Is it possible to eat expired marshmallows: what can be prepared, the recipe

Is it possible to eat expired marshmallows: what can be prepared, the recipe

You can eat overdue marshmallows if there are no signs of damage on the product.

Sephir is a very tasty and healthy treat. There are sugar-white, covered with chocolate icing, berry and fruit, creambo, marshmallow. None of them will leave the lover indifferent to pamper himself sweet.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What can be prepared from overdue grain cottage cheese?". You will find recipes for delicious dishes.

From this article you will learn is it possible to eat overdue marshmallows, and what can be prepared From this goodies, even if the expiration date has already ended. Read further.

What are the marshmallow made of?


The classic marshmallow recipe includes:

  • Brewed apple puree
  • Agar-agar (gelatin of red algae)
  • Egg proteins
  • Powdered sugar
  • Sugar
  • Water

To make a marshmallow tasty, the Antonovka apples variety are preferable, and mashed potatoes are made of baked fruits. By making marshmallows at home, you can take ready -made children's mashed potatoes. And use blueberry or currant mashed potatoes as a dye.

Is it possible to eat expired marshmallows: what will happen if you eat?

Sephir is a simple product, consisting mainly of apple puree and egg protein. But even he has his own shelf life. Is it possible to eat expired marshmallows? What will happen if you eat? This is what the product of the product depends on:

Some nuances:

  • Preparation technology
  • Compliance with the quality standard
  • The presence of preservatives and other additives affecting the shelf life
  • Type and integrity of packaging
  • Employed or not

From the type of goodies:

  • The usual amusing in the package - up to a month, opened - no more than two weeks.
  • Home - a week is stored in the refrigerator, you can freeze, extending a period of three months.
  • Glated with yogurt, in chocolate - it is stored for three months.
  • Marshmallow souffle - up to six months.
  • Marshmallows can be stored for 15 months.

The product is considered spoiled:

  • The color has changed (it is easier to understand the white marshmallow)
  • An unpleasant odor has appeared
  • The surface has become very dry or sticky
  • There is mold
  • The form has changed
  • There was a feeling of sand crunch when consuming

The expired shelf life a few days ago and does not have signs of damage to marshmallows can be used for food. But with the appearance of at least one sign, it can be dangerous to affect your health - from a slight food disorder to poisoning, a strong allergic reaction is also possible. After buying and opening the packaging, it is best to store marshmallows in the refrigerator.

What can be prepared from overdue marshmallows: List of dishes

In general, the marshmallow, which was stuck in your kitchen, is still suitable for use, and do you want to cook something from it? Make a delicious dessert. So, what can be prepared from overdue marshmallows. Here is a list of dishes:

  • Coffee with marshmallows. Mix coffee with sugar, add a little water, beat with a spoon until thick foam is formed. Pour boiling water into a cup and pour finely chopped marshmallows. Sprinkle with a mixture of dry cinnamon and chocolate chips.
  • Sephirine mousse with strawberries. The berry is boiled in a small amount of water with sugar. Beat the blender. A marshmallow chopped into a hot mixture is added, whipped to a homogeneous mass. Cool and mixed with whipped cream.
  • Mastic for decorations of cakes. We cut the marshmallows into pieces and put it in a special bowl for a microwave oven, spray the lemon juice and send for 10 seconds to the furnace. Sephir will increase in volume. Then add sugar powder and begin to knead, first in the dishes, then on the table. When the mass stops sticking to the hands, cover with a film and send for 30 minutes to the refrigerator. Drink the table with starch and roll out the mastic into a thin layer, cut the jewelry.
  • Fruits in a marshmallow cream. The marshmallow is cut into small pieces, mixed with cream. Bezing with a blender until a homogeneous mass. In layers with any fruit (kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, peach) and decorated in a crem is laid out in layers.

As you can see, tasty and delicious desserts are obtained. You can come up with something of your own-unusual and original.

Recipes for those who do not know how to cook: a cake from expired marshmallows and cookies

Cake from overdue marshmallows and cookies
Cake from overdue marshmallows and cookies

You can cook a very tasty cake, it does not require baking. The cream will be the most difficult, but this is actually easily and simple. In general, this recipe is great for those who do not know how to cook. To prepare the cake, you will need 0.5 kg of the most ordinary sand cookies, it is better to choose with the taste of ghee. It will replace the cakes. In shape, choose a rectangular or square, it is more convenient to lay out and easier to separate the finished cake into portions. Here is a recipe for a cake from overdue marshmallows and cookies:

Components, except for cookies:

  • 350-400g marshmallows
  • 3 pieces of banana
  • 130 g of sugar
  • 1 tbsp. l. soluble coffee (without a slide)
  • 300 ml of cream 33 % (2 tbsp. We leave cream for impregnation of cakes)
  • Blueberries or black currants-15-20 g (you can fresh berry, or duffed with sugar)
  • Orange for decoration

Preparation of the cake start with the cream:

  1. Pour cream into a deep bowl (cold is better whipped), all sugar and berries.
  2. With the help of a blender, beat into a thick homogeneous mass.
  3. The cream is ready, put it in the refrigerator.

We continue:

  1. Clean the bananas and cut them into circles.
  2. You divide each marshmallow into 2 parts, cut the resulting one again. Several beautiful curly tops (5-6 pieces) set aside, they will go to decorate the cake.
  3. To make the cake well so, prepare the cookies. Dilute coffee in 50 ml of water, add 2 tbsp. l. cream. Dip each cookie quickly in the drink and spread it on the dish, forming the first layer of the cake.
  4. Take out the cream from the refrigerator, grease the cookie layer and put the chopped marshmallow on it, and the cream again.
  5. Put the chopped rings of the banana tightly and cover with cookies, after dipping it in a coffee drink, lubricate it with cream.
  6. Repeat the layer with marshmallows.
  7. Banana layer.
  8. Dip the third layer of cookies (upper layer of the cake) in coffee, lubricate the surface and side of the cake with the remaining cream. Grind a couple of dry cookies into the baby and sprinkle the surface of the cake and the sides of the cake with them.
  9. Decorate the top with marshmallows and half rings of an orange. Within an hour, the cake is saturated and it can be served to tea or coffee. But, if you cook it in the evening, then the next day it will become more tender and perfectly soaked that it can be a spoon.

Enjoy your tea party!

Video: We save the dried marshmallow/ caramel from marshmallows

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