Is it necessary to make a vaccine from the Covid-19 coronavirus, if there are antibodies: why do doctors advise, will it be dangerous, is it dangerous, is it given out? Who should not make the coronavirus vaccine?

Is it necessary to make a vaccine from the Covid-19 coronavirus, if there are antibodies: why do doctors advise, will it be dangerous, is it dangerous, is it given out? Who should not make the coronavirus vaccine?

Doctors are advised to place the Covid-19 coronavirus, if there are antibodies. Why, who needs to do and who should not - read in the article.

With the appearance in the world Covid-19 And vaccinations to combat this virus, interest in the vaccination procedure has grown very much. Whether to vaccinate or not is a question that everyone should answer personally.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Why do people not want to make coronavirus vaccinations?". So is it necessary to get a vaccine from coronavirus: all the pros and cons.

Some completely trust doctors and do, while others are distrustful of such an innovation and worry about whether the vaccine will damage their health. In this article, we will answer the most common questions about vaccination. Read further.

Covid-19 vaccination, inactivated vaccine-what is it?

Vaccine from Covid-19
Vaccine from Covid-19

Despite the spores that are not -free surrounding vaccination, such a procedure remains the main way to defeat coronavirus. But this is not the only disease to combat the vaccine. So what is vaccination and how does it help to maintain human health?

  • Vaccination - This is the most effective way to combat infectious diseases, available to modern medicine.
  • Its goal is to form active protective immunity against a particular virus or other infectious agent.
  • Most often, the term “vaccination” means preventive vaccination. It is carried out to prevent an infectious disease.
  • The vaccine is administered to healthy people so that they have a protective immunity against a certain disease.

Thanks to the discovery of vaccines and vaccination, humanity managed to overcome many diseases that are incurable in the past. They are divided into different types depending on what it is used for immunization: whole microorganism, its fragment or genetic material. To fight with coronavirus Covid-19 Sometimes an inactivated vaccine is used. It is created on the basis of a whole virus.

  • Inactivated vaccine - This is a vaccine for the creation of which inactivated (killed) pathogenic agents (virus or bacterium) are used.
  • Inactivation occurs using heat, radiation or chemical reagents. This method is usually used to make vaccines against poliomyelitis or influenza.
  • For their production, special laboratory premises are needed so that the process of growing bacteria or virus takes place safely.

The production of an inactivated vaccine is relatively long, and for the formation of protective immunity it is necessary to administer two or three doses.

Civil vaccination V1: what kind of vaccine is this?

Civil vaccination V1 - This is the first stage of vaccination from coronavirus. If earlier, only people of certain professions and groups had the opportunity to get involved, now everyone can do it. You can sign up by calling the vaccination station. In the same place, after the introduction of the first dose, the next vaccination date will be set. There are three vaccines in civilian circulation now:

  1. "Gam-kovid-Wak"
  2. "Kovivak"
  3. "Epivaccoron"

Vaccine "Gam-kovid-Wak" Better known as "Satellite V":

  • It has high efficiency.
  • After the solution is administered at the injection site, this body recognizes foreign substances and begins to fight with them.
  • As a result, antibodies are generated.
  • Put this vaccine in two doses.
  • In each solution, different viral vectors are used, which helps to increase the level of immunization.

"Kovivak" - inactivated vaccine:

  • It was created by killing the virus and introducing it into the patient's body.
  • This is a traditional method for creating vaccines from influenza, polio and other infectious diseases.
  • It is this feature that causes the confidence of many people who want to get used to specifically with this vaccine.

"Epivaccoron" - Suspension for intramuscular administration:

  • It stimulates the production of antibodies to specific antigens that are contained in the vaccine.
  • The protective titer of antibodies persists for at least six months.

Since all vaccines registered in the country are effective, any that is available can be vaccinated. Usually, the decision on which vaccine is made by the attending physician based on the patient's health.

Why do doctors advise making coronavirus vaccinations if there are antibodies?

Doctors advise to vaccinate from coronavirus if there is antibodies
Doctors advise to vaccinate from coronavirus if there is antibodies

Even if the human body has antibodies, a vaccine from coronavirus is needed. These doctors' tips are based on positions WHO. The fact is that World Health Organization It recommends that everyone, regardless of whether a person was sick with coronavirus or not. The main reason for this recommendation is still unknown how much immunity will last Sars-COV-2. The presence of antibodies in the body only indicates that the disease was transferred in the past, but does not give absolutely any information about the ability of the body to resist the virus in the future.

Until now, scientists cannot determine what level of antibodies sufficient to protect against a new type of coronavirus.

  • Recommendations on vaccination and revaccination of people who have been ill with Covid are based not on antibodies, but on the duration of specific immunity.
  • The fact is that in 25% the disease that has undergone the disease is significantly reduced for 2 monthsmost of the level does not change up to 6 months.
  • There is also evidence that in a small percentage of people, antibodies can persist for nine months after the illness.

Therefore, the presence of antibodies in the body is not a guarantee that the disease will not happen again.

Is it necessary, why and is it worth a vaccine from the Covid Covid-19, if it is ill with coronavirus and there are antibodies: will they be forced to do it?

According to studies, the presence of antibodies in the body shows only the fact of the disease in the past. But this does not guarantee protection against Covid in the future, as new strains appear. The immunity trained by vaccine trained in vaccine will be easier. Do you need, why and whether to vaccinate from covid Covid-19, if you are ill with coronavirus and are there antibodies?

  • It is necessary to vaccinate for those who have been ill with coronavirus if six months have passed after the illness.
  • During this time, the level of antibodies is significantly reduced and the ability to resist the virus becomes much less.
  • But even a high titer of antibodies is not considered a contraindication to vaccination. This does not affect the manifestation of side effects.

Is it necessary to do it? Will they make?

  • They can get a vaccine from Covid either in regions with compulsory vaccination, or if the scope of human work involves contact with a large number of people.
  • But sometimes, in the presence of antibodies, they can also allow a person to wait with the introduction of a vaccine.
  • In another case, it is impossible to get vaccinated yet.

Therefore, to do or not to vaccinate is a decision that everyone makes for himself.

Is it possible or impossible to vaccinate from coronavirus if there is antibodies: is the vaccination dangerous in this case, what will happen if it is to be used, is the withdrawal issued?

You can get a vaccine from coronavirus if there is antibodies
You can get a vaccine from coronavirus if there is antibodies

The sufficient level of antibodies is still unknown to protect against the virus and how quickly immunity adapts to new strains. Is it possible or impossible to vaccinate from coronavirus if there are antibodies?

  • At the moment, the presence of antibodies is not a contraindication to vaccination.

Is vaccination dangerous in this case? What will happen if you get used to it?

  • Studies show that antibodies do not affect the manifestation of side effects.
  • The reaction depends only on the characteristics of the body and the work of the immune system.
  • The only difference is that in the gloomy antibodies, the level of antibodies becomes high after the first vaccination.

For example, in France, the antibodies test is mandatory, and everyone who suffered Covid put only one vaccine. In other countries, including Russia, there is no such practice. It is worth noting that many people are vaccinated 6 months after the disease and feel normally. Although, most likely, most of them still have antibodies in the blood.

Division is issued only in two cases:

  • Severe allergic reaction
  • Hypersensitivity to components of previously introduced vaccines

Temporary discharge is given to patients with acute infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic disease and wanting to consult a narrow specialist. In some cases, they may allow to postpone vaccination to those who have recently illuminated coronavirus and have antibodies.

At what level antibodies should be vaccinated, and at which you can wait?

At the moment, the quantitative characteristics of the immunity do not exist. Doctors themselves will not yet be able to say exactly at what level the antibodies should be vaccinated, and at what you can wait? Now there are no clear recommendations which titer antibodies is sufficient and which is insufficient. And the reason for this is that there was still little time for research.

  • Also, there is no single unified international standard for test systems.
  • Because of this, each manufacturer has its own scale, which does not coincide with others.
  • Thus, the comparison of data obtained in different laboratories using different test systems will not give the correct result.
  • Conducting research on one test system by a quantitative method is the only way to get a more accurate result.

But even the presence of antibodies in the body does not guarantee protection against the virus. In each person, the titer of antibodies decreases at different speeds: from two to nine months. Therefore, in this situation, it is worth consulting with your attending physician

Who should not make the coronavirus vaccine?

Do not make a vaccine from coronavirus people with autoimmune diseases
Do not make a vaccine from coronavirus people with autoimmune diseases

Despite the fact that vaccination is the only way to combat coronavirus, not every person can do it for health reasons. In addition to allergies to one of the components, doctors also called a number of other contraindications. Who else can not make a vaccine from coronavirus?

  • Vaccination from coronavirus is forbidden to put people who have recently suffered an exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  • The vaccine is also contraindicated in the emirable SARS, influenza and other infectious diseases. After recovery, they need to wait at least a month, since the body is still weakened by the disease.
  • In no case do people with autoimmune pathologies in the active stage, as well as cancer patients, will not be vaccinated.
  • The introduction should also be postponed nursing mothers and pregnant women.

In addition, the vaccine has an age restriction. They begin to vaccinate those who have reached 18 years. Therefore, a honey carrier is operating for children, since research has not been conducted on this group of patients.

What tests to take, what doctors to go and what to do before vaccination?

For vaccination from coronavirus, it is not necessary to carry out special preparation. The most important thing is good health on the day on which it is scheduled. What tests to take, what doctors to go and what to do before vaccination?

  • A specialist consultation will be needed if the patient has health problems, any chronic diseases.
  • For a healthy person, it is enough to pass the minimum biochemical complex and a general blood test.
  • If desired, the patient can also make a PCR test or a test for antibodies to coronavirus, but this is not a mandatory requirement.

In addition, on the day of vaccination, before getting vaccinated, the doctor examines the patient, checks the condition of the mucous membranes, temperature, measures the pressure. This is necessary in order to determine if a person has an infectious disease at an early stage now.

Important: If you are an allergic, then you must tell the doctor about this. Since vaccines have a different composition. A specialist will be able to choose the one that is best.

If you are very worried about vaccination, it is permissible to take sedatives. But only those that are allowed by the attending physician. Another drug training is not necessary. Antihistamines are allowed to drink only to allergy sufferers that take these drugs as prescribed by a doctor on a regular basis. In other cases, such preparation is contraindicated.

It is worth knowing: Taking anti -allergenic drugs in healthy people can negatively affect the immune response after vaccination.

Therefore, before going to the hospital, you should pay attention to your well -being and health features. And in no case should you self -medicate. Only a specialist knows which drugs will not damage in this situation and help improve well -being before and after vaccination.

What is the vaccine from Covid if there are antibodies: which vaccine is better to get used to - the satellite V, light or another?

The doctor will advise what vaccination to put from Covid if there is antibodies
The doctor will advise what vaccination to put from Covid if there is antibodies

You can read the missing information on coronavirus on the website of Rospotrebnadzor. In the official one source Stopkoronavirus.rf You will find answers to all questions about vaccination.

All vaccines registered in Russia are safe and effective. Which vaccine is better to get used to it - satellite V, light or other?

  • A healthy person can get used to absolutely anyone that is available.
  • But people who have chronic diseases, an allergic reaction to something or other health features should consult a doctor at the choice of a vaccine.
  • The same approach should be applied if coronavirus was postponed in recently and antibodies have been developed in the body.

Only a doctor can choose a vaccine that is suitable for a specific person, given the features of his health. Therefore, those who have already been ill with Covid is best to consult with a specialist. He knows all the features of each vaccine and will help decide on the choice.

If you recently have a flu, SARS: when can you put a vaccine?

Influenza, SARS And other infectious diseases weaken the body. After the disease, it is necessary to recover, since the introduction of a vaccine is stress for the body. The weakened immune system will not be able to develop a sufficient amount of antibodies. So, the effectiveness of the vaccine will be much smaller.

It is worth knowing: Any exacerbation of a chronic disease or an infectious disease is a contraindication to vaccination.

When can you put a vaccine so that the body's reaction to it is normal?

  • In order for the body to recover, it is necessary to wait at least thirty days.
  • Also, do not vaccinate if the symptoms of SARS - sore throat, fever and runny nose - they are also contraindications.

Therefore, if a month has not yet passed from the disease to the assigned date of vaccination, then you need to inform the doctor about it and transfer the procedure.

Is it possible to get a flu vaccine if there is antibodies to coronavirus?

You can get a flu vaccine if there is antibodies to coronavirus
You can get a flu vaccine if there is antibodies to coronavirus

Although now all the attention is focused on the pandemic, other infectious diseases have not disappeared anywhere. Including flu. But is he terrible if there is antibodies to Covid in the body? Is it possible to get a flu vaccine if there is antibodies to coronavirus?

  • Studies show that the flu vaccinated against flu is easier to tolerate covid.
  • They spend less time in the hospital, they less often need artificial ventilation of the lungs, they have a smaller percentage of deaths.
  • This is called the non -specific effect of the vaccine, which helps the body fight not only a particular disease, but also with others.

Although coronavirus and flu - from one group, there is no universal vaccine against them. And antibodies against one disease are not protected from another. Therefore, you need to vaccinate from Covid and the flu. According to the recommendations of doctors, the minimum break between the introduction of these vaccines is one month. Those who have become ill with coronavirus can also be vaccinated. Therefore, doctors are advised to get a flu vaccine, even if there is antibodies to coronavirus.

Vaccinated people are infectious for non -evacuated?

None of the vaccines registered in Russia contains components of a living virus. Vaccinated people are infectious for non -evacuated?

  • It is impossible to get sick with coronavirus because of the vaccine.
  • Vaccinated people cannot infect unevaccitted Covid.

But recently a vaccinated person can become infected if he contacts the sick. Before the final formation of the immune response, it is necessary to observe precautions for both the home and the one who put the vaccine. To minimize the risk of infection, you need to continue to wear a mask, use an antiseptic, and adhere to a social distance.

Vaccinated people do not carry any danger to society, and the vaccine itself cannot become a source of infection

Vaccination from coronavirus: for and against - arguments

Vaccination from coronavirus
Vaccination from coronavirus

Vaccination from coronavirus causes a lot of controversy. Some say that this is the only chance to overcome the disease and line up in line for doctors. Others believe that the scale of the problem is exaggerated, and the vaccine not only does not help to cope with the pandemia, but also poses a threat to human health. So is it worth a vaccine from Covid, and is it so dangerous as her opponents say? It is necessary to put the vaccine, because this has a number of advantages. Here are the arguments for "for":

  • Vaccination modifies a lightweight form of the disease. Thus, the immune system is strengthened, antibodies are formed. If after that the virus from which a person was vaccinated enters the body, the immune system will be able to more effectively protect against the disease, and it will pass in a mild form.
  • Vaccination helps to create collective immunity.
  • A vaccinated person retains the opportunity to work, travel and generally lead a familiar lifestyle.

But also the vaccine against coronavirus has a number of minuses:

  • After the procedure, an elevated temperature may appear (sometimes a stronger fever), pain at the injection site, pain in different muscle groups. So the body reacts to the introduction of a vaccine.
  • The vaccine has contraindications: exacerbation of chronic and infectious diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding, oncological diseases, age up to 18 years and others. This means that vaccination is not a universal tool and is not suitable for everyone.
  • Some people may have an allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine.
  • After vaccination, you still need to observe the distance, wear a mask, etc.

Most scientists and doctors believe that coronavirus will remain with us for a long period. So that the question "Vaccinated or not?" You will have to give an answer to each of us. The main thing is to approach this responsibly: to weigh all the pros and cons, consult with specialists, and make the right decision. After all, it is very important to stop the pandemic, whether it is vaccinating or compliance with precautions.

Video: All you wanted to ask about the vaccine from the crown, find out now from the doctor

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  1. I had small antibodies and the doctor said to do anyway .... This is capable of protecting your body. And in any case, do not forget about the funds from the outside. For example, I can advise the Evalarovskaya elderberry in hissing tablets. With her, people begin to hurt even less, which also says a lot. Buzina from ancient times is famous for its useful properties. And here there is also vitamin C and zinc, maximum benefit.

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