Funny New Year's holiday for high school students - the best selection in roles

Funny New Year's holiday for high school students - the best selection in roles

A collection of finished scenarios for New Year's holidays for high school students.

Funny New Year's holiday for high school students - the script "New Year on the whole planet"

Funny New Year's holiday for high school students - the script
Funny New Year's holiday for high school students - the script "New Year on the whole planet"

A fun New Year's holiday for high school students - the script "New Year on the whole planet":

Presenter 1:
White snowflakes dance,
Everything became more beautiful suddenly
Like in a festive picture
The world around has sparkled!

Presenter 2:
Let the frost not scare us -
We are not afraid of him
After all, it is already walking here
Our favorite New Year!

Presenter 1:
There will be a new fun
Waiting for fun over the edge,
Let's go to the dance with a sparkling laugh -
The Christmas tree is bright, sparkle!

Presenter 2:
Let's give you up, guys -
Let the head spin,
New Year will give us as a reward
Only good things!

Presenter 2:
But in order to celebrate the New Year, as expected, we lack someone.

Presenter 1:
We need the main winter wizard - Santa Claus!

Presenter 2:
After all without grandfather Frost
The fun will not come to the house
So let's be together, loud
We will call him together!

All together is:
Father Frost! Father Frost! Father Frost!

(Santa Claus does not appear, the Yolsky cat comes instead)

Yolsky cat:
Who was waiting for a winter holiday?
Who meets me here?
How many of you: funny, different ...
Happy New Year, guys!

Presenter 1:
What are these things?
The name was Grandfather Frost,
Not a large cat
What about the tail and wet nose ...

Presenter 2:
Cat, cat, kis-kis.
Whose cat are you, Murlyka?
Hey master, respond!
Homemade cat, not wild ...

(tries to stroke the Yoli cat)

Yolsky cat (with dignity):
I will ask without hands! Yes, I'm a cat
Yolsky cat, large and ancient,
At the Varangian people
The symbol of the year is undoubted!
On the children of naughty
I am hunting, I can
And who did what is needed -
Those purring and woolly warm.

Presenter 1:
New Year's Yolsky cat?
It's great guys,
Who was obedient all year -
You can not be afraid of it.

Presenter 2:
But I would like to know
Where did Santa Claus go?
And where could he abuse
If we got a cat?

Yolsky cat:
Mu-rr, I can answer,
I saw a grandfather with a beard
In red hat and snow
I am under the Brokensa city.

Presenter 1:
Here, what miracles!
You can only be surprised.
Well, in German forests
We will have to go?

Presenter 2:
What to think and guess,
We still have time to go on the road with you.
It is worth calling us
Who will always help be able to help.

Presenter 1:
I know, I know who she is!
And beautiful and drunk,
Winter is not winter
Without Snow Maiden, cheerful.

All together (called):
Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

(Snegurochka comes out)

Snow Maiden:
Good afternoon! Hi guys!
I confess to you without melting:
Of course, I am glad for all of you
But I have sadness.
They know everything that New Year -
This is the time for miracles
And they flooded
The whole magical winter forest.
Combined in places
Mischievous miracles
Folded with us with snow
For gifts of the address!
Well, and Grandfather Frost
Completely carried away to the mountains,
It is impossible for us without it
Meet the glorious New Year!

Yolsky cat:
Mrrr-I-I, yes, now it’s clear,
Why am I here, you ...
How to return everything back to us?
And preferably now.

Snow Maiden:
You just have to fix everything
Miracles return to the place
Put everything in order,
And everything will turn out wonderful!

Presenter 1:
Well, on the way! Let's do it together
We will catch up with miracles,
So it will be more interesting for us
And everyone is sweet.

Snow Maiden:
Only we are a magical staff
You also need to take with you,
Together with him we will immediately return
Together we are home!

Presenter 2:
From the screw, friends, forward,
Exactly the victory is waiting for us
And let him take us away
Our magical round dance!

(Invite children to a round dance to the songs "New Year" from the m/f "Fixiki".)

Yolsky cat:
Something here is not comfortable for me
Yes, and hot, like in a stove.

Presenter 1:
Who are these people?
I'm afraid of them…

Presenter 2:
Oh, be silent!

Snow Maiden:
We got to Africa!
There is also a new year here,
Together with songs, poems
Here his child is waiting.
There is also Grandfather Frost here
Generous, kind, like ours,
Both cheerful and serious
Papa Noel call him!

Oh, Snow Maiden guys,
How are you on time, cheers!
I almost melted here
It’s time for me to go home.

Snow Maiden (waves the staff):
Well, the staff, help us!
Put everything in order:
Those returning to those who are superfluous
And send the right one to us.

(The snowman runs away, Pope Noel, African Santa Claus appears in his place.)

Yolsky cat:
Isn't it time for us?
It’s so hot in my fur coat,
Yes, and our name is business
Good holiday and gifts.

Snow Maiden:
To go further,
I'll tell you secretly
We must find the truth to us,
To questions to give answers.

(Snegurochka holds New Year's quiz with children)


Snow Maiden:
You found all the answers,
You are smart, brave
Santa Claus is waiting for us in the distance,
Found further!

(Snow Maiden, Leading 1, Leading 2 and Yolsky Cat move to the Broken Mountains. Witches dance around the boiler)

Witch 1 (sings):
Add the basil to the boiler,
Rosemary to a branch,
So the steam has already gone,
Do not forget the cuff!

Witch 2:
Both Parsley and Timyan
We will add soon
Oh, for a long time enough for us
Sordovsky potions!

Witch 3:
Stir soon, sister,
Salt did not dissolve ...
O! At our fire
Guests appeared!

Presenter 1:
Lady, uh, ladies, good evening!
Can I have a light to you?

Presenter 2:
The smell here is excellent,
There is a smoke from the boiler ...

Yolsky cat:
It smells delicious, what kind of potion?
I know this smell
It is cooking for fun
On the holiday, every family.

Snow Maiden:
Have you seen grandfather here?
Santa Claus's name is
We followed him on the trail
He must be somewhere here.

Witch 1:
Your Santa Claus is like us
He conjures - the upper class,
Soup instantly cools
And calls the "girls" us.

Witch 2:
Wonderful wizard!
Miraculously he got here,
And suddenly the snow went wonderful,
That you have not seen here for a long time.

Snow Maiden:
Let go of Santa Claus!
This is the point: Miracles
Enjoyed seriously
There would be no trouble.

Witch 3:
So be it - let him go
Let the New Year come,
Here we will meet him together,
Stay with us, cat?

Yolsky cat:
I will probably stay here -
I have relatives here
We will have fun together -
This holiday is for me!

AT summary:
Will celebrate the New Year with us
Our wizard is a yolis cat!

Snow Maiden (waves the staff):
Well, the staff, help us!
Put everything in order:
Those returning to those who are superfluous
And send the right one to us.

(The wind, witches and the Yolsky cat are blowing, the leading 1, the leading 2 and the Snow Maiden “move” back. With them - Santa Claus)

Snow Maiden:
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
We missed you so much
The wind suddenly carried you away
We have been looking for you for a long time.

Father Frost:
And found it! I'm glad,
Hello, kids!
Good with friends nearby,
With sisters, with brothers.

I will restore order
In the miracles of cunning,
In a box with magic dam -
It will teach them!


Now we will celebrate the New Year
We are on the whole planet,
Will meet happiness on their turn
Adults and children!

Presenter 1:
Let our congratulations fly
To cities and countries,
And for every island
Bends a glorious joy.

Presenter 2:
Let the dream come true
And luck will come
And warmth is warm
It lights brighter.

Snow Maiden:
Laughter sounds more fun,
Jealous, more fervently,
There will be time for friends
And school classes!

Father Frost:
Smile, friends -
There is a reason for happiness
Let the successes promise successes,
Happy New Year to all of you!

New Year's holiday for high school students - the script "Cinderella in a new way"

New Year's holiday for high school students - Scenario Cinderella in a new way
New Year's holiday for high school students - the script "Cinderella in a new way"

New Year's holiday for high school students - the script "Cinderella in a new way":

Hello, our cheerful holiday,
New Year's masquerade!
In every house, in every school
Today is a holiday with the guys!
Sing songs, have fun
And drive a round dance.

Children in chorus: Hello, hello, our cheerful
Our happy New Year!
Round dance "New Year at the gate!"

A little more, a little more
And the New Year is already at the threshold.
He will come the year of the rooster
And it will bring a lot of happiness!
Happy New Year, congratulations
And we want Santa Claus
All sorrows and hardships
Snow took to the kingdom.
And I would bring us health,
Joy, happiness, jokes, laughter!
New Year's fun
And always success in everything!

Become, guys,
As soon as possible in a round dance!
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Round dance around the Christmas tree and the performance of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest!"

And now, on New Year's Eve
You can’t imagine a fairy tale!
And our fairy tale will begin through a moment,
And all the action on the stage will turn around.
The tale of Cinderella in a new way!

I action.

(Cinderella bothers the household and sings a song)

These will go to school for a Christmas tree
Search grooms.
They themselves will have fun
Dance waltzes ...
I would like there too
To visit them.
I wish you to make friends with the prince
And dance!

(Cinderella to the music lies with the mop.

1 daughter: Link!
Correct here, and there, and there you are going up!

2 daughter: And I also have a lot ...
Correct here, and here the ears!

(The stepmother appears. The colorful and brightly.)

Hush, daughter! Do not swear!
We have to get about.
At the party, so cheer up
To forget from all problems.
Come on, well, look,
Did a taxi come there?

1 daughter (screams): A taxi has come!

2 daughter: Enough! Enough "don't scream!

Calm down, daughter, both.
Well, crumbs, everything is behind me!
Well, and you, wash the floors and crush the grain ...

(The stepmother with her daughters leaves.)

II action.

(Cinderella with a mop comes out, it “washes” the floor)

Cinderella: I work all day like a bee:
I take it, boiling, frying, steaming, bustling.
Only for me this day, as if I'm a rotten stump -
The words of the good will not say, but rather on the contrary -
They will reckon and “stick”.
Oh, I’ll sit down once, I’ll rest quite a bit.
(Only she crouched like the light went out)

The light went out ... it’s completely dark.
Is the sun already?
Hey, turn on the sun again!
Again the brownie's tricks.

(Bright light. Cinderella is frightened, a fairy appears)

Hello, dear girl!
How much can you work like that?
It's time to rest
Yes, look at the world with an eye.
Whether to go to the Canaries,
In the Himalaye would climb ...
Choose, do not timid
I will fulfill everything as soon as possible!

(The fairy gives Cinderella colorful avenues, she considers them.)

I thank you.
Only ... only ... I don't want to.
I do not need a abroad
I don't dream of a foreigner.
To me the Fatherland is Miley,
And more understandable and relatives.
Here I would get on the holiday
New Year would have seen!

Well, your dream is big
I realize this moment.
I'll send you to the Christmas tree
Only here I will dress up!

(The fairy touches Cinderella with a magic wand. Cinderella under the old robe is an elegant dress).

You take off your robe,
You will find another outfit there.
Dress these shoes
And go to the holiday!

Come on, I'll throw it off a dressing gown
(Maybe there really is an outfit there?)
Ah, how gloriously I'm dressed!
(looks as if out the window)
Isn't my carriage there?
My outfit is beautiful, not small,
I'm going to school for the ball!

(Fairy, puts the decoration on her head, Cinderella runs away)

Fairy (after her):
You are sweet, gentle, beautiful,
You deserve the New Year!
Dance, amused,
But come back to midnight!

III action.

(Rhythmic music sounds. Cinderella appears. The king notices it first and leads to the prince)

Well, son, look soon,
What kind of marvelous guests?
This cute girl
Like an overseas queen!
So naive and sweet,
So beautiful and slim!

(The prince does not leave Cinderella)

Prince: Do you have mashed potatoes or stew?

Cinderella: I am the figure of the shore!

Prince: Pepsi-Cola or Spark?

Cinderella: I do not like these byac!

Prince: Or maybe you are ice cream?

Cinderella (jumping with joy): Yes, of course, bring it!

(The prince leaves the ice cream. The clock beats.)

Fairy: Midnight beats! You have to get out of the yard!

(Cinderella runs away, losing a shoe. The prince appears. Surprised by the disappearance of Cinderella)

Cinderella, where are you?
Where are you? Where did you go?
Why fled so quickly?
Maybe I didn't please?
Maybe he announced something?
What to do? What do i do?
I can’t forget her!

Do not worry, son, do not cry!
(On a cell phone is associated with security)
Hey guard, quickly jump up!
Well, you, son, do not cry!
You find the princess that
And bring it to the holiday!

(Everyone leaves)

IV action.

(Two guards come out with a shoe)

1 guard: Listen, listen to everything!

2 guard: And don't say you haven't heard!

1 guard: On the New Year holiday
This decree.

2 guard: Find the bride of the prince
This hour!

1 guard: To whom everything will be fit
He will go to the palace.

2 guard: And there, along with the prince
He will appear under the crown.

1 guard: Well, who will try on the shoe?

Stepmother: Guards, all here!

1 daughter: Let me try on it!
There is no more size?

2 daughter: And I! And I will try on!
No smaller size?

Stepmother: And I'll try on now.
I am at least where!

(hardly pulls the shoe)

(Guards take the shoe)

2 guard: Do you have anyone else in the house?

Stepmother and daughters: Not!

(Cinderella in an old robe comes out quietly, the guards notice her)

1 guard: Are you not out of mind?
Let her try on it!

(Cinderella removes the bathrobe, puts on the second shoe. The guards bow to her and lead her to the prince)

How glad I am! Well, how glad I am!
Our meeting is just a treasure!
You are naive and sweet!
I have a wife now!

Stepmother: Hmm ... crumbs, after me!
We will not humiliate ourselves
Pour the combustibles of combustible.
We are on the Christmas tree "to put out"
There is nothing to hack!

(Stepmother with daughters leaves)

We are also glad that everything ended well!
Dear Fairy, the fairy tale is over, and you are still here?

I want to wish for the new year
I brought you a lot of joy.
Happy days, love, success,
Less tears, more laughter!
Health, happiness, kindness,
Great spiritual beauty!

I understand everything clearly
And Happy New Year, congratulations!
But I miss something
And something in sweat throws me!

Eh, you are sitting in your hole,
And the New Year is in the yard
New Year at the threshold!
Prophery a little!
Santa Claus needs to be called
Invite the Snow Maiden.
Well, together! Well, together!
You need to call them soon!

(Everyone calls Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden. The music sounds “Happy New Year!”).)

Father Frost:
We walked in moon nights.
They walked in shut -off days.
The path was difficult and far away.
Suddenly heard: the name
And we went to the light!

Snow Maiden:
How beautiful this Christmas tree is
How she dressed up, look!
Dress on a green Christmas tree,
Bright beads shine on the chest!

Father Frost:
Your Christmas tree is high and slim.
Soon she flashes again!
Brilliant lights, and snowflakes, and stars,
Like a peacock opened tail!

Santa Claus, you do so,
For a miracle to happen,
To the Christmas tree with lights
I sparkled, sparkled!

Father Frost:
Of course, you can do it.
It is easy to wave the staff.
But my tasks must be fulfilled!

Game task "Collect Snowballs" (perform 2 teams of children)
Santa Claus offers children a new task (collect the inscription: “Congratulations on the New Year!”)

Everyone had fun who has fun.
They laughed, frolic.
Even grandfather Frost
Laughed straight to tears!
Grandfather Frost, help,
Light lights on the Christmas tree!
On the nose is the new year
The people were tired in anticipation!

Father Frost:
Well, what does it come for my turn
You will please you on the New Year!
So that the Christmas tree lights up with lights,
To the joy of the river spill,

Speak together: One two Three!
Our Christmas tree is burned!

Snow Maiden: Well, together: one, two, three!

Children in chorus: Our Christmas tree, Gori!

Father Frost: Louder, I hear badly!

Snow Maiden: More friendly and more fun!

Children in chorus: One two Three!
Our Christmas tree is burned!
(The Christmas tree flashes with lights)

The Christmas tree burns
And silver needles!
We are unanimously hassle
We will celebrate our New Year!
Let the children smile and let them laugh loudly!
And let the child’s right are not violated anywhere!

Snow Maiden:
Let the New Year bring you
Fun and luck
And a lot of joyful troubles
And happiness to everyone in addition!

Father Frost: Well, if he asks who,
What happened here?

Snow Maiden: I will answer without fear:
"In life, we can’t do without a fairy tale!"

Presenter: Miracles happen! Desires come true!
Happy New Year! Everybody is dancing!
Children get up and stand in a round dance.

Dance-game "Lavata".

Round dance "Faced Metelitsa"

Presenter: Let's have dear guests with you and the guys are together by Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! See you in the new year!

New Year's holiday for high school students - the script "Adventures of the Snow Maiden"

New Year's holiday for high school students - script
New Year's holiday for high school students - the script "Adventures of the Snow Maiden"

New Year's holiday for high school students - the script "Adventures of the Snow Maiden":

The course of the presentation:
(Sounds light, calm, fabulous music)

Voice behind the scene:
At night in the fields, under the tunes,
Dorm, swinging, birches and ate ...
A month between the clouds over the field shines, -
A pale shadow runs and melts ...
I think at night: between white birches
Frost wanders in a foggy glow.
How beautiful the December evening
He lit the lights around.
Quietly falls on the shoulders
Soft, affectionate snowball.

Leading: A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint,
Good fellows lesson!

(Music is changing, chimes are beating, the melody "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds)

Leading: Silence in the forest is worth
The young snowball shines.
And at the forest on the edge
The hut lives in the ice
Santa Claus, old gray -haired
With a snow -white beard
With your Snow Maiden
From a long time ago to this day.
(Snow Maiden sits under the Christmas tree, does household chores, knit. Santa Claus enters)
Here is December at the end
Santa Claus is all at work.
He saved the gifts to everyone
He is for a festive day,
I gathered all dreams into the basket
And performed half.
Everyone sought to help him.
He turned into a hut,
Sees the granddaughter there alone,
Silent and pale.
I forgot about worries,
Like a statue froze.
Snow from a fur coat shaked off,
Grandfather stepped into a hut
And asked …

Father Frost: What is sad?
And why again alone?
Why don't you meet your grandfather
Can't you collect it on the road?
What do you want? Speak!
Pearls or toys,
Bear, bunnies and crackers?
I will get everything - wish
Make a desire for me.

Snow Maiden:
Dear grandfather Frost!
You brought joy to the forest.
But I don't need toys!
I need perfume, lipstick ...
I want to fall in love sooner
Turn into a person.

Father Frost:
What are you, my girl!
You are still a child with everything
Well, why do you need love -
Only tears, pain from her.
You are strongly protruding
God forbid you still melt!
Turn down, about what else,
I will take everything to our house.

Snow Maiden: Ah, I don't need other things!
In this dream, my joy.
I want to be with me
Well done smart and staten,
Good like you, Laden.
So that he was native, not a girl with an icy.

Father Frost: What should I do?
How to remember?
How to fulfill her dream

(Forties fly out to rapid music)

Hey, a forty adviser,
Tell me, from what side
I am approaching the problem,
Where to get the groom?

Magpie: Hello Dedushka Moroz.
Why did you hang your nose?
What is the problem, what is the reason
And what is your Kruchin about?

Father Frost: The granddaughter wanted to marry!
Yes, and time was ripening.
Because of the far shores
The suitors are ready to call.

Magpie: I will help with this business,
Do not stay in debt.
They will instantly learn these,
Grooms in the world.

Leading: (Words are pronounced to magical music)
Time passed ... Waiting for Santa Claus,
All the gifts were already carrying.
On the threshold of the New Year,
From Magpie, he is waiting for the news.
(Music is heard)

Magpie: Grandfather, look out the window
There the groom is waiting for a long time!
He is with gifts, with a retinue,
All in silk, a brocade entwined.
Open the door wider,
Check the bridegroom.

(enters a shah with a harem, perform a dance for oriental music)

Father Frost: Granddaughter, quit your sadness!
Meet the guest as soon as possible!
The dream is not far away
East guest at the threshold.
(Shah presents gifts)

Shah: Oh, beautiful girl,
I want to marry you
I'll close you in a harem
The fifth of his wife.

Snow Maiden: Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
But I don't like you.
I don't want to be the fifth,
I am the only dream!

(Garem leaves, the shah is angry)

Leading: Grandfather is sad
The granddaughter is crying
The snowman hides gifts.
And forty, it is right there.

Magpie: Look, the matchmakers are going.

Father Frost: Take away the tears quickly.
The grooms are already at the door
The groom's wonderful view of
It would not have reached sin.

(Children dance hip-hop, one of the boys is made under the African)

African: I like Russia
I want to stay here.
I would urgently get married!
You have a snow maiden.
We will be a cool couple -
I am glad to tell everyone.
We are like white cottage cheese
And black chocolate

Snow Maiden: Grandfather was right
You are wonderful, right.
Your fun is fun
I, alas, are not for you
I will be lost, not loving!

Leading: And again the groom is not the same!
Time to midnight is coming,
And the forty is all silent,
She rushes to the goblin.
(Sounds the song of the goblin)

Magpie: What, you sleep, rotten stump,
From noon all day!
Here things are going on in the forest.
Graduate the fool!

Goblin: What happened that you are screaming?
And where are you in such a hurry?
If the matter is, say,
And idle - go away.

Magpie: Santa Claus in his hut
Acceps grooms!
You will like the Snow Maiden!
Cocking and be ready!

Goblin: Who do I look like?
In the bridegroom with everything is not good.
Would I go to my girlfriend
To the old grandmother - Yagushka.
Not for a red word
Let the fellow boil.

Leading: And now goes, wanders to the yaga ...

(Yaga cooks soup from fly agaric. Music sounds)

B-Yaga: Ba! Familiar all faces!
Not otherwise you dream of me.
What are you, my friend?
You have already sowed ...

Goblin: How to help me
You only know
You have a secret force.
I am to the Snow Maiden in the grooms.
Help become handsome!

B-Yaga: Oh, chav, it is bad for me ...
You hear, cryumes in the back.
In a word, since such a thing
I'm generally on the ballot.

Goblin: You are yaga, don’t twist me!
You, find the ways.
Remember the years white,
When were young.

B-Yaga: In general - then, I'm cunning!
In the sense of meanness, the gut.
But for me today
Not conquered in the morning!

Goblin: Closed? No problem!
Eat a frog from a pond
And fool me brains
Not even to think.
Better all your dullness to work strain!

(Magic music sounds)

B-Yaga: I will enchant, no bazaar!
Shara, Baru, Plastabar.
One, two, three, four, five!
Become a handsome man again!
That's it, go match the Snow Maiden!
Just shut up your ears with cotton wool.
So as not to suddenly hear,
How she will yell.
After all, to make such a thing to mature
You can measure at all.

Goblin: Well, it's high time for me!
As if not falling asleep again.
Santa Claus will be glad to me
Of me, the groom is a treasure!

Magpie: Santa Claus, look soon!
Leshy right at the door!
He came to marry the Snow Maiden.
It would be necessary to hide the girl.

Goblin: I am a contender to the bridegroom
He brought the girl a present.
I lured the toad to the dispute
And the wet fly agaric.

Santa Claus: (Grandfather rejoices)
It’s better to see a son -in -law!
A proud look, cool to become.
Ah, a handsome man is not necessary.
This is a granddaughter, a reward.

Snow Maiden: I say, I do not
No, the Snow Maiden is an answer.
I will not live in a thicket.
So a miracle will not happen.
(Goblin goes to the music).

Leading: Time flows, flows.
And the Snow Maiden is waiting for everything
Everything hopes, dreams.
And the frost meets the guests.

Magpie: Grandfather is waiting for the three at the threshold.
Look, for God's sake.
There is not a prince, not a prince.
There is a young prince.

Father Frost: Thank God, granddaughter, look.
A royal son came to us.
He is rich, handsome and staten.
Good, smart, pleasant in a circle!
Why doesn't he suit you?
Smile, because he comes up.

(Tsarevich goes out under the Russian dancing)

Tsarevich: The world, to you, in your wards.
I see my grandfather is glad to me.
Here is a product, and I am a merchant!
And for the wedding, finally.
I need such a wife.
Virtuous, modest.
To wash, soap, sew,
The kingdom led everyone!
And at the same time so that there is
And beautiful and smart ...

Snow Maiden: Oh, prince, you flatter me.
And don't you want a lot.
What does it remain for you
Kohl wife will take up everything.

Tsarevich: Yes, my beauty.
I have a thousand affairs,
Darts, fishing, casino ...
Take a closer look out the window.
I have a hundred friends!
Life flies with them faster!
I have no traction to business
Proper skills, courage.
Therefore, you need a wife.
To do everything.
Give me the answer soon.

Snow Maiden: My answer, prince, no!

Tsarevich: You, think again.
Our kingdom is the upper class!
You will not know troubles with him.
Explain all the granddaughter, grandfather!

Snow Maiden: I do not agree to be yours.
You heard it great!
I say you, no!
No - the Snow Maiden answer.

(Tsarevich goes to the music)

Leading: Grandfather walks silently in sorrow.
The holiday does not come out at all.
And the Snow Maiden is sad
I sat down by the window again.
It is very sad to understand
That the gift is not seen.
Suddenly the snowball crunches frosty.
On the path, the kid is serious.
He goes behind the Christmas tree
And quietly sings.
(sings any New Year's song)

He approaches the hut
And such a speech starts.

Hello, you are so sad,
And what is one in the forest?

Snow Maiden:
I am the Snow Maiden, the forest is my house.
We live with my grandfather together.

Will you give me an answer?
I will ask the "good" from my grandfather.
Where can I find a Christmas tree,
Yes, so as not to take the eye?
So that she was a fluffy
Green, fresh, branchist.

Snow Maiden:
Why will I give advice
There is no better than our Christmas tree!

Leading: She looked at Ivan
Even more turned pale ...
Suddenly a strange sound came!
It was a heart - a knock!

Father Frost: Hooray! Get on!
So, the granddaughter fell in love
Suitable, finally.
Well done came to us!

Leading: And she, from the happiness of Mley,
Suddenly he burst into a blush
The song came up with a song.
Well done dumbfounded!
I didn’t dare to say words.

(Valeria's song "Tay, Tay.")

Ivan: I wandered around the world for a long time
And I did not hear this song.
In it, everything that I dream about.

Snow Maiden: From love, I just melt.

Father Frost: That's wonderful!
New Year to us with love
The house will enter!

Snow Maiden: All desires will fulfill
And the surprise will save!

Ivan: You need to believe, you need to wait.
And attach the start.
To bring a new day
A lot of laughter, few tears.

Father Frost:
So that your dreams come true,
So that the insults are forgotten,
So that your home is rich
And he was full of happiness.

All: Happy New Year!

(sing any fun, New Year's song)

New Year's holiday 2022 for high school students in roles

New Year's holiday 2022 for high school students in roles
New Year's holiday 2022 for high school students in roles

New Year's holiday 2022 for high school students in roles:

Scene 1

Santa Claus goes tiredly and sings on the motive of the song (chorus) “I am a chocolate hare”.

Father Frost:
I'm not frail grandfather
But there is no more power
Carry this bag!
The Snow Maiden has laid out
Again, I washed off somewhere,
And I am pretty for me!
Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Santa Claus sits on a stump, takes out a cell phone, dials a number. The voice of the Snow Maiden is heard from the phone.

Snegurochka (Voice):
Good afternoon!
The reprint of the Snow Maiden says with you.
I'm at a party in kindergarten,
Probably late I will come home.
Leave the message after the beep.
See you later. Kiss. Bye.

A long telephone beep is heard.

Father Frost:
I am granddaughter on the right track
I just have a forest to go through
See you at school on the Christmas tree, okay?
In the circle of the most wonderful, funny children.

(gets up to go backstage)

Scene 2

High school students, holding hands stand in New Year's costumes. In the center of the circle is the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden (in the style of "REP"):
Let's dance!
Tear off from the heart!

To the music, children, along with the Snow Maiden, perform a dance.

Snow Maiden:
The baby is dancing steeply!

1 presenter:
Well, are you weak, friends?

Scene 3

Baba - Yaga:
As a lot of people in the hall,
The glorious holiday will be here.
The telegram was not sent
And they are not waiting for me at all.
I jumped in the stage,
It was torn to you that there was strength, -
I knew: here I will be glad -
Santa Claus did not invite.

Koschey, returning from a business trip, enters with a suitcase under the phonogram "My baby, I miss you."

Baba - Yaga:
Hey Koshchi, you're too stupid!
You say, suddenly fell in love?
You repeat everything: let's get married ...
Look at the glass 6 how it falls in love
I am in you with such a face?!

You, Yaga, be careful!
Of course, I am in love, but ...

Baba — Yaga:
Do not knock, not scary!
We would get a snowball
Let her amuse her
And the grandfather will congratulate people and grandfather.

So I would have said right away!
No problem!
Hey, unclean, rather
Stand up in front of my eyes!

1 devil:
What do you want? Che shouted?
We have a blockage now.

Higher light you will get
If you steal the snow bag

2 features:
And where to deliver the goods?

To the woman - Yaga! I want to give pleasure to the bride.

1 devil:
Well, if so, then hands.

I ask you for a holiday to us.

Dissive. The Snow Maiden appears to the music, puts a bag for toys.

Snow Maiden:
How little time is left,
And you need to have a lot so much.
Winter was delayed
And Santa Claus is not here.

The features creep, put on a bag on their heads, take off the Snow Maiden

Father Frost:
Oh, trouble, I lost my feet.
The people are already waiting for me
And the Snow Maiden was gone ...
Search yourself - there is little strength.
And to someone ... there is little faith
All corruption devoured.

Vitya and Masha come out of the forest, singing.

Father Frost:
Hey guys, good afternoon!
What are you doing here?

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Pagger brought us news ...

Do not worry Santa Claus.
Together we will find you a Snow Maiden.

Father Frost:
Bon Voyage!

Vitya and Masha see the hut of Baba Yaga. (Damn, Baba Yaga, Koschey - sad)

We have no fun
Where does the festive mood come from?!

1 devil:
Something here is not enough of us
Better go where there are a lot of people

Where will it be, of course, more fun!

Koshcheyushka, you are the Snow Maiden, please give
And come to us to dance on the ball ...

What?! I?! Me - on the ball?

Baba -Yaga:
And I?!

Come on too.

Baba Yaga:
What stupid we were
They thought that we would have fun.
No, fun - this is when with songs
I get up in a round dance together
And for the year they sing new songs.


Father Frost
They say for the new year
That it will not be might
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Snow Maiden:
Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year, you, friends!
I was in a hurry, in a hurry,
So that even struggled
We will rest with my grandfather,
Then we will light the Christmas tree.

Snegurochka and Santa Claus sit down under the Christmas tree.

1 presenter:
Well, let's not bother you,
We will play for now


Father Frost:
The holiday must start

Snow Maiden:
Light lights on the Christmas tree!
We shout the magic words in chorus:
- Once, two, three, a Christmas tree is burned!

Scene 4

A drum fight, the sound of a slide is heard. Sing the song "Sweet, fires, white legs"

1 pioneer:
What kind of tree is this -
All the crown in silver, -
It blossomed in our winter
Frosty day in December?

2 pioneer:
Fruits ripen in summer,
In the summer of apples, the garden is full,
And on the tree on this
On winter day they weigh!

3 pioneer:
And nuts and sweets,
And the balls weigh on it,
There is on a tree on this
All for the joy of the guys!

Long live the New Year! Hooray!
Enter our ranks. Hooray!
We note this year with a good study! Hooray!

Father Frost:
Well done guys!
And now dear guys
Guess my riddles
Only chur, do not make noise, do not scream,
First think, then answer.
Who will answer correctly
Get a prize.

So, attention!
There is one game for you
I'll start poems now,
I'll start, and you finish
Answer in unison.
He has a ruddy nose
He himself is a bearded
Who is this? ...

Father Frost:
Winter is coming to us now
With a rich Christmas tree
Hello hello…. New Year
With whom the frost plays hide and seek,
In a white fur coat, in a white hat
Blue fox on it,
And she is more fun.
Wind and winter daughter,
And her name is ....

Snow Maiden:
In a blue butzt fur coat,
In the neckline and mini-skirt
She is a Russian daughter,
And her name is ...
And here they did not guess
The daughter of the new Russian
Those who have their riddles, you can make their grandfather.


1 devil:
What are you, grandfather Frost
Looking, are you surprised?
Or to the floor you are frozen,
Why are you shy?

2 features:
Clap mittens,
Take the legs.
For guests and friends
Dance, more fun
Maestro, music!


Father Frost:
I am Santa Claus, I am a sorcerer!
The great king of nature.
I want my friends now
To congratulate with new Year! Happy New Year!
Stand in a round dance
Music calls to the Christmas tree.


Father Frost:
I have to leave you with the Snow Maiden,
But the fairy tale continues, friends,
And remember: so as not to disappear in difficulties
You cannot lose the strength of mind.

Snow Maiden:
Play, sing, have fun, noisily,
The New Year's ball is in full swing.
Fighten for a whole year, charge with enthusiasm
So that for a whole year there is such a reserve

1 presenter:
We wish everyone success!

2 host:
We start a disco!

New Year's holiday for high school students at school

New Year's holiday for high school students at school
New Year's holiday for high school students at school

New Year's holiday for high school students at school:

(The song from the movie "Red Red Riding Hood" sounds - "If for a long time along the path ...")

Red hats go, go ... And they came to the divorce stone.

(Sounds the melody of the song "Fortunately")

Stone (sings):
I am not in vain here by the road -
I will guard the paths of peace.
You, traveler, just don't touch me
You will live to the Bill of the grave.
You read to my indications -
You will know what awaits there ahead.
All of you, hats, are waiting for testing.
Come on the path one on the path!

What can I say, what can I say?
To the right - there will be a massacre,
To the left - you will wait for a long time
But the king will love you.
And if you go right -
Immortal is provided.
Well, you will turn a little from the path,
And there they prepare a meeting.

And a sniffing hole went on the right path.
Everything is interesting to her and I feel sorry for everyone around.

(The melody "Besame, demona is Mucho ..."))

Singing hole (sings):
I feel sorry for me, I feel so sorry for everyone:
Suddenly, the wasp drops a pity,
The spider will break the paw
And he will die completely.
I love them all crazy.
Maybe it’s stupid, maybe smart:
If something happens to anyone,
I will cry!
(The robbers jump out, tie a sniffing hole and sing a song on the melody of the “Ataman Song” from the cartoon “Bremen musicians”)

They say we are boobs.
How does the earth carry us?
Give something in your hands
Guess to the king.
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la!
You and I will guess.
Oh, la-la, oh, la, ehma!
Will we be lucky today
Rob and beat everyone?
Soon the holiday is New Year -
We need to save money.
To eat, to drink
You need to save money,
To buy champagne,
There should be a lot of money!

Wallet or life?!

(A sniffing hole sobs, howling. The song “Esaul” sounds. Esaul jumps on “horse” and sings)

You don't cry, you don't cry
My beauty,
I'm in a hurry to help you.
Do not tremble, hold it better, you better,
A few words I will answer the lads!
(Turning to the cap)
Did I win the villains?
I freed you?
And now, the beauty-girl,
I want to marry you!
(Puts a hat on a “horse” and takes her)

Meanwhile, the lame -bearing walked and walked, and finally met the prince.

(The entry to the song “Mal-Pomal” sounds. The prince comes out, greets everyone's hand)

Tsar! Very nice, the king, however, is the future.
Tsar, king ... (saw a hat) Oh, girl!

Chromonomic (coquettish):
Girl ...


Chromonomic (embarrassed):

(The princess’s song “Bird in the cage is languishing ...” from the m/f “Bremen musicians”)

Tsarevich (sings):
I saw you, my heart froze in my chest,
You come to me as soon as possible!
In an enchanted forest
Under the green oak
Red hat led
Talking with a friend.

You, prince, dear,
Do not stomp with a knife
Patient, be you with me
And clap your hands.
I'm with you at least to the edge
At least on the far north.
Take me away with you
I will become a princess.

(At this time, a real princess comes out and sings on the melody of the songs “People Lost each other” from the movie “Ivan Vasilievich Changes the Profession”)

Sings the December blizzard,
And the branches whip elastic.
I have now left without a friend -
He leaves with the other!
Where? Wait, not honestly!
Tsarevich, I'm a bride!
Yours, prince, bride -
Do not shake your head, head.

(At this time, the prince with a laminel is trying to leave under the handle).

How is our crooked -nominal doing there?

(The melody of the song "Queen of Beauty" sounds)

Kryvomorodochka (sings):
In the light of the winter sun
I'm walking along the path.
Everyone in the district freezes
Just seeing my shadow.
What is it, I don't know
Something is clearly not the case here!
The queen of beauty I -
This is clear, this is a fact!

(It is drunk to meet her and sings the song “Oh, frost, frost”)

Oh, frost, frost,
Do not frost me!
Do not frost me, my horse!
What kind of kral?
(Looks at her basket) Do you have raisins?

Kryvomorodochka (with dignity):
No, only buns!

Top (holds out the package, peers more carefully and is baptized).
Chur, me! Chur! (runs away).

Kryvomorodochka (shrugs, twists a finger at the temple): Ham!

(The melody of the song "Opera" performed by Vitas sounds)

Koschey (comes out and sings):
My crypt is completed
But I am alone in him - so sometimes to me sometimes!
You are alone, I am also alone.
Let's get, come on, we are a family!

(The melody of the song "Queen of Beauty" sounds)

Kryvomorodochka (sings):
I was waiting for you so, dreaming
Opening the door at night.
Well, what to do, I am
You are no better - believe me!
Hug me stronger
Cooked for a slender camp.
I am a wonderful Isolde.
Not Koschey - you are my tristan!


And the fourth red cap - a lust - went further than others.

(The song "Friendship" sounds)

I will whisper, so what?
All this is the charm, gentlemen.
But I don't look like everyone -
I am a darling, a girl-beauty.
Here on the path, the meeting of a friend,
I will meet him, maybe.
Let me whisper a little
For this he will love!

(Sounds the melody of water songs)

Water (sings):
I am water, I am water!
Who would talk to me
And then my girlfriends -
Leeches and frogs.
Fu, what a muck!
Eh, my life, tin ...
Well, in the swamp!
I live like a filthy
And I can fly (3 times) hunting!
(Asks) Who are you?


I am a whisper, okay? She-Pa-la-first.

Water (hugs a red hat):
Come with me, my fish is eye ...

And at this time in the house of the grandmother ...

(Wolf and grandmother are dancing)

And what am I so in love with you?

(The melody of the song "On the Sea Sand" sounds)

Wolf (sings):
On the forest path
I met the grandmother -
In pink stockings,
The waist in the corset.
(The wolf is trying to hug grandmother)

Grandmother (slapped hands):
(The song sounds to the motive "I kissed you")
You appeared at dawn
The guest is unexpected for me.
We played like children
They danced for a long time tango.
I want to believe you.
Gray, I fell in love with you.
How long my heart
So frantically did not beat!
Do you want me to become a bride?
Maybe it's too late, maybe early ...
This is tomorrow, and today
I kissed you (sends air kisses).

Wolf (to the side):
The fish pecked.

(The melody of the song "Lullaby of the bear" from the m/f "Umka" sounds)

Wolf (sings, rocking grandmother):
Fall asleep, dear,
How I love you
And I dream of eating sleepy.
I kiss you,
Sleep, my granny,
You got into my network.
(Grandma gradually falls asleep to the sounds of a lullaby)

It is necessary to remove the cap and the slippers, otherwise they are stuck in the throat.

All together (sing):
Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked,
Everything became clear to us now.
Gray Wolf, it is an insidious beast
You, granny, do not believe the wolf!
He wanted to just gobble you up
We managed to stop him.
Oh, hold it, run away!
And we are not up!

(The melody of the song "Infection" sounds - the duet "Academy")

Grandma (sings):
You deceived me twice.
You wanted to break me -
Here is such an infection
Just gray chaos! (Hits the wolf)

Well, Kra-, well, Sha- ... Well, red hats, wait a minute! (Runs away)

(The melody of the song "What is so worried about?") Sounds the melody of the song

Grandma (sings):
What is the heart that the heart is so worried?
You are urgently dripping me!
Soon the New Year will come - it is not supposed to
So that he has gone sad for everyone!

(The melody of the song “Tell me, the Snow Maiden, where was it?” From the m/f “Well, wait a minute!” Sing all the participants in the fairy tale)

Here is our fairy tale
I came to an end!

Merry sincerely
To everyone to face.

Santa Claus (Snow Maiden):
Come on, come on, dance to go out!

Snow Maiden:
No, Santa Claus!

No, Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:
No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!

(Everyone is dancing. Against the background of a waltz from the ballet "Nutcracker")

New Year's holiday for high school students in class

New Year's holiday for high school students in class
New Year's holiday for high school students in class

New Year's holiday for high school students in the classroom:

Fanfares sound. Children enter the hall to the music and become a semicircle.

Our dear guests,
We are in a hurry to congratulate everyone.
Let them come in the year coming
Good luck and success for you.

Let for you, good people,
Not afraid of worries,
He will be not just new
A happy new year!

A song about the New Year at the choice of a musical director.


We start a school ball,
Fun, noisy carnival!
For the holiday we call friends:
Hurry up to us here soon!

The Christmas tree came to visit us
And shines with lights.
Let your friends have a cheerful hour
Meet with us!

Toys shine gold
Silver lit a star
Encouraging to the apex
The most daring light.

Our whole tree is in toys,
And the balls shine on it.
Our Christmas tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys.

We will dance under the Christmas tree and sing
After all, the New Year today.
See everything, and we will start
Our holiday is New Year's!

A song about a Christmas tree at the choice of a musical director.

So it is not worth us to stand
We need to meet the guest
To rejoice at the children
Good New Year's Eve

So celebrate the New Year,
What will come to our threshold.

The snow queen appears to the music from behind the Christmas tree:

I am a snowy queen!
My possessions are here!
Now winter will reign here forever
You will never see warmth.
Are you waiting for the New Year?
Funny and strange people
He is now on earth
Will never.
Now he is mine
Know everything so
Your holiday will not take place!
And the New Year to return,
Go through the roads of fairy tales -
It is not a light way! (Disappears behind the Christmas tree).

This queen is not simple
She is severe and very angry.
Came from where she was here,
So cold and ice?
Let us be a little amused
Guests who are in a hurry to us.

Kai and Gerda go to the hall and perform a steam dance - a polka.

We are a brother and sister - Gerda with Kay -
We know this queen well.

She captured me,
My sister freed me, helped.
Now this queen is angry
He walks in all fairy tales
And where is she at this very hour
Unfortunately, no one knows.

We will have to immediately release the New Year,
And to defeat the snow queen.

Well, let's go! Let the fairy tales open the doors to us.
After all, children of the whole earth expect gifts.

Gerda: Just tell me how to get into our fairy tale?

A wizard boy appears to the music.

I am a little wizard, I am fairies - an assistant.
And although I am just learning, I will help you.
Open the book of magic
And who reigns there - you find out.

Children together:
Book, book, let us,
Open the path to the fairy tale!

Kai and Gerda open the first page of the book. A wolf and a red cap appear to the music and dance the tango dance.

Good afternoon, mom, dads,
We are ready to celebrate.

Red Riding Hood:
Everything in the forest has already been removed.
They dressed up with balls.
Kai and Gerda are approaching them.

Good afternoon! Happy hour!
How fun there is with you!

You come up, do not be shy,
Stay with us.

Have you recently seen the Snow Queen recently?
She took her newly new year to her snowy.

Red Riding Hood:
She flew through our fairy tale
The little boy held in her hands.

Yes, rather, she flew by the wind,
The cold of the north covered the earth.

Gerda: Thanks for the hint, look for another fairy tale.

Kai and Gerda approach the book and say together:
Book, book, let us,
Open the path to the fairy tale!

The page is turned over, a goldfish is drawn there.

We are fish - sorceresses, we do not know grief,
All our lives we live with sisters in the sea.
We love to dance very much
Dear guests to meet.

Kai and Gerda are suitable for fish.

Good afternoon! Happy hour!
How fun there is with you!

Gold fish:
You go away, do not be shy,
Stay with us.

Have you recently seen the Snow Queen recently?
She took her newly new year to her snowy.

Gold fish:
Deep in the sea we play with the sisters,
And we rarely visit the surface.
But recently to the bottom
Suddenly I took out ice water.
It was the Snow Queen
She froze everyone.

Gerda: Thanks for the hint, look for another fairy tale.

Suitable for the book on which Mickey and Minnie Mouse are drawn. Dance "Rock-n-Roll mouse".

Mickey Mouse:
I am Mickey Mouse - a friend of children.
Disney once created me.
I have a girlfriend cute
Merry, sincere and beautiful!

Gerda and Kay approach the mice.

Good afternoon! Happy hour!
How fun there is with you!

Minnie Mouse:
You come up, do not be shy.
Stay with us.

You have not seen recently
The queen is snowy?
She took the New Year
In his country, snowy.

Mickey Mouse:
Yes, she recently flew here,
The little boy held in her hands.

Gerda: Thanks for the hint, look for another fairy tale.

Kai and Gerda approach the book, robbers are drawn on it. The dance of the robbers.

Atamansha: Well, did you wait for us?

We live in the forest.
We all lead to the house.
And it's time to know -
Call us robbers.

Good afternoon! Happy hour!
How fun there is with you!

You have not seen recently
The queen is snowy?
She took the New Year
In the country of his snow -covered

We understand you well
Where she is now, we do not know.

But listen to the advice:
There is no better fairy tale in the world
Where the wizard reigns.
There you are looking for a hint
Yes, look do not rush.

Kai and Gerda are approaching the book, the old Hottabych is drawn on it.

Kai and Gerda together:
Book, book, let us,
Open the path to a fairy tale.

Dance of Hottabych and Eastern beauties.

I am a good wizard.
I have been conjuring from childhood.
I can help you
I will reveal the secret.

Good afternoon! Happy hour!
How fun there is with you!

You come up, feel free
Stay with us.

You have not seen recently
The queen is snowy?
She took the New Year
In his country, snowy.

Oriental beauty:
My poor children
How far you have gone
And it is not surprising that in the east
The queens did not find.

Oriental beauty:
To find it for you,
We have to go to the north.

The north is so far from here!
It will not be easy to get there
However, I will be able to help you -
The magical flashlight of the ladies.
He is such that instantly
You mate to the north.

Hottabych conjures, and at this time a magical flashlight appears.

We cannot enter the palace
How can we find a queen?

Magic flashlight, Sveti,
Korolev Snezhnaya lead to us,

You can hear the snowstorm buzzing, the Snow Queen appears.

The Snow Queen:
Who decided to offend me?
In my kingdom to conjure?
Who could get here?
Who was not stopped by my snowstorm, a blizzard?
I will turn ice into blocks,
I’ll break it into small ice floes.

Kai and Gerda together:
Magic flashlight, Sveti,
The spell of the Snow Queen is melt.

The Snow Queen:
Leave, leave - I am losing strength,
Do not torment, I let your new year go.
Let the New Year come
And you will have miracles.
Perhaps it will stop
I have a headache!

The Snow Queen disappears.

We visited different fairy tales
We have passed many roads.

All obstacles overcame -
New Year was brought to you.

Fairytale music sounds. Kai and Gerda are taking the New Year because of the Christmas tree. The song “About the New Year”.

New Year:
I'm very glad to see you all
And I want, friends, to thank you.
There are miracles at the festival - there are -
Grandfather Frost on a sleigh flies.
He dances with children, does not know fatigue,
He plays, sings and gives gifts.

Children, and let's song Song Santa Claus will call. Song "Santa Claus".

The music sounds in the hall a real Santa Claus enters. As if mistakenly goes towards adults.

Father Frost:
Good afternoon, my kids!
So you have already grown up in a year!
You, my dear ones, may not recognize:
Some have already become above me! And let's dance.

Grandpa, you're tired of the road,
You really did not recognize anyone?
Look here - here are the kids
And their mothers and dads are sitting in the hall!
You're not joking like that.

Father Frost:
Old age is not a joy! Well, what can I say?
I did not recognize any girls or guys at all!
You are all good, came for the holiday ...

Presenter: Grandpa, we all waited!

Santa Claus returns and sees Baba Yaga dressed up in Santa Claus.

Father Frost: And who is this?

Baba Yaga: I am Santa Claus!

Father Frost: And then who am I?

Baba Yaga: Oh, I don't know ... but only I am Santa Claus!

Presenter: Children know where the real Santa Claus is! Yes?

Children: Here!

Father Frost: Thanks guys. Then you are an impostor?

Baba Yaga: Do not drive me from the holiday ...

Father Frost: If you remember the magical word, then we can leave you at the holiday.

Baba Yaga: Good afternoon! Oh, forgive me, please!

Father Frost:
We accept your apology
And we leave it at the holiday.

Santa Claus: Why don't lights burn on the Christmas tree?

We cannot light the lights!
Maybe you will help us?

Father Frost:
This, children, I can!
I will light the lights!
We’ll say all “we have fun!
For children, all the lights to light up! ”

Children: (Together): Light! Light! Light!

Father Frost:
You entertained me all
And they sang and danced,
And for this I will give you gifts. Gives gifts.

Here is the New Year holiday
It's time for us to finish.
A lot of joy today
We wish you, and good!
We wish you to harden and die,
And for a whole year it never hurt

The holiday ends.

The script of the New Year's holiday for high school students "Fairytale Adventures of Fedot"

The script of the New Year's holiday for high school students fabulous adventures of Fedot
The script of the New Year's holiday for high school students "Fairytale Adventures of Fedot"

The script of the New Year's holiday for high school students "Fairytale Adventures of Fedot":

Friends! On New Year's Eve
You came to visit us.
We have been waiting for a meeting for a long time
They tried as they could!

Leading: Scene "Tale about Fedot-Sagittarius"

Ento, well, your mother,
I apologize, understand?
We are not a storage,
To raise the turmoil!

Who wants to be on Kolyma -
Come out one at a time!
There you will have
Enlightenment in the mind!

You're sending me as soon as possible
Sent for a hundred seas?
Isn't it later to get married
On my spouse? ..

Anto where are you, villain,
I gained such ideas
To rivet the chavo hit
On decent people!

You are not hurt by you,--
We are not for tea for you, not for tea!

In vain you, Fedya, for me
My people are my relatives.
I'm without thoughts about the people
I can't live a day! ..

General :
What are you brothers? .. I'm for you
I lost my eyes in the attack! ..
Neshto I laugh
A marching mass mass! ..

Baba Yaga :
I am a folklore element,
I have a document.
I can generally delay
Fly away at any time!


At least in general Rasysky people
For reprisal and not fierce
But I will have to, the robes,
Make a court on you.

Have me, Sagittarius!
I am a bastard! I am a scoundrel!
I will send myself to Voronezh,
I will send myself to Yelets! ..

I am aware of my guilt.
Measure. Degree. Depth.
And I ask me to direct me
For the current war.

Baba Yaga :
And what is me, a widow?
Is it just to Khiva!
I am already on the outskirts -
There is nowhere else! - I live! ..
I have a soul for rest
Aunts would come!
Tama in the sense of medicine
Herbs are painfully good! ..

We will put you in the battery
Throw in the sea - and Adyu!
Wash down and a battery,
Do not give you a rook!

As for the king, -
Let him go for the seas.
I have a good problem
Deep to the lantern!
And now we can boldly
Go down the aisle!

I would be glad, but I'm in the house
Two spouses are useless!
Turn to enta topic
To the unmarried to whom! ..

Are you crazy?
The fish floats into the network itself!
Tea, not everyone is so happiness
Gets a bunch!

And the poor Sagittarius
Dozen is not at all to the face.
Take it, fool, princess
And drag her to the crown! ..

I'm not Turks or Greek,
I am a family man
And with my wife Marusya
I will not part forever!

Princess :
So you are not in the way
I have grown girls to help?
But I'm Isho for the time
After all, Tsarev’s daughter!


You left the postcard
In how it ... in Brussels,
Once this happens,
Sorry, carousel!

Come on, Princess, do not be sad!
And moslavi is not crunch!
That love did not come out with us -
For that, forgive me!

I'm from Tula to Torzhok
I will seize everything to the top
At least from the bottom of the sea -
And I will get a groom!

I agree! .. Only all
Not anyone will be a go.
I want such a husband
To you to look like!

I am yours, my friend, dream
I will definitely take into account
At least such specimens
Everything is in the racess on the account.

I've been standing here for a long time
At the porch on the edge,
Waiting for while you finish you
His meeting! ..

Offer them in reality
Samarkand Halva,
And Turkish pistachio,
And the Persian quince!

Put everything on the tablecloth -
Chocolate and marmalade,
And Dutch brisket,
And the Chukhon Servelat!

Superior Superior:

I was at that feast, ate granular caviar.
And that the fairy tale is bad is the narrator of the wine.
It would be impossible to catch a fool and to spread a cuff, but you can’t do it-after all, the narrator is a fool!
And we have a spocation of centuries there is no trial for fools!

Let the New Year, on the threshold,
It will enter your house like a good friend!
Let them forget the way to you
Sadness, hardships and ailment!
What is the New Year to us?
The joy of the meeting is new.
Kindness and beauty
In the middle of the winter is harsh.
I'll tell you secretly
And you are further, to the whole light.
What is here today, we have,
Dancing, songs - just class!
Very interesting,
Just durable!
What is New Year?
This is the holiday parish.
These are the laughter of friends funny.
These are dancing near the Christmas trees.

Leading: "Harmful tips"

(Children read harmful tips, a presentation with stylized photographs of class students appears on the screen.)

1. Do you demand a response?
Well, know how to keep an answer.
Do not shake, do not whine, did not mumble,
Never hide your eyes.
For example, my mother asked:
- Who scattered toys?
Answer that this is dad
He brought his friends.
Did you fight with your younger brother?
Say that he is the first
I beat you with your foot on my neck
And he cursed like a bandit.
If they ask: - Who is in the kitchen
Did you bit all the cutlets?
Say that the cat is neighboring
And perhaps the neighbor himself.
Whatever you do,
Learn to keep the answer.
For their actions everyone
I must safely answer.

2. If your friend is the best
Slipped and fell,
Show your friend with your finger
And grab the stomach ...
Let him see, lying in a puddle, -
You are not upset at all.
A true friend does not like
Upset your friends.

3. If you decided in the morning
To behave,
Feel free to take yourself into the closet
And dive into the darkness.
There is neither mom, nor dad,
Only dad's pants.
There no one shouts loudly there:
- Stop! Do not dare! Do not touch!
It will be much easier there,
Without interfering with anyone
All day about yourself approximately
And decently lead.

4. The girl must never
Nowhere to notice.
And do not give them a passage
Nowhere and never.
They need to set the leg.
Scare from around the corner
So that they immediately understand:
You don't care about them.
I met the girl -
Show her a tongue right away.
Let her not think
That you are in love with her.
5. If mom found you
For your favorite business,
For example, behind a drawing
In the corridor on the wallpaper,
Explain to her what it is
Your surprise by the eighth of March.
The picture is called
"Blue Mom Portrait."

6. Never wash your hands
Neck, ears and face.
This is a stupid occupation
It does not lead to anything.
Hands get dirty again
Neck, ears and face.
So why waste strength
Time to waste.
It is also useless to cut yourself, too,
There is no sense.
By old age itself
The head is bald.

7. Starting in failure
Guilty to look
Fear too close
Approach the mirrors.

8. Before your parents
To beg for something good
Ask at home: “Did I deserve it?
Was I an obedient, sweet boy? "
If so, ask for twice as much.
If not, ask for twice more pity.

9. If mom is not immediately
You will recognize you
Look at whom
You look like today
And remember him
If you meet in the forest,
Not even close
To do this.

10. Cook your portfolio in the evening,
Put it first
There textbooks, then
Pencil embankment,
Add notebooks, rubbing
Filled diary
And, boiling water, put
On a slow fire.

11. If the girl is home
Seeing after school,
See how she is a portfolio
Barely drags, tearing,
Do not be shy - do it
A brave knightly act
And admit to her that you
Bricks slipped there.

12. Do not make noise in the lesson,
Observe the silence,
So that it is not heard
And you are not visible.
If quiet under the desk
Sit the whole lesson -
There is hope without a deuce
Return home.

13. If your friends are offended,
Because you do not share with them.
Somewhere more delicious,
Decompose into small plates,
And as soon as you eat, so immediately
Share with your friends with impression.

Let them come in the year coming
And luck and success!
Let him be the best
The most joyful for everyone!
A minute of farewell came,
What they could, tried to entertain you,
Goodbye, friends, goodbye,
Goodbye, until new meetings!
Dear friends! Thanks for the evening!
Accept heartcraft.
To a new fun and joyful meeting,
We wish you the happiest victories!

Video: New Year for high school students

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