The name of the teams, motto and greetings at KVN at the school in mathematics, Russian language, computer science, physics, history, geography, for holidays

The name of the teams, motto and greetings at KVN at the school in mathematics, Russian language, computer science, physics, history, geography, for holidays

The article offers you a large selection of greetings, team names and motto for playing children's KVN.

Funny and cool name of teams, motto and greetings at KVN at the school in mathematics

Funny and cool name of the teams, KVN is an excellent entertainment for children at any age. Jokes and laughter are part of the psychological development of the child. That is why educational institutions often organize competitions of urban or purely school scale.

Important: for KVN to be fun and in an organized manner, each team must have its own name, motto and presentation in the form of a speech. There may be several such verses, it is appropriate to insert them into any part of the program and before each competition. A friendly speech will show how much the team is prepared and how much it claims to win.

The names of teams and motto:

Our "mathematics" team,
We are not avid romantics
We believe in numbers, formulas,
We will not give you a head start!

The team is called the "solution",
By strength, we are any equation,
We are competing with the minds,
Let's kill you with all abstruse words!

Our team is called "plus",
We are all in the know all solutions, tasks!
We achieve success everywhere
Competitions are not a hindrance to us!

We love to decide and calculate
The team decided to call an “example”
Meet big minds on stage,
We are obsessed with the victory today only we!

Our team "2+2",
The knowledge carries us all the wave,
Affidized pragmatists
Mathematician team!

Greetings of teams:

Our team sends you hello,
We believe in accurate calculations.
Yes, we will win today,
We are no doubt!

Welcomes our team,
Screaming, waves his hands together!
She is fun today
Wishes all love and good!

Take a greeting from us,
We will be very fun!
We will amuse you
Play and joke!

Accept Hello from us,
They collected them all over the world!
May you have fun today,
We cook you jokes and songs!

We welcome you sincerely
We expect applause from you!
Let the show be good for you,
You clap your hands together!

Mathematical KVN, motto and greetings of teams

Funny and cool name of teams, motto and greetings at KVN at the school in Russian

Names and motto:

Meet the commands "by the rules",
We will fix all blots,
We are clean and neat,
It’s just nice to fight with us!

We are the "Calculture" team,
We can easily master any task,
Let there be a fun show today
And everyone from our game is wildly funny!

We are the "Correct Error" team,
We will give you a vaccine from sadness!
We will give you a portion of laughter,
Any rivals are not a hindrance to us!

Wants to tell you "suffix",
Our team is always in the plus.
Our team always believes
That the doors are open in front of her!

We are the “Speech Development” team,
Plunge a ton of laughter on your shoulders,
Let's make you smile
We were satisfied with our show!


Hi, we are a fervent team!
We love the open spaces for laughter
We love a good viewer
Let everything be amazing!

We are at least where!
We have power, positive and simplicity,
We will mix you for a long time
So that you can love us!

Listen to our greeting
We were preparing responsibly
We will reveal our souls to you,
Today the fun is big!

We want to tell you "Hello!"
Decorate our work
With its applause,
Accept compliments from us!

We are happy to welcome all of you
Our humanitarian class prepared jokes.
Today, relax in the seats,
Leave good impressions!

Greetings, team names and motto for KVN in Russian to school

Funny and cool name of teams, motto and greetings at KVN at the School in Informatics

Names and motto:

We are called "netbook",
We are ready for a lot of jokes,
Let it be fun now
We are in a hurry to delight all of you!

Our team is "parallels",
Lens the people, knows how to joke,
We prepared funny to you
Jokes and songs are daring!

Our team is called the "screen",
There are many scenes, jokes to you,
We want to leave impressions
For a good mood!

Technology Century team
Tell you about a lot today,
Will show the scenes today,
The mood will be excellent!

Friendly team "Mouse"
Lives positively and breathes laughter!
We will delight you with a performance,
Mix your positive mood!


Funny hello to you from us,
We want to make all of you laugh
We prepared all the jokes to you,
You will not forget us all for a long time!

Here, keep, our hello!
He will tell you a secret
How to live before old age
And only positively live!

Our greeting is simple:
Accept the reverence for a big one!
Rejoice, audience, have fun
Such a stormy life with us!

We want to greet
You guys are in the hall!
You are a huge positive
You are the most beloved!

Hello, the audience, dear!
We do not know the best audience!
We wish you a lot of laughter
Our numbers are fun!

Motto and names of teams, greetings for KVN in computer science

Funny and cool name of teams, motto and greetings at KVN at the school in physics

Names and devices for teams:

We are a team called “physicists”,
We are big shisiki in life,
We did not come empty -handed
Smile, rejoice with us!

We are a team, called "science",
Without research, life is like flour.
We want to present you our number,
I wish you to grab you a positive sea!

Our team is called the "arrow",
It has smart boys, beautiful girls,
They love to joke and delight you,
They have jokes a huge rainbow!

Our team is called the "line",
We will laugh at you today,
We will be positive from the stage from the stage,
He needs this hall!

Our team is called "charge",
We are positive in every row,
Let the whole hall cowardly cowardly
We want everyone to laugh!


We welcome you sincerely
We will like you to make you all.
We have a large bag of jokes,
Funny jokes and jokes!

Hi, you will accept from us,
Today we will joke happily!
You will smile at us and we will blossom
We are ready to give everything to the viewer!

We welcome you together
Your support is very necessary for us!
We will be jokes, how to give gifts,
Just like us, no one knows how to joke!

The names of the teams, their motto and speech, greetings for the KVN contest

Funny and cool name of teams, motto and greetings at KVN at the school on history

The names of the teams and the motto of the teams:

Our "historians" team,
We can laugh to colic!
We will perform very amicably
Victory is needed today!

The team is our "Battle for Victory",
We float with the flow, fly in the wind.
We need your smiles on your faces
No one can compare with us!

The team "Historical people",
We will mix you from the stage of this,
You give us your preference,
Your smiles are inspiration for us!

The team is called "Research",
We conduct an investigation from the stage:
Who laughed louder and more,
Who smiled wider to us!

We are the Archaeologists team,
We put a lot in jokes:
Their strength and inspiration,
There will be a good impression from us!


We are so glad to see you all!
We will not offend you with jokes
We know the best story,
We compose cool jokes!

Historical hello
After many, many years,
Send you all our team,
There is no more beautiful in the world!

Meet the team glorious,
Accept signs sweet,
We will give you a performance
From a positive mood!

Motto and greetings, names of teams for KVN on history

Funny and cool name of teams, motto and greetings at KVN at the school in geography

Names and motto:

We are the Big Planet team
There are no more positively in the world!
We will give you all a lot of jokes,
Positive, funny minutes!

The team is our "contour map",
We have a lot of positive and excitement!
We will tear this scene to pieces,
We love the audience and the competition is very, very!

Our team is called "Equator",
You will not find a team on the map
We exist only on stage,
We sincerely believe in our victory!

Our team is called "land",
The team is only necessary!
You applaud us, praise us,
Give us your admiration!

We are a team, we are called the Earth,
Our team is a big family,
We really love jokes to joke,
We really want to make you laugh!

Team greetings:

The team welcomes positive,
We love you with all our hearts strongly!
Let us laugh today,
It is not difficult for us to get victory!

Hello, our beloved viewer!
Hello, the audience is dear!
Listen to us and watch us,
We give you love from the stage!

We welcome you from this scene,
Very warm helmet Hello to all of you!
You are sick for us, support us together,
We really need your attention!

Greetings for teams for children's KVN

Funny and cool name of teams, motto and greetings at KVN at school by February 23

Devices and names:

Our team is called "defenders",
We are in front of you, as the gods arose,
You are from any of you problems and evil
We will always protect!

Our “struggle and strength” team,
We have men and beautiful men,
They will protect anyone from grief
Give emotions and laughter the sea!

We are the fighting force team,
We need your support,
We can go through any interference,
Let's give you joy from strong laughter!

Our team "Bullet" is called,
Before our team, all the doors will open,
There is power and confidence in our hands,
Love us all and boldly clap!

Greetings from the team:

Hi, we will give you our own
He is the brightest and funny,
He is the most honest and rich
He is taken from the soul and heart!

Get our sincere greetings,
They are the most sincere and valuable,
They will give you their positive
You need this positive!

Devices and greetings for teams on KVN by March 8

Funny and cool name of teams, motto and greetings at KVN at the school by March 8

Team names, motto and greetings:

Welcomes the glorious team,
The girls are so sweet in it!
She is called "My tenderness"
They have a sea of \u200b\u200bjokes vastly!

We are a team, called "flowers",
We love to win very, very,
Respect, love women!
We will win today!

The team is female, called Marta,
There are many jokes, laughter and excitement in us!
We will raise your spirit and mood,
From our numbers you enjoy!

Hi The team says
She, like an asterisk, burns!
Team named "Fairy Tale"
Love and affection gives you!

The Lyalya team will give you his hello,
This team is not brighter in the world!
She is beautiful both with the mind and outwardly,
You will give her your love love!

Funny and cool name of teams, motto and greetings at KVN at school for the New Year

Our team is called the "toy",
We have a big cracker in our hearts,
We are blown up with laughter and tear to pieces,
We will give you great happiness!

We have a Mishura team,
She is full of love and good
She is on the Christmas tree sweetness,
It will only give you joy!

Hello from the team "Gifts",
May your life be bright!
We will give you a lot of joy
Let's drive away the shadow of fatigue!

Welcomes the "Santa Claus" team,
We laugh, you are guests, all to tears!
You are clinging to us, clap, shout,
We applaud us, whistle fun to us!

Niscle command "Fireworks"
It sends you big and sunny greetings!
You will support us with your love,
Light smiles with bright light!

Video: "Children's KVN: Game, First Part"

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