New Year's riddles with answers - the best selection for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years

New Year's riddles with answers - the best selection for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years

Collection of New Year's riddles for children.

New Year's riddles - a selection for holding a holiday in kindergarten, school

New Year's riddles - a selection for holding a holiday in kindergarten, school
New Year's riddles - a selection for holding a holiday in kindergarten, school

New Year's riddles - a selection for holding a holiday in kindergarten, school:

He is under the darkness of the night cover
Suddenly from the old became new.


Pulled the poor thing by the tail
Paps flew up.


Dance, spinning a ring
From funny men.
(round dance)


He lies under the Christmas tree,
He will not run anywhere.


At least not cones, not needles,
And hang on the branches of the Christmas tree.
(Christmas decorations)


Sparks from a stick fly
In the scatter, as they want.


Granddaughter with grandfather on New Year's Eve
He gives out gifts to everyone.
(Snegurochka and Santa Claus)


We meet a Christmas tree
This is the best day of winter.
(New Year)


Quickly climbed into the sky,
He flared brightly and disappeared.


Bant elegant on the top of the head,
And inside are toys.


Grandfather goes to visit children
He is dressed in a snowy fur coat.
(Father Frost)


A drip flew from the sky
And she sat on her nose with a fluff.


Feast of snow and crackers,
Masks, Christmas trees and toys.
(New Year)


In the fur coat of white and white
Anyone recognizes her.
(Snow Maiden)


Bright light flashed in the sky
And he blossomed like a bouquet of stars.


He hides the secret inside,
Whoever opens, he will find out.


Her new year
Children are driven by a round dance.
(Christmas tree)


In the sky with a thousand girlfriends
The tiny little woman is circling.


Without him, Santa Claus would
I did not inform all the gifts.


At midnight under the chimes fight
He comes to any house.
(New Year)


She lurks for a whole year
In the dark and crowded,
To appear for the New Year
To us in magical beauty.
(faux Christmas tree)


The streams of silver flow out
With a Christmas top,
But they don't get wet from them
Branches and toys.


He is on a masquerade ball
It flies over the crowd,
Everything around, fun for the sake
Blows into the rings.


This snake in the New Year
He will crawl to our Christmas tree,
Wink a hundred thousand times
Hundreds of colorful eyes.
(electric garland)


He lies under the Christmas tree,
And his secret guard.
What is in it, Santa Claus knows,
Because he brought it himself.


Like a mouse, but without wow
And without legs, poor thing.
Pull the tail and - bug!
Paper will fly!


Grandfather Frost does not have
Santa Claus has.
And they are a nose saddle
With legs from ostrich.


For her under each Christmas tree
The place on the floor was found.
And it is only more important
Good grandfather Frost.
(Snow Maiden)


All sparkles, silver
This miracle is a crush.
But it will turn into a rain,
On your palm.


Both boys and girls
Waiting for him for the New Year,
Because he is toys
He puts them under the Christmas trees.
(Father Frost)


The bedspread is white
Not made of threads made
It lay in a pure pole,
So that the grass is sleeping warmly.


I fell from the sky in parts,
Three balls rolled up,
With the help of the kids stood up
And he stayed.


All in toys and needles
At the ball, a beauty.
Does not want to dance, only
It throws with cones.
(Christmas tree)


What a miracle-wizard
On New Year and Christmas
Turns kids
In hares, protein and hedgehogs?
(mask or masquerade costume)


All people for birthday,
Invited, but why
Those prepare congratulations
And gifts - not him?
(New Year)


Like a gun rumbled
And he will paint the sky at night.
The cat and window will start,
And again dark, dark.


He has a large bag
Watu beard,
He came to the house
Congratulate for a fee.


Where they dance and sing
Cats and soldiers
And they give out gifts
Princes and pirates?


Outside of her sisters
They are surprised: she -
On the hand without mittens,
And it should be melted.
(paper snowflake)


The spring spread
Golden shiny fur,
To be at a party
The best and more beautiful than all.


He is naughty kids
Pinches the noses and ears,
And obedient in the New Year
He gives out gifts.
(Father Frost)


This guest once a year
Climbs into the chimney.
(Santa Claus)


At this time, the whole people
It walks on the water.


New Year's riddles with answers - the best selection for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years

New Year's riddles-perobalves
(riddles for children with guesses in rhyme)

If Santa Claus comes,
Then it will come ... (New Year)

Bach! Paper, like a gun,
They fly out of ... (CHPLOCHOCH)

With Santa Claus to Yurochka
I came to the house … (Snow Maiden)

Rumble up with a roar
Multi -colored ... (fireworks)

In the festive wrappers of bright
The kids are waiting for ... (present)

Ouch! The fluff melted!
Became a drop ... (snowflake)

Brought for us
Good grandfather ... (Freezing)

Killed needles
At elegant ... (Christmas trees)

With a grandfather on the street
Rushing in a sleigh ... (Snow Maiden)

Exactly at midnight
Best holiday ... (New Year)

Kids children from snowball
In the yard… (snowman)

Multi -colored snow flies,
So this ... (confetti)

January begins,
Need a new ... (calendar)

Above fields and forests
Santa Claus rushes ... (sled)

Bright brilliance of silver
Flashed ... (tinsel)

A very sad picture -
New Year without ... (serpentine)

From the twigs and roofs
The ice floes are long - ... (icicles)

Children help mom
Decorate the Christmas tree ... (balls)

New Year! There is no better day
For Bengal ... (fire)

Animals hang on the branches
Not alive, but ... (toys)

Near the Christmas tree in the New Year
Children drive ... (round dance)

New Year's riddles for children for competitions about winter

New Year's riddles for children for competitions about winter
New Year's riddles for children for competitions about winter

New Year's riddles for children for competitions about winter:

It's already a month that goes on,
We will celebrate the New Year soon,
In snow hibernation, all nature.
Tell me the time of the year.


Cold came.
Water turned into the ice.
Long -eared bunny gray
He turned into a bunny white.
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear fell into a hibernation.
Who will say, who knows
When does it happen?


Snow in the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard walks. When does it happen?


Rutered the paths
I decorated the windows.
I gave joy to the children
And on the sled rolled.


Who, guess the mistress?
The Perinka shook - over the world of a fluff.


Snow in the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard walks. When does it happen?


Who is the meadow white white
And he writes on the walls with chalk,
Sews downy feather beds,
Did you decorate all the windows?


Autumn, best girlfriend,
I sent south.
I'm frozen and white
And I came to you for a long time.


So that the autumn is not wet,
Not smacked from the water,
He turned puddles into glass,
He made the snowy gardens.
(Frost, winter)


What is the name of the time
When they sculpt a woman from snow,
The bear sucks a paw in the den,
Is the kids playing snowballs?


Opened snow embrace,
The trees put everything in dresses.
The weather is cold.
What is this time of the year?


I have a lot of things - I'm a white blanket
I cover all the earth, I clean the rivers in the ice,
Belya Fields, at home, and my name is ...


I will not tolerate warmth:
Twist the snowstorms
I will face all the clearings
I will develop ate
I will notice a snowball at home,
Because I ...


Suddenly snowstorms
With a terrible howling, they flew.
Autumn ran away in fear,
And she became the mistress.


The roof in the header of the fur,
White smoke above the head
The courtyard in the snow, white at home.
At night came to us ...


Invisible, carefully
He is to me
And draws like an artist,
He is patterns on the window.


Maybe I'm still in a dream?
It is very strange to me.
I ran away before the deadline
Autumn, leaves the leaves,
So, to be winter soon.


He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, yaliks.
They say he is a hundred years old
And the naughty is like a small one.

What a master it is
Apply on glass
Both leaves and herbs,
And overgrown roses?


The days became shorter.
At night, the rain poured.
And the glass came -
Puddles glazed


Without arms, without legs,
And he knows how to draw.


Who is the meadows white?
And he writes on the walls with chalk?
Sews downy feather beds,
Did you decorate all the windows?


Thunderstorms scare us in the summer,
And in winter they are terrible ...


Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts it to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street ...


Whose drawings on the window,
How is a crystal pattern?
Piercing all of the nose
Winter grandfather ...

New Year's riddles with answers about snow, snowflakes

New Year's riddles with answers about snow, snowflakes
New Year's riddles with answers about snow, snowflakes

New Year's riddles with answers about snow, snowflakes:

He flies from heaven in winter
Do not go barefoot now
Everyone knows
That is always cold ...


He flies with a white flock
And sparkles on the fly.
He melts cool with a stars
In the palm of your hand and in the mouth.


He warms up in winter
Smolders in the spring
It dies in the summer
It comes to life in the fall.


I look out in the window
Lies a white cloth.
All winter lies
And he will run away in the spring.


He is fluffy, silver,
But do not touch his hand:
Will become clean,
How you catch a palm.


He is busy all the time,
He cannot go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything that he sees in the way.


It goes, but there are no legs
Lies, but there is no bed,
Light, and the roof breaks.


Lay a blanket
Soft, white,
The earth was warming.
The wind blew
The blanket bent.
The sun was baked
The blanket flowed.


The white swarm curled up,
He sat on the ground - became a mountain.


Fluffy carpet
Not a fabric with your hands
Not sewed with silk
At the sun, with a month
Silver shines.


Like Firebird feathers,
All sparkles and sparkles,
Zailed the forest, the meadow
Winter white ...


We will arrange a “war” in the winter,
We will build a snow fortress!
What will we "fight"?
Every "warrior" should know!
Guess rather, my friend,
The ball is tidy - ...


Night. Winter. Stars in the sky.
The kids are sleeping, it's too late
A month in the sky - a horn,
The little white fell ...


Sani drive along the road
The stitch curls with a thread
The trace remained from the perspective,
Reduced the trace ...


He came unexpectedly
Surprised us all
For the guys desired
White-white ...


Only snowflakes fell out
I ran along the path
And they run after me
My entire route is issued.
(Footprints in the snow)


Riddles about snowflakes
On trees, for bushes
Flowers fall from the sky.
White, fluffy,
Only not fragrant.


What kind of stars are through
On a coat and on a scarf,
All through, cut,
Do you take - water in your hand?


All sparkles, silver
This miracle is a crush.
But it will turn into a rain,
On your palm.


The star was circled
A little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.


They fall from the sky in the winter
And circle over the ground
Light fluffs,
White ...

New Year's puzzles with a trick about a snowman

New Year's puzzles with a trick about a snowman
New Year's puzzles with a trick about a snowman

New Year's puzzles with a trick about a snowman:

Afraid of warm weather,
Under the sun melts like a seal,
And even though it is cold,
But kind, white ....


The bucket shone with joy,
On everyone shone down:
It has become a hat today
On the head ...!


He stands in the yard all day,
Carrot nose, broom in the hand,
I have long been used to the cold.
Who is this? ...


We see a carrot, a bucket and a panicle,
So the boys dressed up ....
(Not a Christmas tree, but a snowman.)


In the yard from a pile of snow
I erected the design!
How similar to a person
This cute ....


In the courtyard, Kilo Kom,
The old hat is on it.
The nose was attached and instantly
It turned out ...


In the yard, my childish laughter
The snow burns hands.
Snow lump, then the second,
The third will be the head
And on it is a holey pelvis,
Chargos instead of eyes,
Nose - carrots, mouth - an arc.
He stands like a sentry.
Only from the place do not leave,
There is no way without his feet.
-I would be a carrier car,-
Summarified ....


In the yard stands with a broom,
Friends with our kids,
Smiles cunningly
Instead of a hat - there is a bucket!


Near our yard
We rolled three balls
Put on each other
And the carrots were stuck.
The sun came out in the morning,
Smiled at our window.
And under the sun suddenly was wilted.
Who is this? ....


All me from head to toe
Washing up really.
And the eyes of black black,
And in the hands of a panicle.
(Snow woman)


Snow fell in the middle of the yard
In the yard of the kids
Koloboks roll,
Koloboks do not melt.
Put on each other
And they melted in the spring.


He is proud of his carrots,
Instead of a hat - a bucket,
I am used to delighting children
Good -natured ....


His children blinded from the snow,
They attached a nose from carrots,
They even gave him a scarf,
So that it does not freeze in severe frost.
Who is he? Every child knows.
In the yard behind the window stands
Friend of the boys and friend of the girls,
A kind, plump friend ....


He was blinded in the yard
Back in the distant December.
He is so funny with a bucket
The rink is watching with a broom.
I got used to the cold for a long time
Our friend ...


I lived in the middle of the yard
Where the kids play
But from sunlight
I turned into a stream.


I lived in the middle of the yard
Where the kids walked.
But from sunlight
I turned into a stream.
And until the next year,
So far, generous nature
Snow does not send us -
Do not blind ....


Why look for him in the mountains?
You will find him in the yards.
From year to year, from century to century
A snow man lives here.
He is on the courtyard
It stands, holding a broom in the hand.
He amuses the guys all day,
The bucket of putting on the bunker.


In winter, the snow is blindly dexterous:
Three kolobok and carrot.


Miracles happen in winter,
And then one came to us.
The messenger of the North Pole
Once I looked at our yard.
He is a faithful friend, Grandfather Frost,
The very winter is one of the servants.
In the spring, he was drooping
Of course, this is ....


We will collect a lump from the snow.
We put a pot on top.
Carrots will replace his nose.
He holds a broom in his hands deftly.
We will put on the scarf to him,
And he will not freeze in the blizzard.
He was not used to heat at all.
After all, this is a miracle - ....


Who comes without worries
With Santa Claus on the New Year?
Clumsy, chubby,
With a wolf, a hare and a fox?
Eyes-angles sparkle,
Nos-carrot lures.
Fat, but mischievous.
Who is he baby? ....


Red nose, in the hands of a panicle,
He lives next to the Christmas tree.
I have long been used to the cold
Our cheerful ....


Who is the assistant to Santa Claus?
Who is with carrots instead of nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? ....


Who is at our Christmas tree?
Lump, lump and two panicles.
The lowest lump is big,
A little less than the second,
Upper - the smallest lump,
The old bucket is laid.
A torn scarf to his new thing,
Instead of a nose - carrots,
Instead of eyes - two coals ...
They know everything for sure
And they will answer at the same moment -
Near the Christmas tree ....


The children are sculpting everywhere
Snow clips in the morning.
Putting a ball on a ball deftly
Attached nos-carrots,
Here is a broom and a collar -
It turned out ....


The children are sculpted in winter
A miracle with a round head:
Com on whom it will put deftly,
Mouth-arc, and nos-carrot,
And two eyes are coals,
Yes, two hands from the branches.
The sun came out, it was wilted.
Who is this? ....


They didn't buy me
They blinded from snow.
The nose replaced deftly
Long carrot.
Instead of a grind of a coal
Handles - flashing knots.
I'm used to standing in the yard
Your cheerful ...


I was not raised.
They blinded from snow.
Instead of a nose, deftly
They inserted carrots.
Eyes are coals.
Hands - knots.
Cold, big,
Who am I?
(Snow woman)


We deftly blinded him.
Eyes are also nos-burgundy.
Slightly warm - will cry instantly
And it melts ...


We blinded him ourselves:
They were painted with coals
They made him a tummy
Smiling mouth
Nose - carrots, eyes - ice floes ...
On a trodden path
It arose from snowflakes
Cute … .


We blinded the snowball.
The hat was made on it,
The nose was attached - and in a moment
It turned out ....


We rolled snowballs for a long time
And then they laughed loudly,
They hoisted each other
And they provided carrots,
So from the snow suddenly arose
Who guys? ....


I'm not trembling in the cold,
I keep my nose with carrots
But I don’t complain, I’m used to it.
How am I calling? ...


Put on his head a bucket
A white down jacket on the shoulders.
Made a nose from carrots
Fat white ....


I'm not trembling in the cold,
I keep my nose with carrots
But I don’t complain, I’m used to it.
How am I calling? ....


The harsh frost is not terrible,
The nose does not freeze with carrots.
But the sun will warm and instantly
It melts a big ....


Nos-carrot, bucket-step,
And the eyes are like coals
The guys love to sculpt them,
This is indeed … .


Nose - carrots,
Hands - sticks,
Instead of the body -
Show, my friend, ingenuity,
Who is this around the corner?


He is in frost and snowfall
Glad to play with the kids.
Give everything new to him -
Both buckets and carrots.
Warmed - it means
Soon our friend will cry.
He was sad and drooped
Our friend ....


He always stands with a broom
But does not want to clean the snow.
I can't understand,
Who is this person?
Why he is frosts
And the blizzards do not care?
Why in spring tears
Are they running through it with a stream?


He is from the snow alone,
His nose is from carrots.
Slightly warm, crying instantly
And it melts ....


Along the paths, along the paths
Who goes on snow legs?
Who is capable of tricks
Does he have a carrot?
In the spring it melts instantly,
It is white … .


Tell me the guys,
Who has slippers from snow?
Who has a panel in his hands,
Uglings, Nos-Carrons?
On the top of him
Instead of a hat - a bucket.


Sometimes I am embarrassed for myself,
Carrots sticking out instead of my nose.


Appeared in the yard
He is in the cold December.
Clummer and funny
The rink stands with a broom.
I got used to the Winter Winter
Our friend ...


Early in the morning in the yards
Snow rolls the children.
Despite the fact that the blizzard
Put clips on each other,
On top of the hat il bucket,
In the nose, carrots at the same time.
Noise is worth both din and scream
Children sculpt ...


The guys are stubbornly tumbled,
Where the nose is always carrots!
I’m used to standing in the yard
Children, this is ....


The snow woman has funny nose,
It is long, bright, vegetable!
Now you need to think together
What vegetable we need to choose.
Who guessed - well done!
Of course, this is ....
(cucumber - carrot)


I'm snowy, I'm white
The guys did me
In the afternoon they are always with me
They go home in the evening.
Well, at night under the moon
I am very sad for me alone.
(Snow woman)

New Year's riddles funny about the Snow Maiden

New Year's riddles funny about the Snow Maiden
New Year's riddles funny about the Snow Maiden

New Year's riddles funny about the Snow Maiden:

Everyone knows this granddaughter
As a child, he even called her.
After all, without a grandfather whose
An important ball does not pass.
Snow Maiden


In the New Year, it is always given
See all of us magic.
Near the house - at the lane,
I ran, suddenly ...
Snow Maiden


Her fur coat, not a skirt,
After all, this is ...
Snow Maiden


Walks with grandfather Frost,
But beautiful, like a rose,
Grandfather’s granddaughter will be called
As the beauty is called.
Snow Maiden


Fairytale, New Year's character,
Coming to the holiday, gives the briefing:
How to call the guys to the guys,
As around the Christmas tree amaze together ...
So what is the name of this diva, a person?
Try to name her name soon.
Snow Maiden


Comes in a blue fur coat
With a long white braid,
Together with grandfather for the holiday
They will bring different gifts.
Snow Maiden


Grandfather of Santa Claus,
Assistant to him in everything.
Dance with us leads,
We sing songs with her.
Snow Maiden


Her work is not easy -
Break off children, play.
Okay, only one year only
It is necessary to resort to business.
Snow Maiden


Grandfather of Santa Claus,
So lovely, like a rose,
It will come to us for the New Year
Everyone will bring gifts to everyone.
Snow Maiden


This snow girl
On New Year's Eve laughs loudly,
Walks with the grandfather of the mischievous
And gives gifts with him!
Snow Maiden


I gave us all gifts
Girl, with her grandfather that came,
Around the Christmas tree danced with her ...
What did we call her?
Snow Maiden


Santa Claus is her granddaughter,
We celebrate the holiday with her with a bang.
Life in the summer, she is not there.
What is the name of this Divchin?
Snow Maiden


He walks with grandfather Frost,
Around the Christmas tree rinses
She is a beautiful girl,
And dressed like a queen,
He calls her to his granddaughter,
Who will call it to me.
Snow Maiden


The girl is kind, winter, snowy,
In a fur coat and mittens, bright, tender,
With Santa Claus comes to the Christmas tree
And the round dance with the kid starts?
Snow Maiden


She lives in Lapland,
Frost - calls the grandfather.
Comes to us on the New Year,
Drives a round dance with us
Dance, sings songs,
Who will call it to me?
Snow Maiden


New Year for our holiday
The girl will come alone
With a long scythe, in a fur coat,
We are all waiting for her and love her
Grandfather will bring it to us
What gives gifts.
Snow Maiden


She is the granddaughter of that grandfather,
With whom is the conversation so happy
On New Year, on his eve.
Grandfather is a wizard and a hut.
Tell the whole light,
What is the name of this granddaughter?
Snow Maiden


The kids come to the new year
Girl in a fluffy light fur coat,
A round dance leads near the Christmas tree,
It does not allow everyone to miss a minute.
Santa Claus calls her granddaughter,
Children gives gifts to everyone.
Snow Maiden


The grandfather has a granddaughter,
We have been loved for a long time,
She is after her grandfather
Hurrying to everyone home.

With her on the New Year is magical
More fun on the heart
She is a gentle snowflake,
Not at all of people.
Snow Maiden


Santa Claus came to visit us
With a fragile, snow -white guest.
He called her a daughter.
This girl…
(Snow Maiden)


I am the granddaughter of frost and blizzards
I am here every year!
With me, snowflakes are
Cheerful lead a round dance.
(Snow Maiden)


She is dressed in silver with pearls -
Magic granddaughter of the magic grandfather.
(Snow Maiden)


Red girl, sad:
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun!
The poor thing pours tears.
(Snow Maiden)


She doesn't need it
Hot stove,
Frost and cold
Everything is nothing to her.
Hello sends everyone
Cheerful …
We are to us too
We are waiting for the holiday.
(Snow Maiden)


All in snowflakes, ice sparkles
On her eyelashes,
Rushes on a sleigh in the snow,
Horses - like birds!
She flies to visit us,
Hey, don't stand in the way!
In a white fur coat, like a princess,
In warm mittens,
Past the fairy -tale ’forest
He rushes to the Christmas tree!
And beautiful and slim
So tell me - who is she?
(Snow Maiden)


In the fur coat bright, blue,
All the hat is sparkling,
How will it go to dance with you
Mommy will smile.
He sets all the riddles
And it gives out sweets.
(Snow Maiden)


The grandfather has a granddaughter, Santa Claus,
Not Tanya, not Lena and not even a rose,
Not ala and not Shurochka ... her name is ...
(Snow Maiden)


If Santa Claus comes
He brings his granddaughter with him,
With a long white braid,
A face of a wonderful beauty.
So that it stands nearby
I distributed gifts to everyone,
I started a round dance.
How does the people call her?
(Snow Maiden)


With whom the frost plays hide and seek,
In a white fur coat, in a white hat?
They know all his daughter, and her name is ...
(Snow Maiden)


She is in white boots
And in a blue fur coat
A bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings us with you.
White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm-fraudulent
Righty eyes.
In transparent ice floes
And mittens on it.
You give us light and joy, you
The favorite of children!
(Snow Maiden)


With grandfather Frost nearby,
Shines with a festive outfit.
It sets us riddles,
Drings a round dance, sings.
From snowflakes jacket,
Who is this? ...
(Snow Maiden)


A middle -aged man
With an overgrown beard
Brought with him by the handle
The granddaughter for your holiday.
Answer the question:
Who is this? ...
(Santa Claus with Snow Maiden)


I came for the New Year.
I handed out toys
I went to the round dance ...
(Snow Maiden)


Who causes frost:
"Where are you, Grandfather Frost?"
Who does not know this -
The dress is woven from the stars!
And in the hands - a casket.
This is indeed - …
(Snow Maiden)


The girl lives in the forest,
In the spring, she pours tears in the summer,
It’s as if I am ready to melt.
But, only winter will come -
She is glad! Here's a time for her,
What she will devote to her fun!
(Snow Maiden)


Stand in a round dance
Santa Claus will come soon!
He goes a quiet street
With a granddaughter ...
(Snow Maiden)


Red-girl-Winter she is a daughter,
And Santa Claus is a granddaughter.
Everyone guessed who it is?
Of course, children, this
(Snow Maiden).

Children's New Year's riddles about Santa Claus

Children's New Year's riddles about Santa Claus
Children's New Year's riddles about Santa Claus

Children's New Year's riddles about Santa Claus:

In a red fur coat, in a red hat,
With a beard, like a beautiful snow,
Behind the back with a large bag,
In white felt boots, on foot
I came to you today,
Joy, laughter with himself brought
And brought gifts to you.
Who are I children?
(Father Frost)


Who is not afraid of frost
Even fierce in winter?
Dance with you, fun
Under a fluffy pine?
Who brought from a winter tale
Do you have a whole WHO?
Who will answer without a hint?
These are kids, …
(Father Frost)


We will not meet him in the spring
He will not come in the summer.
But in the winter to our children
He comes every year.
He has a bright blush,
Beard like white fur,
Interesting gifts
He will cook for everyone.
Happy New Year congratulating
The bright Christmas tree will light
Funning the kids
He will stand with them in a round dance.
Together we meet him,
We are big friends with him.
But drink hot tea
This is impossible.
(Father Frost)


Who are we waiting for a whole year?
Who comes to the house at night?
Who has a lot of toys
Books, fairy tales and crackers?
This ancient miracle day
Everyone “cold” sends greetings.
(Father Frost)


He arranged rinks for us,
I brought the streets with snow,
I built ice bridges from ice,
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)


He is our guest dear
He is a gray beard,
He will light a Christmas tree for us,
With us will sing songs.
(Father Frost)


Whose drawings on the window,
How is a crystal pattern?
Piercing all of the nose
(Santa Claus)


In a sheepskin coat with a red sash
And a wonderful bag
He is always under the New Year
Goes on a campaign.
To meet a holiday with us,
To rejoice at the children.
Who is this, here's the question?
Well, of course…
(Father Frost)


He all sparkles in gold,
All sparkles at the moon
Decorates a Christmas tree in beads
And draws on the glass.
He is such a big prankster -
It will pinch over the very nose.
I came here for a holiday,
Who is he, children?
(Father Frost)


Girls and boys,
Your fingers are freezing
Ears are harassed, his nose is chilly,
Apparently, close ...
(Father Frost)


In a fur coat, shining with a silver snowball,
He walks with a big bag.
Name me without thinking for a long time
Who gives all gifts under the Christmas tree?
(Father Frost)


Here the kid draws fairy tales,
I received paint as a gift.
Who brought all this?
Well, of course…
(Father Frost)


How many toys are bright here,
These are gifts for children,
They brought them in his bag
(Santa Claus)

Who is the New Year for the holiday
Does it give out gifts to us?
He has a red nose
This is grandfather ...


The kindest grandfather in the world
The boots are dressed in a fur coat;
A gray -haired beard is overgrown
Our beloved ...
(Father Frost)


In a warm fur coat in the evening
He comes to every house.
He has a bag of toys:
Dolls, balls, crackers.
All gifts brought us all
Good grandfather ...


This grandfather is yours and mine,
He comes to us in the winter.
And in his bag brought
All gifts ...
(Father Frost)


What kind of grandfather gray
With a long white beard?
Behind the bag is heavy,
Yourself with a mustache and cheerful?
He dances and sings
He gives out gifts to everyone.
- What is his name? - question.
- Our beloved ...
(Father Frost)


The Christmas tree has a needle, on the Christmas tree balls.
Under the Christmas tree gifts for all children.
Who brought these gifts to the kids?
We will answer everything in chorus: ...
(Santa Claus)


He comes with gifts,
Dance with us leads.
The white beard has grown
Good grandfather ...


Here the kid draws fairy tales,
I received paint as a gift.
Who brought all this?
Well, of course…
(Father Frost)


How many toys are bright here,
These are gifts for children,
They brought them in his bag
(Santa Claus)


Who is the New Year for the holiday
Does it give out gifts to us?
He has a red nose
This is grandfather ...


The kindest grandfather in the world
The boots are dressed in a fur coat;
A gray -haired beard is overgrown
Our beloved ...
(Father Frost)


In a warm fur coat in the evening
He comes to every house.
He has a bag of toys:
Dolls, balls, crackers.
All gifts brought us all
Good grandfather ...


This grandfather is yours and mine,
He comes to us in the winter.
And in his bag brought
All gifts ...
(Father Frost)


What kind of grandfather gray
With a long white beard?
Behind the bag is heavy,
Yourself with a mustache and cheerful?
He dances and sings
He gives out gifts to everyone.
- What is his name? - question.
- Our beloved ...
(Father Frost)


The Christmas tree has a needle, on the Christmas tree balls.
Under the Christmas tree gifts for all children.
Who brought these gifts to the kids?
We will answer everything in chorus: ...
(Santa Claus)


He comes with gifts,
Dance with us leads.
The white beard has grown
Good grandfather ...


In a red fur coat with a beard
He hurries home to visit us
Joy is lucky on deer
Who is he children?
(Father Frost)


Who came from afar,
Is snow slightly slightly?
Who brought us gifts?
This is grandfather ...

New Year's riddles about the Christmas tree funny

New Year's riddles about the Christmas tree funny
New Year's riddles about the Christmas tree funny

New Year's riddles about the Christmas tree funny:

I stand in the taiga on one leg,
On top of cones, below the bears,
In winter and summer green,
needles dress, but I am called ...
(Christmas tree)


In the New Year she came
A delicious smell brought
And thorny needles,
These are gifts ...
(Christmas trees)


I'm growth to the new year,
A cheerful round dance sailed
I'm green and fresh
And looks like a hedgehog,
And in the heat or snowstorm,
They call me…


Procular outfits.
Who tell them glad?
Needles dresses
The beauties ...
(Christmas tree)


Guessing it is not difficult.
Just be careful! -
She is all in needles!
But not a hedgehog - ...
(Christmas tree)


All elegant in toys
All in garlands and chloride
Not a prickly
Well, of course it ...
(Christmas tree)


The tree in the forest is growing.
Green color all year round.
Instead of a leaf needle.
Fluttered the branches ...
(Christmas tree)


We disassembled toys
Everywhere in the house of Mishura.
We began to dress it up
Together in the morning.
Here it is worthwhile,
I look upward, admiring
I am elegant ...
(Christmas tree)


In the forest, frost is stronger,
A blizzard is a snowstorm in the fields,
On the holiday meets us
Sparkling ...


The guest came to us from the edges - green, even if not a frog.
And not a club of clubfoot, at least her shaggy paws.
And we can’t understand, what does she need needles for?
She is not a seamstress, not a hedgehog,
At least he looks like a hedgehog.
(Christmas tree)


All in toys and needles
At the ball, a beauty.
Does not want to dance, only
It throws with cones.
(Christmas tree)


She looks like a hedgehog
Like a hedgehog, she is in needles too,
On it there are fruits - cones.
The girls are waiting for her, boys,
When she is under the New Year
It will come to stand on a holiday
(Christmas tree)


Where are the leaves? You will not find
You even call adults.
And she is always so strict
All in needles, inconsistent.
But a new one in a year - cheerful
So the beauty blossomed.
She was embarrassed with silver,
Like a fabulous tent.
(Christmas tree)


In spring, color,
In the summer I bring the fetus,
I do not fade in the fall,
I don't die in winter.
(Spruce or pine)


What is this girl:
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman
Nothing sews anything herself
And in needles all year round.
(Christmas tree or pine)


What kind of tree is this -
All the crown in silver?
It blossomed in our winter
Frosty day in December.
And nuts and sweets,
And the balls hang on it.
There is on a tree on this
Everything for the joy of the guys.
Fruits ripen in the summer,
In the summer of apples, the garden is full,
And on the tree on this
And in winter they hang.
(Christmas tree)


Needles grow on it
Fat and sharp
And the cones are targeted,
Sticky, fragrant.
She is under the New Year
It will come to visit us!
Slender, fluffy
With golden lights ...
(Christmas tree)


You will always find it in the forest-
When you walk into it:
It costs prickly, like a hedgehog
"Winter in the dress?",
"Well, something!"
And the dress is fluffy,
Green, branched!
(Christmas tree)


Green aunt dressed in needles,
It stands lonely in the forest on the hill.
Put the earrings for myself for fun,
Having hidden nuts for protein in earrings.


There is a beauty
Heaven touches.
In winter and summer
He is dressed in a fur coat.
Prilute fur coat
Cabs clouds.
(Spruce or pine)


I am a fashionista that everyone is surprising!
I love beads, sparkles - any decoration.
But on my, believe me, great trouble
The outfit is dressed only once a year.
(Christmas tree)


I grew up in the forest dense,
I went up to the blue clouds.
But now they cut me off
And dressed in toys.
(Christmas tree)


You will always find it in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet:
It costs prickly, like a hedgehog
In the winter in the dress is summer.


I go into the winter forest
I met a miracle of miracles.
Green, powerful,
But too prickly.
(Christmas tree)

What a beauty -
Standing lightly, sparkling
How magnificently removed ...
Tell me, who is she?
(Christmas tree)


Who is a fluffy, at least not a chicken, any child should know.
It is very simple to guess who came to visit us today?
(Christmas tree)


She is all in flashlights
Multi -colored balls,
In cones, twigs are worth
She has an elegant look.
(Christmas tree)


On the forest edge,
Near the hut,
Girlfriends have grown -
Bumps on the crown,
Sharp needles
Green and Kolki.
(Christmas trees)


At least in Bor it grows,
He comes to the house in a cold.
We are next to her on the New Year
Dive round dance.
On winter day she is in toys,
All in garlands and crackers.
(Christmas tree)


I come with gifts, shine with bright lights,
An elegant, funny, for the New Year I am the main thing.
(Christmas tree)


The hedgehog looks like her
You will not find leaves at all.
Like a beauty, slim
And for the New Year - important.
(Christmas tree)


For the New Year, everyone is glad for her,
At least a spicy outfit!
(Christmas tree)


Holds its paws - clubfoot,
And growth is like a dad.
(Christmas tree)


A lot on the New Year on it
Stars, toys and lights.
(Christmas tree)


From the forest of the princess
I came to the holiday
I put on beads,
Fire blossomed.
(Christmas tree)


The tree is prickly,
Green, odorous.
A blizzard flew to us
Our white became ...


She has a little clothes:
All needles, yes needles.
The animals are joking:
"Uncle Hedgehog is slightly similar to her."
(Christmas tree)

New Year's contests riddles for children

New Year's contests riddles for children
New Year's contests riddles for children

New Year's contests riddles for children:

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
I lit the lights on it,
And needles shine on it,
And on the twigs ...


The Christmas tree has
Green needles,
And from below to the crown
Beautiful .......


If Santa Claus comes,
Then it will come ...
(New Year)


January begins,
Need a new ...


Above fields and forests
Santa Claus rushes ...


Bright brilliance of silver
Flashed ...


A very sad picture -
New Year without ...

New Year's riddles with answers - the best selection for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years

Riddles with an answer not to rhyme

He is under the darkness of the night cover
Suddenly from the old became new.

Pulled the poor thing by the tail
Paps flew up.

At least not cones, not needles,
And hang on the branches of the Christmas tree.
(Christmas decorations)

A lot on the New Year on it
Stars, toys and lights.
(Christmas tree)

Sparks from a stick fly
In the scatter, as they want.

It falls from the sky in winter
Do not take her home.

Bant elegant on the top of the head,
And inside are toys.

Grandfather goes to visit children
He is dressed in a snowy fur coat.
(Father Frost)


A drip flew from the sky
And she sat on her nose with a fluff.


Feast of snow and crackers,
Masks, Christmas trees and toys.
(New Year)


In the fur coat of white and white
Anyone recognizes her.
(Snow Maiden)


Take into the house from the forest,
Dressing like a princess.
(Christmas tree)


Bright light flashed in the sky
And he blossomed like a bouquet of stars.


The streams of silver flow out
With a Christmas top,
But they don't get wet from them
Branches and toys.


He is on a masquerade ball
It flies over the crowd,
Everything around, fun for the sake
Blows into the rings.


Like a mouse, but without wow
And without legs, poor thing.
Pull the tail and - bug!
Paper will fly!


Grandfather Frost does not have
Santa Claus has.
And they are a nose saddle
With legs from ostrich.


For her under each Christmas tree
The place on the floor was found.
And it is only more important
Good grandfather Frost.
(Snow Maiden)


All sparkles, silver
This miracle is a crush.
But it will turn into a rain,
On your palm.


I fell from the sky in parts,
Three balls rolled up,
With the help of the kids stood up
And he stayed.


All in toys and needles
At the ball, a beauty.
Does not want to dance, only
It throws with cones.
(Christmas tree)


Where they dance and sing
Cats and soldiers
And they give out gifts
Princes and pirates?


He is naughty kids
Pinches the noses and ears,
And obedient in the New Year
He gives out gifts.
(Father Frost)

New Year's riddles with answers - the best selection for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years

A gray -haired beard is overgrown
Good old… (Father Frost)


In a brown fur coat to his full height
Grandfather walks ....
(Frost - bear)


The house with gifts will come
To good children ....
(Hippo - Santa Claus)


He grew up in hot Africa
Black… (Father Frost)


He did not freeze in the winter cold,
Our cold ... (Father Frost)


At the school of doubles the whole
I earned .... (Father Frost)


He all sparkles in gold,
All sparkles at the moon
The Christmas tree in the beads decorates
And draws on the glass.
He is such a big prankster -
It will pinch over the very nose.
I came here for a holiday.
Who is he, children? ... (Father Frost)


Red-bent lump,
With a tail like a parachute,
It jumps quickly on the trees,
He was there ...
Now here.
He is fast like an arrow.
So this is ...


The animal we learned with you
On two such signs:
He is in a coat of gray in winter,
And in a red fur coat - in the summer.

Both on pine trees, and in the spruce
She runs quickly
Sees the cones where they ripened
Where is the mushroom virgin land.

Who is on the branch of bumps
And threw the scraps down?
Who deftly jumps on the Christmas tree
And takes off on oaks?
Who hides nuts in the hollow,
Dries mushrooms for the winter?


Behind trees, bushes
Flame flashed quickly.
Flashed, ran,
There is no smoke or fire.


Red -haired rogue,
Cunning and dexterous
I got into the barn
I counted the chickens.


Lives in the forest,
Chickens in the village steal.


Which beast is dangerous
Walks in a red fur coat,
Snow scoops up
There are enough mice
Does he notice all the traces?


He looks like a shepherd
Whatever the tooth is a sharp knife,
He runs, grinning his mouth,
The sheep is ready to attack.


All the time he is dulling in the forest,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He clicked from the bushes with his teeth,
Who tell this - ...

Gray, scary and toothy
He made a commotion.
All the animals ran away.
Scared the animals of those ...


There are workers in the river,
Not carpenters, not carpenters.
And they will build a dam
At least write a picture.


Like a royal crown,
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss.
Loves snow meadows.



Many troubles are hung up.
Wolf, the bear is there and the fox!
Our animal lives in alarm,
He takes his legs from trouble ...
Come on, quickly guess,
What is the animal called? ...


The tail-tail,
Eyes with a mow,
Ears along the back,
Two -colored clothing -
For the winter, for the summer.


Quick jump,
Warm fluff,
Red eye.


What a forest beast
I got up like a column, under a pine tree
And it stands among the grass -
Ears more head?


He came out of the forest again
Not a deer or a cow.
We had to meet
Meet it ...


Very strong and tall
The knee -deep snow is deep.
Not a deer, but he is horned
Everyone calls his sniffed.


Turning through the thickets
It has a special disposition.
Praised by a mighty run
In the fields covered with snow.


Here is some kind of grandfather
And in his hands his bouquet:
Not from leaves and flowers -
From icicles and snowballs.
(Father Frost)


Here is some kind of grandfather
He is dressed in a warm fur coat.
On his shoulder - a bag
In the beard, his snowball.
(Father Frost)


Here has come the New Year.
He brought us a holiday:
The Christmas tree is waiting for all the guys
And cheerful ....
(Father Frost)


Who brought from a winter tale
Do you have a whole WHO?
Who will answer without a hint?
It … .
(Santa Claus)


Who painted cheeks for children
In red in winter, not in the summer?
And who pinches them by the nose?
Guessed? ..
(Father Frost)


Who are the guys under the new year
Doesn't he get tired?
Who gives gifts to children?
Who are the guys in the world
Did you bring a Christmas tree from the forest?
Guess! ..
(Father Frost)

New Year's riddles for children 8, 9, 10 years old

New Year's riddles for children 8, 9, 10 years old
New Year's riddles for children 8, 9, 10 years old

New Year's riddles for children 8, 9, 10 years old:

There is very little left before the New Year.
May my riddles create good for you,
new Year mood!

Dear children and their parents
You are participants, not spectators.
Guess my riddles.
The answers to them will be brief.

Birds flew south
From frosts, snow and ... ..


How beautiful in a garland of lights
New Year's, fluffy ...


He brings the gifts
And his name is .......
(Santa Claus)


Red but not orange
I clean sweet ... ..


In the New Year we are waiting for not a medal, not a brand.
And Santa Claus, magic and ...


Russian, French, Spanish.
It happens even a child ....


There is a birch and oak in winter
Fluffy snow ...
(fur coat)


What cunning eyes
It has a redhead ...


Fluffy, like a dandelion
White rides in the snow ...


Not tanks rush from the snowy slide,
And children's, fast ...


Let's have a sip of fragrant tea,
We put on the skates and run on ...


Sweets are chewing sweet tooth
And the squirrels click ...


Weightless, light like fluffs
In dance, sparkling are spinning ...


We are happy for children and their parents
Ahead of the New Year ...


In the stars of bright heavens
Let them happen ...


I wish everyone in the New Year
Only pleasant ...


New Year has come, cheers! -
Exclaims ...


If you want to hide your eyes
Put on children


To the Christmas tree right on the way
They will sprinkle you ...


We drive ears in the lessons,
And under the Christmas tree ...


Fire burns on the table,
You try - touch your finger!
Both slim and hot, and hot
New Year's ...


Builders beat for a whole year,
And we beat on the Christmas tree ...


The parrot is indulging in a cage,
And the sparrow - on the branch,
Snow fell, and to us
He complains to visit ...


Look - little boy
Pulls his hand: “Give ...


New Year is in a hurry again
We will be him ...


With a trading, with a stick enters us
Santa Claus, and they understood on the mustache:
The old one looks not for beauty ...


The snow is snowing,
So it will be ...


Who is such a fluffy
White, like snow in winter,
Ears upside down
Who? Yes ...


Through snowstorms and snow
Rushes in a mortar ...
(Baba Yaga)


Like a rain on stilts,
Snow dripped out of ...


I didn't recognize myself
New Year…


How tasty and bright
Santa Claus ...


Hiding a laugh in a beard,
Grandfather untied ...


On a large elegant Christmas tree
Very sharp ...


Rushes, the field creeps around
White ...


They pour sparks alone
Only Bengal ...
(the lights)


In the village and in the yard
Scattered ...


Mishura curls again,
New Year came ...


Here is the weaves of the cobweb -
Around the Christmas tree ...


Stop propaganda
Light ...


We will believe in a fairy tale again
New Year is knocking in ...


Who is dressed up will be glad
After all, today ...


Let's get it under the New Year
(round dance)


Rolled up a snowball,
Look-and the appearance is familiar!
Instead of a nose, very deft
We will stick his carrots
We insert a pair of coal
Guess who is this?
Only I got used to the cold
Our cheerful ...


I came to us from a book
New Year…


The whole people are having fun
(New Year!)


On New Year comes to the house
With a large mysterious bag,
All in red and red nose ...
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

They brought her from the forest
Dressed up with interest
She has needles Kolki.
We all gathered at ...
(Christmas trees)


New Year is not interesting
We are without a Christmas tree and without songs.
The New Year will not be bright
Kohl do not give us ... (present)!
Santa Claus is not in place -
He is going yet.
We blinded him together
Two at once ... (Snowman)!
Dress the snowman
In a bright scarf from a scarf.
Instead of a nose, very deft
Headed him .... (carrot)!
All calls to the yard itself
Today is winter-winter.
Coordinated by the children -
They roll (from the mountain)!
Winter froze
Both children and at home
The river no longer flows -
The river turned into ... (ice)!
It has bright toys on it,
From the basis to the crown.
There are green needles.
Name - this is ... (Christmas tree)!
We have been waiting for the New Year for a long time
Dressed together a Christmas tree.
In the New Year they sit at the table,
If the clock will break through ... (twelve)!
In the New Year - everyone knows this:
The president congratulates us.
And all the children in the New Year
They drive together ... (Round dance)!
Everyone congratulates everyone on the New Year,
Happiness, joy wish.
All brought gifts to everyone
On a sleigh - who? ... (Father Frost)!
She is spinning, sparkling
And it lies under our feet,
Like a light fluff.
What is her name? (snowflake)!
With red breast, this bird,
And Morozov is not afraid.
At the trees - look:
They sat down decorously (bullfinch)!

His head is a set
Yes, and s wool-boroda!
He is in colorful furs
And with gifts in the hands.
Loud voice! Red nose!
Who is this? (Father Frost)
In appearance, the girl is simple.
Maybe melt from heat!
But in winter it blooms like "Rose!"
The granddaughter of Grandfather Frost.
Mother of winter-daughter.
What is her name? (Snow Maiden!)
High, but not to the sky!
A miracle of ice and snow.
They fly down her sled
Both Natasha and Oksanka.
On the plywood Tim with Yegorka.
What is the name of the miracle? (slide!)
She came to us from the forest!
It is dressed as a princess.
And in garlands, as always
And on Makovka-star!
Staking her needle!
Who is this, children? (Christmas tree!)
From Snowball it is created deftly!
Where carrots are noted.
And on the head-brow!
He is used to being at the Christmas tree!
Who is this? (Snowman!)
Who is a girlfriend-king Koshchei?
And Gorynovich-Zmey?
Not a saint in behavior
In a mortar, sometimes flies
Kostyan is her leg.
Who is this? (Baba Yaga!) ...

New Year's riddles for children 5, 6, 7 years old

New Year's riddles for children 5, 6, 7 years old
New Year's riddles for children 5, 6, 7 years old

New Year's riddles for children 5, 6, 7 years old:

It has fun near the Christmas tree
And the people are waiting for surprises.
Everything shines, everything is sparkling
On a bright holiday -...
(New Year)


Santa Claus is a friend of children.
They are waiting for the Christmas tree ... ..


Near the Christmas tree Santa Claus.
He asked the children ...


Guys want to guess
New Year ....


They cause multi -flower
Admiration for children.
Our Christmas tree is decorated
These round ....


We jump in the dance like springs.
They fly outside the window ....


Hares, foxes, wolves, tigers.
We play this ....


The whole spruce shines! Take a look
We lit on it ....
(the lights)

He brings us gifts
On a bright holiday New Year!
In a red fur coat, a red nose.
This is kind ...
(Father Frost)


Sang a song together.
Games a series!
At the top of the eaten
Bright ...


We give a concert, dashing.
Dancing, songs and ...


The song is pouring into the scope.
We sing as friendly ....


Garlands on needles,
We sang everything first
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"
In it we remember everything ....
(the words)


All in the lights, sharp needles.
We have fun near ...
(Christmas trees)


Santa Claus, slim figure
Your granddaughter - ...


He is in the wrapper. Beckoning, bright!
Santa Claus brought ....


He is brown, my treasure.
Delicious sweet ...


Fantik Fair. I rarely eat them.
Though delicious ...


Do you want to drink? Get it!
A little hot and sweet ...


There is no better Christmas tree for children,
Though her are sharp ...


Separates us glass.
The cold is there, but here - ...


Everyone here is in the riddles of special!
So who are you? - ...
(well done!)

We are coming to us from cold countries and already not far.
And from this the heart is so pleasant and easy.
He is cheerful and magical, our people love him.
Serpantine, garlands, Christmas trees ... What kind of holiday? ...
(New Year)


Every year cold in winter
He goes with a big bag
Skrings are skiing to us,
And it happens on foot
In a warm fur coat of long -legged
With a lush white beard
Good -natured and cheerful
Together with the granddaughter of young.
He is in a hurry to the guys small
To kindergarten from afar
A little frozen, slightly tired,
Prescribed slightly. ...
(Father Frost)


He is spinning behind the window
Only cold winter.
And you will squeeze it in the palm of your hand
It becomes water. ...

He looks like light fluff
And also on white flies.
It flies in the air,
He melts on the palm of your hand. ...


Folded with fluffy snow
All roads and yards.
Children in them with a cheerful laugh
Rushing down from a steep mountain. ...

Her house in the forest is dense.
Here the beauty lives.
She has a prickly outfit
And green for a year.
On her fluffy branches
On New Year's Eve, lights are burning,
And under it there are sweets -
Fighting for the guys. ...
(Christmas tree)

It was made of snow on the site in the yard
To the approval of passers -by and to the delight of the kids.
The nose is huge from the carrots, and from the buttons of the eye.
And he stands here with a panicle, like a watchman on the clock.

Outside the window is cracking in winter,
Drives everyone home
The nose and ears are pinching
Classes puddles. ...

Often with winter warming
Jewelry hangs from the roofs,
And April will come close
Drops are breaking away from them. ...


Not scary to the guys blizzard.
Today is the holiday New Year.
And holding each other's hands,
Children drive ... (Round dance)

The leaves dropped birches.
Bread was collected in bins.
With the first snow and frost
Approaches ...

Slippery, smooth mischievous
In the winter, he will play you in a moment.
And he will throw you on the ice.
What is this? ...

New Year's riddles for children 3, 4 years old

New Year's riddles for children 3, 4 years old
New Year's riddles for children 3, 4 years old

New Year's riddles for children 3, 4 years old:

Something suddenly happened:
Everything around is white-white,
Both trees and houses -
That sorceress


This grandfather is yours and mine,
He comes to us in the winter.
And in his bag brought
All gifts
(Father Frost).

This tree is in winter
We invite home.
Green needles
At (New Year's Ealka).


These bright balls
We need not for the game.
Caution needs to be
They are not accidentally defeated.


This rain will not wet
He only tickles affectionately.
They brought him not clouds,
Someone small pens.


I give toys the Christmas tree,
After all, she is my girlfriend
Adults give her beads,
Like a Christmas tree.


What is this cavard:
I see a lion, cat, dogs,
Here is a princess and a pirate ...
This is children


At least a snowflake, not melting,
It does not fly anywhere.
The snowflake is spinning -
This is ... .. Marinka!


Do you want to change suddenly?
Even a friend will not recognize.
You will get into a fairy tale
Just dress


Which of the tubes flies?
Serpantine and confetti.
The roar is like a gun.
This is indeed


You have to get up near the Christmas tree
And to make a desire to make it.
The day will come, an hour will come,
He will perform everything
(New Year).


Christmas tree with toys
Clowns with crackers.
The whole people are having fun!
What kind of holiday?
(New Year)


It has twelve months
Easy to fit.
All of them together will gather
One word, this ...


Decorated with toys,
Balls and crackers -
Not a palm tree, not a pine tree,
And the festive ...
(Christmas tree)


He comes with gifts,
Dance with us leads.
The white beard has grown
Good grandfather ...


Both in boxes and packages
Packed sweets.
Fantics are so bright!
They will be all ...


Lay on a shelf for a whole year,
And now hangs on the Christmas tree.
This is not a flashlight
And glass ...


Quickly flashes the lights,
They run down from top to bottom.
This friendly team
Called ...


On the beauty of the forest
Rain is golden with a wave -
With a silver cord
It hangs down ...


The blizzard walks around the yard
The Christmas tree sparkles in the house.
Children drive a round dance.
What kind of holiday?
(New Year)


All in the lights of a big Christmas tree,
The firecrackers fly up loudly.
Snow on the street goes.
It comes ...
(New Year)


All on the Christmas tree toys:
Beads, balls, crackers.
Children are waiting for gifts.
What kind of holiday?
(New Year)


White cotton wool
Flies somewhere
Lies on the ground,
He is afraid of warmth.


From the forest of the princess
I came to the holiday
I put on beads,
Fire blossomed.
(Christmas tree)


Whose red nose is
Once grew on a ridge?
(Snowman's nose)


Changed the coward color,
And then he confused the trace.


Squirrel has, Mishka has,
Gray wolf has.
And on the cold day of winter
We go out for a walk.
(Fur coat)


Who is in the den until spring
Does dreams look at day and night?


With a wool beard,
Gifts are rich.
(Father Frost)


Sweeped, spent,
I put a white fur coat,
I chained rivers into the ice,
To get skiing calls us.


Two dashing horses at once
They carry me to the winter forest.


What is the name of needles
At the pine and Christmas trees?


Their princess ordered
Bring in winter from the forest,
Bring flowers in winter,
And what - do you remember?


The sun looks out - it will cry
There is no sun - tears will hide.

Video: New Year's riddles for children

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