What to do if you prontact with a sick coronavirus so as not to get sick?

What to do if you prontact with a sick coronavirus so as not to get sick?

Coronavirus introduced new rules of conduct. Now we avoid unnecessary contacts, trips to theaters, cinema, stadiums, and we still try not to visit visiting.

But it is impossible to completely isolate from the world - in any case, you have to go to work, in the same in stores, pharmacies. And in any of these places you can meet a person who is sick with the Covid-19. What to do in this case?

How to understand whether there was a risk of coronavirus infection?

The spread of coronavirus is possible if the distance between people is less than 2 meters, and communication lasts about 15 minutes. Then the bearer of the virus can spread it during conversation, sneezing, coughing, i.e. airborne droplets.

  • If a person is sick with coronavirus and closely contacted you, when compiling an anamnesis, he will talk about your contact, doctors may contact you to warn about the possibility of infection.
  • At the same time, it is impossible to conduct an independent diagnosis. The only true and effective way to identify the disease is the appeal to the medical institution. The diagnosis is made according to the results of laboratory tests.

Therefore, at the first signs of increasing temperature, difficulty breathing, coughing, immediately call your family doctor.

  • In addition to direct contact with sick coronavirus, the risk of infection exists in case of contact with a person who has arrived from endemic regions. And, of course, you are at risk if you visited such a region yourself.
Useful memo
Useful memo

How can you become infected with coronavirus?

  • As already mentioned, the most frequent path of the spread of infection is airborne. Therefore, even a person who can easily tolerates the existing disease, in the absence of symptoms, can be contagious. Very rare, but everything is possible by infection with a fecal-oral way.
  • It is less likely, but it is also possible to infect a handshake (i.e. in contact) or through dishes, a towel, a phone or a door handle, i.e. domestic way. In this case, coronavirus infection occurs if you then touch upon your face (especially lips, eyes, nose) without washing your hands.

Symptoms in coronavirus

  • Wallow and consult a doctor at the first signs: an increase in temperature, dry cough (without a separation or separation in a very small amount of sputum), heavy breathing. Muscles can hurt, taste sensations and smell can disappear. Less commonly, a person may be sick, also in some cases diarrhea is possible.
  • If, after you have contacted a sick coronavirus, you notice one or more of the above signs, it is better not to let everything on its own and in any case do not self -medicate. You also do not need to go to the clinic - call the doctor at home.
  • All certificates of relatively necessary actions can be obtained in telephone mode, including contacting a single hotline on coronavirus issues: 8-800-200-0112.

How to avoid coronavirus infection?

Regardless of whether you resort to preventive measures, or have you had close contact with an infected Covid-19 person, you must do the following:

  • Wash your hands with soap or treat with alcohol antiseptic;
  • Maximize the number of contacts as much as possible, and if necessary to be outside the house, be sure to distance at least 2 meters from others;
  • Do not touch your nose, eyes, lips - the mucous membranes are most vulnerable.

To limit the possible distribution of coronavirus, use a disposable cloth, covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze. In extreme cases, you can sneeze in a bent hand bent into the elbow, directly to the fold of the fold.

To protect yourself
To protect yourself

What to do if you prontact with a sick coronavirus?

  • The first thing to do is stop all further contactsIn order not to be at the risk of possible infection of other people. The best option is self -isolation for two weeks, in extreme cases - 10 days. Be sure to follow how you feel, and at the first symptoms similar to the symptoms of coronavirus, pass the test.
  • Quarantine is not required in contact with a patient who has confirmed the diagnosis of COVID-19, only for those who vaccinated fully. Wherein mask wearing and distance For completely vaccinated people, it is also necessary.
  • The quarantine period begins to count from the moment of contact with the patient, which occurred the last. This is especially true if you live in the same apartment with the patient or work together, i.e. Your contacts are regular. At the end of quarantine, regardless of your well-being, it is recommended to pass the test on Sarscov-2.
  • During quarantine, follow all the above recommendations for compliance with precautions, disinfect the surface to which you touch. Vit the rooms more often. Do not forget not only to wash your hands, but also to rinse the mucous membranes, preventing them from drying out.
  • Support the room enough high humidity at cool temperature. And, of course, support the immune system, observing the mode, eating correctly, performing physical exercises, going for a walk when it is hard to go on the streets.

If, carefully adhering to the rules, you still found symptoms similar to those that coronavirus causes, stay at home and call a doctor.

  • To reduce the risk of repeated close contact with a potential patient, you can issue sick leave In his family doctor (in the case of a close contact with a person who has a confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19). The sick leave can be opened for caring for a child if he contacted the bearer of the virus and is forced to stay on self -isolation. Of course, the design of the sick leave is possible only in the case of official employment.

How to arrange a sick leave for a time of quarantine after contact with a sick coronavirus?

  • In order to arrange a sick leave, you do not need to go to the clinic at the place of residence. In the conditions of the pandemic, you can do this in telephone mode by contacting your family doctor.
  • You can do this by phone of your regional hotline on coronavirus issues.
  • Sick leave should be opened to you not less than 14 days. You can also deliver it to your home to exclude a violation of the quarantine regime on your part.

What to do if you prontact with a sick coronavirus at work?

  • If one of the employees fell ill in your team, the leader is obliged to inform the appropriate regional branch of the Department of Health. The premises in which coronavirus could potentially spread should be carefully removed in compliance with all recommendations, are disinfected and ventilated.
  • Determined the circle of people who most closely contacted the patient in recent days Before the manifestation of symptoms. If you are among these employees, you should carry out ten -day self -isolation. If the day after the tenth day after the last close contact with the patient of the PCR test shows a negative result, self-isolation can be stopped.
  • If you have not come into close contact with an employee with a ill coronavirus, after proper cleaning of the workplace, you can continue to stay at the workplace. Necessarily control well-being over the next 10 days.

Will antibiotics help not get sick if you prontact with a sick coronavirus?

  • Antibiotics will not help either as a prevention or as treatment. This group of drugs is aimed at destroying bacteria, while coronavirus, as the name itself, is a viral infection.
  • Antibiotic drugs are useless as preventiveIn addition, they have a number of side effects, which are especially clearly manifested with uncontrolled medication. For the treatment of a viral infection, an antibiotic can be prescribed only if the disease is complicated by a bacterial infection. But this appointment can only be made by a doctor.
  • As for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus using arbidol and other antiviral drugs, then there are no data confirming the clinical efficiency of this group of drugs in the counteraction of the Covid-19.
  • And, of course, you should not listen to the "folk recommendations" about the emergency for the victory over the coronavirus of such folk "panic" as garlic or onions, ginger or lemon, alcohol, hot bath.

Is it possible to become infected with coronavirus for the second time, in contact with the patient?

  • Unfortunately, even if you have already suffered a coronavirus infection, there are no guarantees that after contact with the patient you are not threatened with re-infection Covid-19. Moreover, it is impossible to guarantee even that the disease will proceed in an easier form.
  • Therefore, having made contact with a sick coronavirus, it is necessary to carefully observe all measures aimed at minimizing the possibility of infection and development of the disease (carrying a mask, breaking hands, etc.), despite the fact that you have already been sick with Covid. And be sure to go through the Coronavirus test.

Where can you make a coronavirus test if you contact the COVID-19 patient?

  • To date, in Russia, testing services are offered about 1,200 certified laboratories, of which more than 250 are private. Moreover, once a test is not a panacea and a guarantee of the lack of a disease for a long time. If you have not passed complete vaccination, the most correct will be the regular delivery of the PCR test, especially if you are in contact with a sick coronavirus. So in the case of possible infection, you can identify a beginning disease in a timely manner.
  • The test is a smear taken from the nos- and oropharynx, the upper respiratory tract, and also, if possible, a sample of sputum or aspirate from the trachea. A negative result suggests that at the moment there is no signs of coronavirus. But if at the same time you feel bad, the doctor will prescribe another test, the material for which in the laboratory will be taken in other areas of the respiratory tract.

Who most risks getting infected after contact with a sick coronavirus?

  • Absolutely everything is at risk of infection, regardless of age.
  • At the same time, the most careful and most strictly observing quarantine rules should be people who have crossed the 65-year-old line.
  • There should also be minimized by those whose immune system is weakened, and there are chronic diseases in the history.
Important rules for your protection
Important rules for your protection

How much time is a patient with coronavirus.

  • Observations show that the virus ceases to allocate on average through 14-21 days After the disease has begun. If this is twice confirmed by the result of the PCR test, then the patient no longer poses a threat to others.
  • A longer (up to 3 months) preservation of the RNA of the virus in the body is recorded in isolated cases. The question of the degree of infection of such a person is solved in each case exclusively by a doctor.

Where can you vaccinate if you contact a sick coronavirus?

  • Vaccination from COVID-19 is best carried out as the prevention of the disease, and not when the disease is already in full swing. Therefore, if you happened to closely contact a person, sick coronavirus, the introduction of antibodies into the body will become timely.

Vaccination from coronavirus is carried out by recording using the Internet portal of public services, where it is necessary to note the clinic and time convenient for you. In addition to the site, a vaccination record can be made by calling all-Russian hot lines 8-800-200-01-12 or 122.

  • Large shopping centers also began to deploy the mobile vaccination point where you can make the necessary coronavirus vaccination if there is a passport.
  • Vaccinations are carried out by vaccines Gam-Kovid-Wak, Sputnik Light, Epivaccoron, Kovivakwho are developed by Russian scientists.

About coronavirus:

Video: What to do if someone is surrounded by coronavirus surrounded?

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  1. The doctor told me that in such cases, increased dosages of vitamins D and C are needed. You can just drink the Lady's formula more than multivitamins, it perfectly strengthens the immune system. By the way, in addition to everything else, it also helps to improve hormonal balance, as the echinacea, the root of the wild yams and the dong.

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