Diet table No. 3: menu for a week and for every day for adults and children. Diet table number 3 with constipation, hemorrhoids and IBS, gastrointestinal diseases and biliary tract

Diet table No. 3: menu for a week and for every day for adults and children. Diet table number 3 with constipation, hemorrhoids and IBS, gastrointestinal diseases and biliary tract

Diet No. 3 is an excellent method to correct the malfunctions in the digestive tract and drop a few extra pounds!

Disease gastrointestinal tract - The phenomenon is by no means rare, and their treatment cannot be called easy. Having read this article, you will find out how you can accelerate the restoration of the body And to make the recovery process a little nicer with the help of the right menu.

Diet table No. 3: Indications for the appointment for men, women, children

Treating doctors Assign diet number 3 to improve work at at most different protracted diseases intestines, such as constipation and peristalsis. It is also possible to appoint in the postoperative period during lane operations. Diet No. 3 allows you to eat a lot of products, so sitting on it is a pleasure itself.

The main reasons causing diseases in which Diet No. 3 is shown, are:

  1. Congenital problems with the intestines;
  2. Sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work or small physical activity significantly increase the risks of the development of gastrointestinal diseases);
  3. Unstable nutrition and the wrong regime of food consumption (it is especially dangerous for lovers to eat a lot at night, because during sleep the work of the intestine slows down);
  4. Birth of a child (with improper nutrition during pregnancy, the metabolism is often disturbed, in addition, the growing fruit presses on the outlet paths, reducing the intestinal lumen, which prevents the release of feces);
  5. Incorrect diet for weight loss(an incorrectly compiled power plan leads to the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract to imbalance);

At the risk group of gastrointestinal diseases are:

  • office workers, one way or another forced to spend a lot of time at the desktop
  • overweight people
  • workers with irregular labor schedule
  • future mothers
  • drivers of vehicles, especially workers of long -term ground cargo transportation and others

The third table recommended for treatment:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anal cracks
  • Constipation
  • Flatulence
  • Other chronic intestinal diseases

Sometimes intestinal diseases are additional to the underlying diseases. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate, first of all, the cause of all troubles, and then engage in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet No. 3 - is a good basis for losing weight and cleansing the body, since it cuts off all unnecessary food, leaving the most useful and nutritious.

Diet table No. 3: allowed products

Most of the diet in diet No. 3 is filled with products, improving the motor activity of the intestine. These are mainly products with a high fiber content and dairy products.

Products are shown products rich in fiber
Products are shown products rich in fiber

For those who suffer From intestinal obstruction, advise to increase the use of concerned products, such as prunes, pumpkin or bran.

It is recommended to use:

  • Low -fat soups, preferably vegetarian
  • Dietary bread made of coarse flour (not fresh, preferably one -day prescription)
  • Vegetables in almost any quantities and any form
  • Fruits and berries, but preferably a couple of hours before bedtime
  • Low -fat types of meat, poultry and fish
  • Cereals in the form of crumbly cereals and casseroles
  • Dried fruits with caution, since sometimes their use leads to constipation

Experts, appointing diet No. 3 advise to increase water consumption one and a half times. It is also recommended to replace the dressing in salads with vegetable oil, if previously consumed exclusively mayonnaise.

The most important thing is that you need at the same time, taking into account the time - time. The meal hours should match the day by day throughout the treatment, and the duration of treatment, as well as the frequency of administration, must be negotiated with the doctor.

Summarizing the above, we can emphasize that those products that can “start” the work of the intestines, that is, are shown to use. activate peristalsis. An important role in this function is played by porridge and the larger the grinding, the better.

Diet table No. 3 Prohibited products

Like any other diet, table No. 3 has its own taboo. So, if you were prescribed diet No. 3, then you should exclude from the diet:

  • Acactive or puff pastry, as well as products from the highest grade flour. In addition, fresh pastries should be avoided
  • Fat varieties meat
  • From vegetables you need to forget mushrooms, turnips, garlic
  • All sharp and spicy are excluded from sauces
  • Drinks containing caffeine (do not forget that tea is also included in this list)
  • Should refrain from alcoholic beverages
  • Limit the use of semolina and rice
  • Exclude chocolate, quince and blueberries
  • Any products that cause flatulence or gas accumulation
  • Sweet products with creams
  • Fat nuts
  • Vermichel, spaghetti and other pasta
  • Culinary fats of artificial origin, for example, margarine
  • Adhesive dishes with gelatin or agar

Additionally limit the use of eggs up to two per dayIn view of their high calorie content.

It should be noted that those products that personally cause problems with the intestines are also excluded. For example, with intolerance to lactose should not be consumed dairy. In general, the whole diet resembles modern recommendations of specialists about proper and healthy diet.

Video: Interview with a gastroenterologist

Table number 3 - diet: menu for every day

Table number 3 is a diet in which you you will be full and satisfied, and most importantly, the work of the digestive tract will quickly return to normal. Children and adult diet version It does not differ anything other than the size of the portions - all the components are exactly the same.


  • Pumpkin porridge
  • cottage cheese with sour cream
  • tea with non -accurate cookies


  • Fruit salad


  • Puree soup from zucchini
  • boiled fish
  • juice

Afternoon snack:

  • Tea with bread and honey


  • Fish under the marinade
  • vegetable salad
  • porridge

Last snack:

  • Kefir or compote

From the allowed products, you can prepare a huge amount of delicious dishesthat the whole family will eat with pleasure. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to adhere to the specified menu - you yourself can develop your own, guided by the doctor's recommendations.

Recipes for every day for diet table No. 3 for constipation, hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal gastrointestinal diseases for adults

We bring to your attention several original recipes, which can be prepared with diet No. 3, and also if you simply adhere to a healthy diet.

Pumpkin porridge

The following products will be required:

  • A small pumpkin
  • millet
  • raisin
  • milk
  • salt/sugar
  • butter

Cooking will not take much time:

  1. In a ripe pumpkin, cut off the top under the lid, take out the core with seeds
  2. We lay in millet, milk, raisins, sugar salt and oil, mix everything, close it with a lid
  3. We place it in a vessel, pour water into containers for about 1 cm and put in an oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 160-180c
A large number of allowed products will allow you to cook delicious dishes - it is only important to choose the right combination
A large number of allowed products will allow you to cook delicious dishes - it is only important to choose the right combination

Puree soup from zucchini

To prepare vitamin soup-puree, it is necessary to cook vegetable decoction. To do this, use edible segments of different vegetables: stumps, leaves, sometimes seeds. They are washed in cold water, and after low heat they are cooked until cooked.

Further, the mashed potatoes are prepared like this:

  • cut the zucchini into cubes and cook in a decoction until cooked
  • wipe through a sieve or chop the blender
  • add flour, salt, bring to a boil (cook a couple of minutes)
  • before serving, decorate with greens and sour cream

Fish under the marinade

You need:

  • Cod fillet (900 g)
  • lemon juice
  • 2 bulbs
  • 70 ml. table vinegar
  • carrot
  • 300 g of tomato puree
  • salt, sugar, vegetable oil

Preparation Tasty and diet cod:

  1. Cut the fillet into portioned pieces, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and finely chop the onion;
  2. Fry carrots and onions until soft in a common pan, then add tomato puree.;
  3. Stew vegetables over low heat for about 10 minutes, then add a glass of water, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper. Support on fire for several more minutes;
  4. While the marinade is being prepared, fry the fish from all sides;
  5. Put the fish in a wide shape with small sides, pour evenly hot marinade and take it into the refrigerator, previously cooled.

The dish will be ready for tasting after complete cooling.

Salad "Metelka"

  • Grate beets, carrots, celery and white cabbage on a coarse grater
  • Mix, but without adding salt or oil
  • Such a salad has a laxative property, therefore it is not recommended for use before bedtime or work

Diet table No. 3 for children: recipes

If the child has problems with the intestines, then diet No. 3 may also be prescribed to him. Thanks to many recipes, a child It will adhere to it with pleasure, and the task of parents is to make dietary diet and most tasty.

You can offer a child during a diet such dishes:

  • Breakfast - steamed omelet, fruit with honey, compote
  • The second breakfast is baked apples
  • Lunch - baked fish, sorrel soup, cottage cheese
  • Midday - steam pancakes from pumpkin
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, wheat porridge, compote and sandwich with jam
  • late dinner - 200 g of kefir

Salad fruit and vegetable

  • Grate the middle carrots
  • add an apple and prunes crushed to it with strips
  • then add two teaspoons of sugar and a spoonful of sour cream.

Meat casserole

  • 300 g of minced meat sun
  • add 2 proteins and a little milk
  • mix everything thoroughly and put in a greased baking sheet
  • top the stuffing with grated carrots on top and steam
  • after the preparation is completed, lubricate the casserole with sour cream.

As a result of using the third dietary table, gradually the intestinal work improves, Its peristalsis is normalized, gas formation decreases and stable stools will be restored. In addition, switch to such a form of food easy enough Due to the wide variety of dishes and the availability of all ingredients.

Video: Therapeutic diet "Table No. 3"

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Comments K. article

  1. Wow, thanks for the interesting information. I often have constipation, but did not even suspect that there are such diets with them.

  2. Diet is good, of course, but my constipation is not uncommon at all. And now, all your life to limit yourself in something? So I have no willpower)) from constipation, by the way, it helps me well. So I continue to eat what I want)

  3. I ate with my regular constipation, I didn’t help me very much, they saw a rare toilet, there was a constant heaviness until my friend advised herbolax chewing pills to take prunes and prunes, the chair really normalized and everything happened softly)

  4. Of course you need to eat more fiber, and drink water. Remove products from the diet that they are attached. Rice, especially white, fasten me very much. So I do not eat it. I accept phyatomucil norms, the natural composition is mainly fiber. You need to dilute one bag in a glass of water and drink. I have enough weeks for the intestines to work well.

  5. Girls for whom the theme of the intestines and bile is relevant, see the interview with the gastroenterologist

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