A brief analysis of Krylov’s fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer”: morality, main thought, what does it teach?

A brief analysis of Krylov’s fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer”: morality, main thought, what does it teach?

Krylov’s fable “Swan, Pike, Cancer” teaches life and ridicules people who cannot work in the team.

Many of us loved to teach fables at school. They are easily remembered, they have an interesting plot, but as incomprehensible, as it seemed then, the essence. However, having matured, we understand that the main thing in the fable is morality that teaches life and reveals the ignorant and other characters of our reality.

I.A.Krylov He wrote fables in due time, but they are still relevant. Now they are given children not only to teach them by heart, but also to make presentations and write works on them. Below you will find the analysis of the fable "Swan, pike and cancer", with the plan, the main idea, the history of the creation and interesting examples from life. Read further.

Who wrote the fable "Swan pike and cancer": author, text

Fable "Swan, pike and cancer" was written Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Although this work is written by the author and for a long time, it still has not lost its relevance. Here is the text of the fable:

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

The moral of the fable "Swan, pike and cancer": in your own words, a brief analysis

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

The main idea is that any collective work can only be effective when all its participants act together, and not everyone in their scenario. Accordingly, the result is achieved thanks to consistency. Otherwise, such actions do not make sense at all. Here are more details what is moral and a brief analysis of the fable "Swan, pike and cancer":

Considering that the heroes of the work pulled the cart each in their direction, he never moved away. Although, if they joined forces and moved in the same direction, they could well carry out the plan.

However, looking at the problem is wider, we can assume that WHO is only an allegory. Accordingly, in the place of swan, cancer and pikes there may be members of the government. One way or another, strength in cohesion and consent. Those who cannot reach consensus in their endeavors will never be able to come to progress.

This is what the fabulist wanted to say. Helping someone in a difficult matter, becoming full partners, you need to have a common goal, a general development path and make efforts. If everyone moves along their own path, which he only considers correct, then this will not be a collaboration at all. This will be only a few completely alien personalities who are not clear why the will of fate turned out to be together.

Plan for the fable “Swan, pike and cancer”: main points, analysis

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

There are several schemes and principles by which it would be possible to break the fable "Swan, pike and cancer" on composite points. The simplest option can be called this one - the plan with analysis:

  1. Start and plot tie - A kind of morality.
  2. General decision of the heroes - They are aware of the need to pull the WHO.
  3. Action and its features - Instead of acting together, they pull each in their direction, contrary to all canons and common sense.

Based on such a plan, it is already clear how to tell the fable, why such actions in it occur and how it will end. You can simply and quickly retell the fable, based on the points of this plan.

What does the fable “swan, pike and cancer” teach: tasks

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

The task of any fable is to teach something a child or even an adult. After all, the writer achieved this particularly. He wanted his creations to lead people to create the right solutions. What the fable teaches "Swan, pike and cancer"? Here's the answer:

We can say that the fable teaches the basics of partnership and the main principle of work in the team. Perhaps it is the ability to rally at the right time that makes a group of people a team. Its members perform actions for the sake of a common goal that they seek to achieve. If each member of the team will apply its own methods and selects its own development path, this common cause will become doomed to collapse.

On the example of the heroes, you can clearly see what will happen if you squeamish the simple rules of partnership and brotherhood, to be selfish, to ignore others. No matter how good the goals are, but in this case, blindness does not bring blindness to good.

Questions about the fable "Swan, pike and cancer": main points, presentation

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

In every fable there is a certain expression that passes through the entire work and serves as the main lesson to the reader. Questions about the fable "Swan, pike and cancer" They help to highlight the main points in the work, if you want to know whether a person read a fable or not. They are also needed to design a presentation. Below you will find several interesting questions about this creation.

Remember what expression the most memorable in the fable is "swan, pike and cancer?"

  • "And together three everyone was harnessed to him"
  • "To be or not to be ... that’s the question!"
  • "And everyone is beauty - delight for the eyes"
  • "…And nothing has changed"

What are the main qualities of heroes?

  • Perseverance, greed, determination
  • Envy, meanness, deceitfulness
  • Revenge, arrogance, arrogance, narcissism
  • Blind individualism and selfishness, inability to make efforts for the sake of a common goal
  • Courage, valor and courage

Who are the main characters of the work?

  • Ellie, Iron Lumberjack, Scarecrow, Goodwin
  • Three sands
  • Monkey and glasses
  • Swan, crab and seal
  • Swan, cancer and pike

What is the fable about?

  • Friendship and betrayal
  • Multifaceted love
  • Tolerance and understanding
  • Solidarity and main principles of partnership
  • Making unclean power on the farmer forgotten by all

What did not succeed in the heroes of the fable and why?

  • Your version, detailed answer.

Why did each of the heroes move the WHO in his direction?

  • Detailed response on the fable

Can a creation have a figurative meaning? If not, why? If so, why?

  • Detailed response on the fable

Based on these questions, you can make a beautiful presentation in the form of slides on a computer or paper "stands" to answer at the board.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable "Swan, pike and cancer": in details

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable "Swan, pike and cancer" It consists in the fact that only by common efforts can great achievements can be carried out. The need to help each other occurs quite often. Nevertheless, it is not enough to proceed with any case-it is important to act together.

If we consider this fable in detail, then you can understand the following:

  • If everyone will pursue their interests, then nothing good will come of it.
  • A joint business should always be a priority - it does not matter what relations reign in the team.
  • Sometimes they need to close your eyes, and do everything possible for the common good.

The author also hints that the ability to achieve consensus is a great art, which not everyone has comprehended, but he needs to study for a long time and hard. Just listening is not enough. It is important to be able to hear.

The story of the creation of the fable swan cancer and pike: how was it?

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

It is always interesting when this or that work was written and how it was in those days - how the publication took place. Here is the story of the creation of the fable "Swan, pike and cancer":

The creation was written in 1814. Published in the collection "New fables" in 1816. Many critics are inclined to believe that there is an allegory and a hint of political events of that time. The society was displeased by the actions of political allies - in this case, emperor Alexander I. But there is a second version according to which the heroes of the fable are members of the State Council. This advice spoiled the country's position with its constant disagreement, giving birth to general instability and overstling the situation. The country was the same arbitrariness, which swan, cancer and pike could not move away.

This version is quite realistic. Indeed, quite often writers and poets resorted to fictional images to veil those social and political calls, thoughts and ideas that they prescribed “between the lines”. These calls and phrases are clearly written, they would never have passed censorship and did not see the light, did not take action, and would have remained dusting in the writer's table in the form of manuscripts. The fable helps to hide the meaning, but at the same time talk about painful.

Winged expressions from Krylov’s fable “Swan, pike and cancer”

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

We use many winged expressions in life without suspecting it. It can be phrases from films, different works and even poems and fables. Here are winged expressions from Krylov's fable "Swan, pike and cancer":

  • "When there is no agreement in the comrades" - It is said about a situation where partners cannot rally for the sake of a common cause, everyone is stubborn, oppressed their line. It seems that for such people - the main thing is not a positive outcome of the case, but the dispute itself, the final of which is the awareness of its own originality.
  • "When there is no agreement in the comrades, their business will not go in the way" - The expression speaks for itself. Only a team that understands each other and acts together can achieve success.
  • "Climbing the skin" -phraseological turnover, which is still used to display excessive efforts for any business. In this case, futile efforts are displayed.
  • "Yes, only WHO and now there" - This expression can be used in relation to any business that was not completed only because the team did not come to a common decision. And also to any issue that only caused disputes, but was not resolved.
  • "They climb out of the skin, but there is no need" - About a case in which a lot of effort has been invested, there is a lot of trouble. And the result, alas, is zero.

This fable is only a few lines compared to others, and winged expressions in it are much larger. Can be seen by the example of the fable "Wolf and lamb", in which there is a lot of text, but there was little winged expressions into human life.

What is ridiculed by the fable “Swan, pike and cancer”: Explanation

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

Everyone knows that the fable always makes fun of events, people or their actions by personification of them in the characters of the work. What makes fun of the fable "Swan, pike and cancer"? Here's an explanation:

We can say that Krylov He laughs at egoism, swagger, inability to understand not only the needs of another person, but also the rules of the common cause. Heroes have a common desire to achieve the goal. But it does not mean anything if there is no unanimity. Accordingly, if you do not do anything together, then the concept of "collective labor" loses its meaning. It becomes absurd. This is exactly what the author shows.

The ridiculous attempts of animals to move the WHO is only an empty waste of emotions and energy. A positive result without unification of forces is impossible. However, the heroes stubbornly do not want to understand this. Everyone believes that he is smarter than another, and only he knows how to act in this situation. But your comrades cannot be underestimated. And sometimes you should think not only about yourself, but also about the great goal, for which everyone makes efforts.

Characterization of the heroes of the fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer”: Allegory, Description for Literature Lesson 2, 3, 4, 5 of the School of School

Fable "Swan Pike and Cancer"

In fact, personal features stem from the sight of each animal and its features. What is the allegory in this work? Here is the characteristic of the heroes of the fable "Swan, pike and cancer" - Description for the lesson of literature 2, 3, 4, 5 of grade Schools:

  • Swantearing in heaven. Free, decisive, swift, stubborn, freedom -loving.
  • Crayfishon the contrary, hesitant, clumsy. He all the time backs back, as if looking for a retreat. Looking at him, it is not even clear whether he is participating in his own will. Perhaps he was forced to do this - he does everything so carefully and reluctantly. However, this is a peculiarity of the tangid nature.
  • Pikepulls the WHO into the water. In its original element. Accordingly, on earth she feels uncertainly, and seeks to lower all the good to where her natural habitat is. Pike is an adapter. He seeks to appropriate for himself what the whole team fought for, it is a little vile, stubborn, calculating - this is evident from actions.

All characters value only benefits, do not particularly respect their “friends”, do not value friendship and participate in the enterprise only because they will have an obvious benefit from this.

Fable "Swan, Pike and Cancer": Examples from life

An example from life on the fable
An example from life on the fable "Swan pike and cancer"

Examples from life for each of the works of literature help to understand the essence of creation, its main idea. With their help, you can view morality and other important aspects of the fable. Fable "Swan, pike and cancer" - Examples from life:

An example of friends from the seventh grade:

This happened in 7th grade. Then the guys and I signed up in the school theater circle. Of course, we did it with intent, not of our own free will. We just wanted to create a musical group, and members of the theater circle could appear in the assembly hall "legally." Moreover, the director promised us even old, but tools.

That's why Senya, Pasha And I quickly passed the peculiar samples: it was necessary to prolong the fable, read with the expression a poem and sing a passage of a song.
On the same evening we came to the first rehearsal. It so happened that the rest of the guys already knew their roles, and in the assembly hall there were only the three of us with the teacher. Maya Vasilievna, the head of the circle, chased us on dialogues from "Hamlet"that we got well, but was not entirely satisfied. And she said to learn remarks while she went into the office of the director, who called her, and then she would come and check them out with us.

We gladly agreed. Moreover, a few steps from us were tools that I so much wanted to touch. The teacher left. We were left to ourselves. And from now on our opinions were divided. Senyawho, in principle, is not particularly gravitating towards the theater, suggested not to waste time, but immediately start playing music. Say, we already know everything. We are a little, quietly, while there is no one, no one will hear. As for the thoughtful Pasha, he flatly refused and began to study his leaflet with double energy. He said that when Maya Vasilievna check and say that for today by "Hamlet" Everything, then, then we will finally rehearse our songs.

As for me, I hesitated. The opinion of both classmates seemed to me correct. So we argued until we came Maya Vasilievna. And the WHO remained now there - we did not play music, and did not learn the roles. As a result, no one gave us rehearse. They said that the group is possible only if we play the performance well. What, given our abilities, Maya Vasilievna He doubts strongly.

Video: swan, pike and cancer

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