Chrome vitamins why the human body needs? Picolinate Chroma: instructions for use, compatibility with other vitamins, readings, contraindications, reviews, where to buy, which dietary supplement is better to choose on iherb?

Chrome vitamins why the human body needs? Picolinate Chroma: instructions for use, compatibility with other vitamins, readings, contraindications, reviews, where to buy, which dietary supplement is better to choose on iherb?

Like all other mineral components and trace elements, chrome, along with universal useful qualities, also has unique, inherent properties inherent in it.

How exactly does this element affect our body, what is its peculiarity, and most importantly, the danger of the lack of chromium is dangerous - you will read about all this and much more in this article.

What is useful for chrome for the body of men, women, what is its effect on the body?

  • Chromium belongs to those mineral components that affect sugar regulation in the body. Along with hormone insulin, chrome “is responsible” for moving sugar in the blood and its distribution through the tissues of the body. Its disadvantage, and even more long, often leads to a state called borderline diabetes or antiabet.
  • What is the benefit of chromium? First of all, in ensuring proper and timely metabolism and burning fats. The role of chromium is significant in the normal functioning of the endocrine system, in particular, thyroid gland, and to form persistent immunity of the body, as well as to accelerate tissue growth and restore.
  • In the body of pregnant women, the level of chromium content is usually reduced, this is what caused the frequent edema, significant weight gain, increased pressure. Often the lack of chromium is able to lead not only to fullness, but also to obesity.

Chrome Picoline: Indications

Chromium picolinate refers to biologically active additives, the action of which is aimed at replenishing the deficiency of chromium in the body.

Dietary supplements or products
Dietary supplements or products

A specialist can recommend this drug in the following cases:

  • The initial stages of atherosclerosis - as a preventive action;
  • Prevention of diabetes of the second type;
  • For prevention alimentary-constitutional obesitywhich, by the way, is much more common among women aged after 40;
  • If carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed;
  • If you need weight correction, improvement of the figure;
  • To restore normal glucose tolerance;
  • For uninterrupted normal operation of the cardiovascular system;
  • If necessary strengthening immunity;
  • In case of insomnia;
  • In the presence of headaches;
  • To combat increased fatigue.

In addition, chromium picoline is shown as an additional source of chromium.

Chrome Picoline: Instructions for use

Proper use is specified in which the picolinate of chromium is released.

So, not being a drug, this dietary supplement can be recommended only to adults in the following quantity:

  • From 10 to 20 drops under the tongue in the event that a bottle equipped with a dropper is used;
  • If a mechanical dispenser is provided in the bottle, it is recommended from 3 to 7 presses. This volume of the product involves 0.65 ml to 1.3 ml and involves a one -time reception during the day, during food intake. Before use, the product must be carefully shaken off.

The usual course of taking chromium picoline is within a month.

Chrome Picoline: contraindications, side effects

  • If chrome enters the body parenteral way (most often this by injection or, for example, inhalation), then a large dose can cause irritation of both the skin and internal organs, and the six -leverage can even threatens with serious lung diseases (including by carcinoma), perforation nasal partitions.
  • If the dietary supplement is taken combined with insulin preparations, a detailed consultation with an endocrinologist is needed regarding insulin doses. Among other contraindications are age (the drug is usually not recommended for children until 16 years old), renal or liver failure.
  • Possible contraindications include hypersensitivity, and a side effect from the action of chromium picoline can be an allergic reaction. In addition, the possibility of taking this dietary supplement should be considered with caution to people suffering from diabetes, as well as those who, on duty, are in contact with all kinds of chronic connections. Yes, and those who live not far from enterprises associated with leather or metallurgical production should also show special care when choosing dietary supplements.

Chrome Picoline: Dosage per day

  • The uncontrolled use of any drug, including bioadds, is unacceptable. This statement is especially relevant in relation to Picoline Chrome for those who suffer from a disease such as diabetes.
  • It is proved that the dietary supplies containing chrome contribute to the growth of muscle mass in women, Therefore, those who accept the dietary supplement, without setting themselves with the “muscles”, should be especially careful.
  • Chromium preparations are prescribed by a dietitian, and on average the daily dosage is 100-300 mcg per day, Depending on gender, age, weight, health.
  • Chrome picolinate is taken per day in the amount of 1-2 tablets, depending on the purpose, and the total dietary supplement should not be more than 1 ml. A lower dosage is provided for those who suffer from diseases associated with the central nervous system and cores.
Individual number
Individual number

Overdose of chromium picoline: symptoms

  • First of all, an overdose of any drug containing chrome, including chrome picoline, is fraught with poisoning, and entering the body of more than 3 g can lead to death.
  • In the instructions for the drug chromium picolinate, it is noted that compliance with all the rules of administration is the key to the lack of negative reactions of the body. If the drug is used for too long or the dosage is exceeded, then dizziness, headache are possible, a person can suffer from nausea or bloating.

In the presence of allergic reactions to chrome, the manifestation of rashes, swelling, itching, urticaria or dermatitis is also possible.

Chrome Picoline: Compatibility with other vitamins

  • Making a decision on the adoption of additives containing chromium, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility. So, a positive effect is noted with compatibility with beta-blockers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also interacts well with vitamin C, which contributes to the better absorption of the trace element in the body.
  • But when interacting chrome with iron The negative effect on metabolism processes has been noted. As for the amino acids, with them when penetrating into the cells, chrome interacts quite successfully. But taking several additives with chromium content is strictly not recommended - this can lead to an overdose.

Picoline Chrome and Vanady

  • These two substances are very important for the course of biochemical processes in the body. It is thanks to them that the carbohydrate metabolism that plays a significant role in in the presence of diabetes is normalized, a beneficial effect on processes associated with hematopoiesis and fermentation occurs
  • The dietary supplement containing both elements has a multifaceted effect on the body. So, the “participation” of chromium consists in the transformation of fats and proteins into energy, into the formation of the muscle system, a positive effect on vision, and for women who are in a state of menopause, it is important to prevent calcium loss, which is also facilitated by chromium. A similar complex is chosen by people who care about health.
  • Like dietary supplements of chromium picolinate, such a composition is taken once a day during meals, if the doctor did not recommend a higher dose. Contraindications can be intolerance to one of the components, caution should also be taken to those who are sick with diabetes and women during pregnancy and lactation.

Chrome Picoline: how long can you take?

  • Typically, the course of taking the picoline chromium is 30 days.
  • Depending on the state of the human body and the doctor’s recommendations, you can repeat the course after 1-3 months.
Usually for 30 days
Usually for 30 days

Chrome picolinate during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • Since clinical studies aimed at identifying the effects of dietary supplements Picoline chromium during pregnancy were not carried out, it is difficult to talk about its safety for the woman’s body during this period.

The instructions for the application of the additive indicate a contraindication for taking pregnant women. Remembering this, a woman must be informed of her doctor if, being in reproductive age and planning a pregnancy, he decides to take chromium picoline.

  • The same applies to women during lactation - taking chromium picoline in these months is contraindicated.

Chrome Picoline for weight loss: reception, dosage, reviews scheme

  • The daily norm of chromium for those who are on a diet is a dose that reaches 200 mcg, it is the same for both men and women. This dose, according to the reception scheme indicated in the instructions for the use of chromium picoline, should be taken in the form of one or two capsules per day, during food intake.
  • If the drug is in the form of drops, the norm is from 10 to 25 drops twice a day. If the dietary supplement is released in the form of a chewing gum, then the reception frequency increases to three times a day for 10 minutes of chewing, each time one plate. Recommended reception course - from 10 to 25 days.

What do those who have already accepted the picolinate of chromium say?

In general, the reviews are positive:

  • Irina, 26 years old: When sugar increased in the blood, my endocrinologist advised me a chromium picolinate. The doctor prescribed a course of treatment, and the indicators returned to the norm, moreover, I reduced the weight, because the desire to have a bite to eat sweet.
  • Svetlana, 34 years old: I chew the plate picoline chromium in the evenings when there is a desire to eat something. It is enough to hold out for 10 minutes - and then I do not feel hunger.
  • Arina, 27 years old: I was advised by Pikolina Chroma, a friend who herself, with the help of this additive, successfully dropped extra pounds. Just in case, I consulted with a doctor who, after the examination, said that the drug was not contraindicated to me. Now I am losing weight, and quite active and easy.
  • Natalia, 42 years: I got better during pregnancy, and after I finished feeding the baby, I could not lose weight. I learned about the picoline chromium and decided to try. I returned my previous parameters quickly enough, however, while I still tried to adhere to proper nutrition.

Chrome picolinate for insulin resistance, for diabetics: reception scheme, reviews

  • It is noted that due to the additional intake of chromium, insulin resistance decreases, sugar levels are regulated.
  • Studies have shown that taking chromium picoline leads to reduction of glycated hemoglobin (This indicator reaches 0.95%), and in antiabetic state this can stop the progression of the disease.

The correct dosage with resistance to insulin, as with type 2 diabetes, is a reception of 1000 μg per day, the course of admission can be from 3 to 6 months. Take capsules with food.

The reviews in this case are as follows:

  • Olga, 44 years old: I noticed that if I want sweets, then taking a picoline chromium immediately reduces this desire. And with my diabetes, this is very relevant. Together with the doctor, we developed a scheme for taking this additive, and for a month now the level of sugar in my blood corresponds to regulatory indicators.
  • Inga, 36 years old: I like that the capsules of the chromium picoline easily swallow and do not cause heartburn or other unpleasant sensations. Like many of my friends in misfortune in the form of diabetes, she noted that dietary supplement practically repels the hunt for sweets.
  • Alla, 48 years old: I am skeptical of all sorts of dietary supplements, therefore, I first looked at the picoline chromium with distrust. But when my endocrinologist advised me to drink the course, she simply took it as the next doctor. And did not regret it! I feel not an example better than the previous one, constant weakness has gone, and Sugar returned to normal. So my skepticism was dispelled.

What products contain chromium picolinate?

  • In the first place in terms of chromium is worth fish. Leaders are held pelamida and tuna, behind them - karasi and anchovies, som and dent, are not inferior to them in the content of chromium also carp, sea fish - mowing, pink salmon, cod, flounder
  • The off products of beef are also rich in chromium content. Near 30 μg of chromium per 100 g The product is contained in the liver, heart, kidneys. A little is inferior to chicken - up to 20 μg in breasts and legs.
  • Light dates, Brazilian nuts, cereals, as well as dairy products and whole milk, which are best consumed raw, since heat treatment leads to a decrease in the amount of chromium.

Helat or chromium picoline: which is better?

When a similar question arises, all the criteria should be assessed by which the choice of dietary supplements is made.

So, the release of biodes is produced in the following forms:

  • Capsules. They are distinguished by increased digestibility due to the fact that active substances are absorbed already in the intestines, bypassing the aggressive environment that the gastric juice creates.
  • Tablets More convenient for swallowing, but in them the biological availability of matter is somewhat reduced.
  • Chrome in the form solution It is convenient to swallow, it is well absorbed, but at the same time it has a certain mineral taste that not everyone perceives.

Both Helat and Picoline have increased bioavailability. Helat, which is a combination of chromium and amino acids, is better absorbed, picoline, which includes, in addition to chromium, picolinic acid increases the amount of chromium in the blood and promotes muscle increasing. Thus, the choice of a suitable drug depends on what kind of goal a person pursues.

Chroma Picoline: Doctors reviews

  • Doctors first of all recommend carefully studying the instructions, use in the exact dosage and not get carried away with a long reception. Since the effectiveness of the additive has not been scientifically proven, doctors do not see in it an particularly pronounced effect, and noted by many patients the reluctance of sweets Referes to the known placebo effect.
  • At the same time, doctors note that the aforementioned placebo effect is successfully used in medicine, therefore, when combined with low -carbon diet and sports They do not deny the possibility of using a chromium picoline for weight loss.

Chroma Picoline: where to buy?

  • Today, chromium picolinate is available for sale both in pharmacies and on specialized sites. Its price starts from the amount of 105 rubles. And exceeds a thousand, depending on the manufacturer, the form of release and other parameters.

Analysis of the sentences presented on the Internet shows that the widest selection and the best positioning is on the site iherb. All information about the dietary supplement Picoline Chrome on Aiherb is presented promptly and with complete correctness, with appropriate descriptions and images.

  • Also, on iHerb, you will always be offered fresh goods and warn about the need to carefully study the instructions and strict following it.

Convenient design, operational communication with customers, full answers to all questions asked, constant catalog updating - this is what the site is distinguished by the Iherb website from others.

Chrome picoline which is better to choose: tips

The additive Picolinate Chromium is popular, therefore it is included in the lineups of many pharmaceutical manufacturers, those who are engaged in the production of sports nutrition are not behind. When choosing a suitable drug, it is necessary to take into account the following points.

  • Capsules produced by Solgar. They have two options: by 200 and by 500 mcg. They are designed for the full course, the only difference is that the first capsules are taken twice a day, the latter is more convenient for those who are limited in time - it is more convenient for such people to take dietary supplements once a day.
  • MRM, Nutrition, Chroma Picoline - These are 100 tablets of 200 μg. Available in price, designed for a 3-single monthly reception rate.

  • Now Picoline Chroma in capsules, gelatin and rice flour have gelatin and rice flour, as a result of which the best assimilation occurs, which is good for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Articles about iHerb on the site:

Video: Overview of the Picoline Chrome

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