What the child should be able to and know in 1 year: skills and skills. How much should we weigh, sleep, eat, drink, say and know the words a child at 1 year? Psychology, teeth, development of motor skills in children 1 year: norm, behavior features

What the child should be able to and know in 1 year: skills and skills. How much should we weigh, sleep, eat, drink, say and know the words a child at 1 year? Psychology, teeth, development of motor skills in children 1 year: norm, behavior features

The article will tell you about the standards of development of the baby at 1 year: what skills should he own, as much as he should say, eat and drink.

Development of a boy and a girl at 1 year: similarities and differences

The differences between the kids (boys and girls) are already beginning with the first birth, because boys are born larger than girls (they have more weight and diameter of the head). Further, parents can notice a number of other differences that can be traced in mental and physiological development.

Here are the most basic:

  • Girls start talking (Sounds similar to words and elementary “Au”, “mother”) are considered on average 5 months earlier than boys. Those. In a year, they already know how to express their feelings in simple words and emotions, while boys begin to do this by 1.5 years.
  • The same happens with walking skills, girls get on the legs and take the first steps on average 3 months earlier than boys. So in a year, girls can already fully move independently over not very long distances, and boys stomp by the handle with adults.
  • Small boys very sharply perceive any Criticism and very offended when they are scolded or shouting at them. Girls are more indifferent, but can show excessive moodiness.
  • Girls are more sensitive than boys And therefore, one can observe that they are more striving to show their love and feelings to parents: attachment, joint, frequent kisses.
  • At this age (1 year), girls need much less space and toys to captivate themselves than boys (which is why boys often explore the inaccessible territory).
  • Girls get used to the pot faster than boys And in a year, baby can already celebrate their need when parents land them. In turn, boys often and for a long time will vote to go to the pot.
  • Girls more boys reach for knowledge And in a year, colored cubes are sorted out with interest, they build elementary figures from the designer and mosaics, played with dolls and machines. Boys love to destroy more than to create.

Interesting: nature conceived that women should focus on survival and preservation of the family, in turn, boys - on evolution. Therefore, it turns out that the kids of the girls are calm, domestic, tied to parents, and boys always strive to learn something, master the new.

Girls and boys in 1 year
Girls and boys in 1 year

How much should eat, drink a child at 1 year?

Proper nutrition depends not only on what you feed the child, but also how many meals a day he performs. Insufficient nutrition can provoke malformations of the baby at the age of 1 year, lead to anemia, chronic lethargy and frequent diseases on the basis of a weakened immune system. Excessive nutrition leads to obesity and problems with the work of the pancreas and digestive organs.

The daily nutrition rate of the baby aged 1 year is designed by specialists and provide medium units that should be equal to and not strictly observed. In addition to norms, you should also pay attention to the needs of the baby, as well as its individual characteristics, because each child is different (some are born large, others small in the expense of genetic predisposition).

Take into account the activity of the baby, if he is mobile - he may need more drinking and food than a passive and calm child. Another feature of children aged 1 year is metabolism, it is different for everyone. That is why children with good metabolism grow thin, and with bad - well -fed.

It is important to know that the one -year -old baby must certainly eat about 1,200 foods per day and drink at least 200 ml of fluid. However, take into account the time of the year, because in the summer heat, children can drink more fluids. At this time, the baby’s nutrition should gain a standard four -time diet, which consists of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. The most high -calorie and large meal - this is lunch, other snacks - should be less nutritious.

Recommendations for the baby’s nutrition in 1 year:

  • The amount of porridge (i.e. one portion) should be equal to 200 gr. There are any cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, wheat.
  • White and lean meat is allowed to eat, in the amount of 70 gr.
  • You can eat fish every day, but not a lot - 60 g is enough.
  • Vegetables or vegetable puree should also be approximately 200 grams of daily norm.
  • Fruits and fruit puree-100-110 gr. per day (any non -exotic fruits).
  • Sour -milk products occupy an not unimportant place in the baby’s menu and the permissible amount of mowing kefir, yogurt or cottage cheese per day - 200 gr.
  • There should not be many bread in the diet of a one -year -old baby, because 10 g white bread is a daily norm.
  • Dry, bellied and lean cookies are allowed in an amount of 15 per day.
  • Fruit, berry and vegetable juices can also be included in the diet, but they should be completely natural and should not exceed the permissible amount of 100 ml.

Important: the calculation of permissible food products was based on the fact that at the age of 1 year the baby is still eating milk. So per day, it must be consumed up to 350 ml of breast milk of the mother or special diluted dairy mixtures.

Pay attention to the behavior of the child during feeding, if he refuses milk, then he was enough for another food and vice versa. If the child refuses the planned lunch or afternoon snack, this suggests that the previous breakfast or lunch was very satisfying for him.

At the age of 1 year, the baby should have in the diet:

  • Potato
  • Zucchini
  • Carrot
  • Broccoli
  • Beets
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Plum
  • Oatmeal
  • Buckwheat
  • Rice
  • Pearl barley
  • Yachka
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Kefir
  • Cottage cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Ryazhenka

Important: try not to introduce in such an age in the diet to the baby allergen products (strawberries, grapes, citrus fruits). All food should only be prepared from fresh and natural products. During feeding, try to educate the child with accuracy and the ability to serve yourself.

Nutrition of a one -year -old child
Nutrition of a one -year -old child

What vitamins do the child need at 1 year?

After the child is performed a year, he steps into a new stage of life and becomes much older. During this period, his body begins to actively develop:

  • Milk teeth grow rapidly
  • The baby is in growth
  • He forms vertebrae (vertebrates)
  • The chest expands
  • Motor activity increases
  • Mental activity improves
  • The muscle mass is growing
  • The digestive system is actively working
  • The pressure is growing
  • The immune system and protective barrier are improving
  • Mental and emotional development improves

Important: for the harmonious and healthy development of the child, the baby should eat enough and receive the necessary vitamin complex.

Important vitamins for a one -year -old child:

What a vitamin Why is needed In what products can be found


Provides the baby with good and acute vision, helps to form a bone system, strengthens immunity and

Any vegetables and fruits that have yellow and orange, as well as any dairy products and eggs



A group of these vitamins improves all metabolic processes in the baby’s body, strengthens the nervous system and “aligns” the emotional background In meat, fish, liver, any cereals and cereals, yeast bread, nuts.


Strengthens the immune system, making it resistant to many viral and infectious diseases, and also helps that wounds and damage easily and quickly heal Vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits and berries


Helps calcium and phosphorus be absorbed into bone tissue, strengthening the entire system and teeth Dairy and dairy products, eggs, meat and fish


Improves the work of all body systems, improves cell regeneration Vegetable oils, nuts and seeds
Vitamins that a baby at the age of 1 year needs
Vitamins that a baby at the age of 1 year needs

How much should a child weigh at 1 year?

Each baby, both girls and boys, has its own individual program, according to which he develops (grows and gains weight). Nevertheless, parents should focus on the parameters of medium weight and height, which may indicate his health.

Child weight parameters at 1 year
Child weight parameters at 1 year

How much should a child sleep at 1 year old?

For a one -year -old child, sleep is an important part of his development. In a dream, the baby is gaining strength, resting physically and psychologically. While the child is spin, tissues and organs are restored in his body, their work is regulated, the body is cleansed, the brain processes the information obtained during the day, the body produces the growth hormone, the immunity is strengthened, and the psyche is strengthened.

If the kids get enough sleep, they calmly behave throughout the day: balanced, joyful, attentive, play well and eat. At the same time, poor sleep and lack of sleep provokes stress and the baby behaves excitedly, is capricious, cries a lot.

Important: for the child to be healthy and happy, it is important for him to have not only a full -fledged night, but also daytime sleep. If during the day the baby sleeps poorly or does not sleep at all, this will lead his “small” body to overwork, and can also “undermine” health.

A one -year -old child must have an obligatory wakeful period between night and daytime sleep - 4 or 5 hours. Normally, the child should sleep per day for about 13-12 hours. It takes about 11-10 hours for night sleep, and 2-3 daytime. The permissible error in the modes is 1 hour. At this age, the number of daily dreams should be reduced to 1 time.

Sleep norms for the baby 1 year
Sleep norms for the baby 1 year

How much should a child say and know the words in 1 year?

A one -year -old child at his age already has communicative skills:

  • It’s good to know the meaning of about 10 words and successfully communicate with adults.
  • Pour the sounds of animals and birds, imitate them with movements.
  • The kid knows how to portray intonation, repeating her behind the adults.
  • He imitates not yet familiar words
  • Shows toys called adults
  • Fulfills elementary requests: “give”, “drink”, “open your mouth”
  • Distinguishes “yes” and “no”, “you can” and “impossible”
  • Waves the pen "Hello" and "bye"
  • Recognizes his name and reacts to it
Communicative skills of a one -year -old child
Communicative skills of a one -year -old child

Teeth in children 1 year: Norm

The growth of teeth in the baby speaks of the development of the child, so carefully study the nature of the appearance of the tooth, regularly counting them.

Teeth at a one -year -old baby
Teeth at a one -year -old baby

What should a child be able to do in 1 year? Psychology and emotions of the child in 1 year: Features of behavior

The abilities and skills of the baby:

  • Stand on two legs confidently and independently
  • Walk on your own at small distances or with a small help of parents (for one handle).
  • Actively and quickly crawl (if the baby crawls at all, some children immediately stand on the legs).
  • Rill and climb up the stairs (walk legs with adult support).
  • To climb yourself onto the bed, sofa, chair, go down.
  • Collect and disassemble the toy "Pyramid"
  • Open and close boxes, jars, take out the contents and put it back on your own.
  • Build a low tower of cubes
  • Playing, can feed, scold or comb dolls
  • Grab small details
  • Play cars (roll them)
  • Open and close the doors
  • Clap and knock, delve into the sand
  • Show love for loved ones: kiss and hug
  • Rejoice to loved ones, toys, laughter of adults
  • Find out loved ones (live or in the photo)
  • Get alert at the sight of strangers
  • Scroll through books, learn some pictures
  • React positively to music (dances, songs, smile)
  • Express dissatisfaction (sounds, words, emotions)
  • Be in the mirror
Baby skills at 1 year
Baby skills at 1 year

What should a child be able to draw in 1 year?

At the age of age, the baby should show interest in creativity, drawing, and the creation of sketches. The child is happy to grab onto drawing and skillfully drives bright pencils on a clean sheet. Of course, he is not able to depict something “intelligible”, but he must be able to draw lines, curves, strokes, points, something similar to a circle. Pay attention to what colors he takes for, what he prefers - this will talk about the features of his character.

Drawing for one -year -old children: skills
Drawing for one -year -old children: skills

What figures should know, animals child at 1 year?

At the age of 1 year, the baby can distinguish many images, figures and drawings. Some (the most loved), he can also call, others show or parody sounds (if these are animals).

What the baby should know:

  • Circle (ball)
  • Square
  • Triangle
  • Dog
  • Cat
  • Bird
  • Cow
  • Horse
  • Mouse
  • Bear

Important: many babies also distinguish between the size of objects, calling them “large” or “small”.

Development of motor skills in children 1 year: Norm

The development of motor skills that the baby can:

  • Accurate and dexterous capture of small objects (buttons, designer, beads).
  • A long passion for toys (about half an hour), opening doors, scrolling of the wheels.
  • Grabbing of objects with two fingers
  • Strong and confident capture of pencil and drawing
  • Good grabbing and throwing the ball
  • Putting on and removing socks (as well as other types of clothes)
  • Flip the pages
  • Play with a ball, exhausting and winding the thread
  • Play a sorter (liners)

Video: “What should the baby be able to be in 1 year? Walking a child. Vocabulary. Skills and abilities"

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