Vitamin D3: Why do women, men, pregnant women, children, newborn, elderly people, testimonies and contraindications, drugs, instructions for use, signs of lack and overdose. Vitamin D3 and D2: What is the difference?

Vitamin D3: Why do women, men, pregnant women, children, newborn, elderly people, testimonies and contraindications, drugs, instructions for use, signs of lack and overdose. Vitamin D3 and D2: What is the difference?

This article will talk about the importance of vitamin D3/D3.

Everyone and we thought about whether he receives enough nutrients and vitamins. Our body needs a lot of vitamins for normal work, one of which is vitamin D3.

Why do we need vitamin D3?

Solar vitamin
Solar vitamin
  • Vitamin D3 - This is a substance that performs a number of important functions in the body and occupies a special place, because unlike other elements it It can be produced by the body itself.For this reason, vitamin D3 - This is not a vitamin in the true sense of the word, but a hormone.
  • The human body can produce up to 90% of the fat -soluble vitamin D: The skin produces vitamin D3 under the influence of sunlight.
  • The remaining 10% should come through food productsThe supply of vitamin D, of course, is worse in winter and spring than in summer and autumn. Therefore, more vitamin D3 must be delivered from the outside.
  • Using sunlight, vitamin D is formed in several stages through a photochemical reaction or, more precisely, vitamin D3. It is measured by the level of 25OHD in the blood.
    • If these levels in the blood are below 50 nmol/l (from 10 to 20 ng/ml), this is called vitamin D.
    • If there is a jump from 50 ng/ml (or from 125 nmol/l), then this is already considered an excess according to the official version.
    • Although recently, American endocrinologists have increased the norm of the norm to 100 ng/ml or 250 nmol/l.

You can take the analysis at any center or clinic of endocrinology! But this must be done in the direction of the doctor and with preliminary preparation. That is, you also need to donate blood from a vein for this analysis with a preliminary light diet of 1-2 days.

Scheme of penetration
Activation scheme in the body

What functions does vitamin D3 perform?

  • Vitamin D3or calciferol is necessary for  consumption phosphates andcalcium, aalso for the formation of a healthy bone.
  • He also plays a role in our immune system,that is, in protecting the body from pathogenic microorganisms.

Important: deficiency leads to acute infections of the lower respiratory tract, rickets or softening of bones, premature childbirth and delay in brain development. Lack of concern for children can further lead to diabetes, diffused sclerosis, hypertension and muscle weakness.

A short result of importance depending on the area:

  • Intestines - Calcium consumption and phosphates from diet
  • Bones and teeth -calcium introduction
  • Muscles - Calcium supply
  • The immune system - Differentiation and maturation of protective cells
  • Hormonal system - The secretion of insulin, thyroid hormones, parathyroid hormone
  • Cancer cells - acts as a blocker of their growth and metastasis by 50%
  • It is also noted that this element improves mood

Vitamin D3 for women

  • Vitamin D3 stimulates female sex hormones.When women consume a sufficient amount of vitamin D, the amount of estrogen in the blood also increases.
  • And sex hormones play not only an important role in the female body and the menstrual cycle, but also participate in reproductions. In this way, In the summer, when the level of vitamin D3 is in the green range, the probability of getting pregnant than in cloudy winter time.
  • In turn, the deficiency of vitamin D may be the reason why the couple cannot become pregnant. Therefore, women who want to have children should pay attention to the level of vitamin D!
  • Even during, breastfeeding, a good level of vitamin D is important, because the content of vitamin D3 in breast milk depends on the content of vitamin D in the mother.
  • There is also confirmation that vitamin D provides A positive impact on female fertility.

Vitamin D3 for men

  • For men, vitamin plays such an important role in having children, because It also affects sex hormones.Vitamin D deficiency can reduce the quality of sperm in a man. And vitamin D3 improves the quality of men's sperm, as well as the level of androgens.
  • It was proved that vitamin D3 affects not only male fertility, but also for the production of the body's own muscles.For this reason, for many men it is recommended to absorb soluble vitamin D3 using food products or additives.
  • In most cases, men are recommended to use dosage 2000-3000 me- In the so -called international units. Here is a speech standard. Here we are dealing with fat -soluble vitamin, which should be taken during food in the context of fat.
  • Especially if you have problems falling asleep in the evening after taking an additional amount of vitamin D, you should take it for breakfast.
The consequences of the deficiency
The consequences of the deficiency

Vitamin D3 during pregnancy

  • Vitamin D plays a crucial role during pregnancy. After all, the consumption of vitamin is necessary Not only for the normal development of the child, but also for a healthy pregnancy.
  • Vitamin D3 reserve during pregnancy It affects the child’s immune system, its hormonal balance and metabolism, as well as the structure of bones and brain development.
  • Since vitamin D is so important for the development of a child, caring for a child begins Even before the development of the placenta.If pregnant women accept additional vitamin additives, they will be able to provide their children with a sufficient amount of vitamin D3. But it is advisable to start the course before an interesting position, in order to saturate and prepare the body.
  • German studies found a deficiency of vitamin D in cloudy winter months in 94% of all pregnant women, as well as in the summer in 35%. Deficiency increases the risk of pregnancy complications.
  • And in newborns The vulnerability to bone diseases, lungs and diabetes mellitus increases.Therefore, experts recommend vitamin D3 not only for babies, but also for pregnant women.
Expectant mothers should prepare their body in advance
Expectant mothers should prepare their body in advance

Vitamin D3 for newborns

  • Breast milk is the best food for the baby. It provides the baby with all nutrients and vitamins that he needs. But, according to experts, vitamin D3 should be additionally taken as a prevention in the form of tablets or drops. Since the maternal dose, and even without the sun may not be enough!
  • Vitamin D ensures that two minerals - calcium and phosphate, are absorbed and stored in the bones of the child for healthy growth. In case of vitamin D3 deficiency, softening of bones, skeleton deformation and general growth disorders, the so -called rickets or “vitamin D disease” may occur.
  • Precautions when taking vitamin D3 in children are directed primarily to the first year of the child’s life. The combination of rickets prevention is usually prescribed from the third week of the child's life In the daily dose of at least 10 μg (400 IU) of vitamin D and 0.25 mg of fluoride.The last start of the prevention of vitamin D should be the second month of the child's life.
The danger of a lack of vitamin D
The danger of a lack of vitamin D

Vitamin D3 for children

  • Vitamin D is especially important for children and adolescents, because they are still growing. The development of bones falls into the main area of \u200b\u200bvitamin D3, as it increases the bone mineral mass.He protects our children and retains their bones healthy!
  • Vitamin D3 supports the immune system of children. It performs a preventive function. Children who suffer from vitamin D deficiency are more likely to suffer from colds or infection. The reason for this is that vitamin D3 increases the production of antibodies that fight bacteria and viruses.
  • It also protects against allergies or asthma.And if we are talking about an allergic reaction, such as dermatitis, it passes again faster with a healthy level of vitamin D3 - Thanks to its anti -inflammatory properties.

The daily dose of vitamin D for babies and children is from about 400 to 500 IU, depending on the age and climate of residence!

Take care of the diet and regime of the child!
Take care of the diet and regime of the child!

Vitamin D3: the need for older people

Studies show that for elderly women and men over 65, an element is needed To prevent falls, fractures and premature death!This can be achieved with the addition of vitamin D3 in 10-20 mcg (400-800 IU) per day. But it is at this age that the general metabolism of our body worsens, therefore, experts consider the intake of vitamin D3 at this age in an amount of at least 20 μg (800 IU) per day.

Vitamin D3 and risk group

  • Dark -skinned or dark -skinned personalities with an abundance of melanin in the blood, which acts for vitamin D3 a certain competitor
  • As it has already become clear to us, this is age after 65, but 50. Since the skin does not produce solar element so well
  • Accommodation in the northern regions, above 35º
  • A sedentary lifestyle with limited contact with the sun. Keep in mind that clothes or even glass do not miss vitamin D3!
  • Obesity or excess weight slows down the desired production of vitamin
  • Problems with the intestinal tract when the absorption of the necessary elements deteriorates
  • Vegetarian diet!
  • Polluted ecology, because dust worsens the receipt of vitamin

Vitamin D3: Daily need for vitamin, official recommendations

In summer, the need for vitamin D3 depending on the type of skin and tanning is about 10-30 minutes, so there are no official instructions. In winter, you should adhere to the following recommendations to prevent a blood level drop below the minimum level and, therefore, vitamin D.

Age category

Me/day. -

max. dose

mKG /Day -

max. dose

Babies (from 0 to less than 6 months) 400-1000 10-25
Infants (from 6 to 12 months) 400-1500 10-37,5
Children (from 1 to 3 years old) 600-2500 15-62,5
Children (from 4 to 15 years old) 600-3000 15-75
Adolescents and adults (from 15 to 65 years old) 600-4000 15-100
Adults from 65 years old 800-4000 20-100
Pregnant women 600-4000 15-100
With breastfeeding 600-4000 15-100

Important: for adolescents and adults, when endogenous vitamin D3 is not produced, 20 μg (800 international units, me) of vitamin D3 is recommended.

Vitamin D3 and D2: What is the difference between them?

  • Vitamin D3 and vitamin D2 differ in mainly, By the method of extraction. Vitamin D is a fat -soluble vitamin that exists in various forms:
    • animal form —  vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
    • and the plant form is vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)
  • Vitamin D2 and D3 are not biologically active; They must be changed in the body to give any effect. These are various forms of vitamin D, which can be absorbed through a diet or as food additives.

Important: Vitamin D3 is a preferred form. It was found that vitamin D3 is three times more effective than vitamin D2, more stable, safe and useful for the body.

  • And all because the digestibility of vitamin D3 is many times higher than D2! The 3rd form is more active.
  • At the same time, the remains of D2 are not in the best way affect our internal organs. BUT overdose  ergocalciferol can lead to poisoning and serious consequences! FROMD3 overdose is rare and does not have such large -scale consequences!
  • In addition to Activity D3 is approximately 20-40% higher, also a period of its activity is 30% longer, and our body gets higher by 33%!
  • But, despite these modern arguments, doctors still often prescribe ergocalciferol to patients. After all, 70 years of this representations were slightly different and the differences between the two forms were minimized. Also, in terms of benefits for production, the second form is more practical and profitable.
3 form more active and easily digestible
3 form more active and easily digestible

Sources of vitamin D3

Important: sunlight is the most important and affordable source! It is with its help that vitamin D3 is produced in our skin! But for this, the body or at least some parts should be open. On average, from 10 to 20 minutes is enough to saturate the body with vitamin D.

  • The daily need for vitamin D3 depends on three different sources:
    • vitamin D production your body
    • getting vitamin D from food and/or additives with vitamin D
    • taking pharmacy vitamin D - drugs containing vitamin D
  • In summer, theoretically, the need can be very well covered only by the sun. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case for many people who spend most of their time in the room.
  • In winter, the sun in our latitudes is not enough to meet the needs of vitamin D3, so it must be covered with a combination of vitamin D and vitamin D accumulated in the body from the diet.
    • Vitamin D3 is supplied to the diet dairy products (fatty milk, butter), meat or liver and egg yolk.
    • Also Fish in oil,such as sardines, mackerel or salmon, or sea \u200b\u200bfish,which should be present on your diet at least once a week.
    • After all, it is it that contains a lot of vitamin D3, which accelerates the absorption of calcium from food.
    • The source of vitamin D2 in vegetables is mushrooms, Which were dried or grown in the sun.
  • You can read more information about the correct diet in our article "Products containing vitamin D3 and D2."
Accent on your diet!
Accent on your diet!

Vitamin D3 and recommended drugs

  • Vitamin D3 additives are made of lanolin or oil liver oil. To prepare typical vitamin D3 preparations, animal products are used. The exception is a special vitamin D3, which is obtained from the lichens of the northern deer.
    • However, food additives with vitamin D2containing ergocalciferol, are produced exclusively from plants. The main sources of vitamin D2 are mushrooms and lichens, symbiotic communities between the fungus and one or more partners who are photosynthetic.
  • There are a fairly large number of drugs containing vitamin D3 with different pricing policies. The main drugs are:
    • Aquadetrim- 1 drop already contains the daily norm of about 500 me
    • Minisana little weaker - in 1 drop 400 IU (10 μg)
    • Viantol
    • Complete aqua d3
    • Vitamin D3 on an oil basis
    • Videoin 3
    • Vitamin D3 Tropfen
  • As analogues:
    • Fish fat
    • Oxidevit
    • Alfa D3-Teva- comes from 6 years in the form of a capsule
    • Rocalter
    • Calcium d3 Nikomed -fort- in the form of hardening tablets, from 6 years

Most often appointed Aquadetrim and ViantolThese drugs are even suitable for newborn, they have a good dosage and are convenient to use.

The most popular drugs and their form
The most popular drugs and their form

How to drink, take vitamin D3?

  1. Breed to children The drug is prescribed only in drops and diluted in breast milk or mixture. Literally in 1 tsp, to drink a slightly specific taste and aroma
  2. Adultsis bred in 1 tbsp. l. Simple water. Although vitamin itself is more often already going on by water extract, so there is no strict rule for dilution
  3. If the form of taking a tablet,what can be given to children from 6-12 years old (depending on the brand of the drug), washed down with water according to a normal scheme
  4. Reception does not depend on the meal, if the shape is in the form of drops. But it is better to take pills or capsules after or during meals!

The algorithm depending on the purpose of the reception:

  • For the prevention of ricketsinfants, childrenstarting from 2-4 weeks of life, it is allowed from 2 months in sunny weather-daily, 1 drop, up to 500 IU/day.

Important: premature children are necessarily prescribed 14 after birth, increasing the dose to 2 drops!

  • Adults for prevention -500-1200 IU per day or 1-2 drops
  • For the treatment of rickets Depending on the age, 2-8 drops of the drug are prescribed (up to 5000 IU/day). Reception period - 1 year, regardless of the weather season

Important: if the release form for injections or intramuscular administration, then you need to choose either the thigh or the buttock.

  • With syndromemalabsorption -3-8 drops or 3.1-5 thousand IU
  • During therapy of osteoporosis As maintaining-up to 5 drops or from 1.25-3.125 thousand IU/day.
  • In the treatment of osteoporosis The dosage of to 8 drops or 5000 IM rises, the course is 1 year
Do not forget about medical consultation!
Do not forget about medical consultation!

Vitamin D3 can cause an overdose!

  • There are some fluctuations - is an overdose of vitamin D3 possible and dangerous? Experts say that The dose is up to 4 thousand units per day is safe even for pregnant women.But still there are restrictions!
  • Vitamin D3, taken with pills, is completely inactive.The liver and kidneys do not turn it into an active form until a physical need arises. Although this does not mean that they can be eaten by packages - always follow the instructions!

From a dose of 50,000 IU, which is more than 10 times higher than the recommended daily dose, hypervitaminosis can be observed:

  • there is a jump in pressure
  • sharp mood swings occur, irritability appears
  • frequent headaches are possible
  • perhaps a violation of digestion, nausea
  • muscle weakness is observed, and even soreness
  • constant thirst
  • a bluish skin color occurs
  • influence on the heart, increasing the rhythm of its work
  • an overdose of vitamin D3 increases the level of calcium in the blood, and exerts pressure on the kidneys
  • therefore, scarce urine isolated or even with blood veins can be observed

But the frequent fear of an overdose is exaggerated, since the active form is produced only if necessary in the kidneys. Excess vitamin D is broken down in the body and is again excreted from the body.


Can vitamin D3 cause allergies?

Of course, maybe! Extremely rare of vitamin D3 intolerance from the development of the body is rare. This is rather a group of allergies to sunlight. But drugs can cause allergies, although more often this is caused by their excessive consumption!

Her main symptoms:

  • rash
  • irritation
  • dry skin and peeling
  • sore throat
  • tearfulness
  • laid nose
  • sometimes even a jump in temperature

Important: allergies requires immediate consultation with a doctor! She can give serious malfunctions in the body!

How to distinguish
How to distinguish

Vitamin D3: There are also a number of contraindications for receiving

  1. it tuberculosis,since the inflammatory process itself exacerbates
  2. Peptic ulcer, After all, there will be a suction failure
  3. Hypercalcemia, Moreover, an excess of calcium itself is dangerous
  4. Heart diseases Due to increased load
  5. Liver and kidney disease, Since they are the first and main organs that accept and activate vitamin D3

Vitamin D3: lack of deficiency in adults and children

  1. It is also expressed through increased fatigue, drowsiness
  2. But a person becomes more tearful
  3. Lomota in the body is possible
  4. The appetite disappears and the nausea and violations of the stool are also possible
  5. Frequent fractures or slowly healing injuries
  6. There is a clear deterioration in the structure of hair, nails, teeth
  7. Depression and insomnia are observed
  8. In pregnant women, convulsions are possible
  9. In some cases, even vision problems are observed!

Important: but the insidiousness of vitamin D3  the fact that these symptoms are not always expressed. Therefore, it is so important to independently monitor your health and periodically take the necessary tests.

Why is vitamin D3 needed
Why is vitamin D3 needed

In children, these symptoms are much more serious:

  1. The head can purchase a square outline
  2. The stomach becomes too blown on the sides, recalling the "frog stomach"
  3. The development of kyphosis
  4. Legs can become o-shaped

The first signs of a lack of vitamin D3 in children are increased sweating. The child sucks his chest and sweats. Older children at the slightest physical activity are covered with later. They sweat strongly in a dream. If there are such symptoms, consult a doctor, take tests and start taking drugs with vitamin D3, you can Aquadetrim.

The choice is yours! But it should be remembered that vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 can be taken using a balanced diet. If there is a deficiency due to a lack of endogenous synthesis through the skin, for example, due to the fact that the sun is too low in winter, both forms are suitable for receiving additives. But it is believed that vitamin D3 has a much stronger effect.

Video: How to take vitamin D3?

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Comments K. article

  1. Be sure to take a vitamin complex if you are in position.

  2. Lera, of course is mandatory. True, many pregnant women know refuse to take vitamin, but I'm not like that. For example, the doctor advised me to take Miterevel, bought and began to take. But I know that my child already in the womb receives the right amount of vitamins and minerals for its proper development.

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