That hide bad habits-the top 8 basic: psychology, consequences, health hazard

That hide bad habits-the top 8 basic: psychology, consequences, health hazard

Do you know about your habits and are they harmful? Let's figure it out.

Health is one of the most important needs of a person. The duration and quality of life, performance, mood and the ability to cope with difficulties depend on it. No person wants to be sick and weak. How to achieve this, what needs to be done in order to really become a healthy and completely able -bodied person? To analyze our habits.

What hide bad habits?

In life, we perform certain actions that eventually become a habit.

So, it becomes a habit of washing and brushing your teeth, use certain words, watch TV shows and play computer games, eat at a certain time, read, clean up or vice versa, leave a mess, etc.

As we see, among the above habits are both good and negative, which sometimes do not like and interfere with ourselves. We understand that we need to get rid of them, but we can not always do this, since such actions have already become familiar to us.

First, let's determine which habit is considered harmful. This is what we do without hesitation, thereby creating inconvenience, and sometimes causing harm to both the people around us and ourselves. And if we, realizing the harm that our actions do, do not have sufficient willpower, so as not to perform these actions, we become dependent on a bad habit and we can say that it makes us our slave.

  1. Alcoholism.

This is a very common addiction that over time destroys a person, his health, and mental state. If, despite the fact that a person knows about the harmful consequences of using strong drinks, he continues to do this and cannot control himself, it means that a bad habit has already passed into the stage of the disease.


A person drinking alcohol destroys his body. He is not able to walk evenly, to talk clearly, experiences weakness, his hands are shaking, performance is reduced, the work of the brain and memory worsens. But it is terrible that a person destroys not only himself, but also creates a threat to others, sitting down, for example, behind the wheel. The most common cause of crimes in everyday life and production injuries are also alcohol.

  1. Addiction.

The desire to “try” often becomes an impetus for the fact that entertainment out of curiosity turns into an incurable disease. Additions are very fast and a person can no longer abandon drugs. They are different: some cause psychological dependence, others are physical, there are those that cause the addiction of both species.

Drug dependence can be positive - in the case when they are used to create a good mood, a sense of euphoria. If, on the contrary, a person takes a drug to relieve tension, anxiety, and forget about poor well -being is a negative affection.


If a person feels the need for a regular administration of the next dose of the drug, feeling physical pain without it, then we are already talking about physical dependence, which is also called with withdrawal syndrome or simply brittle. The most irreparable thing is that the toxic substances that enter the body cause irreversible harm to health, so so often drug dependence ends with a fatal outcome.

  1. Smoking.

Another bad habit - smoking can end with the same irreversible outcome. Inhaling nicotine and different resins leads to a huge number of diseases. First of all, the lungs, which are forced to absorb smoke with harmful substances, suffer, the cardiovascular system. Pulling with smoke narrows our vessels, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen in our blood, slowing down the metabolic process. The consequences of this can be the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels, various heart diseases - ischemia, heart attack, tachycardia, etc.

Leads to diseases
Leads to diseases
  • In addition, smoking people pose a threat to others, because they are forced to inhale air, filled with all sorts of harmful substances formed during the smoldering of a cigarette. This is called passive smoking, and it is as harmful as active.
  • All smokers should remember that cigarettes and everything that is contained in them does not bear any benefit to the body, so you should part with this addiction without regret.

This should be remembered when you start smoking in order to seem to be an adult or be “your own” in the company of friends who have already been captured by nicotine addiction.

  1. Dependence on games.

This can be an addiction to any type of game - gambling, computer, video games. It is unnecessary to say that a person who plays for hours in one or another game acquires sleep disorder, the correct diet is disturbed, the nervous system is disorder, especially when a certain level cannot be passed. In addition, quite often computer games, especially the so -called “shooters”, contain elements of cruelty, because the enemy has to be killed. And the worst thing when a person begins to apply the rules of conduct in the game in real life.

gambling addiction
gambling addiction

Anyone who plays gambling risks the loss of money, thereby exposing not only himself, but also his relatives. Isn't it better to spend this time on more useful classes, take a walk in the fresh air, find out something new?

  1. Dependence on the TV and the Internet.

It’s hard for us to present our life without a TV. But, if some watch it in order to find out the latest news or watch some kind of film, that is, those who sit for hours in front of the screen, watching everything in a row. Statistics suggest that about half of our leisure we conduct in viewing television programs. We are talking about those who are not "infected" by telemania. One can only imagine how many years of his life spends the thoughtless viewing of Taleman in a row!


The same applies to watch "gatherings" on the Internet. Doctors call such Internet addiction a type of mental disorder, i.e. illness. After all, a person cannot make an effort on himself to break away from the monitor, and this suggests that he is a slave to his bad habit. Therefore, if you wander around the network for hours, have a huge number of friends in it and constantly communicate with your virtual friends, you should think about whether you have developed dependence.

  1. Glated nails and pens.

This is a very unpleasant habit, which many manage to unlearn from, you only need to make little efforts. And this is necessary to do this, because the nails may contain a large number of harmful bacteria, not to mention dirt. In addition, the nested nails are simply ugly, and both girls and boys. And doctors say that such a habit can be a consequence of mental disorders.

Dry nails
Dry nails

There are such "rodents" that use pens or pencils. It is as ugly as gnawing nails, in addition, you can stain your face and hands with a paste or a barrel, not to mention the fact that it is very easy to swallow the harmful substances that are contained in them.

  1. Dependence on new products.

It consists in the fact that a person always wants to have the newest model of a phone, computer, laptop, tablet and other equipment. Moreover, I want it not because the old model broke, but just like that, because a new one appeared.

From the gadget of new products
From the gadget of new products

Even if the financial condition allows you to do this, you need to think about whether there are more necessary in the given moment of things that you need to buy. And already if there is no opportunity to buy the desired, it is possible that a nervous disorder or depression may occur.

  1. Binge eating.

Our body needs a certain number of calories daily, and if you constantly exceed the norm, it is easy to gain excess weight. And this is due to the emergence of complexes, which affects the state of the nervous system. Problems may arise with almost all organs: liver, stomach, heart, teeth, joints, etc. Therefore, overeating is not only a bad habit, but also a kind of disease that must be treated.

Binge eating
Binge eating

There are still a large number of bad habits by which you can determine how brought up a person. If you constantly spit on the floor, you express you obscenely, use the so-called parasitic words in your speech, are late, lazy and sloppy, talkative, envious-no one will call you a cultural person, and they usually try to avoid communication with such people.

And vice versa, with someone who helps and supports, friendly and smiling, has useful interesting hobbies and reads a lot, always interesting and pleasant to communicate.

How to get rid of bad habits?

You need to start with the search for the reason: Why did you have this habit. Then you can understand what needs to be changed in order to get rid of it. Then you need to create a reason for abandoning a bad habit (I want to become healthy, strong, beautiful, sports, etc.). Find friends who think just like you - it will be easier for you to achieve the goal, because you will support each other.

Take a notebook and write on his pages all your habits, both good and bad. Now collect “harmful” leaves and decisively break them. So you took the first step!

We get rid of habits
We get rid of habits

If next to you is a person who has bad habits, you can wean him too. Start by asking him not to spit on the floor, not to smoke, not say bad words, etc. Be determined and categorical, explain to him how unpleasant it is to others.

And most importantly - deciding to get rid of a bad habit, you need to be persistent, not give up, even if not everything works out at first.

We found that most bad habits are not only ugly and uncultured, but pose a threat to health. And health is the most important for any person. Therefore, instead of sitting in front of a TV or on the Internet, we will compose a daily routine and we will observe it.

If you start morning with charging, then we will be awake and energetic throughout the day. Washing hands, especially after visiting the toilet and before eating, daily brushing, proper nutrition - these are not just good habits, but also the key to good health.

Video: bad habits and their negative impact

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