How to save the New Year tree at home longer? How to do what to put a live Christmas tree at home, so that the Christmas tree stood and smell longer, so that it does not crumble for a long time? A solution for a living Christmas tree: composition

How to save the New Year tree at home longer? How to do what to put a live Christmas tree at home, so that the Christmas tree stood and smell longer, so that it does not crumble for a long time? A solution for a living Christmas tree: composition

What is longer for the New Year at home: a live Christmas tree or fir or spruce? How best to install, in what, which solution to keep the Christmas tree and branches of the Christmas tree to stand longer. How long should the Christmas tree be after Christmas?

Of course, we all want the Christmas tree to stand and delight us for as long as possible, but what to do if the needles quickly dry and crumble? In addition to the spoiled festive mood in this case, we get a lot of trouble, since cleaning the crumbling needles is not easy. In this material, we will talk about which tree it is better to give preference and how to actually ensure that the symbol of the New Year stood at your home as long as possible.

How to save the New Year tree at home longer: Methods

With the approach of such a wonderful and family holiday as the New Year, many people begin to think about buying a Christmas tree or pine. Everyone can purchase, or drag this green beauty into her house with their own hands so that she pleases with her appearance of households. Jewelry and tinsel on the Christmas tree give a special atmosphere to the whole house, and the smell of needles only enhances the feeling of the upcoming holiday.

This issue has always been and remains relevant. There is no single correct answer to it, but there are a lot of ways that can extend the life of a green beauty in your house. So, let's start:

  • Initially, even when buying a tree, pay attention to the elasticity and elasticity of the branches. If you notice that the branches bend too easily and at the same time crackle (even slightly), then you should not take such a Christmas tree. All of the above signs indicate that the tree is already dry and most likely old, and from this we can conclude that at room temperature, all needles will begin to crumble. That is, you need to buy only that tree, the branches of which are green and the needles are odorous.
  • So that the forest beauty does not begin to crumble immediately after you put her in the house, give her the opportunity to adapt to the new habitat. Do not bring the tree into the house, a sharp temperature difference can play a cruel joke. Let the tree stand a little on the veranda or the balcony.
Save the Christmas tree for a long time
Save the Christmas tree for a long time
  • If you still have not inspected and purchased a spruce that already has even a little yellowed needles, they must be removed immediately. To do this is very simple - hit the floor several times on the floor.
  • The life of the Christmas tree will also extend the following procedure. Before placing it in the house, treat the tree trunk. To do this, you need to use it with a knife (15 cm) and yell.
  • In order for the spruce to look as fresh as possible you need to spray it with water from time to time.
  • Also, the usual wet rag, which must be tightly wrapped in a tree trunk, will help to preserve a beautiful view of the forest guest.

What to put a living Christmas tree at home so that it stood longer and does not crumble: the composition of the solution, the amount of sugar in the solution

As far as practice shows, a living Christmas tree tends to be stored in the apartment for two weeks, that is, the period of its “prosperity” lasts almost until the old New Year, or even longer. It is important to understand that from what you put in the spruce, it directly depends on how long it will be.

In order for the tree to stand longer in the water, a variety of components are added or a certain solution is made that is able to support the life of a beauty:

  • The most elementary way to prevent the Christmas tree from drying quickly (and the most common, one can even say primitive) is adding to a container with water, into which the trunk, aspirin or citric acid is lowered. They saturate water with nutrients in which our beauty needs so.
  • The second method is also considered quite simple and anyone who cares the freshness of the tree takes care of it. It is only worth mixing hot water with acetic acid and immerse the tree in this liquid. The fact is that hot water helps to open pores on a tree trunk, and acetic acid fights with pests that settled under the bark and suck life from a poor Christmas tree. Thanks to this method, the tree will last a few days longer than in ordinary water, or in the mix of water and citric acid.
  • The next option is suitable for those who want the Christmas tree to take root and take the roots. To do this, you need to use either soil for indoor plants or ordinary sand.
Save the beauty longer green
Save the beauty longer green
  • Find a strong pot that can withstand your Christmas tree. Fill it with sand or soil. Add water to the sand, in which pre -dissolve several tablespoons of sugar and a couple of aspirin tablets.
  • If the spruce appreciates your thorough efforts, then it can take root, and this, in turn, will allow you to plant it in the spring on the street.
  • This will save your money - you will not need to buy a new tree for the next holiday. Convenient, isn't it?
  • If you want your tree not to rot (which sometimes happens), then you can prepare a simple solution that consists of components such as ordinary water (preferably cold or simply cool) and liquid glycerin. Glycerin should take only a couple of st. l. This solution will really protect the trunk of your Christmas tree, it will not rot and the tree will stand longer.
  • For those who always have a large container like a bucket and several kilograms of sand at hand, a special offer - just put the Christmas tree in this bucket filled with sand, and water daily. The main thing is that the tip of the wood does not touch the bottom. That's the whole point. It is quite simple for those who live in a private house.
  • Perhaps everyone in the first -aid kit can be covered with a little potassium permanganate. She is also played. Just dissolve a small portion of potassium permanganate in water and put your tree in it.

How long does a live Christmas tree cost at home, how much is stored?

  • As mentioned above, a living Christmas tree can live in the house for about 2 weeks. It will be the life of her life if you do not apply any of the above methods.
  • If you use any of the ways to maintain the life of the Christmas tree, then the chance that it will live longer will increase several times.
  • Unfortunately, drying and showing needles cannot be avoided, no matter how you want it. However, with proper care, the green beauty will be able to delight you with at least 3 weeks.
  • The main thing is to repeat the watering procedure daily so that the tree does not need moisture. It is its absence that contributes to the rapid death of needles.

What is longer for the New Year at home - a living Christmas tree, fir or pine?

Each lover of needles wants this magical smell to stand in the house as long as possible, and so that the prickly beauty blinks with bright bulbs before his eyes.

  • For most people, the choice of wood is obvious - spruce. She is big, odorous and so familiar. Yes, Christmas tree, this is a standard. It costs a couple of weeks and most of this is enough. But I must say that for diversity, trees such as fir or pine are also used.
  • The fact is that such a wonderful tree, like fir, can withstand much longer than an ordinary Christmas tree. Her needles are not falling so fast, and they wither more slowly. And with proper care, she will delight you for a very long time.
  • For comparison, fir lives even longer than «blue spruce », which is known for its endurance - it will wither as slowly and the smell of needles stands in the house for a long time.
  • What about the pine, then its period of life is slightly different from the life of the Christmas tree. With good care, practically no different from leaving the Christmas tree, the pine will spread a very strong smell of needles and simple at least 3 weeks. She also loves wet sand. The main nuance is that over time its trunk becomes thinner, drying out. Therefore, you need to ensure that your pine does not overturn by chance, because the process of cleaning the crumbling needles few people will like.
Christmas tree, fir or pine
Christmas tree, fir or pine

Making conclusions, we can say that the most optimal option for lovers of long -term presence of a tree in the house is, of course, a fir. And what about unchanging traditions, then any tree can be chosen between the Christmas tree and pine. Care is almost the same. The difference is only in the strength of the coniferous smell. Here the advantage is definitely in pine.

How long should the Christmas tree be after Christmas?

Opinions about New Year's traditions have their own nuances. The most common question is the question: “And when should I throw the Christmas tree?”

  • Someone does not live with someone until January 3 (just imagine how you can torture the unfortunate tree). And someone has almost until spring.
  • If we talk about traditions, then the green beauty should leave your house not earlier than the old New Year. That is, on Christmas, the tree must certainly delight you with its presence.
  • It is customary to clean the green guest after the old New Year. According to the calendar, it occurs on January 13-14, a week after Christmas.
  • There is also a theory that the Christmas tree should stand all the New Year holidays, and this also includes baptism - January 19. And since such a thing, then the life of a tree in your house needs to be extended for another week.
  • However, we want to draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary to keep the tree in the house if it has completely leaked and looks like a crooked bush. If the Christmas tree has not lived until the last holiday, it does not matter. The main ones are still New Year and Christmas.

How to store the Christmas tree after the New Year on the balcony?

Some people, due to circumstances or simply personal preferences, leave a tree in the house only for the time of direct celebration, and then move to the balcony.

So that the tree does not stop delighting you, even in such a place, you must adhere to some rules and recommendations.

  • It is necessary to free up quite a bit of space on the balcony, preferably in the corner, so that the tree does not interfere under the feet too much when you need to take something important on this very balcony. In order to protect yourself, do all this ritual of parting with a tree in protective gloves - the needles very easily dig into the skin of the palms.
  • In order not to litter too much, you can wrap the tree with a film, or paper, having previously laid some kind of coating under the barrel.
  • In this form, the Christmas tree can stand on the balcony until spring, and the most lazy - even until the summer. Some jokers keep the Christmas tree on the balcony for several years - it already depends on the sense of humor and endurance of the owner of the balcony.
Preservation of the Christmas tree
Preservation of the Christmas tree

If your Christmas tree is still alive, but for some reason you need to get rid of it and another way out like a balcony, you do not see, you should do one simple ritual:

  • We find a container in which the tree can exist steadily, fill it with sand or soil (the second option is better) and insert the tree trunk there.
  • After that, it is worth watering the tree with water at room temperature and put on the balcony. To the minus temperature of the Christmas tree, as we know, are adequate, the main thing is not to forget to “feed” it - the same water with sugar, glycerin or aspirin. Do not forget that watering should not be hot and not warm water - this is too much temperature difference. Thus, your tree will be able to live longer and even start the roots.

As you can see, there are more than enough ways to extend the life of the coniferous tree, you need only your desire and very little time. Use our tips and enjoy the beauty of the forest guest.

Video: How to save the New Year tree longer?

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