Psychology of greed: Why does a young girl have a desire to be rich so acutely?

Psychology of greed: Why does a young girl have a desire to be rich so acutely?

Now in fashion he boasts wealth, diamonds and photos near steep cars. Why do young girls have such a strong desire to be rich?

In popular television programs about a rich life, we often hear the stories of young girls about relationships with rich mature men. When asked why young girls are increasingly preferring wealthy “daddies”, you can hear a variety of answers.

The most important advantage of the "papaja" is money. After all, it is the presence of an unlimited card that opens the doors of the most expensive establishments. At a certain point, it seems that the whole world is at your feet.

Psychology of greed: Why do young girls have a desire to be rich?

One of the students of the Moscow Institute in its interview with confidence declares that going to the pizzeria once a month for a scholarship of a fellow student is below its dignity. Now, if a fellow student paid her an unlimited visit to a fitness club, and even better study at the institute, he would immediately grow up in her eyes to the position of a real man.

When you ask young girls about the psychology of greed and why they so want to be rich, you often have to hear the same type of answers:

  • Because rich men excite. To have a successful man who is desirable for many women is very sexy.
  • This is prestigious . To be able to provide their relatives and wipe his nose to friends is cool.
  • Because next to a rich man you you are not worried about anything and is sure of tomorrow. You do everything you want without thinking about the price of the issue.
  • Because you look like successful in the eyes of others. You keep up with the times and do not graze the rear.
  • Because the money opens all the doors before you. Who has more money is right. And you do not need to be hypocrite that this is not so important.
Race for wealth
Race for wealth

In the stories of young girls who are on the content of Papik, we hear admiration for the presented car, fur coat, trip, jewelry, and nothing about the person who finances it. The value of such relationships lies in monetary units. For them, the actions of a real man are in expensive paraphernalia, where material is more important than spiritual.

Many Russian women are interested in rich men primarily from the position of confidence in the future. That is why since youth girls so want to be rich. If Western girls see an interesting interlocutor or mentor in a mature man, then our girls are primarily interested in the material side of the relationship.

A girl who did not receive the proper education and did not have time to take place in life feels uncertainly. Her main trump card is youth and sexuality. Therefore, girls make maximum efforts to improve their external data and enter into commodity-money relations. A man receives maximum attention, and the girl is a comfortable existence.

With "papa"

When the “papik” has the need to get a beautiful addition to his wealthy image, he certainly prefers the young girl. He can afford it. He still loves his new passion or just needs to improve material well -being. The most important thing is that it is beautiful, well -groomed and not revenge problems. She should be ardently and passionately with her, and everything else is secondary. A successful image of a rich man should be supplemented with a beautiful elite woman. No matter how old a man is, he will always prefer to have sex with a young woman.

Not only adult men, but also the sons of the same “deds” can support the girl. A young wealthy boyfriend uses a girl for his own purposes in exchange for material benefits. Such relationships are not much different from prostitution. This is a more expensive form, with great opportunities. But whatever one may say, the essence remains the same.

  • The modern world is material, from this and many girls really want to become rich. Young girls want to realize all their ambitions. Get everything at once.
  • The first work and the first money earned do not always correspond to our expectations. And there are so many temptations and new opportunities around. And we begin to look for other ways. We sell our beauty and youth in exchange for material benefits.
  • In the requests of modern "deds" changes also occur. The simplicity and openness of the soul will not surprise anyone now.
  • Girls have to do a lot of work on their appearance and behavior. The image must meet the stated requirements. Find and interest the container is not everyone can do.
  • The laborious process requires certain material investments. In some situations, the girls are ready to part with a considerable amount, plunging into debts and parting with property. There is a calculation that in the future it is more than to pay off.
Race for wealth
Race for wealth

Wealthy young ladies are engaged in the search for a rich patron. Having enough prospects for their own self -realization, they prefer to sit on the neck of a wealthy man. Why fuss, if you can live on everything ready. The easiest way is to offer yourself in return for a luxurious life.

  • It is sometimes possible to enter into a relationship with a “papik” by accident. Once in the right place at the right time, you make an interesting acquaintance. Over time, you yourself do not realize how you become a participant in non -standard relationships. Diamonds begin to pour at your feet, your head is circling, and you are not able to resist sudden success.
  • Material benefits begin to prevail over moral principles. You want more and better. And it no longer matters what price you need to pay for it. Sex becomes your business card, a pass to social success.

Important: a self -sufficient woman, who managed to realize in a professional plan and achieve a certain financial situation, will never attract such relations with a man.

Condemn the girls because they have so sharply the desire to be rich not quite right. Not everyone is ready to go a long path from the mud to the buncture. If a person is given the opportunity to get everything at once, then due to different circumstances, it is very difficult to refuse it.

  • When a beloved man says that with “with a lovely paradise in a hut” it sounds somehow lowly and unpromising.
  • Any adequate woman strives for a better life, the main thing in her pursuit of material benefits is not to go too far.
  • Guided by female instincts, women always plan future events and sometimes they are very prudent. The desire to have children is always reinforced by thoughts about their worthy future.
  • Therefore, we want to see a wealthy wealthy man nearby.

Children's fairy tales about the beautiful prince do not always coincide with reality. The girl is growing up, and only losers are on the way. Disappointed in her own environment, she begins to review her views and easily agrees to temporary relations. Why not live a rich and successful life if there are no other options. In the world of information technology, there are a huge number of resources for acquaintance via the Internet, opening new opportunities and at the same time pushing into rash actions.

In the race for money, years fly, and with them youth. Your plans to start a family, children are pushed into the background. But life is given once. Hikes on boutiques and traveling abroad with an unloved person cannot be compared with the relationship of two lovers. The happiness of acquiring a new fur coat is not comparable to true love and romance. Everyone has the right to build their own life path and really want young girls to learn how to properly prioritize.

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