Holidays scenarios in kindergarten - family day, health, military, flowers, friendship, environmental, traffic Hastens, fairy tales - the best selection

Holidays scenarios in kindergarten - family day, health, military, flowers, friendship, environmental, traffic Hastens, fairy tales - the best selection

A selection of interesting scenarios for holidays in kindergarten.

Group holiday script in kindergarten

Group holiday script in kindergarten
Group holiday script in kindergarten

The script for the group of the group in kindergarten:

Children run into the hall, line up in a semicircle.

Presenter: Who will answer why everything around is so beautiful,
And where we won’t look, if a friend and a friend on the right.

All: We celebrate the day of our group!

Leading: There will be jokes and fun, here the guests came to us.

All: We are always glad to guests!

Presenter: We love everything from the cradle
He is a big cozy house,
So much joy, smiles
Kindness and happiness in it!
To become our holiday Yarok, they prepared a gift
To become more fun, we will sing for all guests!

Song "Kindergarten"

Presenter: congratulations, telegrams
On this day, everyone is waiting for them.
They will sound today,
We will gladly read them! (holds an envelope)

Presenter: The telegram sent us a congratulation autumn,
Congratulations to you from the heart on the day of the birth of the group!

"Autumn song"

Presenter: There are clear days in the fall,
Leaflets flutter like moths,

"Dance with leaflets"
(collect leaflets in a bouquet, plant children)

A rustle is heard.

Presenter: Oh guys, something strange I hear who is rustling?

Domestenok:(because of the house) I'm from a familiar fairy tale,
I live in Lada with children
You guess who I am,
Then I will come to you!

(The presenter helps the children guess, and the household comes out)

Domestenok: Hello guys!
I am a brownie's baby! Invite me home
I will take sadness, trouble,
I will help you to have fun!
And my name is Kuzya

Presenter: Why have we never seen you before?

Domestenok: Because I did not show anyone.
And I was born, just when the kindergarten was built and today I am already many ... years old.
I heard how fun and noisy you have and decided to see what kind of miracle this is.

Presenter: Happy birthday, we congratulate our group and guys,
The holiday of friendship and fun celebrates kindergarten!
We will play fun, maybe read poetry?

(any children's rhymes)

Domestenok: What are you well done! Will you play with me?

Game "Brownie"

Domestenok:I will make you guys interesting riddles:

1. Get up at dawn, sings in the yard
On the head, a scallop, who is it?

2. Green kwakushka jumps along the swamp,
Green legs, call her ...

3. He does not sleep at all at night,
The house from the mice is watching
He drinks milk from a bowl, of course it ...

4. walks along the tropino, carries a large apple,
The whole is similar to needles, to call him of course ...

Domestenok: And look who I met
What are you so spying hedgehog?
- This is me just in case!
You know who my neighbors are -
Foxes, wolves and bears!

Domestenok:Do you guys know a song about a hedgehog?
(children get up near the chairs)

A song about a hedgehog

Domestenok: Let's play with the hedgehog?

Game with a hedgehog

Domestenok: Take your hands together and get to the dance.

Dance "One, two, three"

Presenter: Domestenok, you are a real friend! How fun with you!
We will really try for our friends,
We bake we punish better than all others!

(At the end, the presenter takes out the pie, everyone claps and sit on chairs)

Domestenok: What kind of holiday without gifts?
Everyone tried from the heart! (takes out packages with gifts)
These best toys are for you guys, you are well done!
-And the guys are time for me, I need to check the orders in other groups!
I'm a brownie, and my house is big! Goodbye!
(gives gifts, leaves)

Presenter: And now the expanse is a fun feast!

Field of flowers in kindergarten - script

Field of flowers in kindergarten - script
Field of flowers in kindergarten - script

Field of flowers in kindergarten - script:

So the summer time has come, children!
Look, there and there different flowers bloom!
The sun nods affectionately, warm weather,
Nature gives us the best gifts!

There are many fun holidays
In the world and in our country,
There is a day of teacher, miner,
There is even a holiday - the day of the Earth ...
Why not arrange
Is a new holiday to us a day of flowers?

1st child:
Today we have a ball of flowers,
Ball of colors and fun,
Ball of multi -colored petals,
Color mood.

2nd child:
We want with pleasure
We call all the flowers here.
Let them be a beautiful look
The land will be decorated.

3rd child:
Field, meadow
And garden flowers,
We invite, come,
Do not spare beauty!

Let's get acquainted with our guests.

The bell comes out:
I heard the invitation
And, only the sun rose,
Rang over our meadow
My cheerful voice.

Blue bell,
We are glad to meet you.
Sing with us your sonorous voice.

Song-game "Merry Orchestra"

And now, let's play with a bell, a blue flower.

Game "Bell, Tricks"
Bells are placed on the table, the children dance to the music, and as soon as it falls silent, they should take it in the hand and nickname. Whoever did not have time is left.

Well, thank you, bell, and we will continue to meet guests.

It turns out a girl - chamomile, read poetry:

1. I am a field chamomile
All children know about me.
Chamomile, white bird
The sun is hiding in a pocket.
And fly over chamomile
Multi -colored beacons.

Dance "Butterflies"

Thank you, cute daisies and beautiful bugs.
Guys, did you recognize these bugs?

Yes! Butterflies.

What insects do you still know?

Children answer.

And what are the bees doing? Correctly! Collect nectar. We will also collect nectar with you.

Game "Collect Nectar"

Children should temporarily shift the jam from one jar to another. To complicate the task - you can offer to shift the jam into a container with a narrow neck with a large spoon.

Leading: Do you like to solve riddles?

1. A wonderful flower,
He is like a bright light,
Lush, important, like a pan,
Dissages ... (tulip)

2. Turns deftly
He is behind the sun.
The field is like in yellow waves.
A flower grows here ... (sunflower)

3. We carried mushrooms in the basket
And another flower is blue.
This field flower -
Thin tender ... (cornflower)

4. Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden flourished.
Not a tulip and not a mimosa,
And in spikes beauty ... (Rose)

5. In May - yellow, and in July -
He is a fluffy ball.
We blew a little on him -
Sounded ... (Dandelion)

Well, there is no time to miss
We will meet guests.

Alarming music sounds, weeds come in.

Oh oh oh! They meet guests
Balls arrange, have fun.
And they didn’t even send us invitations.

Forgot about the main inhabitants of the garden?

Leading: Who are you?

Grin-Koluchka: How! Have you recognized us? I am a zlyachka-wheel.

Lazy-snub: And I am a lazy snub.
Now we will destroy your flowers at once.

Grin-Koluchka: We confuse the petals, find the drought.

Lazy-snub: And we ourselves will reign in the garden.

Leading: Not! We will not give the flowers offense!

Grin-Koluchka: Oh-oh-oh, how scary! And we all the petals tore off your flowers now try to collect.

Game "Collect a Flower"

Cut the petals, green leaves, core of flowers in advance. Invite the children to make a colorful application in the form of a flower.

Lazy-snub: You still can’t cope with us, because you are still so small.

Leading: Nothing small. But, see what hardworking gardeners we have.

Boys come out in the costumes of gardeners and read poetry:

1. We have no time to be lazy,
We love to work
Always in order we have
All flower beds and all beds.

2. We are funny guys,
We work together in the garden,
We help with nature
Creating beauty.

You see, what kind of assistants do we have?

Yes, while they are helping you in one place, we’ll get everything in another way.

Tired of these weeds. Let's take the guys together for weeding the garden.

Game "Sibling"
Children hold on to each other by a train, the weed is the last. Children must catch up, grab - “tear out” a weave and a thorn.

That's it! We give up!
Yours took it, it's time to take my legs.

Nothing - nothing, let's go, girlfriend.
I still know many places where we can settle.
So far, the meel! (Leave)

Finally, uninvited guests left.
Sounds "Waltz of Flowers" P.I. Tchaikovsky

Hear? What a wonderful melody!
Someone is still in a hurry to our holiday.

A flower fairy enters.

Flower Fairy:
They call me a flower fairy,
I'm talking about flowers, children, I know everything, but you know?
I will now ask you questions, if you agree, say yes, yes!
If they do not agree-no, no, no! Deal? Then listen!

Do we love flowers? Yes Yes Yes!
Will we tear out with the root? No no no!
Are we pouring flowers with water? Yes Yes Yes!
Will we take weeds home? No no no!
Wreaths weave wreaths? Yes Yes Yes!
And they all put them in the salad? No no no!
Will we collect flowers into the bouquet? Yes Yes Yes!
And let's get the floor with a bouquet? No no no!

Fairy: Well done! Do you like to draw?
See how many crayons do I have?
I suggest you draw a lot of bright colors on the asphalt.

Children draw flowers on the asphalt to the music.

flower Fairy: Well done!
What beautiful flowers did you get.
We danced, had fun,
In the garden, everyone worked gloriously.
Take a reward from me,
I will be glad to be friends with you.

It gives children souvenirs and treats. A cheerful song smells of the sun.

Military holiday script in kindergarten

Military holiday script in kindergarten
Military holiday script in kindergarten

The scenario of a military holiday in kindergarten:

Children to the sounds of the march go into class and become a semicircle
Children read poetry:

1 child: past the garden, past the house,
He walks once - two, three!

2 child: on a Russian soldier
See with respect!

3 child: a Russian warrior protects
Little country and glory.

4 child: he is at the post, and our people
Proud of the army rightfully.

5 Child: Let the children grow calmly
In the Russian solar homeland.

6 Child: He protects the world and labor,
Calm work in the name of life.

7 Child: Our Army is native
And brave and strong.

8 child: Without threatening anyone,
She protects us.

9 child: Sorry that we cannot yet
To perform at the parade.

10 child: But today we will also
Glorious holiday to celebrate.
11 Child: We love us very much since childhood
This holiday is in February.

12 child: Glory to the Russian army!
The most peaceful on earth!

Song "Our Army"
Children read poetry.

13. The holiday is in the calendar -
Everyone knows about it.
And guys in February
Dad is congratulated.

14. We live with dad together,
We play fun
And always together
We help mom.

15. It is no coincidence that mothers are so
On this day February
They look affectionately at the dad,
Give them gifts.

The song "My dad." Children give dads greeting cards. The boys sit down. Girls become a semicircle.

16. There is one cheerful class,
Twelve boys with us
We congratulate them today.
This is what we wish them.

17. Learn only by five,
We will help you.
Only, chur, do not set
Never fight with us!

18. Bogatyr health
We want you to wish.
Better to ski
And beat everyone in football!

19. Let the luck be with you,
Only you are friends with us.
You help us in everything,
Protect us from others.

20. In general, cute boys,
We will tell you a secret:
Best of all in the world
Of course, no one!

21. On February, frosty day
The whole holiday celebrates.
Girls on this glorious day
The boys are congratulated.

22. We will not give you flowers:
The boys are not given to the boys.
Girls a lot of warm words
They will leave in your hearts.

23. We wish you forever:
So that it does not timid in life,
Let it be with you forever
Boyish courage.

24. And all obstacles in the way
Overcome you together.
But first grow up
And you need to grow up.

25. Listen, boys, us,
Accept congratulations!
We know that on this day you have
The second birthday!

Girls give the boys gifts. All children and guests are invited to the gym.

Imagine our dear jury.
Let the jury be the whole course of the battle
Without misses, he will track.
Who will be friendly,
He will win in battle.


1 competition: “A business card - devices, speech are pronounced.
2 competition:"Soldiers get up!" - Dressing and shoeing with closed eyes for a while.
3 competition: Sports relay race “Today in the game is tomorrow in battle” - a run in the gas mask.
4 competition: “Crossing” - jumping on large balls from one end of the gym to the other.
5 competition: “Guess the word” - the guys must collect from the letters of the word sports subjects.
6 competition: “Transfer the wounded” ” - it is necessary to transfer to a certain place a member of your team, in crossed hands.
7 competition: “Three legs for two” - the legs of two participants are binded, and they run.
8 competition: "One for all and all for one!" - Teams pull the rope.

Summing up the results. Awarding.

Environmental holiday in kindergarten script

Environmental holiday in kindergarten script
Environmental holiday in kindergarten script

Environmental holiday in kindergarten Scenario:

Characters: Ecosha, Echo, Lesovik, Flowers "Snowdrops", squirrels, hares, mice, sparrow, chanterelles, bear

The fairy tale begins ... music sounds and a voice is heard.

Forest fairy tale marvelous
Once happened
Short, not long ...
Let's see what happened.
The forest factor comes out to the music.

I live in the forest dense.
I sleep under a spicy tree.
My name is the lounger
The shore of forest coziness.
Stretches and greets the forest.

Oh-ho-ho! Good morning today, sunny,
We must say hello to the forest.
Hello, le-es!

Echo: Forest - fles - flesh!
Hello, Zvez-Eri!
Beasts - Zevre - Zevrei!

Hello, birds!

Echo: Birds-birds-birds!

Lesovik: Hello and you, echo!

Echo: Echo-eho-eho!

Lesovik: I'll go, I'll see how the forest is doing.

Voice: Snowdrop, snowdrop
Everyone pleases the eye
The Snowman is tender
The forest is very happy.

Music sounds, snowdrops appear.

Spring! Spring on the street:
Both in the field and in the forest!
The eyes of the sun squinting
Freckles on the nose.
Snowdrops - flowers,
In the spring they bloom
And they delight everyone
And so, they meet spring.
The earliest I'm flower
Delicate and beautiful.
Sleep-grass-I can be called
And no one will begin to deny.
And I also "shot open"
Here is the secret in the name is open to everyone.
Just a pity, my friends,
I can disappear soon.
After all, the Red Book has already been listed.
I need protection, I bow to all colors.

Music sounds and squirrels jump out, jump in different directions.

Oh, escape. Run everything, beware.

Squirrels take a snowdrift and dance "turntables" under the spring song. The forester comes out.

What kind of noise is in our forest?
I don’t understand anything.

Zaychat jumps to the music and tremble with fear.

Hello, hare, who are you scared?

Oh, we have trouble in our forest!
An evil boy came to the forest,
A bully named Grishka.
Bunnies run away.

Yes, wait, wait, well, and panties.
They run out to the music of the mouse.

Grishka wanders through the woods,
Fear leads to everyone,
Breaks bushes, runs out nests,
All the birds scared away
The entire jacket scattered.

Mice are hiding behind the wooded man. The sparrow arrives to the music.

Chick - Chirik,
Chick - Chirik,
I am a sparrow - mischievous,
I know who will help us.

Lesovik: Well, say soon.

Sparrow: We need to invite eco to our forest.

Mice: Who- who?

Eco, he will help us protect the forest.
I will fly, I will find it, and you wait for it, start a song.

The music enters the music.

Hello everyone!
All adults know, all children know,
That not alone we live on the planet.
For all the living things on earth,
You are a person in the answer forever.
- What happened to you? What is the trouble?

In our forest, a boy, Grishka, is blaspheming.
What should we do?

We need to call all the animals,
It is necessary, Grisha, scared.
We must help out the forest.
The hedgehog runs to the music.

I know where our prankster is now.
I'll show you now.

Well, you run, call animals, but look after Grisha.
And I will meet him here.

Grishka appears, singing, and not noticing Eco.

I came to the forest for a walk
I will scare everyone in the forest,
I break the Christmas trees, disperse the birds.

(knocking, kicking, whistling)

Who is noisy in the forest?
Who violates the silence?

Grishka: And who are you?

Ecosha: I'm eco.
I save the planet "Earth".
I protect from pests!

Grishka: (Frightened)
And here I am walking through the forest, collecting mushrooms.
I have no time!

He runs away, hides.

Ecosha: He collects mushrooms!
Wait! What other mushrooms?
It's too early. Something here is not so!
I'll go - I am behind him.

Ecosha goes after Grishka. And foxes run out, talk and shout.

All come here! All come here! All come here!
After all, we have a disaster in the forest!

Wolves run in.

Wolves: What happened Lisonki?

The boy came to the forest
Hooligan named Grishka,
He wanders through the forest
Fear leads to everyone,
Breaks bushes, runs out nests,
All the birds scared away
The entire jacket scattered.
We need to help out the forest,
It is necessary to save birds, beasts.

We will scare it with fangs
We will be planted, fossil: uh-ou.
He will tremble out of fear
And he will run away from the forest.

Fox: No, not scared.

The bear enters.

Then I will scare him.
I’ll catch for the neck, and I’ll drive out a little from the forest.

The animals are hiding, Grishka comes out.

I came to the forest for a walk
I will scare everyone in the forest,
I break the Christmas trees, disperse the birds.
Here I am brave!

All: Oh oh oh!

Grishka is scared.

Grishka: Oh! Who is this?

All: So! So! Such - oh!

Grishka: Oh, I'm afraid!

All: I'm afraid! I'm afraid! I'm afraid!

Environment comes out.

Ecosha: Who is noisy in the forest? You again?

Grishka: Eco, I'm scared in the forest.

Do not offend the forests suddenly,
He will be like a friend
And envious and evil ...
Oh, does not like the forest of those.

The lumberjack enters.

If you come to the forest with good,
You will find many friends here.
You see, here are our friends!
They come out, crawl out, animals in the middle.
“Will you make friends with them?”

Grishka: Yes!

We will help you learn
We will tell the "Ecological Charter."
This is what the charter says:
Do not divorce a fire in the forest!
Do not offend animals in the forest!
We ask yourself with dignity
In the forest, remember, we are only guests!
There are many rules in nature,
You need to know them by heart.

Holiday on traffic rules in kindergarten scenario

Holiday on traffic rules in kindergarten scenario
Holiday on traffic rules in kindergarten scenario

Holiday on traffic rules in kindergarten Scenario:

"At a forest intersection." Scenario
(Scenery: several artificial Christmas trees, bushes.)

Leading. All sorts of animals lived. It was quiet in the forest. And suddenly the forty flew in and snapped.

Listen, residents of the glorious forest!
The news is interesting to you
Holiday today!

Bunny. What kind of holiday?

Magpie. Sunny holiday, cheerful, big!

Fox. Why is it a sunny holiday?

Magpie. Yes, because the summer has come!

Bear. Where will he be?

Under the oak under the old.
I invite everyone, both adults and small.
So rush, hurry there.
I'm flying away. Hello gentlemen! (Flies away.)

Are glad to be at the festival,
It is necessary to rush to the animals, however.
We will look and find out guys,
How our animals gather.

Under the bush, under the bush
Someone with a red tail.
Our fox lives there,
A house under a fox bush.

Fox (with a bicycle).
Mom allowed to go to the holiday,
I put my sweet gingerbread in my pocket.
How to get to the clearing faster?
I'll go on a bicycle, brothers! (Leaving.)

(Bear strokes his pants with an iron and sings his song.)

Times the leg, two trousers,
Well, now it's time to go to the car!

(The bear gets into the car and leaves. A bunny sits near the birch.)

Under the small birch
Zainka lurked.
What are you afraid of, bunny?
Well, Bunny, get out!

Bunny (with a scooter).
Not! I'm not afraid of anyone in the world!
I will rush on a scooter, as in a rocket!
Dad brought me a scooter yesterday,
Our animals have no better! (Leaving.)

Mitty (by the mirror).
I clean the hoof, I scoop the wool.
OK it's all over Now! And now I will hurry.
I have to run to me so as not to be late.
Clean everything and count the guests. (Runs away.)

(The frog jumps out of the swamp, shakes his paws.)

The frog (looks at the highway, raises his foot).
Ouch! I will be late for a sunny holiday!
How many cars are beautiful and different here!
Wait, foxes. I give me
I walk for a long time for a holiday.

Glad to give you, frog,
There is no place. Or do not you see the consumption?
And it is dangerous to sit on the trunk -
You will fall off and hurt in vain.

(A bunny appears on a scooter. In order not to run into a frog, it turns steeply and falls.)

You, frog, will ride wrong!
It failed because of you!
You are unharmed, you are cheerful and glad
And I fell and broke the scooter!
(Shows.) The controller is ahead.
Look, goes to us - well, now wait a minute!

(A cat appears in boots with a rod of a traffic controller and in a police uniform. He sings his song.The frog, seeing the cat, runs away. The cat comes to the hare.)

Bunny, what's the matter?
What happened here?
What is the noise here?
Tell me to mercy?

I went to the holiday, I'm tired a little,
Suddenly the frog appeared on the road.
To the right and left, he rode briskly,
I braked and fell into the hole!
Hurt painfully, broke the scooter,
How will I get on the holiday of the animal?

Yes, the frog will have to find
And punish - he is naughty in the way!
Well, I will help you somehow.
(That's ready. It's time for you!
Bunny waves his paw and leaves.

Red light - don't go!
Yellow light - wait a minute!
Green light in front -
Go through the street!
Who knows the rules of movement -
Honor and respect!

So! Well, fox, you can go.
And you, a kid, answer me again:
Do not you know that the light means red?
Do not you know that it is dangerous?

Kid. Something I don’t see a traffic light here.

I'm standing here. I am the movement of the support.
If I stand face with my back,
So the movement is a ban. So - stand!
If I turn sideways to you -
You can go. I am not angry with you.

I have not understood yet.
How will you show us all yellow?

Cat. I will raise the wand up. Well, okay?

Kid. Yes.

Cat (admires nature). So go. The day is pleasant today!

(A bear cub in a car leaves for the road. A mouse clung to him. A bunny on a scooter rides behind him. The bear is slowing down, the mouse falls, and the bunny rises on his tail.)

Cat (whistling).
What trouble?

Mouse. Oh oh oh! Help!

Cat (Mishka).
You look at the mirrors more often.
It is necessary to be more careful sometimes,
The misfortune had almost happened to the mouse.
(Mouse.) What have you done, oh, stupid mouse,
After all, I repeat the kids from the diapers,
What if you cling to the car from behind,
You can stay without a tail at all!
There, at the edge, there is a Aibolit house,
Do not knock - the door is always open there.
He will treat you and save you
The tail, mouse, yours will sew tightly.

Mouse (at the House of Aibolit).
Pi-Pi! Help!

Dr. Aibolit. Who is there?

Mouse. Save! Oh oh oh! Let go!

Doctor (opens the door).Who is here?
Ouch! Small! What about you?

Mouse. The tail fell off. I am completely sick!

Dr. Aibolit.
Did you fall off? Hmm, incredible.
Well, let's figure it out, everything will become clear.

(Sews the tail of the tail.)

Mouse. Oh-oh-oh-oh!

Dr. Aibolit.
Be patient, be patient.
OK it's all over Now. And now lie down, sleep.

Mouse. But what about the holiday?

Dr. Aibolit (strictly).
Do not dream!
If you are sick, please relax.

Oh, Aibolit, I told the untrue.
The tail is not just lost, after all, I lost
Walked along the road, hurried for the holiday
And he decided to cling to the car.
Could not resist and fell painfully,
The tail lost to you, doctor, hit.

Dr. Aibolit.
It’s not good that he said untruth
But it was lucky that the brakes are strong.
OK. Here, drink the medicine one,
Maybe it will help faster.

The doctor does the mouse medicine.

On the way to the intersection, a hedgehog is going on. He goes correctly, along the left side of the road, towards moving transport. Hedgehog sings his song.

Cat (children).
That's who you need to take an example from!
Rules of roads cannot be violated.
(Teddy bear.) You know that, Bear, bring it to it,
You will be more fun with him on the way.

(The bear puts the hedgehog in his car, and they leave. Forty flies to the intersection.)

Hey! Hurry, animals! Live!
Summer with flowers removed alleys.
Guests gathered, sparkling all the colors,
We begin both songs and dances!

(The animals perform "Polish animals.")

I am glad to see you all. Birds, animals,
All of you are beautiful, elegant, rich.
Only the mouse probably misses
Aibolit lies and does not know
How the little animals have fun at the ball ...

(Aibolite appears, he is lucky with a stroller with a mouse.)

Dr. Aibolit.
And here we are. You, apparently, did not wait for us?

Cat (joyful).
How good! Everything is already assembled now.
And it’s not scary to you grief,
If these rules are remembered,
So that you live more fun in the world!

(All participants in the staging bow to the audience.)

Song of a teddy bear

My mom sewed my pants
Unprecedented width
I'll get on the holiday,
I’ll only bring arrows!

Song of a frog

No one wants to carry a frog,
I will have to walk for a holiday on foot.
Jump! Skok! Jump! Skok! Then shout! To the side!

Song of a cat-controller cat

At the post I am at night and noon,
And in the winter and in the spring,
So that there is a complete order
On the road to the forest!

I'll tell you, brothers, right away
The whole forest people know
From an attentive eye
The offender will not leave!

Mouse song

I am a small mouse,
Small, dumb!
At least I will not go on foot
But I will hit the holiday!

Song of the hedgehog

I am an approximate pedestrian, a pedestrian,
I know every transition, transition,
I walk by the rules
Safe me, hedgehog!
I walk by the rules
Safe me, hedgehog!

Because everyone knows, everyone knows
On roads and highways and highways,
Everyone, like me, should walk
Only on the left side!
Everyone, like me, should walk
Only on the left side!

Polka beast
1. At the holiday wonderful
We are dancing now
And the sun shines us
And pleases all of us!

Our regulator cat
He helped us at a difficult hour,
And all forest animals
He taught a lesson.

2. We ordered the sun:
“Help us grow!
So that the birds sang songs
And the lily of the valley could bloom! "


3. When you are on the road
And the path lies far,
Then the rules of movement
Remember the Zubok!


Song about the rules

1. Everywhere and everywhere the rules
They always need to know them:
Without them they will not go on swimming
From the harbor of the court.
Go on a flight according to the rules
Polar and pilot.
They have their own rules, have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.

As a multiply table, like a lesson,
Remember the Rules of movement Nazubok.
Remember the rules of movement,
As a multiply table
Always know their nad!

2. In the city, along the street
They don't just go like that
When you do not know the rules -
It is easy to get into trouble.
Be careful all the time
And remember in advance:
They have their own rules, have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.


As a multiply table, like a lesson,
Remember the Rules of movement Nazubok.
Remember the rules of movement,
As a multiply table
Always know their nad!

Holiday scenario on September 1 in kindergarten

Holiday scenario on September 1 in kindergarten
Holiday scenario on September 1 in kindergarten

Scenario of the holiday on September 1 in kindergarten:

I congratulate you, children, on the start of the school year!
Although a little summer is a pity
But we will not be sad
Because our garden is our garden -
We all came with joy.
Look at each other
Smile, soon as soon as possible
Hurry up, do not be shy!
Our kindergarten is a house of friends!
Even though we have no school yet,
And just a kindergarten,
We congratulate us on Knowledge Day
Our glorious preschool children.
Develop and grow,
Learn you writing
Find all the answers
One hundred "why".
May childhood be happy,
Full of games and good.
And let your curiosity
Will never fade away.
After all, it will help at school
To go to knowledge fun,
And today we will be together
We celebrate the day of knowledge.

1 child
Summer flew like a big bird.
Already autumn in the door is knocking on us.

2 child
For a very long time, the children of September were waiting.
It's time for us to rush into the kindergarten.
3 child
We will study all the sciences here.
Play and have fun, sing and dance.

4 child
And autumn sheet spies, fluttering,
He knows that on the day of knowledge autumn occurs.

Educator: I suggest you, children, play the game. If you agree with what I tell you, answer: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!” If the answer is negative, then everyone is silent.

Game "My Friends"
Educator: Who came to our kindergarten and glad to meet friends?
Children: It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Educator: Who woke up early in the morning and washed himself under the tap?
Children: It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Educator: Who opened the colors today, new books, coloring?
Children: It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Educator: Who played with toys and removed them in place?
Children: It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!
Educator: Who broke a chair today, pushed the girl into a puddle?
(Children are silent)
Educator: Who wants to grow up, go to school as soon as possible?
Children: It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

Educator: The new academic year begins.
The first of September is the red day of the calendar.
Because on this day
All girls
And boys
And villages
They took bags
They took books
We took breakfasts
Under mice
And rushed for the first time
To class!

Guys, do you want to be in the country of knowledge?

Hello, dear friends!
I am very glad to see you.
Happy Knowledge Day, expensive preschool children,
Learn with pleasure guys!
Adults and children know
That without knowledge is nowhere,
Apply these knowledge
For fun and labor.
They build towers, skyscrapers,
They launch the plane,
And without knowledge, you try
Make a chair or a sandwich.
To find the road in the forest,
You also need to know something
And when you know a lot -
It is easier to win in life.

Vasilisa: I am glad to accompany you while traveling around the country of knowledge. Here is the first station.

Riddle station.

1. stands in the field of a wonderful house
He is not low, nor high.
Have you learned what kind of fairy tale?
Come on in chorus ...

2. I did not tremble in front of the wolf,
He ran away from the bear
A fox on a tooth
It's all caught ...

3. The father had a strange boy.
Unusual, wooden.
He had a predatory nose.
What kind of fairy tale?
Here's a question. "Golden Key"

4. The fish is not simple,
Scales sparkles
Swims, dives,
Fulfills desires.
"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

5. The sorceress loved the godson
Crystal shoes gave her.
The girl has forgotten her name
Children, tell me, what was her name?

6. Little girl
Walks through the forest.
Grandmother in a basket
Carries pies
He hides behind the bushes
Very terrible beast
Who is this girl?
Answer now!
"Red Riding Hood"

7. Girl in a basket
He sits behind his back
Pies from the basket
It does not tell me to eat.
"Masha and the Bear"

8. Someone grabbed onto someone tightly,
Oh, I can’t pull it out, oh settled hard,
But still assistants will come running soon,
The stubborn will win a friendly, general work.
Who settled so tightly? Who is this?

Game station.
1. The game "Put the portfolio to school" is held.
2. The game "Who will collect toys faster."

Vasilisa: I am not only smart, but also funny. I like to sing and dance.

Dance station.
Dance "Boogi-Wigi».

Educator: Well done, Vasilisa was amused and had fun themselves.

On the day of knowledge, let the sun shine brightly,
Let all the children on the planet rejoice,
After all, an interesting life awaits us ahead,
Saturated, bright, wonderful!

How quickly the summer flashed,
Autumn is replacing again.
Knowledge Day! Means this
What is waiting for us with you!
What are new things awaiting us,
Ideas, plans, children!
Victories are waiting and waiting for good luck,
And it cannot be otherwise!

Russia's holiday for kindergarten - script

Russia's holiday for kindergarten - script
Russia's holiday for kindergarten - script

The holiday of Russia for kindergarten - script:

Under the song “I, you, he, it” children enter the site in front of the kindergarten, in front of the column the child carries the flag of Russia. The flag is installed in the center of the site.

What does "my homeland?"
You ask, I will answer:
At first, the ground is a path
Running to meet you.
Then the garden becomes beckoning to you
Fragrant branch of each.
Then you will see a slender row
Houses of multi -storey.
Then wheat fields
From the edge to the edge,
All this is your homeland,
Your land is your own.

Our favorite land is Russia,
Where in the lamps of the clouds,
Where are the young birches
They dressed in lace.
And we live in Russia,
Our forests are thick,
We have white birches
And the guys are brave.

Today we celebrate a popular holiday - Russia's Day. And on the holiday it is customary to invite guests.

The jester runs out to the cheerful music - Parsley and Tishka.

Hello! Hello!

Welcome all girls and boys!

And quietly, and huts!

It is forbidden to miss today!

Parsley and Tishka:
Our holiday begins!

There will be games, dance,
Yes, fun for an hour!

We are famous masters in various ventures, games, songs, dancing!

Well, since you are such masters to have fun, we invite the children to amuse and surprise us with something!

Parsley and Tishka:
With joy!

The attraction “Tug of the rope”.

Probably, in Russia the people are the strongest!
Really guys?

Take care of Russia,
We can’t live without it.
Take care of her
To be forever!
Our truth and force
All our fate
Take care of Russia -
There is no other Russia!

Parsley and Tishka:
There are many games in the world
Let's play more, children?


Dance “Big round dance”.

Well, what is Parsley and Tishka, saw what wonderful guys in our garden?

Yes! They are the most funny!

The most singing and dancing!
Parsley, do you know what the holiday is today?

Of course! In honor of the birthday of our country, which we will celebrate very soon - June 12! Children, what is the name of our country?

Children: Russia!

Russia is the biggest country in the world! Russia, homeland. Parsley and Tishka, our children will tell poems about Russia.

Russia, as a word from the song.
Birch young foliage,
Around of the forest, fields and mountains,
Expand, Russian soul.
I love you, my Russia,
For the clear light of your eyes
For the mind, for the exploits of the saints,
For a voice is sonorous, like a stream!
Russia is rich in talents
Rus talents is strong,
If the guys sing,
So she will live.

Dance “Underfective Friends”.

Parsley and Tishka praise children.

Parsley, Tishka, and our guys know not only in which country they live, but also in which city. Children, what is the name of our hometown?

Children: Voronezh!

Children tell us a verse about Voronezh.

Voronezh! My beloved city!
Born for the glory of you Peter!
Your appearance is Yun, and he is unique!
You shine with your beauty in the morning!
My city is a warrior! You are invincible!
Not surrendered to fascism and centuries!
Russia is unquenchable in your spirit!
I will give you the whole soul!
The open spaces of Don, groves and oak trees!
Love for feat. Minutes of silence.
Voronezh is a city of eternal glory!
The capital of the Black Earth and Spring!

Parsley and Tishka praise children.
Well done boys! Goodbye! Until new meetings!

There are a lot of cities in Russia and large and small. And who will call the capital of our country.

Children: Moscow!

Moscow is Red Square.
Moscow is the Kremlin's towers.
Moscow is the heart of Russia,
Who loves you.

Moscow is a very beautiful city. No wonder the proverb says: "Whoever has not been in Moscow has not seen beauty." Each country has its own symbols. This is a flag, coat of arms and anthem. Russia also.
Listen to the anthem of Russia.

Above the fields, above the meadows "anthem" rushes into blue,
There is no land of relatives, more desirable - in Russia I, friends, live!

The state flag of Russia is raised in solemn occasions. Flags are hung out during the holidays that our whole country celebrates.

Three colors on the flag of Russia:
Red, white, blue.
With a red strip flag -
It has the blood of fathers and grandfathers,
With red color Russia
Honor and victory!
Blue strip - the color of the sky of a clear
So that life in our country is beautiful!
White color - good in it, love, purity,
We want to live in good and peace always! (Passes the flag to the child).

Growing under the warm sun, growing
We live together, cheerfully,
Russia, dear, dear,
Blow and strong every day!
Guys let's continue the holiday in the group.

Under the solemn march, children once again go around the site in front of the kindergarten and go to the group.

Friendship holiday in kindergarten - script

Friendship holiday in kindergarten - script
Friendship holiday in kindergarten - script

Friendship holiday in kindergarten - script:

Fairy: Hello, friends! I am a fairy of kindness and friendship.
Today the holiday has gathered us:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday of friendship has come
And in the circle of guys invited everyone.
With this warm, clear day,
Together we will sing the song.

The song "Red Summer" (gr. "Giant")

- Guys! Today we have a cheerful holiday dedicated to Friendship Day. We will sing, play, dance.

Let's all say together:
Hello, the sun is golden! (Hands up)
Hello, the sky is blue! (Hands up)
Hello my friends! (Greet each other)
I am very glad to see you - me! (Break their hands to the sides, smile at each other

Songs of Friendship Song 4 Children come out about friendship

1 child:
How many funny and joyful persons,
Know friendship anywhere there are no boundaries!
Know children on the planet,
That friendship and kindness are more expensive than anyone in the world!

2 child:
Toys, friendship, kindergarten,
Words like sparks burn.
All children want to be friends
In the white world.

3 child:
The sun is Gray, the sun Gray,
Do not spare your rays.
Let the warmth and stronger
There will be friendship in children.

4 child:
Let's be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky, like a wind with a meadow,
Like a sail with the sea, grass with rains,
How friendly the sun is with all of us!
Song about friendship "Friendship" A. Kudryashov

Fairy: Now we will check how you know how to be friends. And in this, competitions will help us.

The game "Funny caterpillar"
Children are divided into two teams of 4 people and one presenter. The first holds the hoop and runs the guideline, returns and takes the second, and so on until the whole team runs.

The music enters the music

Bully: Hi all! Yeah! I need it here! (rubs his hands).

Fairy: Where is it "here"?

Bully: Where where. Yes, here, where there are many children.
I will make my assistants from them.

Fairy: Who are you?

Bully: I am Zabiyaka. I heard you have some kind of holiday here?

Fairy: Not some, but a holiday of friendship, a holiday of real friends. And we came to have fun.

Bully: These are these kids - shorty - friends?
Do they know how to be friends? Oh, laughed! (laughs).

Fairy: Wait, wait, clog.

Bully: Check, yes? Please.

You are ready? (Yes)
Will we celebrate the holiday? (Yes)
Will we be silent, miss? (Not)
Will we dance together? (Yes)
Will we play together? (Yes)
Can sleep you? (Not)

Fairy: What are you well done! You really showed that you are friendly.

Game "to each other"

(conducts a clog)
Each time, as soon as I say “each other”, you will have to find a new partner for yourself.

Ear to ear;
Nose to nose;
Forehead to the forehead;
Knee to the knee;
Elbow to the elbow;
Back to back;
Shoulder to shoulder

Bully: You really showed that you are friendly. I also really wanted to find friends.

Fairy: We offer you our friendship.

Song "Song of Friends" (V. Herch)

Bully: Can I stay with you at the holiday?

Fairy: Well, of course, stay.

Bully: Well, thank you! And for this I offer you a cheerful dance "Delay, Fore."

Dance - Game "Delay - Farm"

Fairy: Guys, look, what a beautiful hat I have! It is not simple for me, but magical, and knows how to read thoughts.

Bully: Oh, yes it’s interesting to know what our children dream of!

The game "Hat of Thoughts" (senior groups)

We have good toys:
Dolls, bears and crackers,
It’s fun to play with them,
But do not forget!

Let the toys are friends with us
We will not offend them,
Let's play and then
We will remove everything in place.

Dance with toys (music of modern)

There is one country in the world
Do not find another such
Not marked on the map
And the size is small.

But lives in the country that glorious
Wonderful people.
And where you do not throw a look-
A friend with you is coming with you.

And in the country this order:
Everything is in power with the guys
And they all live together.
Like a family, one detachment!

You probably guessed
Where do they live with one family?

In chorus:
Well, of course we learned, our dear garden!

Song "Kindergarten"

Bully: So we listened to thoughts in children of senior groups, and I also want to listen to what children of younger groups dream of.

Fairy: And now we will hold a competition with balloons called ...

Game "Air Ball"

The essence of the competition is to collect as many balls as possible and keep them.

There are many dances in the world
And children always dance.
With a balalaika, with flowers,
With bells and flags.
Two, two. three four five -
We will dance with birds!

You fly, dove,
Your flight will be high!
Above the houses, over the forests,
Above the kindergarten and above us.
Safe path!

Our dove, fly, fly!
But rising above the ground
Remember: we are with you with you!
White waves with a wing,
We love you and wait!
Bring us from a height
Fulfillment of dreams!

Dance of girls with white pigeons

So our holiday came to an end.
We have fun gloriously,
Frusted very tightly,
Dancing, played,
All around have become friends

Long live friendship! Hooray!
Long live summer! Hooray!
Long live children! Hooray!
Once again with the holiday you, kids!

The song "Friendship" (gr. Barbariki) - all sing

Feast of fairy tales in kindergarten

Feast of fairy tales in kindergarten
Feast of fairy tales in kindergarten

Scenario of the holiday of fairy tales in kindergarten:

Equipment: tape recorder, cassette with a phonogram of the lesson, book, dolls. Dunno, Nutcracker.

Entrance. Walking in a circle. Bow.

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?
There are many fairy tales in the world
Kind and simple,
And in the world for children
Do not live without them.
Now the parade will begin here,
They will come to us today
Those with whom you are always glad to meet,
Your beloved heroes.

(Shows the book.)

Here the pages are already rustling
And someone is already knocking on us.
Guys, let's hurry to meet them.
Walking in a circle on socks, hands on the belt, on the heels.

Rebuilding in 4 columns.

Educator: Guess the riddle.

The father had a strange boy
Unusual - wooden.
Everywhere his nose he piled up long.
Who is this?

We perform the exercise.
Pinocchio reached out
Once he bent down, two bent down,
He spread his arms to the sides,
Apparently, the key did not find.
Let's dance with Pinocchio.

Rhythmic dance. Respiratory exercise.

And here is a mystery.
This girl was very kind,
She hit the fairy -tale ball.
Only midnight has come
She lost her shoe.
Who is she?

Let's go with Cinderella to the ball.

Revustment in a circle in pairs. Dance "Menuet".

Educator: Cinderella began to have fun at the ball.

Revustment in a circle one at a time. The musical rhythmic composition "Cinderella".

Dunno appeared
Together with us, the dance set off.

The musical rhythmic composition "Dunno" (rock and roll).

Educator: Guess the riddle.
Princess is crying day and night,
No one can help her.

We will try to make her laugh together.

The musical rhythmic composition of “Nesmeyana” (running, jumping series of movements).

So the gnomes are walking
We are invited to dance.

The musical rhythmic composition of the "Gnomic".

Educator: Guess who else came to us.
A girl appeared
In a cup of flower,
And there was that girl
A little more a nail.

The musical-rhythmic composition "Thumbeline" (exercises for flexibility, plasticity, breathing exercises)

Educator: To what fairy tale is this music written?
Our ceremonious Nutcracker, our hero,
He is afraid of the mouse king.

The musical-rhythmic composition "Nutcracker" (choreographic composition).

Holiday Family Day in kindergarten - script

Holiday Family Day in kindergarten - script
Holiday Family Day in kindergarten - script

Holiday Family Day in kindergarten - script:

Leading. The sun rose, the day has come
The holiday got up early in the morning,
And he went for a walk in the light,
Asseting the entire planet.
He also ran to us,
Happiness, I handed out joy to everyone.
After all, all together: you and I -
Very friendly family!

Leading. And what is a family, guys will tell us.

Poems about the family.

1st child. The family is a strange word,
Although not foreign.
How the word turned out
It is not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand,
Why seven of them?
Do not think and guess,
And you just need to count:
Two grandfathers, two grandmothers,
Papa, mom, me.
Put it up? It turns out
Seven people - seven "I"!
And if there is a dog?
It turns out eight "I"?
No, if there is a dog
It turns out: in! - a family.

2nd child. Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a trip to the summer house in the summer
The family is us. Family is me.
Family is my dad and my mother.
The family is a younger brother,
Family is my affectionate grandfather.
Family - and my granny is dear,
The family is my mischievous sister.
Family is the godmother, aunts and uncles.
Family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.
Family is a holiday at a round table.
Family is happiness, the family is a house,
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil.

3rd child. Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant expenses.
Family is labor, about each other care,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Resentment and quarrels drive away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family!

The song "My family"

Leading. They sang wonderful.

(Children sing and dancing, "draw" with their hands)

Leading: The symbol of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is a simple modest flower - chamomile.

I love every petal!
We tear off the petals, we will all find out about the family!

4th child. There is a miracle in the world - a family.
Seven precious, bright self.
They, like notes seven, are friendly,
And everyone is beautiful and important.
Three notes - dad, mom, I,
Another is my sister,
Two more - grandmother and grandfather,
The seventh is only not a note with us.
"WOF WOF!" - Yes, in the yard she
Is the note well to everyone?
She sounds voiced all,
On the spot, a note does not sit.
The family has seven notes - seven colors,
Seven precious voices,
Seven strings sounding like one,
And each of them is important.

(The girl comes out to the music - chamomile)

Leading: What kind of marvelous chamomile in our garden has blossomed? We came to admire - this was a girl!

Chamomile: My greetings to you, guys, preschool children!
Chamomile - I, I am rich!
My flowers are burning in a wreath,
Live flowers are my outfit!

Leading: We admire all your outfit
Can we stand with you nearby?
And touch your finger a little bit
You, chamomile, are glad, be with us!

Chamomile: White chamomile is a symbol of the family, but for the children - my petals!

(Gives a basket with daisies on elastic bands to the host, and all the children put them on their hands),

Leading. Draw chamomiles on your palms
And repeat movements together.

Flashmob for the song "Chamomile is a symbol of kindness"

Task “Gather a heart from daisies” (lay out chamomile in the shape of a heart)

Leading. What a big heart we managed to fold!

5th child. Mom looks at dad, smiles,
Dad looks at mom, smiles,
And the day is the most everyday, not Sunday,
And outside the window is a poplar blizzard,
They just have the mood,
They just love each other very much.
From this love is both easy and light.
I and my dad and mom, so lucky!

Leading: And now - we collect all the flowers, guess all riddles (collect chamomiles in a basket).

Riddles about the family
1. without which in the world
Do not adults live for adults?
Who will support you, friends?
Your friendly ... (family)

2. Who is sweeter than everyone in the world?
And who do children love so much?
I will answer the question directly:
- Everyone is nicer ours ... (mom)!

3. He will teach a clove to drive,
Will give the car to drive
And tell you how to be brave
Strong, dexterous and skillful?
You all know, guys,
- This is our beloved ... (dad)!

4. who does not get tired of love,
For the family, the pie bakes
And delicious pancakes?
This is ours ... (grandmother)!

5. He is a man, old and gray,
Dad is dad, he is ... (grandfather)!

6. Who loves me and brother,
But loves to dress up more?
- Very fashionable girl
- My lovely sister)!

7. Mom is not alone,
She still has a son
I am not enough next to him,
For me, he is the eldest ... (brother)!

8. Mom's older sister
- It does not seem to be old at all,
He will ask us: "How do you live?"
Who came to visit? … (aunt)!

9. Who is with my mother's sister
Sometimes comes to us?
Looking at me with a smile
"Hello!" - tells me ... (uncle)!

Leading. There is a Russian folk tale about one such large, friendly family - “Turnip”. Now we will show it with your help and show it.

Fairy Tale-Anquisition "Turnip"

Leading. You see, together - not hot, but apart - at least throw it!
Family is labor, about each other care,
Family is a lot of homework.
And you guys, how do you help adults at home?

6th child. Lies mom on the couch
Because - Sunday.
On Sunday to our mother
You need to relax very much.
Lies dad on the couch
Because - resting
He has such a boss,
That he is very tired.
Even the count, our shepherd,
Does not bark on Sunday,
Does not bark on Sunday
Because it is resting!
My sister and I do not rest
Because they are not tired
We will help our family -
Adults need to rest.
We braid the pigtails to mom,
We bake the sore throat,
Dad dad from the hill,
Ground all the dishes,
We’ll fade everything, we will have a spray -
Without sweets and without cartoons.
We will tell everyone a fairy tale at night.
And then ... honestly we will rest all week!

Leading. And all week, children rest where - right in kindergarten.
The house in which we live
- This is a very noisy house,
Where in the morning
The guys have a game.

Therefore, we will end our holiday with the game.
(distributes balls)

Congratulations on family Day!
Happiness to you, friends, love!
Let smiles and fun
Fill your days!
We wish you to live in the world,
And cherish each other!
After all, we are together, you yes,
Very friendly family!
And in joy and in grief,
At the holiday and in the field
We are always all together:
Adults and children.

Song "Adults and Children"

Scenario of the Neptune holiday in kindergarten

Scenario of the Neptune holiday in kindergarten
Scenario of the Neptune holiday in kindergarten

Scenario of the Neptune holiday in kindergarten:

Leading: Do you know who is Neptune?

(Children's answers.)

Presenter: Then listen to one legend about this powerful lord of the seas - Neptune.
In distant, gray -haired times,
Then, when you and I were not at all,
Tribes walked all over the earth
In animal skins with tugs.
They cooked food on fire
Hunted in the forests,
They killed each other in war
And worshiped the spirits.
And they spent the night without sleep,
Praying at the sacrificial throne.
They were afraid of Neptune,
King of the seas and son of Poseidon.
Neptune had a big retinue:
Mermaids, dexterous ghouls,
In the affairs of bad and fights often broken
To the grave of devils devoted to him.
He was insidious and cruel,
I ordered people to drown
And the devils lame and oblique
He tried to please him.
Since then, Neptune has gone into the abyss
And evil breaks on the hell.
And kohli sore throat-cereal,
Drives waves on the seas.
Only once a year is good
And on this day and at this hour
Calls in the uterine voice.
With its huge retinue
Neptune comes out to see you.
Now he will come out of the sea
Will rise here on this throne.

Leading: To meet the guest together,
We all need to say loudly:
“Our river, stir up,
King Neptune soon come! "
Everyone repeats these words.
No, he doesn’t hear, apparently, us,
We repeat again:
“Our river, stir up,
King Neptune soon come! "

(Music sounds. Neptune appears with a retinue: mermaids, devils. It goes to the throne, sits down, there is a retinue around)

I am the lord of all seas and oceans,
The rivers are large and small rivals,
All swamps, pools and backwaters,
All ponds, lakes, water bodies.
I am a fidget, troublesome,
I live in the country underwater.
My last name is Neptune
It is known popularly.
Good afternoon, girls and boys,
Tikhoni and huts.
Glad to see you funny and healthy,
Modest and agile.
You are dancers and singers, daring and well done.
Dance, sing. In general, you live cheerfully.
So show me your talents.
I will sit, look and give you awards.

King Neptune, we are glad to meet
And we will show you now
Songs, dances, games, dances -
Will have fun with us

And this song for you
We will sing together now.

King Neptune, you are glad to see you
And for you we dance incendiary Lambada.
(Children dance to Lambadu music)
Groans, oh and ahi are heard.

Who is all groaning and gasping?
Beast, tell me, or a bird?
Can you appear before us?

(It comes out water with the song "I am water, I am water.")

Neptune: Well, what brought you to our holiday?

Water: I am bored, lonely in the swamp, asks the soul of fun.
I heard that the holiday is here. And I, green, started all.
Could not stand it, I decided at least one eye on funny, mischievous boys and
View girls. May I stay with you?

Neptune: Well, let us stay water?

Children: Yes!

Water: Thank you, thank you, boys and girls!
No, it’s better: girls and boys. I also have a surprise for you.
I did not come alone, my girlfriends came with me - funny green frogs.

(Frog dance)

You dance well, sing well,
But to allow bathing,
First we will hold competitions!

The game "get into the circle."
It is necessary to get the ball into the inflatable circle. From different distance.

The game "Cancer Race".
Children fall on all fours and move to the indicated place. The team, which is the first in full force at a certain point, is declared the winner

The game "Fisherman".
Two toy sets "Fisherman", fish are scattered on the ground. The team that will catch more fish wins.

Game "Magic Black" (Relay)
The guys scoop up water from the river with a spoon and run into a bucket. The speed and amount of filled water are estimated.

Game "Collect Rain"
The helpers of Neptune are on the stool, they have a watering can in their hands. They spin in different directions, pour water. Children have disposable cups in their hands, in which they try to catch “rain.

I see strong and dexterous growing.
And the coveted hour has come - get a prize now.

(Presentation of prizes)

For starters, for discharge,
I will make a riddle of you.
I am the beginning, you are the end
Everyone will be well done.
In the depths of the sea lives a miracle-yudo multi-nog,
Eight legs are miraculous and called. (octopus).

A umbrella walks along the waves,
If you meet, do not touch.
That's the miracle like that, like that, wonder
The umbrella is burning like nettle.
Take care of your belly, touched you. (jellyfish).

A terrible, toothy, predator is dangerous.
In the sea, blue shym, and Shmyg.
Everything in a row swallows instantly. (shark).

Under the water rushes quickly,
It soars over the wave like a bird.
A resident of warm seas,
The faithful companion of ships.
He is not Russian and not Fin.
Quite simply. (dolphin).

A steam locomotive without wheels, like a miracle, a miracle,
Whether he had gone crazy, went right by sea.
He has a wonderful move. That's for sure. (steamer).

Ah, what are the holidays today
All the guys are active and smart.
I see that you will not ask you
There will be all the answer at once.
And here I am dancing a mastic.
I do it like that

We invite you now
For our cheerful dance.

(All the heroes, Neptune with the guys dance under the song “You are a sailor, I am a sailor).

Yes, you know how to dance and sing.
Well, I myself was convinced -
A strong change is growing.
Congratulations to all the guys
You are glad to give awards to you.
(Presentation of awards)

Video: Autumn holiday in kindergarten. The script of the holiday

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