New Year ditties for children of preschool and school age - the best selection

New Year ditties for children of preschool and school age - the best selection

Collection of New Year ditties for children of all ages.

New Year ditties for preschool children

New Year ditties for preschool children
New Year ditties for preschool children

New Year ditties for preschool children:

Ah, winter, winter, winter,
Russian beauty,
You all drove us crazy
We like the winter!


Soon, the very new year
On a sleigh will rush.
Already, probably, he
He knocks on our window.


Oh, winter, winter, winter,
How much snowdrifts did!
The people are not sad -
Celebrates the New Year!


Oh, and frost will be tweeped,
Old Zabiyaka.
Irishka on the cheeks
Two poppies flourished.


In the yard we have
Snowman with a panel,
Dark at night is watching
He is our house from the wolf.


Do not want to stand in winter
Without clothes on maple.
Instead of leaves on branches
Sparrows, crows.


Ah, you are my dear
Bullfinchi, Sinichi!
I made a feeder - I -
Take a treat, birds.


From the snowflakes of clean, new
I sculpt the Snow Maiden.
And in the spring I will not leave him -
To the freezer to the settlement!


The three rushes, the three jumps,
And on her gifts of WHO.
Bubin residents ring - and therefore,
Grandfather Frost is going!


Fluffy snow is silver
Santa Claus rushes on the top three,
Elegant spruce is noisy
And the salute in the forest is rattling.


Everywhere the Christmas trees flashed -
In bright stars, the whole country.
For guys and in this room
The miracle is lit.


- Why does Uncle Dima have
Are cheeks very prone?
-This is to the role of grandfather Moroz
The beard is preparing!


We are all our own toys
Dressed a Christmas tree.
She has no free
Not a single needle!


Paws of Christmas trees
They hold the candles tightly.
Santa Claus will light them to us
On New Year's Eve!


Children drive a round dance
They clap their hands.
Hello hello,
New Year! You are so good!


Outside the window of snowflakes, a flock
The round dance also leads.
Saying goodbye to the year old
We celebrate the New Year.


Circle, circled in a round dance
Snow beauties.
Dance blizzard
We all really like it!


Our Santa Claus with a beard,
With a lush mustache,
But like a young guy,
Dance with us.


New Year comes -
I'll dress brightly!
Santa Claus will come to me -
With him a bag of gifts!


Santa Claus, take a bag
Drink the ropes.
And get it soon
Fashionable scenes!


Let any of your dreams
These days come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
It lights up brightly.


Near the Christmas tree we have
Games, dances, songs.
Dear, good New Year,
You are no more wonderful!


I make a mask for myself
We must try -
I want the Snow Maiden-Tan
In her love to admit!


Carnival! Carnival!
I gathered everyone today in the hall.
Here Pierrot and Pinocchio,
Karabas and Chipollino.


Wolves dance, hares dance,
Dance Leshy and Yaga.
Who under the mask in this hall -
You will learn barely.


Only on our carnival
A miracle turns out:
Cats with mice are dancing,
Wolves smile!


I danced and danced
And, dancing, lost.
Santa Claus is so good
I fell in love with him!


Ah, thanks, Santa Claus,
For your gifts
We will kiss you
It will be hot for you!


I danced under the Christmas tree
And stomped with my feet
Gingerbread torn from the branches
And the sweets were burst!


We will jump like a hare
Stomp like bears.
Let them be happy too
The lower neighbors!


Winter holiday New Year,
I love you most!
The fighting of chimes is long -awaited
I will never sleep for anything!


On New Year, New Year
No one is sleeping!
Each house is old and young
The night is having fun.


Grandfather Frost listened
Voiced ditties
I gave all the guys
Vigorous chips.


We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We can be shy.


There is a Christmas tree in the hall
And on it toys.
We will sing to you now
School ditties.


You and I love the winter,
We love skis and skates.
Well, and Sidorov Ivan
Loves only his sofa.


Three pieces were exhausted by soap.
To wash the ink from the face.
And he came to the carnival -
No one recognized me.


It was fun on the hill
Tanya, Petya and Yegorka.
Only Masha did not ride
She was afraid to lose the portfolio!


Fifth grader Nikolai
Sit at home, don't walk.
If you go for a walk
The baby is not to be not appreciated.


“My portfolio,” said Ivan
Breathing barely.
But I went on it
Only two weeks.


The snow fell from the birch -
On Vanyusha lump - clap.
It turned out from Vanyusha
A wonderful snowdrift.


The Christmas tree is freezing in the snow,
Crying: “I can’t.
To the children in the school hall
I ask for a carnival! "


Santa Claus said a lazy person
- New Year has come, get up!
- Do not bother, I rest.
The lazy person muttered in response.


Yes, don't suffer like that, dear,
That all the letters have forgotten!
I'm getting attached that there is strength
At least I forgot all the numbers.


The wind blows, the snow is strong
He promises a storm to be.
Proskin promises
Do not forget the composition.


I eat porridge and sour cream
I have a stronger.
I won't fight with you,
Only you do not go to me.


To our crybaby, it did not interfere with
Look to you, Santa Claus.
Give a bag for complaints
And a box for tears.


Two in our diaries
We will not let it get out
We promise Santa Claus
Try for a whole year.


I try on chemistry
Study reagents,
I will become adults - I'm going
To download gasoline from the river!


Every day the portfolio is heavy.
I barely trudge.
So while I graduate from school
I will turn off from study.


The Christmas trees dressed together
We tried very hard
The diaries hang beautifully
Why did everyone swear?


Happy New Year, congratulations
Hello New Year's helmet!
And we wish you the whole class
To live up to a hundred years!


Wet broom of Egor
So the Vanya is whipping.
New Year's cleaning
Turned into a bathhouse.


Like a Christmas tree has a crown,
So our class sings ditties.
Our school people cheerful
It will never disappear.


I got up early today.
I immediately ran to the Christmas tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus
What gifts brought me!


I'm sitting on sledges,
Feel free to swing from a hill
Let it be white from snow
But what a bold one!


Learn lessons on the rink
Winter sunny day.
True numbers I write everything,
But not a pen, but a skate!


How shines in the sun
Our new school rink!
Why so short
Our physical education lesson?


I went to school on skates,
On skates and answered -
Pow its shoes
After all, I did not take with me!


Give us, Santa Claus,
And rinks and horrors!
Turn to us, Santa Claus,
"Doubles" all in the "five"!


In our hall noise and laughter,
Singing does not silent.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.


So Grandfather Frost -
Frozen everyone seriously.
Look at the guys
Like icicles, everyone is standing.


Grandmother sewed my suit
White bunny,
I forgot to give carrots
Little boy.


Happy New Year,
New Year's whore!
I wish mom and dad
To live up to a hundred years!


In my kindergarten my
We’ll go to the matinee,
And for Grandfather Frost
We will sing the song together.


Near the house, at the rink
I sculpted the snowman
From carrots made his nose,
Santer Santa Claus.


Dad put me a suit
Man is a spider.
I did not have time to look around -
I'm hanging from the ceiling.


They dressed a Christmas tree with my mother,
And the flashlights turned on.
There will be my Christmas tree
The most beautiful!

New Year ditties for schoolchildren

New Year ditties for schoolchildren
New Year ditties for schoolchildren

New Year ditties for school -age children:

We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We can be shy.


We composed ditties
Everyone tried.
Listen, grandfather Frost,
And do not be offended!


Put the ears on the tops
Listen carefully
New Year ditties
We will sing to you diligently.


There is a Christmas tree in the hall
And on it toys.
We will sing to you now
School ditties.


We were waiting for the winter all summer -
Finally waited!
And under the Christmas tree magical
Finally gathered!


Loves a Christmas tree people
Dress up for the New Year!
Each house has a Christmas tree,
But this is only here!


We and Grandfather Frost
And his Snow Maiden.
Introduce the Internet
In one minute.


Our beloved Santa Claus,
Come to us more often!
After all, we have more fun here,
Than in frosty more often!


New Year is knocking out the window,
The triple rushes along the way,
The bells are ringing,
The winter holiday with the guys.


We guys get
It is necessary to quickly in a round dance.
Song and cheerful dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!


In our hall noise and laughter,
Singing does not silent.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.


Like a Christmas tree has a crown,
So our class sings ditties.
Our school people cheerful
It will never disappear.

Two in our diaries
We will not let it get out
We promise Santa Claus
Try for a whole year.


Santa Claus said a lazy person
- New Year has come, get up!
- Do not bother, I rest.
The lazy person muttered in response.


We put on masks now
You will not recognize us.
Wolves, hares dance in masks
Having shown us the highest class.


Santa Claus rushes on the top three,
The bells are ringing.
The heart begins to beat,
On this holiday, the guys.


Children drive a round dance
They clap their hands.
Hello hello,
New Year! You are so good!


Outside the window of snowflakes flock
The round dance also leads.
Saying goodbye to the year old
We celebrate the New Year!


We are all our own toys
Dressed a Christmas tree.
She has no free
Not a single needle!


Sing, kids, more fun,
Donesty song,
Do not spare your ligaments
In the night of the New Year.


In the bright hall on the piano
The dance was played
Get ready, round dance
We will meet the dance of the New Year.


So Grandfather Frost -
Frozen everyone seriously,
Look at the guys
How icicles are all worth it!


Earlier letters Santa Claus
Eh, they drove snowmen!
And now he gets
SMS and calls!


All the snowman sculpt
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball!


We chose to ourselves
In the bazaar, a Christmas tree.
They bought a three -meter,
A needle to a needle.


Yes! On a Christmas tree toys
You and I can’t count.
Only our manager knows for sure,
How many of them are on the Christmas tree.


It was fun on the hill
Tanya, Petya and Yegorka.
Only Masha did not ride
She was afraid to lose the portfolio!


Only on our carnival
A miracle turns out:
Cats with mice are dancing,
Wolves smile!


I am a cheerful Snow Maiden
I will play with you in the zmurki,
But I'm afraid to get drunk with tea-
I melt from the hot.


Near the Christmas tree we have
Games, dances, songs.
Dear, good New Year,
You are no more wonderful!


Branches of the Christmas tree
They hold the candles tightly.
We will listen to friends
Festive speeches.


I'm for Grandfather Frost
I learned a lot of songs.
And how they called on the stage,
From the excitement I forgot everything!


The snow fell from the birch -
On Vanyusha lump - clap.
It turned out from Vanyusha
A wonderful snowdrift.


Oh, winter, winter, winter,
How much snowdrifts did!
The people are not sad -
Celebrates the New Year!


Our Christmas tree shines
In the New Year's lights!
Hockey children plays,
With Santa Claus on skates!


Santa Claus rode for the holiday,
Rushed to the kid.
He brought a big Christmas tree
In multi -colored tinsel.


The Christmas trees dressed together
We tried very hard
The diaries hang beautifully
Why did everyone swear?


We are not afraid of frost
We do not care!
We are in a warm school for a walk
You can’t lure with kalach!


Grandfather Frost listened
Voiced ditties
I gave all the guys
Vigorous chips.


Our Christmas tree was dressed up
We are in our toys.
We could not count
Cones and crackers.


Ah, what decorations
The Christmas tree hanged!
We sang ditties to you,
To make fun.


Santa Claus listened
Winter ditties.
I gave it to everyone
Stuffed Toys.


Happy New Year, congratulations
Hello New Year's helmet!
And we wish you the whole class
To live up to a hundred years!


We sang ditties
Is it good is it good
Just ask you very much
What b, you patted us.


Here are the holidays came
Winter-winter winter came.
All friends got on the skis,
Famous deeds.


The snowman stands on the hill
Two icicles instead of hands.
This is for a long time so Egor
I traveled a circle on skiing.


The winter holiday is the best!
This holiday is the New Year!
Santa Claus from forest to school
Gifts will bring us.


Seven scarves, coat and fur coat
Oleg put on himself.
And in the cold he went to a friend,
Yes, fell like a ball in the snow.


The cold takes us by the ears
The ears pinch, the nose is pinch.
All the same, we love winter!
Santa Claus jokes with us!


Santa Claus slept in bed,
He got up with icicles ringing.
Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
Why don't you wake me up?


I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,
I will play with you in the blinds.
But I'm afraid to get drunk tea -
I melt from the hot.


I went out into the field in the dress with white
Our winter is winter.
Let her walk boldly!
The bread is all cleaned in the bins.


Let any of your dreams
They will come true, come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
It lights up brightly.


All the snowman sculpt.
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.


Frost with a white beard,
With a lush mustache,
Like a young guy.
Dance with us.


At least boasting indecent,
But we must tell you
What we can do "excellent"
And study and dance.


In our hall noise and laughter,
Singing does not silent.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.


Look, Santa Claus
Festively dressed.
He brought us gifts
Gingerbread, sweets.


Children drive a round dance
They clap their hands.
Hello, Hello, New Year!
You are so good!


Outside the window of snowflakes flock
The round dance also leads.
Saying goodbye to the year old
We celebrate the New Year!


We want you goodbye
All health will wish.
Goodbye! Goodbye!
Come to us again.


Surprises, fun,
Multi -colored lights!
All year execution
The desires of the cherished!


Warmth and comfort
In any weather!
Luck, miracle!
Of good! Happy New Year!


New Year's holiday is bright -
These are joy and gifts!
You can ride a slide,
On skates, spin on ice,
Call for all friends,
All day to play snowballs ...


Outside the window, the snowballs creaks,
The wind is circulating.
New Year is in a hurry
On the road Ice.


It brings a lot of joy
And good and warmth!
Let the year be happy,
Complete all dreams!


Let the year be wonderful,
Joyful and bright,
And he will bring more
Fairytale gifts!


They will light up a magical night
Golden lights everywhere.
Santa Claus will have
Today is any gifts!


And let it be under the decorated spruce
Happiness, luck, are waiting for today,
Health, luck, fun.
And many surprises in addition!


Let him wait for a lot of joy
And the miracles of the magical!
Adventures for a whole year


Dress the Christmas tree on the holiday
And call your friends!
Make a hundred desires -
Let them come true soon!


Happy New Year! How much time? ..
Dress the Christmas tree soon!
For gifts - there is a place!
They under the Christmas tree - do not count!


The best gift is sweets
And chocolate in the foil multi -colored.
Dolls, cars, toys, coloring!
The kindest winter tales!


On this quiet evening New Year
They sing a song of snowstorms to us.
The house is decorated for the holiday today,
In him ? warmth, and joy and comfort.


Smile soon!
Is everything unnecessary? away!
Let it be magical
And a fabulous night!


We wish you all night
Around the Christmas tree to spin,
Throw a serpentine
Dance, have fun!


Dream to make a dream?
And believe the soul
That in the new year
There will be great happiness!


Blue Heaven,
Snowflakes fall,
All today in miracles
They believe in the old fashioned way ...


New Year flies - believe me! -
In golden sledges,
And for us the door will open
In magic and fairy tale!


We meet a holiday together,
So that it is more fun!
Do not stand all year in place -
Call your friends!


New Year's joys,
Fairytale gifts,
Goodies and sweets
On this holiday is bright!


Let the New Year give joy
And it will bring a lot of happiness!
Rather, collect friends
After all, with them the holiday is more fun!


Let it be fabulous.
And magical - New Year!
If you really believe in a miracle,
Then it will happen!


Outside the window, the frost is cracking.
In the house, the Christmas tree is on fire.
And brought gifts to us
Good grandfather Frost!


Santa Claus hurries soon
To please children:
Dress up a Christmas tree on a holiday,
Give everyone gifts!


Fireworks and crackers,
Confetti and candles!
Let it be bright today
New Year's Eve!


I will arrive today at night.
I am flying a deer flight of the Tchk.
Get ready to take you
Surprises and gifts
Two bags are off.


Let the hoarfling lace weave
Snowflakes fall quietly.
Let the coming New Year
Surprises will please!


Ice is silver on the windows
Glaps under the lights,
Let Santa Claus not let you down -
Will fulfill all desires!


Snowflakes fall from the sky -
Catch them in the palm of your hand
Make desires
And call the holiday!


There are sometimes miracles in life,
Wait for a fairy tale - it will come to you!
Let it surprise you all the time
Gives only happiness New Year!


Let Santa Claus blur the cheeks,
Let gifts await under the Christmas tree,
And he will perform everything you want
The New Year holiday is bright!

New Year ditties for children congratulatory

New Year ditties for children congratulatory
New Year ditties for children congratulatory

New Year ditties for children congratulatory:

Snowflakes in the dance are spinning,
The ice sparkles brilliant!
Let desires come true
Like in a real fairy tale!


Snow fluffy, bright lights!
Let everything come true in your life,
Fairytale at night, let the new year
Happiness in your palms will bring you.


We are this magical holiday
Waited for a whole year
And there are many different desires
They made ahead.


Only the clock will break through twelve -
White snow will spin ...
They begin to be performed
Suddenly everyone's desire!


White snow decorated the city
New Year is about to come
And under the Christmas tree very soon
Every surprise will find each.


And in a letter to Santa Claus
I ask for everyone-all-all:
Let tears do not pour in the world,
And a cheerful laughter sounds!


Happy New Year, little man,
Small but cool!
Let the year be good,
Joyful, beautiful!


Be in a good mood
And learn perfectly
Let friends respect
They appreciate it endlessly!


And I wish you health
And great success,
So that there is more in life
Joyful laughter!


A year rushed like a comet,
He brought a lot of joy.
The sun is hot somewhere,
And Santa Claus is going to us!


Let what you dream about so
This night will bring you.
After all, it was not in vain that you were really waiting for
Winter holiday New Year!


Outside the window is cold
But we do not care about the cold.
Happy New Year guys!
Let's meet the holiday hotly!


Let the fairy tale look into the window today,
The next morning under the Christmas tree, let there be a dream.
Happy New Year to you, my dear baby,
Let there always be kindness in the heart.


Garlands shine, balls, balls,
You celebrate the New Year!
Miracles of big and small,
All that you dream about!


They will light up a magical night
Golden lights everywhere.
Santa Claus will have
Today is any gifts!


And let it be under the decorated spruce
Happiness, luck await today.
Health, luck, fun,
And many surprises in addition!


Let the New Year give a dream as soon as possible
And many good and faithful friends,
The door opens, let the door into a good fairy tale
Let life give happiness, and tenderness, and affection!


I congratulate you on this fairy day,
I give a huge gift with love,
Let your mood be great,
Let joy, luck, fun reigns!


Happy New Year.
I wish you all good
So that your life be in your life
A lot of happiness, magic!


To Grandfather Frost
Brought you a gift.
To all your sorrows
He took with him in a bag!


New Year, guys, this
Let it pass in joy.
And under the Christmas tree, in a splendor dressed,
Everyone he wanted to find.


Let the sea be smiles
Happiness let the river flows!
Let no one forget
This wonderful New Year!


So the good New Year looked out the window ...
And let the blizzard sings, a little cold
I wish you different entertainments for you,
So that the New Year's holiday was very vivid.


So that hares and hedgehogs, badgers and wolves
They started a round dance near your Christmas tree.
So that on a sleigh, Santa Claus comes to visit you,
To bring gifts to everyone and more laughter.


Miracles fly around the light,
They will look at us today.
After all, both adults and children
They are looking forward to them.


The new year will give a fairy tale
Everything will fill with magic
He will leave everyone for a gift
And congratulate the triumph!

New Year ditties for children mischievous

New Year ditties for children mischievous
New Year ditties for children mischievous

New Year's ditties for children are mischievous:

Cold came
Folded everything with snow
I come from a walk,
Snowy man!


Cold came
Folded snowstorms,
We crossed okroshka
Right on dumplings!


Cold came
It is stupid to starve to us:
I ate today in the morning
Three plates of soup!


Cold came
There is a lot of snow,
I blinded the snowman


Cold came
Folded the lawn
But I saw yesterday
White Bunny!


Cold came
And the rivers froze,
I am Emeleya yesterday,
We went on the stove!


Cold came
Well, the snowstorms are scored
I have been going on for years
Straightly barely!


Cold came
And the tracks creak,
And I am to mom from ice
I gave earrings!


Cold came
Flooded the stoves
I ride on skates
On the frozen river!


Oh, Timurka, don't scream,
When you play snowballs,
And then your mouth will fall -
Snow swallow.


The kids are all on the ice -
Vadim makes a record.
I put on the fins in my arms,
How I flew through the air.


And on the street frost,
30 degrees forecast.
Maxim went to the lake,
I came home without ears.


Oh, blizzard gear,
Apply a lot of snow.
And our teacher
Bring the roof of the house.


Oh, you, winter-winter,
I piled the snow.
Nikita from the roof in the snow fell-
Mother treated a broom.


Oh, you are winter -winter
Refrigerated and snow.
I won’t go to school tomorrow
I’ll only look at the slide.


And Nikita smashed:
I went to the lake at night.
On their skates,
I landed in the hole in the hole.


Oh, frost, you, frost
Masha froze his nose.
Mother bandaged her nose,
Masha ran to school.


Our Lina,
Our Lina.
She said quietly,
And how they threw it with a snowball -
I yelled loudly.


Oh, on the street is winter.
Igor is tempered:
The eyes of a finger rubbed
So he washes.


Oh, the boys are cunning,
Do not deceive Roma ...
On a sleigh flies from the mountain-
Sveta pulls uphill.


Winter has come - beauty,
I hinted a lot of snow!
And the kids come out
All the snowman sculpt!


I will ride on the sled,
I will rush much from the mountain.
Only me will stop me
Big Snow Mountain!


I look out the street - light
Everything around is white white.
Well, winter has already come,
I fell asleep with snow!


The birds flew to the south,
And others arrived.
We will feed them in winter,
We will help them live.


Winter came to us, cheers!
Everything is on the street in the morning.
All snowdrifts are raked,
They remove the snow from the yards!


I'm skiing I will ride
And I will rush down from the mountain.
I will set a record
And I will get the medal!


Snow is on, snow comes,
And the snowdrifts are all about.
Here the work has been leaning,
Someone is lucky!


Oh, and warm winter.
The cold is not afraid of us!
After all, we are sitting in the apartment,
And we look at the window!


I love it very much,
I can't live without her.
I walk every day,
Snow, winter is my love.


Snow in the morning is pomelo
And nothing is visible.
Well, I’ll sit at home,
And I won’t go to school!


Why frost in winter,
Does everyone bite us by the nose?
Because he wants
So that we will go into the house soon!


Everything is white-white around
Our house is covered with snow,
I'll go out into the yard,
I will be snowing!


I have such skates,
There are no more beautiful
Only they are big to me
And at the time they will only be in the summer!


When the snow crunches underfoot
When the frost is weakening
And the sun shines in the morning
I know: it's time to walk!


Snowflakes fly across the sky,
But they don’t want to fall into their hands,
Because they immediately melt,
As soon as I catch them in my hands!


Wonderful was a day,
It goes on the street Snowball.
I'll go out into the street,
I will play snowballs!


Pinches the nose and cheeks.
Frost, how cruel you are!
But still we will walk,
Because we love winter!


On a sled from a hill, I rush
And I'm not afraid of a drop!
I like to ride a slide
Then it is only difficult to rise!


I love to get up in the morning
And see the winter forest in the snow,
When there is a white and white around
And the whole window is painted in the patterns!


We sculpt the snowman
Here is the body, that’s the head.
The carrot nose remained
And the snowman is already ready!


Although it happens cold in winter,
All the same, we love winter!
Because only in winter,
We are more than rest!


Covered the snow track,
I will put the felt boots on the legs,
I'll go for a walk in the snow,
How great - winter has come!


Winter came, spreading the cover of white,
And everything around was frozen ...
The river became ice
How good in winter!


I love it very much!
Do you want to know why?
Because only in winter,
New Year comes to us!


Winter has come! Cook sledges,
Put on the hats-earns!
And let's go for a walk,
Live from the mountain and play snowballs!


Who comes to us who comes,
The long -awaited New Year!
We open the door of the door -
And we fill up the glasses!


The tiger comes to visit us
Open the doors!
Let the gifts be surprised
Everyone who believes in a fairy tale!


He is big, toothy
But he knows how to relax!
Well, more fun guys
It's time to meet a tiger year!


Do not fit for a tiger
Gifts under the Christmas tree.
Ordered 2 haystocks,
New WHO and Chick


We mumbled, we mumbled
And the claws knocked,
No, we have not gone crazy
We met a tiger for a year!


All the people were delighted,
A year of the tiger is already at the gate!
We will meet him together
With dancing and songs!


The New Year Tiger has come
We escort the bull
Let him take with him a “crown”,
We do not mind!


Everywhere the Christmas trees flashed -
In bright stars, the whole country.
For guys and in this room
The miracle is lit.


Paws of Christmas trees
They hold the candles tightly.
Santa Claus will light them to us
On New Year's Eve!


New Year is knocking out the window,
The triple rushes along the way,
The bells are ringing,
The winter holiday with the guys.


Outside the window of snowflakes, a flock
They also drive a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the year old
We celebrate the New Year.


I danced under the Christmas tree
And stomped with my feet
Gingerbread torn from the branches
And the sweets were burst!


We guys get
It is necessary to quickly in a round dance.
Song and cheerful dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!


Smile with happiness
Girls and boys.
If you are cool today,
Raise your fingers.


Grandfather Frost came,
Give me a gift.
I decided, asked
And for my mother.


Our beloved Santa Claus,
Come to us more often!
After all, we have more fun here,
Than in frosty more often!


Let the old year take
"Undead" and "two".
New - joyfully carries
We are one "five."


I got up early today.
I immediately ran to the Christmas tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus
What gifts brought me!


Hello Dedushka Moroz,
We are waiting for you on the Christmas tree.
Even the hedgehog dismissed
All your needles.


He has a huge bag
And all the same red nose
This means: in the cold,
The frost has frozen his nose.


In our hall noise and laughter,
Singing does not silent.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.

New Year ditties for children funny

New Year ditties for children funny
New Year ditties for children funny

New Year ditties for children are funny:

Everywhere the Christmas trees flashed -
In bright stars, the whole country.
For guys and in this room
The miracle is lit.


Paws of Christmas trees
They hold the candles tightly.
Santa Claus will light them to us
On New Year's Eve!


New Year is knocking out the window,
The triple rushes along the way,
The bells are ringing,
The winter holiday with the guys.


We guys get
It is necessary to quickly in a round dance.
Song and cheerful dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!


Smile with happiness
Girls and boys.
If you are cool today,
Raise your fingers.


Grandfather Frost came,
Give me a gift.
I decided, asked
And for my mother.


Our beloved Santa Claus,
Come to us more often!
After all, we have more fun here,
Than in frosty more often!


Let the old year take
"Undead" and "two".
New - joyfully carries
We are one "five."


I got up early today.
I immediately ran to the Christmas tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus
What gifts brought me!


Hello Dedushka Moroz,
We are waiting for you on the Christmas tree.
Even the hedgehog dismissed
All your needles.


He has a huge bag
And all the same red nose
This means: in the cold,
The frost has frozen his nose.


The sun shines in the sky
Winter, cold.
But we are warm and comfortable,
New Year's time.


Look, Santa Claus,
Festively dressed.
He brought us gifts
Gingerbread, sweets.


Dad put me a suit
Man is a spider.
I did not have time to look around -
I'm hanging from the ceiling.


Oh, and frost will be tweeped,
Old Zabiyaka.
Irishka on the cheeks
Two poppies flourished.


The lights burn colored
On a fluffy Christmas tree.
My girlfriend and I are mischievous,
Cute nesting dolls.


Santa Claus brought gifts,
My eye mows to me.
Who has a quarter of three,
A formidable with a staff knocks.


New Year comes -
I'll dress brightly!
Santa Claus will come to me -
With him a bag of gifts!


Santa Claus from all grandfathers
The most remarkable.
He brought us gifts
He loves pranks.


A clear month shines in the sky,
I was shrouded in smoke.
Grandfather Frost under the Christmas tree
The beard is confused!


Happy New Year,
New Year's whore!
I wish mom and dad
To live up to a hundred years!


Santa Claus slept in bed,
I got up, with icicles ringing:
Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
Why don't you wake me up?


Winter holiday New Year,
I love you most!
The fighting of chimes is long -awaited
I will never sleep for anything!


Our Santa Claus with a beard,
With a lush mustache,
But like a young guy,
Dance with us.


The snowman was tumbled,
All day in a snowdrift.
The whole snowdrift stuck to him,
The snowman is huge.


Near the Christmas tree we have
Games, dances, songs.
Dear, good New Year,
You are no more wonderful!


Snow is on, snow comes,
Soon, soon the New Year,
Santa Claus will come to us,
Everyone will bring gifts to everyone.


We sang ditties to you,
New Year celebrating!
And now they wanted to at the table -
Drink tea!


We composed ditties
Everyone tried.
Listen, grandfather Frost,
And do not be offended!


Ah, what decorations
The Christmas tree hung.
We will sing ditties to everyone
To make fun!


Christmas trees, pine trees,
Rainbow balls.
Mischievous girls,
Problem boys.


Flashing, Christmas tree with lights,
Call us for the holiday!
All desires are fulfilling
All dreams are realized!


Grandmother sewed my suit
White bunny,
I forgot to give carrots
Little boy.


Take a look at how much snow -
On the couch, under the table!
It’s a pity that all the cotton wool has ended -
We would decorate the whole house!


And our grandfather Frost
I was in such a hurry to our Christmas tree
Lost two boots!


New Year's carnival,
I gathered children to the Christmas tree.
Only once for the New Year,
Santa Claus will come to the children.


They will drive a round dance
Walk around the Christmas tree.
Songs to sing, read poems,
And receive gifts.


Tanya gives a lunar rover,
Sasha is a powerful all -terrain vehicle.
Santa Claus does not forget
All gifts receive.


On a snowy edge
Gathered in the forest animals
And under the Christmas tree in the New Year
They drove their round dance.


The hares of the wolf were not afraid
Together with him they laughed
Above a shaggy bear:
There was a bear - a monkey.


And the squirrels dressed up
And they turned into penguins.
The penguins have a ridicule
There is no fluffy tail!


And the beautiful fox
I looked around all my eyes
And quietly whispered:
"It would be better if I became a Snow Maiden"


Hedgehog, elk, badger, marten,
Everyone wanted to have fun.
Near the Christmas tree by the fire
They danced until the morning.


Mother Winter, whipping the feather,
Swallow breeze, scolding
Collected all the feather beds
For frost - to the brows!


So carefully whipped
What accidentally broke.
All the fluffs scattered
In the mountains, but in the valleys.


And saying goodbye to the peaceful sky,
They filled the earth with fluff.
In fur coats, all houses, lups.
The forest dressed up in sheepskin coats.


Black trunks of trees,
The shawl was thrown and dare.
The Christmas trees dressed hats,
From the snowdrifts of soft slippers.


All fields under the veil
Loose, white, majestic.
And rowing winter with a shovel
The snow is fluffy and shaggy!

New Year ditties for children are funny

New Year ditties for children are funny
New Year ditties for children are funny

New Year ditties for children are funny:

We will jump like a hare
Stomp like bears.
Let them be happy too
The lower neighbors!


Our Christmas tree is beauty -
Everyone in the forest is more wonderful
Around the Christmas tree round dance,
We will support the song.


Hello Dedushka Moroz,
You brought gifts to us!
Here are albums, paints,
And we want sausages!


Ah, thanks, Santa Claus,
For your gifts
We will kiss you
It will be hot for you!


Will spun at the Christmas tree,
Fun, noise and gam,
And mischievous stars,
They wink at us.


Mom dressed me up
With a gentle snowball,
That I forgot coldly
I will soon be an ice floe.


They dressed a Christmas tree with my mother,
And the flashlights turned on.
There will be my Christmas tree
The most beautiful!


Where does Santa Claus live?
An amazing question!
Not in the lamp, not in the alarm clock,
Let's see in the refrigerator!


I don't need helicopters
Even a hundred kilos of sweets,
Santa Claus, I want as a gift
I've been a bicycle for a long time!


I wear mittens in winter -
In the summer they sleep on a shelf.
I will keep in them all year
Elkin's needles!


Children drive a round dance
They clap their hands.
Hello, Hello, New Year!
You are so good!


Frost grabbed us by the nose,
Kolet and pinch.
We managed to run away
Here we warm up.


Frost with a white beard,
With a lush mustache,
Like a young guy,
Dance with us.


On New Year, New Year
No one is sleeping!
Each house is old and young
The night is having fun.


Gifts were lost
I have under my Christmas tree.
This Christmas tree shook off -
I threw off the needles.


Let the Snow Maiden not melt
Though he dances and sings.
She is kind like that
He gives out gifts to everyone.


We celebrate the New Year
In our school every year.
Singing the songs together,
We have fun in the leg.


The boy has one
The player in one ear.
Wants with the track at the same time
District ditty!


Santa Claus gave out gifts,
Rejoices the kids.
Only grandfather is not cheerful
He himself was left without a bag.


I am for the last New Year
Give their brother
And now I would like
Put it back!


All with garlands sparkles,
Christmas tree.
The song is kindling of dance,
Russian traditional.


Happy New Year,
New Year's whore!
I wish mom and dad
To live up to a hundred years!


Hello Dedushka Moroz,
What are you so boring?
We will sing to you now -
You patting better.


Paws of Christmas trees
They hold the candles tightly.
Santa Claus will light them to us
On New Year's Eve!


Cellular, cellular
Hide the phones
We will discharge with ditties
Beilles, megaphones.


In the yard we have
Snowman with a panel,
Dark at night is watching
He is our house from the wolf.


I'm for Grandfather Frost
I learned a lot of songs.
And how they called on the stage,
From the excitement I forgot everything!


Our Christmas tree shines
In the New Year's lights.
Children plays hockey
With Santa Claus on skates.


Again, the snow rested
All roads, paths.
So grandfather is in a hurry
On the frosty triple!


Frost regretted me
I gave me a fur coat.
And I did not tell my mother
Hid under the nightstand.


Santa Claus slept in bed,
I got up, with icicles ringing:
Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
Why don't you wake me up?


Winter holiday New Year,
I love you most!
The fighting of chimes is long -awaited
I will never sleep for anything!


Our Santa Claus with a beard,
With a lush mustache,
But like a young guy,
Dance with us.


Everywhere the Christmas trees flashed -
In bright stars, the whole country.
For guys and in this room
The miracle is lit.


New Year - carnival,
Serpentine - bright light,
He sent even adults
He is hello from childhood!


Santa Claus froze
Winter patterns,
We don't need to buy
On the windows curtains.


Santa Claus his picture,
I left us on the glass.
We will draw skates-
Santa Claus on the river.


At the Snow Maiden to the floor,
The braid has already grown.
While walking along the corridor,
Paulic shoe loud.


We chose to ourselves
In the bazaar, a Christmas tree.
They bought a three -meter,
A needle to a needle.


I went to school on skates,
On skates and answered -
Pow its shoes
After all, I did not take with me!


In our hall noise and laughter,
Singing does not silent.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.


Circle, circled in a round dance
Snow beauties.
Dance blizzard
We all really like it!


In the hall of the Christmas tree!
All in sequins and all in toys,
With a star on the crown


In this hall, in this hall
The kids are cheerful
They stopped clapping something-
Get a ditty new!


I got up early today.
I immediately ran to the Christmas tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus
What gifts brought me!


Santa Claus brought gifts,
My eye mows to me.
Who has a deuce for a quarter
A formidable with a staff knocks.


New Year is knocking on the door!
This is a holiday - at least where!
Only to those who miraculously believe
He comes! Yes! Yes! Yes!


Earlier letters Santa Claus
Eh, they drove snowmen!
And now he gets
SMS and calls!


I blinded from plasticine
White snowman.
Grandma will not remain
Without a gift from the granddaughter!


Snow is on, snow comes,
Soon, soon the New Year,
Santa Claus will come to us,
Everyone will bring gifts to everyone.


Snow in the sun shines
And circling, flies into a snowdrift -
The highest sample diamonds
From the sky fall into snowdrifts!


Light white snow
So similar to the cottage cheese!
I will not eat it,
After all, snowflakes are a miracle!


The snowball falls quietly,
That winter has come, my friend!
We play, amuse ourselves,
And we are not afraid of frost!

Snow fell, the frost has come,
The cat washes his nose with his paw,
At the black back puppy
White snowflakes are melting!

Snow was walking all day
And reaching the village,
Snow beasts to rest
Under the trees.

The day came and suddenly got dark.
The light was lit, we look out the window.
Snow lays white-white ...
Why is it so dark?

As usual in January
A lot of snow in the yard
But the trouble is small -
We blind the snowman!

I'm walking into snowfall
I'm glad today.
I'm walking in the snow myself
I will hold back, I will not fall.

Snow in the sun sparkles,
Like sweet sugar, he
It's a pity that it melts
And it will disappear like a dream.

Who took the sled, who skates,
Who run to play snowballs,
In the yard, a cheerful laughter:
Joy is the first snow for children.

Snow is spinning and not melting.
Where does it come from?
Visible from the cloud of mischievous,
What hung over me!

White snow on a day off
In silence goes night,
So that we take skates, take skis,
Go to play in the garden in the morning!

The snow goes and disappears.
He went where, I do not know.
I catch snowflakes. Oh!…
Only drops on the hands.

How much snow has there!
How beautiful! How white!
Even pine trees and ate
They turned white with delight.

There was no winter for a long time ....
Waited, worried.
And in a day snow fell ....
Barely digging up.
Oh, you are a white blizzard
I saw everything.
What should we do now?
Where to gain strength?


I rising a little light today,
I went to work.
Tired of cleaning the snow.
Rest hunting.


Here I composed ditties
At home, from fatigue.
I went to bed, I forgot about everything
To great joy.

Ditties Kikimora for the New Year

I am Kikimora Forest
I love to scare everyone!
But don't be afraid of me, children,
I will not offend you! Wow!


I dressed up today
I came to your holiday!
I dance and laugh,
I want to be a Snow Maiden! Wow!


Ah, you are my dear
Bullfinchi, Sinichi!
I made a feeder - I -
Take a treat, birds.

New Year ditties for children about the Snow Maiden

New Year ditties for children about the Snow Maiden
New Year ditties for children about the Snow Maiden

New Year ditties for children about the Snow Maiden:

In the Snow Maiden in the morning
New Year's Affairs Mountain.
Snow fringe is needed
She will decorate her dear forest.


For beasts to bake the pie
And light the flashlights,
And then for the holiday for children
In the golden flying carriage!


We dance and sing,
And we are waiting for the guests for the holiday.
Santa Claus will come with his granddaughter,
Everyone will bring gifts to everyone!


We will play with the Snow Maiden,
We scatter all the toys
We will relax together after
We will remove everything in places!


Where does the Snow Maiden live?
Where is cold, snow and ice.
Where the snowstorm is spinning
Where are deep snow.


Winter built it
Ice tower.
There the Snow Maiden lives,
New Year's holiday is waiting!


The frost is grandfather
Bracial Bracket!
A miracle, not a girl,
All the kids like it!


There is no Snegurochka anywhere
Our fun,
There is no more charming
There is no mile!


Santa Claus Snegurochka
Just loves.
More beautiful than hawthorn
The granddaughter is dressing up.


And rings over the grove
Sinichka song
About the girl Snow Maiden,
Snezhinkina sister.


The Snow Maiden is the little one
There are friends: hedgehogs, bunnies,
Squirrels, bears and foxes,
Yellow -breasted blue ...


Here the Snow Maiden turns on
Around the Christmas tree round dance,
With her we have fun and amicably
We will celebrate this New Year.


Light as a cloud
Fluffy like snow
Dear Snow Maiden
Hurrying to congratulate everyone


Near the Christmas tree elegant
They dance with the Snow Maiden
From the heart!


We run home in a crowd -
New Year is waiting for us with you
With a new Christmas tree, gold
Young with the Snow Maiden!


Granddaughter Santa Claus,
Snow Princess,
For a cheerful holiday
He is in a hurry to us from the forest.


The Snow Maiden is beautiful,
How happy you are
Elegant and marvelous,
Just exclusive!


Snegurochka came to us for a holiday,
And gathered all the children in a round dance.
She is from snow, but full of warmth.
And loves her fairy -tale people.


Snow Maiden! AU! AU!
In a shaggy fur coat ...
Looking for you, call, call,
Your light mark disappeared.


I'm a Snow Maiden from a fairy tale
I live in the world of miracles!
I will bring on the sleds
For beast gifts to the forest!


The Snow Maiden has a cheek,
Thin waist,
Pens, legs, elbows,
Shayka and so on ...

New Year ditties for children for Santa Claus

New Year ditties for children for Santa Claus
New Year ditties for children for Santa Claus

New Year ditties for children for Santa Claus:

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
What did you bring to us today?
Maybe in a bag toys,
Multi -colored animals?


Maybe there are a lot of sweets there?
We will eat them at lunch.
Grandpa, open a bag
For a story or poem!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Here it is -
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big!

I will make a desire
I'll play at the Christmas tree
I will sing a song with my grandfather ...
Ah, how I love the holiday!


We celebrate the New Year,
Santa Claus is coming to us,
Gifts are beautiful for us
He carries in a large bag.

We will have fun
Walk under the Christmas tree,
And sing and dance,
Play with the Snow Maiden.


Someone outside the window rustles-
This Santa Claus is in a hurry.
Himself - in a red costume, bright,
And in his bag - gifts!

"Happy New Year! Happy New Year!", -
Santa Claus congratulates.
From the country of distant snowy
He brought gifts to us.


Hello, grandfather's native
With a snow -white beard!
You didn't forget the gifts
Did you put everything in my bag?
Clapped loudly in your hands
Santa Claus is good!
He dances and sings,
And gives gifts.
The Snow Maiden is beautiful
I came to us for the holiday,
There are many different gifts to us
I brought my grandfathers.

Santa Claus will come soon,
Will bring gifts
To be our new year
The most sweet!
Santa Claus goes to the holiday
In a red fur coat, in felt boots,
He carries gifts with him
For little kids!


Soon, soon the New Year!
Santa Claus will come soon.
He brings gifts
And he asks us poetry.


Snow crunches underfoot,
Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit,
We are waiting for him so much
Let's dance with him, and sing!


We are for Grandfather Frost
Prepared a surprise:
We will sing him ditties
He will shout to us: Bis!


We are talking about grandfather Frost
Sprinkle ditties to you
So that our grandfather does not pour our tears,
Like stung with fire.


Santa Claus sits down in a sled,
He is lucky to us, he is lucky
And he is ready to dance with us,
To celebrate the New Year!


Good grandfather Frost
I brought us gift gifts
Both consoles and tablets,
Kids love it so much!


I'm a ditty about frost
I'll sing a short one
Because the throat hurts
I love ice cream!


Santa Claus, beetroot nose,
Frowned us to tears
We’ll go now, let's go now
We will touch, come to life!


We are at Grandfather Frost
Let's get to know the granddaughter
We will show her the Internet,
We have fun!


And Grandfather Frost
Boilers in patch,
You give all the gifts,
And you have slippers!


That you are a sweet snowman
Did you get bored and all?
You are probably tired
Did you help frost?


Santa Claus, our beloved,
Give children gouache,
We will paint the New Year,
To delight the people!


Happy New Year, congratulations
Santa Claus and we are you
And give you as a gift
Our kind words!


The guys have a holiday today,
Santa Claus came a prankster.
All gives gifts to everyone
Kisses everyone and sings.


Santa Claus we have good,
He loves adults and children.
With a beard, all overgrown,
He is like a grandfather.


Santa Claus brought gifts,
My eye mows to me.
Who has a deuce for a quarter
A formidable with a staff knocks.


Our Christmas tree shines
In the New Year's lights.
Children plays hockey
With Santa Claus on skates.


Santa Claus goes with a knapsack,
Children jump under the Christmas tree.
All gives gifts to everyone
Merring and sings.


Santa Claus rushes on the top three,
The bells are ringing.
The heart begins to beat
On this holiday, the guys.


In any bad weather,
Around the Christmas tree round dance.
Santa Claus comes himself
Gives gifts to us.

New Year ditties for children about the New Year

New Year ditties for children about the New Year
New Year ditties for children about the New Year

New Year ditties for children about the New Year:

The window is already winter,
She brought with her
And snow and cold
Oh, the street is trouble!


I'll go outside
Blag Blind.
And I will put a bucket of her.
And I will hand her a panicle!


I'm swinging from a slide on a sleigh
Oh, catch me!
After all, I have, and with sleds,
The brakes refused!


Snow fell full,
Belaria is white outside!
Where are the gloves? Where is the shovel?
After all, I need to clean the snow!


Here the frosts came to us,
Where are you warm days?
Where is the sea, where is the wave,
Where my back was resting!


In the summer I love winter
And I'm really waiting for her.
And it comes like winter
Oh, more warmly!


In winter, there was a snow,
And nothing is visible!
It is time to clean the snow,
To the store to reach.


Cold winds blow
Oh you, winter!
Let's go away
And take the frosts!


Winter has come and cold
Do not go anywhere!
Can flood the stove,
To melt frosts!


The blizzard is the third day,
Is she not too lazy at all?
After all, it will get tired of it and will leave
And it will not take snow with it!


Hello, Fierce Winter!
What, again you came to us?
And frosts are cold.
Have you brought us again?

They dressed a Christmas tree at home,
Light bulbs were lit.
Come to us, Santa Claus,
Bring a gift!


Let any of your dreams
They will come true, come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
It lights up brightly.
Soon, Skoro New Year,
The people dress up.
Everywhere foxes, wolves, bunnies -
Trying trousers, T -shirts.

Fairytale forest people,
Also celebrates the New Year!
Everyone is dancing until you drop
Songs sing and are happy.


Rushing briskly and playfully
Troika of white horses.
Santa Claus in beautiful sleigh
Goes to please children.


Everyone loves this holiday
Everyone is waiting for this holiday
After all, the guys bring joy
The long -awaited New Year!


Outside the window is circulating
Santa Claus laughs loudly,
Sani flies in painted
And with a large bag in his hands.


He carries us as a gift
Happy days for a whole year,
A sea of \u200b\u200bdifferent sweets
And a basket of joy!


I will get up very early in the morning
I will be the most exemplary most
I will help mom
I will decorate the Christmas tree!


I will wait for Santa Claus,
And when he comes to us,
He will bring me a gift
So there will be a new year!


New Year in the garden we meet,
Sometimes we mischievous
All the guys dressed up
The Christmas tree looks rich!


We’ll sing the voices of the calls,
We will lightly light the lights,
Let the beauty sparkle
And the kids are amused!


Happy New Year, people, you
I am in a hurry to congratulate everyone,
On a feast of joy, fun,
I want to wish everyone!


So that dreams always come true,
To Grandfather Frost
Good and happiness brought you
And gifts whole WHO!


They waited for this holiday all year,
Tried to be obedient to be.
We believe that even pranksters
They were able to earn a gift.


We hope New Year's
Good frost will bring us
Fun and life carefree,
And joy for the whole New Year.


Santa Claus, I'm waiting for you,
So I want a gift.
I behaved well
He did not offend anyone.


I ate porridge and I slept during the day -
Mom promised it.
Well, when will he come
This is the new year?

Mishura burns on the Christmas tree,
Decorates all the needles
The lights around her,
They delight children!


And also - Santa Claus to us
Here is such a bag:
He is big and very bright
Apparently, there are gifts for us!

New Year ditties for children about a snowman

New Year ditties for children about a snowman
New Year ditties for children about a snowman

New Year ditties for children about a snowman:

The kids flushed -
I rolled three balls!
They put them on each other
And the bucket was heated.


Nose - carrots, coal - eyes,
Snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands - branches, mouth - candy ...
Let it now stand until the summer!


We sculpt the snowman
We twist the smooth sides!
Hey! Guys! Friends with him,
Nose - give a carrot!

If a cold retreats away,
He will melt - there will be a puddle ...
But while standing still
And I am pleased that we are together!


What are you standing and waiting, my friend:
Kom, lump and lump?
Coals - eyes, nose - carrot,
And you keep a panicle deftly.

It stands perfectly for me here
The new year is knocking on the door,
Grandfather Frost and Blizzard
They sculpt a girlfriend for me.


White cook right from the sky
Snow snow flour.
From flour from this bread
I bake a snowman.


Because the snowman
I’m used to the snowy bread!
I punish the big
I trim the shovel.


And I will throw off the offships into the stove -
Blue transparent icecers.
Everything is ready through a moment.
Help yourself, snowman!


What is a red nose!
Is the snowman a cold?
Maybe he is a compress
Or do you need a doctor?


But the kids laughs fun and loudly:
Instead of his nose, he has a red carrot!


Oh, the work is not easy -
We sculpt the snowman.
We roll the snowball together,
We put another on him.


We add a third lump from above,
We will insert a long nos-carrot,
Instead of eyes, take the coins,
We will make the nose out of the branch.


The hat will be from the bucket,
The snowman is ready. Hooray!
Only sad alone,
He needs a faithful friend to him ...


From the rain there and here
Only puddles grow ...
But the snowfall
It is rich in creativity!


From it here and here
As if in a fairy tale are growing -
Both small and great -


We sculpt the snowman
We twist the smooth sides!
Hey! Guys! Friends with him,
Nose - give a carrot!


If a cold retreats away,
He will melt - there will be a puddle ...
But while standing still
And I am pleased that we are together!

What are you standing and waiting, my friend:
Kom, lump and lump?
Coals - eyes, nose - carrot,
And you keep a panicle deftly.


It stands perfectly for me here
The new year is knocking on the door,
Grandfather Frost and Blizzard
They sculpt a girlfriend for me.


White cook right from the sky
Snow snow flour.
From flour from this bread
I bake a snowman.


Because the snowman
I’m used to the snowy bread!
I punish the big
I trim the shovel.
And I will throw off the offships into the stove -
Blue transparent icecers.
Everything is ready through a moment.
Help yourself, snowman!


From the rain there and here
Only puddles grow ...
But the snowfall
It is rich in creativity!

From it here and here
As if in a fairy tale are growing -
Both small and great -


The yard is full of snowball.
I blinded the snowman.
Hands, legs, head,
Nose - carrots, two eyes.
I draw your mouth with paint.
Let the people please!


My snowman is sick!
He crossed snow porridge!
I know for sure
How to treat a snowman -
I will redo the menu
And I will replace the products!
For lunch, a snowman
I am the icicle of the thinner!


We blinded the snowman.
He is not small and not great.
Pill of carrier.
Instead of eyes - potatoes.

Very cute and funny.
They brought him home.
I melted in the morning.
I made the floors wash.


Snow is on the street.
Blizzard sings songs,
The kids screams "Hurray!"
Snowman among the yard:
Instead of a hat - an old pelvis,
Coals in the place of the eyes.


From carrots - a red nose,
As if painted frost.
Oh, beautiful snowman -
A glorious snowy man!


I'll blind the snowman
And I will decorate all the sides:
Watercolors will go in,
Let the people please!


The yard dog was stunned,
He barking he came in
The snowman flew off the mountain,
He split into pieces.


With a snow woman Snowman
Snow was loaded into a truck ...
So loaded, so puffed ...
That carrots flew off.


Ay, snow - a snowman,
The collar is rich,
Sewing mittens
The beauty is a girl ...


We sculpted snowmen
In winter with snowstorms
And they imagined themselves
Just ceremonies!


I'll blind the snowman
I round him sides.
And in the place of the nose, very deft
I will put a carrot for him.


In the yard under the tree,
Snowman with Metelkoy,
And carrot instead of the nose,
He looks askance in the cold.


Naked uncle in the cold
It is like an armored car!
Who is this in a marvelous position?
Children in chorus: Well, of course, a snowman!

Video: New Year's ditties children's

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