Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 1 - 7: photo, solution

Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 1 - 7: photo, solution

Rebuses for schoolchildren with decision and answers.

Mathematical tasks are very diverse in complexity, respectively, start solving with your child from a kindergarten. Mathematical puzzles almost always like the guys, so you will not need to force your baby to study. We will try to tell you what benefits mathematical puzzles to children bring, and which puzzles can be invited to solve students of a certain age.

What are mathematical puzzles for children?

Mathematics is considered the most complex science that is able to deliver a lot of problems during the teaching to the student. But without ordinary oral account skills and various mathematical techniques, it is impossible to live normally in the future.

Long and rather complex mathematical classes, especially from 1st to 4th grades, tire the children and do not allow them to normally assimilate the information they heard normally. If you want this to not happen to your child, invite him to study mathematics in a playful way, for example, in the form of mathematical puzzles or puzzles.

Many schoolchildren of modern times adore to their own leisure to have fun at the expense of computer games or communicate on social networks with classmates. However, today there are those children who do not spend their own time on such toys, but prefer the development of logic and quick wit.

Currently, the Internet is filled with various sites where you can easily find logical riddles and puzzles. They are intended not only to spend your own time, but to be useful, and most importantly entertaining. Many parents were already able to appreciate the advantage of mathematical puzzles, charades, tasks, and rebuses, since their children, thanks to them, were able to develop much faster.

Thanks to mathematical puzzles and tasks, the child begins to reason much more correctly. His mind and logic are formed.

Rebuses for children
Rebuses for children

The advantage of mathematical puzzles is that they are not considered ordinary mathematical tasks. From the first acquaintance, they interest the children with their original presentation, excite in children the desire to quickly find a solution to a particular puzzle.

If you start with your child regularly to find solutions for mathematical puzzles, your baby will very soon begin to solve more complex tasks without problems that he could not solve before. Interest your own child with ordinary mathematics, and mathematical puzzles will help you with this.

Mathematical puzzles and puzzles are riddles that have a different degree of complexity composed with the use of graphic elements. To solve such tasks is very exciting. In addition, older children with great pleasure can independently make mathematical puzzles for friends and classmates, which will allow them to better train their own mind and intelligence, plus to develop logic.

If the puzzles are presented in the form of complex puzzles, children have to “break” a little head in order to find the right decision. During this exciting and cognitive lesson, your child will form non -standard solutions. In the future, such a skill will come in handy for your child in order to find possible exits from various situations.

And most importantly, mathematical tasks and puzzles will give your child a lot of positive mood. If he will solve such puzzles with friends or with you, he will be able to additionally socialize and strengthen relationships.

Now let's figure out how to correctly solve mathematical puzzles. Colorful pictures with the image of some specific objects, numbers, signs and letters constantly cause “frantic” interest in children. But such pictures, as a rule, seem to them to be a real chaos. And all because the children do not know how to correctly solve the puzzles.

Rebuses are of different difficulties
Rebuses are of different difficulties

Accordingly, it seems to them that such pictures do not make sense. But this can be easily fixed if you carefully study the main rules for solving these puzzles:

  • The names of the pictures that are encrypted are represented only by the nominative case. When you look at the picture with the subject, think about what name this image can have. Accordingly, if you see the eyes in the picture, then it may be encrypted in the picture. Never stop on one answer.
  • If the picture shows a comma, So this word needs to remove a certain letter or several at the same time. Everything will depend on where the comma is located: before the image or after it.
  • Often in puzzles of this kind there are letters that are emphasized. It is very easy to solve it. You guess the word in the picture, and after that you remove the letters that are emphasized. If the picture depicts emphasized numbers, then you need to remove the letters that correspond to the serial number. If there are numbers and letters near the not -emphasized image, then you need to leave only these letters.
  • If the picture is valid B \u003d p, then you need to replace the letters “b” with the letter “p”. If you see such an equality 2 \u003d o, then in the word replace the second letter with "o". Also in the picture there may be an arrow, for example, from the first letter to the third, then they simply need to be replaced by each other.
  • There are pictures that they are depicted in an inverted state. Then read the word from the end.
  • Mathematical puzzles are found, in which there are fraction. They easily decrypt: you need to insert the preposition “on”. If the denominator has “2” - this means “gender”. In some cases, you may notice that in the inside of the letter there is a syllable or letter. This is interpreted as follows: for example, if “o” is “o” inside the letter, then this picture means “water”.

There are other rules that will help you learn to solve complex puzzles or numerical puzzles. But the child should meet them after learning to solve simple tasks.

Rebuses with a child
Rebuses with a child

More often spend your free time with children. Unleasure the puzzles with them, teach them to find solutions to these reboses, as this has a positive effect on the brain activity of the developing organism.

Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 1: photo, solution, description

If your child begins to solve logical problems from the 1st grade, his quick wits, thinking, the ability to draw the right conclusions and perform an analysis will develop faster. It is such an approach to increasing mathematical capabilities that has the largest positive side for the formation of proper thinking in children.

We all know that the program compiled for the school involves, as a rule, only to teach children to solve certain types of problems. Scientists argue that it is more important that the first grader from the very first school steps can learn to think excellently and reason correctly. They also confirmed that the non -standard tasks that need to be solved, turning on the ingenuity and a little thinking, very often put in a difficult situation and those guys who only study perfectly at school.

We offer you a large number of mathematical rebuses for schoolchildren. Decide them with the children, find the right solutions together, relax so that the child is interested.

First Rebus:

The numbers that are the same are indicated in the picture with the same elements. Various numbers are different.

The first rebus
The first rebus (the source see here)

Think together exactly what number the magician decided to turn into a snake?


In the first example, the snake and the turtle can hide such pairs of numbers: 0 - 4 or 1 - 3. Now add these numbers. In the first case, you will get 4, in the second - also 4.

In the second example of a rebus, only the second combination of numbers is suitable, since if you take 1 from 3.

Answer: A unit is hidden behind the snake.

Second Rebus:

The second rebus
The second rebus


In the word “bone”, instead of “o”, put “and”, and remove the last letter in general. In the second word, instead of “and”, put “a”.

Combine these two words.



Rebus third:

Rebus is the third
Rebus is the third


The picture shows a watering can. Before this word, put “K”, and remove the last two “K” and “A”.



Fourth rebus:


Rebus fourth
Rebus fourth


The picture shows a cloud. Put “P” ahead of this word, and remove the first letter “T”.



Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 2: photo, solution, description

In the 2nd grade, the program is more complicated than in the 1st. The learning process becomes more laborious, respectively, you need to help your child.

Of course, study is needed, but you can’t greatly overload the student. The programs that are given at school and homework will be enough. There are such schoolchildren who study wonderful at school, and when they come home, they begin to refuse to do lessons.

But you know that children must repeat the material in school, study something new, catch new words for them, develop their own thinking and so on. Perhaps you think that a child in the 2nd grade has already become older, you begin to give him a lot of new information in the form of additional lessons, and then you wonder why your efforts do not give positive results.

The fact is that your baby gets tired at school, he wants to play a little and relax well. The game will help him, for example, mathematical puzzles. There are a large number of such puzzles. But there are parents who are mistaken, choosing an entertaining puzzle not by age.

Do not do it either. Carefully study the options for the mathematical puzzles that we offer you. They are intended specifically for schoolchildren of the 2nd grade.

First Rebus:


The picture shows the key. In this word, remove the last two letters. And at the end of the word, put the “sy”.

The first rebus
The first rebus



Second Rebus:

The second rebus
The second rebus


The picture shows an umbrella. Take out the last two letters in the word. Before the word, put “y” and at the end put “P”.



Third Rebus:

The third rebus
The third rebus


The picture shows a sheet. Instead of the letter “L”, put the letter “A”.



Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 3: photo, solution, description

Rebuses that are intended for schoolchildren of the 3rd class can be divided into some species. It all depends on the discipline at the school to which these puzzles belong. They can also be divided by the level of complexity.

Teachers have repeatedly proved that mathematical puzzles help the student more effectively absorb the learning process. They argue that thanks to such rebuses, the child begins to think well and develops creative ability. And mathematical puzzles help improve the mood in order to study new subjects.

It is very difficult to highlight those puzzles that are suitable for a 3rd class student. We want to offer you some options that you can solve with your child.

First Rebus:


The first rebus
The first rebus


The picture shows a rhombus. Remove the last two letters “M” and “B”. Put the words “K” in front, and at the end of “T”.



Second Rebus:

The second rebus
The second rebus


The picture shows a house. Remove the first letter "D". Ahead, put the letter "l" ahead.



Third Rebus:


The third rebus
The third rebus

The picture shows an inverted house. This means that the word needs to be read from the end. Add the letter "a" at the end of the word.



Fourth rebus:

The third rebus
The fourth rebus


In this version of the mathematical rebus, letters and numbers are depicted. You need to do it as follows: instead of the number 100, write in letters, and then combine all the letters.



Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 4: photo, solution, description

Schoolchildren in the 4th grade are already beginning to get acquainted with a spatial performance. Children study superficially geometric shapes and their simple properties, begin to gradually perform light drawings, while using primitive measurement devices. It is during this period of time that children begin to form in children for future education.

Schoolchildren turn to a more complex science, which will soon share a couple of courses: the first course is algebra, the second is geometry. Often, for students to take a little lesson from a difficult lesson, teachers use additional tasks, for example, mathematical puzzles and rebels. We offer you some of them, which, perhaps, you will solve with your child.

First Rebus:

The first rebus
The first rebus


In the picture you see the word and image of the object "knife". Instead of the number 100, write the word "hundred". In front of the word "knife", remove the first letter. Combine all letters.



Second Rebus:

The second rebus
The second rebus


The picture shows a mushroom. Take the first letter in front of the words. Instead of the letter “and”, put the letter “s”. At the end of the word, put “ka”.



Third Rebus:

The third rebus
The third rebus


The picture shows a sheet and a goose. In the first word, change the letters in places, as indicated in the picture. In the second word, remove the first three letters. Then try to read what you did.



Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 5: photo, solution, description

For students who have already moved to the 5th grade and above, there are their complicated mathematical puzzles. Children should seriously work on them in order to find the correct answer. If this does not happen, the tasks simply will not interest the guys and then they will not bring benefits.

For fifth graders, we offer you such puzzles:

First Rebus:

The first rebus
The first rebus


The picture depicts a wasp and a fraction. Since we have a fraction here, it means that the solution is: under the letter "n" there is a wasp. From the word "wasp", take away the last letter. And then fold under + H + OS (the last letter is already absent).



Second Rebus:

The second rebus
The second rebus


The combination of "pros" is in the letter "A". The solution is this: B + A + for.



Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 6: photo, solution, description

In the 6th grade, children are already completely adults. This means that mathematical puzzles should be more complicated.

First Rebus:

The first rebus
The first rebus


The picture shows an inverted mushroom and wasp. Do as follows: Read the word "mushroom" on the contrary. In the same word, instead of the letter “g”, put the letter “K”. From the word "wasp", take the first two letters. Fold the remaining letters.



Second Rebus:

The second rebus
The second rebus


Here, to find the decision, the child will have to think a little. Do not tell him the answer right away. Let your schoolboy think about the answer himself, and you listen to exactly what decision he will offer you.



Mathematical puzzles with answers for children of grade 7: photo, solution, description

As a rule, in the 7th grade, algebra and geometry begins in children. They are already familiar with many geometric shapes, they have better developed thinking than primary school students. This means that such children need mathematical puzzles with a high degree of complexity.

First Rebus:

The first rebus
The first rebus

The picture shows a combination of letters and numbers. Instead of the number 100, write the word "hundred". Now connect all the letters. True, you have to think a little.

Second Rebus:

The second rebus
The second rebus

The picture shows the number 7, the letter "K" and the mouth. “7” write the word “seven” and take away the last two letters from it. The mouth is depicted inverted. So you need to read it to the contrary from the end.

Rebus third:

The third rebus
The third rebus

The picture shows a pen with a meter. The comma suggests that you need to remove the last letter from the word "feather". Everything is very simple. Combine those letters that remained from the word “feather” with the letter “and” and the word “meter”.

Video: Rebus with answers for schoolchildren

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you very much for the answers🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  2. And for the rebos

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