Scenarios of new fairy tales for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old - the best selection

Scenarios of new fairy tales for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old - the best selection
A collection of scenarios of new fairy tales for children for holidays, for fun leisure at home and at school.

The original scenario of the new fairy tale - "Princess on the mobile phone"

The original script of the new fairy tale is the princess on the mobile phone
The original scenario of the new fairy tale - "Princess on the mobile phone"

The original scenario of the new fairy tale is “Princess on the mobile phone”:

Scene I

(King, Queen, Prince)

Author: The last minutes counted the New Year!
Adding a hundred worries in our kingdom,
There was heavy snow and the wind howled

The king and his wife said:
King: It's time to marry a prince
And so that I would be from the capital

Queen: And so that the princess was
And so that there was good, not evil.
And to the royal blood,

King, queen: It would be a good daughter -in -law!

Author: The prince heard their conversation:

Prince: I would recognize her in a hundred faces,
For her is ready in the fire and into the water,
Ready to part with freedom,
I am for the one that is mile
There would be all princesses in my country.
And if I am faithful to my heart,
Who knows, maybe a miracle will take place,
And I will find her - her alone,
I am a god of this wife!

King: So do something for your dream!
Only you are able to find your love!

Queen: Be careful in the choice, my son!
After all, the world around is quite difficult,
There are many impostors in it -
Do not find the princess even during the day with fire!

Prince: I gave the announcement to all the newspapers,
And now, I'll tell you a secret
I have connected the Internet for the kingdom,
Such beauties there, which the light did not see!

Scene II

(Hackers and the third princess)

Author: But at this time, a gang of hackers are famous,
Upon learning what the prince is looking for the bride,
We decided to send a dummy,
And pick up the royal treasury!
They hurried to the modeling agency!
They decided to find the candidacy there,
To be beautiful and smart,
And without moral principles, she!

First hacker: We find such a breath,

Second hacker: After all, there is no doubt that our prince is burdock!

Third hacker: And bite a custom -made gift!

Author: Bought a cool outfit for her,
In the beauty salon, she made her hairstyle, makeup,
So that our prince is completely stolen!
And giving her instructions, finally
They sent the girl to the palace!

Scene II

(King, queen, first princess, second princess, third princess)

King: And here is a day and hour,
For casting princesses with us ...

Author: Here is the first to come
And in appearance it seems to be sweet
But how only my mouth opened,
The whole honest people fell!

Prince (first princess): Tell the girl, what are you looking for here?
What led you to us, answer, give an honor?!

First Princess: I found out that the bridegroom himself is the prince,
I immediately fell in love with borders!

Prince: Wait a sweetheart, because there was no photo on the site!
How could you fall in love, you don't know me!

The first princess: Why do I need a photo?
That's enough for me
That I will be the wife of the prince -
Just everything!

Prince: No, girl, this will not work!

King, Queen: Such a daughter -in -law will definitely not suit us!

Author: The second princess asked a question
Hoping to get an answer seriously!
They heard this in response!
What became clear - and you should not regret it!

King, Queen: And it seems like nothing,
And there is nothing more to say!

Scene IV

(King, Queen, Third Princess, Prince, Court)

Author: So all week long
The princesses went to them a whole platoon,
But none of them, no matter how hard it was,
The prince did not stay in the soul and heart!
And the prince almost lost hope,
Suddenly, in the crowd, princesses recognized her!
She blinded him with a beauty,
And so she looked into her eyes, smiling sweetly,
That the prince of the catch did not see
So other candidates were out of work!

King: Beautiful, just a sight for sore eyes
Fresh, sweet, and without doubt
Smart, beautiful and slender,

Queen: Well, what is not a wife for the prince!

King: We would have to solve one question
Is she seriously a princess?

Queen: Or what impostor?

Author: And now they decided the instrumental
The task is to give her one:
Her bed was three times,
And the seven feather beds were folded from above,
They put a mobile phone on them,

Prince: And since the princess is real,
It should feel the mobile phone ringing.

Author:And then the evening sank to the city,
The whole yard was already in anticipation,
Everyone began to wait for her to fall asleep?
(Prince, king, queen and courtiers surrounded the princess)
And even though the princess was not up to sleep,
But she took her fatigue,
And now the princess was sleeping sweetly!

King: And the prince, meanwhile, went to neighboring chambers,
And he began to call the phone free,

Queen: One beep, another, and silence ...
Do not tear off the princess from sleep!

Author: In the morning, the prince asked:

Prince: Well, beauty,

Do you like to rest on our bed?

Princess: Yes, I really could not sleep!
Then I found the phone in the feather
And I realized what caused insomnia,

Author: She said and yawned so from the proxy!
And then everyone understood - the princess is real!
And the wedding was played brilliant,
And there were guests of all neighboring kingdoms,
And the prince was happy, Iprintsess too!
Really in the 21st century to find brides,
Will the Internet and the mobile connection help us?

Scene v

(King, queen, third princess, prince, guard, hackers)

Author: It will help how
But it was not there…
The princess opened the gate at night,
And I launched the gang into the kingdom!

Princess: Come in, only quietly, the guard is sleeping,
After all, I added sleepy coffee to them!

Author: And here are the bandits under the cover of the night,
Cleaned the treasury, and that there is urine,
They started to run with a young wife,
The wife of the prince is a front!

King: Of course - the police returned the treasury,
And the hackers for seven castles closed,
So that I do not want to steal anymore,
Now in prison you will have to vegetate!

Prince: There can be nothing more reliable than the heart,
And in choosing, besides him, no one will help you,
No Internet, no phone, only it!
You should tell you your fate!

King: What is the idea of \u200b\u200bour fairy tale?
We will tell you a secret due to the denouement ...

Prince: Sometimes we are in pursuit of the wrapper,
We are only a victim of a joke with a turf!

All characters:So let's say slowly,
That the main soul is in a person!

Scenarios of new fairy tales for children-setting a snow-white, which became the victim of an Internetobman, a fox and a crane

Scenarios of new fairy tales for children - a setting about Snow White, which has become a victim of an Internetobman, a fox and a crane
Scenarios of new fairy tales for children-setting a snow-white, which became the victim of an Internetobman, a fox and a crane

Scenarios of new fairy tales for children-a setting about a snow-white, which has become a victim of an Internetobman, a fox and a crane:

Author :
There was a king with his queen,
For a very long time they did not have children.
The queen once gave birth to a daughter,
But soon she died.
So the parents' dream came true,
The girl was born dark -haired!
Belolitsa and beautiful,
Snow White was called.
A year later with a big longing,
The king married another!
The woman was beautiful
But proud and proud.
She hung on the Internet.
I was looking for drugs for myself
To be beautiful to be forever ....
Here is naive carelessness!
Youth always leaves
The maturity after her comes.
The camp is not the same and the skin will wither.
Not! She will not stand it
Cosmetologists, surgeons
Experts in all science.
Magic is created with anyone
And with the old and with the young.
One night by the window
She took the mirror.
And asked him
Who is the most beautiful?

Music is replaced. The queen sits opposite the mirror. Music is silent.

Queen: Who is more beautiful than everyone in the world
Mirror, I'm waiting for an answer!

Mirror: Look right, look left
You are beautiful, no doubt! Our queen!

Author: Years passed, replacing years,
With a change in nature
Snow White grew up,
The most beautiful in the world has become!


One night by the window
Again the mirror took.
And asked him
Who is the most beautiful?

Queen: Tell me, without melting, the mirror is true
True, the mirror is that I am the most beautiful!

Mirror: You, the queen are beautiful, but Snow White is richer than beauty.

The queen jumped
And she was circled around the hall.
Throwing a comb in the mirror
I scratched a little.

Queen: Oh you vile glass!
You're lying to me.
Well, tell me, everything is true to me.
Snow White is more beautiful?

And her mirror in response ...

You are beautiful, no doubt!
All hands specialists.
But more valuable, dear,
The beauty is dear.
Hugo Boss, Dolce & Gabbana,
Loreal, Lancome, Paco Rabanne.
You can give yourself like that
What is not to everyone to know.

The waltz plays

Author :
The ball is noisy in the royal halls.
The queen is not up to the balls.
Anger burns her liver.
He wants to exterminate the girl!
In Google he will find everything for revenge ....
Under the pretext of false flattery
Elixir from all diseases
And from damage, the evil eye together.
She will give her a promotion,
Nothing that suddenly poisoned.

The queen pours a mixture of different bottles into a glass, stirs, ties a ribbon and attaches a “Magic Elixir” plate:

Well, let me know now
What kind of beauty he dreams of.

Snow White comes out, singing a song:

How hard it is to live today
Know everything about modern fashion.
At least everything is in order with the attached.
I have flaws.
Once at the ball at the uncle,
Maybe jokes even for the sake.
The prince said I was thin.
The large -eyed and pale.
I lost my peace.
Who would give me what advice?
To become more beautiful in the world. (takes a gadget)
What are they written on the Internet? (looking for)
Here, there is what I was looking for!
And there is not enough of him!
Oh, how expensive is the infection!
And the payment must be immediately!
Another moment and everything will be sold out.
Beauty only destroys!
The father has one joy -
The queen needs a fur coat!
I am in status - a teenager.
My outfit is simple.

Snow White looks around and sees the "magic elixir."

What's this? Can't be!
Who could forget him here!

Snow White takes "Magic Elixir"

Elixir from all diseases
And from damage, the evil eye together.

Snow White opens

If I drink a little bit
Someone will not notice.

Snow White takes a sip. She laughed, spun

I didn’t have a gift for a gift!
It’s so warm that it is directly hot.
Music sounds in my head
Noise, fun, songs, screams!

Snow White stops

I'll drink a little again
Someone will not notice

Snow White takes another sip, approaches the mirror

Ah, now I am beautiful.
Tell the mirror true.
I am beautiful, give me an answer!

You, beautiful, argue, no.
But the potion that you will drink,
Destroy your life

Snow White laughs, continuing to dance and drink:

Do not be afraid, mirror, in vain!
This drug is fine!
I'm flying, I'm fluttering
I forget about all the ailments

Snow White takes another sip

Something is not good for me!
Can I still have a drink?

Snow White starts to stagger. He also drinks. Sits

My head is spinning
I don't stand on my feet.
What kind of elixir?
He draws peace in sleep.

I did not listen to advice
That the potion is dangerous.
The bottle of all devastated
The liver, the kidneys damaged.

Heart, kidneys, liver, brain come out

Woe, grief, woe to us -
We are just broken in the trash.

Elixir is to blame for everything.
He killed us at all.

From such a load
Continuous overload.

I'm swollen from the elixir
The hemispheres are all in the holes!

You have to save the girl!
Call the doctor to her.

Oh, rather call.
Help! Help!

A fairy comes out in a white dress with a red cross on a crown. Shakes his head, looking at the Snow Whiteu.

Ah, poor thing, oh stupid!
A mouse got into the mousetrap.
And in pursuit of your beloved
I ruined all health.
Here is a victim of beauty.
Internet game.

The fairy gives Snow White a medicine. The organs leave, dancing

Here is the medicine to help!
And drive the illnesses away.
Only I want to notice
All naive stupid children.
This can be quickly in fairy tales
Reset 100 and even 300.
Half meters grow
Hands to braid in your feet.
Find the groom,
Just worth a test to pass.
Learn the language per day,
Become a mutant for the sake of a joke.
Grow horns and teeth.
Pierce the lips without pain.
Become the hero of the Internet.
Disgracing in Runet.

Snow White gets up:

Ah, forgive my stupidity!
She led to this stupidity.
And believed in advertising,
Having become a victim of melodrama.

suitable for the mirror.

You are beautiful, Snow White!
You are sweet and young
Know that marriage is a leisurely matter.
Kindness rules the world.
Less visny on the Internet,
Develop, know.
A lot of important things in the world.
Dear, all, goodbye!

It all ended beautifully
Happy end comes.
I think it's not in vain
They showed you the plot.

New fairy-scenario for children about fox and crane

Before the animals in the world lived,
And they met and friends.
We will lead our story
About the fox with the crane.
Once on the swamp
There was a fox for hunting,
I met the crane.

Oh! I have been dreaming for a long time
Invite you to lunch
And treat it like a king.

Why not come.
The manna porridge is treated,
She like it very much.

I will try to glory!
Waiting for you tomorrow at three o’clock.

I will be on time, Fox!

The crane did not eat day, did not drink,
Everything went back and forth-
I made a serious look
And excellent appetite.
In anticipation of lunch
He had a conversation with himself.

There is no better friend in the world!
I will order a fox portrait
And I will hang over the fireplace,
As an example for a daughter with a son.

And in the meantime, the fox
Packing for half an hour
Welded semolina porridge,
Yes, smeared in a cup.
Cooked, and here
He is waiting for a neighbor’s lunch.

Hello, Lisonka, my light!
Well, bring it down soon!
I feel the smell of manna porridge.

Fighting yourself, the guest is welcome!

For an hour the crane pecked,
He nodded his head to Lisa.
But at least that porridge is a lot
There was no crumb in the mouth!
And the fox, our mistress,
Licks slowly porridge -
She has no dealing with the guest
She took everything herself and ate!

You must forgive me
There is nothing more to treat.

Well, thanks on that.

It is a pity that there is no more porridge.
You, Kum, do not blame me.
And by the way, do not forget -
Your turn, neighbor,
Call a girlfriend for lunch!

He hid the crane of resentment.
Although he was polite in appearance,
But he conceived a fox
Treat a bird like a bird!
He prepared a jug
With a neck in arshin length,
Yes, I poured okroshki into it.
But no bowls or spoon
He is not displayed for the guest.


Hello, dear neighbor,
You are not a homebody at all.
Come on, sit down at the table,
Help yourself, do not be ashamed!

The fox began to spin,
Rub on a jug with a nose,
So come in, then like this
Do not get food in any way.
The smell of treats teases,
Only the paw will not crawl,
And the crane pecks itself
And his soul sings -
From the jug, little by little
He ate all his okroshka!

You must forgive me
There is nothing more to treat.

Nothing? You yourself ate everything!
Did you want to deceive me?
So I will show you!
I will tell everyone in the forest
About your hospitality.
This is not a dinner, but a lead!

For a long time they cursed like that
And they bit and rushed
Everything that was at hand ...
And since then their friendship is apart!

Funny scenarios of fairy tales in a new way for high school students

Funny scenarios of fairy tales in a new way for high school students
Funny scenarios of fairy tales in a new way for high school students

Funny scenarios of fairy tales in a new way for high school students:

Leading: Dear viewers,
Do you want to see a fairy tale?
Familiar, surprisingly,
But with creative additions!

2 storytellers come out. Music sounds quietly

1st storyteller. The world now, as in a good fairy tale,
All is wrapped in the rain and serpentine.
Under the flickering of Bengal lights
The old year is melting quietly, like smoke!

2nd storyteller. A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint -
Good fellows lesson!
Listen to a fairy tale guys,
Meet a new day with her!

1st storyteller:
Three maidens by the window
We spent late in the evening.

(The first eats a roll, the second embroiders, the third looks around;

2nd storyteller:
They gathered the three of them,
Make up about your own.

1 girl:
If I was a queen
One girl says
I would be at any time of the year
She was engaged only in fashion.
In its figure is thin,
Three sheepskin coats borrowed:
Mini, maxi, which is more abrupt,
And the perfumes are only gucci

2 girl:
If I was a queen
Her sister says
My groom found herself
Huge house with mesonin,
Near the house of Topol,
Both carpets and piano,
In a hill to crystal!
Polish furniture in the kitchen,
Things super-duper, yes!
The wallet from the money will chop
Six hundredth Mercedes!

2 storyteller:
Well, you are a beautiful girl,
If you were the queen,
What would you be proud
So that you do then?

3 girl:
I would be a priest-king
I would take care and love
I would have sat with him,
I would look at him for a century!

1 storyteller:
A total hour was approaching,
The stomp in the yard rang out:
Five heroes come in
Five rosy barbel.
Grooms at least for selection
Here Koschey and water is old fat and lame.
Kolobok, wolf angry, cat -scientist at chains
Everyone is smart, modest, decent
And everything is dressed fine.
Every cavalier!
Virgo is lucky now!
One, two, three, four, five, -
Do not count the suitors!

1 girl:
- Yes, of course, water,
Old, thick and lame ...
But then in the hands all power,
The fish, however, is not in sweet.
All decrees are given
Will only not!

2 girl:
Maybe get married with Leshim?
Good small, friend of forests
Voiced bird voices.
And poetry amateur,
And the viewer ...
Loves to roam everything,
Start the forest
And about the fact that neither cola
And does not have a hut.
Only knows how to sing sweetly!
Where, what will I live on?
Bitterly cry and bother?
Well, I do not! I will not!
Better will, but your own!

3 girl:
There is always rich in Koschey,
Dear a bathrobe on it,
Eats in gold, silver,
Travels everywhere.
Only stingy Koschey always,
Even melt water
All accounting is subject to
The one that runs in the spring ...
And he suffers from boring -
The whole district knows this ...

1 girl is looking at the kolobok.

What kind of beast are you, what kind of fish?
Or you fruit, vegetable or,
Are you a frog, or cancer?

Kolobok in response to them:
-You are in your mind, or no?
Stiff while rolling
In the forests, and on the valleys.
Tanned and tempered,
I became firm as a rock.

The girls thought.
Maybe the wolf will come in handy to you - the cat is important.

There is an appearance
He will not offend anyone!

1 girl
He has a huge eye!
This is time.

2 girl
And a big head!
These are two.

3 girl
And the fangs stick out, look!
These are three.
In general, you are not to the court
Get out good

1 storyteller:
The grooms turned
Hurry retired
And according to everything again
They began to live and live.
Outside the window, the dawn woke up
I winked, smiled:
Everyone went home,
Modern towers.
And dreams, like stars from the sky,
They will not ask for bread in the morning.
To know the price, those dreams,
It would be easier, maybe to us.

2 storyteller:
Quickly a fairy tale is said
And the misfortune lasts for a long time ...
Maybe koy-kakim girls
This fairy tale will come in handy!

A new fairy tale for children "Kolobok, or the way to health"

Once upon a time there was an old man with his old woman
In a small hut.
Grandfather dug the earth,
Together with Babia, the garden sat down.

Oh, I'm tired!
Backing, woman, for lunch
Ruddy, delicious bun!
You used to bake skillfully.

Baba prepares a bun, imitating the hand processing the test process of the dough.

On the sulfaes of the pomel
I found a handful of two flour,
Salt added, sand,
The glorious came out of the bun,
Lush and ruddy!

Wait a bit, grandfather, a bit,
Let the bun cool down!

Would be shaken on the window
But he decided: “I will run away,
I will open a little. "
Kolobok rolled
Past Christmas trees and birch.
Suddenly our hut
I met a bunny.

I will be worried about you
I didn't eat in the morning.

What you?! Wait, scythe,
Listen to the song.
Kolobok I, fidget,
Baked me for my grandfather,
I'm funny on sour cream
I'm cold on the window
I left the old people
Jumping from the window - and it was like that!
Great to a bunny honor:
Broken bell to eat!

The hare listens to the song, and the bun runs away.

Yes, you roll, Kolobok,
What a good one is only troubles.
I'll go better in the garden
To grandfather with a woman, but carrots Narva
For yourself and for hare.
The teeth will be healthy and the eyes are sharp.
He goes to the garden, tears carrots and carries to the rabbits.

And the bun rolled along the road
The wolf is gray under the feet.
The gray wolf licked,
He knows a lot about Kolobki.

How are you a bun
I'm very hungry
I will eat you, my friend,
- I will be full until night!

What are you, what are you, a gray wolf!
Do not eat me!
Sitting is better for stumps,
Listen to the song.
Kolobok I, fidget,
Baked me for my grandfather,
I'm funny on sour cream
I'm cold on the window
I left the old people
Jumping from the window - and it was like that!

And Kolobok rolled on.

Well, why do I need a bun
I’d better go through the forest
Maybe I will find something!

He walks through the forest, finds a cigarette and begins to imitate smoking, coughs himself, and the children also repeat behind him.

What are you, what are you, gray wolf,
Everyone knows in the world: adults and children,
That smoking is harmful to health!
Throw a cigarette! The wolf throws a cigarette and leaves.

Suddenly, Potapych himself will meet,
He growled, raised his paw.

Come, bun,
I will have a bit at a bit.

What are you, what are you, clubfoot,
Lower your paw you
Better my song
You listen - I will sing.
Kolobok I, fidget,
Baked me for my grandfather,
I'm funny on sour cream
I'm cold on the window
I left the old people
Jumping from the window - and it was like that!
I ran away from the hare
And from the evil wolf,
And, Toptygin, from you
I do not leave for long.
Kolobok runs away. Bear:
Well, roll yourself, Kolobok,
After all, what's the use of you
- Some sores.
Better go through the forest
Maybe I will find something.

It goes through the forest and finds bottles of alcohol. Imitates what he drinks.

What are you, what are you, clubfoot?
What do you want to harm your health?
Yes, and the children look at you.
It’s better to take a barrel of honey.
Eat it and you will always be healthy.
The bear takes the barrel and leaves.

And the bun rolled somersault
Through the grove straight
And suddenly a fox to meet,
I saw the kolobok. Fox:
How is you useful, bun,
Like blush and oars!
They say that you, my friend,
You know a lot of songs.

Kolobok I, fidget,
Baked me for my grandfather,
I'm funny on sour cream
I'm cold on the window
I left the old people
Jumping from the window - and it was like that!
I left the bear
And from a wolf with a hare,
And fox behind Kolobk
Also, do not keep up.

Ah, I don’t need you a bun, I don't want to eat you.
From the flour fur coat will become dull and breaking.
I’ll go better in the garden to my grandfather and woman and I’ll pick up vegetables.
The fur coat will become brilliant, beautiful.
He goes to the garden, tears vegetables.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, and a lesson little health is a little health.

Scenario of a new fairy tale for the holiday of professions

Scenario of a new fairy tale for the holiday of professions
Scenario of a new fairy tale for the holiday of professions

Scenario of a new fairy tale for the holiday of professions:

The one who comes to us now,
Cleverly enough mouse
And all day, like a cat,
He rides on the table.
He knocks on the keys
Fingers two -handed
Even if not the notes sounds,
And he is not bored.
Overload a hundred cars
Maybe very quickly.
So who I invited
To visit?

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to give an answer.


A programmer appears on the stage.

You work, kids,
I will surprise with my own -
I'm in the language of cars
I can speak!
Every day to iron I
I give orders,
And they are all of me
Obey right away!
I can read their thoughts
Look into the soul,
But for this I sit down
I must for ...

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to give an answer.

A computer!

A system unit appears in front of a programmer on stage.

Here is a computer - he is all there,
The house is high.
We call the house ourselves
We are systemic ...

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to give an answer.


To start more
We are to negotiate
Combine this block
It is necessary with ...

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to give an answer.


A monitor appears next to the system unit.

In it, the computer is visible
All as there is nature.
To communicate with her, you need
To me…

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to give an answer.


A keyboard appears on the stage. The programmer begins to quickly and loudly knock on the keys.

I'm sitting behind her all day,
I achieve
I did everything I write
Supermed ...

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to give an answer.


A large robot with a red button on the chest appears on the stage. The programmer begins to print on the keyboard. The robot voices the commands and performs them.

Robot (monotonon-open voice):
The right! Love! Turn!

The robot turns to face the audience.

Hello guys!

Let him dance and sing!

The programmer prints. The robot slowly moves, as if dancing.


Further, the programmer prints all the time, and the robot performs.

Can carry severity.

Undo-na-yu gi-ri!

Maybe counting instead of us.

Two plus two-Che-you-re!

Or clean up in the house ...

The robot takes out a vacuum cleaner and with buzzing leads them along the edge of the stage.

No! Everything is clear!

It can become the best nanny!

Robot (viewers):
Na-you-you-tho fast!

It has an oven, and adhesive tape,
And the library.
The day and night serves correctly
Robot to man -
Kolds in the summer, in winter
Like the stove is warming!

And with your head
Can he think?

Maybe he can fix it,
But that he himself thinks,
I will have to change
All of him ...

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to give an answer.


The programmer prints.

Who am I? Where I am?
What is the most knowledgeable?

In it I will lay the ability
To self -education!

Together with Nerves-pro-water!
In the u-th-one-and-one, that I
Everything that is only there is a second
I-zu, I get it!
Send a question! I suddenly

The robot buzzes, scanning the auditorium, and then extends long arms from the body and begins to feel the programmer.

Hey leave me alone! What are you?

Soft! Not-lady!
Very interesting!
If there is a way.
Bu-e, many laughs!

The robot tickles the programmer with his hands with armpits. He giggles.

Well, what if you can,
It is necessary to knock on the super-hu!

The robot becomes higher and begins to chase the programmer, striving to hit him on the head.

I will know how to
Mo-yu co-brah-
Dust three
With Ma-Te-Rinsky Pla-You!

Finally, the robot overtakes the programmer. He falls.

You shouldn't beat me!

The robot has a hefty laser gun.

Me-me has a la-czer!
You can live, so you-be
All Mo-and Pri-Ka-Zi!

The robot gives orders, and the programmer fulfills them.

The right! Love! Turn!
Each of my transisis
Go-in-Rish that I am about to
Sta-well of a mis-mico!
Come on, they-g-tas-kai!

The programmer takes up the weight and dragging her along the stage.

Programmer (with a sigh):
I raise weights!

And those now, yes, we occh-tie!
The programmer throws the weight.
Programist (plaintively)
Two plus two - four!

Robot (viewers):
I am standing in the mi-re all
I am in the same way!
Hey, you, in behind, ru-ki up
And bu-doe to tear!

The robot directs the laser to the host. The host raises his hands.

Presenter (programmer):
How to cope with him now?

Bas-can, volume!

They themselves asked to give
Will intellect.

The robot directs the laser to the programmer, and then to the hall.

Trud, no, to the right to people!
Za-y-y-yu la-czer!

Programmer (mockingly):
Red button click,
You will defeat everyone at once!

The robot presses the button on its stomach.

Naji-ma-yu! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
That's how oo-hop-th!
Then not a lis-wu-ko-bo ...


The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to give an answer.


The robot falls on the screen face down.

With the power of their imaginary
He broke up quickly.
Let it be stronger, but not smarter

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to give an answer.


The programmer sits behind the keyboard and begins to print.

Units and zeros
We rewrite these.
Okay, get up, let's go.

The robot rises and waves his right hand to the audience.

To Svi-da, de-Ty!

New scenarios of old fairy tales for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old

New scenarios of old fairy tales for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old
New scenarios of old fairy tales for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old

New scenarios of old tales for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old:

Why has everything changed?
Why did everything sparkle?
Was laughed and sang?
Well, tell me, what's the matter?

-This is so easy to understand:
Spring came to us again!

-Nature is speaking.
This is the case from year to year:
Updates its outfit.
Beasts everyone also wants
Update your outfit.

See: "A fairy tale about a hare who knew how to sew and wanted to please everyone."

-In the meadow, in the forest,
Under a high pine
The house is wonderful, painted.
But he lives in the house
Everyone familiar with a gray hare -
Wonderful tailor.

-Yes, I'm not a simple hare,
I am the best tailor.
Beasts, what should I sew for you?
I will accept any order.

-Spring came to the forest -red,
And everyone was not up to sleep:
I would like to be beautiful -
We must rush to the bunny.
The news in the forest flew
It flew to the village
And Barbos found out about her:
The first to bring his order.

Dog Barbos.
-I am shaggy and kudlat
Very brave and brave
I am guarding the household yard,
Woof woof woof.
On strangers angrily barking
Woof woof woof.
A herd in the field of the steres,
Service, right, I carry.
(Knocking on a hare)
-Hello, Zainka is a scythe!
I heard that you are a tailor?

-Marily, I can sew everything.
I try to please everyone.

Dog Barbos.
-I'll get in the field of the herd.
At work day and night.
I need a warm hat.
Can you help me?

-I can! In a day - another
I'll finish the work.
You come to my house
Behind a hat on Saturday.

(Hare takes a measurement, the dog Barbos leaves)

-Pes a shaggy hat is waiting for
The hare sews days and nights.
And in the forest without paths,
The hedgehog hobbies to him.

-Hello, Zainka, I am a hedgehog!
I have 2 pairs of legs.
I need very shoes
After all, the weather is cold.

-S, my dear hedgehog,
I never sewed boots.
See - the sign hangs?
This sign says
That lives in the wilderness of the forest
Not a shoemaker, but a tailor.

(Sad hedgehog leaves, the hare continues to sew)

-Modnitsa is running,
Also in a hurry to the bunny.

-I -big fashionista,
The dress is rustling.
The new blue umbrella,
And on the hat is big.
Here I am a mouse, just laughter,
I decided to surprise everyone.
(Knocks to the bunny)
-Hello, Zainka is a scythe!
I heard, are you a tailor?
I sew a skirt, please
I am in a hurry to the circus today.

(The hare begins to remove the measurement)

-Vaska appeared Vaska -Cat,
It is important to the house.
The mouse Vaska saw
Scared, trembling
I threw a bag, gloves
And sped off without looking back.

(Mouse runs away)

Cat Vaska.
-Zayats, my hello to you!
Do you find out, Il no me?

-How, I remember, you happened
I stayed a lot for me.

-You, I'm so fluffy,
Neat, very clean.
So as not to dust the fur,
I ask me to sew a raincoat.

-The will sew the beautiful you,
I’ll try to make it
And you, dear friend,
I will give it to it.

(Hare takes a measurement, the cat leaves)

-And here and piglets
They ran from the beds.

-Hello, Zainka is a scythe!
We heard, are you a tailor?

-I am ready to serve.
Say what to sew?

1. To me - pants.
2. To me - a vest.
3. And to me - pink beret.

-I am tossing for you,
I will quickly fulfill the order.
(The hare takes off the measurement and sits down to sew, and piglets are dancing)
Piglets sing and dance.
-Sayats will sew a vest for us,
And pants and take.
There are no piglets friendly,
Better not - yes! (Run away)

-And the frog heard,
Also jumped to the hare.

-Hello, Zainka is a scythe!
I heard, are you a tailor?
Sew to me, Zainka, gloves.
My paws are very freezing.

-Good! I can sew
I will try to please!
(Takes a measurement, the frog jumps away)

-Sayats sews, hurries, troubles,
He wants to please everyone.
Here is a Saturday day
The dog was running behind a hat.

-Hello, Zainka, neighbor.
Did you sew a hat for me or not?

Ready a hat, get
Yes, better guard the herd!

Thank you, Zainka-Druzhok,
You with cabbage pie.

-Hello, bunny, dear,
Is my raincoat ready?

Here is your raincoat, get
Remember the tailor.

-SPASIBO, Zainka -boy,
And from me here is a stump.

(The cat leaves, pigs run out with carrots)

-Hello, bunny, this time
We came to pick up the order.

- Here are the pants, here is the vest,
But the pink takes.

-And you sweet carrots
We brought right from the bed.

-Thank you, piglets, friendly guys.

-And our hare sews again.
He sees - fox is coming.

-Hello, Zainka is a scythe!
I know, fashionable, tailor!
Today is a holiday with foxes,
And I have to be there.
I need a festive outfit,
Sit down soon.

-Yes your outfit and so good.
Will you take me with you?

-Mo willingly. Let's go.

(All the heroes of the fairy tale pass)
- Here is a fox and a bunny on a forest lawn
They go to visit, they will lead the dance there.
Important the cat walks, invites the mouse,
And followed by the dog Barbos.
Brothers - piglets ran from the beds,
They will dance, have fun and scream.
A thorny hedgehog runs without boots.
And a green frog, quickly jumps, a jump!
Everyone came to the clearing, set the dance.
That's the end of the fairy tale
And our hare well done!

Scenario of a new Russian fairy tale for schoolchildren

Scenario of a new Russian fairy tale for schoolchildren
Scenario of a new Russian fairy tale for schoolchildren

Scenario of a new Russian fairy tale for schoolchildren:

The tale of stupidity

Bird (indignant):
Let me go now! Let go! Let go! Let go!

Uh, no! You can’t get away from death today!

Well, look, hunter, I'm tall from nails,
All lumps of fluff and meat for a sip.
Let me go free, you will be pleased yourself.
I will give you good three lessons for this.
The century will be grateful.

You are a bird from the nails.
What kind of person can you give a lesson?
But if you add a little mind to me,
I will let you go free, fly on a long way!

Well, for starters, remember my advice:
It is not necessary to regret it, which is no longer.

Yours, Pichuzhka, really. Your advice is reasonable.
It is not necessary to regret it, which is no longer.

Remember the second advice: do not spoil the blood,
Trying in vain to return the past again.

And this is also true! Do not spoil the blood,
Trying in vain to return the past again.

Now, hunter, listen to my last advice:
Do not believe the nonsense. There are no miracles in the world.

Yes, you say a matter. I will remember your advice.
No need to believe nonsense. There are no miracles in the world.
Thanks for the science. Bon Voyage.
Yes, on the Web to Poultry, do not fly again!

The hunter throws the bird up.

Bird (joyfully):
Free! I am free!

A bird, cheerfully chirping, takes off and sits on a tree.

Bird (with mockery):
What a fool you are!
I deceived you, and you got into trouble.
The prey dear to you flew into the network.
Because of me, hunter, you could get rich.
In my abdomen, a reward for a catcher lurks:
Diamond is larger than the chicken egg!

Hunter (to himself, grabbing his head):
Oh! What have I done! Trouble! How so!
I missed the imperceptible wealth, fool!
Catch her again!

The hunter tries to reach the bird, but he can’t climb on a tree, but falls.

Not! Too high!

Bird (mockingly) :
It’s not easy to climb a tree without wings!
Well, after your luck, take a look for the last time -
I will fly away, and with me your diamond!

The hunter imploringly extends his hand to the bird.

Hunter (ingratiating):
Ah, dear, bird! Return to me soon.
I will be my father. You are my daughter.
And I will order a gold branch to you,
And I will put you in a golden cage!

Alas, you, a hunter, is still stupid as you were,
You have forgotten my three lessons right now.
As a reward for science, you told me to fly,
And after a minute he regretted this.
I also did not have time to go on a long journey,
And you have already planned to return the past.
And you believe the fable that there is a diamond in the bird
Many, many times larger than this bird!

Hunter (with relief):
So, then there is no diamond in you?

Of course not!

How I did not understand right away! Thanks for the advice!
Now I won’t forget!

Well, goodbye to that!

The hunter leaves.

Bird (viewers):
To teach fools how to carry water into the house with a sieve!

Children's fairy tale new - scenario of space history

Children's fairy tale new - scenario of space history
Children's fairy tale new - scenario of space history

The children's fairy tale is new - the script of space history:

A child-star:
One simple fairy tale,
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not simple
I want to tell you.
About the cosmos far,
Endless and deep,
Unshakable high
I'll start to narrate.

Dance is the appearance of children "space potpourri."

A child-star:
There was a regular day
In our kindergarten.
Children were preparing
To an important day.

Child 1:
Did you look at the sky at night?
There the global festival is burning
Cosmonautics Day in April,
The twelfth who does not know.

Child 2:
Arseny said yesterday:
- I want to be Gagarin!
You call me Yura
I’ll fly into space.

Child 3:
Look, look:
There is no strength to wait for growing up
Because out of the box
I made a rocket.

Child 4:
I will fly to the moon and stars
And I will fly to Mars ...
You call me Yura -
I want to be an astronaut.

Guys, so you want to be astronauts?

Children answer.

Where do they start
Tell me guys,
Day of your astronauts?
Of course, with .... (charging!)

Child 5:
To fly into space,
It’s not enough just want to.
You need to do a lot
We try to be dexterous.

Children perform dance exercises. After sitting in places.

The child is a starship:
Here the guys were doing
And no one noticed
What kind of our kindergarten
Someone quietly watched.

Phonogram. Ninoplanet children come out. Dance of aliens.

Alien 1:
Our ship is hanging
Above the orbit land.
We follow, look down
On night lights.

Alien 2:
Arrived from the planet
We are far here.
After all, we have on the planet
The trouble happened!

Alien 3:
Our children learn
They don't want at all!
We learned to be lazy,
Constantly sad.

Alien 4:
There is so much on earth
Obedient children.
We will kidnap them a little
For your planet.

Music sounds. Aliens are scattered (staging the fall of a spacecraft).

Alien 1:
What happened to us?
Where did we find it?

Child 6:
This is the best kindergarten!
They never be sad here.
Everywhere a holiday, sonorous laughter ...
Childhood here is a country for everyone.
Well, who are you?
Unusual, funny.

Alien 2:
We are about our visit
We will sing the song now.

The song of aliens is individual. (Alteration "The Road of Good").

Alien 3:
In a distant fairy -tale planet
Children became naughty.
Do not want to read, write
They would just ride.

Alien 4:
So ask you - give up
And go aboard us.
We will save our planet,
The fact that we will steal you all.

Child 7:
Our guests, wait,
Do not rush to kidnap us.
By good, we will help you,
We can teach you all.

Child 8:
Do not enmity better with us,
We will then become friends.
Take us to the ship,
Show your planet.

Alien 1:
Well, thought is interesting!
Let's start the journey:
To make it more fun
We will sing the song now!

The general song “We will fly into space” (on the motive “33 cows”).

Alien 2:
Well, five minutes, the flight is normal!
Tell me, you probably don’t know anything about space!

And here is not true! We have a very important and significant holiday on Earth - Cosmonautics Day!

Of course we want! (sit down).
Children come out, become a semicircle.

Child 10:
People have been counted a long time ago
That our flat land,
Well, they hang over her all the time
All stars, the sun and moon.

Child 11:
And even people believed
That the earth is on their shoulders
Carry the Atlanteans - giants
Or the earth - on three whales.

Child 12:
There was a scientist among people -
Galileo Galilei.
He first proved then
That our round earth.

Child 13:
Proved Jordano Bruno,
That except for the "mother of the earth",
In the space of such a huge
And others are worlds.

Child 14:
Time quickly flew by
And science went forward.
And soon climbed into the sky
The very first plane.

Child 15:
Conquer the scope of the universe
I really wanted to.
And then in distant space
The first satellite flew.

Child 16:
And then went into space
And he became famous forever
Following the satellite in the rocket
The very first person.

Child 17:
Science moves forward
Having mastered the speed of light,
We will fly to distant space
To other people's planets.
Sit in places.

Alien 3:
Yes, the guys surprised!
A lot of new ones opened.
I see that we are approaching some planet!

Alien 4:
This is ours! Let's see what is fraught with dark and unknown cosmos.

Showing a video roller on a multimedia board.

Aliens come out - the dance "Eternal engine"

We do not want to learn
Listen to adults and make friends!
We only want everything in the world
Stop, break, destroy!

Yes, on your planet here
With education trouble.
Nothing, will we help children?

We will teach everyone, nonsense!

And how does friendship begins - of course, from a fun dance.

Dance is a game (as an example “this dance is light”).

AND 2:
Oh, you had fun!
We will now become friendly
After all, both friendship and fun
Everywhere, a VESST is needed.


And on ours on the planet
You can also have fun.
Would you like guys
Learn dancing?

Dance game "Robots and Asterles". Children sit in places.

What a wonderful game is on your planet. When we traveled to you through the vast expanses of space, we also saw many stars.

Dance of stars.

Reb. eighteen:
How the space is great and beautiful!
How many puzzles are fraught with ...
But only able to think
Any riddles will solve.

Let's teach our alien friends to solve riddles!
- What a wonderful car
Feel free to the moon?
Have you recognized her, children?
Well, of course ... (Luno Road).

- He floats around the earth
And gives signals.
This eternal traveler
Under the name ... (satellite).

- From the ground it takes off into the clouds,
Like a silver arrow
Flies to other planets
Swiftly ... (rocket).

- When you are in space, my friend,
Miracles around are going on.
You are steaming - this is the news,
After all, this is ... (weightlessness).

Well done boys! Now the aliens have become not only friendly, cheerful, but also smart and curious!

Reb. 19:
Here the star fell from the sky
I suggest playing:
She is faster in a round dance
You try to convey.

The game "Give the Star."

Alien 1:
Look, look -
Our children do not recognize!
They all love to study
To sing and even dance.

Alien 2:
We say we thank you
You gave us all a lesson:

Just very upbringing
You just need to find an approach!

The child is a starship:
We were glad to help you
And it's time to hand
Cosmonauts all reward,
She deserved the children.

Surprise moment. Treats.

Reb. twenty:
Now it's time to say goodbye
And return to the ground.
Commander, all in place,
Start Give the ships!

The final song "Aliens".

New ecological fairy tale "Kolobok"

New Ecological Tale Kolobok
New ecological fairy tale "Kolobok"

New ecological fairy tale "Kolobok":

1 buffoon:
Get ready, kind people!
The performance will be here!

2 buffoon:
Hello, dear guests,
Yes, and you, owners are relatives!

1 buffoon:
Good health to you
Patience and joy in addition!
Would you like to listen to a fairy tale?
And where to listen there and see.
And our fairy tale is not simple.
At least everyone is familiar.

2 buffoon:
Guess the riddle:
Rolled without looking back
Through the field and forest
Our rosy ... (Kolobok)

See, the smoke comes from the pipe?
That old woman is a bun.
It will bake me today.
In the plots, I scraped
Pomel on the barns -
Exactly on the bun
There I found tormented.
And then everything in the morning sang:
"Grandfather, a lot of it, a considerable ..."
Well, what a smell!
An old woman appears.

Old woman:
All. Ready. Baked.
Cool the need now.

And it’s good, but it’s good!
So I would eat!
Old woman. No, do not touch!

Yes, do not touch, do not be afraid.
And poor, and ruddy ...
Here is an armless, nonsense!
Wait! Where are you going? Wait a minute!

Old woman:
Well, hold it, hold it!

Oh, catch it, catch it!
Uselessly, will not catch up!
The strength of the mother is not the same ...

Old woman:
What jumped up, devil?!
She said, do not touch!

What to do? Will you return?
Takes a walk and will come.

Old woman:
No, old man, he will not return ...
Look how good he is!

Okay, grandmother, don't grieve!
Don’t cry, for God's sake.
Oh-ho-ho ... let's go home.
Buffoons run out onto the stage.

1 buffoon:
Grandma cries, grandfather cries,
Kolobok and there is no trace.

2 buffoon:
Rolled down the path
Subtings will not catch up with the frisks.

1 buffoon:
Rolled without looking back -
Only the heels flashed -
Through the field and forest
Our ruddy bun.

2 buffoon:
Not soon the fairy tale affects, but soon the main thing happens.

Hare (his paws and head are bandaged):
Oh-oh-oh ... God forbid ...
What kind of smell is appetizing?
Kolobok? So eat!
Wait! Don `t move!
Oh-oh-oh ... (groans.)

What are you, scythe?
And beaten and lame ...

I will ask you not to call me!
Do you know who the scythe?

Am I?

No, not you!
There is, round, we have the same
Who was resting here yesterday,
And then empty bottles
On the bushes, aiming, shooting.
And I was just under the bush -
Well, culturally rested.

That's the trouble! And then what?
What? You won't even believe it!
Garbage, dirt, fragments, jars,
Cellophane, paper, bottles,
Well, you have to think!
Were these people?!
After all, animals will be injured,
Unintelligent guys.
You are katis further, friend,
All warned around.

1 buffoon:
Rolled without looking back
Our ruddy bun,
And towards him is a wolf.

Hello, gray! Al is not happy?
You barely drag your legs.
Have you brought you anxiety?

This is true, Kolobok,
Round and ruddy side.
I was frozen and cheerful,
I have never been hungry.
I got the food myself
I quickly ran through the forests.
And then he contacted him.

Kolobok. With whom?

Yes, I pulled a ram ...
And he walked the lamb
In the meadows and in the fields.
And grass on those fields
Water from the plane,
Herbicides, pesticides
They process something.
In general, there is only one chemistry!

Well, then what?

All of you "what, what?"!
I ate a lamb
He shouted everything - and now ...
The stomach flows, the paws hooks,
He takes his teeth, the skull tears.
Everything - I need to be treated.
There is further in the clearing
Grass that I need to eat

You are treated, wolf, as soon as possible!
From now on, you will be smarter.
In the meadow, more carefully:
There are bottles, jars, bottles.
Do not cut your paws for yourself!

Thank you, round side.
Well, roll and be healthy!
Kolobok. And you health too!
What is going on - then! Oh my God!

2 buffoon:
Kolobok rolled.
He has already helped the wolf -
It’s not a shame to help.
Look, it’s going here ... a bear.

Hello, Misha General!
Is it too, did you get stuck?

Hello, Hello, Kolobok,
Round and ruddy side!
I, my friend, did not get sick.
I'm in my native forest
A little alive, brother, did not burn.

How, Misha, it happened?
You need to know the rule
That in the forest you can’t be bears
After all, play with matches.

Yes, not me! Well, I'm stupid
To play with matches?
There was a mushroom picker, he threw a cigarette butt -
There is no mind to put out!
The forest broke out, the fallen fussed -
I barely took my legs.
And I wanted to build a den ...
Yes, not to argue with the troubles.
It’s a pity for birds, sorry for the squirrel, and the hedgehog ...
That's the trouble!

Oh oh oh! That's the trouble!
How to help such grief?
And in the next stop
Under a large branchy Christmas tree
Can't you find a place?

What are you talking about, ruddy side?
No chain: chopped it!
There is no Christmas tree either: cut it!
What kind of people, I don’t understand?
Sow only one trouble.
Well, happily, Kolobok!
Do not be bored and be healthy!

Oh oh oh! Yes, what can I say?

1 buffoon:
What are you?

2 buffoon:
Are you sorry for animals?

1 buffoon:
We cannot, brother, lose heart!
We will continue the fairy tale.

2 buffoon:
Kolobok rolled.
A breeze blow in the back.
Well, roll, if it is not sitting.
Look, runs here ... Fox.

Ba! Fox! That's so wondrous!
Where are you in a hurry?
You don’t look at me!
I didn't find out what am me?
Kolobok I look here!
And the box is scraped,
I am a meten on a barn
On sour cream, I'm noticed
Cook on the window.
And he left his grandmother,
And he left his grandfather.
In the rogue! Vaing!
Kolobok does not recognize

Kolobkov no longer eat:
On the diet I am now.
I would have eaten you for a long time
Yes, I'm afraid to get to the best.
You haven't been to Selmag,
Didn't you see the chicken there?
There were no birds in the forest at all,
And I was a little starving.

I myself have not been in Selmag,
And I heard from the grandmother
Her conversation with a neighbor,
What are lying, they say, a year like in a shop
"Bush legs" on the counter.

Fun?! How is it possible?
There are even impossible to eat!
There is no smell or taste -
Do not destroy my soul!
Every day in the forest is getting worse
They even poisoned puddles.
It’s scary to drink water in the river -
Life is not a beast anywhere!

No, not in vain I took this walk!
Fox without birds, and land without water.
Less than the surrounding nature,
More and more the environment!
All participants in the play come out

How scary it is - an extinct genus,
All without exception, all to one,
When devastated nature
There is no longer able to do anything!

And will crawl out the leprosy,
And the threads of water will dry out,
And the birds will die out and the plants will fall,
And the beast will not bypass its trouble.

And how much self -interest are you not looking for,
What excess you are not owned
The land of protection requires protection,
She asks for salvation for people!

Scenario of new musical fairy tales by roles

Scenario of new musical fairy tales by roles
Scenario of new musical fairy tales by roles

Scenario of new musical fairy tales by roles:

21st century of progress
How many different interests
Hobbies and worries
Children have a lot of trouble!
And to make it easier to live
You need to teach children
To be friends with the economy.

The entrance of children into the hall to the music.

Snow is going on, maybe it rains ...
Do what - you won’t break it.
You listen, friends,
I hear a song.

Sounds of the rain.

Child: Do you hear a song of rain?
This rain calls you!
Let the prankster thunder thunder
We will sing about the rain!

Playing musical instruments. The song "Farewell to the rain" by A. Evtodiev

Leading: Rain sang and rushed into the distance
In the forest autumn, the forest is empty ...
Through the clouds broke through the clouds
The ray of the sun is golden,
Illuminated the track in the forest,
That leads us to the clearing,
White house with a large window ...
Do you know who lives there?
We will look at the clearing, we will all find out about the residents!
The characters enter the house.

Fairytale music sounds

Presenter: In a clearing on the forest
There is a painted house.
They live in it now, do not push
Merring, very friendly
Two mouses cool and roll
Very cunning believe me!

Musical insert for mice

A cockerel lives with them - a vocal voice!

"Cockerel's song" E. Sokolova

The cockerel all day in worries -
He has a lot of work.
Laziness to work as mice -
They have fun all day.

Musical insert

Presenter: We are talking about these characters
We will tell you the story ...
Only the sun rose
The cockerel went to work.

Cockerel: Stop lying in bed
I'll go sweep the garbage.

Musical insert for a cockerel

Presenter: The whole courtyard washed the cockerel,
He leaned at the fence
He raised a miracle rost
He is a wheat spike.

Cockerel: Cool and roll, run away soon,
Look at the find.

Presenter: Cool and return as they saw,
They came running, screamed:

Cool: Oh, we have grains in abundance!

Rout: Pirogov would eat sweet ...

Cockerel: I want to discuss with you -
Who will thresh.

Cool: Oh, not me!

Rout: And not me!

- I can work on the shoulder
Okay, I'll wake up.

The cockerel is again in work,
And the mice play hunting!

Krut and Return: We are funny friends!
And we have one concern - hunting climb the Internet.

Cool: The first is me!

Rout: No, the first - I!

Presenter: Friends revived here.

The mice sit down at the computer, play.

Presenter: The mouse has a lot of worries: what to play with, and how to play?
Only a cockerel care to buy toys.
He bought toys to them, and paid for the cars,
Cubes, bicycle ... and spent them the Internet.
The cockerel, although he worked - showed so much care,
To make the mice playful to make your childhood happy!

The phonogram of the computer game

Presenter: They went on the Internet
The terrible virus was found there

"Dance of computer viruses"

Presenter: They played the games like that
That the computer was broken.

Krut: look, he broke!
I was left without a computer!

Rout: And we have, or what not?
Get a bike!

"Dance of fun mice"

The cockerel is hardworking -
The spikelet thundered.
He became on the road from the edge
And the mice calls again:

Cool and roll, run away soon,
Look at work.
Tell me, what should I do?
What should we do with grain?

- To get profit -
You can sell us grain!

- The market is not far here,
In instantly, everything will be disassembled!

- Well, if not lazy,
We can contact the miller
So that the grain is ground for us -
Profit will grow immediately ...
Who will go to the miller
And the grain will demolish there?

- Oh, not me!

- And not me!

Krut and Return:
- We are funny friends
And we have one concern - to play hunting always.

- So be it
I will be glad to deprive
And at the mill now
I enjoy flour for us.

Musical insert. The mice with a noise run away for the house.

Presenter: And the road is far away, and the clouds in the sky
So they pull, so they are beckoning the cockerel behind them!

Dance "Cloud"

Presenter: So the mill is standing. The river murmures merrily.
Melnik you walked out of the gate and meets there people

"Miller's song"

Miller: The mill should work,
After all, everyone needs my flour!
And the rest of the miller rarely happens,
After all, the flour does not decrease the flour!
I have business. I will always be in abundance!

- Hello Melnik,
How's your work?
Remove the flour hunting.

Things are going well!
Glad to help you always!

The miller takes the bag by the cockerel. Together go to the mill.

The music of wind

The wind here blew slightly -
The millstone spun.
He blew again -
And the flour was thrown up a bag
Took a rooster bag with flour
And carried him home.

The cockerel goes home to the music.
"Wind Dance"

Cool and roll, run away soon,
Look at work.
We have flour a bag -
I wish I could make a pie ...

- Why sculpt it?

“We’ll buy it faster.”

In the store it is more expensive
Yes, to taste worse too!
Either the matter was baked.
Immediately there is a priest in the farm
Both cheaper and tastier ...
And even more useful!

- Oh, not me!

- And not me!

Cool:We are funny friends
And we have one care (yawns)

Rout: Hunting a rest now.

The mice lies in front of the house on the bench. Sounds the melody "Sleeps tired toys"

Presenter: Only mice settled down, they glyed sweetly.
They dozed off slowly, and the stomach rumbles lightly.
On an empty stomach, you see, you won’t sleep well!
They dream of food in a dream: Porridge is on fire,
Porridge is cooked, boiled, bubbles and squalls ...

Dance cook "Cook, cook porridge"

The phonogram "Pies" sounds

The cockerel puts a bowl, performs actions in the text.

At this time, the cockerel,
Poured the flour of the bag,
Poured the remainder of milk
And the eggs are still a dozen.
The dough quickly kneaded
And the cake was big.
He put him in the oven
And he decided a little - to lie down a little.
I did not have time to sit on the bench -
How mice are asked to eat.

Light music, mouse, sniffing, rise from the bench sounds.

- How does it smell, just a miracle,
True, I don’t understand where.

- Get the cockerel soon
Feed and warm up!
Pies and kalachi
Take out for us from the furnace.

The cockerel sat down on a chair
And then looked at them
And he said strictly to the mice.

- At work and a reward!
Who found you spikelet?
And then the grain was ground?
I did not play and did not joke
Has the spikelet thundered?
Who knead the dough?
Who hasn't forgotten about the pie?
Come on, both huts
Quickly march from the table!
To chew the pies,
You need to get up early
Help the household.

- Oh, how were we wrong,
Oh, how embarrassed it immediately became.

- What should we do?
How can we be
How to get a pie?

- And let's not argue
And we wash the whole dishes.

- We will catch the floor in the house
And we will catch the table together.

They removed the mouse to the table to the table to the table.

Oh, the mice ran in,
They put things in order everywhere.

Krut and Return:
Sorry for us a cockerel
Give us a pie too.

- We will forget about laziness forever!

- We will always help!

I ask you at the table to mice -
At work and award!

Presenter: So the fairy tale ended.
But laughter is heard everywhere!
Music calls us all
Have fun, dance!
It is forbidden to get bored here!

General dance

Presenter: Every fairy tale comes to an end.
And who participated in it is well done!
We took part in our fairy tale ...

Representation of children participating in a fairy tale.

Presenter: Our fairy tale has ended
The heroes made up in it!
Let's tell them again together:
All: you need to help each other!

Video: Children's fairy tale "The adventure of Nastya in a fairy -tale country"

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