Methods of teaching and raising children Maria Montessori: Description

Methods of teaching and raising children Maria Montessori: Description

Montessori technique begins with the creation of a microworld for children, which fully meets their needs. In order to inspire the child, to arrange him for creativity and encourage the action, to begin with, a comfortable space around him is organized, it is worth talking about this technique in more detail.

The Italian practitioner Maria Montessori has developed a unique and most effective methodology for teaching children in various directions. The impetus for the development was the education system unapestified for children. For Montessori, absolutely unacceptable many hours of memorization of school material. Therefore, the teacher decided to break stereotypes and realize his idea of \u200b\u200blearning to life.

Methods of teaching and raising children Maria Montessori: Description

  • Montessori developed not only textbooks, but also paid maximum attention to the arrangement of training classes. All objects necessary for the full life of the child are performed in proportion to children's parameters and are provided to independent use of children. Stimulation of children to self -service according to the Montessori method takes place in a playful way.
  • Your main one the principle of Montessori methodology expresses in a short motto: "Help me do it myself". The Montessori system builds individual teaching children, accepting them as they are, providing them with complete freedom of action.
  • The best result from learning brings independent practice. The longer adults prevent the child’s independent actions, the longer he will master new skills. Any action committed by a child without the help of an adult is postponed on the subconscious. Independent steps increase concentration, improve attention and coordination of movements.

The task of the adult is to send the child in the right direction, while beflated to take into account his wishes, aspirations and features. The teacher should help reveal the individuality of each child.

  • For full learning a child, a child is created a prepared environment with a variety of developing materials. Teacher Montessori helps to master the principle of operation of game items, but never imposes a specific sample.
  • The opportunity to choose in different directions is provided. According to the Montessori methodology, children develop at an individual pace. They begin training in a playful way according to a given sample and further show their tactics of using objects.
  • Montessori-pedagog monitors the development of the child, allows him to study on his own experience. Stimulates children to move forward. In difficult situations, it switches children's attention to simpler tasks.

What is the methodology of early development of children Maria Montessori from 6 months - the essence and principles: how is it different from other methods?

Montessori technique does not pursue the goal of raising unique and brilliant children. The natural pace of learning allows you to reveal the abilities and potential of the child at the right time.

Montessori system is built on three principles:

  1. There is always a child in the spotlight.
  2. A child is environmental, which makes it possible to develop independently.
  3. Montessori-pedagogue observes from the side and is involved in the process only at the request of the child.

Montessori training is the main differences from other methods:

  • Work with different teaching materials eliminates the competition between children and comparing the results achieved;
  • The result of each child is evaluated individually and is not compared with generally accepted criteria;
  • Children are not forced to action, not encouraged for the result and is not punished for its absence;
  • Each child studies at a comfortable pace, has the right to adjust the duration of training;
  • Montessori \u003d children independently form the direction of their development and use the educational material at their discretion.

Key duties of teachers under the Montessori system:

  • Teachers act as neutral observers behind the learning process;
  • Do not interfere with the independent actions of the child;
  • Allow you to form a space around themselves at the discretion of the child, respect his choice;
  • They help to feel, touch game items and the environment.

Quotes of Maria Montessori on Education

Those who are interested in the Montessori technique will be useful to read the popular statements of Maria Montessori. Indeed, in fact, its quotes carry a large semantic load and are additional rules and principles.

  • “Each child is primarily a person who does not need learning. Children are ready to independently reveal their potential, for which they need to properly organize space. ”
  • “I cannot raise a genius. But I can push each child to reveal his abilities and help put them into practice. I will help to gain freedom in actions, become more decisive and feel inner harmony. ”
  • “The activity in which you are interested will never exhaust you, but, on the contrary, will add energy.”
  • “To begin with, rub the veil from your eyes, and thereby help you see your child.”
  • “When contacting your child, always follow your habits - become a worthy example, demonstrate your best qualities.”
  • "My task is not to teach children, but to give them a ticket to life."
  • "Show patience to the child’s passive activity, listen to his thoughts about the past and future."
  • "Conduct those who are trying to act, even if they do not have clear goals."
  • "The first understanding that should come to the child is the distinction between the bad and the good."

What parts of the Montessori Methods Methodology system does it make?

The development of children according to the Montessori method has several directions. Montessori School shares the environment intended for learning into several zones.

  1. The area of \u200b\u200beveryday household skills.
  • The space equipped with household items, with the help of which daily actions are carried out. The child learns simple household activities - washing dishes, cleaning, cooking.
  • Skills are formed using contact with water, loose materials, small objects.
  1. The development zone of the senses.
  • Territory equipped sensory developmental materials. Objects help to study the taste and aroma, sort colors and shapes.
  • Objects of different sizes form such a concept as weight, volume, size. For example, cubes or towers of a collective structure.
  1. Mathematical zone.
  • The space of this territory is filled with objects designed to get acquainted with an arithmetic line.
  • With the help of counting sticks, beads, cards, children learn to add, subtract, perform simple calculations.
  1. The zone for the development of speech.
  • The territory is designed to get acquainted with the basics of writing and reading.
  • Fundamental communication skills are laid With peers and adults.
  • Children work behavioral skills, learn to correctly express their thoughts and feelings.
Acquaintance with reading
Acquaintance with reading
  1. Cosmic zone.
  • Game materials give children initial knowledge about the surrounding world, nature, about man and space.
  • Acquaintance with astronomy, biology, physics, chemistry, geography, etc. takes place. A picture of the integrity of the world is formed.

Methodology of Maria Montessori, applicable to younger age from 6 months: application, classes at home

  • To embody yourself montessori methodology In a home environment, adults will have to work on creating a special atmosphere.
  • So that the child can independently To know the surrounding world, for the children's room you will need many developing material in the form of toys, devices, furniture and various inventories. Insufficient toy you can replenish with homemade inventions.
  • Young children are necessary admit to contact with adult objects. Give the opportunity to feel and taste. Kids love contact with loose objects very much - cereals, beads, counting sticks. For example, a trash with semolina is an excellent material for drawing with fingers.
We draw with your fingers
We draw with your fingers
  • Parents should learn not to intervene in an independent process of cognition of the world. Systematically connect the child to participation in the life of the family Through the playful fulfillment of domestic needs. Allow him to wash, cook, cleaning. Show patience and respect, refrain from criticism.
  • Drive learning subjects in various areas. Follow the order of things, do not mix mathematics with biology. Give freedom of choice for children and not to interfere with them to learn from their own mistakes.
  • It is very convenient if daily classes with the child are held at the same time. Firstly, this disciplines the child, and secondly, will increase interest in the process of waiting.

Daily routine of children according to the method of Maria Montessori

For mothers who want to independently organize the routine of children according to the Montessori method, you need to adhere to certain temporary boundaries.

Montessori day routine:

  • 7:30 — we help the baby wake up, carry out hygiene procedures. Together with the child, we pick up a wardrobe for him, cover the bed. The main condition is no haste.
  • 8:00 – mom prepares breakfast, children help to set the table. After eating, the children take part in cleaning from the table, washing dishes, moving products into the refrigerator. Mom and child together organize a snack, prepare fruits, cookies.
  • 9:30 – the interaction of mom and child with the help of simple games, sports charging, interesting conversation.
  • 9:30-10:30 – independent training in Montessori Environment. The material for classes is stuck in accordance with the age and a specific topic. Games end with joint cleaning of toys.
  • 11:00 - The second stage of the interaction of mom and child, joint games, reading books, memorizing poems. Communication ends with a moment of silence and cleaning toys.
  • 11:30-12:30 – mom gathers with the baby for a walk or to the playground. Provides the child with the opportunity to choose clothes. Weather conditions should not become an obstacle to a walk.
  • 12:30-14:00 – dressing and toilet after the street. Joint preparation of products for lunch. Cooking dishes. Self -use of food. A separate table with dishes and instruments is served for the child. Cleaning from the table.
  • 14:00 – 16:00 – reading a book before bedtime and daylight. If necessary, sleep is replaced by calm games.
  • 16:00 – 17:00 – classes, sports, music. Creativity implies not only children's classes, but also helping mom in the household. For example, transplanting colors, sorting things. Several times a week sports classes are held and, if desired, training in playing musical instruments.
  • 17:00 – evening walk on the playground, going to the store, on a visit, etc.
  • 18:30 - Dinner and pastime in the family circle.
  • 21:00 – hygienic procedures. It is important that the child independently perform elementary actions - brushes his teeth, wash his hands. Children independently change into pajamas and prepare for bed.

Montessori Methods in kindergarten: Classes

Teaching children in kindergarten according to the Montessori method is in compliance with the main principles:

  • Montessori children are not limited in the choice of toys and arbitrarily move between the gaming zones;
  • Individual sessions With the teacher when mastering new material, subject.
  • Daily training It ends with group classes at the round table.
  • Creative classes In terms of interests, small subgroups are held.
  • Group research, events, excursions.
Important elements
Important elements

Classes on the Montessori program in kindergarten:

  • Lesson in silence. Implies the wordless interaction of the teacher and the child. Communication with visual contact, motor activity. Knowing your inner world.
  • Breathing exercises.At the end of the school day, Montessori children relax in a common circle in a calm atmosphere.
  • The development of speech skills.Learning of poems, songs, tongue twisters. Games in “opposite”, “I do not believe”, “finish the phrase”, etc.

Toys according to Montessori Methods

For the development of babies, a huge number of toys have been developed according to the Montessori methodology. All devices are united by one main quality - they are made of natural materials.

If you want to choose several interesting toys according to the Montessori method, we suggest that you choose several universal positions:

  • Wooden sorter - In the form of a house, a car, a rectangular figure. It has many holes and liners from multi -colored figures of various shapes. Develops fine motor skills, coordination of movements, thinking.
  • Product set- Assorted fruits, vegetables, impromptu breakfast or lunch. Kits help organize plot and role -playing games, contribute to the development of logic and imagination.
  • Frameworkliners - Filling the frames of the puzzle with elements of different shapes, sizes and parts. Promotes concentration of attention, perseverance, tactile perception.
  • Puzzles with geometric shapes, letters, numbers- develop spatial perception, observation, coordination of movements.
  • Bizibord- Multifunctional wooden board, filled with various elements. Promotes the development of fine motor skills, sensory, quick wits.
  • Wooden laces - The lacing process develops attention, logic, fine motor skills.

Biziborn according to Montessori Methods

  • One of the most interesting and brilliant inventions according to the Montessori method - bizibord. The toy is decorated in the form of a developing board with a large number of various functions.
  • Bizibord develops motor skills in young children, forms useful skills. Its main task is help the child to know the world around him.
  • The game form of daily classes leads to an effective result. Is happening comprehensive interaction motor skills and speech center. The functionality of the Bizilboard captivates children for a long period and brings a lot of pleasure.
  • Montessori Bizibor is equipped with household items with which Daily contact - switches, buttons, outlets, watches, lightning, lacing, clothespins, buttons, locks. Some objects contain surprises that enhance child interest and curiosity.
Buy a bizilboard
Buy a bizilboard

A game with Bizilboard develops a number of abilities:

  • Improves motor coordination of hands;
  • Develops sensory perception of fingers;
  • Forms perseverance in a child;
  • Develops imagination and trains color perception;
  • Introduces new words and trains memory.
You can do it yourself
You can do it yourself

Parents can independently make Bizobor Montessori at home.

Metessori Methods Games

  • Games according to the Montessori method is aimed at developing tactile sensations, at the development of smell, the development of musical hearing and sensory experience.
  • Children sort objects, study the sounds of musical instruments, learn to distinguish smells, shapes, colors and much more.
  • At home, you can easily organize simple Montessori games.

Find an invisible object

  • From improvised materials you will need a large transparent container, small toys and several types of cereals.
  • Fill the pool with cereals.
  • We put several toys inside.
  • Invite the baby to find a specific item.
  • Show how to do it.
  • You can increase interest in paired items. For example, two identical cubes - if the first was found, then you need to find a pair.

Pick up a lid

  • Playing the development of logic and fine motor skills. Prepare a few diverse containers with lids. Plastic bottles, bubbles, jars of twist.
  • Invite the baby to choose containers for bottles. Show an example of how to dress the lid on the jar.
  • Even if the child does not succeed the first time, do not rush to help him.

Guess the symbol

  • Cut several identical rectangular cards from thick paper or cardboard. Draw a number or letter on each card. Repeat the contour with glue and sprinkle with sand on top.
  • After drying, streaming excess grains of sand. Ask the child to close his eyes or tie them with a scarf. Put the card in front of him.
  • Offer to the touch to guess what digit or the letter is shown on the card. Show how to draw a finger along the contour.

Logopedic project according to Montessori Methods

  • The training system of Maria Montessori allows you to combine disciplined behavior and free movement, Entertaining games and educational work. Speech therapists note the effectiveness of the use of Montessori materials for teaching children with speech problems.
  • The main advantage for children with special needs that the Montessori method excludes the presence of uniform rules.

The task of Montessori children is to surpass themselves, and not overtake the peer. The child has freedom of choice and is not limited in time when performing various tasks.

  • The development of the speech center is based on the knowledge of the world through the senses. Montessori training materials to know the world allow the child to independently distinguish signs, properties, features, and communication.
  • Primary features become the basis for improving the speech function.

The use of individual elements of the Montessori methodology helps to form the following qualities in children:

  • Positive self -esteem and confidence in their actions;
  • The desire to study new material;
  • High level of attention and concentration;
  • Independent decision -making and the ability to make the right choice.
Development of abilities
Development of abilities

Montessori touch and practical material helps to solve the following problems:

  • Forms perception by ear;
  • Replenishes the active and passive vocabulary;
  • Teaches to bind words in sentences in meaning;
  • Helps to navigate in the environment;
  • Automates reproduction of sounds.

To consolidate the basic concepts, each Montessori lesson must be completed by the analysis of the work done, which will positively affect the development of coherent speech.

Learning letters according to the Montessori methodology

  • Acquaintance with letters according to the Montessori method begins In a playful way. According to Montessori, the first acquaintance with letters should occur through the drawing. Write a capital letter, invite the child to repeat, voice its name.
  • Use mobile alphabet. It can be letters-lodges, rough letters, paper cards. To make it easier for the child to remember the letter, the whole alphabet is played in the form of a fairy tale.
  • The letters can be portrayed on a sheet of paper in the form of dots. Show small presentationHow to correctly connect points and what is obtained as a result.
  • Use stencils In the form of letters. Invite the baby to circle the letter and shake her lines. Go from wide lines to narrower ones, make movements from left to right.
  • To compose the first words is used mobile alphabet. It is enough to learn a few vowels and consonants.
  • Blind probing Convex or rough letters helps children in a short time to learn the entire alphabet.
  • Montessori Reading It is built with a logical sequence - from concrete to the abstract, to symbols and letters.
  • The reading process begins with intuitive reading. When the child still does not know how to read, but relying on the pictures and the knowledge gained, he intuitively voices the word. That is, the first words should be accompanied by images. Intuitive reading warms up interest in the study of letters and reading.
  • For the first reading Familiar objects are used. The child must understand the meaning of the word that he reads. It will be easier for the teacher to suggest and direct it to the right thought.
  • The first book can be decorated in the form of coloring or contain large subject images.

Raising a child according to the Montessori methodology

The key idea of \u200b\u200braising a child according to the Montessori method is the self -development of the child. Parents and teachers help choose the right direction and create comfortable conditions for revealing the potential of the child.

The education of the child according to the Montessori method is taking into account the general rules:

  • The training area is delimited into several diverse zones;
  • In collective classes There are children of different ages, which stimulates to help the younger ones and study with elders;
  • Independent choice of games and duration of training;
  • Children always remove toys in place, showing respect for other participants in the process;
  • Education occurs in silence, the child does not violate the comfort of other children;
  • Children do not take toys from peers, the one who took the first - he uses the material.

English teaching in the light of Montessori Methods

  • English courses for preschoolers are good they train memory, develop communication skills, expand the horizons of the child. Teaching English in the light of Montessori technique will help to instill a love of learning foreign languages.
  • Instead of complex and boring exercises, children study english on Montessori With the help of modeling, applications, drawings. The study of new words occurs in visual subjects in the environment. Visual memory improves the memorization of new foreign words.
  • In the learning process, children are involved in games that switch them to a new language environment. Montessori technique Allows you to change the usual exercises with a fascinating interesting work.

Learning to write according to Montessori Methods

  • Montessori technique positions the process of writing as more light and naturalthan reading. If, in the process of reading, a child needs to understand someone else's point of view, then in the process of writing, children set out their own thoughts.
  • Writing letters according to the Montessori method should begin from a written form, not from printed. Capsical letters have smooth lines and roundings, which are much easier to be served by a children's brush. It is easier for a child to draw a number of rounded characters than a line of straight sticks.
  • According to the Montessori method Children are taught to draw entire characters, not their part. In order for the child to draw a whole letter, first it is necessary to teach him how to hold the pen correctly. Training and coordination of movements occurs using sensory materials. The child must be taught to fasten the buttons, lace, tie, pour, cut.
It is important to put your hand correctly
It is important to put your hand correctly
  • Preparation of a children's hand for a letter on Montessori occurs using metal figures-lodges, outdoor alphabet, sand paper, sound games and exercise games.

Speech development according to the Montessori methodology

  • The first lexical baggage is formed in children under 2.5 years old. Active interaction with an adult allows you to completely master a speech up to 3.5 years. For the development of speech according to the Montessori methodology At the age of 3-4 years in the learning process, split numbers and letters begin to participate.

From 4 years of age, children begin to prescribe letters and syllables. According to Montessori, progress is possible at this age - writing individual words.

  • The letter is followed by reading skills. According to Montessori, it is easier for children to express thoughts through a letter than through reading or auditory perception of other people's speech.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands according to the Montessori methodology

  • Develop fine motor skills according to the Montessori methodology The perception of small objects helps. Contact with beads, peas, buttons captivates the child for a long period.

It is easier for a child to know the world around the world through small and small objects. Available and safe objects help to gain self -confidence.

  • The gaming process with the participation of small items improves fine motor skills, which is closely related to the speech center and psychological development of the child.

Tasks on the Montessori Methodology: Examples for Children

Work with inserts.

  • Different figures are laid out on a sheet of paper and circled with multi -colored pencils. We remove all the figures, mix and ask the child to lay out each item into his frame.
  • We decorate the shape of the figures with watercolor paints, shake with pencils.
  • We cut out the circled figures from colored paper and glue it on a white sheet.

Formation of objects, objects, phenomena in groups.

  • A set of cards on the theme "animals", "vegetables", "professions", etc. We take turns laying out one picture. The child must voice the image.
  • We lay out one card from each group in a row. We mix the remaining cards and show one at a time. The child’s task is to attach an image to a particular group in a set of similar features.
  • Lay out ten images of animals in front of the child. One card imperceptibly hide. To help the child calculate which animal is not enough.
On the cards
On the cards

Help in the kitchen.

  • Prepare two containers. Fill one cereal. Give your child a spoon and offer carefully pour the cereal into the second bowl.
  • We prepare a container with a liquid, a cup and a small ladle. We show the baby how to fill the cup with drinking with a ladle. We offer to remove the spilled with a sponge.
  • Pour water into a wide bowl, add liquid soap. We show how to foam water. We insert a tube into soapy water and blow bubbles.

Montessori Methodology: Pros and cons of

Montessori's technique has earned recognition of a large number of teachers. Many preschool centers and schools teach children according to similar principles.

Among the main advantages of the Montessori system, it is worth highlighting:

  • From the younger age Montessori children learn to be independent, acquire useful self -service skills;
  • Montessori technique teaches you to show respect, care and patience for each other;
  • Cognition of the world occurs through own discoveries and consolidation of knowledge in practice;
  • Montessori children learn to make responsible decisions, get used to self -discipline;
  • High -quality development of motor skills and sensory perception.

Disadvantages of the Montessori system:

  • Training according to Montessori Methodology does not provide for the development of creative abilities;
  • The learning process eliminates contact with ordinary toys;
  • Education does not provide for the development of many personal qualities;
  • Cardinal difference with the traditional learning process and as a result, complex adaptation in the future;
  • The complete absence of restrictions that significantly reduces the pace and motivation of the child;
  • For high -quality assimilation of the material, a complete system of tools and materials is required, fragmentary elements are ineffective.

Montessori technique: for and against

  • Big Arsenal material base For training according to the Montessori methodology and specialized training of teachers, Montessori Garden and the school makes more expensive Montessori. For this reason, some parents prefer state children's institutions.
  • After training according to the Montessori methodology, the child will have to reconstruct the classroom systemthat will cause some difficulties.
  • Individual training of students leaves a very little time for communication with peersWhat causes temporary difficulties at the beginning of the school educational process.
Has advantages and disadvantages
Has advantages and disadvantages
  • Montessori technique is especially it is useful for children with special needs. An effective learning system helps to make up for gaps in skills and abilities to the level of normal development.
  • Independent training forms children in Montessori a responsibility, motivates new discoveries and desire to receive new information, develops analytical abilities.

If you are interested in more detailed information about the development of children, we advise you to read the following articles:

Metessori Methodology: reviews

  • Alina, mother Sofia 6 years old.Our daughter is engaged in Montessori's methodology. Teachers take into account the features and needs of each child individually. Compared to the standard education system, children get more knowledge and acquire more skills. Independent training in Montessori allows you to fix the material better.
  • Irina, Mom Leva 9 years old.My son visits Montessori a school from grade 2. In addition to a large number of new information, the child has acquired such important qualities as self -confidence, curiosity, inexhaustible interest in learning. I never heard from the child that he was tired or hard to study. He is looking forward to the end of the holidays to start classes again.
  • Elena, Maxim Maxim 7 years old.Based on positive reviews, they chose Montessori kindergarten for his son. Teaching in the garden according to Montessori's methodology provided our son harmonious development, taught to respect himself and others, gave the opportunity to develop in his own rhythm, taking into account individual wishes. The Montessori system helped to reveal the potential of Maxim and raised a sincere desire to gain new knowledge.

Video: Reading by Montessori Methods

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