The rating of the best and caring husbands by the zodiac sign

The rating of the best and caring husbands by the zodiac sign

Happy marriage unions are when a woman and a man love each other, but at the same time soberly assess the qualities of the character of a partner, his dignity, disadvantages and a predisposition to family life. Therefore, before marriage, it is recommended to find out what the candidate for the spouse is, at least by the zodiac sign.

The advice of astrologers that made a rating of the best and caring husbands according to the zodiac sign can help in this matter. The horoscope claims that some signs of the zodiac are ideal candidates for husbands. Naturally, there can be no consensus. After all, each person is individual. However, there are common features inherent in a particular zodiac sign that determine the tendencies and quality of personality.

The rating of the best and caring husbands by the zodiac sign

  • The choice of life satellite is not an easy matter. Every woman wants to see a real rear in her husband - reliability, stability and care. But at the beginning of the relationship, when everything is so romantic, it is difficult to guess what a beloved man will be in marriage.
  • It is no secret that most representatives of the weaker sex, falling in love, look at their chosen one through pink glasses. In addition, you need to understand that some signs of the zodiac are simply not compatible with each other. And the character traits that one people seem to be disadvantages, others are perceived as undeniable dignity. I present to you The rating of the best and caring husbands according to the zodiac sign.

12th place: Husband Sagittarius

  • The worst candidate for husbands Astrologers call men born under the sign of Sagittarius. On the one hand, these are optimistic romantics with which it is never boring. Sagittarius distinguishes freedom, directness and honesty. However, this type is absolutely not suitable for traditional marriage with universally recognized foundations.
  • At the Sagittarius its own life philosophynot understandable to everyone. We can say that this sign is focused only on obtaining new impressions and emotions.
  • In essence Sagittarius Fidget. He does not like to sit in one place, but loves travel and adventure. His adventurous nature constantly requires some shakes. The Sagittarius man strives for all unknown and unknown.
  • Conservatism and traditions of Sagittarius Bearing. The very idea that he should be attached to something is extremely frightened by him. After all, rutins cannot stand this type.
  • This zodiac sign is considered one of the most infidels. His betrayals are connected, again, with a thirst for adventure and new sensations.
In relationship
In relationship

A woman focused on a traditional union with a domestic husband, marriage with a representative of the Sagittarius sign can bring a lot of suffering. She will inevitably expect disappointment and resentment.

  • Create a strong family with my husband Sagittarius Perhaps only if his wife herself has the spirit of adventurism and loves adventure. In communication with him is easy, since he is gentle, pleasant and romantic.
  • Sagittarius treats women with respect and prefers simplicity in relationships. In addition, there are wonderful fathers from the archers - funny, condescending, always ready to provide support and help.

11th place: husband twin

  • Gemini sign man is always The person is a holiday. He is charming, romantic, light and cheerful. His cheerfulness charges the positive of everyone around. In his soul, he always remains a boy, which, in general, captivates women. But the twins are a sign symbolizing inconstancy and inconsistency. Therefore, it is quite difficult in marriage with him.

Many believe that the twin husband is, as it were, but he is, as it were, not. That is, it is precisely when it feels an acute necessity, it is absent.

  • Gemini love home focus and warmth of the family, however, prefer personal freedom and the possibility "Walk on its own."
  • Representatives of this sign in love And even a few windy. They are simply impossible to force them to seriousness.
  • The twin husband is prone to mood swings. He is now cheerful and light, then flows into unreasonable melancholy, which cannot but affect households.
  • This type does not count deception and betrayal of crime. If a man of this sign conceived something, then he will not stop at anything in order to achieve the desired.
  • The twins are unstable And very often they change their opinion. And if in insignificant issues you can not pay attention to this, then in case of serious decisions this circumstance may strongly strain.
  • And the twin husband has a very significant drawback - he can Leave without explaining the reasons.
  • A good family man from a man of the sign of the twin will only work out in the very skilled hands of the spouse. It is not boring with him, since this is a versatile person with many interests. In addition, it is not stubborn. And, repenting, becomes obedient and controlled.
  • Husband is a twin will certainly try to cheer up your chosen one. And the man of this sign will always find time to listen to his beloved. Yes, and he will share his experiences and plans with her.

10th place: husband fish

  • A romantic man born under the sign of fish has his own ideas about what a marriage union should be. In spite of charismatic and rich inner world, so attractive to the opposite sex, a man cannot be called an ideal husband, because of the ambiguity of character.
  • Husband Piscesconstantly in fantasies about ideal relationships. And, as a rule, his fabulous thoughts rarely are related to reality. Such a man can wait for his “princess” for a long time. Often, faced with the realities of life, it is disappointed and “Survings” his grief in alcohol.
  • This nature is enough contradictory. The actions of a man of fish sign cannot predict and find some explanation for them. Very often, the wife tries, but cannot understand what exactly she caused a particular mood of her partner. After all, the fish themselves cannot explain this.
  • A woman who decided to marry fish, needs prepare to justice. After all, if the husband wants something, then he needs to immediately provide it. And he wants sometimes absolutely incompatible things.

Possessing a practical mind, the fish prefers to prefer that nothing understands anything about what is happening around him.

  • Astrologers say that a man of this sign needs a caring, but strict, wife, “mommy”. She should praise him in time, and deliciously feed him, and “spank” the prankster. The task, as you see, is not easy. But the husband is non -conflict and prefers to smooth out sharp corners. The spouse is quite capable push him to the right decision And direct his thoughts in the necessary direction.
  • In addition, the husband is extremely devoted to his wife. And even if she wants to drive him out, it is unlikely that she will succeed.

9th place: husband Scorpio

  • Even people who are not fond of astrology, it is known that Scorpions are an extremely complex sign, mysterious and detached. Many consider representatives of this sign real family tyrants.
  • They do not always say what they think and do, what they really want. Even having lived with her husband Scorpio for many years, his wife will never understand him to the end.
  • The Scorpio man is not inclined to explain his actions and stipulate the decisions in advance. Therefore, living with him is like sitting on a volcano - you never know what to expect at the next moment. In everyday life, such a husband, as a rule, is calm and calm. However, being in constant expectation of the unknown is quite tiring.

Scorpio rarely shows that he loves his woman. The fact is that strong affection makes such a man vulnerable, and he tries to avoid this.

A very complex sign
A very complex sign
  • Scorpio is very squinting, so the probability of cheating on the part of the wife is completely excluded. If this happened, then the spouse of mercy will never receive.
  • Despite the fact that this sign is great lover and seducer, with him it is extremely difficult because of his categorical and jealousy.
  • Nevertheless, the representative of this sign is quite capable of being a good husband. A loving man Scorpio is ready to do everything possible so that his woman is happy and does not need anything. The interests of his beloved will be above all. Therefore, the husband of Scorpio will suffer much if the spouse does not need him.
  • As you can see, this type of men is not suitable for every woman. But if the wife it has intuition and is able to calm the emotional storms of Scorpio, it will become the most passionate, affectionate and devoted spouse.

8th place: Husband Aries

  • This decisive and charismatic man with a bright personality always causes interest among women. Aries tries to present himself from the best side, often drawing and boasting. He is a real defender, strong and confident. It seems to many An ideal candidate for husbands. However, in family life with a firewoman, it can be very difficult.
  • To fall in love with a woman, Aries needs to admire her. It is best if she is an impregnable snow queen or a beautiful princess. This zodiac sign starts that which is impregnable or requires tremendous efforts. It was then that Aries will give up all his strength to conquer the top.
  • This man is warlike and very hot -tempered. He can quickly become furious even because of insignificant little things.
  • Aries one -line, extremely stubborn and even rude. It is almost impossible to convince him of something. There is the only right opinion for him - his own.
  • Husband Aries He considers himself a real male. And the males do not have to do business, which are the responsibilities of the “female”. It is unlikely that he begins to wash a plate and bring coffee to bed.
Love is energy
Love is energy
  • The man of this sign must be praised more often and demanded less from him. But at the same time, a too humble woman can quickly bore him, and he will exchange her for a more interesting person.
  • However, we must admit that Aries, as a rule, is attentive to the needs of his beloved. He can become a good husband with a smart wife who will not dispute the primacy in marriage. Such a husband is stable and will always strive to provide his family with everything necessary.

The spouse will be behind him, as behind a stone wall. At the same time, Aries husband will tell everyone what wonderful his wife has.

7th place: husband Aquarius

  • Aquarius husband is distinguished by the originality of thinking. He never seeks to be "like everyone else." Therefore, views on marriage and family relationships may differ from those accepted in society.
  • Aquarius tries to avoid promises and any affection. His family duties, as a rule, are burdened. In addition, by nature Aquarius is not a romantic.
  • Aquarius's wife will have to try to marry him stable and strong. To do this, she will have to constantly amaze with something of her husband and entertain him. Keep in mind that men are attracted by men of this sign independent and self -sufficient.
  • This friendly sign often gives more attention to his friends than the legal spouse and offspring.
  • It is impossible to prove something to her husband Aquarius, after all, he considers the right only himself.
  • On the other hand, Aquarius can be called An ideal workpiece for her husband. In skillful female hands, he will become an ideal partner - sensitive, unpretentious and with an excellent sense of humor. In addition, men try this sign to adapt to a womanwhich they love. Upon learning of the desires of their chosen one, they will strive to bring them to life. Indeed, for Aquarius, his wife's needs are higher than his own.

6th place: husband Taurus

  • Taurus is a faithful and stable sign, economical and prudent. He is a supporter of a strong family with a traditional ustoy.

Such a man will drag everything into the house, for his precious wife and beloved children. The main quality of the body is perseverance, he will make every effort to achieve the desired.

  • Harmonious relationships A woman who will share his moral values \u200b\u200band views on life can build with such a man. Moreover, it should take into account the main features of his character:
  • Taurus is extremely stubborn. It is simply impossible to convince him of something.
  • It is different consumer attitude to a woman. The wife in the understanding of Taurus is only a means to satisfy his needs. Moreover, she must obey and not dispute his right to championship in the family.
  • The man of this sign calmly tolerates emotional climbs Or the downten of his wife. True, for the time being. Sometimes his patience can burst, and then he will become an angry “bull”, capable of shifting everything and everyone in his path.
  • Taurus is the owner, since he is pathologically afraid to be abandoned.
  • He does not like to change his habits, so that the wife of Taurus needs to be flexible.
  • This sign lacks natural sensitivity, which would allow him to understand what a partner actually needs.
  • It is firmly connected with his relatives, which sometimes interferes with building its own harmonious family relationships.
  • Taurus is always devoted to his wife and is not inclined To betrayal and treason.
  • He patient, kind, however, I must admit, sometimes it happens Unbearably boring.

5th place: husband lion

  • Many consider Lviv too much selfish and concentrated on myself. However, they are selfish only until they meet the “that very” worthy of their woman. The married lion considers it special not only of himself, but also his soul mate. The lion marries either on the first beauty, or on the one who can convince him of this.
  • Representatives of this sign know how to love with all their hearts. They are incredible generous and romantic, besides, are dusty lovers. Leo is able to be a wonderful husband.
  • Leo shows his best qualities when a partner looks at him With enthusiasm and adoration. If you do not admire the lion in time, it will simply sneak like a flower without water.
a lion

The lion husband loves to patronize. He takes care of and indulges his wife, surrounds with care and attention, like a child. However, provided that she will always be loyal to him and will turn a blind eye to rare “pranks”.

  • Becoming a lion's wife, a woman should understand that In the Union, only he will be the main thing.
  • Leo's husband is proud and proud. These qualities can sometimes develop into a real mania of greatness. But such a man is charming, irresistible and has an excellent taste.
  • Leo does not like to talk about his thoughts and plans. So his wife will have to learn to guess them.
  • I must say that despite some shortcomings that leo man is a real family manadoring his own wife and children. Next to him, the wife feels like a real lady: exquisite, well -groomed and self -confident.

4th place: Capricorn's husband

  • Capricorn smart, serious, diligent, charming, standing well on his feet. It has an excellent original sense of humor and can become the soul of the company.
  • This sign, as a rule, is in no hurry to marry. But if Capricorn decided on such a decisive step, he will try to be for his beloved superhero. It is in the family that his excellent qualities are revealed
  • By nature Capricorn is a ministerwho seeks to provide for his loved ones safety and comfort.

Capricorn does not have a craving for adventures, he appreciates comfort and carefully refers to what he has, so he is not inclined to betrayal, because he does not want to risk what he achieved, for the sake of some ghostly prospects. Capricorns are monogamous and never betray their loved ones.

  • This sign clearly knows what he wants. In the family, such a man immediately puts priorities and distributes family responsibilities. He has clear ideas about what his wife should do.
  • Capricorn's husband It is unlikely that he will often admit love to his wife and create a romantic atmosphere for her. He is restrained, closed and even strict. This practical man expresses his love is not in words, but by care for your beloved.
  • The man of this sign will never load his wife by everyday life. On the contrary, he will always help her realize dreams.
  • For the wife Capricorn - a real support and a faithful friend. He is able to forgive much to his faithful. Next to such a husband, a woman feels light and bright. And this charges Capricorn with pride and self -esteem.
  • Representatives of this sign, as a rule, are workaholics. It is difficult for them to find the necessary balance between work and the family. Because of this, they do not pay enough attention to your loved ones.
  • Despite some egoismInherent in Capricorn, his wife is calm and reliable with him. After all, it is easy enough to influence him. True, only if he loves and respects his lady.

3rd place: husband Cancer

  • A man of this sign is considered the most caring and sensitive. At first glance, it seems incredulous and too careful. All because, entering into a relationship, the cancer gives itself completely, without a trace.
  • He is devoted and very sensitive to beloved people. This is one of the most ideal candidates for the spouses.
  • Cancer is an exemplary family man, responsible spouse and father.
  • This is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. It never occurred to him to risk relationships for the sake of fleeting passion. For his part, he does not accept cheating.

This is a very emotional person with a rich mental organization. However, Cancer prefers to hide his emotions deep inside, especially negative, he will not pour his bad mood into the household.

  • He will try to solve his problems on his own. With his wife, the husband’s husband will share only joy and successes. And this sign knows how to rejoice. He literally charges the positive of his loved ones.
  • Usually, cancer man builds a career, First of all, in order to provide the best conditions for their family.
  • Cancer surrounds his spouse with tenderness and care. He does not get tired of repeating her of love, loves to make gifts. The gap with his beloved, he experiences very painfully, and comes to his senses for a long time.
Tenderness and care
Tenderness and care
  • I must say that a lot of cancer does the public, seeking to make a positive impression on others. He can revel in not a woman, but with his feelings for her. However, not all ladies need such signs of attention that the husband of cancer provides. And he may not notice this and suffer from the fact that he does not see the response.

2nd place: husband Virgo

  • The man's man is brought up, smart and earns well. He adheres to conservative views and aims to create a strong marriage union. It is not surprising that many women consider him an ideal life partner.
  • Virgo's husband capable of compromises. He does not divide the responsibilities into "male" and "female". It does not shy about housework, cooks well, raises offspring. Moreover, this sign always does everything in good faith.

Virgin is an attentive and reliable partner who is not capable of betrayal. At the same time, he tries not to infringe on the freedom of his wife.

  • A man of this type cannot be called romantic natureAlthough he cares in detail, observing all the rules. The virgin will be unlikely to shower his wife with compliments. But he will not go left.
  • In his family, everything should be stable, comfortable and rational. Such men are married, as a rule, once for life.
  • A careful and somewhat detached man Virgo always strives for ideal. However, this sign creates extremely high standards, both for himself and for a partner. And few women are able to correspond to his ideas about the perfect spouse. This circumstance often leads to the fact that Virgo's husband begins to criticize her wife and accuse her of insufficient efforts.
  • With a man of this sign, you can be happy if a woman shares his views and is not afraid of his boring. Virgo needs a smart and pragmatic wife, that is, the same as he himself.

1st place: husband Libra

First place in the ranking the best and caring husbands on the zodiac sign Libra men are rightfully occupied. Everyone knows the desire of this sign to bring harmony in all spheres of life. The marriage union is no exception.

  • Husband Libra - Understanding and sensitive, has a diplomatic character. For him, the most important thing is the relationship between loved ones. He always tries to avoid disputes and makes every effort in order to smooth out the conflict situation. In the family, such a man absolutely does not think about his own ego.
  • Affectionate and attentive The man of this sign strives for equality and democracy. He respects the space of his partner. The husband of Libra will not demand from the wife of unquestioning subordination, however, it will not allow themselves to be laid. He is sure that both partners should invest equally.
  • Libra - romantic sign And he seeks to bring beauty in every direction of life, including intimate. And he will also admit love even after 30 years of life together. Bouquets, coffee in bed, small cute gifts - all this awaits a woman who married a representative of this sign.
  • Libra takes the best from life And he knows how to enjoy every moment. So the wife with such a partner will never be bored. He is always ready to surprise and delight his beloved.
  • Libra lack You can name the fact that his wife will have to fuel his interest in himself all the time and monitor his appearance. After all, the representative of this sign is very loving. He is a paddock for beauty and youth. So can look at other ladies.
  • And even more remarkable quality as peace -loving and conflict of husband Libra, can cause internal discontent, which accumulates inside, and over time can develop into an open conflict.

Of course, the rating the best and caring husbands on the zodiac sign It is very conditional. It is intended only to indicate the most general characteristics inherent in one or another sign. When choosing a partner, you should not trust entirely on the recommendations of astrologers and use the rating as a direct guide in relationships. Listen to your heart.

Video: Best husband by zodiac sign

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  1. about her husband -spring. Complete nonsense. coward, indecision. Vedicated, controversial, etc.

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