Mathematical riddles for children - interesting, complex, logical, with numbers: Nuzzle Card index

Mathematical riddles for children - interesting, complex, logical, with numbers: Nuzzle Card index

A large selection of mathematical puzzles for children.

Mathematical puzzles for children - a card index of mathematical puzzles

Mathematical puzzles for children - a card index of mathematical puzzles

Mathematical puzzles for children - a card index of mathematical puzzles:

Serious construction is going on at Seryozha:
From the cubes of the Reds, he puts the path.
One plus one, plus one, three more -
He considers Seryozha his successes.
And you give the answer, thinking a little,
So how many cubes are there in this path? (Six.)

Six girls are chubby
Scarfs are knitted on the knitting needles.
Here is another one
I brought sweets to everyone.
And behind her came a kitten ...
How many girls became there? (Seven.)

Five funny frogs
On the suburbs are lying.
They ran past the hedgehogs
The frogs were scared.
Two frogs dived into a stream.
How much is left?
Consider it as soon as possible! (Three.)

Two mouse in the dark
Glated the cheese in the hut.
Three mouse in cramped
We slept on the pillow.
We can immediately count
That they mouse everyone ... (Five.)

Potato was stored on a shelf in a basket.
Seven apples of green and a little onion
Kept in a box on a chair near the wall,
Where delicious sweet croutons were fried.
The cook came in the morning and threw it into the box
Three red apples, beans and carrots.
The box remained in the chair to lie.
Try to count everything in it! (Ten.)

Stepan took five sweets,
Put in his pocket.
Two gave Ole to his sister,
He treated three he Kolya.
How many sweets are
He left? Give an answer. (Zero.)

The hedgehog was walking through the forest,
For lunch, I found mushrooms:
Two - under the birch,
One at Osina,
How many of them will be
In a wicker basket? (Three.)

Six cheerful cubs
They are in a hurry for raspberries in the forest.
But one baby is tired:
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer:
How many bears ahead? (Five.)

Mathematical riddles with answers - the best selection

Mathematical riddles with answers - the best selection

Mathematical puzzles with answers are the best selection:

They asked the children
At school, lesson - prolled in the field
40 forty,10 took off
We sat on the spruce.How much is left
Forty in the field? (30)

Fishermen are sitting
Wrestle the floats.
The fisherman of the roots caught 13 perches,
Fisherman Eusei - four crucians,
And the fisherman Michael
I caught two soms.
How many fish are fishermen
Dragged from the river? (19)

To two hare per hour of lunch
Three neighbors jumped.
Hares sat down in the garden
And they ate three carrots.
Who should guys be dexterous?
How many carrots have eaten? (15)

To gray heron for a lesson
Seven forty arrived,
And of them only three forty
Prepared lessons.
How many loafers-fractions
Arrived at the lesson (4)

At seven forty, early in the morning,
Getting out of the sofa at seven forty,
At seven forty, seven forty went for a walk.
Seven forty on the road
They see a magpie pie
And they invite guests to the pie:
Eagle, chipped, peacock,
Pheasant and penguin,
And the parrot and the goose ...
Only this song is not all!
I have two questions.How many guests did forty guests?
How many parts did the pie divided? (7 and 14)

Soon 10 years of Seryozha -
Dima is not six more.
Dima still can't
Grow to Seryozha.
How many years younger
Boy Dima, than Seryozha? (for 4 years)

Three cats bought boots
Pair for every cat.
How many cats have legs
And how many boots they have. (12 legs and 6 boots.)

Namesbean at the Tow, the guests gathered.
Count them rather not mistaken.
Birds Friendly Family:
Three cheerful sparrows
Three crows, three magpies -
Black and white Beloboka,
Three cuts and three woodpeckers.
How many of them, name? (15)

The old woman of cheesecake decided to bake.
Put the dough and flooded the stove.
The old woman decided to bake,
And how many of them are needed - completely forgot.
Two things - for a granddaughter,
Two things - for grandfather,
Two things - for Tanya,
Daughter of a neighbor ...
I thought, thought, but went astray
And the stove was completely protected!
Help the old woman count cheesecakes. (6 cheesecakes.)

I was in the zoo,
Monkeys there saw:
Three sat in the sand,
Two swayed on the board,
And three more backs were warmed.
Did you manage to count everyone? (8)

How many insects are circled in the air?
How many insects in my ear are buzzing?
Two beets and two bees,
Flies are two, two dragonflies,
Two wasps, two mosquitoes.
It's time to call the answer. (12)

Squirrel, hedgehog and raccoon,
Wolf, fox, baby mole
There were friendly neighbors.
They came to the pies to the bear.
You guys don't yawn:
How many animals, consider. (7)

Brought a goat for children
From the yard 16 branches,
I put them on the floor.
How to divide by four? (4 branches.)

Squirrel mushrooms dried,
I just forgot to count.
It was 25 whites
Yes, even 5 oils,
7 movers and 2 chanterelles,
Very red -haired sisters.
Who is ready for the answer?
How many mushrooms were there? (39)

Swans in our pond,
I'll come closer:
9 black, white 5.
Who managed to count them?
Speak as soon as possible:
How many swans are (7 pairs.)

For fun children,
For fun, for playing
The clown pouted the balls.
Red - as if a flashlight,
The color of the sky is blue ball,
And green - like a meadow,
Yellow - Sunny Circle,
White is a fresh snowball.
Did everyone have enough friend?
Very soon the kids
Lost two balls:
We played half an hour
And they let him into heaven.
The kids are having fun
You think and decide:
How many balls are left
How many did not rush to the sky? (3 balls.)

Galka arrived,
We sat on sticks.
If on every stick
Will sit down one tack,
Then for one jackdaw
Not enough stick.
If on every stick
Will sit in two dicks,
Then one of the sticks
Will be without jackpot.
How many galls were there?
How many sticks were there? (4 jackdaws and 3 sticks.)

Mathematical puzzles for logic with answers

Mathematical puzzles for logic with answers

Mathematical puzzles for logic with answers:

King Koschey in his palace
Hides a hundred keys in a casket.
Those keys from chests,
Do not open locks without them.
In the chests keeps good:
Gold and silver.
Forty small keys,
How many large, answer soon? (60)

The cat Bayun composed riddles.
Calculate how many of them are guys:
Eight about bunnies,
Two about foxes
Nine about boys,
Three about girls.
How many puzzles?
It's time to answer!  (22)

One hundred and twenty women-hacks
They settled in the flight.
Twenty in his stupas
Turned forward.
You probably guessed
How much is left behind?(100)

The hero of Mikula vowed popularly,
That he will accompany 30 feats annually.
He did not violate the oath
And he performed for three years.
But then, there is a version
He retired.
Think, consider children.
How many feats, answer?  (90)

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet
Sweet honey was typed a tank.
The bees got angry
To catch up with settled.
They bit a patch
Ten beekens are slightly.
But Winnie got -
A hundred and forty stuck into it.
Answer, children, quickly,
How many bees bit friends?(150)

Red hat went to my grandmother.
Rush pies in the basket carried:
Ten with potatoes,
Sixteen with mushrooms.
I'll be back soon, - so she answered her mother.
But she gave half
The gray wolf went on.
Who has the answer is ready
How many grandmother will I eat pies?(13)

Crocodile Gaucher
They sent the galoshes:
Two pairs of green and warm galoshes,
You probably won’t find better anywhere.
Count Goshi
All his galoshes.(4)

Mathematical riddles about mathematical figures

Mathematical riddles about mathematical figures

Mathematical riddles about mathematical figures

And my brother, Seryozha,
Mathematician and drawing -
On the table by Baba Shura
Drawing all sorts ... (Figures.)

I have no corners
And I look like a saucer,
On the medal, on the pancake,
On an aspen sheet.
I am an old friend to people.
They call me … (A circle.)

Neither angle nor side
And relatives are only pancakes. (A circle)

A triangle with a semicircle
The circle was teased by the "fat friend."
Circle, upset to tears,
He has already become and grew up.
Who will guess here
What is his name now. (Oval.)

I am not an oval and not a circle,
I am a friend to a triangle
I am a rectangle brother
After all, my name is ... (Square.)

Cube in the paint of perch,
Attach and raise.
Vasya did so ten times -
They printed. (Squares.)

Four corners and four sides,
Poal sisters are similar.
You can't roll it into the gate, like a ball,
And he will not start to jump behind you.
The figure is familiar to many guys.
Did you recognize him? After all, this ... (Square.)

He is my familiar for a long time
Each angle in it is straight
All four sides
The same length.
I am glad to imagine him.
And his name is ... (Square.)

Three peaks are visible here,
Three corners, three sides - -
Well, perhaps enough! -
What do you see? ... (Triangle)

Evil fish-tail fish
The half -staff of it bite off -
The whole corner, believe do not believe!
Who is he, poor, now? (Triangle.)

Three peaks,
Three corners,
Three sides -
Who am I? (Triangle.)

Three corners, three sides.
There may be different lengths.
If you hit the corners,
You will rather jump yourself! (Triangle.)

Three of my sides
There may be different lengths.
Where the parties meet -
The angle is obtained.
What happened? Look!
After all, there are also three angles.
You look at me
What is my name. (Triangle.).

Think, tell me...
Just remember you:
The sides of this figure
The opposite are equal. (Rectangle.)

The triangle put his nose
In a reactive vacuum cleaner.
And without nose he, - Oh, God!
He became like a skirt.
The most interesting thing is
What is his name now. (Trapezius.)

The square stood on the corner -
He poked his nose into the ceiling.
He grew up for another five days.
How to call it now? (Rhombus.)

Two twin squares-
Halves of their father.
Attach the parties,
Say the name of their father. (Rectangle.)

Circle brick small
On the asphalt the whole,
And the figure will turn out -
Of course, you are familiar with her. (Rectangle.)

On our football ball
In black, it is painted over. (Pentagon.)

For a bee, the figure of this
In the whole world, there is no better.

Eight flies at the edge of the saucer
They laugh at the spider -
He tied them in a circle
Spideries to each other.
Eight web, too.
Who can call the figure?

Mathematical surfaces for children

Mathematical surfaces for children

Mathematical surfaces for children:

Apples from the branch to the ground fell.
Cried, cried, tears dropped
Tanya collected them in a basket.
As a gift to her friends brought
Two earrings, three Antoshka,
Katerina and Marina,
Ole, Light and Oksana,
The largest is mom.
Speak, let's rather
How many Tannin friends?

Asterisk fell from the sky,
I ran to visit the children.
Two screaming in the wake of her:
"Not for your friends!"
How many bright stars are gone,
Has the stellar sky?

A holiday is coming soon. New Year,
Let's stand in a friendly round dance.
We will sing the song loudly,
We will congratulate everyone on this day.
We will prepare all the gifts,
This holiday is very bright.
Katya, Masha and Alenka
We will give it by burenka
And Andryusha and Vityusha -
By car and pear.
Sasha will be glad of parsley
And a large colored cracker.
Well, Tanya - Tanyusha -
Brown bear in gray plush.
You, your friends, count the guests
Call their names.

The old woman of cheesecake decided to bake.
I put the dough, but I flooded the stove.
The old woman decided to bake,
And how many of them are needed - completely forgot.
Two things - for a granddaughter,
Two things - for grandfather,
Two things - for Tanya,
Daughter of a neighbor ...
I thought, thought, but went astray
And the stove was completely protected!
Help the old woman count cheesecakes.

In the fish kingdom to sturgeon
They come in the morning
Three young pikes,
To clean his cheeks,
And four Chebaks
Wash the belly and sides.
Calculate, children,
How many servants do sturgeon have?

Lived onceat the vest
Three loopsand two cuffs.
If you consider them together
Three and two, of course, five!
You just knowwhat's the secret?
The vest has no cuffs!

Six nuts mom-svinka
For children she carried in a basket.
The hedgehog met the pig
And he gave four more.
How many nuts pigs
Brought to the children in the basket?

Three bunnies, five hedgehogs
They go to kindergarten together.
We will ask you to count
How many kids are in the garden?

Five pies lay in a bowl.
Two pies took Lariska,
Another pussy pulled.
And how much is left in the bowl?

Our cat has five kittens,
They are sitting side by side in Lukoshka.
And the neighboring cat has three!
So dear, look!
Help count
How many three and five will be?

Mathematical riddles 5-6 grade

Mathematical riddles 5-6 grade

Mathematical riddles 5-6 grade:

Arithmetic action,
Reverse complexity,
The sign "Minus" is involved in it,
I will tell you, no doubt.
And as a result, the difference is
No wonder my efforts!
An example I decided correctly
And this … (Subtraction.)

It happens sharp, it happens dumb,
But most often it is direct.
The stupid and acute is different size,
Direct - constancy is an example.
The degree is changed sharp with stupid,
Only the straight line remains straight.

To get the amount,
Two numbers are needed ...

All four sides
Such figures are equal.
And the corners are straight
Who are we?

Long -legged skater
I have developed a notebook leaf!
Whatever the dance is a circle!
What is his name, friend?

Look at the figure -
She only has three.
Three sides and three corners.
The schoolboy is not mistaken
And he will say that the figure is
It is called ...

The top of the top serves me.
And what you think with your feet
Everyone calls the parties.

There is one girl in a cheat skirt
It looks in the mirror for a long time.
Can't look at
Girl … (Trapezius.)

What kind of "broken numbers"
Used to be in Russia?
Mathematics about this
Questioning well.

Somehow four guys
They swayed from the hill.
Two in the sledges are sitting,
How much did you fall into the snow? (2)

Four ripe pears
It swore on the twig.
Two pears took off Pavlush
How many pears are left? (2)

Misha alone with a pencil,
Grisha alone with a pencil.
How many pencils
Both kids? (2)

Lost Cinderella shoe.
I ran from the holiday - and silent.
They began to try on her lost.
How many Cinderella has them again? (2)

Duck carrots in the basket carried,
I was happy with this purchase.
If you still buy a carrot,
How many of them will be?
Can you add up? (2)

Mathematical riddles 3-4 grade

Mathematical riddles 3-4 grade

Mathematical riddles 3-4 class:

Grandma had three grandchildren,
Three fluffy, eared rabbits,
Soft, like a lump of cotton wool.
Grandmother knitted to her grandchildren.
All unwound from the wool ball
And one toe was not enough for one.
Winter is soon, but one is not ready!
How much grandmother tied socks? (5)

Call are four boys
Seven painted bears.
Two white among them,
How many bears of the rest? (5)

I have two sweets,
I will give one sister Svetka.
I'm not greedy, and for that
Dad gave me two sweets!
And now there have been sweets
Even more than first! (3)

Six coats in the closet hung,
I ate three of them in the summer,
The rest did not become,
Everything flew and thought
Gaining appetite
How many of them are in the closet. (3)

Sivka walked around the field,
I lost two horseshoes.
Two remains, and two new
The blacksmith was packed.
The horse is ready to walk again.
How many horseshoes do he have? (4)

Five pies lay in a bowl.
Two pies took Lariska,
Another pussy pulled.
And how much is left in the bowl? (2)

Rainbow draws light,
Only there is no red paint.
Who will answer the question
How many stripes will be in it? (7-1=6)

To white heron for a lesson
Seven forty arrived,
And of them only three forty
Prepared lessons.
How many loafers-fractions
Arrived at the lesson? (7-3=4)

There are three bear cubs on the apiary
We played hide and seek at the barrel.
One barely climbed into the barrel.
And how much did you run into the forest? (2)

Three apples.
To tear one
The hand is stretching.
But first you need to count
And how much will it remain? (2)

On the bush in front of the fence
Six bright red tomatoes
Then four came off
And how much is left on the bush? (2)

There are seven grasshoppers in the choir
Songs sang.
Soon five grasshoppers
They lost their voice.
Count without unnecessary words
How many votes became? (2)

Mathematical riddles for grade 1-2

Mathematical riddles for grade 1-2

Mathematical riddles for grade 1-2:

We all know the fairy tale "Turnip",
We can count everything.
We will try, guys,
All heroes to call you:
Granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse,
Grandfather and grandmother with him,
Well, try guys
Call everyone one number. (6)

Four laughter mice,
Very friendly girlfriends
We went out in the field for a walk,
Five more came running.
They sang very amicably,
All of them were exactly ... (9)

There are three blues on birch
Sold mittens,
Five more arrived,
How much will they sell? (8)

I have a brother Misha
And sister Irisha,
Count faster,
How many children are there in the family? (3)

Five tits on the branch sat down,
Two galka flew to us,
Count quickly, kids,
How many birds are sitting on a branch? (7)

A peacock walked in the kindergarten,
Another one came up
Two peacocks behind the bushes,
How many are there? Consider yourself! (4)

On a large couch in a row
Tanins are standing.
Two nesting dolls, Pinocchio
And cheerful Chipollino.
Help Tanyushka
Count toys. (4)

The hedgehog was walking through the forest,
For lunch, I found mushrooms:
Two - under the birch,
One at Osina.
How many of them will be
In a wicker basket? (3)

Seven geese set off on the road
Two decided to relax.
How many are there under the clouds?
Count, children, yourself. (5)

We went to the bazaar
They chose the goods there.
Three carrots, two parsley,
Pumpkin, beets, celery.
How many vegetables will be? (8)

There are seven plums on the plate,
Their appearance is very beautiful.
Paul ate four plums.
How much did the boy leave the drain? (3)

We ran through the forest
Eight frisky goats,
White and gray,
Turning the tail up up.
Five goats are white.
How many gray were? (3)

Three loud mom-white
Waited near the hollow.
They for breakfast mom-white
She brought nine bumps.
Divide into three -
How much is each of them? (3)

Mathematical riddles for preschoolers

Mathematical riddles for preschoolers

Mathematical riddles for preschoolers:

D. faithful pens
Look carefully -
There are two hands on the door.
Doors can be counted.
One, two, three, four, five.
Be diligent. Do not snooze.
How many handles? Answer! (10 pens)

I take pencils
Peners, you count
But do not rush. Here look,
Do not be a roller - red,
Black, yellow, blue.
Answer - in my hand
How many pencils? (4 pencils.)

Kvochka decided to count the chickens.
Three cockerels, but five chickens.
And how many are they together? It's hard to know.
She only knew how to count to five. (8 chickens.)

We begin to take away.
There were five condeles,
And now there is a couple.
How much did Tamara eat them? (3 rolls.)

In the week our Marat
I ate fourteen grenades.
Count, since not laziness,
How much did he eat them per day? (2 grenades.)

Grandma's geese
Grandmother Marusi has
Cat, goat, puppy and geese.
The cat purrs the porch.
Six geese float along the river.
Where the goat is gnawing,
The goose of the grass is pinched.
From the plaster plaster
Two goose pinch crusts.
Calculate as soon as possible
How many geese are together? (9 geese.)

Pestrushka has five chickens.
Kryakushka has five ducklings.
Five plus five, -
Nikolka asked, -
How much will it be together? (10)

Dad, mom, brother, I -
That's all our family.
We all love for lunch
Eat a couple of cutlets.
How many mom, every time,
Need to fry them for us? (8 cutlets)

Here are your guys the task.
On the forest edge of the cottage.
And in the country, a woman with a grandfather,
Dad with mom, brother and me.
Calculate guys,
We have a great family,
If there is still a sister
Incomprehensible, in diapers
And there is no one
The oldest brother Vadim. (8 people.)

Complex mathematical puzzles

Complex mathematical puzzles

Complex mathematical puzzles:

Birds, animals and beetles
Bought shoes:
A stingy flamingos
Each took the boot
Leopard and jaguars
We put on two pairs,
And when the beetle was,
I immediately demanded six pieces.
Anyone who was on the market that day,
I bought myself boots.
And a satisfied seller
He was generous at the end:
Bird, beast and beetle
I gave the cap.
Returning, old and young
He was happy with his new thing.
I was empty at the time of the bazaar:
They bought all the goods.
Locking his stall,
The seller summed up:
Sold forty shoes,
I gave ten caps.
How much was in the bazaar
Birds, animals and beetles?

Seeing that Erot cries,
Caprida asks him:
“What upset you,
Responsive immediately. "
“I carried a lot of apples from the helikon,
Erot answers
They attacked a sweet burden.
Part of the twelfth instantly took possession of the eurter,
And Klio took the fifth share,
The waist is the eighth of the eighth.
Melpomen left with part twentieth,
A quarter took Terpsichore,
With a part of the seventh erato
Strekgov ran away from me.
Thirty fruits were carried away by polygimity.
A hundred and twenty are taken by Urania.
Three hundred fruits suffered a caliope.
I am going back home
Almost empty -handed:
Only fifty fruits
I was left to the muse to share "
How many fruits had Erot?

Cheburashka on birthday
Gene carried a kilo of cookies.
And yet, it should be noted
Pauls carried chocolate.
Now it's time to answer
How many grams are this, children? (1500)

Somehow cute Malvina
Counted Buratino.
He decided 103 examples,
Exactly 100 of them is incorrect.
How many correct examples? (3)

Cheburashka from Gena received a letter.
The crocodile 7 errors in the letter made.
And from the rats of Anfiski
He received a note.
7 times more crocodile
She made mistakes.
How many errors are Anfiski rat
Found Cheburashka in a note? (49)

Old woman Shapoklyak in a day
8 anges are accomplished.
How much will be in a week,
Which of you will find out? (56)

Winnie to Pyatka Chagal
And he considered his steps:
To the porch 45,
On the steps exactly 5.
Who managed to count? (50)

Gene sits in a bottle,
Bitterly cries and sad:
“I'm here for three hundred years,
And there is no way for the way! "
There will be your answer, what
If in seven centuries
Gina will release my grandfather,
How old will Ginu be? (1000)

Kai for the Snow Queen
The chair was laid out of the ice.
He worked for three weeks -
The chair came out at least where!
Answer as soon as possible
How many days did Kai spend? (21)

Duremar caught leeches -
Six large and seven carriages.
How many leeches do he have? (13)

A three -headed dragon lived in the world.
For three hundred years he lived in a fairy tale, children.
How many years I have lived
Each his head? (300)

Three small gnomes worked, tired:
Magic books intertwined.
Sat down to rest,
The youngest began to count.
He counted everything
Thirty pieces for each,
Ten books in the remainder.
How many books, guys? (100)

Mathematical riddles in verses are funny

Mathematical riddles in verses are funny

Mathematical riddles in verses are funny:

We begin to count:
One, two, three, four, five…
If there are not enough fingers,
Girlfriends will count me.
I will lay them out on the desk,
And I will decide any example.
(Counting sticks.)

Forty -eight, twenty -six -
In these numbers there are signs.
Each first grader
They learn to write
And from the signs of these
Number to be.  (Numbers.)

You need to invite him
To add equal numbers to fold.
To facilitate addition
There is a great sign - ...

I go and repeat
And again I remember:
Two by two is four,
Five three to fifteen.
To remember everything,
We need to try.
(Multiplication table.)

Unknown X, unknown Y,
They can be met in equality.
And this, guys, I will tell you, not games,
Here you need to seriously find the decision.
(The equation.)

Thirty -five wonderful roses
In my mother’s bouquet.
The red was three seventh.
Calculate children,
How much my mother had
White roses in a bouquet?

Ivan an interesting romance took
There were one hundred pages in the novel
But Ivan did not lose heart
And I read three fifths.
How many pages are left to read
This, guys, you need to find out.

Snake Gorynych to the grandmother Yezh
Rushed along the path
Because Yaga has
There were pies in the stove.
Every head of it
15 pieces of total.
And Gorynych’s heads 3.
How many pies he will eat, say. (45)

Breaking into two parties,
Monkeys were amused.
Part eight of their square
He frolic cheerfully in the grove.
A scream of joyful twelve
Fresh air was announced.
How much, you tell me,
Was there monkeys in the grove?

There is a kadambo-flower;
On one petal
The bees for the fifth part sank.
Nearby grew up immediately
All in the color of Simendga,
And on it the third part fit.
You find them the difference
Take her three times
On the kutai of these bees, plant.
Only one did not find a place anywhere,
Everything was flying back and forth, then forward and everywhere
I enjoyed the aroma of flowers.
Now call me
Counting in the mind,
How many bees have gathered here?

Interesting mathematical riddles

Interesting mathematical riddles

Interesting mathematical riddles:

Many animals in the zoo lives:
White bear, giraffe, hippo,
Tiger, chimpanzees, fox and raccoon,
Elephant, Leopard, Snow Bars and Koyot.
Who worked on the animals to count
I ask you to give an answer immediately!

Give up, sing along!
Count the birds!
This bird is a nightingale,
This bird is a sparrow,
This bird is an owl, a sleepy head.
This bird is a waxwerh,
This bird is Korostel,
This bird is a squire - a gray feather.
This is a finch
This is a haircut
This is a cheerful chiz.
Well, this is an evil Orlan.
Birds, birds - home.
How many birds did you count, children?
Who will answer the fastest?

Pupils came to class
And they brought according to the drawing.
You guys do not yawn -
Calculate all the drawings:
Vicki has cloves,
Nikita has Margarita,
Anutka has forget -me -nots
Andrey has an orchid,
Lily of the valley - at Sasha,
Dahlias - at Marina,
Alena has peonies,
Natasha has chamomiles,
Tulips - at Oksana,
Narcissus - at Larisa.

In the first grade of our school
Egor learning, Kolya,
Six Sergeev, two Natasha.
Someone will say now
How many girls do we have?

Galka sat on the fence,
A counting starts:
One, two, three, four, five…
I will count all the guys.
Julia, Misha, Light, Kolya,
Petya, Ira, Vitya, Olya.
If I think I will get tired
I will stop for a minute.
I’ll be silent, rest,
And again I will start counting.
I thought, thought.
But not clear Gack
How many guys are there in the count?

Elephant, elephant and elephant
We walked in a crowd on a watering.
And to meet them the tigerok
Returns home.
How much, think as soon as possible
Did the animals go to the watering?

One evening to the bear
The neighbors came to the pie:
Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, “scythe”.
Wolf with a rogue fox.
And the bear could not
Divide the pie into all.
From labor, the bear sweat,
He did not know how to count.
Help him soon
Count all animals.

My mother has five sons.
I'll start counting - not five comes out.
See: Volodya is my first brother,
Here is Kostya - the second,
That's the third - Ignat,
The fourth Grishutka.
But the fifth is not.
I think first.
All the same answer.
Four all the time goes to the account.
Who will find the fifth son guys?

We are a huge family.
The youngest is me.
There is Tanya and there is Vasya,
Yura, Shura, Zina, Masha,
And Natasha is also ours.
How many children are in the family?

Fishermen sit, guard floats.
A fisherman of roots caught a perch.
Another fisherman is a shoe,
Eusei - Karasia,
The fisherman Kiryusha came across a halosh.
And the fisherman Mikhail Soma caught it.
How many fish are fishermen
Dragged from the river?

Arina entered the class
And behind her Marina,
And then Ignat came in.
How many guys came to the class?

Grandmother Nadia in the village lives,
Has animals,
And the account does not keep.
I will be guys call them,
And you try
Count them all.
Cow, calf, two gray goose,
Sheep, pig and cat Katusya.
How many animals do Aunt Nadi have?

Multi -colored balls
Grandma took out
And for the grandchildren of dear
Gifts tied:
A cap - for Masha,
The blouse is Natasha,
Mittens - Ilyusha,
Socks - for Andryusha,
Scarf - for Romochka
Gloves - for tomocho.
Grand to the grandchildren of gifts are such as
They said thank you all as one.
How many guys are all
Grandma thank you?

Alenka at a party
Two chicken in bast shoes,
Cockerel in boots,
Kurochka in earrings,
Spleen in the caftan,
Duck in sundress
And a cow in a skirt
In a warm short fur coat.
How many guests do Alenka have?

Children's mathematical riddles

Children's mathematical riddles

Children's mathematical riddles:

Two chicken are worth
Two sitting in a shell.
How many children will be
Having my hen? (4)

Once for a luster for lunch
The friend rode - a neighbor.
On the stump of hare sat down
And they ate two carrots.
Who to count guys, dexter
How many carrots have eaten? (4)

Given the hedgehog to the ducklings
Eight leather boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many ducklings were all? (4)

Five guys played football
They called one home.
He looks out the window, believes
How many are playing them now? (4)

Five babies - cubs
Mom laid down to bed.
One can’t sleep in any way.
How many good dreams do you dream? (3)

Well, how many guys are here
Does he ride on the mountain?
Three in the sledges are sitting,
One is waiting. (4)

Marina tore off the mug
Nine raspberries.
Five gave her girlfriend.
How many berries have you been in a circle? (4)

I draw Koshkin House:
Three windows, a door with a porch.
There is still a window upstairs
So that it is not dark.
Count the windows
In the house at the cat. (4)

Two goals at Ani,
Two goals of Vanya.
Two goals and two.
How many are there?
Will you realize? (4)

Under the bush behind the rye field
Friendly hedgehogs lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (4)

Three fluffy cats
They lay down in Lukoshechka.
Then one came running to them.
How many cats have you become together? (4)

Six scarves.
And two of them
Embroidered with patterns.
How much is it left for us to embroider
We will calculate soon! (4)

To gray heron for a lesson
Seven forty arrived.
And of them only three forty
Prepared lessons.
How many loans are forty
Arrived at the lesson? (4)

At the wall are tubs.
In each exactly the frog.
If there were five tubs,
How many frogs were there? (5)

  They gave Petya a book about a rocket.
I read Petya, gave the light.
Svet - Vanya, Vanya - Tanya,
Tanya - little Maryan.
How many children have you read the book? (5)

Only I went into the bushes,
I found a boom,
Two chanterelles, Borovik.
And the green moss.
Who has the answer is ready
How many mushrooms have I found? (5)

Mom is a squirrel for children.
Bring cones from the forest.
I didn’t give everything at once,
Given just one.
The eldest is spruce,
Average pine,
The youngest is cedar.
Tell me, kids,
How much squirrels did you eat according to the bump? (3)

They gave everyone lunch:
Dog - in a bowl,
In a saucer pussy,
Kurochka - a leash
Millet in a skull,
Mashenka - in a plate
Blue is not small.
How many lunch? (3)

The guys played hide and seek.
Everyone hid:
Kolya - in oats,
Olya - for Kolya,
Egor - behind the hill,
Andreyka - behind the watering can,
Timoshka - behind a cat,
Lena - for hay
Sveta - behind the branch,
Philip - for the mushroom.
And Barbos came.
I immediately found everyone.
How many children did the dog find? (8)

Seven guys rode from a hill.
Egor ran home,
And then Vadim left
And Seryozha after him.
How many children are left on the hill?
Who counted, answer soon! (4)

Hares, sables and proteins
Bit down in the lits and plates.
Waves a penguin wand,
Citizen of polar ice floes.
Raccoon on both sides
The notes turn over.
How many different animals in the orchestra? (6)

Masha had sweets.
She treated the light
Natasha, Ira, Seryozha,
Tanya and Petya too.
One candy remained
And Mashenka was confused:
How many sweets were there?
Who can give an answer? (7)

Sasha in his pocket
Sweets in a piece of paper.
He gave on candy
Light and Pete,
Irina, Galina,
Marina and Nina.
And he ate a candy himself.
How many sweets were there? (7)

Riddles on a mathematical theme

Riddles on a mathematical theme

Riddles on a mathematical theme:

The century is huge, like an elephant,
How many years does he accommodate? (One hundred.)

One hundred kilos of ten by ten,
How much will it weigh? (Ton.)

Ten times less,
than a meter, everyone knows ... (Decimeter.)

Unit, six zeros
That would be so many rubles. (Million.)

This is a value.
And only she is alone
The size of the surfaces measures,
In the square determines. (Square.)

In grams, kilograms too
We can measure it . (Weight.)

There is a long segment, there is shorter
We draw it along the ruler, by the way.
Five centimeters - value,
It is called ... (Length.)

I need to explain to someone
What is an hour? Minute?
For a long time any tribe
He knows what ... (Time.)

Speed \u200b\u200bof movement
It is consonant with the word "acceleration".
Answer children now, now
What does 8 meters per hour mean? (Speed.)

I have no corners
And I look like a dish,
On a plate and on the lid,
On the ring and the wheel. (A circle.)

I am not an oval and not a circle,
I am a friend to a triangle
I am a rectangle brother
After all, my name is ... (Square.)

I am a dash in grammar,
And who am I in mathematics? (Minus.)

Mathematical riddles for children

Mathematical riddles for children

Mathematical riddles for children:

Seven funny piglets
The trough has in a row.
Two went into the bed to go to bed
How many pigs do the trough? (5)

Four geese and two ducklings
They swim in the lake, shout loudly.
Well, count as soon as possible -
How many kids are there in water? (6)

The bazaar is good hedgehog
I bought the family of boots.
Boots on the leg - yourself,
A little less - wife.
With buckles - son,
With fasteners - a daughter.
And he laid everything in a bag.
How many legs have a hedgehog in the family?
And how many boots bought? (16)

Five flowers at Natasha,
And two more gave her Sasha.
Who can count here,
How much will be two and five? (7)

Brought goose - mother
Six children in the meadow for a walk.
All goslings are like glomeruli,
Three sons, how many daughters? (3)

Four ripe pears
It swore on the twig
Two pears took off Pavlush
How many pears are left? (2)

Grandson Shura Good grandfather
He gave seven candies yesterday.
A grandson ate one candy.
How many things are left? (6)

Mom embroidered a carpet.
Look what a pattern.
Two large cells
Each has three twigs
Sit Masha on the bed,
He wants to count the branches.
Yes, it can't
Who will help her? (6)

Under the bushes by the river
Live of May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (4)

Earring fell in the snow,
And after him Alyosha.
And after him Irinka,
And behind her Marinka.
And then Ignat fell.
How many guys were there? (5)

How they got into a circle under the Christmas tree
Bunny, squirrel and badger,
Hedgehog and raccoon got up,
Elk, wild boar, fox and cat.
And the last got the bear,
How many animals? Answer! (10)

Mathematical riddles with numbers

Mathematical riddles with numbers

Mathematical riddles with numbers:

How many years in the egg are chicken,
How many wings the kitten has
How many numbers are there in the alphabet,
How many mountains will swallow the tiger,
How much mouse weighs tons,
How many raven are there in a pack
How many hares a mol has eaten,
Only the figure knows ... (Zero.)

How many sun is behind the cloud,
How many rods are in the fountain pen,
How many noses have a noses
How many hours are on the hand?
How many legs do fly agaric
And attempts by the sapper,
He knows and is proud of himself
The number is a little ... (Unit.)

How many ears on the top of the head
How much legs is half a fellow
How many somes have a mustache
The planet of poles,
How many halves are generally,
In a pair - brand new shoes,
And the front paws of the lion
Only the figure knows ... (Two.)

How many months are in the winter,
In the summer, in the fall, in the spring,
How much eye the traffic lights have
Base on the baseball field,
Fine at a sports sword
And strips on our flag,
Whatever us tell us
The figure knows the truth ... (Three.)

How many paws of mongoose has
Petals in a cabbage flower,
Fingers on the chicken leg
And on the back of the cat,
Tanya's hands with Petya
And all sides in the world
And oceans in the world,
Knows the dial ... (Four.)

How many fingers on the arm
And kopecks in a patch,
At sea star rays,
The beaks of five rooks,
Blades of maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion,
Talk about all this
The figure will help us ... (Five.)

How many letters do the dragon have
And a million zero
Different chess figures,
The wings of three white chickens,
Legs at the May beetle
And the sides of the chest.
Kohl we cannot consider ourselves,
The figure will tell us ... (Six.)

How many flowers are there in the rainbow
Whales in the week in the week.
Gnomics at Snow White,
Twin brothers at the pawn,
Notes that even children know,
And all miracles in the world,
Deal with it all
The figure will help us ... (Seven.)

How many winds are at sea
And hooves in two donkeys,
The tentacles at the octopus,
And Klykov has a couple of dogs?
How many legs the spider has
If we ask about it
The figure will answer us ... (Eight.)

How many pirates are there in a dozen
If the three went somewhere,
Months a year without summer,
Nonnet performers,
A stray cat in lives,
And in a dozen flies without midges?
Do not look for the answer anywhere, because
The figure has an answer ... (Nine.)

Video: Tasks for Logic for Children - Mathematics

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Comments K. article

  1. These interesting tasks were very useful in my extracurricular work

  2. These interesting tasks were very useful in my extracurricular work. Thank you

  3. I took materials for the week of mathematics

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