Is it normal to talk with yourself aloud - is it harmful? Why do people talk to themselves: the reasons, the opinion of a psychiatrist. How to stop talking to yourself: Tips

Is it normal to talk with yourself aloud - is it harmful? Why do people talk to themselves: the reasons, the opinion of a psychiatrist. How to stop talking to yourself: Tips

From this article you will find out if it is normal that a person is talking to himself and what to do about it.

Often people notice that they are talking to themselves, or this manifests itself in loved ones. Most begins to immediately worry that this is not entirely normal. But is it? Is the conversation with oneself really a disease? Let's find out.

A person talks to himself out loud: the diagnosis of the disease

A person speaks to himself
A person speaks to himself

It happens that a person speaks with himself out loud. He can say the text or he even has an interlocutor. This behavior can hardly be called normal and you will be right, because it is a sign of a serious mental illness. In total, several main ones stand out:

  • Split personality

It can be congenital, but for the most part it appears as a result of serious childhood psychological injuries. Strong stress may not prove himself too much while the child is small, but in adulthood the disease will show itself in all its glory. Sometimes people understand that something is wrong with them, but they may not admit that they have two personalities. By the way, there are cases when there are even more than two personalities. Then a person feels not just depressed, real depression develops, and even often attempts to do badly.

  • Schizophrenia

This disease is also not uncommon. People usually behave adequately, and the first manifestations begin with conversations with themselves. Often schizophrenia is diagnosed in creative people. They are very immersed in themselves and move away from external problems. The disease is treated with a psychiatrist who should examine a person and make sure that he has schizophrenia.

  • Stress

When a strong shock or a person for a long time happens in life, he begins with himself. It is immediately noticeable that he does not behave as usual. It is not always possible to write off the situation for stress, you must definitely consult a doctor. As a rule, after treatment, all symptoms pass.

  • Mental disorder

This disease can be determined not only by conversation with yourself. When developing it, hallucinations appear and voices may be heard. Only a doctor is finally determined by the disease after examinations. By the way, this disease, somewhat reminiscent of symptoms of schizophrenia, but with certain differences.

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Why do people talk to themselves: reasons

Why does a person speak with himself?
Why does a person speak with himself?

When a person speaks with himself aloud, it seems at least strange. Sometimes people think that this is a deviation and their close unwell. In fact, if he simply speaks out loud, then this is not considered a deviation. But if additional symptoms are added here, then it is already worth sounding the alarm. It can be hallucinations, the appearance of obsessive thoughts, a breakdown. It may also seem to seem like a person away from reality and is, so to speak, "on his wave."

These symptoms are already a real reason for seeing a doctor.

There are several reasons why some begin to speak with themselves out loud:

  • The desire to streamline thoughts. It happens that in my head such porridge and thoughts cannot be collected together. In this format, it is difficult to perceive them, and therefore some formulate thoughts and say them out loud. This allows you to discard everything unnecessary and leave what makes sense. In this way, everything falls into place and the necessary decisions are located.
  • The opportunity to focus. When a person urgently needs to solve the problem and there is no time for unnecessary thoughts, the conversation with himself allows himself to be self -organized. The brain switches to only one important task. A plus to everything, your visual center is involved, because when you say something, the image arises in your head.
  • Emotional discharge. When a person holds emotions inside, they break out and they must urgently throw them out. Just one of the ways is the conversation aloud. So all the negative goes away and becomes easier.
  • Loneliness. Each person has a need for communication. Lonely people cannot close them, and therefore begin to talk to themselves. Often speech is aimed at an invisible listener, household items or animals.

A person speaks to himself: the opinion of a psychiatrist

What do psychiatrists think if a person speaks to himself?
What do psychiatrists think if a person speaks to himself?

According to the estimates of scientists, almost 70% of people speak with themselves aloud at least periodically.

Psychiatrists consider this behavior absolutely normal if it is not associated with some other symptoms. Everyone has conversations within himself. If a person begins to speak out loud, then creates the appearance of a dialogue.

Scientists conducted a number of experiments that proved that conversations allow you to better cope with complex tasks. Each research participant was healthy and at the same time spoke with him.

There is even such a term as egocentric speech in psychology. She is aimed at herself. It is not considered a violation of the psyche. By the way, often her people use it to protect. When you speak with you, then no bad thoughts visit and it turns out to concentrate on the most important.

The habit of talking to yourself is good?

As we have already said, when a person speaks with himself aloud, this is considered the norm. The main thing is that there are no other signs of mental deviations. If you begin to notice that hallucinations visit you, voices began to be heard and so on, then it is better to contact a psychiatrist to prevent the development of serious deviations.

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Is it harmful to talk with himself and why can a person cannot talk to himself?

Is it harmful to speak with yourself?
Is it harmful to speak with yourself?

Although it is generally accepted in society that when a person speaks with himself aloud, these are the first signs of schizophrenia, everything is not so bad. In fact, it is even useful to conduct conversations with yourself.

Can it be harmful? Well, when you do it periodically, then it's okay. But if this happens constantly, and you are also starting to hear something, then here it is not the best option for the development of events. Perhaps you have experienced severe stress recently? Or maybe you already have any signs for a long time? In this case, we recommend going to the doctor.

And when the conversation is useful with you? There are several reasons for that:

  • Memory stimulation. When you speak on the phone, your sensory memory storage begins to work. This structure is responsible for short -term memory. When you say something out loud, you can imagine the meaning of the word, and therefore remember it better.
  • Preservation of concentration. When you say words out loud, the images of objects appear in your memory. This helps to maintain concentration and not be distracted from the goals. If you, for example, need to find something on the shelves of a supermarket, then this method is the best.
  • Clarification of the mind. When thoughts fly from all sides, a conversation with oneself helps to restore everything into place.

Prayer so as not to talk to yourself: read

In fact, special prayers, if a person speaks with himself aloud. That is, you can not read the prayer and stop communicating with yourself. But, you can pray instead of leading a dialogue with you. Read at least "Our Father." Gradually, you will get used to it and the conversations will stop aloud.

Our Father
Our Father

When a person speaks to himself: treatment

If a person speaks with himself aloud and additionally signs of mental deviations appear, then self -medication with this development of events is simply unacceptable. Only a doctor can understand the causes of the disease, as well as prescribe treatment. So first go to a specialist, and then draw conclusions.

Any mental disorder should be treated under the supervision of a doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs. Each disease uses its own treatment regimen, and also have a lot of side effects.

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How to stop talking to yourself: Tips

If you yourself think that a person speaks with yourself aloud or you yourself - this is normal, then you definitely have no problems. However, if you understand that you spend time in vain, it is better to abandon this habit. It is quite possible and not even very difficult, as it might seem.

First of all, switch your attention from verbal communication to some other. Imagine different pictures, images and melodies. That is, you must perceive information as a video camera, but not give a response. Christianity claims that in this way, internal silence can be achieved.

If you know how to meditate, then this is fine, because different varieties of this lesson help to overcome the dialogue inside. Start to start by observation. Just watch your thoughts and the dialogue will disappear over time.


The technique of detached observation of the outside world is still working well. So you will watch everything from the screen. Each type of meditation allows you to solve problems, the main thing is to select a convenient method for yourself.

Exercise also helps to get rid of the internal dialogue, because during training, and breathing exercises, the mind will be too busy to carry out dialogue with itself. As an option, try to materialize thoughts. For example, we thought that we need to go to the store - get up and go. Then you will not have to agree with you and decide whether you need it or not.

Mantras also allow you to drown out the internal dialogue. If you read the mantra, then you will not only get rid of the dialogue, but also cleanse your mind. Come up with a text that will make you tune in to good thoughts. No need to look for too abstruse speeches. Speak it until your consciousness is filled. You will not only drown out the dialogue, but also the opinion will be established that everything is fine.

Still try external exposure. Your task is to disable one of the senses. Just take a bath with pleasant oil, foam. In other words, relax.

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What if the autistic speaks to himself?

When a person speaks with himself aloud it is not so scary. Particularly often ask questions of mom-autistic children. Such children are usually impaired, and they can also speak with themselves.

Perhaps in this way they get used to their voice or develop. Do not worry if you are faced with that. However, it is worth consulting with a specialist whether it is possible to somehow stop this dialogue.

The child speaks to himself: reasons

The child speaks to himself
The child speaks to himself

If you notice that a person speaks with himself aloud, especially a child, then there is nothing to worry about, because this is one of the stages of development. Usually all children from 4 to 8 years old talk to themselves. In psychology, there is such a thing as “personal speech”. It allows you to develop thinking and self -discipline.

In total, such a speech is 3 stages:

  • First, the child begins to comment on his actions. For example, that he built a pyramid, a house and so on
  • In the second stage, the child is already starting to reflect, for example, I built a castle, now I will make a princess
  • In the third stage, the child makes a whole plan. For example, what will take a piece of paper, draw mom and give her a portrait

Therefore, there are no reasons for excitement, because the child develops in this case normal. Usually, after eight years, speech from the external becomes internal and then the parents will no longer hear about the thoughts of their baby.

Children can start talking out loud in the following cases:

  • They just like to hear their voice. There is nothing wrong with this, let them enjoy
  • Little attention to the baby and therefore he has to talk to himself in order to have fun
  • The child plays and sets communication between the heroes
  • The child cannot find a common language with peers and he has no one to communicate with
  • The child’s internal speech was still poorly formed

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The child speaks to himself - what to do: Psychologists' advice

Why do children talk to themselves?
Why do children talk to themselves?

If you notice that your small person speaks with himself out loud, that is, some tips that parents must observe:

  • First of all, do not forbid him to do this. In this way, he expresses his feelings and tries to study what surrounds him. The better the baby’s thinking is developed, the more he will say. It passes with age, and therefore there is no sense in sounding anxiety.
  • If the child speaks with toys up to 10 years, then he is emotional. With the help of a conversation in games, he develops oratory. If he is constantly angry, his nervous and his sleep is bad, then this is an occasion for contacting a psychiatrist.
  • If the child has already reached adolescence, he does not communicate with anyone and has no friends, then Think about it, maybe he has some problems. Try to talk to him carefully.
  • If you cannot find contact with the child and he clearly has a shortage of communication with peers, then it is worth visiting a psychotherapist consultation.

Video: talking with yourself is normal?

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Comments K. article

  1. I always speak myself with myself, because I am alone as with me, it happens that everyone is busy, and I have no one to talk to with someone invisible!, Thank you for the article

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