Pain in the back and lower back - the psychology of the disease: what disorders in life does she speak about?

Pain in the back and lower back - the psychology of the disease: what disorders in life does she speak about?

Psychological causes of back pain and lower back.

There are several theories regarding the fact that the pain in the spine is caused by violations in the emotional sphere. It is believed that the ailments that are deployed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lumbar spine are slightly higher than the sacrum associated with the support of the support. In this article we will talk about the psychology of back pain and lower back.

Back pain - psychology

A person with lower back pain is most often prone to constant work, work, he has an heightened sense of responsibility. He is trying to catch up everywhere, and be useful for everyone. A person wants to help others, his family and acquaintances. Because of this, a lot of difficulties may occur in emotionally. The fact is that a person is afraid to lose his authority, and support from acquaintances and friends, if he stops helping them.

Back pain - psychology:

  • On this basis, pain often occurs in the lower part of the back, and the lower back. In general, such people are recommended to relax, devote more time to their health, and do not try to please everyone, to the detriment of themselves.
  • Oddly enough, but doctors often prescribe non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs with back pain, which only affectlocally. Accordingly, the reason, that is, the emotional state of a person can remain the same, and even aggravate.
  • After the abolition of non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, the pain returns. Sometimes, no specific signs of the disease during the study, x -ray, is not visible. That is, there is pain, and there were no problems after passing all measures to study a person. In fact, he is healthy, but painful sensations are preserved. 

Line pain psychology

The pain in the sacrum and coccyx is often associated with financial instability. Usually people who feel unpleasant tingling in this area worry about their financial component and lack of material assistance. Usually these are lonely women who raise young children.

They are very dependent on their work, because it is the only source of income and the ability to raise children. Also, people who do not have so many are faced with diseases in the lower back, and who cannot accumulate money. They feel uncertainly, precisely because of emotional instability, and fear of being completely without money. 

The psychology of pain in the lower back:

  • Sense of responsibility, fulfillment of other people's responsibilities 
  • Lack of help from relatives and friends 
  • Constant physical fatigue 
  • Hopelessness and lack of prospects 
  • Cruelty that is constantly suppressed 
  • Fear of success in career 
Low's pain
Low's pain

Why is the back pain in women: psychosomatics

Many experts argue that the spine is some connecting channel between the past, future and the present. It is a conductor of energy. In particular, the cervical department is a zone that is responsible for psychological comfort and adaptability.

Why does the back pain appear, psychosomatics:

  • The thoracic part is responsible for emotions, and the lower back and the sacrum are for the perception of oneself and the surrounding world. There are many interpretations of the appearance of pain in the sacrum. In most cases, this indicates a conflict that is inside a person, and his anger, or resentment against others.
  • Perhaps there was an unpleasant experience in the intimate sphere, sexual violence. Pain in the sacrum often indicates problems with the intimate sphere, and complexes in this area. In some cases, a person suppresses his desire in the realization of sexual needs, which leads to muscle spasm and pain in the sacrum.
  • If painful sensations are observed in the back and lower back, then most likely this is a negative emotional pressure. If the pain is observed in the upper back, for example, in the cervical region, then a person is faced with a problem in relation to himself.
  • He does not feel love from relatives and friends, and tries to prove that he is the best in order to get love. That is, a person has an inferiority complex. He is trying in every possible way to get love, as well as attention from relatives.
  • Love that a person does not receive turns into anger and resentment. In most cases, he suppresses the desire to express anger and resentment, internal organs begin to hurt, in particular the upper back, that is, the cervical region. 
The lower back hurts
The lower back hurts

Psychosomatics of back pain: thoracic region

The painful sensation in the thoracic region is the old injuries that a person has encountered in childhood, or in his youth.

Psychosomatics of back pain, thoracic region:

  • This is possible due to the fault of parents who subjected the child to authoritarian education, and psychological pressure.
  • Often he loses in the memory of the situation that once happened to him, and thinks about what could be if he did otherwise.
  • The past does not allow a person to forget about problems, so negative emotions continue to accumulate and disturb a person, which causes pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe thoracic region. 
Low's pain
Low's pain

Low's pain: Psychosomatics

If pain occurs in the lower back, this can be for some reason.

Low's pain, psychosomatics:

  • Uncertainty in tomorrow due to an unstable financial situation 
  • Lack of trust in loved ones, relatives 
  • Attitude to life as a test 
  • Fear of getting older quickly 
  • Emotional exhaustion 
  • Fear of tomorrow 
Unpleasant sensations
Unpleasant sensations

Low's pain: Causes

Some diseases of the back, also provoked by mental problems, and emotional instability. The curvature in the back of the back suggests that a person cannot come to terms with the current state of affairs, is constantly worried about this. He does not want to go with the flow, and in every possible way tries to rectify the situation, turn it in favor of himself. 

Low's pain, reasons:

  • If a hernia appears in the lower back, then most likely this indicates excessive physical exertion and fatigue. The patient is trying to change the course of life, but he does not succeed due to fear or circumstances. Often a hernia in the lumbar region occurs in people who do unpleasant work, or an unloved profession, which delivers discomfort. 
  • Osteochondrosis is often caused by excessive activity, which manifests itself in the desire to remove its uncertainty, as well as mental pressure in life. Often osteochondrosis appears among the fair sex, who are weighed by family worries and responsibilities. 
  • Chronic osteochondrosis- this is The consequence of constant disappointment in life and dissatisfaction. Perhaps a person could not realize himself in a family or in a career, or is dissatisfied with the family position. 
  • The pain in the back indicates that a person doubts is emotionally unstable. He is constantly in motion and wants to achieve something. He needs recognition and love. Diseases arise due to the fact that a person is tired, but emotional pressure, as well as the desire to be loved, prevent him from stopping. 
Back pain
Back pain

Why is the back pain in men: psychosomatics

Pain can appear if a person is very demanding in relation to himself, as well as to others, and at the same time they do not live up to his expectations. Accordingly, he is forced to take care of himself. Please note that love is by no means deserved and is not acquired.

Why does the back pain appear, psychosomatics:

  • Everything that is done for others should be carried out with a pure heart, and getting pleasure from the process itself, and not to obtain love or recognition. It is necessary to understand that people are not obliged to do as you want, and justify expectations.
  • The problem in the perception of the world around the world, and not the skill or troublesome of specific people. There is no need to hide your desires, it is necessary to express dissatisfaction, and explain why this is happening.
  • It is necessary to conduct a constructive dialogue with people, and also try to become better. It is necessary to feel confidence and get rid of part of the worries that have taken on their shoulders. Feel free to ask loved ones to help you, in which case the condition will improve, perhaps the back pain will also leave. If the lower back pain is observed periodically, this indicates a shortage of something.
  • It can be a lack of love, money, or rest. Often pain can occur due to problems at work. This arises if you risk remaining easier.

All diseases of the back that are associated with psychosomatics are treated with medicines, and in the course of working with a psychotherapist. That is, it is necessary to discuss a psycho -trauma with a specialist, as well as ways to express their emotions. Medications, injections, ointments, tablets, as well as therapeutic gymnastics are shown. It is aimed at strengthening the muscle corset, and improving the support of the spinal column.

Back pain
Back pain

To correct the emotional state, antidepressants or tranquilizers are prescribed, which help to establish an emotional component. To get rid of diseases in the back, it is necessary to achieve harmony with yourself and the world. 

Video: Psychology of back pain

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Comments K. article

  1. I am from back pain, joints only painkillers and save. I really like the anti -alepide tool in action and by the speed of anesthesia. It is once in the water and is drunk, and after only 10 minutes, on average, I already begin to feel how the pain syndrome is going to nothing.

  2. Thank you for the article.

  3. Yes, it also twisted me so long ago. Horror is simple. It’s good that he went to the doctor, and he advised me to accept Ethorelex. A good remedy, effective, and there were no side effects when taking it.

  4. thanks for the info.

  5. I already have an age, and the work is sedentary (that’s what it is bothering. I had a doctor, said there is nothing wrong with it. But Ethorelex prescribed. I already wrote about this remedy. So I want to note that it reduces the pain, but on the stomach It does not affect, this is important to me, since there are problems with the stomach.

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