Development of a child for months up to a year. Когда ребенок начинает держать головку, переворачиваться, гулить, сидеть, ползать, вставать, говорить: описание по месяцам

Development of a child for months up to a year. Когда ребенок начинает держать головку, переворачиваться, гулить, сидеть, ползать, вставать, говорить: описание по месяцам

Features of the development of the child from birth to a year.


Features of the development of the child up to 1 year

The child’s life is up to one year old is the most active period when he develops rapidly: learns to hold the head and turn over, walk, sit, go, walk, say some words ... This should be treated with a high level of responsibility, since the correctness of the formation of skills and the correctness of skills and Further adaptation to the conditions of the modern world will depend.

Physical development of the child by month
Physical development of the child by month

Based on the fact that each crumb develops according to an individual plan (ahead of development or lags behind it), a young mother is obliged to know the approximate age when new skills should appear in order not to miss the appearance of possible deviations in the development of the baby.

Child development in 1 month

This is the most difficult time for a young mother, as you need to get used to a new life in which there is a little man who requires care and attention. During this period, the baby is almost constantly sleeping, so he adapts to new living conditions, actively grows and gains weight.

Breastfeeding the first month

Breast milk is the best food for crumbs. With it, the child receives all the necessary vitamins and nutrients that are needed for full development. In the first month, the baby gains an average of 600-700 g.

Currently, doctors recommend applying the baby to the chest at his request, and not withstand 3-4 hours between feeding, as in the old days.

IMPORTANT: In the event that mom cannot feed the baby with breast milk, it needs to be replaced with a special adapted mixture!

What a child can in 1 month
What a child can in 1 month

When the child begins to hold the head, recognize the voice of the mother?

If during the first weeks of life, during active wakefulness, he can randomly wave his hands with clenched fists, as well as squeeze the legs to the tummy, then at the age of month the child begins to appear new skills.

At the age of month, the baby is capable of:

  • hold the head for a few seconds;
  • focus on the faces of parents or bright objects;
  • make some sounds;
  • listen to various sounds and voices of people;
  • recognize the voice of the mother and her smell;
  • weeping to indicate discomfort (colic, hunger).

Video: What does a child know in 1 month? The development of the baby

Child development at 2 months

This is an active period in the development of the child, its growth increases by 2-3 cm, and the weight-by 700-800 g. It begins to sleep a little less, eat more, consider surrounding objects.

Young parents often ask a question - when the child begins to hold the head and walk?! So, a two -month -old baby is already able to raise and do not hold the head for long at the expense of the stronger cervical muscles, as well as make agile sounds.

When a child begins to walk, smile, pull the hands, distinguish colors?

Features of the development of the child at 2 months of age:

  • begins to walk;
  • raises his head, holds it for a few seconds;
  • can smile;
  • reacts to grimaces of parents;
  • tries to pull the pens to the subject of interest;
  • calms down while sucking the chest;
  • it begins to distinguish between colors that did not exist for him before.
What a child can at 2 months old
What a child can at 2 months old

Video: What should a child be able to be at 2 months old?

Child development at 3 months

The third month is characterized by the development of new skills that were not there before. The kid is very interested in the surrounding things and objects, sleeps less in the daytime. He is able to hold the head, lying on the tummy rises to the forearm, aguka and babbling.

Doctors recommend that you often spread the baby on the stomach, so it is able to independently train the muscles of the abdomen and neck. It also helps the departure of gases from the intestines.

What a child can at 3 months old
What a child can at 3 months old

When a child holds a rattle, takes out a pacifier from his mouth, reaches for toys?

Child skills at 3 months:

  • holds the head
  • makes various sounds, reacts to the words of mom, gulit
  • can rely on the forearm
  • takes out a nipple out of the mouth, inserts it back
  • everything that enters the pens, pulls into the mouth
  • turns the head
  • watching with moving toys
  • smiles
  • handles reaches for objects
  • reacts to sounds and extraneous noises
  • it can hold a rattle
  • rejoices at the appearance of a mother and other family members

Video: Development of a child at 3 months

Child development at 4 months

At the end of this period, the child becomes heavier than 700-800 g, and its growth increases by 2-3 cm.

What a child can at 4 months old
What a child can at 4 months old

When the child rises on the hands, picks up toys, recognizes mom, reacts to his name?

When the child is four months old, he is already capable of:

  • keep your head yourself;
  • climb the handles;
  • react to sounds, turn your head, look for a source of sound;
  • take toys in pens, examine them, pull them in the mouth;
  • recognize mom;
  • with pens, hold the chest during feeding;
  • rise to sit down;
  • respond to your name;
  • laugh, pronounce syllables.
  • fall from a sofa or bed, if you do not follow it

With each subsequent month, weight gain will decrease, as the child begins to lead a more active lifestyle.

Video: What should a child be able to at 4 months?

Child development at 5 months

This period becomes the beginning of a new stage in the development of the child. He is already actively turning on the back to the back, and vice versa, he knows the world around him faster.

When a child begins to turn over on his own, sit with support, pronounce syllables, laugh?

At this age, Kroch also knows how:

  • sit with support;
  • confidently pronounce sounds and syllables;
  • laugh;
  • distinguish between family people from strangers;
  • cry when he lacks attention;
  • suck fingers on the arms and legs.

Every day, the child is getting more interesting and adult, the mother needs to devote as much attention as possible so as not to miss the important points of its development.

What a child can at 5 months
What a child can at 5 months

Video: A child is 5 months old. What do we know?

Child development at 6 months

At six months of age, the child’s movement becomes even more confident. It begins to show its character more active and persistent.

When a child begins to sit, get on all fours, distinguish names, pronounce syllables?

He can:

  • sit down without help
  • sit with support
  • shift items from one hand to another
  • stand on all fours when lies on your tummy
  • make new sounds
  • pronounce the syllables "ma", "pa", "ba"
  • reach your hands to parents and things of interest
  • try to explain with gestures
  • distinguishes names, turns the head when you pronounce his name
  • react to parents emotionally
  • drink from a bottle
  • eat from a spoon
What a child can at 6 months old
What a child can at 6 months old

Video: What does a child know at 6 months? The calendar of the development of the baby

Child development at 7 months

During this period, the baby begins to show even more activity and interest in the world around him. Every day he has some new skills. A little fidget can no longer lie in one place, he quickly turns from back to his tummy, and back.

At this age, new products appear in the diet of crumbs - cottage cheese and meat, which are so important for the development of the whole organism and the formation of teeth.

When a child begins to sit, stand on the legs, consider books?

At 7 months, the child is already leading an active lifestyle. He moves more, tries to know something new and interesting.

What a child can at 7 months
What a child can at 7 months

At this age, the baby can:

  • sit on the ass on your own, sit without support;
  • stand on the legs (holding on to the support);
  • walk with mother's support;
  • crawl, most often in the opposite direction;
  • actively play games for the development of pens motor skills (e.g. "Magpie");
  • pronounce different sounds;
  • remember the parts of your body, shows where its nose, mouth, eyes, etc.;
  • keep the mug while drinking;
  • for a long time to consider bright pictures, illustrations.

Video: child 7 months old

Video: We develop speech - classes for children from 6 months to a year - 1 part

Child development at 8 months

Since that time, the child cannot be left unattended to prevent possible injuries due to his active movements.

When a child begins to speak the first words, try to eat, walk on a crib, dance to music?

The eighth month differs from all previous ones in that the baby can say the first words - “mother”, “dad”, “woman”, “give”. In addition, the baby also knows how:

  • move along the crib, along the walls and items of furniture, holding on to them;
  • sit on your own, stand on the legs, stand for a long time;
  • crawl quickly;
  • take food in pens, put it in a mouth;
  • squat or dance to the music.
What a child can at 8 months old
What a child can at 8 months old

Video: What should a child be able to be at 8 months old?

Child development at 9 months

Very soon, the child will already take its first steps, as it is more confident on the legs and walks with support. In his actions, perseverance begins to appear: falling, after an unsuccessful attempt to take a step, he rises again to repeat it.

When a child begins to manipulate adults, understand simple words, repeat adult movements?

At 9 months of age, new knowledge and skills of the baby are added to the general baggage. The baby can:

  • manipulate adults with their crying;
  • show your negative attitude to swimming, cleaning the ears, cutting of nails;
  • repeat adult movements;
  • say some words whose meaning is understandable only to relatives and friends;
  • drink from a cup or glass;
  • change the direction of movement while crawling around the room.
What a child can at 9 months
What a child can at 9 months

Video: Development of a child at 9 months. How do children say at 9 months?

Child development at 10 months

This age is characterized by the beginning of “communication” with children. For the child, their toys, strollers or things become interesting. He examines them intently - to get acquainted. With the help of mom, he can already be played.

When a child begins to walk, play toys independently, you can’t understand the word, call toy animals?

The first steps of your child can be seen already at 10 months of age. First, he will break away from the support, take a few steps and fall on the ass, then he will rise again, fall again ...

After several unsuccessful attempts to take a step, confident steps will begin to appear, after which the baby will not fall on the ass.

At 10 months, the child can:

  • take the first steps and walk
  • quickly crawl, squat, dance
  • play toys: throw a ball, roll cars, picks up dolls in his hands, etc.
  • remember the name of animals, tries to repeat them
  • understands the meaning of the word “impossible”, “no”, “go” and others who often use in communication with it
  • shows parts of the body if you call them
  • tries to imitate parents in motion, sounds
  • repeats acquaintances, memorized movements at the request of adults, for example, wave his hand
  • tries to use a spoon while eating
  • should already be accustomed to the pot
  • already takes toys not everything in a row, but chooses that I like
  • able to get one item with another, for example, roll a ball with a stick, take a berry from a spoon out of a cup
What a child can at 10 months
What a child can at 10 months

Video: Development of a child at 10 months

Child development at 11 months

There is very little left until the first birthday. The baby grows up every day, shows his character, tries to do something on his own (repeat movements behind his mother).

When a child begins to point a finger, wave a pen?

At the age of 11, the child can already:

  • sit, crawl, walk, jump, squat
  • sock
  • show emotions at the sight of familiar people, favorite toys
  • rejoice to new toys
  • eat and drink on your own
  • he waves his head - “yes” and “no”
  • played by small objects (sorting out cereals, peas, beans)
What a child can at 11 months old
What a child can at 11 months old

Video: Development of a child at 11 months

Child development at 1 year

At this age, almost all children are already confidently walking without support or support. They become adults, try to independently know the world.

When a child begins to chew, drink from a mug, eat with a spoon, take care of toys, disassemble and collect them?

At the age of age, the child is already:

  • walks, jumps, runs, squats;
  • helps to dress, comb, brush your teeth, wash;
  • he independently tries to chew hard food, dolls with a spoon;
  • shows his concern for dolls;
  • played by the designer: collects details, disassembles them;
  • says light words;
  • remembers the position of objects and things;
  • it only eats the food that he likes.
What a child can at 12 months old
What a child can at 12 months old

Video: Development of a child at 12 months

The first year from the life of a child was marked by the appearance of new skills and knowledge. During this time, the baby became much more independent, more adulthood and confident in its actions. A lot more interesting is waiting ahead, the main thing is not to miss all this due to constant employment and various problems !!! Pay more attention to your children, it is very important for them !!!

Video: Development of a child at 1 year from a family from A to Z

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