That the child should be able to know and know at 2 years: skills and skills. How much should we weigh, sleep, eat, drink, say and know words, flowers child at 2 years old? Psychology, teeth, development of motor skills in children 2 years: norm, behavior features

That the child should be able to know and know at 2 years: skills and skills. How much should we weigh, sleep, eat, drink, say and know words, flowers child at 2 years old? Psychology, teeth, development of motor skills in children 2 years: norm, behavior features

The article will tell you in detail about what development standards exist for a child of 2 years of age.

The development of a boy and a girl at 2 years: similarities and differences. Development of motor skills in children 2 years: norm

For a long time, pediatricians and parents agreed that boys and girls are different in development. This is evidenced not only by numerous medical studies, but also by psychological tests. Of course, exceptions can always exist and some babies succeed in the development of their peers, while others are clearly behind.

Important: it is known that girls and boys begin to fully realize themselves, being at the age of 1.5 years. However, if we talk about the realization of oneself in society (i.e., gaining social skills), this happens only after the child has been knocking for 2 years. From this age, they begin to show their skills, their behavior and manners inherent in their gender.

Speaking of development, it is worth noting that boys quickly gain large motor skills: Learn to run and jump, keep balance and balance. But the girls more skillfully master fine motor skills and more confidently hold a pencil, learn to write and draw. Many girls from an early age are fond of creativity and know art, comprehending painting, mosaic, modeling.

The boys are not interested in art because they are more impulsive, it is not rarely that they have a flash of aggression, which is due to nature and proved by research. The study of the work of the nervous system of boys showed that they react more to the risk, are more active than girls.

Comparing children at 2 years old, it is worth noting that girls are better and before they learn to talk, they have more vocabulary, they reach for knowledge and love to read. Besides, girls faster than boys master the ability to regulate the tone of the voiceWhat improves their communicative skills, because they can more clearly express their feelings. Another feature of girls - they used to train to go to the pot And they stop being written to bed at the age of 2.

Boys and girls aged 2 years
Boys and girls aged 2 years

How much should a child eat at 2 years old?

The child’s food at 2 years old is already similar to the diet of an adult. The most difficult thing is to accustom the child to chew food correctly, because the work of the intestines and good digestion of food depends on this. By the age of 2, the baby already has 19-20 teeth, which is quite enough to grind pieces of food. In addition, by this age, the production of gastric juice is enhanced, which facilitates absorption.

The child’s food at 2 years old becomes more dense (cereals, casseroles, stewed dishes). At this age, the child should eat 4-5 times a day:

  • Breakfast -20% of all nutritional value
  • Dinner -50% of all nutritional value
  • Afternoon snack -10% of all nutritional value
  • Dinner -20% of all nutritional value

Two -year -old girls and boys should eat 1,500 kcal per day:

  • Protein-55-60 g (70% of plant and 30% of the animal)
  • Fat-50-55 g. (10 g. Plant)
  • Carbohydrates-200-220

What should the diet of kids consist of:

  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, milk and kefir).
  • Meat(beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey, liver, tongue, not fat pork, milk sausages in small quantities).
  • Chicken eggs(1 pc. In 2 days) in the form of omelets, casseroles, boiled egg.
  • Fish(30-40 g. Per day) sea and river varieties in boiled, fried or baked form.
  • Vegetables(up to 200 g) in various types: stewed, boiled, in a salad.
  • Fruit(up to 200 g.) Any
  • Berries(up to 20 g.)
  • Courage fruit juice -150 ml.
  • Krupa -20
  • Pasta -50 g.
  • Sugar -35 g.

Important: a child aged 2 years, as a rule, weighs 14 kg. It is believed that if the baby weighs more than 10 kg, the norm of drinking is calculated according to this formula: up to 10 kg. - 1 liter, after each kg \u003d 50 ml, i.e. 14 kg \u003d 1 l+4 x 50 \u003d 1 l. 200 ml.

Power of the child at 2 years old
Power of the child at 2 years old

What vitamins do the child need at 2 years old?

The main source of vitamins for a child 2 years old is a balanced diet. Pay attention to the complexes of special vitamins for children in cases where the baby eats poorly, has a pale look and often gets sick. You can ask about existing vitamins your pediatrician or in a pharmacy. Such vitamins should be given to the child, only using the instructions and observing the dosage. In no case should you exceed the age category of vitamin.

When you can drink vitamins:

  • During the period of autumn and spring vitamin deficiency (during a deficiency of “natural” vitamins).
  • During acute respiratory diseases
  • After treatment with antibiotics
  • In case of poor appetite in a child
  • If the child does not eat regularly
  • If the child lives in poor environmental conditions
What does the child need at 2 years old?
What does the child need at 2 years old?

How much should a child weigh at 2 years old?

The child’s development calendar is a table with parameters that are characteristic of a certain age of the baby. If a boy or girl corresponds to parameters, in particular, weight standards, we can say with confidence that they develop normally. If all less, it is necessary to improve the child’s nutrition, if more, prevent obesity.


How much should a child sleep at 2 years old?

A child at 2 years old should sleep a day for about 12 hours, 2 hours of which falls on daytime sleep and 10 at night. Take carefully about these numbers and keep in mind that if for some reason the baby did not sleep during the day, he needs to compensate for all 12 hours at night. After the morning sleep to the day, more than 5 hours should pass.

Day sleep:

  • There should be one day sleep
  • If you avoid daytime sleep, this will lead to nervous overexcitation in the evening and poor night sleep.
  • An excess of daytime sleep leads to a load on the nervous system, increased moodiness and tears.
  • The main sign that the child is sprinkled is his good mood.
  • If the child is too active in the evening, this is a bad sign talking about his nervous overexcitation.

Night sleep:

  • Is vital for the child
  • 10 hours to the child is enough if he slept during the day and 12, if he did not sleep.
  • It is important that the child wakes up in the morning independently, for this it should be laid early (at 9 hours).
Baby's sleep at 2 years old
Baby's sleep at 2 years old

How much should a child say and know the words at 2 years old?

Upon reaching 2 years of age, the child begins to develop very rapidly. He gets acquainted with all the surrounding objects and sometimes even a little communication turns out to him. This is normal, try to maintain patience and answer all questions of the baby.

By the age of 2, the child should know:

  • Body parts: arms, legs, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth.
  • Simple items:a cup, plate, table, chair, car, sun.
  • The names of loved ones and their names:grandma, grandfather, aunt, uncle, dad, mom.

Normal supply of words for the baby 2 years 20-25 words, in some cases, the vocabulary reaches 50 words. At this age, girls and boys learn to form and express their thoughts, it is not scary if it contains the babble: “Masha Pi-Pi”, “Bibika” and so on.

How many colors should a child know at 2 years old?

At 2 years old, the child is already familiar with the main figures and flowers. Each baby remembers exactly as much as he can, so do not be discouraged if one of his peers knows more-everything is of his time. The most important thing is the basic knowledge of forms (this will help him in communication): circle, square, triangle, rhombus and flowers: black, white, blue, green, red, yellow can be slightly more: pink, purple, orange).

Child development
Child development

Teeth in children 2 years old: Norm

By the age of 2, the baby should have 20 teeth, do not worry, if there are 18 or 19 - this is quite normal.

Teeth in children
Teeth in children

What should a child be able to do at 2 years old? What should a child be able to draw at 2 years old?

The development of the child at 2 years depends on many factors:

  • The situation in which the child lives (Does he have developmental toys, special furniture, pencils and albums).
  • Whether parents devote time to its development (Do they read books, whether cartoons are watching together, draw, sculpt or build from a designer).
  • Whether the child is visiting the kindergarten(where its development also pay attention to).
  • Does the child have a predisposition to knowledge(depends on genetics and heredity).
  • Health of the child(The presence of serious innate or acquired diseases can inhibit development).

What a child can at 2 years old:

  • Play designer and make structures in the form of houses or toys.
  • Draw in different colors: stripes, circles, sun, waves
  • To sing songs (sometimes getting down and forgetting the words, but try to do it right).
  • Dance (spontaneous and independent or repeated movements).
  • Eat on your own (confidently hold a fork and spoon).
  • Run, jump, spin, squat
  • Speaking about my needs: "I want to eat, drink, to the toilet."
  • Express their thoughts
  • Count to 5
  • Call 2-3 forms
  • Call about 5 colors
  • Recognize loved ones and know their names
What should the baby independently be able to independently reach 2 years of age?
What should the baby independently be able to independently reach 2 years of age?

What figures should know, animals at 2 years old?

The baby will not remember the complex names of geometric shapes at the age of 2, and he does not need them in everyday life. It is enough for him to have the most basic in his memory:

  • Triangle (like a roof)
  • Square (like a house or box)
  • Circle (like the sun, puddle or plate)

It is much more interesting to teach the child to remember the names of animals (they can be present in books, cartoons. The number of names that the baby can remember depends only on his interest and desire to know the new one. Teach the child to the simplest: a dog, a cat, a cow, a goat, a horse and a horse and etc.

Psychology and emotions of the child at 2 years old: Features of behavior

A child at 2 years old can be very moody, demanding, aggressive. All this is scientifically explained, because at this time he begins to realize himself and understands what place he occupies in society. In addition, frequent outbreaks of melancholy, anger, which can replace one after another is a sign of the formation of the nervous system. In order for the baby to be more calm and healthy, it is necessary to devote time to its nutrition, supplementing it with vitamins, keep the water-salt balance normally and observe sleep mode.

Video: "Development of a child at 2 years old"

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