Kohlius: signs and superstitions

Kohlius: signs and superstitions

In the past few years, a very popular plant is considered to be a vibrant. He was brought to Europe from Asian and African countries, popularly called "nettle."

The plant is characterized by an unusual shade of leaves and the instability of flowering. This became the main reasons for the appearance of folk signs and superstitions. Read more about them in this article.

Kohlius: signs and superstitions

The most famous signs of the indoor flower of Kryus include:

  • If the plant began to fade sharply, then the households are expected to be misfortune.
  • If a the leaves became yellow, So, negative energy is in the house. It is possible that damage or evil eye were sent to one of the tenants.
  • Dryness of the plant, despite quality care - an ambulance indicator.
  • It is believed that nettle is a plant that helps its owner improve financial well -being.
  • If you put it on the desktop, then the employer will definitely notice you. Perhaps in the near future you will find an increase in wages or promotion on a career ladder.
  • Due to the unusual shape of the leaves that resemble flames, our ancestors believed that the flower increases the likelihood of fires in the house. However, there was no evidence of this.
  • Some people believe that Kohlius is a plant for poor people. This sign appeared even when people were divided into social layers. Croton (a flower similar to Kohlius) could afford only the rich, but poor people acquired Kohlius.
  • There is a sign according to which the plant scares off men from the house. Therefore, it should not be acquired to single women. In ancient times, parents put the plant in her daughter’s room so that she would not tune with the bonds at an early age. When time came to marriage, the flower was cleaned.
Signs for women
Signs for women

Purchase and flowering of Kohlius: signs

There are signs related to the time of purchase and flowering of Kohlius:

  • If you buy a flower summerThe poor winter has to survive.
  • Plant it bloomed in the winter - Problems in the financial sector are expected.
  • Flowers appeared in December - expected frosty March.
  • If Kohlius bloomed in the spring, the owner of the house lucky in love. Very soon she will meet her narrowed.
  • Summer flowering It promises good luck in all areas.
  • The flowers appeared in May - Wait for pleasant news.
  • If Kohlius bloomed a second time in a year - the girl living in the house will soon get married.
  • The flowers appeared on the bushes on the eve of Christmas - you should not wait for profit or good luck in business in the new year.
  • If the plant did not bloom for a long time, and suddenly you noticed buds on it - expected birth of a child.
When buying correctly, install the flower in the house
When buying correctly, install the flower in the house
  • Ancient Chinese teaching Feng Shui makes it clear how best to equip the house. Flowers have a huge impact on the aura of housing and people.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, kohlius is the element of fire. It symbolizes passion, willpower, activity and power. If you put a flower in the house, it will fill housing with the energy of happiness, wealth and good luck.
  • As a result, a person begins to change his lifestyle for the better, and tunes in positive. This allows him to establish his personal life, normalize the emotional component, and advance up the career ladder. He starts it is easier to cope with life difficulties.

Why dream of Kohlius?

If you dreamed of a vane flower, you can interpret such dreams in different ways:

  • For a young unmarried girl, this is a sign that she will soon meet love. If she dreamed of a blooming Kryus, she will be married soon.
  • If the nettle had a dream man, it will be successful in business.
  • The plant stands in a room where there are many people, you will be invited to a significant celebration.
  • Near the flower pot stands home pet - A meeting is expected with a friend that you have not seen for a long time.
  • Plant figures - Expect trouble or conflict in the family.
  • If you dreamed dried plant - Get ready for the upcoming illness.

Is it possible to keep Kileus at home?

  • This exotic plant is quite in demand among the hostesses, although its influence on the aura of the house and man has not been studied until the end. Most people are convinced that the flower will bring them luck and success.
  • If you do not know whether to grow the heating at home, study further information. After weighing all the pros and cons of all, you can make a decision.

The benefits of Kealus

  • It is believed that indoor plants are a source of positive energy. They clean the house from negativity, and make the atmosphere more alive.
  • Thanks to bright flowers, Kohlius outlines the design of the room, and improves mood.
  • It is enough in the flower a lot of essential oils, which eliminate the negative, and restore the energy balance. This allows you to achieve harmony in the family, which is why the spouses will conflict less.
  • If you put the plant on the desktop, its pleasant aroma will be improve brain functionbecause of which the work will go better.
Both positive and negative influence
Both positive and negative influence

The harm of the heels

  • In the leaves and stems there are no toxic substances. Therefore, the plant does not worsen the biological rhythms of a person. It is dangerous only for those who believe in signs and superstitions.
  • Exploratory people tend to constantly observe the development of nettles. After they begin to associate this with the events that occur in life. If at least one sheet begins to dry, a person begins to panic, and prepare for trouble. When you constantly think about the negative, then break your aura. As a result, you attract diseases and problems.
  • It is believed that the “cemetery flower” is another name for Kohlius, takes vitality from young children. If you plan to have a child, or getting ready to become parents, it is better to postpone the purchase of a plant.
  • In the case when the nettle grows in your house for a long time, and does not bring negative, you can leave it in place. She will not cause any harm to the baby.

Where to put the Kryus?

  • It is important to find the perfect place to put the viburnum. He feels best on the southern and southeastern window sills. Thanks to this, the nettle revives the space, and stimulates energy flows in the corners of the room.
  • You can put it a flower in the bedroom. So you can get rid of obsessive thoughts, and improve the quality of sleep. The strong energy that the plant makes allows you to make an intimate life more active.
  • If you want to protect your house from negativity, enemies and ill -wishers - Put the nettle in the hallway. As soon as a person with negative thoughts enters the house, the leaves of the plant will begin to wither.

Despite all the signs and superstitions, Kohlius is a positive flower that will not harm a person. It all depends on your thoughts. If you believe in the negative, it will happen. Set your thoughts on a positive wave. Then only pleasant moments will take place in your life. Try to think that the flower brings only luck and success.

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Video: signs and superstitions about the flower of Kohlius

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