The habit of twisting hair on a finger in adults and children: psychology, sign

The habit of twisting hair on a finger in adults and children: psychology, sign

Why do we often unconsciously wind up your hair on your finger? And is this habit unconscious?

At the time of deep reasoning or dreamy thoughtfulness, some people tend to twist their hair on a finger. A person may not notice this feature. After all, our behavior is under control, and habits automatically accompany our actions.

The habit of twisting hair on a finger: Psychology

Behavioral habits are associated both with the character of a person and with folk signs. A harmless habit of twisting hair on a finger is often interpreted as sentimentality, imaginary and self -doubt.

Folk beliefs connect the habit of twisting hair with certain events:

  • Constant wrapping of hair on the finger provokes severe headaches.
  • Conscious winding of curls on the finger leads to a series of troubles.
  • The use of a combing combination of hair leads to migraines.
  • The habit of contacting hair is laid in childhood. Thanks to similar reflex movements, children try to calm down and protect themselves from the outside world.
  • Long -term falling asleep can also form a habit of twisting hair on a finger. In the absence of serious psychological ailments, such features take the background as a person grows older.
Twist your hair
Twist your hair

Consider several reasons for the formation of the habit of twisting hair:

  • As a means of reassurance. The lack of contact with a loved one is replaced by various relaxation methods.
  • Falling asleep. When parents stop lulling the child, he begins to look for alternative methods for quick sleep.
  • A way to be distracted. Reside in stressful situations finds a way out in certain habits.
  • A way to protect yourself. Going about his own fears, the child impulsively performs some actions. Wraping hair reduces a sense of danger.

The habit of twisting hair on a finger in preschool children

  • Small children form the habit of twisting hair on a finger as a means of complacency from external stimuli. Such a feature does not pose a threat to health, but should attract the attention of caring parents.
  • If a child Wraps hair on the finger To relieve stress, then the parents are able to offer an alternative method of relaxation.
  • To find out what worries a small child with the help of a conversation does not always succeed. The task of parents to organize an interesting pastime, which allows you to give out accumulated emotions.
  • You can relax the baby using joint drawing or needlework, dancing or songs, mobile or role -playing games.

Consider several suitable options:

  • Distract the child's attention with a new toy.
  • Play games for the development of fine motor skills - puzzles, designers, plasticine, beads, etc.
  • Play finger games, do your hand massage.
  • Leave the child alone as little as possible.
  • Help pour the child with books or lullabies.

You can not exert pressure on the child or indicate its shortcomings. The baby should be comfortable next to you. If the child makes contact, then you need to try to carefully ask about what worries him. Sometimes a new haircut or a thoughtful hairstyle allows minimizing frequent hair contact.

  • If you are binding wrap hair with a child With a mental disorder, you must seek qualified help of a neuropathologist or psychologist.
  • A specialist in an individual conversation will help to find out the cause of such manifestations, to associate them with the emotional background of the patient and his bodily sensations.
  • Any therapy should take place softly and unobtrusively. It is inappropriate to focus on this problem and apply physical force to eliminate it.

Habit of twisting hair on a finger in adolescents

  • In young children habit of twisting hair on a finger It may have a double meaning. Obsessive contact with hair may indicate a psyche disorder. In this case, you can not do without the help of a psychotherapist.
  • Timely attention to this problem will help to avoid serious consequences in the future.
  • In the process of physiological changes, it is difficult for adolescents to take some changes. Constant contact with hair is a reflection of childish uncertainty, notorious, critical attitude to their appearance.
  • You can minimize such manifestations with the help of needlework or sports circles. The active daily routine will not leave time for unnecessary thought. The mode of the day relieves excessive voltage and stimulates the nervous system to overcome malaise.
  • Girls can use hair wrapping on their finger as a method of flirting to the opposite sex. They try to attract additional attention with similar gestures, to give mystery to their image.

Habit of twisting hair on a finger in adults

  • An adult is much more often faced with unforeseen situations, subject to stress and experiences. Under the outer shell of an adult often a uncertain child requiring parental care is hidden.
  • A hard work schedule can also lead to such habits. Concentration and concentration on the working process is accompanied by involuntary movements. If wrapping of hair acquires an obsessive effect, then you can use several methods to eradicate it.
  • Try changing your haircut. You can’t wrap short hair, which means that the habit will gradually come to naught.
Change your hairstyle
Change your hairstyle
  • Wanting to keep long hair, make it a rule to collect it in a bunch. The absence of hanging strands will wean you from the usual actions.
  • Disassemble the negative effect of constant hair winding. Inquire about the opinion of others, whether they associate you with hair winding. See if the quality of hair growth in places you often contact has changed.
  • Daily habit of twisting hair on a finger leads to increased tension of hair follicles. Consequently - breakiness and hair loss. If the habit accompanies a person from infancy to growing up, then bald patches can form on the head.
On the finger
On the finger

To help the child get rid of such a habit, it is necessary to actively participate in his life. The absence of shifts in behavior is a reason for visiting a psychologist.

Video: Body language: wind up your hair on your finger

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Comments K. article

  1. And if I rub the meek bangs? Cut off the bangs? The bangs are not an option, since you have to constantly walk with it. I’m twisting from infancy, but there is no bald glory to God.

  2. And what does women have to do with it?
    I'm a “23” guy of the year
    I twist my hair
    In infancy, pulled out hair
    It was nice to do it

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