red beans to meat - ingredients
  1. We lay out canned beans in the pan (500 g)
  2. Grind the onion (1 pc.) And fry it along with the beans
  3. Add ground pepper, wine vinegar (1 tbsp. Spoon), cinnamon (0.5 teaspoon), salt and pre -chopped walnuts (50 g)
  4. We press the garlic (1 clove), add to the rest of the ingredients and mix
  5. Stew for 5 minutes and put on a plate

Puree made of peas for side dish recipe

Peas, as well as lentils and beans, belongs to the Bobov family. And you can prepare very tasty side dishes from it. Most often, puree made of peas is used for this purpose. There are several recipes for such a side dish. The best of them are presented below.

Classic mashed potatoes

Pea puree - ingredients
Pea puree - ingredients
  1. Peas (1 cup) is cleaned of garbage, rinse and soak in water for 6 hours
  2. We drain the water, wash the soaked peas, place it in a pan and pour it with water (2-3 glasses)
  3. We bring to a boil at maximum heat and reduce it to a minimum
  4. Cook 1.5 - 2 hours, then remove from the stove and cover with a lid
  5. We salt and purerize using a shift or blender
  6. You can add a little milk for taste

Such pea puree goes well with meat frying.

Piquant mashed potatoes

Piquant pea puree - ingredients
Piquant pea puree - ingredients
  1. We soak the peeled peas (1 cup) in cold water, and then boil
  2. We cook puree from boiled peas
  3. Clean the carrots (1 pc.) And rinse it
  4. In a blender or meat grinder, chop the greens, garlic (1 clove) and carrots
  5. Add the resulting gruel in mashed potatoes, olive oil (3 tbsp. Spoons) and salt
  6. For those who love more acute, you can add ground black pepper in mashed potatoes

Such piquant mashed potatoes are well suited as a side dish for meat dishes and salads. As a greens, you can use a mixture of major, basil and curly parsley.

Greeners for meat: tips and reviews

Katia. I really love pork with garlic arrows. Although the arrows are not a side dish in the traditional sense of the word. Maybe one of the readers will want to try such a dish. I advise you, very tasty.

Larisa. Try air potato souffle. Great alternative to traditional mashed potatoes. You can eat as the main dish or as a side dish with meat and fish. Preparing simply. Cheese is added in mashed potatoes. Whipped proteins and oil are added there. Everything is mixed and baked in the oven.

Video. Star from zucchini: Vitamin side dish. Cooking. Recipes. It is clear about delicious.

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