What the child should be able to and know at 3 years: skills and skills. How much should we weigh, sleep, eat, drink, say and know words, flowers child at 3 years old? Psychology, teeth, emotional, physical development, motor skills, in children 3 years old: norm, behavior features

What the child should be able to and know at 3 years: skills and skills. How much should we weigh, sleep, eat, drink, say and know words, flowers child at 3 years old? Psychology, teeth, emotional, physical development, motor skills, in children 3 years old: norm, behavior features

The article will tell you about the features of the development of the child at 3 years old.

Development of a boy and a girl at 3 years old: similarities and differences

The main similarities and differences:

  • Since infancy, all boys and girls have differences in development, both physiological and psychological.
  • Girls develop more rapidly than boys, and at 3 years this difference can be seen by studying their speech.
  • Girls at 3 years are already talking fluently, make up sentences, describe the situation, they have a rich vocabulary.
  • Interesting, but the vocabulary of girls at 3 years old is much richer (at least 2 times) than in boys.
  • Girls are very emotionally and sensually perceiving any information and therefore it is easier for them to remember new words.
  • The speech of girls is more emotional than boys. They know how to express feelings with intonation and gesticulating.
  • Girls are able to hear parents, perceiving their words, and boys should clearly show and explain everything.
  • Boys are less predisposed to the manifestation of creative abilities than girls.
  • Girls are painstaking, they can sit at the table for a long time and draw, play, watch cartoons.
  • Boys tend to show aggression and be more active than girls. That is why they prefer active and sports games.
  • Girls are more focused on their personality, while boys are very uncertained and attached to parents.
How do boys and girls develop at 3 years old?
How do boys and girls develop at 3 years old?

How much should a child eat at 3 years old?

The correct development of the child, as well as his health, largely depends on the quality of the amount of nutrition of the baby. Most parents are sure that when reaching 3 years of age, the child becomes so adult that almost everything that parents feed on. This statement is erroneous.

Important: of course, the menu of a three -year -old baby is much wider than a child at 1 and 2 years old. Nevertheless, if baby food is not full -fledged, it will not receive a number of important vitamins and trace elements for development. At 3 years old, the child is actively growing and a mass of substances requires him.

For the baby, it is important to have its own diet, which will be close to the "sadikovsky" (3 or 4 one). Shunes should not be too large and numerous, and no night feeding should not be at all. Breast milk is no longer food for the baby, it should be completely excluded (even if you still feed it).

Other rules:

  • Exclude fatty and heavy food, especially if it falls on the evening.
  • A 3-year-old baby needs no more than 1600 kcal per day.
  • Of great importance is the energy value of meals for the child. The most high -calorie should be dinner, less high -calorie breakfast and dinner, and the most gentle one is a afternoon snack.
  • It should be borne in mind that each child is individual: everyone has a different metabolism and therefore some children can love to eat, while others do it without pleasure.
  • In any case, it cannot be forced to eat a child - this will develop negative emotions in him, and he will immediately resist when he is called at the table.
  • The child’s nutrition at 3 years should be diverse, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Children should eat fish and meat (there are a lot of animal protein in these products). The daily norm is about 65-70 gr.
  • It is best to cook steamed food or cook, but baking and roasting in a minimum amount of oil are allowed.
  • Mandatory nutrients - dairy and dairy products.
  • Carbohydrates are very important for the child, but not simple, but complex, for example, cereals and cereals.
  • Include polyunsaturated fats in the menu (available in fish, nuts, seafood, vegetable oil).

Important: the body of a 3-year-old child requires a large amount of fluid. There are no special measures and norms, because the children are different (some large, others are thin, third). During the day, the baby is different drinks: teas, decoctions, compotes and juices, milk and kefir and do not limit them in quantities.

Power of a 3-year-old baby at 3 years old
Power of a 3-year-old baby at 3 years old

What vitamins do the child need at 3 years old?

At the age of 3 years, it is important for the baby to strengthen their immunity, and therefore proper nutrition has great value. The child is very active and sociable, always seeks to find out or discover something for himself. In addition, the baby is often in crowded places and kindergarten, where there is a risk of catching bacteria and infections. That is why the child’s immunity should be strong in order to withstand diseases.

What trace elements do the baby need:

  • Vitamin A.Is responsible for the formation of acute vision. It is also necessary for the regeneration of skin cells, and also strengthens the “young” immunity, making it resistant to viruses and infections.
  • Vitamins V.They participate in all the metabolic processes of the child’s body, helps in the production of energy with cells, helps to actively operate the gastrointestinal organs, improves the condition of the skin and nails. It helps the liver to work, normalizes the hormonal background.
  • VitaminD.. Helps the children's body to absorb calcium, as a result of which bones and teeth become strong. Increases immunity.
  • Vitamin E.Strengthens the vessels and the entire circulatory system. Helps in the regeneration of skin cells and mucous membranes, other tissues.
  • Vitamin C.It is necessary to strengthen immunity. It nourishes the soft tissues of the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin K.Improves blood coagulation
  • Calcium.Strengthens bone tissue and teeth, promotes the transfer of nerve impulses.
  • Copper.Continuous assistant in the formation of red blood cells.
  • Zinc.Not only strengthens children's immunity, but also helps that the wounds heal quickly.

Important: in case the child often gets sick or does not eat well, he can be given additional vitamin complexes purchased in pharmacies.

Vitamins for children 3 years old
Vitamins for children 3 years old

How much should a child weigh at 3 years old?

These norms are established by doctors and specialists in pediatrics. Compliance with these standards indicates the correct development of the child, a small oversight in hundreds of grams, but not in kilograms, is acceptable.


Weight rates for a three -year -old baby
Weight rates for a three -year -old baby

How much should a child sleep at 3 years old?

At 3 years old, parents notice several features in their child:

  • The child has grown up and even seems to you an adult, but he still needs a full -fledged dream, which lasts at least and no more than 12 hours a day.
  • Sleep duration is significantly reduced during the day and amounts to about 1.5-2 hours (for some only 1 hour).
  • The child’s wakefulness should be on average - 6 hours.
  • If your child categorically refuses to sleep in the daytime, the main thing is that he is enough to get enough sleep at night (12 hours).
  • At 3 years old, the child should already sleep separately in his personal crib.

Important: there is such a thing as a “crisis of 3 years”. It is characterized by manifestations of independence in a child. The kid now and then shouts "I myself!" And he also fiercely refuses to sleep, claiming that he does not need it. But, if you follow him, you can achieve overstrain, moodiness and nervous exhaustion in the baby.

At 3 years old, it is quite difficult for a child to lay down to bed. Therefore, you need to come up with your personal ritual of going to bed in order to gradually change the period of activity for calm (otherwise the child will jump in the crib, play, kick, acting up). The child who is tired physically is well went to bed. Therefore, try to saturate the baby's day with active games, feasible loads. But make sure that the overstrain does not come, it is an enemy to healthy sleep.

Night sleep - has vital importance for the child. During night sleep, the body restores all its important functions. The lack of daytime sleep should always be compensated by night (especially if you lived according to an already sustainable regime). Another important rule is to wake up in the afternoon and in the morning the baby should independently (without parental awakening). If the child has to wake up in the morning, try to simply lay it on at night.

Sleep value for the baby 3 years
Sleep value for the baby 3 years

How much should a child say and know the words at 3 years old?

Speech skills in a three -year -old child are radically changing, in comparison with previous years. Parents notice that the baby is already consciously speaks by offers, and does not babble everything. In addition, the baby knows how to speak words in the only and plural, to include the cases. The vocabulary of children at 3 years old is about 500-600 words, but this is an average number, because many words are not pronounced by kids.

What the baby should say:

  • Speak your name and surname
  • Know the names of parents, grandparents, close relatives.
  • To be able to make small sentences for approximately 5 words.
  • Put in
  • Use nouns and verbs, pronouns.
  • Remember small rhymes and small songs by heart.
  • Recognize and call household items
  • Tell what he sees in the picture
  • Plug
  • Conduct a dialogue, asking and answering questions

Important: at the age of 3 years, many children become "so-shutches". They ask many questions on different topics and try to find out the answers to them.

Features of speech skills aged 3 years
Features of speech skills aged 3 years

What figures, animals, numbers should a child be known at 3 years old?

At 3 years old, the child is already smart enough to distinguish geometric shapes and numbers. He should already consider up to 5 with complete confidence (and some children do this in Russian and in English, for example, if parents taught them). The child exactly counts his fingers, shows his age and counts objects (sticks, pictures, toys, sweets). In addition, the baby should know what the numbers look like and be able to call them correctly.

A child at 3 years old is well acquainted with geometric shapes:

  • A circle
  • Square
  • Triangle
  • Oval
  • Rhombus

Important: the child is trying to draw these figures, even if some do not work well.

How many colors should a child know at 3 years old?

At 3 years old, the baby should definitely distinguish between the following colors:

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Black
  • White

Thus, some call colors such as pink, purple, orange, brown, blue. Children at this age are happy to draw with colored pencils and paints, they call colors on clothes and in the environment.

What should a child be able to draw at 3 years old?

At 3 years old, the child reaches for knowledge and is happy to engage in creativity. The most favorite pastime is drawing. He chooses colored pencils and helmets, trying to try out every color and shade.

What should the baby be able to draw:

  • Sun
  • A circle
  • Square
  • House
  • Sea
  • Cloud
  • Man
  • Wave
  • Band
  • Heart
  • Triangle
  • Heart
Drawing a child at 3 years old
Drawing a child at 3 years old

What should a child be able to do at 3 years old?

At this age, the child is interested in many creative classes and lessons. The skills that the baby possesses speak of how actively he develops.

What a child should be able to:

  • Draw pencils
  • Draw with paints (brush and fingers)
  • Sculpt from plasticine and dough
  • Open and close the lids on bottles
  • Grab and collect small objects with your fingers, carefully put them in jars and boxes.
  • Paste on a tight lace
  • Count and call numbers
  • Build from the designer
  • Greet and say goodbye
  • Nam the names of loved ones and friends
  • Eat on your own
  • Sit down on a pot
  • Talk about yourself
  • Know the names of animals and some birds
  • Name household items
  • To distinguish up to 10 colors
  • Repeat

Teeth in children 3 years old: Norm

The number of teeth in the baby’s mouth speaks of its proper development and good nutrition. At 3 years old, the child should have at least 20 teeth and he should regularly visit the dentist with checks.

Three -year -old teeth
Three -year -old teeth

Psychology and emotions of the child at 3 years old: Features of behavior


  • The child gains the need for constant communication
  • It is important for him to be respected by adults and peers
  • Age is characterized by an unstable emotional background.
  • It is noticeable that the self -esteem of a three -year -old child is overestimated
  • Often does not worry about what he does and what consequences will be behind it.
  • The child becomes contradictory
  • Constantly strive for independence
  • They do not like to limit his freedom
  • Very often shows aggression to what he does not like.
  • It is not rarely stubborn

The development of motor skills in children 3 years old: norms


  • Teach the baby to hold a pencil and a brush in his hands when drawing.
  • Practice to draw and circle objects (toys, geometric shapes).
  • Draw circles, spirals, other geometric shapes and lines.
  • Practice in neatly shade and coloring of drawings.
  • In coloring, teach the baby not to go beyond the boundaries
  • Teach the baby to keep the scissors and use them, cutting along the line.
  • Practice the baby in application using dry glue.
  • Practice modeling classes, creating balls and sausages
Development of a child aged 3 years
Development of a child aged 3 years

Physical development of a child 3 years old: norm

Child skills:

  • The ability to use in equal strength with the right and left hand
  • Walk on a straight foot, on the heels and socks
  • Depending on the requirements, take small and big steps.
  • Jump and jump, run a rush
  • Own pace in walking and running
  • Hold hands with peers in the game and with parents
  • Overcome obstacles
  • Throw and catch the ball
  • Pushing the ball with your feet, beat it off
  • Play in sports games
  • Dance
  • Manage your body
  • To hold balance
  • Stand on one leg
  • Tilt the body
  • Loose bicycle pedals
  • Walk forward with your back
  • Go down and climb the stairs
  • Handle and legs during swimming

What should a child master the 3 years of social skills?

At 3 years old, the child is developed enough to serve himself in domestic conditions:

  • Eat and drink on your own
  • Keep a spoon and fork, glass
  • Pour water into a glass from a jug
  • Bucket
  • Collect scattered toys
  • Put on the table
  • Sit on the pot
  • Dressing and dressing (with the exception of some clothing items that are difficult to put on independently).
  • Show
  • Open and close the doors, knock on the door
  • Bearing with a blanket
  • Correct and refuel pastel (not perfectly, but show desire and abilities for this).
  • Show a desire to help parents in cleaning (grab the vacuum cleaner, broom or rag).
  • Water flowers (under the supervision of adults)
  • Ask for needs to go to the toilet or eat
  • Take things, books, toys from the shelves yourself and put them in place
  • Pushing and pushing chairs at the table
  • Avoid dangerous objects (fire on the stove, hot batteries, current sources, sockets).

Video: "What happens to a child at the age of 3 years?"

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Comments K. article

  1. In many ways, we lagged behind .... Even the pediatrician said that the baby is behind development. For this reason, they began to give vitamins for mental development (multi)+began to play in developmental games. Gradually, they began to fall under the so -called norms. Psychologically, the baby has become more balanced, the thoughtful woman began to work better ... Well, this is certainly very happy)

  2. He should already consider up to 5 with complete confidence? .. The baby should know what the numbers look like and be able to call them correctly. Distinguish up to 10 colors? Pour water into a glass from a jug? (Pour from a cup into a cup, from a leash into a smaller container). Sit on the pot? (1.5-2 years old, you will forgive, please. I don't want to offend, but ...

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