CDEK Delivery company: How quickly a parcel from China with Aliexpress goes? Is CDEK delivery free with Aliexpress? Is CDEK's delivery to Aliexpress monitoring?

CDEK Delivery company: How quickly a parcel from China with Aliexpress goes? Is CDEK delivery free with Aliexpress? Is CDEK's delivery to Aliexpress monitoring?

In the article: Features of the delivery of SDEC on Aliexpress.

What kind of CDEK delivery service to Aliexpress?

SDEC or delivery service “Express-Courier” is a Russian logistics company that has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Chinese logistics company SF-Express, which in turn is engaged in the delivery of majority of sellers Aliexpress.

On the sDEK website You can find all the information you are interested in, including addresses, contact numbers of telephones, operating mode offices and issues of issuancelocated in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Kyrgyzstan.

CDEK Delivery company: How quickly a parcel from China with Aliexpress goes?

Standard delivery time Aliexpress -15-45 days.

There is also a premium delivery with temporary frames for 5-10 days.

Accordingly, the company SDEK focuses on the terms due to the administration of the trading platform Aliexpress.

Is CDEK delivery free with Aliexpress?

It all depends on what type of delivery was chosen by the customer when making a purchase. What to pay attention to by placing an order for Aliexpress, you can read here.

Is CDEK's delivery to Aliexpress monitoring?

On the Aliexpress You can track the movement of the parcel only through the territory of China. After passing the customs, the parcel is assigned a number on the invoice SDEK. You can track the parcel on the website of the carrier company by clicking on link and entering the invoice number into the corresponding line line.

If you need more information, read the article " Tracking parcels from China to Russia with Aliexpress«.

How does CDEK deliver parcels from Aliexpress to the regions?

Parks from China are delivered to the issues of SDEK. Addresses, contact numbers of telephones, operating mode of offices and issuing points located in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Kyrgyzstan can be found by clicking on link.

Reviews about CDEK delivery company

Reviews about the delivery company are ambiguous: one of the customers evaluates the company's services very high, and someone finds a lot of mistakes and errors in the activities of the SDEK.

Below are screenshots of reviews left by customers of the company SDEK on the reviews website

Review #1

Review of the client of the company SDEK
Review of the client of the company SDEK

Review #2

Review of the client of the company SDEK
Review of the client of the company SDEK

Review #3

Review of the client of the company SDEK
Review of the client of the company SDEK

Review #4

Review of the client of the company SDEK
Review of the client of the company SDEK

Video: SDEK Delivery Nuances

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