Simple New Year's postcard with your own hands: master classes, tips, photos. New Year postcard for the New Year of the rat: ideas of postcards, templates

Simple New Year's postcard with your own hands: master classes, tips, photos. New Year postcard for the New Year of the rat: ideas of postcards, templates

In this article we will talk about how to make New Year's cards with your own hands. Such postcards will be a great addition to the gift.

New Year's postcard for the coming of 2020 of the Rat - what should it be? The options are amazing with diversity, and all of them can do absolutely any person with their own hands! Let's start soon.

Simple New Year's card with your own hands from colored paper: master classes, photos

The simplest New Year's postcard made of colored paper is what even the baby can handle. In this case, the craft turns out Colorful And truly festive.

Important: ideally, it is better to choose not only different shades of paper, but also different options for its texture. Ordinary, embossed, velvety, brilliant sheets - everything is suitable.

A postcard is made as follows:

  • From colored pieces of paper are cut out circles. Let them be different sizes - It will even give the postcard a charm!
  • Then on thick paper, which will serve as the basis of the postcard, you need draw the shape of the Christmas tree. That is a triangle.
  • It remains to ask the child glue paper circles on a postcard So that they fit into the triangle. You will get a Christmas tree strewn with toys. Of course, circles will go beyond the triangle. But this is not scary, because the Christmas tree is fluffy!
New Year's postcard from paper circles
New Year's postcard from paper circles

You can make a beautiful Christmas tree and paper of the same color:

  • Cooking The basis of the postcard. You can glue the cardboard around the perimeter with paper stripes
  • Then from colored paper strips for the Christmas tree
  • These the strips are glued so that the image of the Christmas tree is obtained
New Year's postcard with a Christmas tree in the style of minimalism
New Year's postcard with a Christmas tree in the style of minimalism

DIY New Year's postcard: master class, photo, recommendations

Since 2020 will be patronized by the rat, a New Year's postcard in the form of this rodent will be appropriate:

  • From dense colored paper is needed Cut the figure in the form of a drop. Only a drop should be large.
  • Further the sharp part of the drop needs to be folded - It will be a muzzle.
  • To the muzzle eyes, nose are glued. It can be special accessories for toys or pieces of colored paper, buttons, soft pompons - in a word, anything.
  • Now the turn has come ears. They are cut out of the same paper from which the rest of the mouse is made.

Important: you need to glue the ears to the bend so that they stick out up.

  • For tail You need to find some beautiful rope. Preferably in the tone of the mouse. You can attach the tail through a hole made by a hole punch. Or, if there is no hole punch, an ordinary needle will help out.
  • The postcard is ready! Can Decorate Her sincere wishes written on the back of the fold or above it. Then warm words will be a real surprise.
Cute New Year's postcard in the form of a mouse
Cute New Year's postcard in the form of a mouse

New Year's postcard by 2020 with buttons: master classes, photos

A New Year card from buttons is an excellent idea, since at least a few pieces can be found in each house. And the first thing you can come up with is a snowman:

  • To begin with, they are selected three buttons of different sizes
  • They are Stick one over the other on a sheet of cardboard
  • Between the middle and upper buttons The bow is attached From a tape or thread - it will be a scarf
  • From colored paper or some other material a hat is cut. You can decorate So, as the soul wants!

Interesting: it is best to fix the hat so that it covers 2 of 4 holes for buttons. In this case, the remaining in sight will be similar to the eyes of a snowman.

  • Left decorate the postcard itself. You can tie a bow from a wide tape, draw or glue the patterns. Of course, you should remember about the wish!
New Year card with a button snowman
New Year card with a button snowman

An even simpler, but no less interesting option is a postcard with Christmas tree toys-shoes:

  • On a piece of cardboard, which will serve as the basis of the postcard, wishes are written
  • Also the strings are drawnon which Christmas tree toys should hang
  • And there is no need to draw toys themselves. Instead of them buttons are glued
From buttons you can make such jewelry for New Year's cards
From buttons you can make such jewelry for New Year's cards

New Year's postcard by 2020 with sparkles: master classes, photos, tips

New Year's postcard with sparkles is a craft that children will make with special pleasure. For example, this:

  • On a sheet of cardboard, to begin with draw a Christmas tree. Or any other figure-you can, for example, a ball or mouse
  • Further, the plot inside the drawn figure is abundantly covered with glue

Important: silicone glue is perfect for crafts - it perfectly attaches even small details.

  • On glue sparkles, sequins, beads, beads are spilled out - In a word, all the brilliant beauty that can only be found.
  • Without a circuit, the image will turn out to be fuzzy, so it is necessary to take care of its presence. For example, you can make a contour From a dense cord. It is also attached with silicone glue.
New Year's postcard with a brilliant Christmas tree will delight anyone
New Year's postcard with a brilliant Christmas tree will delight anyone

You can make a brilliant postcard in another way:

  • On the cardboard sheet, which will be the basis of the postcard, you need stick the edging. Let the paper stripes perform them.
  • The remaining space shrugged with glue. You don't need to feel sorry for glue!
  • Until it has dried, from above sparkles are poured.
  • Further from another sheet of paper the template is cut. It can be a Christmas tree, mouse, Santa Claus, Snowman, Snow Maiden, etc.
  • The template needs to be glued Directly on the sparkle of the postcard.
  • It remains decorate The attached template to your liking - and the postcard is ready!
Another option for creating New Year's shiny cards
Another option for creating New Year's shiny cards

New Year's postcard with your own hands in Quilling style: master class, recommendations, photos

Quilling New Year's postcard is always spectacular and easy to do:

  • For starters from paper The strips are cut. The paper should choose one from which the master wants to see the part of the postcard. That is, elegant, drafts of school notebooks will not work. The strips should be thin.
  • Then you need to take the usual match and strip. One match is one strip.

Interesting: some needlewomen advise first to break down with a knife one edge of a match for a better paper mount. This is not necessarily, but some are really easier.

  • After the paper the strip needs to be removed from matches. You will get a beautiful pattern. Moreover, it is noted that if the paper is not tight, the pattern will be more beautiful.
  • Further so many blankets are made, How much is required for the subject that the author planned.
  • That's it the blanks are glued In the form of a snowflake or other item on a cardboard postcard.
  • Snowflake is decorated beads, sequins and any other details to choose from.
  • Left decorate the remaining space of the postcard - And you can consider it completed.
New Year's card with snowflakes made in Quilling style
New Year's card with snowflakes made in Quilling style

New Year's postcard for 2020 from felt: master class, tips, photos

If the New Year card is made of felt, it will always create a cozy mood for its owner:

  • First it is necessary find a template, which will appeal. In this case, it will be a Christmas tree, although you can work with a Christmas ball, rat, deer, etc.
  • The template should be attached to the back of the felt and circle his.
  • Then felt the blanks are cut out.

Interesting: felt is good because it is very convenient to cut.

  • Further blanks for the Christmas tree glued to bright cardboard, which will serve as a postcard.
  • Now it follows somehow process a postcard around the perimeter. If there is a lace in any box, you can use it. Or openwork napkins - they should be cut into pieces, and then attached with glue to cardboard.
  • Decorate the Christmas tree You can some beads. You can also find a decorative fringe that will save time perfectly. It should be glued along the line of decoration of the Christmas tree.
  • For the background of the postcard Small snowflakes are perfect. You can purchase ready -made ones, or you can cut them yourself in the presence of a sufficient amount of time.
Fetire New Year's card is-Helka
Fetire New Year's card is-Helka

New Year's cards for 2020 with your own hands in scrapbooking style: master classes, photos

New Year's postcard is the craft on which even an unnecessary coil of yarn will look gorgeous:

  • On cardboard is worth it stick a scrap-paper. You can choose, of course, New Year's motives. However, given the fact that a bright Christmas tree will flaunt on the postcard, it is preferable to dwell on the patterns.
  • Next, a triangle is cut out of dense cardboard - this harvesting for a future Christmas tree.
  • Next is this cardboard lubricated with glue.

Important: you don't need to regret glue!

  • Now, until it has dried, it is necessary wrap the blank with yarn. The more multi -colored threads - the better! Let them enjoy each other - it will look much better than gaps.
  • You can glue it onto the Christmas tree Several beads, and on top - asterisk.
  • Left decorating the rest of the postcard. Colorful ribbons and bows, elegant snowflakes, delicate lace - you can choose everything you want.
New Year's postcard using the scrapbooking technique is always unique
New Year's postcard using the scrapbooking technique is always unique

Another interesting option:

  • On a regular rectangle of cardboard along it the braid, decorative fringe are glued.
  • The perimeter of the postcard is decorated ribbons, braid or even ordinary threads.
  • Any decorations of those that are at hand are attached to the rest of the postcard- figures of stars or snowflakes, pieces of scrap-paper. You can even glue an excerpt from the most common newspapers! On such a postcard, it will look interesting.
  • The highlight of such a postcard - real vanilla sticks or cinnamon. They can be tied with ribbons. The postcard will gain due to such jewelry not only a cute look, but also a pleasant aroma.
New Year's aromatic postcard
New Year's aromatic postcard

New Year card for the New Year of the rat: templates

To make the New Year's postcard beautiful, we suggest using the following templates:

Christmas tree template for New Year's postcards
Christmas tree template for New Year's postcards
Squirrel template for New Year's postcards
Squirrel template for New Year's postcards
Christmas tree tent to the New Year postcard
Christmas tree tent to the New Year postcard
Deer template for the New Year card
Deer template for the New Year card
Mouse template for New Year's postcards
Mouse template for New Year's postcards

New Year's card for the New Year of the Rat: Ideas, photo

If you have not yet decided what your New Year postcard will be, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following photos for inspiration:

New Year's postcard in the style of minimalism
New Year's postcard in the style of minimalism
New Year's card with felt deer
New Year's card with felt deer
Elegant New Year postcard using scrapbooking technique
Elegant New Year postcard using scrapbooking technique
New Year's postcard in the technique of Rustik
New Year's postcard in the technique of Rustik
New Year's postcard can have any shape
New Year's postcard can have any shape
Graceful New Year's postcard using Quilling technique
Graceful New Year's postcard using Quilling technique
New Year's card in the shape of a mitten
New Year's card in the shape of a mitten

A Christmas postcard is a wonderful tradition from childhood, which is also adopted for adulthood. Such bright presented presentations created by your own hand always cause a smile and give a great mood.

A small video for those for whom the New Year card should be a needlework:

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