New Year's matinee for preschoolers and schoolchildren - the best selection in roles

New Year's matinee for preschoolers and schoolchildren - the best selection in roles

Collection of festive New Year's matinees for children.

Funny New Year's matinee for children - "New Year's adventure with Baba Yaga and Koshchem"

Funny New Year's matinee for children -
Funny New Year's matinee for children - "New Year's adventure with Baba Yaga and Koshchem"

Merry New Year's Morning for children - “New Year's adventure with Baba Yaga and Koshchei”:

Any of us, of course, is waiting
A fun holiday - New Year!
But more than anyone in the world
Children are waiting for this holiday!

1 child:
Hello, Christmas tree, a glorious holiday!
Hello song, sonorous laughter!
That is the most important today
Who laughs louder than anyone!

2 child:
Christmas tree, we were waiting for you
Many, many days, nights.
We thought for a minute
To see quickly!

3 child:
How needles sparkle
Winter miracle - silver,
How wrapped your branches
Grandfather Frost with a snowball!

4 child:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With a new joy for everyone!
Let them ring under this Christmas tree
Songs, music and laughter!

Song "Our Christmas tree"

Guys, look, here is a chest.
Probably, Santa Claus prepared it for us!

To the music in the hall runs Koschey

What? Why?
I don’t understand anything.
Why fun, dance?
Nothing to be now!

Today is the holiday - New Year!

What a stupid people are you!
You can see, you have no worries!
Look, they got rid of
They even set off to the dance!
I don't like holidays
I will not allow the holiday!

We studied for a whole year,
And they were not afraid of work,
For this, grandfather Frost
The chest with gifts brought.

This is my chest
And the key hangs on the branches.
Well, I'll take the key,
I’ll take it to my kingdom.
And now there will be neither a holiday nor gifts!
Ha ha ha! (Picks up the key and runs away)

What to do?
What is the New Year without gifts?

I hear music sounds, someone is in a hurry to visit us ....

To the music, Baba Yaga runs into the hall.

Baba Yaga:
I am a malicious yaga - a bone leg!
The reactive broom quickly took me.
What kind of gathering in the forest? I don’t understand anything.
I need to guard Koshchei. Who are they? What do you need?

Hello grandmother - Yaga.
Skip us to Koshchei.

Baba Yaga:
I have no such right!
I guard the road, I don’t miss anyone.

Oh please?

Baba Yaga: (sighing)
Nobody loves me, everyone scolds.
Only the "old cargo" is called.

Presenter: We guys will not offend, we can gently call you
Well, guys, say, a woman - praise a hedgehog.

Children say to Baba Yaga pleasant words.

Baba Yaga:
So glad! A trembling in the body, and the heart warmed up.
I just want to not get angry, have fun with you together.
Louder music play, invite everyone to dance!

Dance "Forward 4 steps"

Baba Yaga:
I didn’t danced for 1000 years, it seems that I became younger.
I can’t resist, we will play the game.
If you beat me, I will miss you, and if not, I will eat!

Game "Place on a broomstick"
(B.Ya. loses and upset)

Baba Yaga:
Okay, okay, so be it, I'm glad to serve you,
All doubts away, I agree to help you!
Follow me all the road to the forest, follow me!

(B.Ya. guys around the Christmas tree and runs out the door. To the music, Koschey runs to the hall)

Finally you came
And they all found the road.

How you are not ashamed of Koshchei
You live in your palace
You steal the joy of children!

I still lived peacefully, and here you have a thief!
The holidays themselves meet, but they don’t invite me!

You have no sense from the key, it would be better to go to our Christmas
We have a lot of fun: there is both music and dance!

Dance "Ice Hands"

I was very fun, but you did not forget to play?
I just have one game for you now!
Who is not afraid of me, and is ready to fight with me?

Game "Running in bags"

Well, since such a thing, I give you a key boldly!

(Koschey gives the key and leaves)

Quieter, quieter, do not make noise, relerate your ears
Through deep snow, someone comes to us here.
Fur coat, hat, red nose, maybe this is Santa Claus?
And in the forest suddenly became blurry, we will call him together:

All: Grandpa Frost - 3 times

To the music, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Father Frost:
Hello the kids!
Girls and boys!
Happy New Year to you, friends!
Finally, I arrived at you!
You have good a holiday here,
You won’t find Christmas trees better!
And as a lot of people in the hall
I know that you were waiting for me!

Snow Maiden:
Hello guests, hello children!
We will meet a cheerful holiday together.
The Christmas tree is elegant, lush and slim,
Only she does not shine with lights!

Father Frost:
Well, together, 1, 2, 3, say:
"Shine Christmas tree! (lights light up)
Start, guys, your cheerful round dance,
We will celebrate the New Year with a song, dance and fun!

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Father Frost:
And now we will play, hand out the handle,
How to get closer - remove.
To whom I will touch - I will freeze not joking!

The game "Frozen"

Father Frost:
Oh and nimble guys, hugged the old man.
Something children, I'm tired, the old one was visible completely!
Play - then you are dashing! Do you know poetry?

Snow Maiden:
Sit down soon, rest,
Listen, grandfather verses.

Poems for Santa Claus can be found in our article on the link.

Father Frost:
Oh, and you have fun with you!
I would like to dance!
You don't sit still,
Start the round dance!
Round dance "Hot time"

Father Frost:
And now we will all check how clever you are and skillful!
Snegurochka, give me one snowball.

The game “Home to the target” (whose team will be the target of snowballs the most)

Father Frost:
Well done boys!
All of you are brave, dexterous, pleased grandfather.
Now it's time to go
Goodbye, children!

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather Frost, but what about gifts?

Father Frost:
You will have a surprise now
All the guys are a sweet prize!
So my chest is standing, open, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden opens a chest, and there are snowballs

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather Frost, there are only snowballs, but where are the gifts?

Father Frost:
Help the magical staff
Turn snowballs into gifts!
Chest, do not creak,
Show us what's inside!
Open a chest and take out gifts.

Giving gifts.

Father Frost: Have you received all the gifts?
Have you forgotten anyone?
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to everyone, all, all!
See you next year,
You wait for me, I will come!

Snow Maiden:
Be all healthy
Let happiness await you.
Let fun, joyful
There will be a new year!

New Year's matinee of Santa Claus for schoolchildren - "Perfects are badly or Santa Claus in Africa"

New Year's matinee of Santa Claus for schoolchildren -
New Year's matinee of Santa Claus for schoolchildren - "Perfects are badly or Santa Claus in Africa"

New Year's matinee of Santa Claus for schoolchildren - “Proceeds are not cool or Santa Claus in Africa”:

Dear guests! We are in a hurry to congratulate everyone.
Let them come in the year coming to you luck and success!
Let for you, good people, not afraid of worries,
It will be not just new, but a happy new year!

Children to the music enter the hall with two teams, dance around the Christmas tree.

1. Today is New Year's holiday,
But not simple, but a carnival.
And near the Christmas tree today
We will arrange a cheerful ball
2. The magical holiday comes
We waited for him for a long time
Snowflakes are spinning- fly
They want to get to the Christmas tree.

3. Merry, noisy New Year!
Here are songs, dances, round dance.
Heroes of fairy tales will come to us
And all, of course, are waiting for miracles!

4. And Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit
He is mixed by adults and guys
Cheerful, kind, mischievous
With a bag of gifts behind your back.

Round dance. Children are around the Christmas tree.

5. What a miracle our Christmas tree!
Eyes scatter.
Needles shine with tinsel,
That's the Christmas tree!
All is silver, lush and slender,
Only she does not shine with lights!

To start the Christmas tree,
I looked more fun
All the guys smiled at
We will light the lights on it!
Together with you, together with you:
Christmas tree, light the lights!

Christmas tree, light the lights! (The tree does not light up)

Speak very quietly
Well, guests, help!
Let's say loudly, with full force:
Become, Christmas tree, beautiful!

All: Become, Christmas tree, beautiful! (The tree does not light up)

Still quietly, still weak.
We all need to shout together:
"One two Three! Miracle-elaborate, Gori! ”

All: "One two Three! Miracle-elaborate, Gori! ”
(The lights on the Christmas tree are lit, everyone claps your hands)

You have become even more beautiful
You have become even more wonderful!
On this long -awaited holiday
We warm the Christmas tree with a song.

Round dance

And now you’ll sit down soon.
On this good New Year
I feel someone
It is already going to us.
(Children sit on chairs)

Near the Christmas tree today
Miracles are taking place
You listen to the guys:
Someone is heard!

(Penettlement enters the cheerful music)

Well, have fun? Do you celebrate the holiday?
Didn't they invite me? OK OK!

I invite you to our carnival.

Well, no, now I don't want to have fun with you!
I will conjure, I will ruin everything
The holiday will not come at all,
Well, whoever wants, well, who wants to,
Without Santa Claus New Year!
Oh, you look at them, sat down, celebrate!
Are you waiting for Santa Claus? Oh, I can't!
(Laughs) Well, wait, wait!

Excuse me, who are you?

I repeat, for the incomprehensible -
I am a great and powerful sorceress!
I don't want to play, sing and dance!
And in general, Claus Claus!
I don't want any your holidays
And round dance-not HOU!

Yes, where is it visible so that Santa Claus himself is clinging?
You and the sorceress are not like! (dismissive)

Do not like?! Yes I! I!
Make desires!

Presenter (capricious):
I want the heroes of fairy tales to appear here right now!

Neshochuha: What problems?
(The light goes out, he worships a bad one)

Christmas tree, spin, heroes of fairy tales,
Appear here!

Dance of "Fairytale Heroes" "

Host (with suspicion):
Still, I can’t believe that you have enchanted Santa Claus himself!

Do not believe - whatever you want!
Wait for your frost!
(Lifting his nose, leaves)

Guys, do not worry, I think that Santa Claus just lingered somewhere.

Dance music sounds. Santa Claus enters in shorts, a T -shirt, sunglasses, in a white wig, beard, (hat).

Presenter (in shock):
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Where is your magic staff?
And a bag with gifts?
Isn't it cold without felt boots?
We were waiting for you, because the New Year is on the threshold ...

Santa Claus (impressive):
I know nothing about the New Year!
I do not want any gifts, I do not want holidays.
I was given a ticket to Africa.
Finally, I will rest humanly.
Ah, Africa! This is so romantic -
Sun, sea, fruits, savages ...

"Dance of savages"

What to do, how can we be?
How can we defeat evil?
Guys, let's try
Return the memory of Santa Claus!

The poem "Santa Claus is forgetful"

1. What about Santa Claus?
Has sclerosis overcome you?
Confused parts of the world,
I confused the winter in the summer,
Have you forgotten that you are frost?

2. The children got up early in the morning
Look out the windows: in the yard
Oranges and bananas
Ripen in December!

3. The hippo shines from sweat,
The elephant pushes the hippo:
It’s time to swim!
Impossible heat!

4. What happened? What?
The sea splashes at the entrance,
You can rush into the wave
And then in one more.

5. Wow, how the sun bakes!
But where is the New Year?
There is no snow, and there is no Christmas tree,
(all) Remember, as soon as possible, grandfather!

(Shake him)
Father Frost:
I do not want any snow and Christmas trees!
(looks at the clock)
I'm late in Africa
I have a plane after 2 hours! (

(Enters a bad one)
Well, we were convinced that I -
A real sorceress, I can do everything!
And so that my witchcraft is lost,
I have to say “I want” three times in a row.
Only this you will not expect me!

Well, it is not necessary!
We will have fun without you!
(Children stand around the Christmas tree)

(Poor stops the music.)

Hey! Hey! Stand!
How do you dance?
I also want to learn so!

Presenter: Yeah! So you said the first time “I want”!
So be it, play with us.

The game continues. (Children sit in places)

Nesy, and you want candy?

I do not want!

Do you want a chocolate?

I do not want!

And now, badly, guess my riddles.

Non -wool.
I do not want! (goes to the side)

Guys, will you guess my riddles?

Children: Yes!

Leading: If that I will call
Can hang on a Christmas tree,
You must clap together and say: “Yes”!
If the subject is not a New Year's decoration,
You must stomp and say: “No.”

The game "What does not happen on the Christmas tree."

Leading: There are a lot of toys on our Christmas tree,
So much that you do not count!
What else is hanging on the Christmas tree,
You will have to guess
- Bunnecks from Vatka? (Yes)
-Schocation tiles? (Yes)
- An old clay pot? (Not)
- A vocal cockerel? (Yes)

Non -wool (sits down to children):
Stand, I also want to guess riddles!

So you already said: “I want” for the second time!
Okay, I allow you to guess riddles.

- Red flashlights? (Yes)
- Bread crackers? (Not)
- Beads? (Yes)
- Chubes? (Yes)
- Old pillows? (Not)
- Roman newspapers? (Not)
- Tasty candy? (Yes)

Well done guys,
All riddles guessed!

And I still want to play!

(Sounds gong)

Hooray! So you said: “I want” three times!
And this means that your witchcraft does not work anymore.

(Music sounds, Santa Claus enters in his real outfit with a ticket)

Father Frost:
Hello guys!
Hello, dear guests!
I don’t understand how I was on an airplane that was going to fly to Africa?

Children: Father Frost! This is a bad hacking you!

Santa Claus (bad):
Come on, come here, beauty!
Here is a ticket for you, go to Africa instead of me!
Cribe - crab - Booms! (Knocks on the staff)

(Against the background of light and sound effects, a bad one is spinning and disappears with a bag)

Father Frost:
The music calls us in the circle,
Stand in a round dance.
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!
(Children are in a circle)


Games with Santa Claus (“mitten”, “will not release”, “freeze”)

Children sit on chairs.

Father Frost:
You sang a song well,
But answer me, friends,
Why did I feel sad?
Where is my Snow Maiden!
Children, my magic staff
The Snow Maiden will find us!
(leads around the Christmas tree with a magical staff)

To the music of the girl in Snowflake costumes, along with the Snow Maiden, they perform a dance., After the dance, snowflakes sit in places

Snow Maiden:
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Hello guys!
I am so glad to see you all.
I was going to the holiday
For a long, long time I dressed up!
And I look - our guys
Like everyone in the world is more beautiful!
Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness, joy!

Father Frost:
Oh, how fun with us, the legs themselves go to the dance!

(Hide parsley behind a pen.
Dance of Santa Claus

Here's just a stump is worth
And as if waiting for you!

(D.M. is going to sit on the stump, the stump is squealing. So it will be repeated several times)

Father Frost:
What is - a stump is squealing?
Just get up - the stump is silent.

A disgrace, what!
I almost fight from pain!
Sit, sit!
Don’t give me to me!
I am outraged to the limit!
This is what it is.

Father Frost:
Who is you? Show yourself!
Come out and don't be angry!

In the New Year I'm not angry
I will spun in a quick dance!

(Parsushka jumps out because of the hemp and thunders a rattle)

Father Frost:
We haven't seen this,
So that the hemp dancing us.
But always on New Year's Eve
Everything goes the opposite!

Dance "Parsley"

Father Frost:
That's the dance!
Well, thank you, amused, amused!
Now get up, run away in place!

No no no…

Father Frost:
What? Strike?
Then I will raise you myself!

(Raises each parsley after another, they sit down again, get angry and blow on them, as if trying to freeze)

Did you like, grandfather, how did parsley danced?

Father Frost:
I liked it very much.

(Snow Maiden throws Snowball in Santa Claus)

Father Frost:
Who is mischievous?
Who throws the snowball at me?

Children: Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:
I want to call children
Play with snowballs!

Father Frost:
Well, let's start playing now,
Check your accuracy!

The game "Snowballs"

Father Frost:
Well, a fun game!
We played very cheerfully
Only hotly in the hall!
Help, beg!
Oh, I'm afraid now!

Snow Maiden:
Sit down, rest, grandfather, and we will blow on you ....
(Children blow on Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden fades him with a fan)
- Help?

Father Frost:
But not very. I'll rest a little
Yes, I listen to poems!
Who is brave to go out!
Read the poems loudly!

Poems for Santa Claus can be found in our article on the link.

Father Frost:
I saw just a miracle!
I will never forget you!
You have read poetry now,
Songs sang and played!
(Looks around)
Where is my bag?

Presenter: Red?

Father Frost:
Yes Yes. There were gifts in it for everyone.

Presenter (timidly):
And his puffer captured with him to Africa ...

(Music sounds, a bad man appears, drags a bag along, wipes sweat from his forehead)

Uf! I do not want this Africa!
There is heat! Grandfather Frost, do not send me anymore there.
I want everything now!
(Unleashes a bag, all different)
Ouch! I ruined everything again! The New Year's bag with gifts in Africa remained!

What to do?

Father Frost:
We will cook gifts ourselves.

Father Frost:
To receive gifts, you need to cook them in a vat.

A large vat is taken out, decorated with tinsel. It contains a gift, and a container for water. Santa Claus gives a bad thing from his bag, those that he calls - in the course of how he reads.

Magic music sounds.

Father Frost:
I will put oranges, and behind them are tangerines.
And a little serpentine, and golden nuts.
Gingerbread crispy, ringing ice floes.
New Year stars, snowflakes are cold.
And delicious chocolate, I am glad to give the kids!
It seems to be laid everything
Where are the gifts? (Looks inside) Oh, I forgot.
You need to pour them with water,
Not simple key.

A bad thing gives a beautiful jug of water, Santa Claus pours into a hidden container in a can:
Eniki, Beniki, Gingerbread, brooms,
Undi, Fundy, Chundy - gay,
Varie to us, pot,
Gifts soon!
These are real gifts!
Happy New Year!
I give all the gifts!
Distribution of gifts by heroes.

Father Frost: It's time for us!
Let the Christmas tree elegantly sparkle with lights!
Let your laughter and songs sound, do not silent!
And let him be joyful all this year!
You are very nice people very much!
Goodbye! See you next year!


New Year's matinee "New Year's fairy tale about a snowman-nesting" in roles

New Year's matinee New Year's fairy tale about a snowman in roles
New Year's matinee "New Year's fairy tale about a snowman-nesting" in roles

New Year's matinee "New Year's fairy tale about a nasty snowman" in roles:

(Music sounds, the Snow Maiden comes out from the Christmas tree and performs the song "Snow Maiden")

Snow Maiden:
Hello my friends!
I am very glad to meet!
(turns to the Christmas tree)
Hello, the Christmas tree is so smart and beautiful.
All in garlands, lanterns. In gilding and lights!
Ah, how many children
Both girls and boys!
The children all came to the Christmas tree,
Guests are here, but here's the question:
Where is our cheerful wandering
Good grandfather Frost?
It's time for him to come,
He lingered on the way.
Santa Claus, Ay, Ay!
You hear, I call you!

(because of the curtains) AU, AU! Be back soon!
(a snowman runs into the hall to the music with a letter)

Snow Maiden:
What? What a miracle?
Who will you be and where will you come from?

Who will I be? Snowman!
I am not small and not great!
I heard from friends
From all forest animals
That you dressed the Christmas tree,
Everyone was invited to the holiday!
Well, about me ... (with resentment) they forgot!

Snow Maiden:
Snowman! Do not be angry,
You look around!
Here guys are just a treasure
Everyone is glad to see you!
Smile more fun
Get us dancing!

(Children and Snowman perform the song "New Year Christmas tree")

Well, you guys have fun. Only I have to go!

Snow Maiden:
Where are you in such a hurry, snowman?

I'm going to look for Santa Claus to give him a letter asking!

Snow Maiden:
Snowman, what is your request for grandfather Frost?

I want to ask Santa Claus to fulfill a desire
So that I do not melt, and could be friends with the guys all year round!

Snow Maiden:
Snowman! The guys and I are also waiting for Santa Claus for our holiday.
Stay with us!

With pleasure!
How beautiful you are!
There are many guests here!
Play the game rather
I call all the children!

(playing with a snowman)

Snegurochka, where is Grandfather Frost?
I need to give him a letter!
And the guys expect gifts from him.


Snow Maiden:
Guys, let's call Santa Claus together:
"Santa Claus we are waiting for you, we will sing a song to you!"
(Children repeat the words with the Snow Maiden,
Music sounds, Santa Claus comes out)

Father Frost:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Dear children
Both girls and boys!
I received an invitation
I immediately hurried to you!

Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Frost! Please give me a gift - fulfill my request. Here (handing the letter).

Santa Claus reads a letter)

Father Frost:

Father Frost:
Well, so be it! (hit the staff).
In the New Year, all desires are fulfilled!
(Snowman rejoices)

Father Frost:
Well, guys,
I will make a riddle!
Who draws on the window
Your pattern of white roses?
Well, kids, tell me.
This ... (Grandfather Frost!)
Snow is spinning and does not melt,
The snowman was completely frozen.
Who sends us a cold?
This ... (Grandfather Frost!)
In a round dance near a Christmas tree
Who is ready to mix to tears?
Who brings gifts to you?
This ... (Grandfather Frost!)
All riddles guessed
They all learned about grandfather!
Do you know the song about me?

We know!

(Children perform a song with the movements "And at the grandfather, at the frost ...")

(Santa Claus is dancing with children, during the dance, as if accidentally loses his mitten near a snowman)

Father Frost:
Well done, how well they danced!
Oh, where is my mitte, the guys did not see her?

Snow Maiden:
We saw, saw, only just so we will not give it to you. Play with us.

(Santa Claus plays with children in the game "Catch the Mittle")

Father Frost:
Oh, how hot it became in the hall,
Oh, I'm afraid I’ll melt now!

(puts a chair in the center of the hall)
Sit down, grandfather Frost!

Snow Maiden:
Let's get a little a little
I’m lying on you now!
(Walks around Santa Claus, blows on him)

Children, help,
Turn on your grandfather soon!
(Children wave and blow on Santa Claus, but everything is hot for him)

Snow Maiden:
Snowflakes, girlfriends,
Rather fly
And cool Santa Claus!

(Children perform "Dance of Snowflakes")

Father Frost:
Yes, it became cool in the hall,
Great you danced!
Become, guys,
Everything is more in a round dance!
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

(Children perform the song "Santa Claus have fun!")

Father Frost:
Well done boys!
The glorious holiday turned out!
In dancing with you I was spinning!
I heard a lot of songs!
But it's time for us on the road!

Snow Maiden:
Played, dancing,
All riddles guessed!
The round dance was driven together
We need to reward the guys!

Father Frost:
Present! How could I forget!
There is no holiday without them!
They put them in a beautiful chest,
In the sled you are leisurely.
Where is the chest? Take here!
Yes, reward the guys!
Chest! Magic friend,
Let the covers be heard
And gifts will appear
In the package of blue, bright!
(presenting gifts to children)

Father Frost:
It's time, friends!
You need to say goodbye.
Congratulations to everyone from the heart!

Snow Maiden:
Let them celebrate the New Year together
Both adults and kids.

Happy New Year!

New Year's matinee for children at school - script in roles

New Year's matinee for children at school - script in roles
New Year's matinee for children at school - script in roles

New Year's matinee for children at school - a script in roles:

To the music, children on socks run out of each other and get up around the Christmas tree.

Winter: How beautiful in our hall -
As if we got into a fairy tale.
The stars shine everywhere,
And the flashlights hang.

Reb. Look, look,
What kind of tree is there -
There are beads and crackers on it,
The light is on top.

Reb. This is a Christmas tree - a Christmas tree -
Green needle,
Fluffy Christmas tree,
Fragrant Christmas tree!

Reb. Very, Christmas tree, we are glad,
That you came to visit us
And in green needles
The smell of the forest brought!

Reb. We will stand near the Christmas tree,
We will start round dances
We congratulate everyone on the New Year,
The song is together!

Round dance

Winter: Soon, soon the New Year!
A fairy tale will come to us.
In the forest thicket is quiet
Winter came in - tailor:
Fluffy and white
She made a dress to the trees.
We will look with you into the forest -
There are a lot of miracles in him:
Everything can happen in a fairy tale
Our tale on the door is knocking ...

A hare comes out, sits at a table with a sewing machine.

Winter: In a white hut under a pine tree
Once upon a time there was Zainka-tailor.

Hare: Yes, I am not a simple hare
I am the best tailor.
For the holiday, friends, for you
I will accept any order.

Hedgehog: Hello, Zainka, I am a hedgehog,
I have two pairs of legs.
I really need boots
After all, the legs are freezing in the winter.

Hare: (takes out boots)
Try it soon
And run to the forest along the path!

Hedgehog: Oh, the boots are good!
Thank you, bunny, sincerely. (runs away)

Christmas tree: Hello, Zainka Szop.
I know that you are fashionable.
Today the Christmas tree is at the guys
Sew me a festive outfit!

Hare: Yes, your outfit is and so good
You won’t find it better.
I will offer you a kokoshnik
You will become more luxurious.

Christmas tree: Ah, what a beauty!
Not a kokoshnik - but a dream.

Winter: Mouse - fashionista runs,
Also in a hurry to the bunny.
Fan, handbag in hands,
Heeled shoes.

Mouse: Hello, Zainka Szop.
I know - you are fashionable!
Sew me a dress, please! -
I hurry to the Christmas tree.

Hare: (Removes measurements)
Come tomorrow morning
And take your outfit (the mouse runs away)
Oh, tired, there are a lot of work,
I would relax a little.

Beasts: For the fact that you are good and dexterous
Take a bunch of carrots from us. (give carrots)

Friendship dance all animals

Winter. It sways quietly,
The old year ends.
The arrows move forward
Soon - soon the New Year!
The gnome comes out. (adult)

Gnome (angrily):
What kind of noise, what kind of din?
I won’t let you get fun!
You woke me up.
I am angry with you, yes, yes!

Do not be angry with us, uncle gnome, we did not want to offend you.
Look how fun we have.

Why are you having fun, what kind of holiday do you have? (Children's answer.)
Now we will play, children,
In an interesting game -
What the Christmas tree is decorated
I'll call you now.
If you agree with me -
"Yes" tell me in response.
Well, if I make a mistake -
Speak loudly "no"!
- Soft pillows?
- Serpentine, crackers?
- Bath towels?
- Glass balls?
- Teddy bears?
- Stars and cones?
- Shoes and boots?
- Forks, mugs, spoons?
- Candy, chocolate?
- Bolt and cribs?
- The stones are multi -colored?
- Or is the garland light?
The dwarf is wonderful children.
I don't want to be angry anymore.
I want to make friends with everyone
Oh, I'm good in my eyes!
I love everyone and regret.
So I want to have fun -
Songs sing, play, dance ...
Well, children go out
You dance with me.

Dance with a gnome. After the dance, the dwarf left. It turns out the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden.
Hello my friends!
Everyone's name is the Snow Maiden
And on the Christmas tree of the New Year
Everyone is looking forward to!
Girlfriends - snowflakes, go out as soon as possible
Drinking, dizzy, fly, fly.

Dance of snowflakes

The children all came to the Christmas tree,
Guests are here, but here's the question:
Where does our cheerful go
Good grandfather Frost?
Santa Claus, Ay, Ay!
You hear, I call you!

Music sounds, a snowman runs into the hall. (child)

Ah, ay! Now I will come (it is running a Christmas tree)
Look, we got silent, look, shouted!

Winter: What? What a miracle?
Who will you be and where will you come from?

Snowman: Who will I be? Snowman!
I am not small and not great!
I heard from friends
From all forest animals,
That you dressed the Christmas tree,
Everyone was invited to the holiday,
Well, about me ... forgot. (With resentment)

Winter: Snowman, don't be angry,
You look around.
Here guys are just a treasure
Everyone is glad to see you.
Smile more fun.
Get us dancing!

General dance.

Oh, how hot it became in the hall.
Oh, I'm afraid now.

Snow Maiden:
Let's get a little a little
I’m lying on you now (bypassing around the snowman, blowing on it)
Children, help.
On the snowman.

Yes, yes, it became cool in the hall.
How great you waved.
And now I will be briskly drowning
And you will clap your hands loudly.
I will call my friends
Mischievous snowmen

Boys in snowman costumes run out under funny music

We are funny guys.
We are the name of snowmen.
We love the fun very
On New Year's Days.

Dance of snowmen

Fast music sounds, Baba Yaga rushes into the hall on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga.
What kind of gathering is this?
Why fun, laughter?
I'll arrange you a holiday
I will accelerate you all now!

Wait, Santa Claus will come to us soon, he will show you!

Baba Yaga.
You do not expect Santa Claus.
He will not come to you today.
And gifts, of course,
Nobody will bring you!
I was out of score, I outlined
I closed it on a large castle.
The key to this castle
I have ... Look!
But I will not give it to you.
Better not ask!

(Music sounds. Baba Yaga examines the key).

Snowman: Well, Baba Yaga, Bone Leg! What to do, how to be?

Winter: Let's sing to Baba Yaga a lullaby song, she will fall asleep, we will remove the key with her.


Winter: Yeah! Here he is with us! Snowman, take a key soon and run to help Santa Claus.

Merry music sounds, and Baba Yaga is sleeping.

Father Frost. Ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Snow Maiden:
Hear? This is the voice of Santa Claus.
We shout together to grandfather: "Sweet grandfather, ay!"

(Music sounds, Santa Claus enters the hall.)

Father Frost.
I am a cheerful D.M.
Your guest is New Year.
Do not hide your nose from me, I'm kind today.
Hello children,
Girls and boys.
In the circle, sooner get up,
Swearing a song together

Song "Hello, Santa Claus"

Father Frost:
Oh, I'm tired, children.
It's time to rest.
You guys go out
And read the poems soon.

Poems for Santa Claus can be found in our article on the link.

Baba Yaga. Who is noisy? (She grabs the tape, notices that she had a key) oh, robbed, guard!

Father Frost. Here I will freeze you now! (run around the Christmas tree and continue dialogue)

Baba Yaga. (runaway speaks on the go)
Wait, wait, D.M.
This is an unprecedented business -
Collect protein for the holiday,
Cheburashki and bunnies,
Both girls and boys!
Well, have you forgotten about me?
I won't forgive offense
I'll take revenge on you now! Here!

Winter: Baba Yaga, don't be angry with us! Look at how funny it is, how beautiful children are.

A cheerful New Year's song plays. At the end of the song, Santa Claus, as it were, accidentally loses his mitten near Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga picks her up.

Father Frost. Well done! Oh, where is my mitte? Guys, have you seen her?

Baba Yaga. We saw, saw, only just so we will not give it to you. Play with us.

The game "Catch the mitt"

(Children pass the mitt in a circle, Santa Claus is trying to take her away)

Father Frost. Oh, and played great!

Children sit down

Snowman (to Santa Claus)
Grandpa, have you forgotten about gifts?

Father Frost. Well, dear friends, for you
I am a miracle, the main thing is displayed.
Gifts that he prepared for you,
Now, guys, I will give you.
So the knot ... Uh-huh!
I can't untie!

Well, we will slap all together!
Breakly with legs, we will trample!

Santa Claus (pulls by the bow):
The knots all untied
And we got gifts
Hurry to the places
I will give out gifts to everyone.

It sounds funny music. Santa Claus and Baba Yaga and the Snow Maiden give out gifts.

Father Frost.
Here is the New Year holiday
It's time for us to finish!
A lot of joy today
I wish you children!
Together. Goodbye!

The script of the New Year's matinee in the preparatory group

The script of the New Year's matinee in the preparatory group
The script of the New Year's matinee in the preparatory group

The script of the New Year's matinee in the preparatory group:

Mom Zaychikha:
I'm going to cry! There is no good luck in life!
It's time to celebrate the New Year - the kids were lost!
Or they got into the snowdrifts, Ali wolf got into the mouth ...
Where are my guys? Where are my hare?
Well, I’ll call again: bunnies, bunnies, ay!

The first hare runs out:
Mom, I'm running, running! We were lost in the snow!

The rest of the rabbits run out behind him and stand around his mother-bellows.

A sad mother-white mother enters.

Mom Squirrel:
There were already hare!
Where, where are my squirrels?
The blizzard was circled with snow, we lost each other.
Well, I’ll call again: squirrels, squirrels, ay!

The 1st squirrel runs out:
Mom, mommy, we are here!
Squirrels all run to you!

The rest of the squirrels run out behind him and stand around his mother-white.

Mom Zaychikha:
It’s time for us to start a holiday, all the animals must be called.

Mom Squirrel:
To make it more fun, forest animals hurry to us.

The rest of the children in the costumes of the fox, a bear, a wolf, a hedgehog, etc. run out to the fun music.

Mom Squirrel:
The wolves told the news,
Brought forty news,
That in the forest is a dense Christmas tree
There are decorated!
The animals heard the news,
We ran through the forests.
Everyone wants to check for himself
Look at the Christmas tree yourself.

Mom Zaychikha:
For whom, why, where
Is this miracle?
Who brought the Christmas tree here?
Isn't Santa Claus himself?
Is there time to understand
Who brought, why removed?
Ah, foxes, proteins, hares,
Open a noisy ball!

Bear 1:
I came to the Christmas tree to you -
Rare phenomenon:
I press my eyes from sleep,
Close in motion.
All bears sleep in the winter,
But I can’t sleep -
New Year is guilty
How not to have fun!
I will dance with you

Bear 2:
That's what I am, brown bear,
Who does not recognize me?
They write about the bear in books:
The bees are afraid, loves honey.
In childhood, even an adult dad
I taught a poem about me
Like me, Bear clubfoot,
I went to the forest for cones.

Happy New Year
All guys and all animals!
You take from the bear
Congratulations as soon as possible.

Squirrel 1:
I'm fluffy squirrel
And the fur coat is silver.
On the New Year's holiday
I invite everyone!
They will receive all gifts
And the holiday will be bright!
And let them sound today
Only songs, jokes, laughter.

Squirrel 2:
I came to visit today -
A red tail fluffed.
Happy holiday to you
And I wish you all gifts!

Squirrel 3:
I -not Ksyusha -girl,
In a bright dress - a squirrel!
With brushes ears,
Bunny - girlfriend!

Even though the tail is not at all,
All the same, known to everyone!
I am a forest prickly hedgehog,
There is no head or legs!

Red skin, cunning eyes.
I ran to you directly from a fairy tale.
I accidentally ate the Kolobochka!
So it happened, I didn't want to!
You will allow me to become a round dance
I will only eat rolls and honey.
I have to make friends with everyone,
Believe that the fox will become good!

You all know the rhyme
How the bull is swinging
And he sighs hard,
That the board is ending.
That rhyme is not about me -
I am a successful bull.
I believe - Santa Claus will put
I have a gift for a barrel.
My horns are a sight for sore eyes
They cause admiration.
I came to the carnival!
Here the gift was waiting for me.

I am a dog, a faithful friend,
I am very glad to everyone around.
Gav! I am a relative of a wolf
I have a great nose!
I feel: it smells very much with a Christmas tree,
So, Santa Claus is coming soon
They will come with the Snow Maiden,
They will bring gifts to everyone!

New Year's ball without a cat
It will be a little boring.
I crumble a song -
It will immediately become more interesting.
They call me Murka,
And for dad I am a daughter.
I wish the wool smoothly
And I'll wait for a sweet gift.

Hi all! Wolly did not wait for the wolf?
Are you tired of having fun?
I am now burying!
I will swallow you all at once!
Okay, okay, don't be scared,
Fun, smile.
Just give me sweets
And live a hundred years!

Mom Zaychikha:
Well, enough to congratulate.
Come out to dance!
Squirrels, hedgehogs, wolfs,
Bunnies, foxes and bears!
Become in a circle soon
Yes, dance more fun!

Round dance "We came to visit the Christmas tree"

Today near the Christmas tree
A round dance is spinning.
And every needle
Sings on a Christmas tree.
The round dance was spinning
Songs pour loudly.
This means a new year
This means a Christmas tree!
Round dance "Around the Christmas tree"

Mom Squirrel:
Every time for the new year
The fairy tale is on the ground,
Will knock on our window,
The legs will shake off the snow,
Quietly the doors will heave
And the story will begin to lead ...

Mom Zaychikha:
On a magical path, we can enter a fairy tale.
But where is the magical path? How can we look into a fairy tale?
Music will be heard now, we will be able to get into a fairy tale!

(children sit on chairs)

1. Dance protein
2. The dance is ragged
3. Round dance with Santa Claus.
4. Song "Winter Gifts"

Scene for Santa Claus

Mom Squirrel:
Santa Claus, look soon, I see forest animals.
Everyone shouts and everyone is noisy, they say about gifts.
They began to think how to be here, what to give frost?
After all, our animals cannot give you expensive gifts,
Because with such prices they can’t buy anything anywhere.

I will give him a carrot - he will jump, run deftly.
Squirrels in the forest glade, play with him in the burners.

What are you, hare! He is a grandfather, and he is three hundred years old!
It is difficult to compete with proteins, he can’t keep up with us!
We have prepared a nut from the protein of everyone!

Since frost is three hundred years, he has no teeth!
How will it be, is there a nut? Your gift is just a laughter!
From the bear people we will give a barrel of honey!

What the bears thought of! Judge for yourself, children.
Medka will eat a little frost and will go to bed in the den.
So all winter it will sleep, a paw, like a bear, suck!

We have a bright flashlight, it is suitable for a gift.
Santa Claus goes a lot, and the flashlight is light on the road.

Though we are small people, we are frost of felt boots
Then they decided to give it! Will walk in felt boots!
Together. Santa Claus, accept! Choose a gift for yourself!
(D.M. All gifts are good! Thank you from the heart!)

Poems for Santa Claus can be found in our article on the link.

New Year's matinee in kindergarten senior group

New Year's matinee in kindergarten senior group
New Year's matinee in kindergarten senior group

New Year's matinee in kindergarten senior group:

Here came, guys, Christmas tree
To us for a holiday in kindergarten.
Lights, how many toys!
How beautiful her outfit is!
Happy New Year,
Let the fun come to you,
I wish you happiness, joy
And the guys and guests!

I visited the Christmas tree
Kindergarten today
And spends with us
New Year's holiday!

I want the guys
See toys,
Consider the whole Christmas tree -
Below to the top of the head!

The “New Year round” is performed, the music of A. Filippenko by the words T. Volchina.

Our Christmas tree is great
Our Christmas tree is high!
Above dad, above mom -
He takes out to the ceiling!

How to shine her outfit,
How flashlights are burning!
Our Christmas tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys!

We will dance merrily
We will sing songs
So that the Christmas tree wanted
To visit us again!

The New Year's round dance "Herringbone-beautiful" is performed, Mu Zyka G. Levkodimov, the words of I. Chernitskaya.

The Christmas tree is burning,
Under it - the shadows are blue,
Thorny needles
Shine, sparkle with hoarfrost.

Toys are multi -colored
She hangs for us,
And everyone looks at the Christmas tree
And everyone has fun today!

Filled "New Year's Dance", music by I. Veresokina

A small house stands on the lawn,
A hare lives in him, and with her-children's children.
It became quiet everywhere
Bunnies fall asleep.
Mom is their hare
Sanging a song ...

The bunny sings the "lullaby", the music of T. Lomova.

Bunny kids sleep,
The mother of a hare is naughty.
You don't bother them!
Quietly, quiet, quiet ...

Filled. "Dance of Snowflakes", music by T. Lomova. After the dance, snowflakes run away to places.

Morning has come
On the forest edge.
Mother Zaichikha came out
From his hut.
I ran quickly
On the forest path
Brought carrots
Full basket!

A bunny runs behind the Christmas tree, brings a basket with carrots and treats the bunnies.

They ate all the carrots,
We went out onto the lawn
Under a fragrant spruce
Bunny dancing!

The "dance of the bunnies" is performed, the music of T. Lomova. Sounds loud music "Bear" by T. Lomova. Swaying, the bear comes out.

Come out, bunnies!
You will play
Well, the bear is small -
Fun to dance!

Bunnies “play” the Russian folk melody “ah, you, canopy” (in a low register), and the bear is clumsy clumsily.

Leading (children).
I will make a riddle -
Who is this with us?
We will not meet him in the spring
He will not come in the summer,
But in winter to big children
He comes every year.
He has a bright blush,
Beard, like white snow,
Interesting gifts
He will cook for everyone.
Happy New Year congratulating
Lush a Christmas tree will light,
Funning the kids
Will become with them in a round dance.
Together we meet him,
We are big friends with him,
But drink hot tea
This is impossible.
Who is this guest?

Children. Father Frost!

Let's guys call Santa Claus together!

Children call Santa Claus, he enters the hall with the song “Santa Claus”, the music of V. Vetlyn, the words of S. Pogorelovsky.

Father Frost.
Hello Hello!
Happy New Year,
I wish you all health!
Last year, I was with you,
I have not forgotten anyone.
Here is Marina, Valya, Kolya,
Here is Seryozha, Tanya, Olya.
Did you recognize me?

Children. Yes! Father Frost!

Children perform the song "Santa Claus", the music of V. Semenov, the words of L. Dymova.

Father Frost.
I'm still the same gray -haired
And just like young.
And ready to dance
Right now!
Only you do not regret your hands -
Beat your hands more!

Santa Claus is dancing cheerful Polish (Ukrainian folk melody). The host invites Santa Claus to relax in a chair and listen to poems. Children read poetry to Santa Claus.

Father Frost.
Well read!
How long have you played?
Children. Yes!

Santa Claus scatters from a bag of snowballs.

Father Frost.
Here are cold snowballs
Here are baskets. Here are the scarves.
You need to tie the eyes
And collect snowballs faster!

The game "Who will collect snowballs" is held. "

Father Frost.
Who will play with me,
Come down the bolder forward.
It is necessary to run a Christmas tree,
Shach in the drum!

Near the Christmas tree on the edge
Parsley dance cheerfully.
With a rattle in his hand,
In a bright red cap!

The "dance of parsley" is performed, the music of F. Flotov.

Father Frost.
And now, my guys,
I will make a riddle of you.
You guys don't yawn
Reply together in chorus.

1st riddle.
Everyone is singing and having fun
They drive a noisy round dance
Because today is a holiday.
What kind of holiday? (New Year.)

2nd riddle.
Oh, poured snowball!
I take out a cheap horse.
For a rope, an ugly
Through the courtyard of the horse. (Sled.)

3rd riddle.
What kind of stars are through
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through - cut.
Do you take - water in your hand? (Snowflakes)

Father Frost.
Well done, you guys,
All riddles guessed!
And now - to dance again,
We will celebrate the New Year!

The song-game “Snow Snow”, music and the words E. Makshantseva is performed.

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Did you bring gifts to us?

Father Frost.
Santa Claus did not forget you
And brought the gifts of WHO!
(Looks around.)
Ouch! And where are they, gifts?
I put them here ...
Where is the bag beautiful, bright?!
Apparently, someone dragged it?

Santa Claus goes around the Christmas tree, behind her a satisfied laughter and champing is heard. Santa Claus in confusion comes out from behind the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.
Yes ... gifts are not visible.

From the Christmas tree, licking, Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga.
Are you scared to watch it?
E? I'm still a beauty!

Father Frost.
Yes ... you are beautiful, of course ...
Well, did you eat all the gifts or did you leave the guys?

Baba Yaga.
How, I left ... I ate everything!

Father Frost.
That's harmful! Do not give it, you say?
And we will see this now!

Snowflakes with bells stand closer to the Christmas tree, and Baba Yaga play on the bells, and Baba Yaga begins to involuntarily destroy one or the other foot.

Baba Yaga (scared).
I don't want to dance with you
Frankly speaking.
The legs themselves, themselves, themselves
So they write a pretzel!
(Breathing out.)
Oh sorry! Help!
You stop the dance!
Oh, I can't no longer!
Oh, now I will fall! (Falls.)

Father Frost.
Well, Yaguska, will you give a gift?

Baba Yaga.
I will give it! I will give it! I will bring them myself! (Runs away.)

Baba Yaga brings gifts, and Santa Claus distributes them to children.
New sleds creak in the snow,
In the nursery, the guys were called to the Christmas tree.
The guys got into a wide circle,
Someone on the Christmas tree lit a candle.
Olenka boldly steps forward,
A white bunny gives her a doll.
Every gift is good for a good gift
Fun in the manger of our guys!

Father Frost.
Well, friends,
You need to say goodbye.
I wish you from the heart
Have fun, live non -core,
To grow up to you, kids!
I will come to the holiday in a year,
Wait for me to visit me.
I will bring different gifts,
And now it's time, friends!

Santa Claus waves goodbye to the children and leaves.

The script of the New Year's matinee in the middle group

The script of the New Year's matinee in the middle group
The script of the New Year's matinee in the middle group

The script of the New Year's matinee in the middle group:

We are all very good for us,
Fun today
Because I came to us
New Year's holiday.

The Christmas tree is burning,
Blue shadows are blue under it,
Thorny needles
Shine, sparkle with hoarfrost.

Toys are multi -colored
She hangs for us,
And everyone looks at the Christmas tree
And everyone has fun today.

And under the Christmas tree round dance
And dances and sings.
All friends and all friends
Invites to a circle.

We will dance merrily
We will sing songs
So that the Christmas tree wanted
To visit us again!

The New Year's round dance is performed, after it the children sit down. The hall includes children of the middle group and become a circle of Christmas trees.

Here is our Christmas tree is worth it,
Bright star glows, shines!
The rain of gold falls from the Christmas tree,
Oh! Like us, Christmas tree, fun with you!

A small Christmas tree is cold in winter,
We took a Christmas tree home from the forest.

The beads were hanged, they became in a round dance.
Fun, cheerfully celebrate the New Year!

New Year is coming
We start a round dance.
Let's go near the Christmas tree
We’ll sing a ringing song!

The New Year's round dance is performed.

You sang good, together
You need to relax now.
You are sitting softly
And look at the Christmas tree.
Children sit in places.

Everything was covered with snow -
Both trees and houses.
That means it has come
Snow White winter.

The song “First Snow” is performed, music by A. Filippenko, the words of T. Volchina.

It goes to us by herself
The coloring is winter.
To the music, the hall enters, dancing, winter, bows to everyone.

I came to the holiday, children
To tell a fairy tale
You sit quietly -
The fairy tale will come to life ...

Winter sits on a chair, the light goes out, only the Christmas tree burns. It turns out the Snow Maiden, admires the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden.
It seems to have removed everything
And the order brought.
Dressed a Christmas tree in beads,
And the snowball covered the needles!
The guests will come to us soon,
And the fun will be here.

The Snow Maiden sings the song “Good in winter in the forest”, music and the words of M. Krasev.

Only Santa Claus is not ...
Where is he? Who will give me an answer?
And where is my friend-hedgehog?
Where does he go, Shalunishka?
Hedgehog! Go here!

A hedgehog appears in an apron with a broom.

Hedgehog. Did you call me, the Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden
Yes, Yezhonok, I called.
The guests will knock soon soon.
Is everything all right? How are you?

Everything, the Snow Maiden, is ready
I'm waiting for guests too.
Substitution, I am again-again-
And I will sing more fun!
Oh, you, my canopy, canopy
Hall is new.
The canopy is new, maple,

Snow Maiden.
There is no grandfather Frost,
He was visible.
Nothing! Here is the bell -
Let the ringing be on the Christmas tree!

Hangs a beautiful bell on the Christmas tree. There is a knock on the door.

Hedgehog. Who's there?

Vote. This is we - hare!

Snow Maiden.
Come on, guys!
We have been waiting for you for a long time
The Christmas tree shines with fire!

That's the Christmas tree!
Eyes scatter!
We will sit softly
And let's look at the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus will be soon,
Bring gifts of WHO.
There is a knock on the door,
The hedgehog goes to open.
Hedgehog. Who is knocking?

We are shafts,
Lighty guys.
We love to jump and jump,
But do not mind and dance!

Snow Maiden.
Come on, go through
And look at the Christmas tree. (Proteins enter the hall)

(Hares and proteins.)
And now, the people of the forest,
Dive under the pine tree!

The “dance of squirrels and bunnies” is performed, music by A. Filippenko. There is a knock on the door.

Hedgehog. Who is knocking?

This is a bear.
They brought cones as a gift.
And in the barrel sweet honey,
To celebrate the New Year!

(Mishka enters.)

Snow Maiden.
Well, thank you! Come on
Yes, look at the Christmas tree.
Santa Claus will be soon,
Bring gifts of WHO.

Bear (admiring).
Ah yes a Christmas tree,
Eyes scatter!
There is a knock on the door,
The hedgehog goes to open.

Who is knocking?

Vote. We are foxes!
We ran out of habit
We are our Snow Maiden
Caught crucian carp!

(Come includes ticks with a bunch of fish.)

Snow Maiden.
Well, thank you! Come on,
You will put the fish here
Soon we will stand in a round dance -
We will celebrate the New Year for dance!

All the animals in chorus. Where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden.
He is lucky for WHO gifts.
I stayed here on the way
I have to come soon.

A scream is heard from behind the door: “Wow! Guys! "

Hedgehog. Who's there?

This is Grandfather Frost.
I am taking you WHO gifts.
Lost the road in the darkness,
I got lost a bit.
So I wanted to see you
But in the snowdrift I am bogged down.
Help me, animals,
The grandfather asks you bearded!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, hold the rope!
We will pull her deftly! (Santa Claus.)
Grandfather Frost, hold on (all in chorus.)
We took up the rope!
Well, strongly, well, together,
Everyone needs to help in trouble!
Everyone pulls the rope, but nothing happens.

Snow Maiden.
Oh, nothing! Oh, it doesn't work!
What to do? How to be?

We need, Snow Maiden, loud
Ask all the guys.

Well, children, help,
So that Santa Claus arrives.
Grab everything for the rope
And pull that there is strength!
Children take up the rope and pull.

Santa Claus encourages them from behind the doors. Finally he enters the hall.

Father Frost.
Oh, thank you guys!
Santa Claus barely got out.
So my heels froze,
The nose overgrown with icicles! (Laughs.
Happy New Year
All guests and kids!
And hug the Snow Maiden
(strokes the Snow Maiden on the head),
And their forest friends!
(Snow Maiden.) Well done!
Thank you, granddaughter -
The house put in order.
I know - you are not a Belarusian
Even lit a Christmas tree!
Christmas tree - right in a sight for sore eyes
How many apples and sweets!
Good surprise -
It’s good to dance under it!
Well, guys and animals,
Stand in a round dance.
Song, dance and fun
We will celebrate the New Year together!

The New Year's round dance with Santa Claus “Hello, Grandfather Frost!” Is performed, music and the words of A. Druzyakina.

Father Frost.
Oh, how fun you have!
I would like to dance.
You, friends, do not lag behind
Help slap grandfather!

Leading. Santa Claus, you are probably tired, sit down, from the dead.

Father Frost.
And I will sit down,
I'll look at the guys.
You please the old man -
For me, read the poems.

Children read several verses for Santa Claus. He praises children.

We flew into the window
Two snowflakes.
Two snowflakes flew by
Circled, sat on the floor
And melted.
Let them fly to our window
All snowflakes are white
We are not at all cold at all -
We are doing charging!
Father Frost. What is it like?
Child. But like this!

Children of the older group perform a cheerful rhythmic dance.

Father Frost. Well done, you guys!
Do you like riddles?
My riddles are not simple, but magical.
If you guess correctly, they will come to life!

Long ears stick out,
White legs tremble.
Who is this, guess?
This is our coward ... (Bunny).

Father Frost. Correctly! Where are you, hare?
Zaychats run out to the Christmas tree and stand in a circle.

Father Frost. Love carrots bunnies,
But they also dance deftly.
It's time to ask girls
Treat you with carrots!

The presenter puts a large box without a bottom closer to the Christmas tree. The characters will come out of her from her guesses. Santa Claus opens the box lid.

Father Frost.
Here at Grandfather Frost
Friendly dolls live,
I will guide their key to me-
Dolls dance and sing!

The “doll dance”, the music of I. Kovner, the movements of L. Mikhailova are performed.

Santa Claus opens the box, there - parsley.

Father Frost.
What is this to the toy here?
BUT! Yes, this is parsley!
Our parsley is very happy
What got to the masquerade!

The “dance of parsley” with singing, music and the words of E. Gorbacheva are performed. ).

Look - the snow goes!
Look at the snow!
All guys are called snowflakes
In your cheerful round dance!
The "dance of snowflakes" is performed.

We are playing a lot of snowballs
We will play in the snowballs!
Our cheeks in the cold
They get like a flags!

Santa Claus quickly runs out children, showing them confetti.

Oh and the mischievous, Grandfather Frost!
Did you bring gifts to us?

Father Frost.
Oh, I'm an old fool!
My head is with a hole!
I forgot them in the forest -
Brown under the snowdrift!
Now I will wear the mittens and go to the forest for gifts!

Giving gifts.

Father Frost.
Well, friends, you need to say goodbye
We had fun with the heart.
I wish you together
You played, kids.
I am to you next year
I'll definitely come!
He waves his hand and leaves.

New Year's matinee in the younger group "Snow Maiden is waiting for guests"

New Year's matinee in the younger group
New Year's matinee in the younger group "Snow Maiden is waiting for guests"

New Year's matinee in the younger group "The Snow Maiden is waiting for guests":

Leading. Once upon a time there were friends.
(Boy and girl come out.)
Girl. Vanyusha ...
Boy. And Anya.

Leading. Once, when they walked and rode on a sled, a strong wind flew.
(The phonogram of the noise of the wind.)

Suddenly flew a snowstorm-poker,
Wound, overturned, swept!

Nothing was visible to me around
And my good friend disappeared somewhere!

(Girls dozens perform their dance, after the dance they lead the boy with them.)

Vanya, where are you? (Looks around.)
There is no one ...
Where are you, where are you, friend Vanyusha, respond?
Only the sledges for the blizzard rushed ...

(The girl is crying, a raven flies to her.)

Do not revise - I can’t stand dampness!
How can I, so be it, will help!
Not a blizzard took Vanyushka -
The ice queen took away.
There will be a path to the Snowian Queen,
You get dressed warmer, do not forget!

I'll follow him, I'll run quickly
I will take away from the queen, I will save!

Crow. They say that her heart is from ice.

Girl. I will melt it and water will run!

Crow. But you just can't go alone!

Girl. Nothing, there are friends in the world too.

(The girl steps under the song “If a friend has gone on” (phonogram). The decoration of the forest, hut of the goblin are visible.)

Oh, where did the path lead me?
I came to the forest far and dense ...
The yellow moon shines in the sky.
Girl (listens).
In the clearing in the distance, the hut is visible.
A groan in a hut is heard, cries: "I do not want!"
I’ll go quietly, I will knock in the shutters.

(The girl knocks on the window, the goblin comes out, on her head is nor knitting.)

Woe to the goblin to me, woe, oh, trouble!
Who dared to help me here?!
What are you, girl, in our area?

The queen took away in her sleigh
Friend Vanya. I have been looking for it for a long time.

Well, I will not forgive such impudence!
I'll show you how to break the forest
I will have to punish you strictly.
Girl. Do not be angry, goblin, shake you wise.

Goblin (sighing).
Oh! The other day we got a fight,
He had a chance to be born a bald
And I left me without hair at all ...

Girl (shows shampoo).
Do not grieve, because this is grief - it does not matter,
This wonderful water will help us!
I’ll wash your bald head, fly
Do not have to contact a doctor!

(The girl washes her head with shampoo, he removes the bandage - under it a magnificent hair.)

Goblin (delighted).
I am again shaggy - just look!
You go to my sister Kikimore.
Told me that she saw,
As the boy, the queen took away.

Kikimora appears. Seeing the girl, freezes.

Oh, girl, why did you come here?
What is the unclean power to you?
And I love the kids of the tiny -
I fry them and I always cook them in the boiler. Ouch!

Girl. What are you, grandmother, your back hurts?

Ouch! Again, the radiculitis broke me!
I need to cook the potion in the boiler as soon as possible
To treat the back from a cold!

(Kikimora takes out the boiler and “cooks the potion”, singing a song of Baba Yaga (the plate “Masha and Vitya against“ Wild Gitars ”, muses G. Gladkova,“ Kipi boiler! ”). Then she rubs her back, she does not help her. She complains girl.)

Girl (ties a handkerchief).
I will tie my downy scarf.

Oh! You are a kind girl, I'll see
Why forgot in our area?

The queen took away in her sleigh
Friend Vanya. I have been looking for him for a long time.

I am a kikimorok of swamps.
Hey! Kikimors swamp, here!
Spend to the queen, gentlemen!

(Swamp kikimors run out and perform their dance (phonogram of the Aqua group), Kikimora shows the road.)

Kikimora (sunken).
Hey, girl, how will you go there now?
After all, you’ll be stuck, you’ll disappear for nothing!

(The girl walks around the hall, suddenly she is surrounded by robbers.)

Hey guys surround her, knit her!
And we dance our dance from the heart!

(The robbers are dancing under the phonogram “The Song of Atamsha.” Then they aim at the girl from the pistols. Santa Claus appears, shakes her head reproachfully.)

Father Frost.
Eh you! They coped with the girl. A shame!
Why are you still wandering here so far?

Vanya Koroleva took away a friend,
I followed him along the sled ...

Father Frost. Ah, robbers, here I will punish you!

Girl. Forgive them, I beg you very much!

We corrected, oh, grandfather Frost!
You are no longer frost. Oh, not frost!

Father Frost.
It would be necessary for everyone to play in the clearing,
And then Anechka froze at all!
(The mobile game "Burners" is held.)

Father Frost.
I will help you, dear, of course.
I will give horses and with a bell of the arc.
The gnomes will go away to you,
You will sing a song about flashlights.

(Dwarfs sing and dance. There is a whistle and the wars of snowstorms.)

Vyuga-Kureva suddenly broke out,
Sweep, swirling, swept!

I went to the palace,
Only the royal guard found.

(Snowmen come out with panicles and dance their dance to the phonogram “In the Cave of the Mountain King”, music. E. Grieg.)

I'm not afraid of you at all, snowmen!
My strong snowballs will fall into you.

(A common game is held in snowballs. Snowmen run away. The snow queen comes out, sits on the throne.)

The Snow Queen. Well, why did you come to me, stupid?

You took my friend Vanya!
Give it, I'm not afraid of you
Although you are snowy, I will fight with you!

Ha ha ha! Guess my riddles
You won’t be able to - then blame.

(The queen makes a riddle to the children.)

Queen. Now I want to check dexterity.
All children. Together we are on the shoulder!

(Attractions are held.)

Queen (girl).
I will not give it, forever will be mine!
Well, while you are intact, go home!

Girl (cunningly).
I will leave, but only I will sing a song.
Ice, listen to my song.

(The girl sings R. Pauls's song “The Day Praises”, the Queen falls asleep. The girl takes Vanya, they hug. The Queen is unlimited.)

Woe and trouble will not be afraid of you,
If you find a friend forever!

Video: New Year's matinee in the cord for the development of children

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