Cream for a biscuit cake: 8 best recipes

Cream for a biscuit cake: 8 best recipes

Recipes for making a cream for a biscuit cake.

The biscuit is one of the simplest types of dough from which you can create unusual masterpieces, both with chocolate taste and fruit. Many housewives are wondering which cream for a biscuit cake is better? In this article we will give recipes for delicious creams for a biscuit cake. 

Cream for biscuit cake 

Of course, everyone has different tastes, so you can not say unequivocally which cream is the most delicate and the best. This is a matter of taste, and every mistress, and her guests themselves will figure out that they will like the most. 

Classics when creating a filling for a biscuit is a creamy option. Its main advantage in density, splendor and in the absence of the need to produce two options for the filling. The cream cream is very magnificent, airy, holds the shape well, does not flow, therefore it suits both for use in the form of a layer and from above for leveling. Girls watching the figure will definitely not appreciate the product, but they will be sweetly satisfied.


  • 240 g of cow oil 
  • 210 g of small sugar 
  • A little vanilla 
  • 120 ml of cow's milk 
  • Pinchsalt 

Cream cream for a biscuit cake, recipe: 

  • It is worthwhile to pre -put the cow's oil in heat so that it becomes a slight consistency, like semolina. Foam it in an electromixer at high speeds, about 120 seconds. Make sure that the power of the device is stable. Swations can affect quality.
  • When the pasta becomes airy, pour sugar in small portions. It is worth reducing the speed of rotation of nozzles. 
  • Pour small sugar on a teaspoon, continuing the operation of the device. Enter vanilla, salt, add milk in small parts. 
  • Foam until the product becomes airy, homogeneous, and the milk will cease to exfoliate from fat. 

Curd cream for a biscuit cake 

Pretty popular is the curd option. Its advantage is that it is distinguished by pleasant organoleptic properties, and thick texture. Organoleptic properties are expressed due to a sour hue. It was originally used for a velvet cake, but today it is used everywhere. They can fill eclairs, cakes, waffle tubes. The main disadvantage is that it is soft and loses its shape with an increase in temperature. Therefore, it is not recommended to prepare a dessert during the summer heat, or immediately clean it on the cold. 

Necessary products: 

  • 1300 g of cream cheese, perfectmascarpone 
  • 800 g of cow oil 
  • 400 g of small sugar 
  • Vanillin 

Recipe for cooking cottage cheese cream for a biscuit cake: 

  • It is worth withstanding at a temperature of +25 for 120 minutes. All ingredients should become soft and supple. Start preparing the cheese, it must be foamed with nozzles until an air paste is obtained. 
  • In small portions, 20 g each, enter the softened cow oil. It is worth achieving foam mass, into which 20 g of small sugar is introduced. 
  • Enter vanilla extract, and reduce the speed of rotation of the nozzles. This must be done until the sweetener crystals are dissolved. 
  • As soon as this happens, it is necessary to increase the power and foam for another 5minutes. Follow the power of the device.

Cream for a biscuit cake with condensed milk 

The filling with condensed milk is one of the most satisfying, but not suitable for the top decor. Its main drawback in high fluidity. Yes, this filling soaks the air mass, dough well, but flows from the surface. 

List of components: 

  • 250 g of cow oil heated to 25 degrees 
  • 400 g of condensed milk
  • Vanillin 

Recipe for cooking K.rema for a biscuit cake with condensed milk: 

  • It is necessary to introduce the nozzle of the device with which you will foam, into a bowl with cow oil. Pasta will double or second. 
  • On average, time spent is 7-10 minutes. Add vanilla aroma and pour the condensed milk in several approaches. 
  • Do not try to add a whole portion, because the fat will settle. It is necessary to allow the device to work until the product is filled with bubbles. 
Chocolate holiday
Chocolate holiday

Blood cream for a biscuit cake layer 

Very often use the protein version. It is considered one of the most non -fat desserts, it is preferred by girls who follow their figure. It is created from egg protein, but there are several options for such a layer. 

List of components: 

  • 5 yolks of large eggs, it is necessary that it turns out about 130 g 
  • 240 g of small sugar 
  • 320 g of cow oil warmed up to 25 degrees 
  • Vanillin and salt 

Recipe for cooking protein cream for a layer of a biscuit cake: 

  • Prepare proteins. It is best to take a bowl, wipe your leisions with a napkin, or lemon juice. This is necessary so that there are no traces of fat in the container, which will simplify the transformation of the product into foam. 
  • Place the container with proteins in a pan with boiling water, and do not turn off the fire. It is necessary to foam egg proteins with sugar. Mix thoroughly to get a thick mass. 
  • Please note that heating must be carried out so that the sugar completely dissolves. Next, take a bowl of pots with boiling water and immerse the blades of the device for foaming. 
  • Turn it on and work until you get foam. On average, it takes about a quarter of an hour. Next, slices, about 30 g, enter the oil. 
  • It is necessary that the paste be homogeneous. It is necessary to achieve a foamy mass, into which to enter 30 g of small sugar. 
The riot of colors
The riot of colors

Core for a biscuit cake 

This option is considered a classic, as it is very simple and cheap, gives a huge field for imagination. Indeed, as additional ingredients that are laid between layers, you can use fruits, nuts and jelly. 

List of components: 

  • One large egg 
  • 120 g of sugar 
  • 500 ml of fatty milk 
  • 120 g of cow oil 
  • Vanillin 
  • 30 g of flour 

Recipe for cooking custard for a biscuit cake: 

  • Come into an egg into a container with thick walls and add a sifted thickener, mix with a whisk until smooth. Pour the small sweetener there and rub it again. 
  • In small portions, pour milk about 50 ml and mix. Please note that the appearance of lumps and grains is unacceptable. As soon as you manage to get a homogeneous, slightly thick mass, you can start languishing over low heat. 
  • It is necessary to cook the mixture for about 2-3 minutes, with constant stirring. You need to thicken the paste properly. For averaging, it is better to use a wooden spatula or silicone brushes. 
  • The cream is set aside until cooling, and in small portions, with constant operation of the electric shows of the electromixer, in small pieces of softened cow oil. The product can be prepared without fat, in which case the dough becomes very soft and can fall apart, which gives a dessert of an untidy look. 
Chocolate paradise
Chocolate paradise

Chocolate cream for a biscuit cake 

One of the most popular options is a chocolate product. It is created very simply, you need only 3 products. 

List of components: 

  • 120 g of bitter chocolate 
  • 230 g butter 
  • 400 ml of condensed milk 

Recipe for a chocolate cream for a biscuit cake: 

  • It is necessary to pre -set cow oil so that it becomes soft and supple. At this time, it is advisable to fold broken chocolate in a container, put in a microwave for about 2 minutes. During this time, the mass will become soft. 
  • For preparation, it is not necessary to purchase expensive chocolate in packages. You can buy the most ordinary tile for weight. It is right for the cooking of chocolate glaze. 
  • As soon as the mass becomes liquid, it is necessary to engage in oil, foamed with technology at small speeds. In small portions, pour a condensed milk. This must be done until the sweet product ends. 
  • Pour melted chocolate. Please note that at this stage the momentum of equipment must be reduced. The mixture is put in the refrigerator for a short time, only then they are used to decorate the desserts. 
  • This product does not flow perfectly, it can be safely used for filling, or to decorate the cake for alignment. 

Biscuit cream for biscuit cake 

Yogurt cream has a pleasant taste and lightness. It can be used as the main dish, and for impregnation of biscuit cakes. 

List of components:    

  • 2 packages of the thickening for cream 
  • 400 ml of fat cream 
  • 200 ml of fat yogurt 
  • 120 g of sugar powder 
  • Vanillin 

Yogurt cream for a biscuit cake, ReCT Cooking: 

  • In the container for the electromixer, foam the cream along with the sweetener. It is necessary to work as a device, until you can easily turn the container upside down and its contents will not fall out. 
  • Introduce the thickener and foam again. The main problem is that in small cities such thickeners are quite difficult to find. Usually they are given in large supermarkets, which is completely inconvenient. That is, the thickening for cream in a small store may not be at all. In this case, you should not be upset, you need to purchase gelatin. 
  • About 10 g of the thickener will be enough for the whole portion, it is pre -soaked in water, and introduced into finished products. Turn off the device so that it does not foam anything. The mass at this moment should be very thick, dense. 
  • Small portions, approximately on a tablespoon, introduce fat yogurt. Optimal fat content 6-8 %. Since it is not easy to find such yogurt in small cities, you can use homemade, prepared in yogurt, from homemade milk with a high percentage of fat content. 
  • After adding yogurt, it must be kneaded with a soft spoon, or silicone spatula. For these purposes, kitchen appliances are not used. 

Cream for a biscuit cake 

The simplest solution is sour cream. It is kneaded very simply, during the process you do not need to cook anything and prepare in advance. The creation time is 5 minutes. It is necessary to use the correct ingredients. 

List of components:  

  • 150 g of sugar powder 
  • 500 ml of sour cream 
  • Vanillin 

Biscuit cake recipe for a biscuit cake: 

  • It is necessary to foam the fermented milk product until smooth and splendor. In small portions, approximately 20 g, it is necessary to add sugar powder. 
  • The technique does not turn off, but works all the time. You need to foam until sugar ends. At the end add vanillin. The cream will not turn out thick, but it impregnes the cakes well. 
  • It is not suitable for leveling the surface, so if you are preparing a dessert for an anniversary or holiday, you will have to prepare an option for leveling for mastic. 

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