Why does the dog eat its own and cat, human feces: reasons, what to do?

Why does the dog eat its own and cat, human feces: reasons, what to do?

If your pet eats feces, then in most cases this is not a problem. But it is still better to wean the dog from this bad habit.

Coprofagia is the name of the behavioral feature of the dog, in which it eats its own or other people's excrement. This phenomenon is quite common and is not a dangerous effect for the animal, if this happens in a single case. However, if such an action is included in the habit of a pet, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at the health of the dog and find provocative causes in time.

Why the dog eats feces: 23 main reasons

  • Need to say, taste and smell receptors The dog is not as picky as a person - to try badly smelling food, a dog can out of curiosity, while absolutely not feeling discomfort.
  • But there are cases when a pet with such an action wants to attract attention - to arouse the interest of the owner in his problem. What symptoms can be considered harmless, and what should be alert if the dog eats feces?
Why does the feces eat?
Why does the feces eat?

The answer lies in the circumstances that have forced the dog to do such things:

  1. If the dog is in a puppy, this behavior is caused curiosity Animal to new sensations. During this period, a puppy cognizes the world around him: Smells, tastes. And the desire to eat feces is quite natural condition.
  2. The dog copies the habits of other pets, one of which may turn out to be - eating excrement. Sometimes, older dogs or cats, select their feces - in this way, lead cleanliness living space. This model of behavior can be inherited by a puppy - like an educational measure.
  3. In such a kind of method a young dog can imitate the owner - imitating the cleaning of the territory. If the pet regularly observes how the owner removes the excrement of other animals - he can follow his actions.
  4. Competition for the territory and attention of the owner. Pets often experience a sense of rivalry and jealousy in relation to the owner, favorite things or a place to relax.
  5. Strong sense of property, It can encourage the dog to fight competitors - to eliminate traces of their stay in the house. The remains of feces are, in some way, by other people's tags of the territory. And eating them - the dog demonstrates his disagreement and defends the right, to host in this house.
  6. Young puppies, who have grown with their mother, can repeat her actions: bitches after the birth of puppies - eat their feces, in order to avoid the spread of the smell and attack of other animals for offspring. Such an instinct of self -preservation continues for some time, even after the excommunication of the puppy from the mother.
  7. For some animals, feces are attractive food for food, Like a delicacy. It is noticed that dogs like cat excrement. This applies to dog "gourmets" - pets, lovers of stale foods or fell.
  8. Whims and disobedience - lead to violation of hygiene and behavior rules. The pet may like playing with feces, especially if the owner considers it funny and does not stop such an action. In the future, the dog will try to eat a “fragrant” subject of the game.
  9. Lack of education, as a rule, it becomes the cause of not only eating feces, but also damage to things, a negative reaction to the owner’s commands.

    Due to the lack of education
    Due to the lack of education
  10. Homemade dogs are not very different in their instincts from wild animals. And they also obey, a certain hierarchical arrangement of life, where individuals of the secondary class are subordinated to the leader. Instinctively, feeling the dominance of herself from other pets, a young dog can begin to eat strangers or his feces.
  11. Hidden course of various diseases gastrointestinal tract or pancreas. It can also be, violations in metabolism processes and all kinds of infectious ailments. In this case, the animal requires urgent diagnosis and treatment in a veterinary clinic.
  12. Independent treatment - arises on the basis of instinctive sensations of the animal. With this behavior, the dog tries to find methods of treatment independently - uses excrement of other animals as a medicine. If a dog eats a feces of a cat - Perhaps she has a helminthic invasion.
  13. Malnutrition - can also cause why the dog eats feces. Many owners mistakenly believe that one -time feeding is a sufficient norm for young animals. It is important to know that the growing organism of the dog not only needs reusable feeding, but also a sufficient receipt of trace elements.
  14. Lack of beneficial substances, the dog is forced to get it independently and the first correct solution may seem - eating processed food again. Such a feature can be observed in dogs experiencing potential hunger or in those who have been undergoing malnutrition in the past.
  15. Unstable animal feeding - leads to a violation of digestion and metabolism. Unlike the previous case, if the dog receives food in sufficient quantities, but its diet is monotonous or vice versa, oversaturated with all kinds of food residues from the owner’s table - this brings the pets into the food diet.

    Due to an unbalanced diet
    Due to an unbalanced diet
  16. The dog may have the need for additional trace elementswhich are more suitable for assimilation. The feces of a cat or person have a less redesigned composition from which a dog can make up for a lack of vitamins and nutrients.
  17. Stress state - It can cause such behavior in the dog. The unfamiliar environment or unfriendly behavior of the remaining households provokes a pet, feeling of discomfort and alertness. Eating excrement, the animal tries to win the location of others.
  18. Lack of interest in the dog by the owner - It is also a motivating factor for paying the attention of a person similar to behavior. In this case, the dog not only eats its feces, but also defecates in the wrong places.
  19. It is important to understand that the pet is ready to accept any signs of attention, including negative manifestations. That's why, punishment for misconduct will be perceived as achieving the goal. Before assessing the situation as an attempt by a pet, to draw attention - you should make sure that all of the above signs are excluded.

    Do I need to punish?
    Do I need to punish?
  20. Insufficient hygiene - The animal encourages, take care of itself to the extent that the dog can afford. This applies to pets whose owners are lazy to take the dog for a walk or walking time is insufficient.
  21. Not timely walking - It leads to the consequences: the dog eats his feces, trying to avoid punishment for bowel movements. Such an appeal is unacceptable and is a manifestation of cruelty to the dog. This also applies to distinguished bitches - it is necessary to give the dog the opportunity, fulfill its natural need and timely monitor the purity of its premises.
  22. If a the dog eats human feces or the dog eats cat feces - In her diet disorder of protein and trace elements. Unlike dog excrement, human feces and cats are rich in proteins that the dog loves so much. But it is worth remembering that an excess of protein is dangerous for the health of the dog. Noticed, more often this habit is subject to puppies under the age of 7 months - The dog is in dire need of substances that contribute to the development of muscle mass.
  23. It is also worth paying attention to cat's food, the contents of the nutrient mixture released through feces can attract a dog. The fact is that many cat foods are also saturated with proteins. Feces after such food, dogs are perceived as a full food.

The dog eats feces: Why is such a habit dangerous?

  • Except lack of discipline in the dog and violations of hygienic rules, this habit becomes the cause of a number of diseases.
  • The feces that the dog eats is possibly infected. This subjects the pet to the occurrence of foci of all kinds of infections in the body, such as: leptospirosis, hepatitis, invasion with helminths, enteritis, toxoplasmosis.
Dangerous for health
Dangerous for health
  • Even if the dog eats its own feces, you should not allow it to do this - in the decay products, various parasites may also contain.

What to do if the dog eats its feces?

First of all, it is necessary to establish the true reason for such behavior. If the base is insignificant and is associated with psychological moments: lack of attention, lack of walks - the missing factors should be replenished.

When the reason that the dog eats feces is more significant - you can use some tested methods:

  • Normalize a dog nutrition system. The diet of feeding should be reviewed - it may be necessary to add to the menu food supplements that help the absorption and splitting of food. Preference should be given to natural products. It is useful to give: beef scar, pumpkin seeds, mint and anise. Before changing the feeding method, you should consult a veterinarian. It is forbidden mix dry and natural feed - This procedure overloads the dog’s stomach and can cause a reverse reaction.
  • Visiting a veterinary science - It will help to diagnose some possible diseases at an early stage. In any case, the consultation with a veterinarian is inevitable. Only a doctor is able to determine which trace elements are lacking in the dog, and prescribe a vitamin complex.
  • Increase the time of games and walks with a dog “It can distract her from a bad habit.” There is an opinion that you should not react if suddenly a dog made a feces on a walk - so the owner will show that this does not cause approval, and the dog will stop taking such an action. At this moment, better to withdraw the pet with the usual team and attract in any gameplay.
Increase time
Increase time
  • A sharpened dog Do not allow licking the puppies and eating their feces. It is necessary to monitor the purity of offspring and mother - timely cleaning the aviary and the necessary hygiene procedures for the whole family of the dog. If right away establish the right order - Puppies will not copy maternal behavior and will not learn to lick feces.
  • If a the dog eats feces On the basis of jealousy to other animals - it is necessary to establish equal relations between pets. It is good when for every pet, a small territory is allocated where he can feel safe. Conflicting animals, try to feed separately so as not to provoke a battle for food.
  • It is important to establish uniform rules for everyone and strive to establish peaceful relations between households - suppress attempts to dominate some over others.
Stop conflicts
Stop conflicts
  • To train a dog, respond to commands: “fu”, “you can’t”.

Regular training - not only fosters the character of the dog, but also makes up for the lack of attention. In the learning process, you can involve other pets - this will help them make friends.

  • You should know the more active the dog’s life will be, the less time will remain on bad habits. However, do not aggressively punish the pet if he refuses to execute commands: screaming, applying strength. It is important to remember, any conflict causes stress in the animal, and this also leads to non -compliance with hygiene rules and feces.
  • Wearing a muzzle - It helps to develop an excerpt in the dog when being next to the bowel movements. Over time, the animal gets used to such a model of behavior and will no longer strive to break the ban.
Wear the muzzle
Wear the muzzle
  • The purity of the dwelling - One of the primary requirements in the fight against a bad habit. It is impossible to allow the dog to be among his or other people's bowel movements.
  • Cleaning the habitat of the animal It should be carried out regularly and without long -term delays. Some pets, due to their natural characteristics, need more careful bathing, combing wool. The owner must provide proper care of the dog and its dwelling, based on the needs of its breed - to provide all the necessary conditions for the detention.
  • Taking drugseliminating the addiction to eat feces. The current veterinary medicine offers modern methods of combating feces: special tablets for internal use are fed by the animal whose feces the dog eats.
  • But such drugs are not very effective in the fight against eating their own feces. Another method is more time -consuming, but effective in any circumstances: the dispersal of the composition that inhibits the dog’s interest in excrement. Among the breeders, this method is most in demand.

The dog eats feces: drugs from bad habit

Tablets, powders and aerosols for internal and external use that are designed to help if the dog eats its feces:

  1. Exel Deter - Suitable for puppies and adult dogs. The drug contains components for bitterness of feces and trembling, contributing to the normalization of taste and digestive processes. Puppies, tablets are given along with food or in an interpreted form - pour into the throat. Taking the drug is carried out every day - before meals, for 4 weeks. The calculated dose of the drug: 1 tablet-up to 4 kg of weight, dogs more than 5 kg-2 tablets, 3-4 tablets-from 25 kg or more.
  2. Vitamin supplement of nutria - This drug prevents the eating by the dog of its own feces, as well as feces of other animals: dogs and cats. In the first case, the tablet is directly fed by the dog itself in the proportions: 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight. In the second case, the drug is given in the same doses, to the animal whose feces the dog eats.

  3. Deter - tablets worsening the taste of excrement. Like all similar tools, it contains plant components that give the bitterness of Kalu. Dosage of application: 1 tablet for every 5 kg of body weight. The treatment period is two weeks. For prevention purposes - give 1 tablet per day.
  4. Forbid - Available in the form of powder. It must be food that dog whose feces are eaten by animals.
  5. Enzymes - Funds calculated for processing meat in dog feed. This drug helps to digest food, improves metabolism. Full digestibility of nutrients prevents the craving for feces in the dog. Give daily, at every meal.
  6. Pete Blok Repert - Aerosol of outdoor action. The composition contains natural means to repel the dog from excrement. Can be used for home and street use. To do this, spray a small amount of the drug on feces.

How to wean a dog is a feces?

  • To weaning a dog is feces, it is necessary to solve the problem comprehensively: to make sure that the pet is in a healthy state, take a consultation with a veterinarian on compiling a diet, visit the center of training of dogs and most importantly - to love and take care of his pet.
  • This bad habit is the result of improper care and lack of attention to the dog: running problems with digestion, ignoring the natural needs of the animal, a lack of psychological support during periods of adaptation.

Following, all the above recommendations and without neglecting the advice of specialists - you can help the pet to get rid of this pernicious habit.

Video: Why does the dog eat feces?

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