Cataract of the eye - what it is: causes, symptoms, treatment

Cataract of the eye - what it is: causes, symptoms, treatment

From this article you will learn what the cataracts are.

With age, a person has natural biological changes in the body. The most common eye disease in older people is cataracts. The cause of the disease is age. Basically, after 50 years, symptoms of the development of the disease appear, clouding of the lens of the eye. But pathology can develop at a younger age, and even in children. Such a disease looks like a grayish-white film on the rainbow shell of the eye. Read below in detail about this disease.

What is cataracts of the eyes of adults and elderly people, how does it look, what are the stages, shapes and degrees, as a person sees?

Stages of cataracts
Stages of cataracts

Cataract is congenital. If, for example, the mother was ill with rubella or other infectious diseases during pregnancy. It can also be acquired as a result of injury or chemical exposure. What is this disease? How she looks like? How does a person see? Here are the answers:

  • Cataract is a disease of the eyes in which a clouding of the lens occurs.
  • There is a caustic shell with a film, which is why a person does not see well, as if looking through a dense opaque film, only the silhouettes of people and the outlines of objects.
  • It develops in adult older people.
Cataract forms
Cataract forms

What are the stages or degree of cataracts? There are four of them:

  1. Initial- The lens is partially cloudy.
  2. Immature- The clouding of the lens increases, vision worsens.
  3. Mature -The lens becomes smaller, acquires a dirty gray color, vision is almost completely lost.
  4. Overripe - Moisture decreases, the lens wrinkles.

Cataract can be three types:

  • Nuclear - If clouding begins with the nucleus.
  • Cortical - It flows unnoticed, from the bark the lens begins to clutch.
  • Subkapapsular - The layers are cloudy under the bark of the lens.

Forms of cataracts by the location of cloudings:

  • Incapsular polar
  • Posapapsular polar
  • Nuclear
  • Nuclear
  • Spindle -shaped
  • Cortical
  • Total
  • Layered
  • Rear -offsular

You can cure cataract by replacing the lens with the help of surgery. It is effective and is easily tolerated even at the age of 90. Read more about this below, as well as in the article on our website on this link.

Symptoms and signs of cataracts in the early stages: how quickly does it develop?


In the eyeball behind the rainbow shell there is a spherical body - a lens. He meets the light flow and leads it to the retina. A crystal is a natural lens of a transparent consistency. Under the influence of various factors, this body loses transparency. The symptoms that occur in this case indicate the development of a serious disease - cataracts. Gradually, a clouded lens loses the ability to absorb light, which ultimately leads to complete blindness. How is cataract developing rapidly?

  • The initial symptoms of the disease depend on the placement of the focus of clouding.
  • If the edges of the lens are affected, then a person does not experience discomfort.
  • With the approximation of the clouding zone to the center - various visual impairment arises.
  • At the same time, it is not possible to get rid of problems with glasses.

Signs of cataracts found in the early stages:

  • Violation of light perception. The surrounding world is seen as a patient through fog.
  • Flickering before the eyes of geometric shapes, similar to spray of water.
  • The appearance of problems with color perception. The patient does not distinguish lilac color from blue and so on.
  • Changing the bright color of the pupil to pale.

Once begun, cataract is steadily progressing. In this case, the rate of its development depends on the patient's actions. Only he can affect how quickly the pathology will lead to blindness. In the initial period, it is quite possible to slow down the clouding of the lens, based on conservative treatment.

What is cataracts from: causes, psychosomatics, is it inherited?


Cataract can develop due to the fact that the chemical composition of the lens is changing, and free radicals appear there, which allow toxic resources to accumulate. Antioxidant protection after a certain age gap is thinner, which leads to changes in the tissues of the lens, which is a prerequisite for its replacement.
As for other possible reasons, thanks to which such a disease can develop, there are many of them. Here are a few of them:

  • Cataract can be inherited.
  • If a person has ever received an eye injury and his lens was deformed, it is quite possible that in the future he will have a cataract.
  • Diseases such as diabetes or thyroid diseases can also provoke cataract development.
  • Those people who have suffered severe infectious diseases, such as typhoid, malaria, are most prone to cataracts.
  • Upon receipt of the eyes of the eyes, there is a high probability of the appearance of this pathology in the future.
  • Bad habits cause the development of the disease, for example, with the active use of alcohol or active tobacco, a person is guaranteed to earn a cataract.

In addition to all these factors, other eye diseases, such as glaucoma, retinal, and many others, affect the health of the lens, and many others affect. Read more about Glaucom in the article on this link.

The progression of the disease is also affected by psychomatic components. Experts concluded that mental state directly affects the quality and sharpness of vision. This means that the processes occurring in the human soul bring benefits or harm.

Advice: To avoid obtaining an unwanted illness with the help of psychological moments, you should first look at the world with different eyes - start rejoice for yourself and others.

More about psychosomatics read cataracts in an article on this link.

Cataract prevention: tips

Cataract prevention
Cataract prevention

For the prevention of cataracts, you need to use sufficiently substances rich in antioxidants. Here are a few products and substances in which they are:

  • Vitamins BUTFROM and E. To obtain the desired amount of vitamins, it is necessary to consume citrus fruits, papaya, herbs, etc. Vitamin E Contained in most nuts.
  • Fruits and vegetables in large quantities. Studies of scientists in different countries show that all the risks of a person who consuming three times a day according to a portion of vegetables or fruits is reduced by this ailment 40%.

A few more useful tips:

  • The ultraviolet light of the sun causes serious harm to the lens of our eyes. Therefore, on bright, sunny days, experts advise to wear sunglasses.
  • To prevent cataracts, you need to regularly visit an ophthalmologist. This applies, in particular, people over 50 years old.
  • The drugs prescribed by the doctor should not be neglected. It is necessary to refrain from lifting weights, sharp jerks, falls, blows of your head, jumps.

Important: If you go through the annual medical board at work or visited an ophthalmologist as a prevention, and he prescribed drugs to you, then you need to fulfill all the doctor's recommendations. Often people, visiting the doctor, calm down that they have nothing serious, and forget about their appointments.

The fact is that at the initial stage, a person may not feel sharp changes in the health of the eyes, and the specialist will see this immediately with his equipment and experience. Therefore, follow the recommendations of doctors. If the doctor advised to do the operation, then do not even think. Thanks to this treatment, you can see better. Read more about the laser operation during cataracts. Read in this article on this link.

As mentioned above, a important role in the prevention of cataracts has power. Read more below.

Eye foods: diet

Eye food
Eye food

In order to speed up the process of recovery from cataracts, you need to choose healthy and healthy foods. It is worth refraining from too fat, fried, sweet and smoked. Instead, it is recommended to switch to cooking, and steamed. As mentioned above, nutrition in the cataract of the eye should include fruits and vegetables. They contain group vitamins A, s, e.

To obtain group vitamins BUT, diet can consist of such products:

  • Sour -milk products
  • Sea cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Garlic
  • Liver

Vitamin FROM can be received from:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Greenery
  • Papaya
  • Melons
  • Tomato juice

A lot of vitamin E Contained in:

  • Sunflower oil and seeds
  • Almost all types of nuts
  • Spinach
  • Seafood

All this will not only help get rid of the disease, but also support the general immunity of the body. If possible, you need to go to an appointment with a doctor, and use vitamin additives that he will prescribe. This item should not be neglected. Diet with cataract can last from one month to several years. It all depends on the stage of cataracts.

Vitamins for eye cataracts

Vitamins for eye cataracts
Vitamins for eye cataracts

Above in the text, you learned about natural vitamins for the eyes, which are found in food, vegetables and fruits. But each person’s body is different, and such vitamins may not be absorbed. Therefore, people suffering from cataracts should take vitamins that are produced in two forms:

  1. In tablets - Blueberries Forte, Strix Forte, Vitrum Vizhn. They have a general strengthening effect on the whole organism and its healing.
  2. In drops - Taurin, Taufon, Quinax. They are used not only for preventive purposes, but also for the treatment of cataracts itself. When instilled, drops enter the eyes, and have a favorable effect on the cornea and lens, preventing the development of pathology.

It is worth knowing: The advantage of the drip shape is that it has an almost instantal therapeutic and preventive effect.

Vitamin complexes for the eyes with cataracts must necessarily have:

  • Retinol - Stops the development of eye diseases.
  • Vitamin E - Protects from the negative impact of the environment.
  • Riboflavin - Relieves fatigue, strengthens the lens, protects against ultraviolet radiation.
  • Vitamin C - Promotes to strengthen the retina and vessels of the eyes.
  • Zinc - Promotes the restoration of flowers perception.
  • Selenium - Normalizes the working function of the nerve endings.

Take the drugs prescribed by the doctor, even if they are expensive. Indeed, if you do not follow recommendations at the initial stage of the disease, then a more severe form of the disease can develop, which will lead to irreversible consequences.

Is cataracts dangerous: consequences, complications

Cataract complications
Cataract complications

The lens of the eye performs important functions: it conducts and refracts light, is a limiter in the eyeball, and provides accommodation due to the possibility of changing the curvature. Therefore, cataracts that damage and change the lens are dangerous for the health of the eyes. The consequences of ignoring the first symptoms are a sophisticated form that is not amenable to conservative treatment, and only an operation to remove the lens and replacement with a new one must do.

Complications are as follows:

  • Cloud of vision.
  • Circles arise before my eyes, especially if you look at the bright light.
  • The perception of colors changes. For example, white color seems yellow.
  • It is impossible to read, since the process of accommodation is disturbed.
  • The visual acuity decreases.
  • Inflammation in the rainbow shell of the eye, the vascular shell and the retina.
  • Distrophy in the rainbow shell.
  • Loss of vision is completely.

It is necessary to treat cataract in a timely manner, preferably in the initial stages. Ignoring the symptoms and state of the organs of vision can lead to complete blindness.

Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes with cataracts: Exercises

In Tibet, monks knew how to treat any ailments, and eyes of eyes are no exception. These healers came up with such gymnastics for the eyes that helps return vision without much difficulty. It is only important to perform simple exercises every day, and you will immediately notice improvements.

Here are the exercises of Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes with cataracts:

Tibetan gymnastics for the eye during cataract
Tibetan gymnastics for the eye during cataract

Here are a few more exercises that came from Tibet. They are recommended by the famous professor Neumyvakin.

Tibetan gymnastics for the eye during cataract
Tibetan gymnastics for the eye during cataract

What sunglasses are needed for cataracts?

Sunny glasses that can be worn during cataracts
Sunny glasses that can be worn during cataracts

The main requirement for sunglasses is a good protection against ultraviolet radiation, radiation with a wavelength of less 400 nanometers. This also applies to points from cataracts.

  • Previously, the main material for the manufacture of this protective equipment was glass.
  • Now plastic products with high protective properties are made.
  • The use of such glasses is more appropriate, due to the lower injury hazard for the eyes, if the glass, for example, will break.

Glasses should not be too dark. With standard marking from «0» before "four", for walking in the city, you need to choose glasses with a degree "3". The color of glasses for patients with cataracts should not be bright, and it is best to use such an accessory with calm gray lenses.

Is it possible to wear lenses in cataract and which ones?

Cataract lenses can be worn, but special
Cataract lenses can be worn, but special

When a person has a cataract that has an unripe shape, it is necessary to make a choice of lenses thoroughly. Is it possible to wear lenses in cataract and which ones? Here are a few warnings:

  • When using contact lenses, the amount of oxygen that comes to the eye is reduced.
  • Because of this, the disease in some cases can progress.
  • Hypoxia, which is subjected to fabrics in the eye, have serious consequences.
  • Therefore, it is better to give preference to such lenses that have high throughput in relation to oxygen.

It is not recommended to engage in independent treatment. To resolve issues related to the use of lenses, you must first visit the doctor.

  • Ophthalmologists with high qualifications quickly determine whether it is possible and necessary to wear lenses.
  • Not all special stores sell lenses when there is no doctor’s recommendation.
  • It indicates the use of important parameters necessary for a particular case.

It is worth knowing: The most gentle option is a model of corrective optical lenses. They are suitable for people who were removing the lens of one eye.

When there is a cataract, ophthalmologists are prescribed the use of silicone lenses. Such products can be worn even by children.

How to bury your eyes correctly with cataract?

So correctly bury your eyes with cataracts
So correctly bury your eyes with cataracts

Many patients do not know that with cataracts, you need to bury their eyes correctly. How to do it? Here are the tips:

  • First you need to rinse your hands thoroughly.
  • Close your eyes and get it with a swab.
  • Turn your head back, pull the lower eyelids down and look up.
  • Run away 1-2 drops In the space formed between the century and the eyeball.
  • It is forbidden to touch the eyelids, eyelashes and touch its dropper with your hands.
  • Now without opening your eyes, press slightly on the inner corner and hold 3-5 minutes.

Another option can be used for people in very old age:

  • In the lying position, pour a few drops on the skin in the space between the nose and the eye.
  • Then blink.

In this case, the medicine will be spent irrationally, but it will get where necessary.

Eye drops from cataracts Ontan Katahrom

Eye drops from cataracts Ontan Katahrom
Eye drops from cataracts Ontan Katahrom

Eye drops from cataracts of the Ontan Katahrom, due to its composition, allow you to stop the process of clouding the lens. The adenosine contained in them restores DNA and enhances energy metabolism, helps relieve inflammation. Cytochrome C is an antioxidant and does not allow the cells of the lens to be destroyed. Nicotinamide activates recovery processes. Oftan Katahrom is buried in 1-2 drops In the eye three times a day.

Skulachev's eye drops from cataracts

Skulachev’s eye drops from cataracts are a treatment and preventive. They have gained popularity thanks to the composition that reduces the number of free radicals, culprits of cell aging, and is effective for age -related cataracts. Development of Russian academician Vladimir Skulachev. It is successfully used for dry eye syndrome and helps persons engaged in long -term work at the computer.

Japanese eye drops from cataracts

Japanese eye drops from cataracts
Japanese eye drops from cataracts

Cataract is a common eye disease, especially in older people. The best means for combating the disease are Japanese eye drops "Katalin". They contain active components that stimulate the recovery process with various types of cataracts, and actively fight with a clouding of the lens of the eye.

This tool is able to maintain a general good condition of the eyes and suppress the development of the disease, without bringing to surgery. Read the reviews about these drops below.

Eye drops from cataracts Quinax

Belgian eye drops from cataracts of Quinax are instilled 3 to 5 times a day. They are used for traumatic, congenital and senile cataracts. To avoid side effects after instillation of two drops, it is necessary to close the eyelid tightly. If other eye drops are also used, you need to make an interval 15 minutes. The tip of the boiler-boat is forbidden to touch the eye.

Chinese eye drops from cataracts

Chinese eye drops " 999 " From cataracts are therapeutic and prophylactic. They are used to treat cataracts, glaucomas and preventing visual impairment caused by a large load on the visual apparatus. Relieve pain, swelling, a feeling of dryness and symptoms of conjunctivitis. They perform a vasoconstrictive and antiseptic effect, as a result of which inflammation, irritation, tension is eliminated and microcirculation improves.

Eye drops of Katalin during cataracts: reviews

Eye drops of Katalin during cataract
Eye drops of Katalin during cataract

The most effective way to treat cataracts is an operation with a laser or ultrasound. But the patient may have contraindications for its conduct, and such an intervention can be expensive. Therefore, doctors often prescribe eye drops of Katalin with cataract. Read the reviews of other people who already use them.

Irina Aleksandrovna, 60 years old

I had a traumatic cataract. Vision quickly worsened. Every day I saw worse that the “veil” was before my eyes. When the doctors diagnosed, they said that I turned in time and you can still try to treat conservatively. Drops of Katalin were appointed. I felt improvements in a week. Now I see perfectly.

Petr Sergeevich, 65 years old

When the doctors were diagnosed with “type 2 diabetes”, they immediately sent to an ophthalmologist. With the help of equipment, he diagnosed the condition of the eyeball, and determined that I have a cataract developing. He appointed Katalin - eye drops. I have been using them for a long time. I see well, no clouding and other symptoms.

Maria Anatolyevna, 56 years old

Katalin was appointed my granddaughter. She was diagnosed with “Congenital cataract”. At first, many examinations were conducted and it was decided to first treat these drops. The dosage was prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Now the granddaughter is already 2 years old, she sees well.

Video: Why does cataract occur and is it possible to get rid of it without surgery?

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