Mental arithmetic for children is a Japanese method of oral account, physical scores: what is, pros and cons. How to teach a child to mental arithmetic yourself?

Mental arithmetic for children is a Japanese method of oral account, physical scores: what is, pros and cons. How to teach a child to mental arithmetic yourself?

Mental arithmetic is a unique technique for teaching children. Read more in the article.

A preschool child becomes more assiduous at three years. During this period, many parents seek to actively prepare their child for school, some even overdoing, loading the baby with unnecessary information. It is important to remember that first of all, this is an age when many elementary things are studied through the game, in an entertaining form. So, the baby himself will be interested in knowing something new and he will definitely not be loaded. This can be done through mental arithmetic.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 1 - 7". You will find colorful photos and solutions.

What is mental arithmetic? What is this technique? Why is it needed and when is it better to study? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article below. Read further.

What is mental arithmetic for children, the Japanese method of oral account?

Mental arithmetic for children, Japanese method of oral account
Mental arithmetic for children, Japanese method of oral account

Mental arithmetic for children is a unique Japanese methodology for teaching preschool children, in which special scores are used - Soroban (Abakus). This is a unique method of oral account. Classes include:

  • Score on the accounts
  • Account in the mind
  • Concentration exercises

This technique was used more than 5 thousand years ago In Rome, India and Ancient Greece, in order to teach children the techniques of oral account. In 1993, the term “mental arithmetic” was formulated, which today is an integral part of the school curriculum in Asia, especially Japan and China.

As many people know, the left hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for logic and abilities in the exact sciences, and the right - for complex visual and sound images. The fact is that people mainly train the left hemisphere of the brain, but for some reason they ignore the development of the right. It recognizes complex visual and sound images, is responsible for the ability to focus on details and focus on certain things. Unfortunately, for many adults, not to mention children, the right hemisphere is developed much worse. So, the advantage of mental arithmetic is that it evenly develops and forces both hemispheres at the same time, so even ardent haters of mathematical tasks solve them without making special efforts.

Physical scores: What is it?

To study mental arithmetic, a special tool is used - ancient Asian physical scores are better known as soban or abakus. There are many different variations of physical accounts, but in the Japanese program, it is precisely the above.

Abakus is similar to those accounts used by our parents, only turned onto the side. Japanese Soroban consists of:

  • Frame made of plastic or wood
  • Horizontal separator - ruler
  • Spokes on which bones or beads are strung

The scores have a simple design, but each element in them has its own value. For example, units are placed on the first knitting needle, tens on the second, the third means hundreds, the fourth - thousands, etc. A special separator, placed in the accounts horizontally, divides the knitting needles into upper and lower. On the upper (to the separator) - "Heavenly" bones, on the lower (after the separator) - "Earth".

During the account, the thumb and index finger are used:

  • The lower beads are lifted by a large, index - omitted.
  • When working with the upper bones, only the index finger works.

So, when working with accounts, fine motor skills of the child’s hands develop.

Why do we need and mental arithmetic for children: what gives, what is the benefit?

Mental arithmetic for children
Mental arithmetic for children

Of course, mental arithmetic children need. Why, what gives, what is the benefit?

  • Thanks to her, children and adults can conduct complex calculations in the mind.
  • Already in the first classes, the child will be able to work with three -digit numbers, then more. And this is a very valuable skill in life, which is used almost daily.
  • Another advantage of the Japanese methodology is that the child learns concentration, complete immersion in the material.
  • The kid will train his memory and imagination, learn to think non -standard, as a result of which success will be not only in mathematics, but also in other disciplines.

The score on Soroban will help the child develop logical thinking, which is extremely necessary in different life situations.

Video: "Mental arithmetic." The best

When is it better to study - age: at 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years or older?

The methodology program consists of 10 levels, each of which lasts on average 4-6 months. In total, training takes a little more than two years. When is it better to study, at what age?

To achieve the best result, the child should train the account on Abakus at 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old and older, all in all - from 4 to 12 years old. This is the age when brain development occurs in intensive form, and skills are vaccinated faster. With age, the brain more difficultly perceives this kind of information and the pace of development decreases.

Interesting: Mental arithmetic is also in demand among the elderly. It is believed that this is excellent prevention of diseases associated with memory and concentration.

How does a child’s mental mathematics work happen: how to teach?

Scientists divide training in mental mathematics in a child into two stages. How does it happen, how to teach?

  • Abakus account

To begin with, the child gets acquainted with accounts, begins to solve simple tasks, smoothly moving to more difficult. The purpose of this stage is to accustom a child to work not with a workbook, but with an abacus. Mechanical exercises will help develop the speed of thinking, perseverance and concentration.

  • Calculation in the mind

At this stage, Abakus is not in the hands, but there is in the mind. If it is difficult for a child, he can make the necessary gestures, presenting real scores in his hands. A person represents only scores, no numbers!

After passing the full course, the child can sometimes reinforce his skills, solving different examples. The correct approach to training and regularity is the key to success. The neural connections laid down during the passage of the methodology will remain for life.

The benefits of mental mathematics for children: pluses

Mental arithmetic for children
Mental arithmetic for children

To understand all the advantages of mental mathematics for children, you should disassemble all the advantages of the methodology in detail. That's the benefit:

  • Development of creative abilities
  • Improving memory
  • The development of general intelligence
  • Improving perseverance and self -organization
  • Increase in speed and quality assimilation of the material
  • Improving visualization, logic
  • Confidence in their strengths
  • Development of fine motor skills

Mental mathematics is allowed to absolutely everyone, there are no restrictions. Parents who want to teach a child to Japanese technique can do this both at home and write down in a studio where the baby will work with the teacher individually or in the group.

Damage to mental arithmetic for children: minuses of the methodology

In addition to many advantages in this technique, minuses also exist. This is the harm of mental arithmetic for children:

  • Rush

During the performance of any tasks, a person learning mental arithmetic may make errors due to haste. And this can greatly affect the quality of the work performed.

  • Price

Since such a technique not so long ago began to be in demand in Europe, the cost of training will be rather big. Therefore, parents should calculate the budget for the entire course, which lasts about two years.

  • Mandatory regularity

A mental arithmetic lesson requires mandatory regularity. Even passing a couple of classes can adversely affect the effectiveness of the program.

  • Relight

Training takes a lot of effort and energy, and especially exhaust those who have not previously paid so much attention to the account. Parents should evenly distribute the load, and introduce more rest in the fresh air into the child’s schedule, and not reduce the amount of leisure and favorite entertainment in the baby’s life.

Mental arithmetic myths

Mental arithmetic myths
Mental arithmetic myths

Like many other sciences, there are many inventions about mental arithmetic that certainly do not coincide with reality. Here are a few myths:

  • Mental arithmetic only about a quick score

Many parents who at least once thought to give their child to a group for teaching mental mathematics thought that the child would learn to consider examples of any complexity in a couple of seconds. However, the goal of the Japanese technique is not to learn to consider as a robot, but to develop the baby, to provide him with the skills that he could use in the future.

It is worth knowing: The mental account is an exercise that honing logic, imagination, speed of thinking, concentration of attention.

That is, such an account is a means for further use and the consequence of the developed hemispheres of the brain, and not the ultimate goal of the methodology.

  • A score in the mind after a couple of classes

It is important to understand that account skills will not come instantly. This will not take a couple of months, and not even one year. According to neurophysiologists, in order for the brain to master any new information or skill, it will take at least a year of zealous classes or training.

  • The child will receive only fives in mathematics

No no and one more time no! This is the deepest misconception. Mental arithmetic is not mathematics as a science, this is, first of all, a complex of special exercises for brain development. Only due to this, academic performance will grow, because the baby will begin to develop its intelligence, and it is definitely not a fact that mathematics will be its favorite subject. At school, children are not taught the account that mental mathematics teaches, so when studying the school curriculum, the baby may face certain problems that he needs to help cope. In addition, often school teachers require the implementation of a particular task by the method that they provide.

  • This is a waste of time, no more!

Unfortunately, the Soviet Union is still sitting in the heads of many people, and as a result, they do not perceive such innovations. State institutions refuse to introduce new methods into the program, teaching children to be this. Only modern teachers are positive about introducing mental arithmetic into the school curriculum.

Is it possible to teach a child’s mental arithmetic at home?

Mental arithmetic can be taught a child on your own at home. But it is important to take into account the fact that parents should select the material for regular classes. We will have to buy specialized manuals, look for tasks, purchase scores of Soroban. It is important to have the right approach to the child so that he himself has a desire to engage in, and not force him to study. A lesson in groups lasts 35-45 minutes — 1-2 times a week, at home it is worth practicing an account every other day 15-20 minutes.

Mental arithmetic: tasks for classes for the development of children, pictures

There are an immense number of tasks and all kinds of games for teaching mental arithmetic. Only a few of them are represented here, but even they can be used in independent lessons with a child or in groups. Here are tasks for classes for the development of children with pictures:

Mental arithmetic: tasks for classes for children's development
Mental arithmetic: tasks for classes for children's development
  • Game "Mitten"

A group of children is divided into couples. In front of each pair on the table lies two leaves in a cell. In a space limited by the pattern, images from one to twenty are placed. The game begins with the first player calls any number, and the other searches for it in his drawing. The first, at this time, quickly spreads the crosses on the cells, starting with the upper left. If the second found the number, the first stops drawing crosses. Players are changing. The victory belongs to the one who will be filled with all the cells.

Mental arithmetic: tasks for classes for children's development
Mental arithmetic: tasks for classes for children's development
  • Schultte tables

The whole point is that instead of numbers, Abakus is depicted. This method has been used from the twentieth century by the German psychiatrist Walter Schultte. Thanks to him, you can track the stability of attention, the speed of indicative-search movements of the look, the volume of attention. Tables were also used to diagnose reading speed. Work with Schultte tables is carried out for a while. Then the number of errors made for each table is calculated in separateness.

Children at the initial stages get acquainted with numbers, the first formulas of mental arithmetic, which in the future will help to cope with examples, honing manipulations with abacus. The result will be visible in the speed of memorizing the studied information and its perception. This period lasts from 3 months to six months. Here are the cards with which the child can work.

  • The program studies those formulas that represent a scheme of actions with numbers that in the total amount give number 5.

The third stage implies reinforcing all accumulated skills, and the transition to a mental account. That is, everything is brought to automatism. The speed of the account, the complexity of the specified examples increases. In progress, the child develops visualization skill, photographic memory, even skill of speed reading.

That is, each stage is a new task. The goal is to master the account on the studied formulas, achieve the necessary speed and accuracy of the account, work out all the skills necessary for further work and be sure to fix them.

Reviews of parents about the methodology of mental arithmetic and speed reading for beginners

If you have a baby and soon for 4 years, and you doubt and do not know whether it is worth teaching him mental arithmetic and speed reading, then read the reviews of other parents about the methodology for beginners.

Vladislav, 38 years old

My son is 8 years old, for about 3 months we practice mental arithmetic at home. I ordered a couple of manuals on the Internet, he began to study and help his son in working out the necessary skills. I will say this: there is a result! The main thing here is to interest the child, because otherwise there will be no work, and even more so progress. I try not to load it for hours, but in a playful way to conduct lessons a day or two after the previous one, all the more there is another school watch. The son goes to the second grade, while there were no difficulties with the school curriculum, the academic performance is good, he is an excellent student. We are not getting rid of mom! In any case, this is really a working technique!

Yana, 29 years old

Hello! My daughter Vasilina is 5 years old, for 2 months we have been engaged in mental arithmetic. Since the budget of my family allows, I gave my daughter to a group where, in addition to her, 5 more children and a teacher. So the child will not only develop his intellect, but also the skills of communication and socialization. I began to notice that Vasilina began to remember any proposals and was ready to make them at any time of the day. Even diction has become better. After each lesson, she wants to study back to her studies, so this process tightened her! Now I want and will learn this technique itself.

Svetlana, 34 years old

Good day, dear parents! I would like to leave my response about mental arithmetic. My daughter is 7 years old, and we have already finished the full course. To say that I am delighted to say nothing. My daughter significantly overtook her peers in development, her psychological age clearly does not pull the first -grader. She does not teach poems all evening, because she is enough for 15-20 minutes and all the information is already in her head. At school, teachers only praise my baby. I definitely do not regret that I gave the child to study. There were both individual classes and with other children, where she could communicate and study, playing. It costs those efforts, time and invested funds, because this is the future of my child.

Mental arithmetic - Children believe: video

Below you will find video lessons that will help to learn mental arithmetic with the child. Thanks to this training, children will be considered quickly and simple. First, introduce the baby with Abakus.

Video: mental arithmetic. Acquaintance with Abakus. First lesson with a child

Video: Lesson 1. Mental arithmetic. Full course. Direct addition and subtraction

Video: Lesson 2. Mental arithmetic. Full course. Formulas of younger comrades

Video: Lesson 3 | Mental arithmetic | Full course | Formulas of senior comrades +9, +8, +7, +6

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